Then you shouldn't have had to think about it?The problem is, almost all "Thinking requiring that much attention becomes an Act" stuff ends up making 99% of "Thinking" never, ever actually worth doing. You're better served just doing something that actively advances resolution of the current conflict.

Any ability check (which includes thinking, i.e. recalling information or struggling to solve a problem), IMO, worth doing either is part of movement or your action.
Frankly, I have never seeing healing as a "whole" Action as an issue. The round is only 6 seconds. You can't do that much "healing" in 6 seconds. A spell, fine I supppse, but using a medical kit (a la Healer feat, etc.) should be more than 6 seconds.It's the same as the problem with healing others being a whole Action.
If anything, such actions should be "full-round" actions which allow you limited or no movement, and possibly leave you open to opportunity attacks.
You aren't delaying anything. Healing in combat is done for (a) or (b) which keeps that character in the fight for another turn hopefully. If you can't heal enough to accomplish (a) or (b) you shouldn't waste your action healing.All you're doing is delaying, unless that healing either (a) specifically makes the difference between life and death for that character, or (b) enables that character to do something they could not have done without it.
In our current came I have a Divine Soul Sorcerer with 2 levels Life Domain Cleric. By twinning my healing, I can heal a lot in one action to keep our Fighter and Hexbalde in the fight. I often do so before they reach (a) to keep them from possibly going down. Why? Because they are the offense in the party and the best thing I can do many rounds is keep them healthy. Sure, once in a while I toss a fireball or spirutal weapon or cantrip, but healing is my thing and I'm good at it.
Well, I can't speak to 4E because I've never played it or seen it played. I don't know why you'd remove Bonus Actions, they work fine IME and aren't that difficult to deal with. If anything, people complain there aren't enough Bonus Action options or certain things they feel should be bonus actions but aren't. What they fail to understand and wrongly equate is the idea that a "bonus action" is a "quick action", or something minor, easily done, etc. and so should be used of those sorts of things (which if they are that simple or fast, generally are free (object interactions)).This is the very specific reason why 4e had Minor Action healing, and why 5e's repeated attempts to do away with Minor/Bonus Action stuff have failed.
Such as drinking a healing potion as a bonus action? No. That is patently ridiculous IMO and I would never allow it or play that way. It is "gamist" and for people who complain they need to heal but what to do something "cool"--and don't feel healing is "cool". Odds are if you got the point you have to decide between doing something "cool" and healing or being healed, you either pushed your luck or ran into bad luck.
Now, you could play with a round longer than 6 seconds and then you could "do more" on your turn, but that is the only way I could justify that happening.
I have no idea what this is about... I assume it is 2024 stuff?(Now they're trying to do an end-run...via extremely 4e-like exception-based design. It's not been popular because, surprise surprise, that's really complicated and harder to remember!)
No, they aren't. But what level of granularity do you want to break it down to?This is certainly a valid concern with any attempt to "fix" the action economy. But the fact is, not all doable things are equally valuable, and trying to force absolutely all of them to live within a single equal-value Action is a great way to discourage people from ever doing a lot of cool things.
Again, this isn't an issue for myself, but I understand it is for others, so they need to find a solution that works for them. The OP's concept, for instance, is not something I would want to use, but if it works for them then great.
I can only spek for myself, and I always liked a complex/full-round and simple action breakdown, with the 1:2 ratio idea, and movements as simple actions. Toss in bonus actions and reactions if you want, sure. Then split the round into multiple turns like Shadowrun. More complex? So not for everyone but that's fine.