Last night I had the weirdest Dnd Dream I've ever had. I mean seriously who would be this stupid?, after all some GM's I've known have had troll kings that wouldn't do something this daft
Basically theirs A country that lets people, even foreigners, that can afford to buy both A noble title and A domain to go with it. Sadly if your only buying 1 title then you must buy a domain to go with it but a loophole allows a buyer to buy 2 titles but only 1 domain
Its king is on a visit to another country and whilst riding through the market and notices that A Slaver has a group of 152 child Slaves that between 2 years younger and 2 years older then his nieces nephew, he's 7 and their ages range from 5 to 9, that he thinks they boy will like, their prices from from 8,000 Gold to 20,000 Gold and they have a combined price of 2.6 million gold
Sadly he doesn't have anywhere near that much local currency but he is willing to give the Slaver 5 Nobles Titles that each come with A Domain, all 7 titles are of fairly senior Baron and all 7 domains are A Large Barony and the 7 domains would normally cost 500,000 Gold each but The Slaver said no
Why?, because the Slaver that has never took anything other then cash and has always refused to take anything other then cash, but the guys clearly mad. I mean the slaves are only worth a total of 2.6 million gold and the king was offering to exchange them for 7 Nobles Titles that each come with A Domain, all 7 titles are of fairly senior Baron and all 7 domains are A Large Barony and normally the cost of both that title and that domain would be 500,000 Gold each
I mean seriously? the slaves the king wanted are only worth 2.6 million Gold but he was offering 7 Nobles Titles that each come with A Domain, all 7 sets are worth 700,000 Gold, that's a total of 3.5 million gold, what's worse is that even if the foreign king was offering goods and not noble titles that each come with A Domain the slaver would still be getting a pretax profit of 900,000 Gold
Basically theirs A country that lets people, even foreigners, that can afford to buy both A noble title and A domain to go with it. Sadly if your only buying 1 title then you must buy a domain to go with it but a loophole allows a buyer to buy 2 titles but only 1 domain
Its king is on a visit to another country and whilst riding through the market and notices that A Slaver has a group of 152 child Slaves that between 2 years younger and 2 years older then his nieces nephew, he's 7 and their ages range from 5 to 9, that he thinks they boy will like, their prices from from 8,000 Gold to 20,000 Gold and they have a combined price of 2.6 million gold
Sadly he doesn't have anywhere near that much local currency but he is willing to give the Slaver 5 Nobles Titles that each come with A Domain, all 7 titles are of fairly senior Baron and all 7 domains are A Large Barony and the 7 domains would normally cost 500,000 Gold each but The Slaver said no
Why?, because the Slaver that has never took anything other then cash and has always refused to take anything other then cash, but the guys clearly mad. I mean the slaves are only worth a total of 2.6 million gold and the king was offering to exchange them for 7 Nobles Titles that each come with A Domain, all 7 titles are of fairly senior Baron and all 7 domains are A Large Barony and normally the cost of both that title and that domain would be 500,000 Gold each
I mean seriously? the slaves the king wanted are only worth 2.6 million Gold but he was offering 7 Nobles Titles that each come with A Domain, all 7 sets are worth 700,000 Gold, that's a total of 3.5 million gold, what's worse is that even if the foreign king was offering goods and not noble titles that each come with A Domain the slaver would still be getting a pretax profit of 900,000 Gold