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Pathfinder 1E Way of the Wicked Playthrough - Updated 2023/03/28


Part 2: Call Forth Darkness
Act 3: Thirty-one Weeks
Session 26: Clearing the Ledgers

Week 19:
Time had passed since the betrayal of Elise and the other members of the Seventh Knot. For his part, Trik had begun his integration into the group fairly well. It was obvious that he missed his twin brother, but he wasn’t ready to make the ultimate sacrifice simply because Trak thought he was in love. He wondered if the others suffered long at the hands of Tiadora.
Most of the work of cleaning up the Horn of Abaddon was now complete, and the family began to settle into a more relaxed environment. Bebop had offered to take over on behalf of James O’Toole to continue the Boggards training. It was during this time that one of the Boggards approached Bebop, and spoke to him in Common, “I need to speak with the leader of your group about matters for my tribe.”
Bebop’s interest grew at this, “Wait, you speak Common? Who are you?”
The Boggard responded, “I am Juko Five-Croaks, and my people are in need of supplies.” Having said that, Juko handed Bebop a written document that spoke on the items that were needed. According to the list, the tribe was in need of food and more spears.
Bebop looked at the list, he could see that they had prices for goods and weapons that totaled around 3000 gold. “Oh, Donovan is going to need to see this.” Bebop walked with Juko up to the main part of the Horn, and located Donovan.
Donovan looked at Bebop and Juko, “What do we have here?”
Bebop handed Donovan the list received from the Boggard, “Apparently they need supplies.”
Juko spoke up as Donovan looked over the list, “The recent attacks have made things difficult for my people.”
Donovan’s eyes widened as a smile grew over his face, “You learned Common, Juko! Very impressive!” Immediately, Donovan switched to speaking Boggard, “Where did you get this list from?”
Juko, seemingly relieved at no longer having to speak Common, responded quickly in his native tongue, “Zikomo asked me to give this list to you.”
Annoyance flashed on Donovan’s face briefly, “Of course he did.” Switching back to Common, he spoke to Bebop. “Go and fetch Zikomo and bring him up here. Make sure he understands this is not a request.”
Bebop and Kirin went down into the Maw in order to fetch Zikomo. It was clear that Zikomo was not fully aware of his surroundings, having once again indulged in his Vision Juice.

Arriving upstairs, Zikomo looked around at the group of people who were flanking Donovan.
Donovan pointed at Juko, and spoke to Zikomo, “Do you know who this is?”
Zikomo nodded, “Yes, he’s a new member of the tribe.”
Donovan opened up the list, showing the contents to Zikomo, “Do you know what this list is?”
Zikomo nodded once more, “Yes, it is important that my people are given supplies.”
Donovan growled, “This list references 10 Masterwork Spears. I have told you multiple times that Instructor Idrees can provide these materials to your tribe as needed. Why would you be asking me for money for something you can have freely at any time you want.”
Zikomo shrugged, “I guess I forgot.”
Donovan’s teeth gritted, as he moved closer to Zikomo, “You fail to follow my requests, you are unable to keep your people in line, you murdered O’Toole because your mind was weak, and you continue to use the Vision Juice that I have warned you repeatedly puts you in a state where you cannot lead the tribe. Then, you have the audacity to send a member of your tribe to me for something you should have asked for yourself!”
Zikomo began fading out of consciousness, still under the influence of the drug.
Donovan had reached his limit. Switching to Infernal, he spoke, “Kirin, kill this waste of flesh!”
Kirin didn’t hesitate, his blade rammed through Zikomo’s form, impaling him on the massive weapon. Kirin lifted Zikomo up in the air, as his torso slid down the blade, the blood coating his weapon.
Donovan took Juko, and walked back down to the Maw. Speaking loudly in Boggard, he proclaimed to all the tribesman, “Zikomo is dead, Juko is your new leader and liaison to me and the other members of my family.”
Punctuating the matter, Kirin flicked his sword to the ground, causing the body of Zikomo to tumble off the blade and roll lifelessly.
Looking back to Juko, Donovan smiled and continued to speak in Boggard, “I’m expecting great things from you, Juko. Don’t disappoint me. And don’t worry, we’ll get supplies for your people.”
Nervously shaking, Juko nodded his head, “Yes, master. I will not fail you.”
A taut smile crossed Donovan’s face, and he walked back up the stairs and into the Horn.

