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Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things - Concluded

Silver Moon

Chapter 226, “Exchange Preparations” , Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 7:00 P.M.

Chester thanks Valdez and limps to his room to put away his rifle. His right leg still itches the healing magic, but soon he can put his full weight on it. The deputy wads up his ruined clothes and changes into some fresh ones. He checks his sixguns and finds that the Colt's barrel was bent by the blast. Chester sighs at his misfortune. "I guess the Fates have decided I can't have any more guns. I'll bring this to Pierre next time I see him. Better find Mitch to tell him I can work now."

Chester stops by the office, but no one is there. He searches around until he finds the Marshal. "Any sign of the cowboys?" Berg says, "None at all. Did you find anything out?" "Except for finding out that the cowboys like dynamite, no. Although one cowboy has crossed the River Styx. Ringo wasn't there. So he's probably nearby."

Chester finds Clarisse watching the musical performances. He covers her eyes. "Guess who?" She says, "Chester, where have you been? You missed your fencing match with Mr. Tomlinson." Chester kisses her. "I missed you, too. I had to do something. I'm sorry I couldn't be your champion." She smack him on the shoulder. "Don't tease me. But it's nice that you would fight for me." "Of course I would. You're very important to me. Now, I need to walk around. Hard to catch criminals when I'm too busy looking at you. Bye."

Chester wanders around, looking for cowboys, pickpockets, and the like. Nanuet finds him and tells him what's going on. "OK. I can keep watch there. Do I need my rifle?" "It would be a good idea, my friend. We don't know when Ringo will strike." Chester retrieves his Spencer and positions himself near the house across Fremont from the Comique.

Ruby takes a few minutes to talk with Jake. They decide they will watch the books from afar but make sure they don't get involved as long as Kate is alright. After that they'll get ready for the ball, and they both agree that most likely Johnny Ringo will be there. Ruby tells Jake she is going to visit Jane. She makes her way over to the Palace where Deacon McCoy has his hands full, just as the case all over Promise City. Ruby asks for someone to get Jane, and it's only a matter of minutes before the scared woman comes to the door.

Jane exclaims, "Ruby, what have you heard? Anything? What's going on?" Ruby sits Jane down on the steps then joins her. "No, I don't know what's going on with you know who. I can't say that he won't show up tonight. There is something you should know. He has threatened me also. But..." she glances up and down the street, "I have to do my dance tonight. I said I would honor the goddess and I will. But Jane, you do not have to go on and at this point I do think you'd be risking your life to do so." "Ruby, if he has threatened you, you shouldn't do it either!" Jane replies frantically. Ruby gives her a small smile, "Oh, he will come after me no matter what I do, it's not because of this. But the love of Jake is worth the risk I have to take."

She places her hand on Jane's arm. "There is something else. There are priests here to see you. They have been told you are overzealous and they have come to make sure you are not influencing people against their wills. I'm not entirely sure how they would have gotten that idea but I'm sure you would agree with me that it would be unfair for anyone to force someone to do something they don't want to do." As she speaks she looks deep into Jane's eyes. "I am new to the goddess but I would guess she would want true believers to bring her love and desire and she would rather have that than some false emotions being given to her."

"The priestess Minerva feels you have done a great injustice but I have heard no facts from anyone, only words. Understand something, I am not doing the dance for you, I'm doing it for her."

At the El Parador, Kate ran to her teacher's rooms after Nanuet left and updated him on what was going to happen. He, like the others, had his concerns, but he also seemed more comfortable with at least trying to do something than just giving up. She left Ginnie upstairs with him, hoping she would stay in for the night, but knowing she would do as she wished.

After Kate leaves Gonzales and Ginny have an argument. First, she wants some of the books to stay that she hasn't checked yet. He assures her that they have already been brought downstairs and that ALL are needed to make the exchange legitimate. She adamantly refuses to stay put. She says, "Alright. I need to be out there but not be me. Do you have something that can help me look like somebody else?" Gonzales says, "But the magic bullet with your name could still find you even in disguise." She replies, "But Ringo won't fire it if he doesn't actually see Ginnie. He wouldn't waste it."

Gonzales buys into that logic. He locates the "Louise" hairclip, explaining that it will project a humanized version of Sonoma. "I can do that," Ginnie states. Gonzales adds "Louise speaks with a Boston accent." Ginnie replies, "Like this, I do believe that I am proficient in Ma'am Kate's personalized Bostonian accent and can adjust it if need be." Gonzales gets the clip and activates it. Ginnie can now barely breath as her previously loose clothing is now so tight it is close to bursting. "Couldn't we have waited until I changed!" she exclaims. She heads off to Kate's room to borrow some clothing.

Kate had gone back down to the Cantina, arriving only moments before the Priests entered. It was odd to see the men out of their robes and in western-style jeans, shirts, and vests. She didn't approach them, instead heading toward the back way out. It was a few minutes before they appeared. "This way," she said quietly, leading them to the stable. "There is someone for you to meet.

The three entered the stable, and the centaur Qualtaqa stepped into the dim light. Kate had to admire how quickly the Bishop and his attendant Trius masked their surprise. "Bishop Papandraus, Trius, this is Qualtaqa. He is a skilled tracker with many helpful talents. He will accompany you out of town. The priest replies, “Qualtaqa, we are so grateful for your help, this is no small task we have asked of you." The centaur dipped his head slightly. "It is nothing. My skills are needed, and the elf Nanuet and yourself earned my help with your assistance to the Apache. I am pleased to help."

Kate nodded. "Thank you. Gentlemen, the books are over here in the cart." She pulled the cover back and exposed the large pile of books. "One of my friends asked a good question. She wondered what defines evil, from the point of a spell. Are you certain it will stop Ringo from using these books?"

"Ah," the Bishop began with a bit of a smile, "Yes, evil is a difficult word. Not all who follow Ares are evil. Many soldiers venerate him, some seek his help in conflicts they feel they cannot avoid. Just as one can feel love with Aphrodite to incite it, one can make war without Ares to start it. But from what you say of this Priest, he revels in violence. He has offered to slaughter innocents to get what he wants. The spell I intend to use assumes a wide definition of evil. I have no doubt this man will fall under it."

Kate nodded and stood back to give the Priest room to work. He circled the cart twice, muttering softly in what she could only assume was Latin. Instead of gestures with his arms, he made flickering symbols with his fingers. After about thirty seconds her furrowed his brow and make a separate motion. Katherine understood enough about magic now to know that it was a separate spell. He says, "I added a little something. He should not feel a need to examine the books too closely until tomorrow." "Thank you," Kate said again. "I guess now all there is to do is wait for 7:30."

As the time for the exchange nears both Jake and Ruby gather up weapons and prepare. They walk together towards the exchange point and choose spots on opposite sides of the busy streets. Nanuet and Minerva were supposed to be doing the same, but down the street, more towards the edge of town. They had decided to try to stay out of the exchange and just make sure that Katherine was ok.

At approximately 7:25 PM the Wells Fargo stagecoach pulls into town. It turns west onto Sierra and down to Front where it turns left, stopping before Drover's Hotel and Saloon. A welcoming committee comprised of Elton Hubbard, Hamilton Fisk, Burton Lumley and Doctor James Eaton are there to greet Samuel Clemens when he exits the stagecoach. Newton Gilly, rifle in hand accompanies they as they proceed to walk south as a group towards the stage at intersection of Main and Front Streets.

Meanwhile, Emery Shaw steps out from the Comique Variety Hall and Saloon where he has been enjoying a drink with friends. He notices Ruby standing on the Comique's porch and approaches her. "Well hello Miss. West, and how are you on this fine evening?" he asks. "Mr. Shaw!" Ruby jumps as she is startled by Shaw's voice behind her. "Er, very well?" she says, not sounding well at all. "Actually," she lowers her voice to a whisper, "We're having some Cowboy trouble tonight. I know, not very surprising." She keeps her eyes pealed down the street.

Shaw replies, "Sorry to hear that, let me know if I can help you with that at all. And before I leave town have that boyfriend of yours catch up with me, I have something with me that I promised to give him when we last met." "I think we're ok for now, thank you. What is it you have for Jake?" she asks glancing at him across the street. He replies, "A long-range rifle. He had admired the ones that my men and I used that day out on the range. I brought one with me for the marksmanship competitions that I had planned to present to him afterwards. It is a fine weapon, I won first place with it."

"Oh congratulations! He would love to have that. He's a bit busy at the moment but it might come in handy soon. Do you have it now? Perhaps one of your men could drop it at the Lucky Lady." "I could do that." He then notices the man standing on the porch beside and behind Ruby. "And speaking of the Marksmanship Competition, Hello Mr. Murdock. It is good to see you again." Emery reaches past Ruby, extending his hand to a tall blonde-haired man in western clothing and with a rifle slung on his back. The man appears to be more startled than Ruby was at Emery's acknowledgement.

Emery glances to Ruby and says, "Mr. Murdock finished second in the competition." He turns back to the man, who returns the handshake, and says, "That was some mighty fine shooting son." "Er...thank you Sir," the man replies. Ruby wracked her brain, trying to remember if Murdock was one of the names given to them by Judge Isby. Not being able to remember she stayed suspicious. She reaches out her hand to him, "Mr. Murdock, congratulations on your second place finish. I hope you realize what an honor it is, finishing behind this man, that is, for he is an excellent shot and," she smiles at Shaw, "A good friend of mine."

Ruby shakes the man's hand. He seems a but put off on her touching him. She immediately senses that something is "not quite right" about him. "I was so upset having to miss the competition today. Why don't the two of you tell me all about it?" She smiles sweetly at the two men. Meanwhile she catches Jake's glances and rubs her wrist, although she isn't sure he catches the signal through the crowds.

Murdock says, "Hey, look, isn't that Mark Twain?" The welcoming committee is now climbing up onto the main stage 175 feet west on Main Street. Marshall Berg and the Greek/Roman Arch-Bishop are already on stage to greet him. Burton Lumley heads over to the podium to make the introduction. Shaw and Murdock both turn towards the stage. Ruby concentrates further on Murdock and begins to notice a faint magical aura surrounding him, not unlike the one that she detected on Gonzales when he was in his Mr. Austin disguise. She can see that the highest concentration of magic is on Murdock's metal belt buckle.

Ruby tries to concentrate on his eyes and his voice when he speaks. "Isn't it wonderful that Mark Twain's come to our little town?" She does not take her eyes off him. While he isn't looking she gracefully reaches up to pull some hair off her face, using deft hand movements to pick her small dagger out of her hair clip. She hides it in her hand and when she puts her hand back down, her skirts. Murdock glances at her with the corner of his eye and then focuses back on the stage where Lumley is continuing his long-winded introduction. Ruby continues to watch the road and watch Murdock. On the other side of the road Jake brushes his gun and keeps one eye on the road and the other eye on Ruby.

Ginnie takes a few minutes to get dressed in some of Kate's clothing that she hasn't been seen in recently that would not be readily identified. She then spends the couple of minutes it takes to adjust her walk and body motions so that she actually will look to be another person and not have the free wheeling street stride of a guttersnipe. She packs some spell components, her scroll and money, in a small carry bag along with some empty sheets of paper that she can place components on if necessary. She heads down to the kitchen where she nabs three breakable jars that she fills with oil and twists a wick on. She also pockets a batch of the kitchen matches and snags a cookie that is laying warm on a rack and heads out onto the road by the back door doing her best not to be seen coming from the cantina.

Ginnie proceeds west along South Street from the El Parador as 'Louise'. She begins to cross the intersection with Fremont where she notices Minerva standing over near the Marshall's Office and Nanuet ten feet away from her alongside the Great Western Boarding House's west wall. Ginnie and Minerva had both not yet been in Promise City back when 'Louise' had worked at the Lone Star but Nanuet clearly had and immediately recognizes the image of the woman wearing the hairclip.

Mr. Twain steps up onto the Stage. He begins by commenting "I am truly honored to be able to speak at a festival for Dionysus. Never let it be said that I would pass up an opportunity to honor those who promote strong drink." The audience laughs. He continues, "And to be in a fine city that offers such promise as this one, truly spectacular. I hear that last year Billy the Kid met his maker in this town, I thank you all for making my arrival far more pleasant."

He then takes out a book and places it on the podium. "I would like to read you a brief except from my latest novel, which should be arriving in books stores as we speak. It is titled 'The Prince and the Pauper' and I think that you will find it to be quite entertaining." He then begins to read from the first chapter. “Chapter I. The birth of the Prince and the Pauper.”

In the ancient city of London, on a certain autumn day in the second quarter of the sixteenth century, a boy was born to a poor family of the name of Canty, who did not want him. On the same day another English child was born to a rich family of the name of Tudor, who did want him. All England wanted him too. England had so longed for him, and hoped for him, and prayed God for him, that, now that he was really come, the people went nearly mad for joy. Mere acquaintances hugged and kissed each other and cried. Everybody took a holiday, and high and low, rich and poor, feasted and danced and sang, and got very mellow; and they kept this up for days and nights together. By day, London was a sight to see, with gay banners waving from very balcony and housetop, and splendid pageants marching along. By night, it was again a sight to see, with its great bonfires at every corner, and its troops of revellers making merry around them. There was no talk in all England but of the new baby, Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales, who lay lapped in silks and satins, unconscious of all this fuss, and not knowing that great lords and ladies were tending him and watching over him--and not caring, either. But there was no talk about the other baby, Tom Canty, lapped in his poor rags, except among the family of paupers.

Grant Keebler came into the stable as Kate had earlier asked, ready to again escort her on an errand. What time is it?" Katherine asked nervously. Grant Keebler took out a pocket watch and flipped it open. "7:30, Kate." She looked over at the Priest and Qualtaqa. "Good luck, Gentlemen. Take care." Kate clicked her tongue to the horse hitched to the cart, and she and Grant led it calmly onto the street. She kept her eyes open for the wagon that was supposed to be coming.

Kate continues up Fremont Street. She sees Nanuet standing near the Great Western Boarding house next to.....Louise! Kate flicked her eyes over and back, trying not to give anything away. She wasn't sure where Sonoma had been today, it could be her. It could be Mr. Gonzales, he wouldn't think twice about disguising himself as a woman. She put the thought firmly out of her mind that it could be Ginnie. Her teacher wouldn't have sent her girl out here to watch this.... "Keep on eye on the Great Western, Grant," she whispered. "The woman there. If something happens, we need to make sure she isn't harmed." She kept walking, praying to see that wagon.

Kate notices Minerva standing just off of Fremont Street in the thin alleyway between the Marshall's Office and the County Claims Office. She continues onward towards the intersection with Main Street, spotting Jake standing among a small crowd of men along the Bar-H Stable's corral fence and looking west up Main Street toward the speaker.

She hears Mr. Twain's Missouri twang sounding out a passage from his book: "The house which Tom's father lived in was up a foul little pocket called Offal Court, out of Pudding Lane. It was small, decayed, and rickety, but it was packed full of wretchedly poor families. Canty's tribe occupied a room on the third floor. The mother and father had a sort of bedstead in the corner; but Tom, his grandmother, and his two sisters, Bet and Nan, were not restricted--they had all the floor to themselves, and might sleep where they chose."

As she reaches the intersection she notices another wagon two books north, beyond the Golden Eagle Boarding House and the Morand's complex of buildings. It is an older wagon drawn by a pair of horses. There are two men seated on the bench. The wagon begins to move south on Fremont. "Oh gods, please don't let this go bad," she whispered. "I think they have help in the cash store."

Jake keeps his eyes up Freemont Street, watching for the wagon. Ruby continues to closely watch Murdock. "Isn't Mr. Twain wonderful?" she gushes, again trying to recognize his voice with his answer. Without turning his head towards Ruby Murdock replies, "Quiet woman, I'm trying to listen." Ruby narrowed her eyes and kept her small dagger at the ready. Was he listening for something particular? She kept on guard, also looking for Kate and the wagons.

Kate reaches the center of the intersection. The southbound wagon is continuing, now passing in front of the Papago Cash Store. The driver does a sideways glance over to the store as they go by it. The wagon continues to get closer. As the other wagon continues south it veers over towards the east side of the road, so that when it stops Kate's wagon will be between it and the crowds further west on Main Street. Kate does not recognize either man. The driver is focused on the rig while the other man is staring at Kate. He has a shotgun lying on his lap, the barrel pointing to the right of him, which will be in Kate's direction momentarily.

Meanwhile, Twain's stops and he says, "But I don't want to read everything to you, then why would you buy the book? I will now skip ahead to the third chapter. This is where the prince and the pauper first meet. Young Tom was at the royal gate among the crowds staring at the passing Prince and found himself too close.

Before he knew what he was about, he had his face against the gate-bars. The next instant one of the soldiers snatched him rudely away, and sent him spinning among the gaping crowd of country gawks and London idlers. The soldier said, "Mind thy manners, thou young beggar!" The crowd jeered and laughed; but the young prince sprang to the gate with his face flushed, and his eyes flashing with indignation, and cried out, "How dar'st thou use a poor lad like that? How dar'st thou use the King my father's meanest subject so? Open the gates, and let him in!"

You should have seen that fickle crowd snatch off their hats then. You should have heard them cheer, and shout, "Long live the Prince of Wales!" The soldiers presented arms with their halberds, opened the gates, and presented again as the little Prince of Poverty passed in, in his fluttering rags, to join hands with the Prince of Limitless Plenty. Edward Tudor said "Thou lookest tired and hungry: thou'st been treated ill. Come with me."

Kate tried not to flinch from the stare that was boring into her. She kept moving forward, wishing she didn't have to move in front of that shotgun. There was much more going on than she had thought. "Let's get this over with," she muttered. The driver stops the wagon. The man beside him hands the driver the shotgun, which the driver keeps at the ready, his hand near but not on the trigger, and casually pointed in Kate's general direction.

The other man climbs over to Kate's wagon and starts to move the boxes of books. Kate mutters, “I guess I didn't have to worry about moving the books myself.” She stood back with Grant and let them do their business. She knew the others were out there. It was tempting just to end these men. But in the middle of the festival, in the middle of town.... Beside Ringo's threats, it was a recipe for disaster. Still, she was very aware of the weight of the pistol and the wand in her pocket. Ruby notices that Murdock continues to face towards the stage but his eyes keep darting to the left, watching the exchange of books with his peripheral vision.

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Silver Moon

Chapter 227, “The Prince and the Pauper” , Saturday, April 1st, 1882, 7:30 P.M.

The men finish the task of moving the books. The man steps back into the wagon, now sitting on top of one of the book boxes rather than on the bench. The driver hands him back the shotgun, which he continues to hold pointing in Kate's direction.

Mr. Twain has just finished reading the passage where both the Prince and the Pauper describe their lives to one another, each being envious of what they hear. He continues:

"Oh, prithee, say no more, 'tis glorious! If that I could but clothe me in raiment like to thine, and strip my feet, and revel in the mud once, just once, with none to rebuke me or forbid, meseemeth I could forego the crown! And if that I could clothe me once, sweet sir, as thou art clad--just once-- Oho, would'st like it? Then so shall it be. Doff thy rags, and don these splendours, lad! It is a brief happiness, but will be not less keen for that. We will have it while we may, and change again before any come to molest."

The driver commands his horses onward and the wagon begins to move south and away from Kate. The man in the back continues to hold his shotgun in Kate's direction. They pass before Jake and the other men by the corral fence. Mark Twain continues to read:

"A few minutes later the little Prince of Wales was garlanded with Tom's fluttering odds and ends, and the little Prince of Pauperdom was tricked out in the gaudy plumage of royalty. The two went and stood side by side before a great mirror, and lo, a miracle: there did not seem to have been any change made! They stared at each other, then at the glass, then at each other again. At last the puzzled princeling said--"What dost thou make of this?"

Kate stood very carefully still, not wanting to give the man any reason to fire at her. She watched the men by the corral even as he kept her eyes on the shotgun. Both Jake and Ruby continue to watch from their spots. The wagon continues southward, soon passing from Ruby and Chester's field of vision. Jake and Kate continue to watch it as it passes by Weller's Blacksmithing and the County Claims Office. Mr. Twain's readings continue:

"Ah, good your worship, require me not to answer. It is not meet that one of my degree should utter the thing. Then will _I_ utter it. Thou hast the same hair, the same eyes, the same voice and manner, the same form and stature, the same face and countenance that I bear. Fared we forth naked, there is none could say which was you, and which the Prince of Wales.“

The wagon passes by the Marshall's Office and the Great Western Boarding House and across the intersection of South. Both the driver and rider notice Nanuet and Louise as they pass by. Nanuet also stays where he is, watching the wagon like a hawk. "No, no, no," Kate muttered as the men in the wagon appeared to notice her friends. "Keep going, keep going...." he wagon proceeds south, passing the El Parador, Rixton's Furniture and then Brown's Ice House. It continues along the south road and out of town. After Ruby can no longer see the wagon, she keeps her eyes on Murdock. "You a fan of Twain?" she asks. "Woman, can't you shut your yap?" the man exclaims. "How rude!" Ruby exclaims. She steps back so she is standing a bit behind him, and she takes in his height and build.

Back on the stage Mr. Twain then closes the book in dramatic fashion. He looks up and says, "That is the premise of the book. Two men of vastly different worlds who resemble each other completely and then find themselves living each other's lives. I hope that you all find it within yourselves to purchase a copy at the earliest opportunity." He glances at his pocket watch and says, "I see that I still have an allotment of ten minutes to further prattle on. Let me repeat how it is indeed an honor to be here among you."

