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Worlds of Design: “All About Me” RPGs (Part 1)

I’ve played and GMed FRPGs since 1975, yet I’m sure I’ll never see all the different styles of play that are possible. I describe an immersion-breaking but popular style, “All About Me”, that differs greatly from the cooperative semi-military style.

I’ve played and GMed FRPGs since 1975, yet I’m sure I’ll never see all the different styles of play that are possible. I describe an immersion-breaking but popular style, “All About Me”, that differs greatly from the cooperative semi-military style.

I’ve played and GMed FRPGs since 1975, yet I’m sure I’ll never see all the different styles of play that are possible. I’ve seen a fair bit of one style lately that I’d like to describe, because it’s so vastly different from the styles I’m accustomed to.

I’m accustomed to RPGs as a more or less military matter, where there’s a war on between good and evil, or at least where the group of adventurers (sometimes religious heroes, sometimes mercenaries) is a group of soldiers that are sometimes on a mission against the enemy, and sometimes on a mission to gather more loot, but always in a military like setting, where if you don’t cooperate with one another you’re going to die sooner or later. I have always used pieces for characters and a movement grid so that geospatial relationships can be illustrated, because group armed conflict is partly slaughter and partly maneuver.

What I’ve seen lately is high school or college aged folks playing what I’ve dubbed “All About Me” fantasy RPG. The emphasis is on the individual actions of the player characters, not on the actions of the group as a whole. Each player wants to do his own thing, run his own story, often showing off to the others. Typically in this situation there’s a lot of customization of characters to begin with. And sometimes the whole group is a bunch of characters somewhere between quite neurotic and psychotic.

Why is this important? Because many people cannot maintain immersion when things get silly. It becomes too obvious that you’re playing a (silly) game, not participating in an adventure. Some people don’t care. I do.

In these circumstances cooperation can be difficult. Typically the GM arranges the game so the players can survive and succeed without cooperating. In one of the recent groups I’ve watched the GM complimented the players because, despite the great diversity and psychological complications of the characters, they did cooperate. (Though I didn’t see much cooperation while I watched.)

What I observed was what you might expect from the situation, that is, several people blurting out what they wanted to do, talking over other people who were trying to say what they wanted to do. Now some people are used to this because that’s the way their families behave, but others are accustomed to people who take their turn speaking and maintain some modicum of politeness. The chaos is not too problematic when there are four players, but when there are eight players it becomes difficult. It’s up to the GM whether he or she does something about this, of course, and this particular GM (who has a stupendous voice and is slightly older than the players at age 23) has not tried to teach the players to behave in a less self-centered manner.

RPGs are about having cooperative adventures, not about one-upmanship, as far as I'm concerned. But Third Edition D&D enshrined one-man armies and showoff characters in the game.

I lay down the law pretty quick about behavior when I GM, but then again, I’m never going to GM this kind of game. To me it’s unreal and unrealistic behavior in a situation where there ought to be a real chance that somebody might die. This is not to say that I require a grim seriousness from players, but the “All About Me” style doesn’t fit with my semi-military notions of what’s going on.

The result in this particular case is a game with not much combat, so much so that there are no actual pieces or figures for the characters and no movement grid – it’s all done by talking. But even in games where figures and grids are used, the game can still mostly be “all about me” in what amounts to a relatively safe environment.

I wouldn’t be surprised if many of the players are accustomed to single player computer RPGs, where there’s no one else to cooperate with and no one else competing for attention.

As always, this is descriptive, not prescriptive. More next time in Part 2.

This article was contributed by Lewis Pulsipher (lewpuls) as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. You can follow Lew on his web site and his Udemy course landing page. We are always on the lookout for freelance columnists! If you have a pitch, please contact us!

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Lewis Pulsipher

Lewis Pulsipher

Dragon, White Dwarf, Fiend Folio


... I was waiting for the "...and these kids need to get off my lawn!" at the end. Maybe that's in part two?


This is a very superficial look at this type of play.

When I GM a campaign, I make sure that, in addition to any campaign or story arcs, each character also has an individual arc. These do not necessarily detract from the group aspect of a game. I would even go so far to suggest that if it does hamper group play, it is the fault of the GM more than the player.

