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Wizards In Winter - Low-Level Thread (DM: Son of Meepo, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

Son of Meepo

First Post
A humanoid, dressed in hides and wielding a battleaxe emerges from he open door. He would look human if not for some of the bestial facial features that mark him as a shifter. He shouts a warning and you can hear a flurry of activity as the barbarians prepare to advance upon you, keeping you out of the village that they had overrun.

[sblock=Initiative][sblock=Monster Initiative]I won't be rolling initiative for the monsters. Instead I will be taking a weighted average of their initiative modifiers and adding 10 to determine when they act.
(Weights - Minion .25, Standard 1, Elite 2, Solo 4, Leader x2)

8 Hordelings (Minion, Init +5), 2 Braves (Init +5), Scout (Init +8)

5*.25*8 + 5*2 + 8 = 28
28/5 = 5.6, which rounds of to 6, giving them an average of +6, and an initiative of 16.[/sblock]


GM: Combat begins with El Chupacabra and Caim, followed by the barbarians.
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First Post
OOC: Guardian's Counter triggers if you are within 2 squares of me and you are hit by an attack. Try to stay close to me so I can use it, if it's not inconvenient- Merri and Ilex in particular, since you two have the lowest AC.

It's been too long since it was this clear to Caim what she needed to do. She relished the beautiful simplicity of battle as she sprang from the dinghy, meeting the raiders' charge head-on. She brandishes her tonfa and cries, "Stay close to me!"

[sblock=Actions]Move: ->beginning of the pier
Standard: Ready Action - Brash Strike (+7 vs AC, target is marked hit or miss)
Trigger: Enemy enters Caim's reach[/sblock]

[sblock=Statblock]Caim - Female Half-Elf Fighter|Battlemind 1
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 10, Passive Insight: 17
AC:19 Fort:15 Ref:13 Will:15 PP:2
HP: 33/33 Bloodied: 16 Surge value: 8 Surges/day: 13
Speed: 5 squares, AP: 1, Second Wind: unused, Temporary HP: 0
Melee Basic Attack: +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 (Only use after Eldritch Strike and all PP are expended)
Powers: Brash Strike, Twisted Eye, Battlemind's Demand, Blurred Step, Guardian's Counter, Eldritch Strike, Steel Unity Strike[/sblock]
[sblock=Out-of-Turn Action Conditions]Caim will always use Blurred Step if doing so does not distance her from an enemy which she considers significantly higher priority than the enemy triggering Blurred Step.

Caim will use Guardian's Counter at the first opportunity.

If Caim's Combat Challenge is triggered by a melee attack from a credible threat, she will use Eldritch Strike as her Melee Basic Attack, and on a hit she will slide the attacker away from the target to invalidate the triggering attack.

If Caim can make a Melee Basic Attack outside of her turn against a credible threat (if her Combat Challenge is triggered by a shift, for example) and she has Power Points remaining, she will spend 1 to augment Twisted Eye to use in place of her MBA. If she has no Power Points remaining, she will use Eldritch Strike. Note that Blurred Step and Combat Challenge may both activate at the same trigger.

Enemies are not credible threats if I am aware that their ability to move and act freely is far less harmful to the party than is that of other monsters on the board. Caim would not use Eldritch Strike on a Minion when she also has a Skirmisher marked, for example.[/sblock]


The weird winged creature remains hidden within the coil of rope, unnoticed by all.

Minor: Summon the shadow wrought weapon.
Move: Stealth check to hide. I don't think mving in front of the group would do any good, so for all purposes this action just delays until we all act again[/sblock]

[sblock=Statblock]El Chupacabra (or the Horrible Creature in the bird cage) - Pixie monk 1
Initiative: +5, Passive perception: 15, Passive Insight: 10
AC:20 Fort:14 Ref:16 Will:12
HP: 28/28 THP: 0 Bloodied: 14 Surge value: 7 Surges/day: 10/10
Speed: 4 walking, 6 flying (max altitude 1), AP: 1
Melee Basic Attack: +3 vs AC, 1d6+1 or 1d8 (unarmed)

Fallen Needle, Five Storms
Swift River Floods, Pixie dust, Shadow Wrought weapon, Shrink
Steel Avalanche[/sblock]

Son of Meepo

First Post
More doors open and barbarians begin to pour out of the houses. The leader sprints straight for the pier where Caim is ready to meet her, but Caim's strike is a moment too hasty and the leader connects with a strike from her pick.

Several other barbarians with battleaxes rush the pier as well, while the others come up from the rear.

[sblock=Caim's Triggered Action]Brash Strike (1d20+7=11, 1d6+8=13) (MISS)[/sblock]

[sblock=Barbarian Leader]Charge Attack (w/CA) (1d20+9+1+2=23, 3d6+4=9) (HIT; 9 damage)[/sblock]

[sblock=Barbarian Horde]Charge Attacks (1d20+8+1=13, 1d20+8+1=20, 1d20+8+1=28) (MISS, HIT, CRIT; 4+7 damage)[/sblock]

GM: Turn Summary
Caim misses with her readied attack.
Caim is hit 3 times for 9, 4, and 7 damage, bloodying her (13/33 hp).

Everyone may now take a turn.



First Post
OOC: It doesn't matter in this case, but in the future you might need to let us know which enemies hit and which missed.