Week 20:
Lucius returned from one of his many trips to Farholde, bearing unfortunate news. For some time, the head Sister of the Abbey had been concerned about dark forces closing in on the city. This was all reinforced by the recent attacks that had occurred to the Abbey. The Sister was going to be sending work out in order to receive reinforcements.
“You’ll have to intercept that letter.”, Donovan stated to Lucius. “Bring it back here, and we can learn more about what they know, and make a plan from there.”
Lucius and Lucinda immediately set about going to work. Interacting with the connections the family had grown in the city, Lucius knew who would be receiving the message. Apparently, it would be taken to one of the ships sailing out. After Lucinda dispatched the actual messenger, Lucius assumed the form of the individual, and awaited the arrival of the courier.
The courier arrived at the designated location and handed over the envelope. “May Mitra’s light shine upon you.”
“And upon you as well.”, Lucius responded, a sly smile on his disguised face.
Returning to the Horn, Lucius delivered the letter to Donovan, “I think we should send them a reply, and give them an arrival date for reinforcements that will be too late for them to do anything about.”
Donovan smiled, “Very clever, Lucius. Very clever, indeed.”

After delivering the note, the family discovered that things once again appeared to be running smoothly. Donovan made some modifications to Artephius, as he had now become more confident in developing the Golem past the original blueprints. Overall though, it seemed as though everything was beginning to settle into a calm pace. Another week passed without any matters of importance occurring within the Horn.

Week 22:
Lucius received word of an individual who very much wanted to meet with Donovan. She offered a location within the city, and relayed that she had a proposal that could be very lucrative for the family if they were to agree to it.
Donovan considered Lucius’ information before responding. “Take the family with you, including Tamsen. I know you will be able to speak on my behalf. I’ll be outside the Horn, so Tamsen can reach me if you have any questions.”
The group returned to Farholde, and took the meeting as offered. One of the local heads of the Guilds arrived, Shalyn Marsten. She looked at the family a bit, before realizing that Donovan was not among the members.
“I’m disappointed that Donovan is not with you, but I guess it is to be expected.”, Shalyn opened.
Lucius bowed slightly and smiled, “Donovan very much wanted to attend, but had previous obligations. However, I am authorized to conduct business on our behalf in his stead.”
Shalyn nodded, “Very good. From what I know about your group, you are a transient and powerful group of individuals who have arrived in a time of much chaos. I’m willing to bet that individuals such as yourselves would not have an issue with using this chaos to make some profit.”
The group looked at one another, smiling. Then Lucius continued, “Perhaps. What sort of work are you interested in having us perform for you, in order for us to share in this profit?”
Shalyn smiled, “I am one of several heads of the local Guild Merchants. I was hoping to use the chaos that is occurring within the city in order to remove the main competition to my business. There are six other Merchant Heads within the city. I’d be willing to pay you 1000 Gold for each one of them you removed from the equation.”
Tamsen quickly relayed this information to Donovan via the telepathic link they had established. Receiving his response, Tamsen telepathically communicated Donovan’s desires to Lucius for him to provide a counteroffer.
Lucius smiled upon hearing the words in his head. “Shalyn, Donovan isn’t interested in the gold. He would prefer to enter a silent partnership with you, since you are about to become the sole Merchant family in the city. Donovan proposes fifteen percent.”
Shalyn gulped hard at the idea, then pushed back, “You don’t understand how business is done around here. I have to pay for acquiring all the markets once the other families collapse. There are expenses in my line of work, and that’s just too steep of a request for me.”
Lucius waited a moment while the communication was passed between Tamsen, Donovan, and himself. On Donovan’s next response, Lucius chuckled, “Donovan proposes that if you are not interested in making this offer with our family, perhaps we should go and speak to the other family heads, to see if any of them would like to become the sole owners of business in this area, instead of you?”
Shalyn realized the implication of that statement, nervousness setting in as she recognized she was in no position to fight off these mercenaries should they be inclined to attack her, “No, I wasn’t saying I’m not interested in his offer. I’m just saying the percentage is high. Donovan understands how business is done. Perhaps a lower percentage rate?”
Lucius smiled, “I’m sure we can come to an arrangement. Since you have given us six targets, how about 12 percent? That works out to two percent per individual. Surely a whole business line is worth two percent?”
Realizing she had little say in the matter, Shalyn nodded, “That sounds reasonable. When can this be done?”
Lucius looked over at Bebop and Kirin. “I’m sure we can have that taken care of for you in no time at all.”
Within the course of the next few days, Shalyn Marsten became the sole family Merchant line in the whole of Farholde.