Those back on Fremont street now see the wagon take the left hand turn around the hill 300 feet south of town and out of their field of vision. "Let's go home, Grant," Kate said quietly. "We can go around the block to get turned around." She led the cart farther down Main Street and past the Papago Cash Store. Katherine was soon almost to the intersection of Fremont and Sierra.

On stage Mark Twain says, "While I plan to stick around until the festival ends, and perhaps bore you with some more recitation, I hear that I missed a full slate of afternoon entertainment. I am most sorry to hear that I arrived to late to participate in the marksmanship competition. My dear friend Samuel Colt himself made gave me gift of 'Old Betsey' here and I'd hoped to get a chance to try her out." Twain reaches into his jacket pocket and removes a shiny new Colt Peacemaker.

Jake's eyes are immediately drawn to a moving firearm being brandished about. He stares intently at the stage. Ruby catches Jake staring at the stage, but only briefly. She quickly sees Twain moving his gun around but instead she puts her eyes back on Murdock. Jake tries to catch Ruby's attention. He rubs his little finger of his left hand near the base and then looks back and forth twice from Ruby to the stage. Ruby moves her eyes to the stage, where she looks intently for someone who could be Johnny Ringo.

Kate stopped for a moment and listened intently to the voice of Mr. Twain, trying to disregard the accent. Kate immediately began turning the cart, trying to see if any of her friends were looking at her just now. There was a small spell she could do without being seen, they only needed to be able to see her to hear her.

Jake starts to walk north across Main heading toward the Smith house on the northwest corner of that intersection. When his right hand is shielded so that nobody to his west can see it he makes a "come here" gesture to Chester, who is seventy-five feet further down the street. Chester notes the signal. He stops leaning against the porch rail and lights a cigarette. He begins walking slowly toward Jake. He looks past Jake at the stage, trying to make it seem like he's going there.

Jake stops briefly at the Smith house and them casually begins to cross Fremont towards the Comique. He gestures for Chet to hurry up. The two are beside each other by mid-street.
Jake softly mutters, "Looks like Ringo won't win the costume contest. His Mark Twain impersonation is good but not flawless." Chester exclaims, "Twain? Are you sure? I mean, how can you tell. have you seen him speak before? We can't take a chance, so let's head for the stage." Jake replies, "The eyes Chet, always watch the eyes. You and Ruby need to get off the street while he has that gun out with your names on the first two bullets." They start to walk up onto the Comique's porch in Ruby's direction.

Nanuet and Minerva wait until the wagon is out of sight. Then they head towards Main Street to meet up with their friends. They see Kate who nods towards them. Nanuet keep walking until he sees the main intersection, and Ruby. Ruby is still standing behind Murdock and she nods to Nanuet, hoping he gets the idea to keep an eye on him. Then Ruby says, "Since I'm not wanted here I'm going to get a closer look." She start making her way towards the stage, keeping her eyes moving to find out who Jake was talking about. Ruby is already off the porch and starting to get through the crowd to the stage. She is still trying to figure out who Jake was giving her the signal for.

When Nanuet's gaze met hers Kate rapidly made a few small gestures with her fingers hidden in the folds of her skirt. She then whispered so softly even Grant couldn't hear, "Twain is Ringo in disguise." Despite how softly she spoke, Nanuet can hear her clearly. Nanuet gets Kate's message and looks to the stage in disbelief. He starts hurrying towards the intersection at Main, watching the guy Ruby pointed out to him, ready to follow if he moves.

Kate and Grant passed the others on the way back to the El Parador, Kate all the while wishing she still had her dispel scroll. "Grant, go inside and tell the men there that Twain is Ringo in disguise," she whispered. "Tell them which way the wagon went. They shouldn't have left quite yet." Then Kate left Grant to move towards the Great Western where Louise was still standing a moment earlier, now seeing that she is gone.

Murdock follows Ruby through the crowd keeping right behind her. She notices him behind her as she nears the porch to the Lucky Lady, and that Jake and Chester have also picked up their pace. Chester nudges Jake, "Who is that guy following Ruby? The one with the blond hair? He could be a cowboy." Ruby quickly ducks inside the Lucky Lady and says to Jeff as she passes him, "Some guy is following me!"

Murdock bypasses the Lucky Lady once Ruby heads inside and turns north onto Allen Street. Jeff stands and the door to prevent anyone from entering after Ruby. Jake tells Chet "Go after him, I'll get Ruby." Jake hurries into the Lucky Lady, Jeff letting him pass. Ruby runs through the Saloon, out the side door, back up the alley and into the crowd. She is gone before Jake gets inside. He yells over to Niles "Where did Ruby go?" Outside, she has gone past around a dozen people in the crowd when she sees Murdock a short distance ahead of her and moving in her direction.

"Oh, damn," Kate muttered, looking around the street for any sign of her. "She must have gone inside, she can't have just disappeared." It must have been Sonoma. Mr. Gonzales would never have let Ginnie out here. Sonoma knows how to care for herself. Kate walked slowly toward the crowd to observe what "Twain" was doing. Twain had been rambling on some more about his earlier novels, still with his gun in hand but using it more as a pointer than a weapon. His eyes keep darting to the left as a number of people hurry along Main between Fremont and Allen Streets.

Just then a bright light, like a fireworks display but without the corresponding explosion, is shot off a quarter mile away to the southeast. Several dozen people notice it, including Twain. He says, "Well, you've listened to me long enough." He puts his gun back into his suit pocket, picks up his book, and steps back from the podium. Now what was that about?" Kate muttered. She seemed to be developing a very bad habit of talking to herself. She kept her eye on Twain and tried to move forward through the crowd.

"Damn it!" Ruby swears. "Where is Nanuet?" A couple of people look at her like she is crazy talking to herself. She continues to push forward hoping to lose him in the crowd. Ruby sees the light and quickly guesses it's a sign that the Cowboys have the books. She tries to watch for who starts moving as she continues her way forward. Murdock turns back and sees Chester following him. He stops moving towards Ruby and instead heads over in the direction of the Lucky Lady's side door. Just then Jake opens up the side door.

Once Ruby sees that she lost Murdock, she keeps her eyes forward and moves towards the stage more quickly. With Murdock trapped between him and Jake, Chester asks the man, "Evening, where are you heading? You wouldn't be following a pretty redhead, hmm?" He gestures to the outhouse behind the Lucky Lady and says, "I just need to use that buddy." My mistake." Chester gestures toward the outhouse. "Go right on ahead." Murdock enters the outhouse.

Burton Lumley moves to the Podium and announces that the costume ball will begin in fifteen minutes and for everybody to go get costumes. He also adds "And if you haven't found one to wear yet I've been asked to point out that Cook's General Store, Kelly's Dry Goods and Tailor, and Lacey's General Store all have a variety of masks for sale and will be open for the next half hour." The crowds begin to disperse. Twain and his welcoming committee all leave the stage together and start to head north onto Front Street.

Ruby is now on Main between Allen and Front Streets, in front of Peacock's Saloon while Kate is around eighty feet further back from her in the middle of the dance floor on Main Street. Ruby stays where she is, with the crowds dispersing around her. She had no idea who Ringo was hiding out as. She kept watch but in the end decided to head back to the Lucky Lady. Jake runs into Ruby in front of the Gay Lady. "Where did Twain go?" he asks quickly. "That way," Ruby points, "He's over there. Why? What is going on? Where did you see you-know-who?" "Twain is Ringo," Jake replies. "What? No. No way. How do you know?" She says glancing down the street towards the group. "The eyes," is all Jake says.

Kate watched Twain and his entourage until she was sure he was staying. He had said he was staying for the rest of the festival, and Kate doubted very much whether the real Twain had ever gotten the invitation. She didn't want to let him out of sight, but it was doubtful he'd get away from the welcome wagon. Once she was satisfied she went over towards the Lucky Lady, reaching the Gay Lady just as Ruby and Jake have connected.

Jake hurries off in that direction. "Wait, I'm going with you!" Ruby hurries off, keeping next to Jake. "We can't, you know, not when he's like this. We'll be hung before they figure out he isn't who we say he is. And there was a guy chasing me, he had a special belt buckle." Kate reaches them saying, "You know then. Good, I wanted to..." Kate was still talking as Jake was moving. She made a few quick strides to keep up with him. "What are you going to do?"

"Ruby do you have your scroll?" Kate whispered. "They'd believe it if he looked like himself again." Jake says, "We could tell Helen Barker. She's crazy enough to shoot him no matter who he looks like." Ruby replies, "Good point. But that would mean having to find her." Ruby shook her head and looked at Kate, "Where did you come from? Never mind, yes I have my scroll." Ruby pulls the piece of parchment out of bodice. They continue towards the group.
"What are we going to do?" Kate says, "I don't know what he intends to do in a room full of people either Ruby."

Murdock has been inside the outhouse for a few minutes when a grizzled old prospector approaches the outhouse to use it. The man opens the outhouse door and Chester sees that nobody is inside. Chester says, "Sorry. Someone is... What in Hades?" He pushes past the startled prospector and feels around in the air of the outhouse. If he can't feel anyone invisible, he runs into the Lucky Lady to tell Jake or Ruby what happened. Niles says they aren't around. Nanuet has arrived and Chet tells him. Chester says, "I guess we'll wait here." He whispers to Nanuet, "The guy went into the outhouse and disappeared, like that." He snaps his fingers. "Must be sorcery.'

Ruby, Jake and Kate follow the crowds to Drover's Hotel and Saloon where Twain and his admirers have gone. They enter the Saloon. They see Elton Hubbard, Hamilton Fisk, Mitchell Berg and the Arch-Bishop sitting together at a table as the saloon is quickly filling up with patrons. Mr. Twain is nowhere in sight. Ruby asks the nearest person, "Where did Mr. Twain run off to? We're big fans." The man doesn't know.

Jake heads directly to the table and asks Berg. The Marshal replies, "He said he was tired and asked the Blakes if there was somewhere that he could take a quick catnap. They said he could use their bedroom out back."

Kate followed Jake over to the table and made eye contact with the Arch Bishop. "Your Excellency," she said quietly. She made a formal greeting she remembered from Boston that brought her close to his ear. She whispered, "Twain is Ringo in disguise." Jake whispers the same message to Berg. The Marshall locates Austin Blake and says that he needs to see Twain immediately. Predictably, there is nobody there and the room's backdoor is unlocked.

In a quick search of the area they soon find that the night employee Charlie Josephs at the adjacent Drover's Livery is asleep. Blake admonishes him for falling asleep on the job and Josephs has no explanation. A quick check of the animals inventory reveals that five of the horses and five saddles are missing. "He's gone," Ruby sighs. "It can't be that hard to track them down." Kate said to the Arch-Bishop. "We shouldn't just let him run off." Ruby leans in and whispers, "Don't forget about the other plan..."

Kate says, "I know, but if we could finish this tonight... Marshall Berg? I may have a way of knowing where he is going." Ruby states, "But we sent those others out there and they could be in danger if we try something now." The Arch-Bishop tells Berg, "Allow me a few minutes alone with these women." They step outside and he says, "Have some faith. Our chasing after them could not only be a trap but also put Costas, Demetrius and your centaur friend in danger. Better to wait than to rush without thinking and further compound our problems. For now we should just be thankful that this Priest of Ares has departed without harming the Festival."

"I should have acted sooner," Kate said, shaking her head. "But I was alone and by the time I found any others it was too late. I know, we prepared for this, I just... I feel as if I'd failed anyway. Tomorrow. That was the plan." Ruby replies, "It's ok Kate. He's gone for now. So I can stop worrying about being bullet number two for the moment. Although..." Ruby turns to the Arch Bishop, "He did threaten the person performing at midnight. So maybe be ready for that."

Ruby moods was already lightening. "Thanks your highness!" she says cheerfully. She takes Jake by the hand, "Let's go get ready for the ball. Come on Kate, you too." Kate says, "I don't really want to, but I promised Conrad. You go ahead Ruby, I have to go back to the El Parador anyway, not to the Lady."

It is now approximately 8:30 PM and the El Parador Band has been playing on the Main Stage for around fifteen minutes while the ball attendees are starting to arrive. "And I don't want to miss the ball. I'm going to go back and get ready." Ruby dragged Jake away, and Kate watched her go, wondering how she could be happy. Ringo had been right here, and they hadn't done anything. Once they were gone Kate turned back to the Arch Bishop. "Do you really think it will be alright?"

The Arch-Bishop replies, "I believe that Dionysus himself may be playing his hand in this. Have some faith child. The man was standing onstage with a loaded gun beside myself, the town's Marshall and its most prominent citizens. If disrupting the Festival was his goal he could have easily accomplished it and that may have been his primary goal. Instead, you and your friends deduced his deception and scared him away before any real harm was done. Consider that a victory for now and allow our three friends to carry out the task that we left for them."

Kate nodded glumly. "Faith isn't my strongest suit, but you are right. It could have been much worse. Thank you. I should go, someone is waiting for me and I'm quite late." She walked alone back to the El Parador, certain that at least for the moment she was safe on her own. Before she went to her own room she went up to her teacher's and updated him on how things had gone.

Silver Moon

Chapter 228, “Costumes” , Saturday, April 1st, 1882, 7:30 PM

The day had been a trying one, but things seemed to be under control. Minerva made her way back to the Comstock house deciding that the evening would go as planned since right now the threat seemed to be contained if not gone. Minerva lays her white satin gown on the bed. She can feel the heaviness in the air and glances out the window in time to see Jupiter’s thunderbolt split the sky in the distance. “There is a storm brewing tonight, Luna… out there as well as in here.” She says placing the heel of her hand over her heart.

Edgy and unsettled as the weather, she begins to pace as she talks, “I know that it is your will that I tread this path,” she says picking up the Jupiter and Minerva icons “and I am grateful for it, really I am… but it is SO frightening to think of sharing myself with another, to have a relationship with a MAN. I know nothing of being a woman… but it is not his touch upon my flesh that I fear. Well maybe a little.” she admits with a wry smile. “But it is his grasp upon my heart that terrifies me so. It will no longer be ‘just me’ that I must consider in my actions if we are to build a future together, but ‘WE’ that I must take into account.

I am so afraid! You have given me a glimpse of what I desire most, a life filled with love and my heart could not bear it should some evil swoop down and wipe it all away. The dark shadow of evil has always dogged my step and that does not seem to be changing.” she scowls thinking of the Cowboy gang…then looks intently at the statues in her hands, “If I give my heart to him, as you wish, you MUST PROMISE to protect him as you protect me. He is a worthy man, his heart is open to all gods, I will teach him the ways to honor you as I do if you will only promise ….
And another thing!” she says gently shaking the statues. “You KNOW that I am not an easy woman to deal with. He may go loco in time. You must not let him do so.” She continues to bargain with her gods and then shakes her head and laughs. “ Si, I know that I have chosen this path of my own free will but, Oh, I will need ALL of your wisdom to make this work. Are we agreed?”

She sighs and sits on the edge of the bed “I am no longer alone.”, tears spring to her eyes at the realization and wonder of it. “He is all that I am not… steady, and patient and kind. He is such a wonderful man, so strong and honest and pure of heart. He is the part of me that is missing, my goddess. Gracias, You have chosen well for me.” She smiles at her icons and places them back on the dresser.

Minerva vacillates between excitement and nervousness as she prepares herself for the Ball and the path she has chosen. She removes the stopper from several small vials of sweet smelling oils. “It is proper that we seal our destiny on this night of celebration and thanksgiving.” She says in an attempt to calm her jittery stomach. “It will be pleasing to Dionysus as well and bring us good fortune…But, What if he should refuse me? ” she worries as she anoints herself with the fragrant liquids. She dips her finger in the oil and places it on her brow- “for wisdom to keep my thoughts clear; Her heart -“for courage and to keep it open to the love I will give and receive this night”; and other secret places sacred to the gods – “as a sign of their blessing and to insure their favor”, she prays to her goddess. “Por favor Minerva my goddess, Por favor, do not let me make an ass out of myself.”

She critically applies her makeup adding black coal to her lashes enhancing the dark, smoldering look of her eyes, and rosy color to her already flushed cheeks. Her olive skin glows in the candlelight as she slips into the, form-fitting dress. As it slides over her head the satiny material hugs her curves tightly, accentuating her feminine form like a second skin as it flows into layers of frills below her hips to trail on the floor behind her. The long sleeves pouf at the shoulders and cling tightly to her slender arms. The back is cut in a low vee, exposing the long gentle curve of her spine and ending in a point just above the two small dimples at the base of her back and the front of the gown, although not so low cut, reveals the glistening swell of her breasts where she has anointed herself with the ceremonial oils. The familiar, silver olive leaf pendant lies cradled in the valley between them.

She has some difficulty hiding the charm that Kajika gave her to ward off Aphrodite’s influence and knowing that it would be foolish to remove it, finally stuffs it down into the cleavage of the gown. She fusses with her hair, which she has tumbled into a mountain of dark curls high upon her head, inserting a large ivory comb into the silky mass. The pure white comb is intricately carved in the shape of many olive leaves and she worries it until she is satisfied that it sits perfectly, crown-like upon her head. She slips dainty white, lace edged slippers upon her feet and twirls before the mirror back and forth, delighted by her appearance.

Grinning with satisfaction she picks up the white silk mask, which she will use to hide her exotic eyes, and the lacy fan, which will disguise her identity from the unsuspecting Nanuet. But these accouterments cannot hide the sparkle of love in her chocolate eyes or the feline smile upon her full red lips as a shiver of anticipation races up her spine. She thinks of Nanuet and the expression on his face when he discovers what they will share this night and strolls out the door, an innocent girl on the brink of womanhood, as another thunderbolt is hurled from Olympus.

She reaches the stage at the center of town and peruses the crowd for her soon to be lover. She circles the stage and spies her handsome cowboy slowly and deliberately scanning the area. Suddenly, like a wolf that has caught the scent of his prey, his head shoots up and he turns slowly in her direction pinning her in place with dark hungry eyes. Minerva’s mouth goes dry and her heart pounds in her ears, as she stands perfectly still waiting for him to approach.

Nanuet returns to the Lucky Lady with Jake and Ruby. He takes his leave of them so that he can get his costume ready. It still lay where it was a couple days ago when he showed it to Minerva.
He put the shirt on, and it took three tries before he could get the buttons lined up properly. he then pulled the snug fitting jeans on and then the chaps. He had practiced with the belt and chaps before so this was not much of a struggle. He then nearly fell over pulling on the tall boots. The look was completed by a red handkerchief rolled and folded to form a triangle below his neck and a large wide brimmed hat on his head. He headed out to the ball wondering what mood his friends would be in, after all this was to be a celebration.

It only took a moment for Nanuet to find Minerva. Her raven hair contrasted by the ivory comb and white dress made her stand out among the crowd. He eagerly approached, losing site of her as another couple passed between them. When the couple cleared his site Minerva was no longer standing where she was. Nanuet could hear her light laughter somewhere among the throng of people. He spotted me, but has not caught me yet, at least I will make the chase last a little while.

Minerva lead Nanuet through the crowd, deftly making her way amongst the people. Nanuet was moving awkwardly in his costume and Minerva was able to stay several steps ahead, stopping every so often to offer a teasing look. Minerva again darts between a pair of dancing couples then turns to blow Nanuet a kiss when she realizes he is not trailing behind her. She turns again to scan the crowd when he comes up beside her and grabs her arms.

"Finally! I thought for a moment that you were really trying to get away." "Mi Amor I just thought I would present some kind of a challenge since you spotted me so quickly." "Well I warned you that it would not be a challenge, but now let us enjoy the ball together." Nanuet and Minerva embrace and then begin dancing.

Back at the Lucky Lady Ruby runs up the stairs but hesitates to pull out her costume, trying to figure out how to get ready without showing Jake. Then Jake says, "I am going to surprise you with my costume, Ruby my dear, so I will take it and see you at the ball. See if you can find your adoring lover among the men that will all be captivated by your beauty. I am anxious to see what wonders will behold my eyes when I see you there." That way it will also limit who knows what I look like, Jake thinks, if detecting of thoughts is being used. Just keep putting any odds you can in your favor, Mr. Cook, for dealing with Johnny Ringo.

Ruby kisses Jake long on the lips. "And I very much look forward to seeing what my handsome lover has in store for me," she says, pushing a stray lock of hair off his face. "And to see if you can find me too," she smiles. Jake leaves and Ruby frantically gets ready. Ringo was gone and bullet number two was still safe in Ringo's gun. Perhaps I will live to see tomorrow….ten minutes later she is done and satisfied she is most alluring she can be she floats down the stairs with a soft smile.

Shimmering pinkish - white skirt flowing around her, she steps barefoot into the street. The first thing noticed is the huge sheer iridescent wings that reach up even over Ruby’s head. They seem to change color as she walks, pearly white to light pink to purple and gold, outlined in golden threads. Even looking closely one can not tell how the wings are attached on. http://www.enchantedcostumes.com/fairies/images/wings/amybrown/exotic/white.jpg

Her costume is in two pieces, her belly and most of her back bare, her skin glistening in the moonlight, covered in a silvery glitter like sheen. The skirt, sitting low on her hips, seems to float around her as she glides though the street. It looks as if it were completely made of different length scarves that hang vertically from the waist and every few steps her long tan legs peek through. The top wraps from the back of her neck to across her chest in an X and meets up in the back where it is tied low and then hangs loose from there. Extremely daring from the sides the top looks like a gentle breeze could blow it off.

On her face rests an elaborate silver and white mask that echoes the theme of the gossamer wings that sit on her back. Her deep red hair is on top of her head, teased into a gravity defying mass of wayward curls that also sparkle in the moonlight. Black kohl exotically outlines her almond eyes under her face mask, and the sparkles on her face match the mask she has on, so even if she removes it she still has a glittery outline on her face. Of course, she still wears her heart shaped earrings and her ruby ring.