TTRPG's are more enjoyable when a player has the opportunity to develop their character through play, rather than just the power increase seen in old school type play.

A totally separate issue is the 'me first' type of play. That can be disruptive and no fun, but has been around since 1974 and most GM's figure out how to deal with it fairly quickly.


Mod Squad
Staff member
The poke at 3rd edition seems to neglect the fact that, for characters with weird psychology and builds that make them one-person armies, White Wolf's World of Darkness games beat 3e D&D to the table by about a decade.

Furthermore, WoD and Mind's Eye Theater popularized the idea of "troupe play" where The Group cannot really be considered paramount, because it is not a stable entity, encouraging players to think about individual story, rather than squad military tactics.

This being back in the 1990s, it is hardly new, and did not arise in current high school and collage players.
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Stuck in the 90s
Individual character story aside (because my campaigns always include the evolution of character stories alongside the main story), the part I'm focusing on in the article is that there are people who actually act obnoxiously about individual authority, power, and the glory of the spotlight.

In my years of gaming - friends of friends, FLGS public games, etc - I've never encountered a scene as described here; people shouting over top of one another with their own intent, not taking turns or showing respect to one another in an orderly fashion... and quite frankly I'm glad I haven't.

Even perfect strangers (at least in my experience) take turns shining the light on other players, working together naturally and harmoniously, in a way as to ensure entertainment for everyone at the table. Then again, I haven't played with random strangers in some odd 5 years - only have time for my primary group lately.

So regardless of game / campaign preferences, the attitude indicated by types of players is my concern here. Even if the game is entirely self-centered for each individual character, the players shouldn't divest too much into that, and recall the fact everyone's there for the same fun. Sharing is caring - or any other cliche you want to include.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
This did come off a bit judgemental, but just to run with it:

D&D came from wargames, and set the stage for a large amount of the games that came after in that mechanically there was a lot of focus on combat. This lead directly that in terms of time spent on mechanics, combat has the #1 slot over any campaign. (Again, this is just talking about mechanics - spending half an hour roleplaying and 45 seconds of that were a couple of social rolls is 45 seconds of mechanics time, even though it may be both a fun and important half hour spent.)

With so much mechanical time spent on combat, systems wanted to make sure everyone can contribute, so every type of character has ways to hep the team. Usually there are different focuses on how someone can help, which leads to synergistic team play. For example, a healer or buffer might not do well on their own, but can provide a larger force multiple in a group then another striker.

But that's not the only way to do it, and with more systems out there that shift some of the wall clock away from combat, or the "need" that everyone be good at combat, you get less tie-together at that point. Less mechanical pressure to work as a team.

Some genres and archetypes are also better represented when people can split off and recombine. "Lone wolf" is a classic archetype. Deckers from cyberpunk literally can't take anyone with them. A Leverage-type Heist game not only needs multiple moving parts all at the same time, but being seen together could blow the whole thing. Marvel Heroic Roleplay specifically has mechanics for every hero for best/worst when working solo, buddy, or team and expects you to go back and forth during play.

So I can see how as mechanics open up to genres where "don't split the party" is counter-productive, that gamers who play in those games (or have learned how to play from those games) can act solo or split-group as well as the "traditional" full-party-only viewpoint.


Rotten DM
Holy geospatial hex grids. He finally got to see a group of normal teenagers play with no military experience play. I just wish when I started in 1980 I could have played with his mature group. When I was in the Army and playing with military trained folks ( including military brats), most of the players did think tactical during combat. But a lot of players were "ALL ABOUT ME" also.
And you forgot about "get off my internet and away from my table".


Guide of Modos
I came here for the picture. Then I realized V, like the storm troopers, was not "all about me."

What I’ve seen lately is high school or college aged folks playing what I’ve dubbed “All About Me” fantasy RPG.
This line had me thinking that the article was about whether RPGs encourage or discourage team play. However, this line
The emphasis is on the individual actions of the player characters, not on the actions of the group as a whole.
has me really thinking. How cool would it be for an RPG to let you design "a" character, not "your" character, and drop that character into a cohesive party. Then, probably mostly as a dungeon crawler, your choices focus on what the rules allow you to cause the Party to do, not individual characters? Or, you can affect any and all characters.

Encourage team play by forcing team play. At least it would make a sweet video game...

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