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4th Edition and the Immortals Handbook


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No, I mean for mechanics (and format, but that's incidental to the question I'm asking). Pathfinder is an improvement over v.3.5 in pretty much every way, and where possible I think it'd be helpful to try and use that for any IH back-conversions (e.g. using Perception instead of Spot and Listen, giving them a CMB and CMD instead of a grapple bonus, etc).
Correct. Honestly, I'd have to say that some of UK's recent posts suggest he's lost touch with the 3.5E mechanics and wouldn't be very helpful in a conversion effort- at least for the mechanical parts of it. The RP part, of course, and the background of the beasts in case we need to just invent new things to capture the essence of the intent (since 4E is so radically different mechanically from 3.X or PF), he'll be very helpful for.

I have some recent and current experience with Pathfinder, including significant work done within the last few months converting and updating my old campaign setting to use it. So I'm all for just targeting PF for the conversion and ignoring 3.5 altogether (or at least to begin with).

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Hey guys! :)

Alzrius said:
No, I mean for mechanics (and format, but that's incidental to the question I'm asking). Pathfinder is an improvement over v.3.5 in pretty much every way, and where possible I think it'd be helpful to try and use that for any IH back-conversions (e.g. using Perception instead of Spot and Listen, giving them a CMB and CMD instead of a grapple bonus, etc).

In areas where Pathfinder deviates from 3.5 I suspect I'll be of minimal help since I don't own the Pathfinder core rulebook, also as Paradox42 commented I am out of the loop a bit on 3.5E anyway.

I do have Pathfinder Bestiary 2 so I have a basic understanding of the monster changes to the format (at the surface level at least).

I'm happy for any conversion to be in Pathfinder (as opposed to 3.5). That said my role in that conversion process would seemingly be limited to help converting the Actions to Special Abilities/Qualities.


First Post
Nice to see nothing's changed around here.

You put drying paint and growing grass all to shame.

By the time you're finished with this book, the universe will have lapped itself and we'll all be throwing bone dice in a cave in Lascaux... and you'll still have editing errors.

Howdy Pssthpok! :)

trust you are well?

Pssthpok said:
Nice to see nothing's changed around here.

You put drying paint and growing grass all to shame.

By the time you're finished with this book, the universe will have lapped itself and we'll all be throwing bone dice in a cave in Lascaux... and you'll still have editing errors.

Sorry my procrastination upsets you so much. :(

I live only for the chance to prove you wrong. At the moment you are winning, but he who laughs last...etc.


First Post
I'm good, thanks for asking. Yourself?

Yeah, I have to give ya :):):):), man. Most of the people who post here are bordering on sycophancy, so you need the occasional jab in the ribs.

It's 2011; 4th Ed came out in '08. I don't even play tabletop RPGs anymore, the wait for good 4E material has been too much to bear... :.-(



(no, but seriously...)

Howdy Pssthpok! :)

Pssthpok said:
I'm good, thanks for asking.

Glad to hear it.


Apart from the obvious I'm actually pretty good at the moment. ;)

Yeah, I have to give ya :):):):), man. Most of the people who post here are bordering on sycophancy, so you need the occasional jab in the ribs.

I know. I appreciate the sycophancy and the kicks up the backside equally.

It's 2011; 4th Ed came out in '08. I don't even play tabletop RPGs anymore, the wait for good 4E material has been too much to bear... :.-(

Its weird because the system is excellent but all too often the products are not and I say that as someone with limited to no exposure of D&D Essentials.


As of this time next week we'll be 3 illustrations shy of the finished...

Vampire Bestiary: Mountain of the Cannibal God

I've decided to make the three parts of the book all equal (approx. 48 pages).

So you'll have Cannibals, Vampire Monsters (jungle based), Wendigos, Wights and a (cool I hope) mini-adventure.

I think it works out at 32 monsters in this first book, of which 8 are Cannibals.

This book is all heroic tier*, but the other two would be high Heroic/low Paragon.

*Although the top wendigo is Level 11.

After thats out, the second part...

