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What software remains to be coded?

Za the Demon

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I was wondering what, if any, programs are still left to be written? There are character generators, mapping programs, combat programs, and random generators of all kinds. What is left? What are people still looking for?

I, for one, would like to see some of these great programs, that already exist, start working together in a more integrated manner.

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DM's Familiar
I think a lot of the programs are still in their early stages. There is plenty of room for new features and capabilities right now and those are more likely to be addressed then integrating with existing software.

I do think some basic integration will take place soon. I know the next thing on my list for DM's Familair is the ability to import stat blocks so that it can work with PCGen, MasterTools, or anything else that creates stat blocks.

What is left to be written? I'd like to see a bio-feedback device. When you come to the gaming table, you'd get some electrodes strapped to you. As your PC takes damage, you get shocked. If your PC dies, you get enough volts to knock you off the chair. :)

Seriously, I don't know. I'd say most of what can be invented has been. It's just going to be cleaning up the existing things at this point. I'm sure that's wrong though. Somebody will come up with something that none of has thought of but that we need.


First Post
Pie in the Sky time? My Favourite!


Some things either were talked about, or were done (some I started myself but then dropped!):

(these are all for creating new things properly)

Magic Item value calculator (done I think?)

Weapon balance calculator (starte this myself, ditched it after a little while)

Monster calculator (i.e. does all those "how many skill points for xHD outsider?" calculations for you)

There was a document which purported to balance PrCs for you, that could be coded up (data files giving expansion of abilities?)

I started work on a system to link simple dungeon maps to room descriptions (on a web page) so that you got the room desciption when you clicked the room on screen. (guess what; ditched it!)


These are things I ave "60%" written:

My InitBrowse program (version 2 with bells and whistles, stock monster creation, proper state tracking etc)

"multi-function-displays" - a wierd program that is probably only good for me; lets you summon up text files or web pages into up to 4 panes at the hit of a single key. (used for getting reference info fast)

"data reader" - basically works like TomeRaider (www.tomeraider.com) except it uses human-readable data files. It also uses index files, which allow you to (for instance) use the basic SRD spell reference, but in the index specify alternate sources for errata'd, house ruled or just plain extra spells.

(tome raider forces you to "compile" your text files into .tr format -> a non-reversible process, making updates hard)


There are also lots of little "tweaks" that the programmer in me sees that would be nice;

TableSmith tables for treasure that don't _assume_ you use lots of expansion material, but that enable you to add it easily (started doing this, stopped after a while...)
PCGen ported to a Win32 speific language, so it runs at a respectable speed!

And that holy grail; easy integration of lots of different programs!

As you can see; the to-do list is long, and the list of nice things to do is even longer.

(hell; my list is really a "get on and finish what you've started!" list...)


First Post
... and another thing :)

I'd like a simple prog that allowed me to specify values to be inserted into, say, the PCGen csheet templates.

Cut out all that character generation stuff, and just let me fill in the blanks :D

In fact... Onto the To Do list with you!

[edit; i'd like a secretary to type my posts without errors too!]
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We need a comprehensive web page that lists all the software available for 3e. It should have a short description, link to download, say what version number, and say when it was last updated. Ideally there would also be reviews of the program.

I know that Morrus took over Jamis' page. However, Jamis' page was not comprehensive. I venture to bet that Morrus would welcome help in this area. I would do it, however, I am already maintaining the Free Adventure Guide as well as writing my own software.

Anyone... Bueller?

*:> Scott


First Post
Yeah well, ive been analizing character generators and i couldnt find a good and fast char gen. So ive decided to program one, totally usable through the keyboard, very tab-and-enter intensive. Like the old days of TOMO. So, its in early stage, finishing the Abilities section. Its gonna be in spanish.


monster encounter generators running on a java or windows platfrom. I have yet to see one that will allow me to build a random encounter without requiring i need excel or another app to run. This app needs to be standalone and installed on it's own with nothing else besides a few libraries that need to accompany it.


Asesino_Virtual said:
Yeah well, ive been analizing character generators and i couldnt find a good and fast char gen. So ive decided to program one, totally usable through the keyboard, very tab-and-enter intensive. Like the old days of TOMO. So, its in early stage, finishing the Abilities section. Its gonna be in spanish.



Leopold said:
monster encounter generators running on a java or windows platfrom. I have yet to see one that will allow me to build a random encounter without requiring i need excel or another app to run. This app needs to be standalone and installed on it's own with nothing else besides a few libraries that need to accompany it.

What do you mean by a monster encounter generator?
My Monster program will allow you to select a monster(s) and then will output its statblock.

What we do need is a program that Advances monsters.


smetzger said:

What do you mean by a monster encounter generator?
My Monster program will allow you to select a monster(s) and then will output its statblock.

What we do need is a program that Advances monsters.

i don't honestly care about statblock but i want a program that will be reminiscint of the old encounter generator ie:

I am on the plains and you encounter "X" where X is a list of monsters that can live on these plains, then classify them by CR and so forth. It will randomly dish out an encounter assign hp's, number, CR, etc. and then give that to the DM in a nice format..That's what I want..

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