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Search results

  1. Starfox

    [BitD] Does the setup action suffer consequences?

    For Blades in the Dark players, a pretty straightforward question. Does your character suffer consequences when you do the setup action? (p 134 in my book) Does tier apply? Setup is described in the Teamwork part of the rules, and all the other options there have special rules, so maybe setup is...
  2. Starfox

    BitD Hack - Military Campaign Progress

    Continuing to delve into BitD. We gave up our trial run of Candela Obscura and are now on Princess World - Frontier Kingdoms session 2. But that's not what I am going to talk about. I had an idea for something I found hard to do in any other game that might work in BitD, and that is doing a...
  3. Starfox

    Sketch of Generic Power Rules for Blades in the Dark

    I'm feeling really presumptuous now, working outside my experience. I've only played a few sessions of BitD, but I am considering it for my Greyhawk campaign as it moves into the baroque. My players are used to games like DnD where spells/powers play a very important feature, and I am...
  4. Starfox

    Blades in the Dark Advice Please?

    I've recently had the chance to try out Blades in the Dark (hereafter BidD) and Candela Obscura. Just a single session of each so far. I would describe the later as mechanically kind of Blades in the Dark 1.1. I like the lack of an action economy in these games. There are no turns, instead there...
  5. Starfox

    D&D 5E I have a hankering for freeing Phalan!

    Has anyone looked at a 5E version of TSR 9238 FRC1 Ruins of Adventure? I have a PDF of the old adventure, and the presentation sucks, so it would be a lot of work to do it right. I would place it in the World of Greyhawk city of Highport - north coast of the Pomarj, where the A1 starting module...
  6. Starfox

    D&D 5E Candlekeep Mysteries: Mazfroth’s Mighty Digressions ethics issues

    Hi, Possible spoilers. I try to keep specifics out of my post, but I suppose replies may bring up details so if you are spoiler-sensitive, I advice you to look elsewhere. I am currently prepping the Candlekeep Mysteires: Mazfroth’s Mighty Digressions adventure, and find it has a tricky ethical...
  7. Starfox

    D&D 5E Quick Question on AC and Proficiency bonus

    I'm trying out 5E, and it feels that for reasons of symetry, proficiency bonus should be added to Armor Class. I can't find a mention of this in the rules. How is it?
  8. Starfox

    Pathfinder 2E What to call PF1-style Archetypes in PF2?

    Archetypes in PF2 are groups of feats on a theme. But if I want to design PF1-style archetypes, that actually trades class abilities (not just feats) for other abilities, what should I call those? I guess this thread will also discuss if such old-style archetypes for PF2 is a bad idea, nad...
  9. Starfox

    [News] Pathfinder Playtest Materials Without Your Name On It

    Paizo is having issues with their website. That means that right at this moment, you can get the playtest materials without the annoying name tags on every page. http://paizo.com/playtest No idea if this will hold, or how long.
  10. Starfox

    Pathfinder 2E PF2 Peeves

    I'm interested in specific things in PF2 that people miss or don't like. I'd rather this be a list of peeves than a debate about the relevance of each. While I overall have a positive impression of the game, these flaws are serious enough to make me not buy or play PF2 unless they are fixed...
  11. Starfox

    Bones IV - Reaper Miniatures Kisckstarter

    Reaper Miniatures have launched their fourth Bones kickstarter. Bones are rubber miniatures that are cheap, easy to paint, and less fragile than metal. The kickstarter makes them even cheaper...
  12. Starfox

    Pathfinder 1E Trailseeker: True Martials

    Writing archetypes my self, I am often critical of the archetypes I see. This was a nice bunch though, I liked all of them. The only thing I spontaneously missed was infusions for the vaccinator; having to wait until level 20 to share vaccines seems a bit harsh. Infusions would share some (but...
  13. Starfox

    Pathfinder 1E Fateful Channel Feat - Too powerful?

    http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/fateful-channel Re-rolls are powerful, and this grants a reroll to each ally in range, but they can only be used in the next few rounds. Most clerics have limited Charisma which limits the power, but channeling feats are for clerics with high...
  14. Starfox

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo Adventure Path Survey

    https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MMtZNmGI8qA9tkh3OATqopxUTy-W4ni4ooeslZlnDJc/viewform?c=0&w=1 Not quite sure where this comes from; a poll was mentioned on the Paizo boards but the links from that poll was broken. Anyway, this is quite an extensive poll asking players about their experiences...
  15. Starfox

    The editions wars are over!

    I've been following several of the "What made you change to system XXX" threads, and I must say that I am impressed. Seems the edition wars have finally ended and people can talk about their pro and con experiences in a positive mien. Kudos ENworld! The editions wars are over!
  16. Starfox

    D&D 5E New SRD site and Facebook Group

    John Reyst, the came person who runs the d20pfsrd.com site, has opened a new SRD site for the brand new 5E SRD: http://www.5esrd.com/ If you go there, you'll find he's trying to get Pateron funding for this site, he has made it his job to run all the different SRD sites. There is also a...
  17. Starfox

    Pathfinder 1E Tuny Creatures Entering a Hostile Ceature's Space From Cover

    In Pathfinder, most Tiny or smaller creatures must enter an enemy creature's space in order to make a melee attack, and this triggers an attack of opportunity. A creature doesn't get its normal chance to make an attack of opportunity if the creature provoking that attack of opportunity is in...
  18. Starfox

    Pathfinder 1E Searchable Monster Index?

    Is there a searchable monster index for Pathfinder? I don't really expect there to be one, but the web is a big place with many enthusiasts. Say I want a humanoid (extraplanar) with "shadow" somewhere in the text. I can use Google to find one on d20pfsrd.com, but it is tricky and will give many...
  19. Starfox

    Skill at Role-Playing

    I recently had a discussion in another forum where my discussion partner tried to support his ideas by emphasizing the skill of his play group, and how, with such skilled players the Pathfinder rules fell apart (this was about caster balance). I didn't come up with this counter-argument then...
  20. Starfox

    Pathfinder 1E What Made You Switch To Pathfinder?

    As an ancillary to the Thread: What made you stick with 3.x?, what made you take the leap from 3.x to Pathfinder? For me, it was largely the OGL. Everything in Pathfinder is under OGL, which means it can all be published at places like d20pfsrd.com. I also like the general trend of the PF...