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you have 60 seconds to grab whatever you can around you before you are instantly teleported back in time 1,000 years, what would you grab?


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I luckily have a sword I know how to use, and warm clothes, in easy reach. If I can manage it, I’d also grab some non-canned pantry items.

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America easy mode.

Try New Zealand. In the Southern Part. I'm screwed seven ways to Sunday.
You think you're screwed? Where I am was the North Sea a thousand years ago.*

*Not all the time, but if I recall correctly a lot of reclaimed land reflooded around the millennium. Even now, the natural state of the grasslands a stone's throw from my house is essentially sea marsh.


I wonder if I could make a note in a bottle to give to my future self, like in Back to the Future. It would take incredible luck to hide it and hope it is found in more modern times where the guy from Ancient Aliens would show the note with the 'future' $100 bill. Then I would know when I was going to go back and could plan ahea.

Now, the second time I go back, do I need to hide the bottle again or does time not work that way?


Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
My wife's answer: Water Filter
(my rebuttal - just like our backpacks, it's out in the shed with our other camping gear behind boxes of books and other cr@p. So not gettable in 60 seconds. But that did lead to our semi-annual discussion about getting an earthquake/emergency kit together - which never goes anywhere - and now this post is more depressing than I thought when I started typing so here's a couple kitties 🐱 🐈 )


This is definitely much harder on Americans, I suppose.
Not really, aside from a (slightly) bigger language and cultural barrier. There were millions of people in the Americas then. Unless you live some weird place that only exists because it was on the train network or something. Most of us live right on top of the good spots, which would have had people (at least seasonally). The question is: Would we survive meeting them?

This sounds like it has all the makings of a game show. ;) "You will all be given a 42 L backpack to hold whatever you grab from the tables set before you...." 😋

I'd be fairly screwed in terms of objects. I guess I'd grab a hammer, the good kitchen knife, my backpack, a big chunk of paper, some pens/pencils, try and shove on my boots, my warm jacket and then keep stuffing clothing into my backpack until I went. My younger self would have been better off because I'd have had immediate access to things like a pen knife or a solar-powered calculator.

In terms of position, it'd be less bad. Appearing in the lands north of London in November 1023 as a heavy-set 6'2" dude in strange clothing, who didn't speak the language, I'd probably be taken for some variety of Scandinavian/Dane, but Canute was in charge of southern England so at least I might not be immediately killed for that. For sure I know there was a village a few hundred yards from where I am, and a church which would have existed in some form in 1023 AD (indeed there are trees in its graveyard which are over 1000 years old), and whilst the castle was built later I'd be surprised if there wasn't some kind of fortification. I would also be able to see London from here and walk there in less than a day unless there was deep snow.


Are we talking teleport without error, or just plain, old, crappy, teleport. I would hate to land in the middle of a tree or rock.


Probably bottle of booze to say good bye and find the nearest cliff.
I cant believe it took that long in the thread to see this. I'd do the same and fire one up. I'm 100% certain I'd be dead within a day or two anyhow so might as well enjoy the last few.

Voidrunner's Codex

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