Week 23:
“Donovan, the Dragon! Mother has said it’s going to attack the Baron!”, Tamsen rushed into the workshop where Donovan was working.
“Damnit all! The fool!” Donovan began thinking up what his next movement will be. “We can’t let the man be destroyed for his own arrogance.”
Tamsen seemed concerned, “What do you want to do?”
“My love, take Bebop, Lucius, Kirin, and Trik with you, and bring the Baron back here. We can’t protect him from that location, and Father will be displeased if we allow him to be killed pointlessly.” Donovan seemed confident in his response.
Tamsen nodded, kissed Donovan on the lips, and left to head out with the group.

Arriving back at Farholde, Lucius dropped off the first group and began to head back for Traya and the others, as Donovan was convinced that the dragon would attempt a direct siege on the manor. The rest of the group headed to Baron Vandermir’s estate, determined to stop the foretold destruction of the Baron.
When they arrived at the manor, and presented themselves to the guards, they made it clear that it was an urgent matter of life or death. One of the guards attempted to disarm the group as before, until Tamsen stopped them in their tracks with her charming ways. Upon entering the manor it was clear that the Baron was displeased at their return, “This was not the arrangement we had agreed to. I was only to be meeting with Donovan.”
Tamsen replied sweetly, “Please forgive us Baron, we have recently discovered that the Silver Dragon that has been in the midst of Farholde for the last few months is now planning to attack you directly. Donovan was adamant that you were to be escorted to a safe location from this place.”
Arkov was incensed, “Your impertinence has led us to this situation. I knew I should never have gotten involved with the lot of you.”
Bebop pushed up to the Baron and growled fiercely, “Shut up! We’re here to protect you at Donovan’s request. He could have just as easily let you die.”
Arkov sighed, irritated. “Fine, I don’t need you. I have a summer home, I will simply depart for that place.”
Tamsen responded, “I’m sorry, Baron Vandermir. You’re going to have to wait until the other group of individuals arrive, so that we can defeat the Silver Dragon.”
Arkov snorted, “So, Donovan plans to use me as bait now. How typical.”
Finished with the conversation, Bebop picked up the Baron and tossed him in one of the closets. “Stay there until you are told to leave.”

