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Recent content by Cloudgatherer

  1. Cloudgatherer

    [August] What Video Games you playing??

    Star Wars Galaxies. Just started playing, having a blast so far.
  2. Cloudgatherer

    Shapechange and abilities with saves

    I'm going to concur with WingOver. Use the same method of calculating the DCs as listed for the monsters.
  3. Cloudgatherer


    Yes, shapechange is one of those 'problem spells.' I'm surprised they didn't slap on an XP cost to it like they did to many of the others. Targetted dispel, or disjunction can put a stop to it, or perhaps make up a low level spell that negates shapechanging (including polymorph type effects)...
  4. Cloudgatherer

    Holy Avenger Q: Paladin Class or Character level?

    Greetings! In regards to 3.5 and the Holy Avenger, it states that a Paladin can use SR and greater dispelling based off of the paladin's level. I'm assuming this means class level, and not character level, correct? Thanks!
  5. Cloudgatherer

    Mystic Thurge - Is it broken?

    Hm... My suggestion is this. Make a deal with the DM. He will allow you to play a MT for a couple of sessions, if he deems the class overpowering, then work to make adjustments. This has 2 benefits. First, we give the designers the benefit of the doubt and see if the class is really...
  6. Cloudgatherer

    Getting around antimagic PC's.

    Have the BBEG activate a few golems he's created... Use the simulacrum spell. Put in some traps that don't rely on magic. Wall of Stone/Iron spells, block off the party from the structure.
  7. Cloudgatherer

    So what did you think of 3.5 overall?

    I had pre-ordered the books a while back. Then I started seeing some of the changes. Then I saw some more. I was on the fence about getting the books, then I read Monte's review, and that pushed me to the 'no' side. There were just too many changes, yet the game was close to 3.0. While the...
  8. Cloudgatherer

    Customer service trumps quality: why I like Dell

    Hm... I think I'm of the opposite opinion here. If my Toshiba had problems like yours, then my next laptop wouldn't be a Toshiba. I value quality over customer service because I can fix the majority of my own problems and I have a low tolerance for not getting it right the first time...
  9. Cloudgatherer

    [Epic] Insight from my first Epic DM Experience

    Pretty good observations. I've played in a couple EL games and I own the ELH, so I have a couple comments. First, Disjunction is king :-). I was playing a sorcerer, and I would typically lead off with this spell against other NPCs. I can see what people don't like it, and if I were being...
  10. Cloudgatherer

    Broken CD & Warcraft III

    Make sure the CD is clean, then try it in another machine. This way you can tell if it is really the CD or the drive. The expansion requires the expansion CD to play. If you want to play the original, then you need to have the original CD in the drive. So whatever version of the game you...
  11. Cloudgatherer

    Need Warcraft III help

    If you are playing in the campaign, then I'd suggest re-installing. I don't recall having a problem. Did Blizzard say the bug was present since Frozen Throne released?
  12. Cloudgatherer

    Epic Spells....huhwhat????

    It's a crappy system. The entire ELH is riddled with problems. I've tried to play in Epic games, but it usually breaks at some point early on. The adventure in the book is a joke (yeah, we can take that red dragon... riiiight). And for some reason, Still/Silent is given the same treatment as...
  13. Cloudgatherer

    Need Warcraft III help

    Did you research the upgrade? I'm assuming you did.... Otherwise, if it is only in the campaign (and you can do it in multiplayer), then I wouldn't worry too much about it. Otherwise, report it to Blizzard as a bug. I played through the campaign just fine, and I recall using hippogrif riders...
  14. Cloudgatherer

    Disabling Windows Key

    I don't suppose you'd be willing to share the code for that? I'd be interested in seeing how you did it. Thanks!
  15. Cloudgatherer

    Anyone not getting the 3.5 books? (at least right away)

    I ordered mine a while ago from walmart, but as more and more information has become available, I've started to really doubt this purchase. Some of the changes were needed, so much so that there were common house rules for them. However, many of the changes I simply thought "why are they doing...