Caim grins, blood in her teeth. She had missed this. "That's right, you pissants. Break yourselves against me," she growls, and the words are more than just words to the barbarian leader- they stick in his mind like barbs, forcing his attention toward Caim. Then her tonfa blurs in a sudden strike, and with a crack like a gunshot one of the underlings, his skull shattered, falls like his strings have been cut.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Battlemind's Demand, S1 is marked until the end of the encounter or until I use this power again
Standard: Twisted Eye vs H1 PROBABLY HIT, H1 PROBABLY DEAD

Immediate: Guardian's Counter if triggered, otherwise reserved for Combat Challenge.[/sblock]

[sblock=Statblock]Caim - Female Half-Elf Fighter|Battlemind 1
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 10, Passive Insight: 17
AC:19 Fort:15 Ref:13 Will:15 PP:2
HP: 13/33 Bloodied: 16 Surge value: 8 Surges/day: 13
Speed: 5 squares, AP: 1, Second Wind: unused, Temporary HP: 0
Melee Basic Attack: +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 (Only use after Eldritch Strike and all PP are expended)
Powers: Brash Strike, Twisted Eye, Battlemind's Demand, Blurred Step, Guardian's Counter, Eldritch Strike, Steel Unity Strike[/sblock]
[sblock=Out-of-Turn Action Conditions]Caim will always use Blurred Step if doing so does not distance her from an enemy which she considers significantly higher priority than the enemy triggering Blurred Step.

Caim will use Guardian's Counter at the first opportunity.

If Caim's Combat Challenge is triggered by a melee attack from a credible threat, she will use Eldritch Strike as her Melee Basic Attack, and on a hit she will slide the attacker away from the target to invalidate the triggering attack.

If Caim can make a Melee Basic Attack outside of her turn against a credible threat (if her Combat Challenge is triggered by a shift, for example) and she has Power Points remaining, she will spend 1 to augment Twisted Eye to use in place of her MBA. If she has no Power Points remaining, she will use Eldritch Strike. Note that Blurred Step and Combat Challenge may both activate at the same trigger.

Enemies are not credible threats if I am aware that their ability to move and act freely is far less harmful to the party than is that of other monsters on the board. Caim would not use Eldritch Strike on a Minion when she also has a Skirmisher marked, for example.[/sblock]
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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: It doesn't matter in this case, but in the future you might need to let us know which enemies hit and which missed.

GM: When not specified, it will be in numerical order by creature type. So H1 missed, H3 hit, and H4 crit.

GM: When you damage the monsters, just add their damage to the spreadsheet in Column O. The sheet will tell you if they are hurt, bloodied, dying, etc.
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Wife Of Meepo

First Post
Seeing creatures attacking one of the 'friends' Noctua was introduced to while riding the larger boat, Noctua bounds from the dingy and up the dock to stand next to Caim, Screeching and roaring as only an owlbear can.

Ilex beams with pride and says more to herself than anyone around her. "I've trained her well." She moves onto the dock. While looking at two of the barbarians closing on the dock, Ilex is chanting blood to stone as she pulses her right hand open, closed, open, closed. Each round of chant/pulse takes longer to occure to show the blood SHOULD BE turning to stone.

OOC: ignore Noctua rolls. I just found out that I need to share actions with my companion. boo :(
also annoyed that it lost my dmg roll for Ilex. Would roll it again but alas Ilex Missed.

move: to S30 below Caim
Ferocious Companion (aura 1): Allies gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls against enemies in the aura.

move: to S34
Standard: Stone Blood (At-Will Standard Area burst 1 in 10 ✦ Arcane, Implement, Transmutation) Wizard Attack 1
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: +4 vs Fortitude
Hit: 1d6+4 damage and the target is slowed until the end of Ilex's next turn.[/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: I assumed H1-8 were minions cause they did fixed damage. Should I roll damage?

EDIT: Nevermind, I see H1 was removed from the board.
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First Post
Merri isn't quite sure what to do at first. She is impressed with Caim's bravery at jumping to the fore of the group, putting herself in danger for everyone else's benefit. When her new friend is attacked repeatedly by the barbarians, Merri leaps to her feet.

"Hey! You leave her alone!"

She jumps from the boat and onto the dock with surprising agility. Her rapier flashes in the morning light, and the barbarian, not concerned with the young girl, is stabbed through the chest and crumples on the dock. The excitement radiates off Merri. Caim, as much as she may not want to admit it, is bolstered by Merri's aura.

Movement: Move to T-30
Standard: Energizing Strike vs. H3: Hit AC 24, killing the minion. Caim gains +4 THP.

[sblock=Merri's Stats]Merri - Human Hybrid: Ardent / Vampire 1

Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 11

AC 15, Fort 13, Reflex 14, Will 16

HP 24/24 Bloodied 12, Surge Value 6, Surges 2/2
Vulneribility: 5 radiant

Speed 6, Initiative +3

Action Points: 1

Power Points: 2

At-Will Powers: Energizing Strike, Ire Strike, Taste of Life
Encounter Powers: Secone Wind, Surefooted Stride, Ardent Surge
Daily Powers: Lingering Fury

*Allies within 5 squares get +1 to OA damage rolls and +2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.
*Target of Ardent Surge gains +1 to attack rolls TENT
*Merri has regeneration 4 while bloodied.
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