She keeps her head high as she battles the crowds to get to the dance floor. Ruby enters the crowd, searching faces and costumes for her Jake. She sees a couple of men who could be but none send her heart racing as her lover does so she knows it’s not him. Men stare as Ruby walks by and women grab their men and reprimand them for staring but she smiles and ignores them.

She arrives near the Main Stage close to the dance floor when she is approached. “Miss, may I have this dance?” Ruby smiles and immediately recognizes Neil Cassidy in his Paul Bunyan costume. Still scanning the crowd she replies, “But of course, Sir.” He takes her hand and leads her to the middle of the dance floor where he starts spinning her around. Ruby even manages some real smiles and giggles.

The song ends and the next begins and the pair continues to dance when over Ruby’s shoulder a voice says, “May I cut in?” Cassidy replies, “Of course, I can’t expect to keep our beautiful fairy to myself all night.” He bows at Ruby and before she knows it a strong hand is flat on her bare back pulling her close. The tall dark gentleman is wearing a red and gold mask and a very fancy waistcoat and matching outfit. Ruby looks at him but can’t immediately make out who it is.

“You look absolutely stunning, Miss West,” he says to her. “Oh,” she says playing dumb, “Who is this Miss West you speak of?” He says, "No mask can hide you from me. I haven't traveled all this way to be deceived by a costume and a mask, although I must admit this party amuses me."
Ruby and the stranger danced elegantly around the floor. Ruby could feel her heart speeding up and her will fading. This man, she was sure was not Jake, yet she felt a strange attraction to him. Physically he is a specimen, and he knows his way around the dance floor, but so what, what is it about him? she thought. And then she looked behind the mask he wore into his eyes.

Her heart pounding in her ears she saw intense light blue eyes staring back at her and her knees buckled. He held her tightly by the back so she did not falter; he just swept her around the floor as if it was part of a dance step. The wings of her costume fluttered as they danced. She tried to speak but words weren’t coming out. Finally she managed, “W-w-who are you?” "I think you know the answer Miss West. There are only two men you know of who could make you feel this way and you know for sure which one I am not. I want you to come with me. Come away with me. I have so much more to offer you than this town. I can offer you a life you never imagined possible."

The song comes to an end and the stranger dips Ruby gracefully, the pulls her back to him. Again she is locked into the gaze of his eyes. “No.” She tries to move but finds she can’t, her chest heaving against his. She wants to leave but something is holding her there. She doesn’t feel panic, only the pounding of her heart and a desire to…. “No,” she says again, trying to get more conviction in her words. She manages to push herself away from him and, breathing hard, she rushes through the crowd looking for a familiar face. Masks surrounded her and for a moment she is lightheaded, people swirling and twirling around her.

A man's hand touches her arm. She turns and looks at him. He is of medium build, has red hair and is attired as a leprechaun, with emerald green pants and shirt and a lighter green vest, a pointed hat, pointed shoes and ceramic smoking pipe in the pocket. In a thick Irish accent he says, "Best that we be off Ruby me dear, I dinna like the look o'that bucko, and I dare say that me boy Jacob wouldn't either."

Still breathing hard and a bit out of sorts, she lets the man take her arm and start guiding more towards the edge of the crowd on the dance floor. "R-red?" she whispers nervously, looking over her shoulder for those blue eyes. "Do you know where Jake is?"

"Aye lass," Red says to Ruby. "Given the costumed nature of this affair I thought it safe to dispense with my alter ego for this evening and show my own face for a change. Tis a bit of a risk, Red O'Brien had frequented a certain house of ill repute back in Kansas City that three of the Palace's women once worked at, and who knows which other people here I may have met in those days. But I also wore a beard and mustache back in those days. I imagine that Jacob hasn't arrived yet, or else he would have intervened just now. Shall we dance?"

Ruby breaths a huge sigh of relief then throws herself into Red's arms, hugging him tightly. "Yes, let's dance." She slides out of his arms and takes the dancing position. As they started to dance she relaxed, although she kept glancing around for Jake or the handsome stranger. "Well," she smiles at Red, "We finally meet. I've heard so much about you. And here you come along and save me."

"Ah, but we've met before. And being your savior seems to be my specialty, have you forgotten that stormy night in the alleyway? Now I did get to see Jacob briefly earlier today but we did not have an opportunity to talk. Tell me, what has transpired during the past few weeks since I last saw him in Tucson? Is that Eastman character gone, or was that perhaps him who I just saved you from?" "No," Ruby blushes, "I haven't forgotten. I just meant seeing you like this." She smiles again, "Well, a lot has happened in the past few weeks. Jake's finally decided that he's madly in love with me."

She sighs, "I don't know who that is. He says he wants me to come away with him. And something there is odd... No, I don't think it's George Eastman. His cousin finally sent him packing when I scared her enough with the thought of being related," she giggles. The thought quickly crosses Ruby's mind that she isn't sure this really is Red, but with the information about the alley those weeks back and knowing about Tucson... it had to be him. Still she didn't give away anything very revealing.

Back in her own room Kate carefully put on the costume that she had chosen. It was a pristine white gown in the classic Greek style. Really little more than a sleeveless robe, a golden cord crisscrossed from beneath her breasts to just above her hips. The neckline plunged in a v-shape and jeweled clips sat on her shoulders. Gold sandals with a slight heel and a cord tied around her ankles as well a numerous gold bangles and a torque like necklace finished the outfit. Finally, she used one more gold cord in her hair, first wrapping it like a headband, then crisscrossing it around the loose waves of her hair to gather it together as it hung down her back.

She felt positively naked, and not a little cold. But this had been the only thing that had fit, and she had promised. She added a small white handbag to hide her pistol in, and tucked the wand inside her corset. Satisfied that she was as ready as she could be, she went down into the Cantina and looked for Conrad.

Kate stops in her tracks when she sees Conrad before her. He is attired as Shakespeare's Hamlet, with a chain-held silver cape over a blue velvet tunic, a striped and pleated shirt beneath, leather shoes with straps running up his legs, and a sword on his belt. He has also shaved off his mustache and goatee. It is like Kate has walked through a time machine. Hamlet was the signature role of Conrad's father Edwin Booth and it was that play that her parents had taken her to. While the man's resemblance to his father was obvious before, at this sight there was no doubt. http://www.kamakurapens.com/Humor/EdwinBoothsStylographicPen.html

Katherine gathered her wits and completed her decent into the Cantina. "How could he ever have doubted you? I saw him in this, perhaps this very costume, so many years ago." She struggled to keep from touching his face. "You gave up your whiskers." He says, "To complete the attire, I'll admit, I have done this intentionally. I see this as one final opportunity to get a message to my father. The festival's guest of honor Samuel Clemens is a known friend of Edwin Booth and I'm sure has seen his performance of Hamlet on several occasions."

"I'm sorry, Conrad," she said, taking his hand in hers and standing close. "That was not Twain outside. It was Johnny Ringo wearing his face. He fled when we followed him to Austin Blake's after we'd discovered him. I knew him by his voice. I doubt the real Twain ever received the invitation." Conrad's face drops into an expression of sadness. "Twain...isn't here. Oh well, it was a pipedream anyway." He smiles again, "And you look radiant. Even if obtaining this costume was a waste of time, seeing you in that makes it all worth while." "I feel as if I'm not dressed," she said blushing. "But everything else was too big."

The man walks out from the Alhambra Saloon. He wears a powdered wig and is dressed formally in layers of dress coat, waist coat, white linen ruffled shirt, black silk breeches to just below the knees and white hose. He wears a large black costume mask and his face is clean shaven and otherwise unadorned and unremarkable. He walks deliberately and slowly. He holds a cane with a cut glass knob in one of his grey gloved hands and has black buckle shoes.

The collarless dress coat is dark and made from green and black silk with brass metal buttons that are polished to shine like gold. The skirts of his coat are padded and stiffened and the large cuffs are turned back revealing the frilly sleeves of the linen shirt. The button holes and cuffs are ornately stitched and reinforced. His collarless waist coat is pale yellow with a heavy brocade design of colorful flowers. The waist coat is secured with matching metal buttons.

He moves slowly, like the British Lord he is dressed as might to inspect his household. He his head turns taking in the crowd, noting details and listening to sounds. People look at him but he does not return their glances, appearing to be above their pitiable stares.

Another man arrives attired in a tunic with a sword on the belt. He has on a great helm hiding all of his face except for his eyes. It is uncertain exactly which of the great Greek heroes he is meant to portray, but is probably Odysseus as a giant of a man is near him wearing a crude fur tunic and a mask of a monster with only one eye so therefore the Cyclops of Odysseus's travels.

Emerging from the Lucky Lady is a man of average height and build dressed as one of the Three Musketeers, his face hidden by a mask. He flamboyantly makes his way onto the dance floor, drawing his sword and swinging it in a swirling motion. In a deep and rather obviously faked baritone French ascended voice he exclaims, "Is there a maiden here who needs rescued?"

Silver Moon

Chapter 229, “The Costume Ball” , Saturday, April 1st, 1882, 8:45 PM

In a deep and rather obviously faked baritone French ascended voice he exclaims, "Is there a maiden here who needs rescued?" As they continue to dance around Ruby keeps her face towards Red but smiles and says, "Why is there a Knight here to do the rescuing?" The Musketeer bounds across the dance floor, stopping before Ruby. Beneath the elaborate feathered hat he is wearing what appears to be a blonde wig of the same color as the obviously fake beard and mustache that he is wearing. She sees a sparkle in his brown eyes beneath the mask.

Continuing the really bad French accent he continues, "Ah, has D'Artanian found his damsel in distress? Behold, could this be one of the owners of yonder drinking establishment attired as a creature of myth? Tis most appropriate then that another owner of said location be the one to carry out said rescue." He takes her by the hand and spins her out upon the dance floor.

Ruby laughs and lets herself be swung around and pulled to the Musketeer as they dance. With a smile she bites her lip, “Ah, this damsel is very much in distress for she has lost her lover in the crowd and her lips long for a kiss. Do you believe you are the one to rescue me then, brave warrior?” As she speaks she stares into his sparkling brown eyes.

In the same awful French accent he replies, "Ah yes, one such as you should not remain without a proper kiss. But unless I am mistaken your heart belongs to another. Would he not become jealous if he should see you kissing a mysterious stranger?" "Yes, you are right, my heart does belong to another and he alone has the key to my heart. I suppose I should depart then and continue my desperate search for him as I do so long for that kiss..." Ruby purses her lips slightly then takes a step back from the Musketeer. She turns her back on him but doesn't walk away.

Continuing an accent which would cause any Frenchman hearing it to shoot him on sight, the Musketeer states, "Well then fair maiden, we would not wish to enflame your lover. Perhaps you could describe for me his planned attire for this evening and I can assist you in locating him." She replies, "Well, I'm not sure what he was planning on wearing. He was supposed to surprise me. But I would welcome your assistance because there are many gentlemen here who would take advantage of a young lady such as myself."

She turns back to face him. "He's extremely handsome and dashing... and about your height actually. He's very smart and friendly and witty and he makes my heart pound in my chest just being near him. Seen anyone like that?" The musketeer replies, "I have heard many a damsel describe myself as such, but alas, I suspect that I am not he. Fear not good lady, I am certain that you will receive that kiss before the sun rises. I wish you the luck of Hermes in finding the one who you seek." With that he takes her hand and softly kisses it.

She speaks up quickly, "Oh, but would you leave me here alone with those that would take advantage? Perhaps I should not leave it up to Hermes to help me." The musketeer replies, "Ah, but one can always have faith in the god of Luck. He has always done well for me." He then turns his head and looks at a pair of young ladies of about twenty who are standing near and looking at a food table set out by Don and Nellie Hudson's Bakery. "Ah, there are some damsels that look as though they need me to rescue them from one temptation and entice them with another." "Well I should not keep you from your duty then." She smiles, "Thank you for the lovely dance." She gives him a low curtsey.

She glances around the crowd, looking to see if Red is still around and double checking that Colin Hunter isn't still stalking her. Ruby sees that Red is over at a table set up by the Silver Dollar Saloon and purchasing a beverage from there. The musketeer wanders off from Ruby and heads directly towards the bakery table where he flirts with both to the young women, kisses each of their hands, and then brings one of them out onto the dance floor with him.

Ruby notices that a halfling couple both attired in Roman togas are dancing out in the center of the dance floor, obviously Chumbley and the woman from the Emporium. Also on the dance floor are a couple in Victorian attire who from the heights, weights and postures she concludes are Stanley and Helen Barker. She then sees Judge Lacey attired as a Roman Centurion dancing with Laurie Gilson, who is attired as Martha Washington.

She smiles at the turnout for the ball and all the various costumes that people are wearing. She keeps Red in sight, hoping that really is him. She smiles and nods her head at the people who recognize her. She feels a little more lighthearted then before but she can't seem to get Mr. Turner out of her mind and she continues to watch over her shoulder to make sure he isn't there. She searches around the crowd, still looking for Jake, trying not to get nervous that something has happened to him. She purchases a beverage for herself and continues to look.

The dance floor was already crowded by the time Katherine and Conrad stepped on it. Kate tried not to notice the many sets of male eyes that seemed to settle on her for just a moment, perhaps shocked to see the modest Mrs. Kale in such a gown, or maybe just noticing the way her legs peeked through slit in the front of the dress where the sides met. "Will you dance with me?" Conrad asked with an extravagant bow. A genuine laugh came from her throat. "That's why we came, isn't it?"

‘Louise‘ has decided that since she's out and about anyway she might as well attend the ball. She heads for the mask sales and picks out a simple black face mask, after all she's already in a fully hidden her true identity. She stands near the edge of the stage listening to the music that is playing and wishes that she didn't have two left feet and no sense of rhythm as she watches the dancers whirl by.

Mitchell Berg locates Chester in the crowd. He quietly tells him, "Chet, you're going to have to be in charge for a while, I'm off to Tombstone. We looked through Mr. Clemen's luggage, and it is Mr. Clemen's luggage. The real Mark Twain had stepped off the train in Tombstone earlier today but it was the imposter who left that town. Kris Wagner is leading us his fastest stagecoach along with Chuck Nevers and Newton Gilly to get there and attempt to find him. Burton Lumley, Hamilton Fisk and the priest who is the Arch-Bishop's aide are already on the stagecoach waiting for me. Good luck here and make sure that word doesn't get around that the Marshall is gone."

For the ball, Chester has changed into a pirate costume, complete with eye-patch. Instead of the stage sword, and wooden pistol, Chester carries his cavalry saber and his Remington is tucked into his belt. While he is looking for Clarisse, Berg finds him. "Sure thing, boss. Did you tell Helen and Eduardo? That's not good news. May Hermes speed your trip. I hope you find him safe and sound."

He replies, "I have told Eduardo but not Helen. As for Mr. Clemens, that is the main reason why I wanted Fisk along. You and I both know that he has possible links to the Cowboy Gang. During the ride to Tombstone I will speak at length about how this kidnapping of a national celebrity will down the wrath of both the Arizona Rangers and the United States Army on Ringo and his Gang. I suspect that Fisk will realize that is true and do what he can in Tombstone to facilitate Mr. Twain's safe return."

Chester replies, "Good plan. I'll keep an eye out, in case Ringo has doubled back. When I see Helen, I'll let her know, unless you don't want me to." Berg replies, "Tell her everything, including the details of Ringo's earlier deception. Also, don't hesitate to get the soldiers in town involved if you need to. The safety of the town is more important than any jurisdictional issues." Chester says, "OK. I've met a few of the soldiers before, so finding them won't be a problem. I'll keep the place in one piece, Mitch. You better get going."

Ruby's attire quickly becomes less provocative as the women from the Palace arrive as a group, most of them attired in less. Two are attired is togas that are so tight as to make it obvious that no undergarments are being worn; two are dressed as Arabian harem girls; another is dressed as the Medusa, her body wrapped in semi-translucent green cloth with just enough layers to keep from being arrested; another is attired as Aphrodite herself, with strategically arranged pieces of cloth affixed to her body with some form of adhesive. All are wearing silver sequined masks to hide their identity, although Jane Boag's short height gives away her identity. She is dressed the most conservative of her colleagues, in a sleeveless white dress with a necklace, bracelets and belt that appear to be made of silver-plated rope.

The man dressed as the British Lord continues through the crowd in an aristocratic manner, walking a long oval around the platform, preferring to stay within a few feet of the edge. Though not threatening in an overt way, people move slightly to let him pass unobstructed. One woman comments quietly to her man, "Look at his hair." His lordship stops walking briefly but does not turn back to the woman. She laughs a little high pitch nervous laugh before she says, "I'm suddenly thirsty, lets get a drink." She moves away quickly and the masked lord resumes his stately walk. Ruby nods slightly as Jane walks by her but doesn't call her by name.

A group of a dozen miners arrive together all dressed as pirates. They immediately go to a beer tent set up by Drover's and all order a tankard. The Musketeer concludes his dance with the young lady. When it concludes he returns to Ruby and says, "Is the damsel still in search of her beau or has she located her young man?" She laughs, "Has your lady friend rebuffed you already?"

"No, I haven't found him yet," she gives him a small smile. "But is he here somewhere. My costume must be too good and he can't find me." The Musketeer says once again in English accented by mangled French, "Well then perhaps we should share in our misery. I too am without female companionship on this fine evening. While I am certain that there are dozens of young ladies present who would gleefully wish for my company my heart belongs to just one at the moment, who is not among us. Would you care to dance fine lady, as we both wallow in our misfortune?"

"That sounds like as good a plan as any. Why should we both be alone on this fine evening under the stars longing for those we love?" Ruby takes his hand and waits for the Musketeer to lead her back on the dance floor. The two dance around arm-in-arm. The Musketeer is an excellent dancer. He says, "This band is exquisite, not what one would normally expect in the Palace of Versailles, but truly fitting for this occasion. I fear, however, that this will be our final dance as the band will soon be concluding. I believe that you are scheduled to perform during the next hour with Madge Duprey. I truly hope that you will be doing music from my native France." Ruby can barely contain her laughter as this fake Frenchman even mispronounces the word 'France'.

She says, "Well, Sir, I do know some songs from your native land and as you can guess by her name my partner on stage also does. But I feel I am at the disadvantage, sir, as you seem to know all about me yet I don't even know your name. Would you be so kind to share it?" Ruby waits expectantly for an answer. He states, "I believe I told it to you earlier. I am D'Artanian, protector of the Queen. And since your own beloved has apparently chosen to abandon you to my company then for this evening I will serve as your knight good lady."

Ruby smiles, "I much appreciate it kind sir." She again curtseys to him before standing and kissing him on the lips. "Thank you for watching after me," she says, looking him in the eyes. He is a bit startled by the kiss on the lips. He replies in Job Kane's normal speaking voice "Ruby...let's not get carried away. What would Jake say?"

Ruby giggles, "He would say that's a nice thank you for keeping an eye on me!" She stops, "Oh but you had me fooled, I thought you really were D'Artanian. Your own lady couldn't attend?" Job replies "No, I couldn't convince Bernice to leave Wilcox." Ruby again thanks him for the dance and bids him farewell before she bounces off.

A masked woman attired in a very fancy Victorian-era gown, with high-necked lace collar and hoop skirt approaches Chester. In Clarisse Townsend's voice he is asked "Would the young man care to dance?" Chester gives a sweeping bow with his hat. "I would be honored, madam. Aren't you worried people would talk about being seen with such a scurvy knave?" She says, "I think it's rather exciting. Do you have a woman in every port?" He replies, "Not at all. I just have you. Let's dance. It's a fine moonlit night for a party."

The man portraying Odysseus in alternating dances with each of the women from the Palace attired as harem girls. Across the room, a plump woman in a gown barely fit for a formal ball approaches his Lordship and stands in his path. He stops. She says, "I know you, I really do, You are...." "I hardly think so." Says a voice tersely with a distinct British accent. He alters his path slightly and walks past the woman without another word.

Ruby hurries over to the Gay Lady, where Madge is waiting for her in her costume. "Ruby! You are late!" "I know, I know," Ruby says, tearing her costume off, "I was detained by a handsome young man. Since when do we choose a schedule over a handsome young man?" She smiles, slipping into the new costume that was made for them by Madge's girls. "Well, how do I look?"

"You look gorgeous, like you always do," Madge answers. Ruby and Madge make their way over to the Ball and get up on stage to much applause. They sing their set, their voices perfectly harmonized and they find they need no spells for a captive audience. Some people even come off the dance floor to watch.

From the stage Ruby lets her eyes wander the crowd as she sings, looking for Jake. She knew he must not want to be seen with her and that people who knew them would think Job was Jake. Part of a plan she thinks, but what if... She sees all her friends from up there, Kate with Conrad, Nanuet with Minerva and Chester with Clarisse. She also kept her eyes open for Mr. Gonzales as he mentioned he wanted a dance, and she would feel better knowing he was there. She also looks for Colin.

Conrad and Kate have a wonderful time dancing, first to the music of the El Parador Band with an elated Estaban Fuente as the lead musician and with both Pedro and Sonoma Figures singing and also playing various instruments. The second hour features the music of Ruby and Madge who do an excellent job as a duet. Kate notices part way through their performance that she is drawn to their words and music with a feeling not unlike that which they had experienced in the New Orleans nightclub.

