Pathfinder 1E Wizkids should take the Pathfinder 1.0 ruleset and publish their own RPG.


Pathfinder 1 seems like it's run it's course. The only thing would be if you've played all the adventure paths they've released (which I'm pretty sure no one has) and you want more.

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That's not the proposal though, is it? The proposal is that WizKids reboots PF1 and launches their own game.
Their own PF1 compatible game was the proposal, right? So the existing fans of PF1 could continue to buy supplements and adventures that they can port over to their familiar system with a minimal effort.

What would such a thing feature that a thousand existing PF1 books doesn’t? I can’t think of what the selling point would be for such a thing. Nobody wants to buy all their PF1 books again.
The primary selling point of PF1 was the soft-reset of splat creep. It was D&D 3.5, but without all of the unnecessary add-ons.

That was also the primary selling point of D&D 5E. It was PF1, but without all of the unnecessary add-ons.

One of the smart things about 5E having such a slow release schedule is that it doesn't have to worry about this. Nobody can use the soft-reset of 5E as a selling point, because 5E is still pretty much the same game as when it started.


I crit!
I think there is still a sizable PF1 crowd that would like a source of the core book for new folks to their tables. Tiny compared to 5e or PF2 but maybe as large as many other RPGs.


I think there is still a sizable PF1 crowd that would like a source of the core book for new folks to their tables. Tiny compared to 5e or PF2 but maybe as large as many other RPGs.

I mean, Paizo is still selling PF1 stuff. You can still get the PF1 books via Amazon, but also Paizo is still selling PF1 books in their online store. There are even two PF1 books set to be released in November! (Pocket editions of existing books, but still new and on preorder).

So until they actually stop publishing and selling the old books there's not really a good reason for another company to take up that torch I'd think. I could see someone wanting new adventure content for PF1 who already owns and has played through all of Paizo's offerings, but that market has to be tiny - even tinier than the market of existing PF1 tables who need new books for new players or to replace books that have fallen apart or dropped in a puddle or had a bottle of coke spilled on them or whatever. Especially when you consider how much adventure content Paizo produced for PF1 over the years.

(And add that to the fact that Paizo could at any time decide to start "dual statting" their adventures for PF1 and PF2 and selling both - which would completely undercut anyone trying to sneak in and grab that player base. Paizo is taking a very different approach to switching editions than Wizards or TSR ever has, so it's hard to predict how it's all going to pan out.)


I crit!
Except for 5e. WotC sold 1e, 2e, and 3.5 core books in stores and in PDF during 5e. And at the end of 4e I think. Though the pdf and hardcovers weren’t started at the same time.


Relaxed Intensity
As far as I can tell they are also continuing to support 1st Edition play in Pathfinder Society even though they won't be producing new scenarios. You can still purchase 10 years of scenarios, register new 1st Edition characters, and local chapters are trying to run 1st Edition events in addition to 2nd Edition and Starfinder.

Locally we have been running into issues finding 1st Edition GMs though.

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