One of the things that I've been enjoying in current art choices across a lot of media is the decision to use a mix of old and new designs. For example, in Star Trek Picard, they had a crowd of Romulans, and they used make-up jobs that looked like Romulans from NextGen, ones from the Kelvin Movies, and some newer designs (including more non-white actors playing them).When DMing, I'm going to use whatever image I can find of a ___ dragon that suits me in the moment. Maybe I'll tinker with the statblock and powers. So, I'm happy to let artists design whatever they want and fill a book with their cool art.
I feel like the same should be done with D&D. Tieflings are a good example. 4e had a very specific design for Tieflings with large "fat" tails and a specific horn design. Can your Tiefling look like that? Sure. But they can also have short, thin devil tails, horns that face different directions, different skin colors (literally any color at all), etc. Do Dragonborn have tails? If you want yours to!
Any art goes, IMO.