By 10:00 PM Conrad's previously disappointed mood has vanished and he is actually happier than Kate has ever seen him. They finally decide to stop for a break. She notes that he has only been drinking water and fruit juice this evening and nothing alcoholic. "You seem to be feeling better," Kate smiled at him. "What's changed your mood?"
"You did." He says, "This day has been emotional turmoil for me, a mix of happiness, sadness, elation and fear. But an hour ago I came to a realization. Right now, right here, we are together. There are no villains, moralistic busybodies, interfering priests, financial woes or work commitments standing over our heads. We have been alone together on this dance floor, despite there being a higher concentration of people in this immediate area than there has ever been before.

You may not yet be ready for a formal commitment, and as I said before, I will not press you. But tonight you agreed to come here as my date, and a wonderful date you have been. If our relationship were to cease after tonight I will still have this time together to cherish as my most precious memory." "I wouldn't want that. For our relationship to end tonight." Kate blushed, unsure where to look.

"I had a similar realization. There is only today. I suppose for most people there is tomorrow and yesterday, but one is gone, and the other may never be. A very wise person today told me to stop pretending, but what she really meant was I should stop lying to myself. You... I've been trying to deny the feelings I have. Out of guilt, and loyalty, and this sense of it being wrong to care for someone so soon. You're right, I'm not ready for it, but that doesn't mean it isn't here. I hope we'll make more memories, that these won't be the last." Conrad pulls Kate close and leans his head forward. His lips touch hers in just the slightest brush of a kiss.

A shiver ran through her and she slipped her arms around his waist. She didn't try to move any closer, letting his lips float like feathers across hers and shutting her eyes. She lowered her head a moment later and tucked it against his shoulder. Although Clarisse and Stanley finish their song while Conrad and Kate remain in their embrace, her head upon his shoulder. He finally withdraws his right arm, reaching up and lightly stroking her hair. "Trust in yourself Kate. You are the strongest person that I have ever known. Listen to what your own heart tells you. But do not make any long-term decisions tonight. This day has been emotional turmoil for you as well. Tomorrow will come soon enough, let us just enjoy the moment."

She replies, "It has been. I just wanted to spend today working with the children, getting to know them, maybe shop some, come here and dance," she smiled. "I don't feel strong, I feel like a child. But for tonight I feel like myself again, like the Katherine who lived in Boston and knew what her place in the world was." The next song begins. Perhaps the entertainers had noticed the couple still on the floor in the romantic embrace, perhaps they had not, but the next song chosen is a romantic love song meant to be danced slower to.

Ruby had no luck finding Jake from the stage but she also didn't see Colin or any recognizable Cowboys. After the set she and Madge go back to the Gay Lady and Madge talks excitedly about their performance. "Yes, " Ruby agrees as she dresses in her costume again, "It was wonderful and we should do it again soon." She is somewhat distracted but has a smile on just the same.

They both change into costumes, Madge changing into a rather daring outfit made of black leather whose corset pushes up her chest to show ample cleavage, with fishnet stockings and gloves. She says, "It wouldn't have been appropriate to wear this earlier with the youngsters around." Ruby does note that the outfit makes Madge look far younger than her age of somewhere in her early thirties. Ruby dons her costume and returns to the main dance floor.

Clarisse Townsend and Stanley Barker have both changed out of their costumes and into formal wear, Stanley wearing a neatly pressed black suit with starched white shirt and black bow tie. Clarisse is in a long-sleeved emerald green gown with black high heels.

While Clarisse changes for her performance Stanley, Chester finds Helen near the stage. "Fine night for a festival, Helen. Mitch had to leave for Tombstone. Turns out that wasn't Mark Twain on stage earlier. It was most likely Johnny Ringo in disguise. Twain arrived at Tombstone OK, but didn't make the trip here. So Mitch is taking a stagecoach there." Helen says, "That was some disguise. I had no idea and I don't think too many others did either. Where's Ringo now?"

"He got away. Mitch and Jake went to his room and he wasn't there. Drover's Livery was missing several horses and tack, so we guess him and some cowboys rode out of town. By the way, I'm sorry that you didn't win the shooting match. If it makes you feel any better, I've heard Corporal Briggs is supposed to be a deadeye." "Thank you Chet. At least I gave him a run for the money, but I could have done better."

Ruby purchases a couple of drinks, downing the first one quickly. She dances with a few men before heading back for another beverage. As she stands on the side of the dance floor she watches her friends actually enjoying themselves dancing around in the masquerade.

The masked man attired as a British Lord approaches Ruby. In a formal British accent he says to her, "A true blooded Lord may decide to bed a local wench if she satisfies his fancy in some way and he has the whim. Hmmm, quite an exotic and tantalizing outfit in which you strut about. I would wager you are a wild thing, wilder than even your costume would let on." Then in a commanding tone, "Dance with me." He seems accustomed to not being denied.

Ruby raises an eyebrow but keeps her gaze on the dance floor. "Sir, calling a girl a wench before asking her to dance isn't exactly the way to get her to agree." Then she smiles mischievously, "And I'd imagine that you can't even imagine how wild I really am."

"It would be quite naive and imprudent to underestimate anything about me." He steps close to her and raises his hands expectantly to touch hers. Then in a faint whisper of voice that Ruby has heard many times and knows so very well he says, "And yet the knight thanks his lucky stars every day that he has won the princess's heart." http://users.adelphia.net/~clangtry/pics/JakesCostume01.jpg

Ruby grasps his hands tightly in hers and breathes a sigh of relief. "I thought something might have..." she stops in midthought. She steps back and looks him up and down. "You bastard..." she says with a smile, shaking her head. "Ask me to dance again." He repeats in the same English upper crust voice and same commanding tone, "Dance with me." He then lowers his voice to Jake's natural speaking voice and adds, "...and I will be yours."

"As you wish, my lord." Ruby curtseys low before him and stays low for just a moment too long. Then she rises and raises her hand in the proper fashion, waiting for Jake to lead her to the dance floor. Jake takes her firmly by the hand and pulls her to him on the dance floor. They begin their dance, Jake leading them easily around the other less agile and practiced dancers. Ruby fears melt away in her lovers arms and she mentions nothing of her earlier run in with Colin, forgotten in the moment. Jake keeps his English Lord act up and Ruby goes along with it... mostly.

Dozens of other couples take to the dance floor. Off to the side of the dance floor, unseen or ignored by most, Jane Boag begins a long, silent prayer to her deity. A feeling of love and romance begins to fill the air, tweaking the emotions of those in the immediate vicinity of the dance floor.

The slow song begins and Jake pulls Ruby even closer. "I thought you wanted to keep your identity a secret," Ruby whispers in Jake's ear. He replies, "I do, but how can I resist keeping you next to me?" Ruby smiles, "I've been waiting all night to get a kiss from you." "My lady, how can I make you wait any longer then?" Jake puts his hands on Ruby's face and kisses her and she returns the favor. "Finally my knight has shown up, I was afraid you were abandoning me." "Never!" Jake seals his words with another kiss.

They continue their slow dance as if no one else was with them on the dance floor. Ruby nuzzles Jake neck and he holds her tightly. When Ruby finally looks up she notices Jane on the side of the dance floor. She is surprised to see her there and tries to catch her gaze when the petite woman looks up. She whispers to Jake, "It's almost time for me to help with the ceremony baby."

Kate lifted up her head and looked around. "What was that you said about being all alone in the crowd? I think I forgot everyone else for a moment." She thought about pulling her arms back so they could dance properly, but left them where they were, enjoying the comfort of being close to someone again.

The next twenty minutes of music are all songs of romantic interludes and the general atmosphere changes from one of tension to one of soft relaxation. Deputies Barker and Martin both wander up onto the stage together and stand near their respective love interests as the musicians change to a love ballad duet. Clarisse sings the woman's part in her sweet soprano voice while glancing affectionately at Chester while Stanley sings the man's part in his rich tenor voice while looking lovingly at his wife Helen.

As the song is winding down Ruby notices that Arch-Bishop Dimitrios Tsaldaris is now walking around the general vicinity, just smiling and watching what is going on. It appears that he has not seen Jane Boag as of yet, who appears to still be in prayer. Stanley and Clarisse’s hour of music is rapidly coming to a close and they announce that the next song will be their last.

Silver Moon

Chapter 230, “Dancing and Arguing” , Saturday, April 1st, 1882, 10:45 PM

The El Parador band is now getting ready to play for the final hour of the ball. During the previous time this group had played the band consisted of Estaban, Sonoma and Pedro. For this final hour they are also being joined by Dorita, Carlos Ramirez and Angelica Huesca.

Kate sees Sonoma with her family preparing to head up on stage. She then does a double-take when she notices that Louise is also still present, standing at the opposite end of the dance floor over by the Hudson's Bakery table and eating a cookie. Upon closer examination Kate recognizes the dress that Louise is wearing as one of her own. "I didn't know Dorita played or sang," Kate said as the El Parador band got ready to take the stage.

She slipped her arm into Conrad's and led him toward where Louise was standing. "I believe I have a wayward child to speak to." "A wayward child? I don't understand," Conrad said. Kate just smiled and stopped next to Louise. "Enjoying yourself, my daughter?" she said softly. Ginnie does a double take at the word "daughter" finishes the bite of cookie that is in her mouth and states with an accent that rivals Kate's own

She replies, "The music is very pleasant, the costumes are magnificent and the cookies are divinity themselves however I believe that you are mistaken there is little chance I could be your daughter. Would you like to try a cookie? The gingerbread are especially fine." "Giving birth is not the only way to gain a daughter," Kate said mildly.

"The music is lovely, as are the people. It is easy to see why Louise has made her way here, despite the lateness of the hour. It has been a few months since you were here, likely this face is disguise enough. Although we should discuss later why you didn't tell me you were in town earlier, perhaps around 7:30?" Kate took a cookie and said, "They are good. And your accent has too much French in it unless your last name is Seagram."

She replies, "Well, although my last name is different I do believe that there is more than a passing relationship to the family. There is a twinkle in "Louise's" eye and a smile crosses her lips then her face grows serious. “I was in town around 7:30 and I believed that the speaker was not who he portrayed himself to be, however unmasking someone at a time where identity is meant to be hidden may often be more dangerous than allowing the rouse to continue. And besides I would like to see what happens when the midnight dancing commences."

She then bends down to Kate's ear and the accent slips away to Ginnie's more familiar borough as she whispers "I'm also packing my special scroll if things seem to get out of hand I think it might help" Kate replies, "I don't think the entertainment that late will be appropriate for... What am I thinking, you have seen worse. Just promise me not to be corrupted beyond reach," she said in a teasing whisper. "And duck inside if things get bad. I believe you suspicions are correct, your friend Mr. Peters had quite a convincing costume. Take care." Kate hugged Louise and said louder, "I'm glad to see you again."

As the El Parador band is getting set up for the final set of the night Nanuet and Minerva take a break and wander off the dance floor to get some refreshment. Both take their first drink and down it rather quickly, then get a second and take a moment to actually enjoy this one. "Have I told you how lovely you look tonight Minerva? If I haven't I am a fool for you look astoundingly beautiful." Minerva blushes slightly before responding "Thank you mi amor and you look so ruggedly handsome. Thank you for putting on a costume for me."

Nanuet smiles widely and responds "I think these duds don't look half bad, but I must admit I prefer my normal clothes. It doesn't hurt to get dressed up occasionally though, keeps things interesting." They continue to relax and engage in idle banter as the band plays their first song. Eventually Nanuet leads Minerva back onto the dance floor and they again find happiness in each others arms as they dance. As the hour grows older Nanuet remarks "If you don't mind I think I will try and take a spin around the floor with Ruby."

She says, "I don't mind, perhaps senor or should I say Lord Jake would grace me with a dance so that nobody is left alone." As one song ends and another begins the couple walk hand in hand around the dance floor looking for Jake and Ruby. With the romance in the air it is apparent that Ruby is lost in her lordship's eyes by the way she is adoringly staring back at him. Her heart continues to pound and she wants nothing more than to stay in the moment with him.

Jake pulls a curl off Ruby's face. In a soft voice he says, "It seems you may have more fans than just me, Princess." Loudly he continues, "Come girl. Tonight you will be mine but first I have other chores to attend to." Ruby snaps out of her dream and starts to pout but then sees Nanuet and Minerva watching them and gladly smiles. She curtseys again then bounces over to Nanuet. "Hey Cowboy, wanna dance?"

"Howdy pardner" Nanuet says in what is supposed to be a Cowboy accent. "That is why we came this way. I may not be as good a dancer as your Lordship, but I hope I can keep off your feet for a few beats." Nanuet offers a hand to Ruby. "I must say your costume is amazing. How did you make the wings?" She takes Nanuet's hand softly in hers and leads him to the dance floor, where she helps position him for the dance. He tries to start off early, but she keeps them still until the correct beat and then they start their dance.

"What do you mean? This is no costume, for I am a real fairy, full of fun and mischief. Do you not agree?" She gives him a dazzling smile with just a hint of cockiness in it. He replies, "Well then living your life in your other costume till now must be a chore, but I must admit it is a splendid one. I am having a difficult time choosing which one I like more though. Fun and mischief though, I can not deny, seem to be your forte no matter what you wear."

Ruby nods her head. "Yes, but it would be so boring without me around wouldn't it?" Ruby laughs as Nanuet spins her. "My, you're dancing skills have improved as a Cowboy! Now tell me, what do Cowboys do?" He replies, "Cowboys Ma'am? Well we do all manner of things I reckon. My specialty happens to be breaking the wild horses though. Taming them for civilized life as mounts and such. We sleep out under the stars and use a lasso for roping too. How about fairies, anything besides fun and mischief?"

"Oh how sad...," Ruby pouts, "For those poor horses. To be corralled instead of running free. Oh I could never be a Cowboy." She perks up, "But us fairies are all about causing trouble and having a good time. And nothing is more fun than making poor innocent men or women fall in love with us. That causes the most giggles. That," she leans in close to Nanuet, "And stealing bourbon." She winks at him.

"Stealing? Now that is something I can't take part in. As fun and mischievous as it sounds, it is not honest. So there, you could not be a Cowboy and I could not be a Fairy, but each role seems to suit the wearer well." "Agreed," Ruby giggles. "Besides, I only steal bourbon and hearts from those who really want them stolen, maybe they just don't know it." They continue their dance around the floor. "Minerva seems to be having a good time tonight."

Nanuet says, "I hope so. I am sure she is glad that the festival seems to be going well and that so far it has been safe. Today has been such a crazy day it is good to see her having a good time. I hope you and Jake are enjoying yourselves too, although I doubt any of us truly will till we know Ringo is uh... taken care of." "Not that she had much to do with the planning of this festival anyway..."

"Jake..." she says his name dreamily, "He only just found me tonight. He's in hiding in case of trouble I guess. I can never get enough of him, isn't that sad? I used to be independent and free. Now I am neither and it's the way I want it." Ruby whispers to Nanuet matter of factly, "I have a feeling you know who will be back tonight. At midnight." Nanuet says, "Why at midnight? He wants to see whores dance on stage? Do you think he would go through the trouble of coming back here after he knows he was spotted just for that?" "Who said anything about whores dancing on stage? I'm going to be dancing on stage." Ruby looks him in the eye. "He has threatened one of the entertainers who is supposed to go on at midnight."

He exclaims, "What? Why are you going on stage if he is threatening the entertainers? Why would he threaten a dancer? Now I am confused. I thought the guy at the Palace hated you? Why are you dancing with them?" They continue to dance around the floor, Ruby trying to keep them from crashing into other dancers. "He threatened one in particular. Hopefully she won't be up there, I warned her and she is scared for her life."

"Nanuet, this isn't just a Palace thing. There are other dancers up there too from other Saloons. Besides, if he wants to kill me he can easily. He does have a bullet with my name on it." Ruby shrugs, "I'm just doing what I know how to do." "So why aren't you hiding too if you think he is going to come back instead of putting yourself up on stage?"

Nanuet stops dancing and holds Ruby to force her to stop as well. "Does Jake know that you think he plans to come back and that one of the girls has been threatened? I mean if you go up there you might as well paint a target on you chest and write "HIT ME" on your forehead. This is crazy Ruby!" Ruby shrugs again but Nanuet's grip is tight on her arms. "Jake knows I'm going up there. Minerva knows too. I don't recall if I mentioned her getting threatened but I think I did."

"You forget, I don't need a target, he has the bullet." She continues stubbornly, "Look, I'm NOT going to hide and not live my life. I NEED to be up there tonight. And if I have to be bait so someone else can get Ringo, well, so be it." Nanuet released his grip on Ruby. "Well maybe you should tell someone about your plan? It is tough to be bait if the fisherman is sleeping when the fish takes it. And I still think you are crazy. What time is it now? How much time do we have?"

"Oh no," Ruby shakes her head, her red curls bouncing around. "All I'm doing is performing. There is no plan. I went up earlier and no one made any plans. This should be the same. I don't want anymore plans or anymore worrying. Things will go as they go." She says, "Just enjoy the ball as you have been." Nanuet is speechless for a moment.

He then exclaims, "Just enjoy the ball as I have been, knowing that my friend plans on making herself a target for someone who might just have a magical lifeblood seeking bullet with her name on it? Easier said than done Ruby, it isn't always as easy as you think it is. People care about you, don’t you know that? You go and do your thing, but I won't just ignore your safety completely, not after I know you think there is a threat."

"Damn it!" she swears. "NOTHING has changed from earlier. Were you so sure he wasn't coming back or that he even left in the first place? He could be here right now in costume!" "I'm not making myself a target on purpose but I have to do this. You don't understand, no one does." She softens her tone. "I know you care about me, I care about you too. Believe me, or I would have taken Jake and been long gone from this place." She places her hand on Nanuet's arm. "Just try to act like nothing is wrong, just keep your eyes open like you were before, ok? That's all. Don't ruin this for me, I don't know what would happen otherwise."

He says, "I already said that you should go and do your thing didn't I? Don't get mad at me for caring. You want me to not care, fine, I don't care. There, are you happy now?" Ruby starts to pout. "No, I'm not happy." She looks down at her bare feet. "You're my only friends, I didn't say I don't want you to care. I just want to be able to dance. It's important to me."

He says, "Now stop pouting. We had been dancing. Most of your friends still are. It is important to me that you don't go and get yourself shot up too, but I can't stop you from going up on that stage and doing whatever it is you are going to do. Just try and be careful OK. No, I don't know how, but just tell me you will that might make me feel a little more like dancing and a little less like going off to get my rifle." Nanuet changes his tone and winks at the end. "Song is over now, Jake is waiting for you. Better get another dance in with him before you go up there to perform. Who knows when you will get him to dress up again."

She states, "I told you, I'm going to dance. I will be careful, I promise. I can see a lot from the stage." Ruby looks over her shoulder. "My baby would do anything for me, including dressing up." She smiles. "I have some time still. I want to dance with Chester too, if he'll ask me." Nanuet leaves Ruby to go find Chester and makes his way off the dance floor. He buys himself another drink and stands to the side watching the town in their merriment.

Ruby finds Jake standing by a drink tent. No one is speaking to him and it looks like people are going out of their way to avoid him. She smiles, then curtsey’s before him. "My lord, do you wish to dance with me again?" He nods and tries not to smile as they get back on the dance floor.
As they dance they notice Kate and Conrad looking cozy. Ruby raises an eyebrow but smiles. Jake whispers in her ear, "By the way, Conrad is Conrad I checked." Ruby nods and whispers back, "How did you do that?" He gives her his half smile, "That's my secret, my dear," before spinning her. They continue to enjoy their dance.

"So," Ruby says tilting her head as Jake swings her around, "Has the lord decided that this girl tickles his fancy in some way or that she might satisfy some whim of his?" She grabs onto his belt buckle, "Does he mean to have his way with the wench girl tonight?" As she comes out of the spin Jake pulls her close to him.

"Yes, in fact he does find the prospect of the bedding this wench rather agreeable. He expects that this wild thing, this lovely creature will satisfy his desires in a spirited manner." Jake replies smugly. Ruby returns a mischievous smile. "Oh but what does his lordship have to offer the wench in return if she should agree? Wild things are not easily satisfied." "Agree?" he snorts in the British accent, "The prospect of being with his lordship is high satisfaction indeed." Jake loses his straight face for a moment and smirks.

Jake spins Ruby around and she stops with her back to him. He grips her arms around her sparkling wings and continues to lead her around the dance floor. She turns her head back to him over her shoulder so their faces are close together. "So what your saying is, this girl doesn't have to agree? His lordship is just going to take what he wants and the girl should be grateful?" Jake can see only a hint of smile on Ruby's lips from his viewpoint.

"Certainly." He responds in the British accent. Then adds in a whisper, "You are going to make me pay for this aren't you?" Ruby's smile grows larger and she spins around, falling into his lordships arms. "Well," she replies to him in a sultry voice, "I like a man who'll take what he wants." Then she whispers back to him, "Pay? Just a bit. You only have to give me your heart and soul, I don't ask for much."

"Then you will be very pleased with his lordship." He leans in, "You already have my heart. I'm told my soul is a bit tarnished, so consequently not worth very much." The smile drops off Ruby's face and she stares into his eyes. "Don't say that, it's worth everything to me. I don't care what anyone else thinks." "Easy, girl, I was just making a joke." Then louder in the British accent, "You dance well, wench, perhaps there is more to you than is readily apparent, though not much is concealed."

Ruby blinks a few times before the smile comes back to her face. She stops dancing momentarily and curtsey's, giving Jake an extended view of her cleavage. "Thank you, my lord, for the compliment." She stands and they continue dancing, "There is certainly more to please you if your lordship cares to investigate. But are you issuing a complaint about my lack of attire?" "No, your appearance is quite pleasing." Softer in Jake's own voice, "as always." Ruby nods then whispers back, "I cannot wait any longer for a kiss, so don't make me."

