What are you reading in 2022?

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Yes, there were too few pages left. Reading a note the author said at a different time, Hyperion has ansecond book at is really one big book, split into two because of publishing realities.

I am on the fence about continuing. Anyone have good (or ill) things to say abotu The Fall of Hyperion? Or the later two books (also one long book) in the series Endymion / The Rise of Endymion?
I couldn't get past chapter 1 of the sequel to Hyperion.

Just back from a week on holiday and on a whim bought Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere. Really didn’t think I was going to like it but he won me round by the end of the story.
I love Neverwhere, wish there were sequels set in that universe... Sort of an early urban fantasy type novel - so I guess there are lots of other examples out there...

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Eternal Champion
I love Neverwhere, wish there were sequels set in that universe... Sort of an early urban fantasy type novel - so I guess there are lots of other examples out there...
Neil has gone on record to say that Neverwhere is the only novel he’d write a sequel for … and I vaguely remember something about him starting to write Seven Sisters but no sign of it being finished …


I love Neverwhere, wish there were sequels set in that universe... Sort of an early urban fantasy type novel - so I guess there are lots of other examples out there...
I saw the low-budget BBC TV-series back in 1996, and then read the book later. If I recall correctly it started as a TV-series, and thus the book has in it some parts that they could not to do in the TV-series.

Edit: If I recall correctly, Gaiman wanted the market to be inside Harrod's, but they were not allowed to film there.
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Read books 7-9 in the Superpowered Chronicles (what a boring name) by Arthur Mayor. A bit too heavy on action, still enjoyable.

Started another Kindle Unlimited superhero book called Kill Your Heroes and Writing feels amateur, characters are so far rather two dimensional, and a lot of "sex sells" descriptions.

Reading Hyperion by Dan Simmons for the first time. Yes yes, I know it won the Hugo back in '89 and I'm a little behind the times. So far I'm enjoying it. The science-y aspects have held up well enough for 30+ years of progress, and the framing story + individual stories put me in a Canterbury Tales sort of mood. Had me crying at one point. Nearing the end and I'm worried there's not enough pages left.
It's one book split into two. Just go ahead and by Fall of Hyperion.

Edit: I was on the fence about Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion while I was reading it, but overall, it was excellent and would absolutely recommend.

Not going to lie, I've totally bought the same book twice, after combing the house and not finding it. Only to find the original copy a few months later.

The last time I did that, I went on a total purge and reorganization bender. It was traumatic.

I have paper books, and have noticed the same thing. But I think it's because I have a lot of books, not enough shelves, and poor organization...:LOL:

A bit late on the train, started on 2666 by Bolano, really good so far.

Also digged into the second Felix & Gotrek anthology - I have become an unashamed Old World fanboy, with The Enemy Within in the starter blocks for this fall.


New Publisher
Not going to lie, I've totally bought the same book twice, after combing the house and not finding it. Only to find the original copy a few months later.

The last time I did that, I went on a total purge and reorganization bender. It was traumatic.
I've done that several times, though now that we've moved and I sold most of my books, it is less likely to happen....


I've done that several times, though now that we've moved and I sold most of my books, it is less likely to happen....
When I was moving in (to my current apartment, which used to be my dad's office in our barn when I was a kid, so...full circle...) my dad watched me carrying boxes up and said "maybe you should get rid of a few books?" I set the boxes down, looked at him, and said "I've done FOUR PURGES of books in the past THREE years. These are the SURVIVORS!"

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