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WotBS #12: The Beating of the Aquiline Heart (3.5)

WotBS #12: The Beating of the Aquiline Heart (3.5) 1

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In the stunning finale to the War of the Burning Sky Campaign Saga, the heroes lead their armies on a final assault against the might of the Ragesian Empire, and cut out the heart of their foe, the tyrannical Leska.

Companies of fiends, legions of deadly warriors, furious beaats, and titanic arcane creations defend the desolate Opaline Wastes, for in the caverns below, Supreme Inquisitor Leska crafts dark sorcery which will bind the world to eternal war.

From the throne room of the Imperial Palace, to the ash-stained fields of war, to the ancient and accursed Heart of History, epic dangers loom against the heroes, and tens of thousands will fight and bleed and die at their side to save their many homelands, for both the end of the war and the fate of the world are tied to the beating of the Aquiline Heart.
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  1. WotBS #12: The Beating of the Aquiline Heart (3.5)

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/431-image.jpg In the stunning finale to the War of the...
  2. WotBS #12: The Beating of the Aquiline Heart (3.5)

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/431-image.jpg In the stunning finale to the War of the...
  3. WotBS #12: The Beating of the Aquiline Heart (3.5)

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/431-image.jpg In the stunning finale to the War of the...