"I shall have a kiss from you now, a sample of what awaits me." Jake stops the dance, puts one hand behind her head gently but insistently and brings their lips together. He holds them there for a long moment, a deep kiss that temporarily cloaks him from place and time, purpose and worry. When the kiss finally ends he continues in the accent, "I shall look forward to our next meeting, and I shall be watching you." Then in a whisper, "and protecting you." The British Lord gives the slightest of bows, more a nod with his body.

Ruby stands on the dance floor, breathless from the kiss and unable to move. After Jake bows to her he sweeps away into the crowd and Ruby longs to follow but Judge Isby interrupts her intentions as she asks her to dance. She accepts but continues to watch the crowd for her handsome Lord.

After a few more whirls around the dance floor Judge Isby comes over and asks Ruby to dance. She accepts and they have a dance together, perhaps a little closer than they should. After Isby she dances with Kevin Tomlinson who is having trouble keeping his eyes off Clarisse. Ruby also dances with other patrons of their saloon and various citizens of Promise City, keeping her eyes open for Mr. Gonzales. She hadn't seen him yet, or least hadn't figured his costume out, but she had promised him a dance. Meanwhile a tall man approaches from behind Kate and asks, "May I have a dance, Mrs. Kale?"

Kate looked quizzically at the man, trying to decipher who he was. "With my escorts kind permission," she said, looking at a confused Conrad. Under the guise of kissing him on the cheek she whispered, "We have been talking to Ginnie, give her a dance please. A simple one though, she hasn't learned how. Ask me about Madeline later," she laughed and did kiss his cheek lightly.
She turned to the tall stranger. "Sir?"

The well dressed man in the red and black mask takes Katherine by the hand and guides her to the dance floor. He immediately and effortlessly starts their dance. The man is an excellent dancer and the two make a dashing pair on the dance floor. "Enjoying the ball?" he asks. I am," she said, with a bit of surprise in her voice. "And I'm also enjoying trying to discover who my partner is, do I know you?" "That's pleasing news," the man laughs. "Isn't the point of a Masquerade Ball that you don't know who your partner is? But yes," he spins her, "You know who I am."

"Well, the point of a masquerade ball is," she laughed. "But I see many were in that spirit. I had no desire to hide myself. Now, shall I try to guess? Let me see... How long have I known you?" "And you do look stunning tonight. The gown becomes you, you are absolutely glowing." He pulls her around again. "Not very, is the answer to your query." "Not very." Kate was quiet for a minute as they whirled though a faster part of the dance. "This will sound like a very odd question, but have I ever visited you in jail?" she laughed.

"Prison? No." He chuckles, "Do you visit many acquaintances in jail Mrs. Kale?" He continues leading Katherine around the dance floor and while she starts to breathe just a little heavy as her heart starts to pound she notices her partner doesn't seem out of breath at all. "Not often, but it has happened now and then. You must work hard, you are not winded at all. Have I ever sold you a building?"

He laughs again, "Will you persist dear lady, or can you not just enjoy our lovely dance? For if you must know the truth then look in my eyes and you will certainly recognize me." Kate looked up and saw the ice blue eyes of the man from the Lucky Lady with whom she'd shared a glass of wine. Her breath suddenly came quicker, she struggled to keep her hands from shaking. "Ah yes, Miss West's fan. Could you not find her in the crowd? Even masked she is unmistakable."

"Yes, I found Miss West earlier. You're correct she cannot hide from me. I made her an offer, gave her something to think about." He swings Katherine then pulls her a bit closer, "But I'm not with her right now," He continues emphasizing every word, "I'm with you." He continues his stare, "And I should add very much enjoying our dance." "I... ah... that is good. I should be sorry if you were to regret asking me." Kate broke away from his stare, letting herself look over his shoulder and trying to regain her own composure. What was it about this man that rattled her?

He smiles at her, as if he knows what she is thinking. "I do not have regrets Mrs. Kale." He pulls her very close, then the music stops and he releases her. "Although I should regret that our dance is over. I will bid you good evening now," he bows to her. "But we shall meet again, and soon." With that he winks at her and disappears into the crowd. Kate stood still, watching him leave. "I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing."

Silver Moon

Chapter 231, “Last Dance” , Saturday, April 1st, 1882, 10:45 PM

When Clarisse comes off stage after her set, Chester approaches her. He chides her gently, "Why didn't you tell me you were going to do that? I would have dressed better." She looks surprised. "You're not mad, are you, Chester?" Chester hugs her. "No, no. I was just teasing. That was very nice of you to let me share the stage with you in front of the whole town. Your song was beautiful and so are you." He kisses her deeply. "C'mon. Let's dance."

The El Parador band continues, with Estaban and Sonoma doing the primary singing and Estaban playing a variety of instruments as each song requires. Angelica is playing guitar, Pedro is on maraccas and Dorita is at the piano, playing primarily simple chords to help along the tone of the overall tone of the music.

Ruby notices the Arch-Bishop has stopped walking around as he nears Jane Boag and is now watching her intently. Conrad asks 'Louise' to dance. Kate and Ruby both notice the Mr. Austin is now present on the dance floor, dancing with 'Coyote Kay' Kaufman who owns and operates the Promise City Cooper Shop. Nanuet senses that Maska is now returning to Promise City, although he is still a few miles away. He also picks up that Luna and one of the priests are also accompanying the wolf.

After they finish their dance Ruby approaches Mr. Austin while keeping an eye on Jane. "Is it improper for a fairy to ask a man to dance?" Ruby smiles. As the Band begins a Spanish wood Elvan song Mr. Austin says to Ruby, "Not at all, please, I do believe I know this song. Follow my lead." Ruby smiles and nods, and gladly takes Mr. Austin by the hand. He takes her through the lively dance number, involving a number of twists, turns and spins. The song then ends and a slower number similar to a waltz with classical guitar as the main instrument then starts up. Mr. Austin holds Ruby close as they dance it and he says, "Well done earlier with Twain."

"But he got away," Ruby whispers back. He says, “Yes, but everybody is alive and he is not threatening anybody here now." She replies, “I think he may come back tonight, for the midnight entertainment." Gonzales asks, "Why? What makes you think that?" Ruby answers, "You are right and very wise. I should be glad he's gone. As for the other thing, well, he threatened one of the other entertainers. I don't know what she has planned, if she is still considering going on."

He states, "Why would he do that? They have nothing to do with the books." "Uh... he doesn't like her?" Ruby could see Mr. Gonzales wasn't going for her not telling him. "Let's just say it's a religious thing and the God of War is waging War on the Goddess of Love through us mere mortals."

He replies, "Ah, I see, the Aphrodite Priestess that Mother Jaminez spoke of...I understand. Ruby, when we had planned your lesson today I studied three Detect Invisibility Spells and one Invisibility to use with the lessons. I transcribed one of the Detect spells for you earlier.
When the book exchange was taking place I used an Invisibility on myself and then cast one of the Detect Invisibility spell as well. I am glad I did, there were two invisible Cowboy Gang members present. One was following Chester the other was following Nanuet. I did my best to keep them both in sight and would have intervened if either had drawn a weapon. Once that flare went off they each broke away from the person that each was following and took off towards the northwest end of town.

The good thing to know from all of that is that none of them saw me, including Mr. Twain. I also still have the one more Detect Invisibility spell with me if you or somebody else should need it." Ruby's eyes widen. "You are an angel, Mr. Gonzales, watching over us." She kisses his cheek. Ruby takes a breath in and holds it. "Yes, we could use the scroll or the spell if you have it. But not on me." She pauses. "I plan on being on the stage." He states, "I have it as a spell, I haven't been able to transcribe as I can just do one scroll a day. Who do you suggest that I cast the spell upon?"

Ruby blinks. "Well, probably Jake. Jake or Chester." She pauses again. "Jake. Chester may be distracted by Clarisse tonight. Same with Nanuet being distracted by Minerva." She lets Mr. Gonzales dip her low. "I don't know if they plan on being there tonight but Jake will. Actually," she looks up at the sky, "It's almost midnight, right?" Gonzales states, "And won't Jake be distracted by you?"

She smiles. "Yes. But he'll also be worried enough that he'll want to keep an eye out. Haven't you seen him walking all around the stage tonight? He didn't even reveal himself to me until half the ball was over. Is there someone else you can think of?" He says, "Yes, Katherine. Unlike Jake she could actually use a scroll to negate the invisibility, creating a target for Jake, Chester and anybody else with a firearm."

Ruby blushes. "Uh, I don't think Katherine was planning on watching the adult entertainment. Otherwise, the plan is good." Gonzales replies, "Adult entertainment? If you mean what I think you mean, and you will be the performer, than I would definitely say that Jake will be distracted." uby smiles but her cheeks turn even more crimson. "It's after midnight and all the children will be in bed. Something for everyone, right?"

She looks into his eyes, "Look, it's just something I have to do. As for Jake," her lips slowly turn up, "I'm doing it for him." She shrugs, "He might be distracted. But if Katherine stays, she'll be distracted too." she giggles. "Are you going to be there?" He exclaims, "And you think that I won't be distracted by...adult entertainment?" Ruby giggles, "Oh I KNOW you will, you dirty old man!" She laughs again. "I wasn't meaning for you to do it, only asking if you would be there. Kate is a good choice if she doesn't get embarrassed and run off. Should ask her. Maybe her and Conrad have plans." Ruby breaks into another fit of giggles.

"I have to go get ready." Ruby bows before Mr. Austin. "Thanks for the dance." Ruby bounces off shaking her hips and she walks. She finds Jane and takes her by the arm. "Good evening sister. I need to get changed, where is the costume?" As they walk Ruby asks her, "Are you still planning on performing tonight?" Jane says, "Probably. That Priest, he didn't say anything but he made it clear with just his facial expressions that he knows who I am. I....I am not sure he will allow me to do the service that I had planned. And yes, I have both of our costumes. Fifi has them over at the Gay Lady. We can change there." Ruby states, "Let's go then."

They start walking over to the Gay Lady arm in arm and Ruby winks at Jake as they walk past him. "What's the service you had planned? I thought we were just dancing." They enter the Gay Lady to get their costumes. "And aren't you afraid? Ringo is still a threat." Jane says, "I'm terrified, but I also have faith that Aphrodite herself will protect me."

They both change into the multi-veiled garments and then each put a large white cotton robe over it. "Ready?" Jane asks as Estaban announces from the stage that he and Sonoma will be performing their final song of the evening. "Yes, I'm ready." Ruby sighs, "Jane, be careful. Ringo could look like anyone."

Kate had gone back to Conrad when the dance was over. "Thank you for dancing with Louise," she smiled. "Do you think you can spare me for one more dance? I would like to play just a little." "Just one," Conrad made her promise. "I want a few more dances with you before midnight strikes. And after they see you up there, I'll have to beat my way through the crowd waiting to steal them." "Flatterer," Kate laughed and moved up to the stage near the piano.

"May I sit in for a tune?" Kate asked Dorita. "Si, you are part of the El Parador family, you belong with the band," is Dorita's reply. Kate smiled warmly and replies, "Thank you, Mère de mon Coeur <<translation - Mother of my Heart>> She slid on the bench as Dorita slid off. She unobtrusively entered into the song, supporting the others with increasingly complex chords and countermelodies as she became more familiar with the piece.

The song went on longer than it might have otherwise, with the musicians each taking a turn at improvising on the melody. The piece finally ended and the crowd gave them a big hand. Kate smiled at her family and then saw Conrad standing in front of the stage. She took the hand he offered to help her down and stepped off the stage. "That is playing" Kate said smiling. "But my teachers would be absolutely horrified." Dorita replies, "Nonsense. You have one teacher right now and he enjoyed dancing to your tune."

"That is true," she laughed. "But I was thinking of the very prim ladies and gentlemen with their metronomes who waggled their fingers at me whenever I began to wander away from the music on the page. I feel sorry for them, they miss so much." Kate went happily back into Conrad's arms for the next dance. "Who was that man, the one you danced with?" She blushed slightly when she answered. "Mr. Turner. He's a customer at the Lucky Lady. He doesn't live here, he comes on business. He's a fan of Ruby's." "Good, just so I don't have any reason to get jealous, you are here as my date!" He smiles mischievously as he says that.

"And would you be jealous?" she teased. "Have you been keeping away all your competition with harsh glares?" "That and my sword" he states, gesturing to the sheathed blade that is part of his costume. "It's a good thing there isn't much competition, you might have needed two of those swords." Kate stepped in a little closer. "You will have to give me extra flattery to make up for all the compliments I didn't receive from your rivals."

He smiles and says, "I promise that you will never receive anything else from me except for my endless flattery, eternal devotion and continuous protection." "Don't make promises you can't keep, my dear. I'm sure there will be many other things as well." Kate sighed as Estaban announced the last song. "Well, all good things...." She tucked herself close against him again. "I don't want this dance to end." Conrad embraces her warmly as he leads her to the dance floor and replies, "It does not have to."

She asks, "Have you learned to stop time then, or make the music just keep going on and on?" He replies, "We don't need music to make this dance continue." "Don't we?" She tucked her head against his shoulder again with her arms around his waist. For now, she refused to worry about what anyone else thought.

Conrad holds her close. He does not speak, he just wraps his arms around her tightly as though he never wants to let her go. When the El Parador band finishes, and is receiving loud rounds of applause he continues to hold her. He softly whispers "I love you Kate". She was grateful that his costume would keep him from feeling the tears that were falling from her eyes. She didn't look up or answer, not ready to say what he wanted to hear, but at least now ready to admit what she felt to herself. Even though she didn't move, her body relaxed against him. Finally she pulled a long breath in. "We have to move."

Conrad releases her and they begin to walk away from the middle of the dance floor. They are approached by a man between sixty and seventy years of age, with long white beard, bushy sideburns, busy eyebrows and bald head. He has a pleasant smile on his face. He is dressed in a blue cotton shirt, tan wool pants, a wide belt and cowboy boots. He has a straw campaign-style hat on his head. A pair of wire-framed eyeglasses magnify his robins-egg blue eyes. Mr. Austin says to the couple "Excuse me, but I have a matter of importance to speak with you about Mrs. Kale."

"Of course," she said and squeezed Conrad's arm, then took her teachers. "Let's step over here, Mr. Austin." Mr. Austin leads her off of Main and up Front Street, with Conrad following. He tells Kate in a soft whisper, that perhaps the confused Conrad may be able to overhear but nobody else, "Ruby will be performing in a few minutes along with that Aphrodite Priestess. She suspects that Ringo has returned and will attempt try to kill the Priestess. His men had used Invisibility earlier. I have one Detect Invisibility spell left which she suggested that I cast upon you." They reach the alleyway between Frye's Hardware and Drover's Hotel which he gestures for them to enter for some privacy while he casts the spell.

Kate's cheeks turn bright red. "I really wasn't planning on staying for, ah... the adult entertainment. But if I must. Will I be able to tell who is invisible and who is not, or would they all look the same to me?" He says, "You do not need to watch the entertainment, you need to watch the audience and surrounding areas instead. Sonoma and Louise both have their scrolls with them, bring one of them with you.

The spell will enable you to fully see anybody invisible up to fifty feet away, they will look just as they would normally except they will also be surrounded by a blue aura indicating the invisibility spell is covering them. It will last for three-quarters of an hour, which will hopefully cover the full entertainment segment. I only have the one spell left but have other means of detecting magic so will be doing likewise." He then casts the spell on Kate while Conrad watches the entrance to the alleyway and blocks them from view of passers-by.

Kate states, "I feel better knowing you will be here with us. I wish Ruby would not go up there, but once she gives herself to something, she doesn't go halfway. I'll find Sonoma, and you keep Louise with you. Neither of you look like anyone Ringo would know, she'll be safer with you than me. And we need to talk about what Louise is doing out here later."

He says, "That will work." As they walk back to Front Street and towards Main he says, "Ginnie was determined not to stay in the room. You and I both had important roles to play during the book exchange so neither of us could have stayed back to guard her. She also had a scroll and had been taught how to use it, so could have been helpful. It was her idea to change her appearance and Louise was the logical choice. In hindsight we should have included her with the plan from the onset, she deduced Twain's identity long before any of the rest of us did."

Kate replies, 'Logically I know you're right, but she's still young and I'm still responsible for her. How could I, in good conscience, make her part of a plan that could get her killed? He replies, "I understand, you are her parent and need to treat her as such. But you have to understand my role, I am her magic teacher, and I must treat her with the same degree of respect as I do for my other four students."

She replies, "I know, and honestly, I try not to place too many limits on her. She took care of herself for a long time, she doesn't need the kind of taking care of most girls her age would. It's just hard to judge what is too much and what is not enough. Hopefully we won't have to worry this way again. I do understand your reasons, and I know my girl. You did everything you could. We'll keep our eyes open," Kate finished, looking to Conrad. "Well, I will, I might make Conrad close his." She smiled at her teacher and led Conrad away to find Sonoma.

As the music slows and comes to an end Minerva looks at Nanuet and speaks. “You are quite handsome tonight, Mi Amor. Once again you make me feel like a princess in a fairy tale.” As they dance to the slow beat of the music the sweet fragrance of the oil that Minerva had anointed herself with earlier, rises to Nanuet’s nostrils as he holds her close.

“I love you, Nanuet.” She sighs as they glide across the floor. "I feel as though I have been waiting for you all my life. It is the Fates that has brought us together, but it is love that will hold us together.” She looks deep into his eyes, all her tender feelings for him shining out of her soul, as she leans in and whispers, her warm breath tickling his ear. “I want you to teach me the ways of love tonight, mi Amor. Will you do that?” she smiles in innocent trust.

The music ends and Nanuet swallows hard at Minerva's question. "At any other time I would, and perhaps later tonight we will still have that chance, but when I spoke with Ruby she told me that she still believes she is a target and that she thinks Ringo is coming back. I can't leave her up on stage without being here to at least try and keep an eye on things. Please, stay with me until we know that she is safe."

Minerva is startled by Nanuet's comment "So, she has decided to go through with it. I understand why she has chosen so. She has much to give thanks for. May the goddess protect her... but in the event that she doesn't we, her friends, shall. Let us pray that it is Aphrodite's will to make this a night of love me amor," she says kissing him deeply. She pulls away and gives him a shy yet hopeful smile. "Perhaps we should move apart for now so that we can better guard her. Stay safe mi amor."

Nanuet watches with sadness as Minerva parts from him. He starts to call out to her, not wanting her to leave him, but then realizes that she is right. They would be able to cover more of an area if they were split up. But they would also make an easier target. Nanuet began making his way through the remaining crowd in a methodical pattern, back and forth looking for anything out of place. "If only I could smell like the wolf" he thinks to himself. That is something I will have to ask Kajika to teach me if that is possible.

As the El Parador Band leaves the stage Burton Lumley walks up to the podium. He announces that it is midnight and that the costume ball in now concluded. He says that most Saloons will be open for the next two hours for those wishing to further honor Dionysus, and that there will also be worship services the next morning beginning at 9:00 AM in the town hall building.

He then announces that the Festival Singers and Dancers will now be returning for their final performance on the main stage. As he states that the six provocatively garbed women from the Palace, still wearing their costumes, head up onto the stage behind him. He gives the disclaimer "This performance will begin in around ten minutes and is planned to be rather risque and bawdy. I would suggest that those easily offended by such things should now retire to your homes. For everyone else, I would suggest that you go get another drink and then enjoy the show."

Many of the couples depart. Helen Barker orders Stanley to return to their home. Doctor Eaton sends his wife Beth home. The Arch-Bishop remains, moving himself closer to the Main Stage. The men attired as Odysseus and the Cyclops move near the stage and remove their masks, revealing themselves to be Evan Adair and his Irish fighter. Mrs. King had avoided the entire costume ball so is not around. Bill Watkins is still away from town but the other four Vigilance Committee members gather together near the far end of the dance floor with very disapproving looks on their faces.

Silver Moon

Chapter 232, “Ruby’s Veil Dance” , Sunday, April 2nd , 1882, 12:00 AM

Ruby says a silent prayer that Aphrodite will watch over BOTH of them this night as she and Jane walk to the stage. Ruby waits by the side of the stage, biting on her lip. She now knew that Ringo could be anyone and she would never know it. If my destiny is for that bullet so be it. On stage or not he would find me so I'm not going to live scared, right?

She sees Nanuet and Chester have stuck around. She thinks she sees Katherine, but isn't sure. I'll never hear the end of this from her... Ruby shakes her head around her then realizes it's still piled up on her head. She fusses with the pins for a few minutes, making it loose but still on top of her head. She takes a few quiet moments to think about why she is doing this. Scanning the crowd for Jake she finds him and smiles. No more thoughts about right or wrong. It was obvious. And almost time to start.

Katherine sees Nanuet and Minerva both on the dance floor not far from both sides of the stage at the corners of Main and Front Streets. Off to the side of the stage, before the steps up onto the State are Ruby and her friend both attired in white belted robes with who-knows-what underneath. Near the stage's other steps she sees four other women also in belted robes. Unlike the six women on stage from the Palace Saloon, who are still wearing their masks, she recognizes two of the other four as Clairesse's cousin Julia Barbeau and her friend Fifi LaFarge from the Gay Lady and the other two being women who work at the Long Branch who she has seen but never been introduced to by name.

