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Finally freed, Rowan tears the sack from his head and the gag from his mouth. "Thank you, kind sir," the halfling says to Jarek. "Now, where are my things?" He looks around, even as he pats his clothing down with his hands. "Ack! They took my pipe! Damn orcs!"


Collan, elf cleric 5, hp 24/24, AC 16, Spells 0 to 3: 6/4/4/2

Collan, standing at the top of the stairs, watching events that in his mind spell doom for his group. The reckless half-orc attempts to impale himself on the swords of his lesser kin, the brave paladin is reduced to hireling's work unbinding the captives, and for some reason the small one called them all "dumb blondes."


His haze of disappointment is broken by Toruk announcing his injuries. Suddenly the symbol of Pelor, embroidered in pure gold thread on his cape, begins to erupt in warm beams of sunlight as he launches himself down the stairs toward the improvident Toruk. "May Pelor seek to bless you despite yourself, lackwit!" he shouts.

OOC: If it's possible for Collan to move down the stairs as one movement and cast a spell once he's there, he's going to try to heal Toruk with a bigger healing spell for 3d8+5=13 damage (not a crit).

Walking Dad

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Round 2

"rry, rry," mumbles the Rowan through the gag and sack as he feels someone trying to cut his bounds. The halfling was not at all comfortable with not being able to see what is going on around, especially as shouts about killing and drinking blood begin to reach his ears.
Jarek finishes freeing the halfling.
"Toruk hurts!" the hulking half orc cries out "Toruk kills you for hurting! Die DIE! Toruk drinks your blood!" the barbarian screams with all the air in his lungs, before making another migthy swing killing the second orc and slashing the corpse for a while.
Collan, standing at the top of the stairs, watching events that in his mind spell doom for his group. The reckless half-orc attempts to impale himself on the swords of his lesser kin, the brave paladin is reduced to hireling's work unbinding the captives, and for some reason the small one called them all "dumb blondes."


His haze of disappointment is broken by Toruk announcing his injuries. Suddenly the symbol of Pelor, embroidered in pure gold thread on his cape, begins to erupt in warm beams of sunlight as he launches himself down the stairs toward the improvident Toruk. "May Pelor seek to bless you despite yourself, lackwit!" he shouts. After reaching him, healing flows into the half-orc.
Feather finishes de-bagging and un-gaging herself. Afterward she looks cautiously and asks, "Who are you people?"
Paldon looks at the fight ahead of him with a bit of shock of Toruk's ruthlessness, and decides this is not something he wants to get into the middle of. He steps back two stairs, and lets Toruk have at it.
[sblock=ooc]Toruk kills the second orc. Collan heals Toruk for 13 HP.

If you like we could leave initiative now. Then you can 'talk' more freely. But remember all, that the orcs are warned now and prepare an attack.

@Equipment: Don't forget the chest in the room. ;)



First Post
Rhun said:
Finally freed, Rowan tears the sack from his head and the gag from his mouth. "Thank you, kind sir," the halfling says to Jarek. "Now, where are my things?" He looks around, even as he pats his clothing down with his hands. "Ack! They took my pipe! Damn orcs!"
Jarek claps the halfling on the shoulder and says "I'll buy you another if we live." He gets to his feet and shouts "Coming, Toruk!" as he tries to slide past Collan and down the stairs to aid his friend.

OOC: Depending on how much time it takes: run down the stairs and engage an enemy if possible. In any event, interpose myself between the bad guys and Collan so he can cast his healing unmolested.


First Post
Feather looking around, her question unanswered, spies the chest and starts working her way over to it. She keeps an eye on the stairs ready to cast grease on them should anything hostile rum up them.

occ: Prepared to cast grease. What is the locking mechanism on the chest?


First Post
Reaching Toruk, and seeing no more foes immediately available, Jarek says, "You didn't save me any." He smiles at the brawny half-orc and adds to Collan, "Let's go see how our new friends are doing." He trudges back up the stairs.

OOC: Missed the party. Oh, well. :)
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Recognizing Feather, the curly haired halfling smiles. "If you find my things in that chest, you let me know." Then, he trundles over to the top of the stairs and looks down, casting a spell to shroud himself in mystical force as he goes.

For next action: Move, cast Mage Armor

[sblock=Spells Per Day/Known]
Spells Known:
Level 0 – 6 (Acid Splash), Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Light
Level 1 – 4 (Mage Armor), Grease, Summon Monster I, Color Spray, Magic Missile
Level 2 - 2 (web), Summon Monster 2, Glitterdust

Spells Per Day:
Level 0 – 6
Level 1 – 7 6
Level 2 - 5
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Voda Vosa

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Ilium said:
Reaching Toruk, and seeing no more foes immediately available, Jarek says, "You didn't save me any." He smiles at the brawny half-orc and adds to Collan, "Let's go see how our new friends are doing." He trudges back up the stairs.

"HA! Toruk wins, me kill them all. Next time we count how many each one kills. Then see who wins." Toruk says, still holding his injured chest. "Hmm Toruk don't feel that much pain now. You go, Toruk drink blood first." the barbarian kneels, and holds a blood dripping orc part over his head, and drink some. After that, he lowers the chunk of orc, and steps up. He made a slightly bow to the corpses and go up the stairs.


First Post
"Well" Paldon says, as he stands a couple steps from the stairs. "How do we deal with this problem?" For the moment, he keeps an eye on the door just in case the Orcs plan to charge agian.

Voidrunner's Codex

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