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Which D&D Settings Do You Play In?

Over on the right of the news page is a new poll which asks which D&D setting you currently play in. Obviously WotC has its own survey data, and we know from that that 55% of people use home-brew settings, 35% play in the Realms, 5% in Greyhawk, and the remaining 5% is divided between the rest. I figured it would be fun to see how closely EN World's members track to that overall survey; how closely to we represent the official data? To that end, I've listed a number of settings. The question is what you PLAY in? It's not "what would you LIKE to play in", or "what would you like to see more support for?" -- it's what are you PLAYING in right now? I know some folks have more than one game going and they may be different settings. That's why I've allowed a choice of three in the poll. If you have four or more games in multiple settings -- well, I'm envious. I took the list from the Wikipedia page of 25 settings, so if you're mad and incensed about the list or its ordering or whatever (because Internet) blame Wikipedia! Some settings incorporate others (Kara-Tur is in the Realms, for example), but I"m keeping it simple with the top level list.

Over on the right of the news page is a new poll which asks which D&D setting you currently play in. Obviously WotC has its own survey data, and we know from that that 55% of people use home-brew settings, 35% play in the Realms, 5% in Greyhawk, and the remaining 5% is divided between the rest. I figured it would be fun to see how closely EN World's members track to that overall survey; how closely to we represent the official data? To that end, I've listed a number of settings. The question is what you PLAY in? It's not "what would you LIKE to play in", or "what would you like to see more support for?" -- it's what are you PLAYING in right now? I know some folks have more than one game going and they may be different settings. That's why I've allowed a choice of three in the poll. If you have four or more games in multiple settings -- well, I'm envious. I took the list from the Wikipedia page of 25 settings, so if you're mad and incensed about the list or its ordering or whatever (because Internet) blame Wikipedia! Some settings incorporate others (Kara-Tur is in the Realms, for example), but I"m keeping it simple with the top level list.

Here's what WotC's survey says we play (that data comes from Chris Perkin's panel at Gamehole Con). Let's see how closely we match it. The survey is on the right hand side of the news page, or it's at the top of the discussion thread, depending where/how you're viewing this.


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Currently playing 3.5 Eberron. 5e homebrew and 5e heavily reflavored homebrew sci-fi setting. Our 3.5 game is starting to show the inability of levels 10+ to make sence in the Eberron setting and switching to 5e will make perfect sence if not for the fact that not all of the character will be able to transfer their characters to the relatively limited options in 5e (now that I think about it - only the artificier class is really lacking...) although some options for dragonmarks, knight phantoms and wand wielders will be nice.

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Interesting that the setting they push so hard doesn't even break 50%, and the original Greyhawk which hasn't had any attention since 3.5 is 5% on it's own in the official poll and even higher in the Enworld results.

If it had been put front and centre like FR had for so long I am sure it would have done at the very least as well as FR and maybe better.

Aaron L

Greyhawk, and my own personal homebrew world of Alterra. I am also not averse to a little Ravenloft and Dark Sun now and then.

I would really like a nice HARDCOVER Greyhawk book, like they did with the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (only not softcover) but updating stuff to 5E. A hardcover book, with a poster map. I still have and use Iuz the Evil, The Marklands, and Ivid the Undying for setting material, but having an actual hardcover, color Greyhawk book with a poster map as a world setting overview would be a nice change... it gets kinda tiring having to keep using 20+ year old maps because they just haven't bothered to release any maps of anywhere but Toril in over 20 years.

I really, really dislike how they hijacked the Temple of Elemental Evil concept and shoehorned it into the Forgotten Realms. Just totally damn tacky; the Realms has more than enough stuff of its own already, and WotC trying to have their cake and eat it too by cynically manipulating the nostalgia factor of Elemental Evil but swiping it from Greyhawk and wedging it into the 'Realms just really, absolutely rubs me the wrong way as a Greyhawk fan. How would 'Realms fans feel if WotC suddenly released a big mega-adventure campaign about Myth Drannor but set on Oerth? The only reason the Forgotten Realms became "the most popular D&D setting" is because the 'Realms has always had five times as many books published for it than for every other setting combined. Big pet peeve of mine. If there are only 5 shows on TV, and 4 of them only have 8 episodes but the 5th show has 100 episodes, and every 15 minutes there is a commercial for the 5th show, it doesn't take a whole lot of mental effort to figure out which one is going to become the most popular.


5th Ed D&D Golarion

Currently running a 5th Ed Golarion campaign and loving it. Conversions are easy and can often be done on the fly.


Monster Manager
Today it looks like Mystara has quite a following, just one vote behind Greyhawk (at the time of this post), with Greyhawk third after FR. Not sure of the significance, but I'm happy to see it :)

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