One of the Palace Saloon's gamblers, a man by the name of Nick Karp, sits down at the piano and begins to play a lively jazz tune while the six women onstage start to dance to it. Neither the talents of the musician or the dancers are anything better than mediocre but the audience of around 250, most of them semi-intoxicated male miners and laborers, do not seem to object. They are clearly enjoying the view of the scantily clad women gyrating about. Julia and Fifi, who are professional singers and dancers first and foremost, just shake their heads and whisper to one another as they wait for the "warm-up act" to conclude.

Louise scan the crowd as the dancers take the stage. The dance number is little different from some of the performances that were given at her first "home" off of the orphan train. She watches the crowd for the weapons that she knows Ringo prefers and for any audience members that seem less inebriated than they should be.

Kate made a rather disgusted sound under her breath and kept searching for Sonoma. She found her not too far from the stage, saying good-night to the others from the El Parador. Kate walked up and hugged her. "Your music was wonderful, I'm glad you were here. Do you think you could stay with me for a little while? I don't really care for this," she said, avoiding looking at the stage, "but your great-grandfather thinks my vision is better and you might be able to help me with any trouble we spot." She hesitated. "Are you doing alright with..." she glanced over at Nanuet.

Sonoma sighs and looks for a moment forlorn "I have long ago come to the realization that the Greek gods have decided that they will interfere with the chance I had for happiness with Nanuet and that I am not able to battle the gods in this manor. I wish for him well and hope that happiness finds its way into his heart." Her face grows blank and tight "However I don't believe that I will plan to ask them to dinner soon." Kate can feel the anger building in her as Sonoma speaks, "And he can build his own damn house somewhere else on the ranch. I don't wish to spend any time with that Spanish peacock for any reason or for that matter wish to have any dealings with her at ALL."

Kate says, "There's no reason you should want to. She is an unusual woman, one that you might enjoy knowing someday. But I understand. Things between yourself and Nanuet were never settled, and you had different expectations. But as far as I know the Priestess did not know Nanuet had been seeing you. She did not set out to take his love from another. After all this Cowboy business is over, I'll be glad to not see another priest for a long time. You and I can go hide on the ranch for a while. Although I must admit, the Priests who arrived to help us are... different, than I expected."

Conrad cleared his throat behind them. "I hope you will allow at least one visitor," he said and laid his hand on Kate's shoulder. "You ladies should get to a spot where you can see what's going on."

After ten minutes of of the wild gyrations the song finally concludes to a loud smattering of applause. The six women take their bows and then head over to the edge of the stage where they hand the fighter Flannigan their masks and Adair pours them each a drink from a bottle of some amber-colored liquid.

The other four women from the far steps head up onto the stage, leaving their robes behind. The two from the Gay Lady are attired in red New Orleans dance-hall clothing, with fishnet stockings and 'V' cut necks. The two Long Branch Saloon Dancers are dressed in shoulderless black dresses with slits on both sides up to the thighs. Julia and Fifi take the front of the stage, the two in black dresses diagonally behind them and the six from the Palace fall into a third row further back. The Gay Lady's pianist Pepe Duderot sits at the piano and begins to play.

The song is a lively number, designed to highlight Julia and Fifi's singing and dancing talents with each singing a solo that the other does a lead dance to as the other eight dancers bounce around behind them. The musical piece ends with the Can-Can, allowing all ten dancers to kick up their shapely legs.

Ruby watches curiously from the side of the stage, standing next to Jane who has her eyes closed. The lead ladies could sing and dance, but it was no wonder why the rest of the ladies had other careers to fall back on. Once the others on the stage exit Jane's eyes pop open and she looks at Ruby. "It's your turn sister. Make the goddess proud." She takes Ruby's hand. "I know she wants to speak through you." Ruby hugs Jane quickly and as she does says, "Keep your eyes OPEN and watch for anything out of place."

She climbs the steps slowly, observing the large crowd of mostly men. She doesn't see anything out of place and decides she is just going to dance and not worry about getting shot. Ruby walks gracefully to the center of the stage and lets her gaze fall over the crowd. Ruby’s angelic sounding voice can be heard cutting through the whole crowd even though she is speaking softly. “You should all take a moment to think about and appreciate the beauty and…,” she finds Jake in the crowd and smiles at him, “Love… that the goddess Aphrodite has bestowed on all of us.” She closes her eyes and says a silent prayer to Aphrodite herself, hoping her dance will please and appease the goddess. Then she nods slightly to Kitty Trent and she begins playing her flute.

Ruby glides around the stage dancing in her white robe. Her long limbs elegantly move to the gentle sounds of flute, almost trancelike. Ruby relies on the formal training she had as a child and she looks like she could be on any respectable stage in any large city of her choosing.

The Arch-Bishop's attention was drawn towards the stage the moment that Ruby mentioned Aphrodite. He watches her very intently, attempting to deduce if there is anything unseen behind her dance movements. A group of around a dozen drunk miners decide that Ruby's dance and attire is too "upper crust" for their tastes and head over towards the Long Branch Saloon instead. However, most of the audience remains transfixed upon Ruby and her dance movements and song.

Conrad stays closely with Kate and Sonoma as they make their way through the crowd in the middle of the dance floor, looking diligently for anyone or anything that appears to be amiss. Mr. Austin and Louise have headed along the north side of Main Street and are making their way towards the east end of the dance floor, again watching the crowd very closely.

Nanuet continues to walk through the crowd back and forth looking for anything suspicious. He occasionally glances at the stage and is amazed by the grace that Ruby is exhibiting. He shakes his head to refocus and continues scanning the crowd and surrounding areas looking for anything strange, such as shadows that should not be present or people who seem to have their attentions on something other than the ceremony or might seem nervous.

Ruby continues this dance for a few more minutes, keeping her movement smooth and ballet like, sweet and innocent. Even the Vigilance Committee members seem to be getting caught up in the moment and enjoy the soothing dance of love. Ruby actually prays to Aphrodite as she dances, asking her to accept her dance as thanks for sending her a new life and promising future. She is lost in her dance, like she is in a dream and doesn’t even remember the crowd is there. Her arms raised, she spins light as air as she twirls and swirls and she starts experiencing the beginnings of intense feelings of love and longing.

Kate sneaks peeks at Ruby's dance and they continue through the crowd, enjoying the occasional touch of Conrad's hand on her back or arm, trying to protect her from the crowd. The Arch-Bishop's attention of Ruby unnerved Kate a bit. She was disturbed a bit by how fatherly he seemed. He had managed to put her at ease, and somewhere in the back of her mind she was waiting for him to show teeth. But Ringo scared her far more than any Priest. She reached back and took the comforting weight of Conrad's hand in hers as they kept looking.

Seeing the Arch-Bishops intense scrutiny of Ruby's dance, Jane Boag makes her way around to the opposite end of the stage as him and lowers down to keep herself free of his sight. She then begins a prayer to Aphrodite. Louise and Austin reach the far end of the dance floor and cross the street to the south side of Main, making a wide circle around the four Vigilance Committee Members who continue to stare towards the stage some 150 feet away from where they are standing.

Adair is now joined at his vantage point at the front corner of the stage by his bartender and bouncer Deacon McCoy who hands Adair a bottle of some type of clear liquid. Another group of human miners tires of the Ruby's performance, muttering something about "Not enough skin", and head off in the direction of the nearby Alhambra Saloon.

Ruby’s feelings as she dances momentarily overwhelm her and she snaps back into reality and the dance. The Vigilance Committee is soon shocked out of their enjoyment when Ruby lets the white robe slide off her arms to the ground, leaving her attired in just the multi colored scarves hanging from silver rope around her waist and neck.

The tempo picks up and so does Ruby’s dancing. Every spin lifts the scarves slightly, exposing little patches of skin normally covered by her clothes, currently reserved for her lover. This sensual dance does not resemble the one before but is more suggestive and a faster pace. There are many enthusiastic cheers when she spins and the scarves lift.

Ruby lets her hands wander to her body, and her costume. She pulls off a scarf, letting it slowly fall to the crowd. Most of the crowd cheers, the Vigilance Committee sneers and there are even a couple of blushes. She smiles and continues to wander across the stage, tantalizingly pulling scarves from strategic spots while keeping up her arousing dance. She reaches up and lets her long hair loose, shaking her head to free the curls as they tumble down her bare back.

She had performed this dance many times before, for well paying patrons. But this time was different. She felt lightheaded and aroused herself, as if she was going to burst. She burned with desire but also felt the coolness of the calm and security of love at the same time. She felt powerful and completely in control even as she was overwhelmed by the emotions coursing through her.

Jake, still in his British Lord costume, stands towards the back of the crowd that is watching the adult entertainment. Through most of the events he has been surreptitiously watching the crowd and the surroundings. When Ruby takes the stage and begins her dance his hands move to his pockets and he stands still, his attention having left the crowd. When the white robe falls from Ruby, his arms leave his pockets and become folded in front of him otherwise he is motionless. His face is still hidden by the mask.

Nanuet hears the crowds reaction and turns to the stage. He now sees Ruby has removed her robe and is now barely covered by multi colored scarves. He turns his head in shame, not knowing how to react. He sees the men leering and wonders what Jake must be thinking. He begins working his way closer to the stage, pushing apart the men where he has to. Minerva watches the reaction of the crowd as Ruby drops her robe and begins to remove her veils. She notices that Nanuet is moving toward the stage but continues to watch the crowd for anyone who is not mesmerized by the performance.

The scarves gradually disappear leaving more and more of Ruby’s still shimmering flesh exposed and only a few bits left to the imagination. Jake suddenly moves towards the stage, but has to push his way through the crowd that has moved closer towards the entertainer. Finally there are only a couple of veils left, covering Jake’s parts front and back and one over each breast. She looks for Jake in the crowd but can’t find him. She remembers his words, his statement of how he didn’t want to share her. Her full lips part in a smile and she continues her dance.

Back in 1880 when Promise City was founded, the first four streets planned out were Main Street running east to west intersected by Front, Allen and Fremont Streets running north to south. Sixteen building lots were plotted out and sold for Main Street businesses, four per block on each side of the Street, from Front to Fremont. Neil Cassidy had just began his sawmill and didn’t have enough lumber for all of those structures. That was when the brothers Travis and Jeminicah Calhoun arrived to establish the Gunsight Brickyard. Their father owned a large brickyard back in Ohio, and with them came a railroad boxcar full of ready-made bricks from their father’s factory, that the newly established Morand Cartage Company then brought overland from Tombstone.

In order to conserve on both time and money, most of the initial business owners opted to not have freestanding buildings but to instead construct single shared brick walls in between. Thus, the first twenty feet of the Lucky Lady’s eastern wall is also the western wall of Dick Hammer’s Jewelry and Watch Making shop. A similar shared wall layout was used on all of the single-story brick buildings on the south side of Main Street between Front and Allen Streets and then extending south onto Allen.

That was how Cowboy Gang member Lester Olivier was able to get within twenty feet of Ruby West. He simply climbed up a stepladder placed upon the main desk from inside of the Allen Street Law Office of Attorney Hamilton Fisk and climbed through the trapdoor to the roof.

From there he carefully walked north across the roofs of the Arizona Billiard Hall and Rio Grande Hotel and Café, being sure to travel slowly and evenly distributing his weight so that patrons below did not hear him. From there he had his only real obstacle, the three story Long Branch Saloon, but the rear wall had an eight-inch ledge for him to make his way across. Nobody on the second floor heard him along the wall, as the residents of those rooms were all outside at or near the main stage. He then was back to the flat roofs of the single-story Johnson’s Barber Shop and Baths and finally the unoccupied Deputy Sheriff’s Office.

Once at that corner of the building he positions himself in a comfortable spot on the roof. He then takes out his 45-caliber Smith and Wesson Schofield single-action revolver, advancing the empty chamber to one of the five containing the magical ammunition that Johnny Ringo had given him to use. Up until this point Olivier had done all of this without being seen, due primarily to the fact that he and his weapon were masked by magical invisibility.

Some sixty-feet away Katherine Kale, Sonoma Figueres and Conrad Booth are continuing their rounds on the dance floor. They have stayed towards the center of the floor, so that the Detect Invisibility Spell that Katherine was using would extend to either side of the Street. They had made their way down to the intersection of Main and Allen, before turning and heading back towards Front. Katherine reaches a point mid-way between Cook’s General Store on the north side and the Long Branch Saloon on the south side.

Ruby keeps dancing but slows her movements as she glides to the center of the stage. She turns her bare back to the crowd and looks over her shoulder and winks. She raises her arms over her head while she rocks her hips back and forth a couple of times, keeping the scarves just shy of revealing anything. Then in one smooth motion she pulls her arms away from her body, each hand holding a scarf that had previously covered a breast. The men in the crowd roar wildly and Ruby starts to turn slowly to face them with a smile.

Jake just manages to squeeze his way to the front of the crowd as Ruby turns. He tears off the wig and mask revealing his face a flushed dark red, with lips white and tight together and his brown eyes have none of their twinkle only a dark smoldering look.

Nanuet had already been making his way towards the stage, but quickened his pace when he heard the crowds reaction and then saw Ruby with her back turned and hands on the scarves covering her upper half. He bolts through the crowd as she begins to turn around. "What in Hades is he doing?" Minerva says under her breath as she watches Nanuet rush onto the stage. Katherine reaches a point mid-way between Cook’s General Store on the north side and the Long Branch Saloon on the south side. As Ruby begins to turn around an embarrassed Kate turns her heard to avert her eyes to her friend’s nudity.

Olivier extends his arm out and begins to take aim at the dancer as she lifts up the two veils that had been covering her top and the crowd erupts with a cheer. As she turns around he prepares himself to fire upon her at point-blank range.
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Silver Moon

Chapter 233, “Gunmen on the Roofs” , Sunday, April 2nd , 1882, 12:30 AM

Ruby starts to turn slowly to face the crowd with a smile. To the extreme disappointment of almost all of the men in the crowd, they can see as Ruby turns that her long hair has been arranged now so that it is covering anything of interest, as even less can be seen with her hair blocking her than with the scarves on. She was about to curtsey and exit the stage when she notices an extremely red-faced Jake and as she motions for him to meet her at the side of the stage

Nanuet bolts through the crowd as she turns around and then jumps up onto the stage blocking the view of the leering men and tries to shove Ruby off towards the side of the stage. "Ruby what are you doing?" he exclaims! “I was dancing, what in Hades are you doing?” she asks in a peeved tone, covering her chest with her arms. "You call that dancing? Flashing everybody your chest like that?" Nanuet says before he realizes she purposely covered her breasts with her hair. He then comments, "Heh, now I see. Didn't make too many fans there did I?"

Meanwhile, Katherine had reached a point mid-way between Cook’s General Store on the north side and the Long Branch Saloon on the south side. She turns her head to avert her eyes from her friend’s nudity and since the man on the roof is now within the fifty-foot range of her spell she sees him taking aim at her friend from what for him will be considered point-blank range.

"Sonoma, the corner of the Deputy Sheriff's office, on the roof. Shooting at Ruby," she whispered urgently even as she pulled her pistol and the wand from her purse. All eyes were glued to Ruby, no one would see. She lifted the pistol, hiding the wand against it. She aimed the missile for the man's gun hand.

A large fist strike's Kate's hand from her right side, knocking it downward. She manages to still hold onto both the gun and the wand as the hand grabs onto her wrist. The man is between 280 and 300 pounds in weight and stands six-foot-four. The bearded man is dressed in a leather coat and vest and wool/cotton pants, with cowboy boots and a large cowboy hat. He reeks of the smell of cattle and grumbles in a Texas accent "Drop the gun woman."

Meanwhile, Sonoma has cast her scroll spell onto the roof. The man becomes temporarily visible and then drops down flat onto the roof before anybody else can see him. The crowd was focused upon the confrontation between the dancer and the western-attired Indian and fails to see him, with only Sonoma and Minerva getting a brief glimpse of him. Minerva indeed notices the man on the roof just as he crouches down. "Meirde she says and quickly makes her way toward the stage where Nanuet and Jake are.

Still covering her chest Ruby stomps off the steps without her robe. "What, you didn't trust me? And besides, I am a grown woman and in case you haven't noticed, I've done this before." "Look, I didn't know. You fooled me like you fooled all the rest of Promise City. Ruby I didn't know, I am sorry. I should have left earlier like I was going to. Now I messed up everything."
Nanuet says following her off the stage. "It's fine. Although all these men are going to think I was really going to show them something." Ruby glances around, "Where is Jake, he looked like something was wrong." She furrows her brows, "And where is Jane?" She looks around but doesn't see the petite priestess. She looks back at Nanuet, "Uh, I need something to wear." She heads back on stage a bit embarrassed to grab her robe.

Jake is still seething as he starts to walk towards the side of stage, changes his mind and starts to climb the stage to retrieve Ruby's discarded white covering. Minerva grabs Jake's arm. "Man on the roof!" He looks towards the Sheriff's roof top and sees nothing. He quickly looks around at the other roofs and crowd, scanning for guns or trouble while he unbuttons his waist coat and without being seen draws his short barrel Colt

"Nanuet get down!" Minerva hisses as she stands below the stage and continues scanning the roof. "Has anyone seen Katherine?" Ruby finds Jake looking a little ticked off retrieving her robe for her so she waits on the edge of the stage. He doesn't come immediately over, pausing mid stage. so she starts walking out. "What, are you getting stage fright?" she asks as she moves towards him. Jake flings the covering to Ruby and hisses, "Get down we have company."

"What?" Ruby looks around the empty stage and seeing no one gathers that Jake is being paranoid again. She holds the robe up to her chest as she starts walking to the edge of the stage again. As she walks she slides the robe back on. Once it's on she pulls her hair out from inside the robe and looks back to Jake. "What is your problem?"

Jake continues to scan for enemies. Nobody appears to be on the roofs in the area of the dance floor and he glances further down the street. He then spots a man lying on the roof of a building seventy-five feet away, on the flat one-story roof of the brick building between Wainwright's Store and Cassidy Lumber. The man has a rifle pointed at the main stage that he and Ruby are both now standing on.

For a moment Kate considered resisting, but there was no way she could break that grip. Very slowly she moved her fingers from the pistol, trying to keep the wand in her hand even as it fell to the ground. "Now, let go," she grated at him. Conrad had heard Kate alert Sonoma and saw her reach from the gun. He too had looked towards the roof and had not expected the man to charge forward. His immediate reaction was to step backwards from the charging behemoth of a man. The man then grabbed at Kate's wrist and was physically hurting her.

Something inside of Conrad snapped. This man was hurting Kate. While the man was distracted by Kate's releasing her gun, creating an even greater danger since that made the man now armed, Conrad acted. With a quick fluid motion he reached for the sword worn to the side of the costume and drew it, raising it high above his head and then lowering it towards the man's arm.

Earlier that day, following the failed book exchange where Deputy Martin was seriously injured, Conrad had come to the realization that the Cowboy Gang was a very real threat to Katherine. He needed to protect her at the ball but was unsure of exactly how. Furthermore, the costume that he had chosen had nowhere on it that a gun could be concealed. It then occurred to him that the costume included an ornamental sword.

Conrad visited the town's blacksmith, Henry Weller, and asked if he knew of anybody in town who might possess a real sword. Weller suggested Judge Lacey. Lacey indeed owned two, a cavalry saber and a traditional European longsword, both of which he had used during the Civil War. Conrad convinced Lacey to loan him the longsword and sheathe, and then had Weller spend the next hour sharpening the sword's edge to its fullest potential.

The brute now before Kate screams out in pain as his hand is cleanly severed half-way between the wrist and elbow as the sword slices through it. Kate stifled a scream as blood splattered over her arm and dress. Even so she reacted quickly and grabbed her pistol. She then looked around to see how much attention they had drawn. Nanuet hears the man whose hand Conrad has just cut off scream out in pain and pushes back Ruby and Jake to see what is going on as Jake dives at Ruby aiming to tackle her down to the ground and hollers, "Gunmen on the roofs!"

Nanuet hears the warnings from Minerva and Jake and drops flat to the ground. He immediately begins scanning the rooftops. While the man screaming and a handful of people seeing why created some level of disturbance, Jake's screaming "Gunmen on the roofs!" from the main stage has the effect of creating total pandemonium. People begin to run and scatter in all directions, most charging through the doors of whatever the nearest open building happens to be.

They fall off the stage with Jake landing on top of Ruby with an "Oof." "Why honey, if you wanted me that badly you could have said so!" Ruby jokes at a very bad time as she tries to push the two of them up. "Ooww." She then adds, "I didn't see anyone and I don't have a gun hidden under here." Jake wraps one arm around her gets her up and away from the stage towards the shadows of a porch. "One on the sherriff's roof and a rifle on the house next Cassidy's. There is likely more." He pushes her to crawl away from the stage and keeps his body between her and it.

A rifle fires, followed shortly thereafter by a second rifle shot and then a third. Nanuet deduces the direction of the first shot, looking west and sees the distant roof as the second and third shots are fired from the rifleman lying on it. Jake looks up at the stage sees the second and third bullets fly across the stage, nowhere near him or Ruby but twenty feet away, and out towards the dance floor. The shots cause people to scream as they scurry about in all directions.

Ruby, Jake and Nanuet now see the bloody body of the Greek Arch-Bishop lying face down on the dance floor, apparently the targeted recipient of the rifleman as there are two blood stains on his back where bullets apparently struck. Nanuet stays low and tries to stay behind cover as he makes his way over to the priest. He tries to drag him behind the closest cover before checking him over. Nanuet is able to get the priest closer to the stage where it makes an effective wall to block the shooter on the other side. The Priest is still alive despite the two bullet wounds. One bullet entered below his shoulder and exited out the front. The other entered the center back closer to the lungs and is still inside. Minerva notices Nanuet beside the Greek/Roman priest.