The Dragon didn’t arrive for several hours. In the meantime, Bebop helped himself to the food and drink located through the manor. There was a journal being written by the Baron, which Bebop quickly snatched up. The guards considered assisting their employer, but a cross look from Kirin made them quicky think better of it. The Dragon arrived just as Lucius was returning with Traya and her team. It landed directly at the front of the manor, knocking out the front doors with the force of its landing.
“Where is Baron Arkov Vandermir?”, the Silver Dragon intoned forcefully.
Tamsen giggled, “He’s not here right now, can I take a message for him?”
The Dragon could sense the evil emanating from the individuals in the room. This was not the fight it had anticipated. “And who are you?”
“We’re employees of the Baron.”, Bebop responded confidently, even as the effects of the Mutagen began to take hold of his form.
“I have miscalculated. I should go.” The Silver Dragon was no fool. It realized the situation was already difficult, and this wasn’t going to make things easier.
“No, please stay. I’m sure we would all enjoy your company.” Kirin spoke up, as the darkness began to flow around him.
The Silver Dragon pulled back from the manor. Just as it began to take off, Traya’s hand made motions towards the dragon, and a Fireball was released. The Dragon snapped away, taken off course by the force of the explosion. It wanted to go back, but it could see that the fight would be lost. With a final roar, it ascended into the skies above, and out of reach of the family.

Arriving back at the Horn, the Baron was quick to make his displeasure known. “I knew when I met you that you were going to ruin my lives! I spent years slowly rebuilding and amassing my family fortune from the losses we sustained in the War. And now, in less than three months, the lot of you have cost me everything.”
Donovan sized up Baron Arkov Vandermir before speaking. “How many times did you ignore me in your arrogance, Baron? When I warned you that Elise and her group’s actions were going to draw attention to the city? When I told you there was a Silver Dragon searching for information in the town? You were so convinced that your hold over everything was inviolate, that you did nothing even as these threats began to grow.”
Arkov sneered, “Yes, it’s apparent that my relationship with all of you led me to great troubles. After all the suffering my family went through during the War, I was patient and carefully regrew my holdings. When the purges came, I carefully positioned myself not to take losses. And now, when the Cardinal returned to enact his plan, I risked much for your group. Too much, clearly.”
Donovan scoffed, “You’ve risked nothing! You never knew risk! You spent your time catering to whatever religious belief allowed you to survive, you exploited the poorest part of your city to increase your holdings, and you continue to play the part of the abused victim. I’m trying to save a country, you’re trying to save your hide. And yet, even still, I came to protect you, because you were kind to my family when we needed you.”
The Baron thought a moment, and then reconsidered his words, “Donovan, I am not ungrateful for your efforts. But, I have lost much today, am I not allowed to be upset at what has been taken from me?”
Donovan exhaled, “Of course, I understand. What do you need from me?”
Arkov continued, “I have a home far from this place, where I can have time to rebuild my fortune in another location. If you could provide me with one thousand gold, I could go there and lay low for the time being.”
Bebop handed Donovan the Baron’s journal, pointing out a section to him, “Yes Baron, I will do that on your behalf. Also, no I am not trying to raise the Sons of the Horseman. I have a task that requires me to take the steps I am doing, there is nothing more to it than that. Believe me, my motivations for this are based in family, not religion.”
Arkov nodded, “I understand. Well then, I thank you for saving my life.”
Donovan smiled, “Lucius can give you transportation soon. In the meantime, consider yourself our guest here at the Horn. We’ll see to getting you a room.”

Week 24:
The Baron left without much ado. Donovan had considered sending someone to imitate the Baron, and run the place in his stead, but the amount of time and energy such tasks would take could easily make it more time consuming than it was worth. He thought about the words that the Baron had said, how in such a short time, he and his family had brought so much harm to this city. Was there any possible way that the actions they were doing now could end well for Talingarde? Would he realize if he was doing more harm than good. Donovan pushed these thoughts out of his mind. What good would it even do now, with so much hanging on the line in a mere matter of weeks?

Tamsen entered the workshop where Donovan was busily working on Artephius, smiling excitedly.
Donovan returned her smile and kissed her. “You look like someone who has had a good day, my love.”
“He’s coming next week!” Tamsen almost squealed as she said the words.
“Who is coming?” Donovan looked at her with anticipation.
Tamsen moved up next to Donovan, whispering into his ear. “The Victor.”
Donovan chuckled, “Things just keep getting better and better, my love.”

Session 26 Ends.

