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WotC: We Are Not Making AI Dungeon Masters

Adding to the recent spate of YouTube-based claims about WotC's plans for Dungeons & Dragons were some additional claims -- (a) that D&D Beyond would have $30 subscription fee; (b) that homebrew content would not be permitted on lower tiers; and (c) that DDB was actively working on AI Dungeon Masters. Some of this was based on a (long ago debunked) slide from a presentation last year. WotC...

Adding to the recent spate of YouTube-based claims about WotC's plans for Dungeons & Dragons were some additional claims -- (a) that D&D Beyond would have $30 subscription fee; (b) that homebrew content would not be permitted on lower tiers; and (c) that DDB was actively working on AI Dungeon Masters.

Some of this was based on a (long ago debunked) slide from a presentation last year.

WotC has made some clarifications:

Hey, everyone. We’ve seen misinformation popping up, and want to address it directly so we can dispel your concerns.

Rumors of a $30 subscription fee are false.

No one at Wizards is working on AI DMs. We love our human DMs too much. If you’re looking for a DM, we suggest heading to our Discord where DMs and parties are looking for players.

We have designers whose core job it is to compile, analyze, and then act upon your feedback. Your feedback has made the game better over the past decade, and your feedback is central to D&D’s future.

Homebrewing is core to D&D Beyond. It's not going away, and we're not going to charge you for it. Your homebrew is, and always will be, yours. We’ve always been excited to see your creations both on and off D&D Beyond!

There is still no clear statement regarding the Open Gaming License v1.0a, however.

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I mean, just because no one is working on it doesn't mean it's not a stupid thing an executive promised the shareholders. Remember "You will be able to use your AI gun on other games?"

People who have no idea how anything works beyond their bank account will say anything to convince other people who have no idea how anything works to put money in their bank account.

Exactly. We joke, but the reality is why trust anything coming out of Wizbro at this point. It can all be twisted, retracted, updated, or removed.
Yeah I was mostly joking, but realistically I think I believe this one because even IF they are lying I have 0 faith they could do better then build a 'choose your own adventure book' interface... and even then I am not sure.


I’ve had to step away from YouTube a bit. Some of the claims by well known YouTubers are starting to sound more dubious, and I think they’re distracting from the main issue, the attempted deauthorization of OGL 1.0.

If Wizards decides to forget that “strategy” and shows some good faith by adding in the word irrevocable, then they can do whatever they want really. It’s their brand and their tools, and if people want to pay for it, fine. Just don’t go back on promises kept for over 20 years that have benefited all involved and affect several people’s livelihoods and the overall community.

Wizards seems unwilling and unlikely to change their attitude toward the old OGL however. Maybe a change in leadership will be what it takes. It seems more likely to go to court, and regardless of the outcome, Wizards will have forever lost the goodwill of a large portion of their customers.

I like 5e and plan to continue to play it but will focus on 3rd party supplements and adventures. I’ll use DNDBeyond much less, refusing to subscribe and just relying on items I’ve already purchased. OneDND can take a hike. I didn’t like the power creep anyway.


I absolutely believe WotC does not have anyone working on an AI DM.

They just don't have anywhere near the expertise.

But I wouldn't be surprised if there was a third party one in 5 or so years.

For the record, you need a LOT of something for AI to learn from. Like, say, a lot of youtube videos of people playing DnD.


I absolutely believe WotC does not have anyone working on an AI DM.

They just don't have anywhere near the expertise.

But I wouldn't be surprised if there was a third party one in 5 or so years.

For the record, you need a LOT of something for AI to learn from. Like, say, a lot of youtube videos of people playing DnD.
More to the point, it is totally believable that some suit from upstairs promised that or decided that should be the way they go, without having a single shred of an idea of how that would work.


More to the point, it is totally believable that some suit from upstairs promised that or decided that should be the way they go, without having a single shred of an idea of how that would work.
Unfortunately for them, they don't get to decide what can and can not exist.

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