"Meirda! Baby what in Hades is going on?? Why can't these bastards leave us alone??" Ruby crawls in the direction that Jake pushes her. She sees the priest, "They shot the priest too? Maybe we should check on him?" Then she watches as the Indian pulls him to safety. "Good, Nanuet's got him." Jake stays very close but pushes her butt and says, "Come on keep going."

Her emotions are still high from the dance but the feelings of love were quickly turning into feelings of hate. "What are we going to do?" she whispers back to him as she crawls. "I need a weapon." As they crawl people are running all over the place and they try not to get trampled. "Where are all the freaking heroes around here?" She looks back at Jake, "Besides you that is, you're mine."

Crouching low Minerva makes her way over to Nanuet and the Bishop. "Is he alive? Your Excellency can you speak? Nanuet we must heal him and get him to safety. How serious is it?" She draws her pistol out from under her gown and continues to scan the area. The Priest in no longer conscious. The shoulder wound does not appear to be fatal but the other one is very serious. Nanuet replies, "He is alive, but unconscious. I have the necklace under my shirt."

Nanuet quickly pulls out the necklace. "Minerva please help me, we should do this together and call on both of our gods." They use a lesser stone, but one of the speckled ones so they can heal the priest together. The bleeding stops and the wound looks better although the bullet remains inside of him.

The dance floor is now totally cleared except for Nanuet and Minerva over by the priest, and the screaming and crying man in the center holding the stump where his hand and lower arm were. Most people have run elsewhere. Deputy Rodriguez had carefully made his way down the street to where the rifleman had been. Deputy Barker had run upstairs at the Long Branch and climbed the pull-ladder up to the third floor roof in order to scan all of the other rooftops. Mr. Austin and Louise had helped Conrad get Kate back to the El Parador.

Chester shields Clarisse from the maddening rush of people. He pushes his way through the crowd, almost carrying her. They make their way to the Gay Lady. Chester says to Clarisse, "Stay here. I have to see what's going on. I'll be back to get you. I love you." She clutches his arm. "I love you too. Don't do anything foolish." Chester tears the eye-patch off. "I'll be as careful as I always am." He pins his badge on his shirt, draws his pistol, and rushes back outside. He tells the fleeing people to go home. He goes over to the crying man on the dance floor. "What happened? Who was shooting?" Seeing the bloody stump, Chester pulls the sash from his waist and ties it around the wrist in a makeshift tourniquet.

When Minerva and Nanuet look up they see that Doctor James Eaton is beside them, along with two of his Vigilance Committee companion. He kneels down and examines the wound. He looks at Nanuet and Minerva and says, "Thank you. You got to him in time. But he still has a bullet in him. He should be able to now survive being moved." He looks up at Zeb Cook and Derik Avery and says "Help me get this man to my office, I need to operate." As Doc Eaton is busy operating on the Priest, Deputy Eduardo Rodriguez comes up to Chester and says that he will take the man with the amputated hand to Thomas Valdez for healing. After the surgeon took the priest away Nanuet gets up and just wanders away aimlessly. His face is expressionless and his eyes are a blank stare

Back at the El Parador, Kate stared at her reddened wrist as she was firmly set in a chair and poured a large brandy . Her hands shook as she lifted the glass and took a sip. "Are the others alright? They weren't really after us, were they? Only to keep us out of the way, they wanted the Priests." She looked at the spattered blood up and down her arm, then touched her face and found the wetness there too. "Could I get something to wash this off, please?"

Mr. Austin says, "Probably. They shot that senior priest and they may have believed that Ruby was actually that Aphrodite Priestess given the comments that she with her dance." Dorita brings over a wet compress to wipe off Kate's clothes while Austin discreetly casts a Clean Cantrip to remove the blood. "Thank you," Kate said, giving Dorita a warm glance. "Perhaps it's a good thing the other priests weren't there. Is someone helping the Arch-Bishop? Is he alive?"

Kate looked at Conrad who was sitting next to her. "I'm alright. You made sure of that." She took another sip of the brandy. "I feel I should be out there helping." He replies, "You did fine, you've helped enough. According to Sonoma you probably saved Ruby's life. I think I need some of that brandy myself."

"I think we could all use some, except Louise. She doesn't drink, you know," she said, slipping her arm around Louise's waist to hug her. "I guess I got to see your swordplay after all," Kate said to Conrad. "Where in the world did you get that sword?"

Conrad replies, "It belongs to Judge Lacey. The incident with the books earlier, when Chester got hurt, made me realize that I needed to be able to protect you tonight. The costume didn't really have any place for a gun to be concealed, but it had an ornamental sword. I was able to convince Lacey to let me have a real one instead. The real thanks however goes to our blacksmith Henry Weller for turning it into the sharpest blade in the county." "And here I thought it was my job to protect you," Kate said with a warm look that would have been better saved for a private moment. "You have changed, Conrad."

Conrad replies, "Due to you my dear. I believe that somebody told you long ago that you have a transformational effect on people." Then with a mischievous grin he says "If you don't believe me ask your friend Mr. Austin, he appears to have transformed completely in just a few hours." She laughed and finished the brandy. "While this helps, I think the best thing is sleep. We haven't heard back from the trackers yet, but if I wait up all night I will be useless tomorrow. Louise, you can stay with me tonight. I'll walk Conrad out and then I'll be up. Do you need me for anything more, Mr. Austin?" He replies that he does not.

Finding her teacher did not need her, Kate walked out onto the porch of the El Parador with Conrad. "Thank you for the evening. The costume, the dancing... I felt safe with you even before you proved it was justified. Despite everything else, I think I will sleep well tonight." He kisses her hand and then turns in for the night.

Jake contemplates going after the man on the roof across the street but instead just watches carefully with his gun out until it seems like the crisis has passed and the others carry the priest away. He stows his gun away under his waist coat and helps Ruby stand. As he walks over to retrieve the wig from his costume he says to her, "I came up closer to the stage because I couldn't hear your singing." "Singing?" Ruby furrows her brows together. "Oh I get it, you're mad. Well what are you mad about Jacob Cook?" Ruby eyebrow is raised as she leans up against the now deserted stage.

Jake shakes the dust out of the costume wig and looks up at Ruby. "My girl told me to rest assured, she won't dance, only sing. And if I was there, she'll only be singing to me." Ruby crosses her arms across her chest. "And my man told me to do what I thought was right and to not show anything that wouldn't be hidden by a skimpy dance hall dress." Ruby looks Jake in the eyes as he dusts himself off and her face softens. "I ASKED you what I should do. You didn't tell me not to dance. You didn't ask me not to dance."

Jake steps very close to her and looks her in the eyes. He says in a quiet yet emotional voice, "I did not want you to do this thing, but it was not my choice to make. It was your choice to make. I didn't tell you what to do, I only told you how I felt." He puts his hand to his chin in a familiar gesture but only stokes it once when his hand discovers that his beard is missing. "You want to know why I am angry? You assured me of your own free will that you would not dance and then made me stand there and watch you dance with a great smile upon your face. This was not a lark or a weak moment Ruby, you planned this."

Jake looks down at his feet for a moment before looking back to her. He touches her lips with his index finger. "It is better not to ask me what I want and then give assurances if you intend to disregard them like you would a plump beggar." Jake sighs. "I'm feeling like a jackass and I need to get out of this getup." He turns and walks towards the Lucky Lady.

Ruby stays where she is, pondering. When she looks up Jake is walking away from her so she picks up the white robe so it doesn’t drag and runs to catch up. “I did say I wouldn’t dance, that’s true.” She grabs his arm, forcing him to stop walking. “But I really didn’t know you didn’t want me to. Dance that is. You never just tell me how you feel. You say things but then they mean something different than I thought they meant, I don’t understand what you tell me.”

She turns Jake so they are looking at each other again. “Dancing is what I’ve done for so long, I just don’t see anything wrong with it.” She looks away from his gaze and down to her feet. “Besides, I did it for you anyway. For us.” "You did this for me?" Jake's eyes narrow again. "How do you reconcile that after you asked me about it and then told me you wouldn't? You did feel all the attention from the crowd though didn't you? All the desire rushing in? Did you bask in the glory? Was it exhilarating? Is Aphrodite sated now? Of course next time more will be needed. Each time it will take more to satisfy. What will more be like?"

Jake's voice now becomes monotone bereft of emotion. "I'm sure with all that attention and raw emotion focused on you it would be easy to miss a man in the crowd who did not have the same feelings. I'm sure the hurt and betrayal were washed away by the flood of hunger and lust." Jake puts his hands on his face and rubs his eyes. A heavy sigh escapes his lips. "Look," he removes his hands from his face and his eyes have lost the hard anger in them, "I thought I said plainly how I felt. I can try to do better however I don't want to tell you what to do. I will not strangle that which I love. Part of what draws me to you is the free spirit and fire that lives within you. I don't own you. I don't want a puppet." He sighs again. "Do what you will, but give me no more empty assurances."

Ruby stands in front of Jake, wide eyed and helpless. Then her face drops and tears start welling in her eyes. “I’m sorry, baby, I’m really really sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you or betray you…I just…I thought if I didn't show.. you know... if I didn't show what you said not to show it would be ok..." She goes to reach for Jake but pulls her hand back before she touches him. "If I don’t do what she wants then she will take you away from me… and I can’t live without you… I only want to make you happy.”

The tears are streaming down Ruby’s face even though she isn’t crying. Embarrassed, she wipes at the wet trail on her face before turning and running back to the Lucky Lady. She pushes her way blindly through the crowd and runs up the stairs. She throws herself on the floor next to the bed and sobs with her head down. Motionless, Jake watches her run to the saloon. He continues to stand in the street for a minute before he turns his gaze to the town around him. He looks at the buildings and the few residents of Promise City that are on the street as if contemplating them for the first time. He shrugs and walks slowly back to the Lucky Lady.

Silver Moon

Chapter 234, “Making Up” , Sunday, April 2nd , 1882, 12:30 AM

The own named Luna finds Minerva. She has a note in one of her claws that the Priest named Trius has written out. It reads: "Currently one mile from town. Ran into more Cowboys so am waiting until they are gone to move on. We followed those with the books to a cave four miles from town. Maska indicates that it is the same cave where she, Nanuet and Cook had tracked the outlaws to a few months back. Costas and Qualtaqa have stayed to watch the cave. See you soon." Nanuet continues to wander, muttering to himself. He does notice Minerva receive something from Luna but says nothing,

Minerva studies the note carefully before looking for Nanuet. "Mi amor, we must go tonight and finish what we started." Nanuet looks at Minerva, obviously confused. "I uh, I really messed things up tonight. Maybe I should just stay here." "Nonsense," Minerva replies, kissing Nanuet's cheek. "You saved the life of the Priest. Now come on, let's go find Katherine. Read this on the way." She hands the note to Nanuet and they carefully make their way to the El Parador while she explains what the note says. As Minerva tells Nanuet he gets madder and madder. "Yes, we need to end this tonight."

Deputy Rodriguez arrives at the church with the wounded man. Father Valdez uses a healing spell to seal over the stump and then gives the man an elixir for the pain, which also lowers the man's inhibitions. Rodriguez questions him, finding that he is John Bell, one of Johnny Ringo's associates and a close friend of Rudy Foote and Alabama McNally. He says that he was one of three Cowboys assigned to the festival. The other two, Lester Olivier and George Otis Grosvenor, had invisibly taken up positions upon the roofs of the Deputy Sheriff's Office and Lester's Funeral Parlor.

Bell's job was to mingle into the crowds and then help to do what he could during the confusion following their shots so that all three men could escape. They were supposed to leave town on the eastbound road where another of the Gang's members would then meet them. He indicates that the shooters instructions from Ringo were to kill as many of the Greek/Roman Priests and Priestesses as they could.

Olivier's primary target was to be the Aphrodite Priestess who was planning to lead a worship service following her arousing veil dance. Grosvenor's primary target was the Arch-Bishop, who the man was personally familiar with from his time back in Philadelphia. Once Bell has told what he knows Rodriguez has Valdez give the man an elixir to make him sleep for the next eight hours. The two men carry him unseen over to the town jail where he is locked in cell. Eduardo then heads off to pass on this information to Helen and Chester.

Jake arrives at the Lucky Lady and waves to Niles and Henry who are both still busy serving up liquor. They look like they can use some help, but he is not in the mood. He continues his slow pace up the stairs. He enters the room and closes the door behind him. He looks down at Ruby who is on the floor in tears, but he does not speak. He moves to the far corner of the room and sets about disassembling his costume and leaving it in a pile.

As the tears fall off her face they mix with the costume glitter, forming sparkling white drops that land with heavy plops on her arms. Ruby watches them fall almost mesmerized as her arms grow wetter. She hears her door open and quickly wipes away the tears. Be brave Ruby, don’t be weak. She stands slowly from her spot on the floor. Trying to hold her head high she walks over to the closet near where Jake is and blindly chooses a gown. She carries it over to the mirror, where she lets drop the dirty white robe and the remaining scarves. She dresses slowly although she isn’t really paying attention to what she is doing. She straightens her hair and notices that most of her glittery mask is still intact.

She stares at herself in the mirror for a few moments and without breaking her stare at herself she says, “You’re right. I did feel the attention from the crowd. And the desire. And I felt powerful and like I was doing something worthwhile. And I enjoyed it." She pauses for a long moment before continuing softly, "But only because I thought I was doing it for you.” She finally turns her head to look at him, a sad smile on her face. “I guess I can’t change who I am. So now I’m going to go downstairs and get so drunk I don’t remember my name. And hope you’ll be here tomorrow.” She looks back at herself in the mirror, pretending to adjust her dress when really it is just to avoid looking into Jake’s eyes and seeing nothing there.

"I told you before woman, I don't waste time with hope." Jake has most of his costume off and seemed particularly relieved to get out of the shoes. "I'm either going to do something or I am not. Pretty damn selfish of you," Jake is looking at her face in the mirror while standing in his undershorts and shirt. "Going to have a drink and not even inviting me. Good thing I am a resiliant kind of guy. Somebody else might think that you were trying to ditch them. Those little subtleties can get lost on me." He takes his two pistols out of the gunbelt he had hidden under his costume and then slides them into their accustomed holsters that are hanging on his bed post. He puts his hands on his hips, "Well? I am not going to waste my time getting dressed if I am not invited."

Ruby turns to face Jake and says with no humor, "You're always welcome with me. But I thought you were really mad at me." She tries to keep her eyes on him but can't, they keep drifting to the floor. "So you made me angry. I doubt it will be the last time. Next time it is as likely that I'll make you angrier than a nest of wasps whacked with a stick. You are the only one talking about leaving, Ruby West."

Jake is still standing with his hands on his hips. "I didn't want you to dance, but I was not angry just because you danced. I told you, don't give me assurances and then disregard them. That's done now. You believe what you like about the goddess. I am here because this is where I want to be, no more, no less. I give the deities their due, I'm not looking for their ire nor dependant on their largess. Silver Jake Cook is not a puppet on a string." He reaches down and picks up some trousers and starts to pull them on. "You said you are sorry, that is good enough for me. I could use a drink myself. For all the turmoil you caused me today, you're buying."

"I am sorry, really sorry and if I could take it back I would." Ruby takes a few steps towards Jake, stopping very close in front of him. She looks like she is going to say something but stops, a couple of times. Finally she looks up into his eyes, her green eyes red and puffy. "You don't think the goddess has anything to do with you figuring out you love me?"

He replies, "Anything? I'm not a damn fool to deny that the gods might have their hands in nudging us this way or that. Maybe she helped me figure it out. Maybe she tried to keep me from figuring it out until she wanted me to. How would I really know? I do know that Mr. Cook is madly in love with Miss West. I do know that it is not a glamour nor a dream, not a passing fancy nor wishful thinking. I do know that it is stronger than one disappointing evening." Suddenly Jake grins a little and a twinkle returns to his eyes, "Old Caleb White, he once told me when the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers."

Ruby seems reassured at Jake's words, and a slight rosey color comes to her cheeks. "Madly, huh?" A smile slowly forms on her lips. "That's what I told Red when I danced with him. That you figured out you were madly in love with me." Ruby finishes the distance, keeping only inches between them. She grabs a hold of his belt buckle and tugs on it. She continues softly, without looking up, "The prayers I didn't even know I was praying were answered when you came along. I'm just... just..." Her voice drops even lower, "Really scared you will leave me, I'll do something stupid and you will. Or I won't do something right and you will, leave me, and I'll be alone again."

"We can spend all our effort worrying about it not working, or all our effort making it work. I'm a pitiful worrier." He pushes up a little on her chin. "You have beautiful eyes, why do you make me work so hard to see them? I have heard it said that life is one fool thing after another. As far as I can tell love is two fool things after each other." With a gentle smile and his eyes gazing into hers, Jake says, "I will do the best I can to make sure you are in the bed with me each night and still there with me in the morning."

Ruby gazes back at Jake, her heart lifting. She releases one hand from his belt and runs her fingers softly over his lips. "You make me so crazy, I‘ve never acted like such a fool before." She kisses him lightly on his warm lips. "I'll try to stop worrying, I will." She kisses him again, this time wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him close. Some time goes by before Ruby pulls her face by slightly, "You still want that drink?"

Oh, you think a couple of enticing kisses can get you out of buying the drinks?" Jake puts on his fake British accent, "I hardly think so." He continues to keep his arms wrapped around her. "Naturally it is up to you where you acquire those drinks, they don't need to come from down stairs. Now that I think about it, I really didn't have to get dressed after all did I?"

"A couple of kisses doesn't do it, huh? I must be slipping." Ruby runs her fingers over Jake's smooth face. "You look so young..." she continues to stare at his features. Then she smiles, "I kinda liked that bossy Lord thing you had going on. Maybe I'll make you put the suit back on!" She pulls Jake over to their side table, picking up the bottle with the bourbon. They both take a couple of large swigs before Ruby pulls Jake over to the bed. Another round of swigs is had before she pulls him down on top of her. "I thought your lordship was going to bed the young lady who satisfied his whims tonight..."

He replies, "Yes, that wild thing from the dance floor. I do believe she will be just the thing his lordship needs tonight......." Ruby giggles as they roll around on the bed. Between kisses and clothes throwing she says breathlessly, "I want to... I want to get out of town. Can we go?" "Get me wound up and then run off?" He laughs Ruby kisses Jake passionately. "No, we take care of the wound up problem. We thank Aphrodite the right way..." She kisses him again.

At the Marshal’s Office Helen and Chester are comparing notes when Eduardo comes in. Chester say to him, "Is that guy going to live? It looked like someone cut his hand off with something sharp." Eduardo says, "He told me some guy dressed like Hamlet drew a sword and cut it off. But that's not the interesting part. Turns out he was in cahoots with the shooters on the rooftops. His name's John Bell and he was supposed to cover the escape of the three of them. The shooters were supposed to kill as many of the priests and priestesses as possible, but the main targets were the Arch-Bishop and a local priestess of Aphrodite.

Once that was done, they were going to leave by the eastbound road. During the chaos, Bell grabs Mrs. Kale's arm and then 'Hamlet' attacks him. I haven't been by Doc Eaton's office, so I don't know how the Arch-Bishop is faring." Chester says, "I think I have an idea who our swordsman is. I hate to have to bring him in. He was probably protecting Kate. Thanks, Eduardo." After Chester meets with the other deputies, he sends them home. There was no sign of the cowboys on the rooftops and Bell was safely locked up. He makes his way back to the Gay Lady to walk Clarisse home. Then he walks back to the Lucky Lady.

Minerva and Nanuet head in the direction of the El Parador and see Katherine about to turn in for the night. "Miss Katherine, wait!" Nanuet calls out. "We have a problem." He hands Kate the note. Kate sat down on the porch for a few minutes, breathing the cool night air. Just as she was going back in, Nanuet and Minerva came down the street toward her. "What happened? Is the Arch-Bishop alright? Everyone else?" "He is," Nanuet replies. "Minerva and I called on the power of our gods and healed his wounds. They were serious. Jake was protecting Ruby the last I saw. Chester was doing law-man stuff. I think everyone is alright."

She took the note Nanuet offered and read it. "I don't know if I'd call it a problem. It's what we had planned, really. You want to take care of it tonight?" "Of course," Minerva replies, "We can't leave it until tomorrow they may be gone by then." Kate replies, "And they may not be expecting it tonight. They will need rest just as we should. I was about to go to bed, but I guess that's changed.” Nanuet states, But that is the plan we decided all along Minerva. To track them and then wait for tomorrow. Why change it now?

Kate states, “Come inside for a minute, let's talk to Mr. Austin." They stepped inside and Kate showed the note to her teacher. "I just thought you'd want to know." "What did you have in mind?" he asks. Kate replies, "Nanuet and Miss Florencia want to go tonight. I'm not sure if they would be surprised if we came now, or if they will have extra eyes out waiting for the law to come after them. Miss Florencia thinks they may move on if we wait. We'd have the help of the two priests and Qualtaqa, but I imagine we'd still have them tomorrow. It's unfortunate we've already used all our stealthy skills today. I'd like to go, but I'm not sure I'm up to another row with Ruby about it. And I'm not even sure she's wrong."

Gonzales suggests that they maybe split the difference as it is only four miles away and dawn won't be for another six hours-and-a-half hours. They could rest and still arrive while the Cowboys are sleeping. Kate says, "And that would give them just enough time to think the law isn't coming. It sounds good to me, and I could really use some sleep. If Nanuet and Miss Florencia agree? Someone will have to tell Jake and Ruby. We can meet here at oh, 4:00 A.M.?"