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Part 2: Call Forth Darkness
Act 3: Thirty-one Weeks
Session 27: The Knight’s Gambit

Week 25:
Sir Valin Darian had heard about the activities that were taking place at the Horn of Abaddon. For months, rumors had grown that there was a growing force of evil that was taking place there, with disappearances of several individuals who had gone to investigate. Sir Valin desperately wanted to go and personally stop this growing evil, but could not leave due to the demands that the War was taking. Still, even Sir Valin’s obligations could not hold back his desire to act against what he saw as a force to be repelled from the land. Sir Valin took a group of his loyal knights to discover the truth for himself.

“They’re coming!”, Bebop called out to the rest of the residents of the Horn.
The group worked their way towards the first-floor entrance, to watch as the group of knights began the trek up the mountain towards the entrance. Donovan contemplated the strength of the defenses at the Horn, and wondered if they would be sufficient in order to repel these intruders. Donovan realized he needed the Sir Valin Darian, descendant of the original “Victor”, in order for the ritual to proceed.

After some time had passed, the group of knights arrived at the entrance to the first floor, their way in to the Horn blocked by a set or portcullis gates that were manned in the rooms on the other sides of the entering hallway. The group was standing to the side of the entrance, allowing some of the residents of the Horn to see them through the kill holes that were placed up front, but preventing the larger group in the Horn from overseeing the plans or whatever was being discussed amongst the knights. One of the knights stumbled towards the outer portcullis, striking it with his heavy weapon, “Open the gates!”
“No.”, Donovan calmly responded, as he continued to stare out at the entrance to the Horn.
The knight shrugged, then walked away.
For his part, Donovan considered how the group would attack the Horn. Perhaps they would use magic to blow down the gates and make their way inside. Perhaps they would attempt to fight using ranged weapons through the spaces between the bars. Maybe the knights would use their physical strength in order to force the gates open. However, Donovan could not have anticipated what the knights actually ended up doing.
“Love, I think they have left.”, Tamsen spoke through her mental connection, after watching through one of the kill holes. “The group appears to have travelled back down the mountain.
“What?”, Donovan exclaimed. “Open the gates!”
As the individuals assigned to each of the separate portcullis pulled their respective levers, the gates began to raise. Donovan rushed out to the entrance of the Horn, only to discover that the group had already travelled down the mountain, well out of sight.
Donovan cursed at the discovery, “Gods damnit all!”
“What do you want to do about it?”, Lucius queried.
“I want you, Bebop, Kirin, and GrumbleJack to go down there, find them, and bring me back the Victor!”, Donovan growled in frustration.
Bebop rubbed his hands together, “Time to get messy!”

After Lucius and the others moved to the entrance, Lucius summoned several flying mounts, in order to intercept the group of knights who were now falling back. GrumbleJack unfurled his wings, and followed the others. It did not take long before the group had found the errant knights.
“There!”, Lucius pointed down at the group of soldiers. At the same time, the knights began to rearrange their positions, responding to the arrival of the family from the sky. As the group closed in, Lucius summoned several Lightning Elementals, positioning them at the ends of the line of horses, and behind the center of the line. Bebop quickly dived down, jumping off the mount as quickly as possible, and began to transform into his more dangerous self. Kirin and GrumbleJack also descended and began to head towards the mounted knights.

The knights prepared for their charge, but several of them found themselves entangled with the Lightning Elementals. Still, several of them, including Sir Valin, threw themselves at Kirin, while others attempted to attack Bebop and GrumbleJack. Kirin pushed back against them, but found himself assailed on multiple fronts by several of the knights. Bebop put down one of the knights, then rushed over to where the knights were amassing around Kirin, and activated Blistering Invective. Several of the knights burst into flames as their fears took hold.

