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D&D 5E What does a feylock patron want?


Hey all.

I need ideas on what my player's feylock's patron wants from her. Her patron is an eladrin season lord, the Summer Queen, and I've been converting Red Hand of Doom to 5E. The party has a dwarven nature cleric of Sylvanus, and currently the patron's motivation has been to stop the hobgoblin horde from overtaking the area. The hobgoblins are making pacts with Tiamat and summoning devils, which is something the Summer Queen doesn't want to come to pass since she doesn't want Tiamat gaining any extra ground, but she's a detached near goddess of the Feywild herself so I don't imagine she's entirely benevolent.

The campaign is nearing it's end, but we're probably going to keep the story going. Before building to the next big arch, I want to give the party some time to tie up loose ends, and give each of the characters something special to do. In return for the power she's given the warlock, I want the Summer Queen to ask something of her.

What are the kinds of things enigmatic fey would ask of their servants?

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A very OK person
The true name of a demon.
To create a cloak from the western wind.
A song worthy of their own voice.
A giant pearl from the depths.
An introduction with an albino were-tiger to join them at court.
The abandoned nest of a specific hummingbird for use as pixie prince’s crown.
To hear the howl of the dread wolf.
To plant a golden acorn in the heart of the seat of evil so to begin the restoration of the land.


The Court of Spring reports that a part of the Feywild has not responded to the Song of Spring's Dawn. They suspect that some Winter Fey are breaching the agreed upon pacts and seeking to push their influence into the realm of Spring. Find why winter is not fading in that area of the Feywild, put a stop to the disruption of the cycle.

The Summer Lady has seen the dress that the Lady of Autumn will wear to the ball to celebrate the passing of the seasons (and primacy of a new court). It is beyond beautiful, worthy of a goddess. Find it and steal or destroy it. Find the person that made it and kidnap them for the Summer Court.

The Summer Lady is out of her special Summer Wine. Simply bring her the ingredients so she can make more.
Strawberries, cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Where will they find an angel's kiss in Spring? For starters, it is not the right season now, at least in this part of the world. The ingredients must be delivered in two months. Would an Aasimar count?

<edit> Two pairs of twins under the age of six. All physically perfect. Who knows what Fey always seem to want with kids. Will the PCs say no?


Laws of Mordenkainen, Elminster, & Fistandantilus
The Court of Spring reports that a part of the Feywild has not responded to the Song of Spring's Dawn. They suspect that some Winter Fey are breaching the agreed upon pacts and seeking to push their influence into the realm of Spring. Find why winter is not fading in that area of the Feywild, put a stop to the disruption of the cycle.

The Summer Lady has seen the dress that the Lady of Autumn will wear to the ball to celebrate the passing of the seasons (and primacy of a new court). It is beyond beautiful, worthy of a goddess. Find it and steal or destroy it. Find the person that made it and kidnap them for the Summer Court.

The Summer Lady is out of her special Summer Wine. Simply bring her the ingredients so she can make more.
Strawberries, cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Where will they find an angel's kiss in Spring? For starters, it is not the right season now, at least in this part of the world. The ingredients must be delivered in two months. Would an Aasimar count?

<edit> Two pairs of twins under the age of six. All physically perfect. Who knows what Fey always seem to want with kids. Will the PCs say no?
These are good, Unwise!


* Your memories

* A lock of hair from a [creature] or even [fiend]

* The last breath of a fallen star

* To hear the sound a love-filled heart makes when it breaks

* To kill and then resurrect the PC so she can catch a glimpse of mortality


That might not sound so bad, but consider: Anything you've done before? Boring. You need to keep on doing new things. More dangerous. Bigger. More on fire.

Voidrunner's Codex

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