Gonzales instructs Dorita to go get a specific tea. He says, "Take this before going to bed and for whatever amount of sleep you get your bodies will act and feel as though it was twice that amount." Nanuet states, “I only need a few hours, so I am fine. I agree that we should wait. We never did say what we were going to do after we tracked them. It would be crazy to go now tired and unprepared.

Kate says, "We are agreed then. Four AM, here. We humans will be fine with Dorita's tea and a nap. Like a new day for us. If you would both let Jake and Ruby know, I know you have to go back to the Lady anyway Nanuet, yes? I'm going to get myself to bed." Nanuet says, "Well I guess I should head back to the Lady, at least to tell Jake and Ruby the plan. Minerva should I walk you back to the Comstock house? Should I take some tea for them also?" Kate states,
"Yes, take some, we should all be well rested." Minerva takes his hand. "I will go with you to tell Senor Jake and Ruby."

After Dorita brought out her teas, Kate packed them up with Nanuet and sent them on their way. She asked her teacher if he had any more tricks up his sleeve for them before she turned in. Once upstairs in her room, she saw Ginnie already changed back to her own face and curled up on her cot. She was not asleep of course, but she would be before long. It only took Kate a few minutes to settle herself, then she drank the tea and slept for a few hours.

Nanuet squeezed Minerva's hand slightly as she held it. "Let's go." Nanuet takes the package from Kate and heads to the Lucky Lady with Minerva. Minerva goes into the kitchen and stokes the fire in the stove. She adds a couple of logs and puts the kettle o to boil. She rummages through the cupboards and puts together a late night snack of cheese and bread while she waits for the others to return. Chester hears the fuss in the kitchen. He unholsters his Remington and creeps downstairs. He gets behind the bar. "Who's in the kitchen?"

"Senor Chester? " It is Minerva. I am in the kitchen. por favor. I need to speak to you." Chester comes into the kitchen and Chester uncocks his revolver asking, "What are you doing up at this hour?"

Minerva hands him the plate of cheese. " Bring this out to the table in the other room. Senor Jake and Ruby and Nanuet should be in soon." She takes the kettle off of the stove and follows him into the other room. After placing everything on the table she hands him the note. "Luna delivered this to me ." Chester reads it and says, So you want to go out there now? I guess there's no time like the present. What's the tea for?" Minerva says, "Dorita gave this to us. It'll allow a person to be rested with less sleep than normal."

Nanuet wastes no time and heads right upstairs. "Can you put some water on for the tea Minerva. I will go get them." Nanuet continues up the stairs to Jake and Ruby's door. Normally he would listen first, but this time he just knocked loudly. "Jake? Ruby? I need to talk to you for a minute." he says in a loud but tired voice.

Jake groans, "Nanuet, can't it wait until morning?" Nanuet replies, "It is about the morning. I need to speak with you now, I don't care what you are doing this is more important. You can do that any time you want." Jake growls, "That's easy for you to say." He gets up off the bed and opens the door. "Actually that would be easier for me to say. What is so darned important Indian?"

Nanuet states, "It is not easy for me to say because I have not lain with a woman in a long time. Listen I don't need an attitude from you white man. We are going to go to the caves where the Cowboys are hiding out at dawn. You can come with us if you want." Nanuet shoves the package into Jake's arms. "This tea will help you to gain double the rest from the short sleep you would get were you to join us. I asked Minerva to put some water on for you. Sorry to disturb you. I will be leaving now." Nanuet turns around abruptly and begins walking away.

Jake exclaims, "Hey, what's wrong with you? You'd probably have scalped me by now if I interrupted you and the Senorita. We are going out tonight? Errr, tomorrow early?" Nanuet stops but doesn't turn around. "Yes, I probably would have. We are meeting at 4:00 AM at the El Parador. Should I expect you there?" “You make it sound like I have let you down before." Jake says quietly. "I'll be there Nanuet." This time Nanuet does turn around. The Indian says, "No, you have never let me down. I didn't mean that, I just didn't enjoy the reception I got at your door. I just thought this was more important.

Ruby yells out, "Jacob Alistair Cook get back in here and take care of your business!" Nanuet says, “Go, enjoy some time with your woman. Apologize to Ruby for me. I am leaving now. I will see you in a few hours. Sleep fast." Jake comes back in the room and relates the conversation he just had with Nanuet. "How'd you like some tea instead?" he offers weakly. "Tea? I don't want tea...I want..." her voice trails off as she sees Jake's face. "Fine. Tea." She climbs out of bed and puts Jake's shirt on. "Let's go drink tea before we might die." She heads for the door.

Nanuet comes back downstairs to see Chester talking with Minerva. "Ahh food. That is a great idea!" Nanuet says as his stomach rumbles. "Jake and Ruby won't be joining us, they are err, umm, busy." Nanuet sits down and begins eating slowly, minding his manners. "What do you mean, they are NOT coming down." Minerva says narrowing her eyes. "They can do THAT anytime." she says taking a seat. She pushes the plate of food toward Chester. "Por Favor Senor, Eat. I will explain while you do so. Perhaps they will come down shortly." Minerva explains about the tea and that they are to leave at 4:00 AM

Ruby and Jake do soon join them. Once downstairs and enjoying some tea, Jake asks "Are we riding out? Do we know anything about what we are up against?" Chester explains, "We caught one of the cowboys, John Bell. Eduardo told me that Bell spilled the beans about the plan. He was on the dance floor to cover an escape. There were two shooters on the rooftops. The main targets were the Arch-Bishop and a local priestess of Aphrodite who was supposed to be on stage at midnight. Bell grabs Kate and Conrad Booth chops his hand off. That's how we caught Bell." Ruby shrugs, "I guess they think that's me then, since I was on stage at midnight dancing. Another fun and exciting reason for them to shoot me."

Nanuet states, "I would imagine that we are riding out, but other than that I don't think we have much of a plan. Just trap them in them caves where we you and I went a few months back and try and see if we can end this." Minerva suggests, "Perhaps we could remove the magic from the area as well. Nanuet has a powder. Maybe we could place it at the cave opening?"

Ruby exclaims, "This time the plan is don't let any of those bastards get away." Ruby drinks her tea with a scowl. Jake replies, "Fine, I'm tired of complicated plans. Especially my own. I'll meet you at the El Parador." Nanuet says, "I like that plan Miss Ruby. You all have a good night.
When Ruby is ready Jake follows her up the stairs.

Nanuet says, Minerva, you need to rest. I can bring you back to the Comstock House or you can come to the grove with me and take your rest there. I am going to change out of these clothes and get my things." Nanuet gets up from the table, taking some food with him when him when he leaves for his room. He heads to his room and changes his clothes back to his usual vest and buckskin pants. He gathers all of his weapons and the magic powder from Kajika then returns downstairs. "So, have you decided?"

Minerva drinks her tea and yawns. "Mi amor, I would like to go back to the grove with you. It will be simpler than sneaking out of the house at 4:00 AM. Bea has keen hearing and an eagle eye and would surely insist on an explanation. I will sneak in now instead and get some clothing for tomorrow. I would sleep better in your arms mi amor" Minerva says and puts her arm around him. The two head for the Comstock house and Minerva sneaks up the stairs. She quickly puts her clothing and weapons in a pile. She sneaks back down the stairs and makes her way to the grove with Nanuet. He places a blanket down for her and holds her as she drifts off to sleep. "I love you Nanuet" she mumbles before the tea and the events of the day overtake her.

Silver Moon

Chapter 235, “To the Outlaws Cave”, Sunday, April 2nd , 1882, 4:00 AM

After getting some unwanted sleep Ruby gets out of bed feeling amazingly rested. She puts her leathers on, using her gun belt for her gun. She puts her scroll down her bodice along with her new set of tools. She brings the usual guns, ammo, dynamite in her backpack, plus all the potions and the magic dagger. Lastly she slings a rifle and the fire rod over her shoulder. "Let's go," she says glumly, knowing there is still a bullet out there with her name on it.

Jake dresses and loads up all his weapons as usual, plus buttons his duster up tight. He loads extra ammo and dynamite in his saddle bags. On the way out he sees a bundle left for him by Emery Shaw. Ruby tells him that Mr. Shaw left it for him. Jake just gives a low whistle. Jake and Ruby arrive bright and way too early at the El Parador.

Kate opened the door to the closed saloon for Jake and Ruby when they arrived. "Sorry about the early morning," she said quietly. "We can have Luna lead us to the Priest and get more details from him, then move. I'd love for this to be over by sunup. I took the time to get the horses ready, we can go as soon as everyone's here." Ruby wasn't going to bother to argue with Kate. If she had that little disregard for herself, even after she promised she would stay away, well, Ruby was going to start worrying more about herself and less about Kate. Ruby goes out to her horse, waiting for the others to show up. She looks him in the eye as she pets him softly. She whispers something in his ear before hopping up on the shiny black stallion.

Maska had joined Nanuet at around 2:00 AM, curing up in her familiar spot alongside him. Nanuet and Minerva meet up with everyone else after a restful few hours. Chester is riding Lookout when the group meets at the El Parador. He carries his rifle and revolver. He also has strapped his saber to the saddle. When Kate asked about it, he says, "It worked for Conrad, didn't it?" He rides close to Kate. "In a low voice, he says, "Kate? Seriously, did Conrad cut off someone's hand today? There's a cowboy with a stump at the end of his arm locked in the town jail."

For the first time Kate looked at Chester with doubt in her eyes. "You're not going to arrest him for that, are you? I had seen the man on the Sheriff's roof and was pulling my revolver. The man grabbed me and demanded I drop the weapon. There was no doubt he was with the gang, and if he got my gun he would be armed as well." Chester looks straight ahead. "I don't know if I'm going to arrest him. Bell told Eduardo that someone dressed as Hamlet cut his hand off. I'm not sure if Helen or Eduardo saw Conrad at the ball. But Judge Isby is going to notice a missing hand. If Bell was reaching for a gun, Conrad can claim self-defense." Kate states, "It could easily be said he was reaching for my gun."

The priest Trius speaks briefly with those before they head out. He says that the wolf detected fifteen distinctly different fresh human scents around the cave, but that one belonged to the man now in jail and two belonged to the men riding the wagon, which did not go to the caves, staying on the road to Galeyville.

He explains how while the wagon was going through the winding and steep hills around six miles away, other members of the gang positioned on overhanging cliffs used hooks and nets to grab and lift the books from the wagon. That way anybody tracking the wagon from behind would not have known the books had left and would have continued to follow the wagon. Without Luna's help they would have been fooled themselves, as Maska alerted them to guards in the first of those hills that prevented them from following the wagon closer while the books were taken.

He says that he is now needed over at the doctor's office helping see to his badly wounded senior priest friend, and that when they reach the caves Costas should be sent back as well to help the Arch-Bishop. "Fifteen huh?" Ruby tries not to do that math in her head. Kate says, "We will do that. You have both done more than enough to help us. Thank you. I hope the Arch-Bishop recovers quickly."

Jake loads up his horse and is ready to leave. "Lead on." As they all ride out Ruby warns them, "You need to be out of the way for this," she pulls upon the rod, "To work without getting toasted. So if I say get out of the way, get out of the way, ok? I can get a group of them at once and from far away too.""

Kate says, "I'm sure you all understand I'm going to have to stay as far back as I can. To the point of staying out in Qualtaqa's hiding place if need be. There's only so much risk I can take, although it seems I was in just as much danger here. Nanuet, if you'll ask Maska to show us the way?" Nanuet states, "That should be good if we can get them to come out the opening of that cave." Nanuet gets Maska to lead and lets her get as far ahead as she can and still be in his dark vision. Minerva follows alongside Nanuet. She has her rife by her side and is quiet and alert. Luna flies ahead to lead the way.

Jake lets his horse follow Ruby's for a while he works with the Swiss rifle in the dark until he is more familiar with its operation that way. They continue on, looking for the priest and centaur. They follow the road for a mile and then veer off before the long sloping mountain that Ruby and Jake had once ridden a horseless stagecoach down. They circumnavigate around the to the northeastern end of the two-mile long mountain. Jake and Nanuet remember that near the northeast corner surrounded by almost shear 200 foot high cliffs above it is a cave mouth.
Maska leads them not to the cave but behind a smaller jagged hill to the northwest of that location. They climb the rocky hill until they reach the summit, located four-tenths of a mile away from the cave mouth and at an elevation of seventy-five feet higher up. As they round the bend they find themselves facing the centaur Qualtaqa. He gestures for them to come forward and explains where the back of the invisible two-man tent is, from which you can see the cave mouth without risk of being seen yourself. He says that Costas is in the tent continuing to watch the goings on at the cave. Kate explained about what happened to the Arch-Bishop, and that Costas was needed back in Promise City. "Let's go down there and get a look at what's going on, and an update from Costas before he goes. Jake is right, let's leave the horses here."

Qualtaqa says, "Costas has the current watch so would be able to tell you the present situation. There have been two men guarding the cave mouth at all times. They foolishly keep conversing with empty air, giving away the fact that there is at least one invisible person there as well."

"I guess it would be on foot from here." Jake unloads his weapons muttering, "I feel like a blasted army." He also takes the saddle bag with dynamite in it. Nanuet asks, "Has anyone stirred from the caves yet or do they have any kind of watch? Ruby what is the range on that thing? Could you hit that cave mouth from here?" She replies, "Yes I could. I practiced with it, I can hit about a mile away with a good shot. But would good would that do right now? Can anyone see invisible things? Because they might come running out like that and we wouldn't know."

Kate says, "I can do something to change that. And then I could stay in the tent and watch for anyone trying to escape out the front." Ruby comments, "Nanuet, don't you have powder? After we get in there use it outside the cave mouth and as they run out they will become visible." Nanuet says, "Yes, I have powder but it is tricky to use and even trickier with guards out front. It must be spread on the ground and made and kept moist."

Jake says, "If we clear the cave mouth with that thing you carry we lose surprise. On the other hand, if we use guns to clear the cave mouth we don't have surprise either. I might be able to take one out silently, but the others would raise the alarm and I don't know what in Hades we do about a least one more invisible cowboy out front. If no one has a better plan, I'd go along with that. We should get closer first so we can secure the opening." Kate interjects, "I can make the ones there visible now, we would want the powder to see any trying to escape. I think it will stay wet long enough to do the job we need."

Ruby replies, "How can you do that Kate? And if he suddenly becomes visible he'll know something is up anyway. I can also try to get someone silently. But it will be hard to get up there." Jake replies, "I don't understand everything you all do, but we need to eliminate Ringo's protection some how. Don't forget to save something to take care of that." Kate states, "Ginnie's scroll. I used mine up, but she still had hers." Ruby asks, "But if you can't see the invisible person, how do you know where to aim it?" Kate answers, "We watch for them to do their talking. But you can direct the spell to the general area of the cave mouth."

Ruby interjects, "I have a scroll too, if we get inside and he's in there. But yesterday there was someone there who looked like him and it wasn't him." Kate says, "True, but he was also expecting us. It's far less likely tonight." Ruby replies, "I am almost positive he's expecting us. So everyone should be on guard." Kate says, "Maybe, but unlike us, he hasn't had enough rest to get his talents back. He will have less power than usual." Ruby comments, "It's not possible that he did the same thing we did?"

Chester points to Ruby's "shotgun." "We should spread out. If the cowboys had that wand before, they could have another." Ruby replies, "According to my teacher that is highly unlikely. But we can wait until another day to debate it." She smiles at Chester. "But it's not a bad idea to separate."

Nanuet says, "OK, well then I guess the rest of get as close as we can without being spotted, Kate makes them visible, we take them out, then try and put the powder in place before the others come out of the cave? Is that the plan?" Kate answers, "That's the plan. Nice and simple. But let's talk to Costas and get the latest before we get too attached to that plan."

They started down to the tent, keeping their voices as low as possible. I have to see if the tent is close enough though." Ruby shakes her head as Kate walks away. "Right, so you're hoping you get him. Damn foolish plan," she says to no one before following down to the tent, trying to stay hidden. Ruby studies the area to the cave, trying to find the best path to not be seen. "If the spell works, and he becomes visible, they will still have time to call up the guard. The people who can move the best in the dark should get the closest they can. Are we ready?" "As soon as we talk to Costas. Invisible tents are hard to find," Kate said, stating the obvious.

Nanuet states, "Maska and I are ready.” Minerva states, "I would feel better..."she glances at Katherine " If you would allow me to say a prayer when we are ready to proceed. I am sure that the Goddess would help us if we asked." Kate states, "Feel free. I'm not refusing any help this morning." Chester adds, "Athena doesn't like Ares. That's for sure, maybe she'll give us a hand."

Minerva walks over to Nanuet and whispers in his ear, “I love you, Nanuet.” She sighs and puts her arms around him. "I feel as though I have been waiting for you all my life. It is the Fates that have brought us together, but it is love that will hold us together.” She looks deep into his eyes, all her tender feelings for him shining out of her soul, as she leans in and whispers, her warm breath tickling his ear. “I want you to teach me the ways of love when this is all over, mi Amor. Will you do that?” she smiles in innocent trust. "Now don't go getting yourself killed.

Nanuet looks at Minerva uneasily. "I love you as well, but this is not the time for thoughts like that. I am sorry but I can not entertain those thoughts now I must keep to the task at hand. We must all do that or we will surely be defeated. We can have that discussion at a more appropriate time." She turns to the others and prays to the Goddess for protection.

While they finalize the plan and prayers, Ruby pulls Jake aside. She glances at the cave, then back to Jake. Putting on her best actress face she gives him a small smile. "Please take care of yourself baby. I meant what I said earlier, I don't know what I would do without you." She kisses him softly, "I love you." "I'll promise to duck if you will." Jake says light heartedly. "I do indeed love you Ruby West. The Gods’ luck be with you." "Let's hope that Hermes is still watching over you," she replies back.

"Where is this guy, I want to get this over with," Ruby whispers as she moves forward. With Qualtaqa's help they find Costas. He says that the guards were rotated around forty-five minutes earlier. One of the two guards now is a woman. They are just inside the cave mouth. They also don't seem to be spending too much time looking out of the cave mouth, so wouldn't necessarily see anybody approaching from flat against the cliff wall. He doesn't know if the invisible one is still there or not.

Kate nods. "Is there anything you can do to help us get closer? Or to keep things quiet once they start? Any advantage you could give us would be appreciated."

Ruby asks, "Costas, any chance you could cast the spell on me so I can see the invisible people?" He exclaims with anger in his voice "No, that would be wizard magic, a type of witchcraft!" Ruby innocently replies, "Oh, I had no idea, obviously. How would I know that?" Kate adds, "Is there anything you can do for us? I'm afraid we are quite ignorant of the ways of magic."

Kate says, "Oh damn. Excuse my language. I have seen my friends who are servants of the gods use a spell that keeps people from trying to harm them. Would it be possible to put such a spell on me?" Costas says, "That would be a Sanctuary spell. I could cast it, but it only lasts for seven minutes so would be gone by the time you got there."

Kate says, "We have also seen that the Cowboy Gang often has magical weapons. Is that something that can be done with the gods’ magic? I'm sure my companions still here would appreciate that." He replies, "I have a spell that negates the evil magic of witchcraft but the furthest I can cast that is 170 feet, and it has a 30 foot radius, so 200 feet would be the furthest it would reach." "I wish I knew better about the talents of the servants of the gods. The night is a help to us right now, might you be able to make our approach silent?"

Ruby turns her back to the priest and goes back to looking at the cave. She concentrates hard and tries to see if she notices any thing magical. Jake taps Ruby on the shoulder and whispers, "Perhaps we should do this the old fashioned way then." She sees him holding his dagger. "Good idea," she whispers back. Then loudly, "Forget this. No more waiting. Jake and I will go first. Watch us, wait, then follow." With that Ruby motions for Jake to follow her. "Oh, Nanuet, can you send Maska up again to scent for people we can't see??"

Once they are far enough away from Costas so he can't hear her, she starts an incantation and Jake disappears, followed by her. "Come on," she whispers, "Keep an eye out for invisible people." Ruby takes her new shiny knife out and quietly starts towards the cave mouth. Jake ponders that for only a second and shakes his head. Fortunately Ruby can't see him. He whispers, "When we get there, you have the one on the left." Jake moves as silently as possible down towards the cave mouth with his dagger in hand. "Ok," she whispers back. As she walks to the cave she looks for signs of anyone there that she can't see, footprints, someone talking to the air, dust on the ground, etc...

Kate then realized something. "I'm sorry, I have been so concerned about what is going on here, I forgot my message. I did tell Qualtaqa when I arrived. The festival was attacked by gang members and the Arch-Bishop injured. They want you to return just as soon as you can to help with his care." His eyes go wide and she replies, "Costas, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shock you. As far as I know the Arch-Bishop is stable, but they want you to come back." He answers, "Qualtaqa and I will leave now. Good luck."

She replies, "Good luck to you as well. I hope to see you tomorrow morning." Kate sighed, wishing she had known more about clerical magic. Still, they could not use any of their own magic with him still there. "Time to go," she said to the others, then started down, keeping herself pressed against the wall to remain unseen as she made her way down.

Nanuet sends Maska ahead with Jake and Ruby following them by scent. He then takes out his rifle, counts to twenty and makes his way down towards the caves trying to remain hidden. Chester exits the tent and tries to spot Ruby and Jake advancing on the cave. Maska sniffs around as she nears the cave. She backtracks until she smells Jake and then nips lightly at his hand. Jake looks down at Maska, hoping the wolf hasn't suddenly gotten hungry.

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