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Seeker Class V Scout

Seeker Class V Scout 1

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The Seeker class is a long-range reconnaissance vessel. Scouts are often the first to investigate new planets, and the Seeker boasts a pair of MH-2 hyperdrives which give it a decent FTL speed and a range of over a hundred parsecs.

The Seeker class is a long-range reconnaissance vessel. Scouts are often the first to investigate new planets, and the Seeker boasts a pair of MH-2 hyperdrives which give it a decent FTL speed and a range of over a hundred parsecs.

The Seeker class is a long-range reconnaissance vessel. Scouts are often the first to investigate new planets, and the Seeker boasts a pair of MH-2 hyperdrives which give it a decent FTL speed and a range of over a hundred parsecs.

The Seeker class is a long-range reconnaissance vessel. Scouts are often the first to investigate new planets, and the Seeker boasts a pair of MH-2 hyperdrives which give it a decent FTL speed and a range of over a hundred parsecs.

The Seeker class is a long-range reconnaissance vessel. Scouts are often the first to investigate new planets, and the Seeker boasts a pair of MH-2 hyperdrives which give it a decent FTL speed and a range of over a hundred parsecs.