Vampire Bestiary: Temple of Death

...is basically finished as well (at this point I just need to fix maybe 10 stat-blocks are do some revision to the adventure part. It will have the Thuggee Cult Assassins, Priests of Kali and Hindu Vampires, Wights and so forth.

The third part...

Vampire Bestiary: Dracula's Castle

...needs about a dozen stat-blocks fixed and maybe 1-2 illustrations and its good to go.

Now I don't want to tempt fate but a July (Mountain of the Cannibal God), August (Temple of Death) and September (Dracula's Castle) release schedule seems very likely to happen.

...a fourth installment set in the Feywild called Vampire Bestiary: The Forest of Intestines will have to wait until at least after the Serpent Riders Epic Adventure is completed, and probably the Immortals Handbook itself. Although as I have said about the 4E IH at this point, I think we need to fix epic before doing a 4th (Immortal) tier.

(no, but seriously...)

I know, I know.

Hiya mate! :)

Pssthpok said:
Looking forward to it, ol' pal. Maybe by... December we'll see the first PDF sales?

I kid! I kid!

(but... y'know... seriously...)

Well I don't want to talk about confidential matters but suffice to say the artist was unwell recently. Fortunately everything seems okay now. Since he's came back to work he has finished the penultimate batch of illustrations sent to him which now means we are only 5 illustrations from completion. I have said to him to only work when he's comfortable but he is very eager.

Everything could still be wrapped up by the end of the month (fingers crossed).

On my side of things I recently added the enviable distraction of a drop dead gorgeous blonde girl and I'm proverbially punching so far above my weight on this one you wouldn't believe it. I'll try my best not to let it get in the way as, even in my wildest dreams I don't see this relationship working out, its just a matter of riding the 'rollercoaster'* until the end.

*Rodeo would probably be a more apt metaphor. :eek:


Hey UK,

I just went over some articles of the back then upcoming monster books on your old website.

You mentioned the hierarchy of the Umbrals in a preview, and it would be awesome if you could post a few of your ideas about that.
I'm pretty sure your design philosophy for them changed with 4E, so I hope it wouldn't spoil too much if you share your thoughts about the 3.5 stuff.

Anyway, thanks in advance!

Rhuarc said:

Howdy Rhuarc mate! :)

I just went over some articles of the back then upcoming monster books on your old website.

You mentioned the hierarchy of the Umbrals in a preview, and it would be awesome if you could post a few of your ideas about that.

I'm pretty sure your design philosophy for them changed with 4E, so I hope it wouldn't spoil too much if you share your thoughts about the 3.5 stuff.

Anyway, thanks in advance!

Well let me see, normally I don't like to give out too much info, but since I am THAT slow at getting these books out I'll probably have changed my mind on most of the stuff by the time I get around to it (if ever).

The Umbrals (at one point called Qlippoth I think) are sort of like a 'souped-up' epic version of Nightshades.

The first Umbral was a template called the Gamaliel, they were like jet black Minotaurs who bonded with mortals. Technically they are known as Obscene Ones and while I'm sure I would have softened it down a tad the basic idea is that they are having sex with their hosts and bodies are entwined and so forth.

The weakest are known as Samael (the Liars). They are like jet black dogs that walk upright and vomit a yellow poison. They are Anti-entropy (and thus the weakest overall...I think they are Quasi-deity level. They are medium size.

After them are the Ghareb Tzerek (Ravens of Death). This is a swarm monster, which is Anti-fate/life. They resemble a cloud of jet black ravens that travel (collectively) like a giant skull and are roughly akin to Demigods. They are large size.

Beyond those are the Tagiriron (Disputers). I think they may be headless jet black giants but who wear white robes. They are Anti-thought and equal to Lesser Powers. They are Huge size and have the power of contrariness.

The intermediate level umbrals are the called the Golohab (The Burners). They are like gargantuan jet black tortoises whose shell is akin to a volcano spewing Anti-matter.

I'll post more about the other Umbrals over the next few days (I'm actually working the next few nights).

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