GM1: Bizarre Bazaar


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"Interesting stuff you got there" William says "We have a weaponsmith we run into that might be interested in the weapons, else I dunno. We probably should see if the medallion is magical either way"

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"Interesting stuff you got there" William says "We have a weaponsmith we run into that might be interested in the weapons, else I dunno. We probably should see if the medallion is magical either way"

"The short Gribble with a dwarven temper?"
Tank picks up the medallion and examines it in the palm of his hand, "Magic, huh? Never thought it could be. We could look into that while I'm getting my new armor identified . . . er, I mean, while we're learning about that scroll."


First Post
"I'll take one of those whips. Could be useful. Might come in handy in a fight, too," Octavio adds with a grin, tossing Tank 4 silver pieces for it.
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ooc: Inventory looks about right. Did you keep one of the sets of chainmail? I can't remember.

How are you guys going about the process of checking out the dwarven scroll? Just asking around? Asking specific people? Something else?


ooc: Inventory looks about right. Did you keep one of the sets of chainmail? I can't remember.
No, I sold all 4 to the younger dwarves for 300gp total. I already have that amount notated on my character sheet with a link to your post.
"I'll take one of those whips. Could be useful. Might come in handy in a fight, too," Octavio adds with a grin, tossing Tank a silver piece for it.
Tank's offering the gear for 4/10 the PHB cost, that means the whip goes for 4sp.
This might help: [sblock=Loot]3 nets (8gp each)
3 50' coill of hemp rope (4sp each)
3 pairs of manacles (6gp each)
3 bedrolls (4cp each)
9 days trail rations (2sp each)
3 whips (4sp each)
1 10' chain (12gp)
2 padded greatclubs (non-lethal damage, but you can rip the padding off) (2gp each)
1 greatclub (Its Clobberin' Time!) (2gp)
1 medallion of unknown value[/sblock]
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First Post
ooc: Inventory looks about right. Did you keep one of the sets of chainmail? I can't remember.

How are you guys going about the process of checking out the dwarven scroll? Just asking around? Asking specific people? Something else?
ooc: We showed it to Gribble, didn't we? Did he reccomend anyone? If not him, what about the person we sold the spellbook to?


[sblock=ooc]Sorry, I'm being slow these days. I have the usual excuses, but I'll spare you a recitation, except to note that part of it is related to preparations for a vacation coming up soon. I'll let you know more about that in a few days...

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you didn't show the scroll to Gribble or the guy who bought the spellbook -- or if you did, I missed it -- because I was waiting for that. :) So let's do that now, eh? Which one will you go to first?

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