ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist Newspapers

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Yeah, wow. I have made newspapers handout for my players but yours have a very great newspaper "paper" look. Would you happen to have an empty one that could be filled with text and picture or a tutorial on how you did that?

Anyway, great look, really.


Yeah, wow. I have made newspapers handout for my players but yours have a very great newspaper "paper" look. Would you happen to have an empty one that could be filled with text and picture or a tutorial on how you did that?

Anyway, great look, really.
Just starting session 1, but I'll try to post directions and files tonight or tomorrow. It was done in InDesign, but I think it could be easily done in PowerPoint.
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Here's a link to the InDesign file, if you happen to have that program.
Here's a google slides template for a half-page version.

The key for the text is to use a good font from the era you're trying to copy. I went with Century and Centaur for that 1800s feel.

The picture was done in photoshop.
1. Take an image (like the coaltongue)
2. Image->Adjustments->Desaturate
3. Duplicate the layer (Ctrl+J)
4. Select the new layer
5. Set this new layer to 'color dodge' (top of the layer panel, just under the layer tab)
6. Invert the new layer (Ctrl+I)
7. Apply a gausian blur filter to the new layer (Filter->blur->gausian blur)
7b. Set the radius for 10 pixels or so (in the gaussian blur window that pops up)
8. Click on 'create new fill or adjustment layer' (center bottom of the layer panel)
8b. Choose 'levels'
8c. Slide the darkest marker under the graph up to sharpen/darken the image (in the adjustments panel)
9. Select all the layers
10. Flatten the image (Ctrl+E)
11. Copy the entire image (Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C)
11B. Seriously, copy the entire image, and don't put anything else in your clipboard, or go paste the image somewhere convenient so you can get it later
12. Set the image to grayscale (Image->Mode->Grayscale)
13. Change the image to a halftone bitmap (Image->Mode->Bitmap->Yes, flatten layers)
Don't mess with the resolution if that window pops up, just hit 'OK"
13b. Halftone Screen:
-Frequency: 16 lines/inch
-Angle: 45
-Shape: Line
14. Either:
A) you're done and like the lined halftone
B) Paste that old image for a grainy, woodcut look

Oh, you're labeling week by moon phase! Aaah! That's awesome!

For the headline, I think you want 'mourn' instead of 'morn.'

Damn, some of these snippets of affairs afoot globally are deep cuts. I wrote the campaign, and I had forgotten that yeah, there are names for the people responsible for the lighthouses being built. Nice job. I hope your players will keep these and look back to realize all the hints you were dropping.


(re)-Fixed! Thank you for catching that. I didn't realize I had not updated it. It places the 'or' every so slightly better centered too.

I hope they see the hints, at least in hindsight.


Nice! I think the headline story would work better in a two-column format, with the picture as the separation between the columns. Having to scan across the image slowed down the reading.

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