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D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5e] A fix for free weapons from multiclassing?


First Post
magnas_veritas said:
As Saev said, they can take the level of rogue for this.

Part of learning how to be a rogue is being able to target those vital areas when they're moving.
Well we rule-0 this interpretation.
It's a funky-shaped dagger with an enhanced crit range. It requires an EWP to use without a penalty.
Ah, ok , this would fall in the "why not" category.

My lawyer will be calling your lawyer. ;-) (Sorry, I always wanted to say that.)
He'll have to find him first :p
The problem with saying that different classes use their weapons in a different way is that it's just not true.
Well, we think differently, then. I think one use his weapon differently when sneak attacking, and we decided that sneak attacking required appropriate tools (specific weapons). This is clearly a house rule, so if you want to discuss it further, maybe we should start a thread in the apropriate forum.

So, if a longbow is similar to a shortbow, why can't I sneak attack with a greatclub? That's not that different from a club, and I can sneak attack with that.
You can, (cause you're not using our house rule ;)). We just decided that size mattered :)

P.S : sorry for the house-rule hijack
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Saeviomagy said:
Chacal - the fighter CAN lean to target his attacks to vital areas, along with learning some other facets of precision combat such as bluff and sense motive.

It's called taking a level of rogue.

It's not like he has to suddenly stop wearing armour, change his weapon, and rob everyone. He just picks up some new skills.

People really don't get that about multiclassing - you're not changing every facet of who you are, you're just learning to do something new, something you've (probably) been thinking of doing for some time.

I agree with this interpretation. A Fighter 10 / Cleric 10 can call him self a Paladin all he wants, and for all intents and purposes, he would be one. A Paladin is essentially a holy warrior that fights in the name of their god. They can fight and use divine magic. So a Fighter/Cleric would technically qualify as a Paladin (in name only, not class-wise of course).

This of course is all flavor text =)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [3.5e] A fix for free weapons from multiclassing?

Ranger REG said:

While I won't give him that much XP to level up 14 new levels, but making the Trilogy one big adventure scenario and reward him at the end, yes.

Seems kind of harsh, but if it works for you...

Ranger REG said:

Like I said, I don't think I play or run that type of adventure. And if I do, then I'll just suspend multiclassing for the duration of this time-critical mega-adventure because there is no roleplaying opportunity to do so.

I can respect this method of play (suspending multiclassing), although I don't necessarily agree with it. It seems like you are punishing the player here. Every player has at least some idea of how they want their character to develop. And if this involved multiclassing, then this method will just screw up the "plans" they had for their characters progression.

Now if you think the story should dictate how a character turns out, then my point is moot. This is surely a valid style of play, as long as the players know this ahead of time. All I know is, if I wanted to multiclass my character and I couldn't because the "roleplaying opportunity" wasn't there to do so, I'd be a bit upset to say the least. Heck, why not just have the DM hand out random pre-made characters then?

Ranger REG said:

Sheesh! Suddenly my GM skills are being put on the spotlight here.

I don't mean to put them on the spot. I certainly in no position to judge or tell someone they are "doing it wrong". I am just curious of your play style. It seems to me that you are more of the short-story teller then the epic-adventure teller. You said so yourself.

Ranger REG said:

I don't think I play or run that type of adventure

If you don't think you are, then chances are, you aren't :)

Game on!

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