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5E: Converting AD&D Monsters to Fifth Edition


yes to the immunities - added

I made dex 16 to keep the 3 odd/3 even split - I was tossing up to make it 18 - no strong opinion on it really.

Both work for me.

DEX 18 feels a bit high in 1E terms, as it's more for superdextrous paragons. Frankly, I'm baffled why Molydeus has DEX 22 in 5E!

lots of skills is good as I imagined him "skill-y"


maybe seems a little overkilly having both heal and regen 20pts/rd. Happy to leave at 10hp/rd while we juggle other abilities, unless you really wanna change it. Flip-flopping on this

It makes little difference to me. Preferred the 10 before I discovered Hutijin had 20 in 5E, which opened the possibility.

Cold and radiant vulnerability like Titivilus won't work since Adonides is immune to cold damage. Devils normally take full damage from lightning, so how about regeneration 20 with lightning and radiant vulnerability?

altered the hopscotch as suggested.

Updating Adonides.

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Casimir Liber

But he can cast lightning bolts in 1e, which seems odd if he's then vulnerable to it....

maybe regen 10 and then tossup re adding radiant vulnerability depending on how close or over CR 21 he is

hutijin is a big buff pit fiend-like devil. Adonides is just a big dude


But he can cast lightning bolts in 1e, which seems odd if he's then vulnerable to it....

So? It could suggest he's developed an attack to use against rival devils. If all Adonides attacks did fire damage he wouldn't be able to injure his greatest enemy: competitors!

maybe regen 10 and then tossup re adding radiant vulnerability depending on how close or over CR 21 he is

Don't you mean adding lightning?

hutijin is a big buff pit fiend-like devil. Adonides is just a big dude

Well he may resemble a Pit Fiend while Adonides looks like a giant-sized young man, but does that mean much for a fiend? They're not normal flesh and bone so looking buff might not mean much for how tough they are. An Ice Devil is almost skeletal and has more HP than the far fleshier looking Horned Devil.

Besides, while Hutijin is a bit stronger (+8 instead of +7) he has 10 fewer hit points than Adonides and, more importantly for the regeneration question, Hutijin doesn't even have regeneration in 1E or 2E Unlike an actual AD&D Pit Fiend, which had regen 2 in both 1E and 2E, regen 5 in 3E, but doesn't regenerate in 4E and 5E.

Hutijin went the other way: starts without regeneration in 1E and gains regen 10 in 3E and regen 20 in 5E. I don't believe he has official 4E stats.


Let's see…

He needed another Special Trait:

Magic Weapons. Adonides's weapon attacks are magical.​

Which I just added, but I'm OK moving on to Actions unless you think we need something else in that section.


Okay...actions.....happy to tone down his staff attacks if that's what's needed to balance.

Well it's already toned down slightly because we reduced the STR bonus by a point.

Let's see, if he makes three Multiwhacks with its Staff for 2d6+7 plus 2d8 cold (23 times 3 is 69) plus a Bonus Action Mockery for 4d6 (14) and a Legendary Action Cast a Spell, say cone of cold for 8d6 (28) that's… 111 DPR.

Which is Challenge 21 according to the Calculator.

Indeed it's the very lowest end of CR 21, we can have a range from DPR 111 to 122 and it comes out to that figure.

So we could increase the damage a tad and keep within budget.

However, I'm thinking we should drop the Cast a Spell Legendary Action since none of the Archdevils or Demon Princes in Mordenkainen have it as far as I can see.

Instead I'd rather, say, increase the Vicious Mockery to 6d6 and be able to use THAT as a Cost 2 Legendary Action. That's the same average damage (6d6 + 6d6 instead of 4d6 + 8d6).

Oh, I'm thinking we should adjust the Innate Spellcasting so it has some at-wills like the 5E Titivilus and Hutijin, who have:

 At will: alter self (can become Medium when changing his appearance), animate dead, detect magic, hold monster, invisibility (self only), lightning bolt, suggestion, wall of fire
 3/day: dispel magic
 1/day each: heal, symbol (hopelessness only)​
 At will: alter self, animate dead, bestow curse, confusion, major image, modify memory, nondetection, sending, suggestion
 3/day: greater invisibility (self only), mislead
 1/day: feeblemind, symbol (discord or sleep only)​

The original 1E versions had:

One at a time, at will, 1 per round, Hutijin can use the following spell-like powers as a 20th-level magic-user: animate dead, detect invisible, detect magic, heal twice per day, hold monster, invisibility, know alignment, polymorph self, produce flame, pyrotechnics, ray of enfeeblement, read languages, read magic, shocking grasp, suggestion, teleportation, wall of fire, fulfill another’s limited wish. Hutijin causes fear by voice tone within a 30 foot radius with a saving throw vs. rods et al, applicable. He can use a symbol of persuasion once per day.​


It is said that Titivilus possesses a silver sword of wounding; however, he typically uses his other powers. At will, 1 per round, as applicable, Titivilus can use the following spell-like powers as a 20th-level magic-user: animate dead, bestow curse, charm person or mammal, chaos, emotion, feeblemind once per day, forget, fumble, hypnotism, illusion, illusionary script, improved invisibility, know alignment, message, misdirection, nondetection, polymorph self, protection from good, suggestion, teleport, tongues, ventriloquism, whispering wind. Once per day Titivilus can use a symbol of discord or sleep (19 levels or hit dice or 99 hit points affected. A saving throw indicates only nodding and dozing with a 1 in 20 chance per round of awakening fully). He causes fear by touch only.​

So the 5E version is pretty similar in general outline.

Note that the fear causing effects are Traits or Actions not spell-like abilities. 5E Titivilus has a Frightful Word action he can use separately or as part of a Multiattack with a single sword attack, while 5E Hutijin has Infernal Despair.

Adonides causes fear by pointing at someone once per round, so we could make that a Bonus Action or Multiattack option.
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Casimir Liber

ok - agree to buff vicious mockery and make legendary action. ditch (rather flavourless) spellcasting, and make some fear-related bonus (finger pointy) action. I gotta sleep as need to be up in 6 hours...sigh


ok - agree to buff vicious mockery and make legendary action. ditch (rather flavourless) spellcasting, and make some fear-related bonus (finger pointy) action. I gotta sleep as need to be up in 6 hours...sigh


I'd keep the Innate Spellcasting, just give it a bit more variety and not have it as a Legendary Action option.

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