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What games, currently, have your interest?


Morkus from Orkus
For me it has been D&D for many years, but back in the day...

Boot Hill
Gamma World
Star Frontiers
Top Secret
Car Wars
World of Darkness(Vampire, Werewolf, etc.)
Star Trek
Star Wars
It Came From the Late Late Show

I simply don't have the time to play more than one RPG these days, and even if I did, my gaming group is pretty D&D centric.

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Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Pendragon, currently playing in The Great Pendragon Campaign

OSE, enjoying the books and debating whether to run my next game with it

The Nightmares Underneath, enjoying the book and debating whether to run my next game with it

Avatar Legends, my partner is excited for it, slowly reading and processing so I can run it sometime soon


Deluxe Unhuman
Trying to whittle down a Cortex Prime variant for sword & sorcery that will be easy to run and teach/introduce to my group. (Before anyone suggests Cortex Prime S&S rules that can be found on the internet, I'm confident I have properly scoured the internet and found them all - unless there's something very recent or that hasn't been made public.)

Pert the thread title, "interest" is the key word here - I'm not excited about it, because my GMing confidence is low these days, but I love some versions of Cortex too much to not keep working on this.

Also: running Cohors Cthulhu, running There's Something In The Ice, playing Star Trek Adventures 2E. Those first two are sub-genres I've always wanted to run, and I have played only a little STA, which feels very wrong since I'm a massive fan.

I'm going through a lot of my indie game pdfs, so there's other stuff there that made me go "Hmm!" but that I can't think of right now. Definitely Wizards is one.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I am running a 5e game, and playing in a Humblewood game, so those have my interest.

I am playing in a Fate Accelerated game of Space 1889, so that also has my interest.

I am spinning up a table of Old Gods of Appalachia and a demo of Deathmatch Island, so those are in my mind right now.


I must think about gaming too much.

5e: By way of "Flee Mortals!" The MCDM monster book is the life support that 5e needed to make it palatable for me to run casual one-shots.

4e: I'm running a weekly game. Even though it has its problems, I'm planning to finish it up this summer with Madness at Gardmore Abbey, which I have reconstructed from PDFs.

PF2: Because I'm running this on Foundry VTT and have a pretty invested group of players, it's working well enough. We're about at the midway point of Kingmaker.

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound: This is an interesting spin on high-powered fantasy action. Not gonna lie, the varieties of metacurrency and the comparative scale of narrative terms to determine difficulty (i.e.: "Good" vs. "Awesome" = -1 to your die roll) makes it seem 200% wonkier than it should be.

13th Age: I retired the system years ago, but now with a new group, a collection from a recent PDF bundle, and the 2nd edition on the horizon, maybe it's time to propose it to my group who likes 4e and PF2 (but probably needs something simpler). Still, I don't like the idea of needing to copy a paragraph of effects on a character sheet just to know what your attack does.

Castles & Crusades: I prefer it to OSE - just in case I need a simpler game option than 13th Age.

Again, I'm searching for that Goldilocks system that is ...
1) Easy enough to balance (whether using tools or system mastery)
2) Accessible for players (not OOP or terribly expensive)
3) Similar enough to the d20 system that players don't lose their minds [which cuts out many dice pool systems]
4) Rich enough with content and growth potential that we don't get tired of it after a month


Ironsworn | Starforged | Sundered Isles
Swords of the Serpentine
Genesys |
FFG Star Wars
Honor + Intrigue
Court of Blades
(Forged in the Dark hack)
Tales of Xadia | Cortex Prime

Voidrunner's Codex

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