Creature Cataloguer
These are the final remaining creatures, yet to be converted from the Monster Manual (1977 version). Take you time, and let us know what you want to see here!
If this poll is successful, I will add more like it soon.
I have already done a conversion of the ordinary Sprite (not soda pop), but vote for it anyway if you want to see it in the Creature Catalog.
Since there are only 10 spots open on a poll, I had to leave the following creatures out, so if you want to see them, respond to this post:
Bull and cattle
Crustacean, giant (crab, crayfish)
Fish (barracuda, eel, lamprey, masher, ray)
Fish, giant (gar, leech, pike, portuguese man-o-war, sea horse)
Flightless bird (ostrich, emu)
Herd animal (ox, giraffe, antelope)
Slug, giant
Tick, giant
If this poll is successful, I will add more like it soon.
I have already done a conversion of the ordinary Sprite (not soda pop), but vote for it anyway if you want to see it in the Creature Catalog.
Since there are only 10 spots open on a poll, I had to leave the following creatures out, so if you want to see them, respond to this post:
Bull and cattle
Crustacean, giant (crab, crayfish)
Fish (barracuda, eel, lamprey, masher, ray)
Fish, giant (gar, leech, pike, portuguese man-o-war, sea horse)
Flightless bird (ostrich, emu)
Herd animal (ox, giraffe, antelope)
Slug, giant
Tick, giant