Kirin and GrumbleJack continued to push in on the knights, the strength of their armor being tested by the force of the lances being struck into them. Kirin’s blade savaged its way through Sir Valin, knocking the Victor to the ground, unconscious. Unfortunately for Kirin, one of the other knights took advantage of Kirin’s focus on Sir Valin, viciously wounding him, and causing Kirin to pass out from the strike. The Lightning Elementals were also summarily destroyed by the knights.

Lucius flew down, summoning up a Dire Tiger to attack some of the straggling knights, while GrumbleJack continued to hold his own against several knights who attempted to overrun him. Bebop worked through the stragglers on his side, continuing to thin out the remaining ranks of the knights. Lucius called up Lucinda temporarily in order to buy himself time to apply healing to Kirin. To any who would have been watching this fight from the outside, it had become apparent that they tides had fully turned, and the knights were to be roundly defeated. There was no quarter asked or given, and none of the knights attempted to flee to save themselves. Even to the very end, each of those warriors gave themselves fully to the cause.

Once the fight was complete and the group’s injuries were partially removed, Bebop grabbed all the corpses and tossed them into the Portable Hole, along with the items that they had brought with them to the fight. Sir Valin Darian had survived Kirin’s attack, just barely, and was taken back to the Horn, the last piece of the Ritual now in place.

Lucius contemplated the actions that had taken place with the group that evening, as he and Tamsen laid naked in his bed together. “It seemed too easy, you know. All of those soldiers on their mounts, and we rushed in and dispatched them almost without incident.”
For her part, Tamsen smiled. “Perhaps you are more of a tactician than you have been giving yourself credit for.”
Lucius thought about the words said to him. “Perhaps.”

Session 27 Ends.


Part 2: Call Forth Darkness
Act 3: Thirty-one Weeks
Session 28: The Weakening Hold

Week 26:
Donovan had found himself working on the third floor of the Horn for a while. Between the repair and upgrade of the rooms on that floor, and checking in on the health and well being of the Victor, Donovan spent most of his days between performing the rituals and working with Artephius on the Horn.

It was on one of these nights that Donovan began to see flickering lights going on near the four altars on the third floor. Donovan looked into the room briefly, seeing the glowing and floating nights in the room, and then immediately moved away. “Absolutely not.”, Donovan thought to himself, on considering the possibility of investigating the matter further. He had already discerned what the creatures were and had no further interest in researching the matter. Mentally, he called out to Hexor and Vexor. Appearing next to him and Artephius, the Demons queried Donovan on what task he had for them. Pointing into the area with the shrines, he responded in an almost uninterested way, “Will of the Wisps. Go in there and destroy them utterly. They have no capacity to harm either of you.” Shrugging, the two demons walked into the Shrine and began attacking the creatures. The invisibility that the Wisps possessed proved useless against the demons, and they were soon wiped out. Not even waiting to see how the fight ended, Donovan returned to his previous efforts.

Later in the week,, Anagaz returned to the Horn, seeking out Donovan yet again. “Time has passed Donovan. I assume you have something of interest for me?”
Donovan regarded Anagaz. “I’m not sure if there’s something in particular that you would desire. Our enemies have brought little more than sticks to battle us with.”
Anagaz seemed disappointed. “Are you telling me there’s nothing of value that you have to trade anymore?”
Donovan noted that Anagaz’s eyes flicked across the collars being worn by Hexor and Vexor. Donovan smiled as he considered the offer being made, “Perhaps there is a trade I can offer you that would be beneficial to us both.” Donovan described a set of linked objects that he would be interested in, and then handed the Iron Amulets controlling Hexor and Vexor to Anagaz.
“Oh, you don’t want to wait until your objects have been found?” Anagaz questioned Donovan’s actions.
“If there is one thing in this world I am certain of, it is that you will return to me, because you are an individual who knows the value of a fellow merchant.” Donovan grinned as he replied.

Anagaz nodded as he took control of the Iron Amulets. Hexor and Vexor looked angrily at Donovan, but there was nothing that could be done. They would never see the return of Vetra-Kali, nor would they be able to free themselves from the shackles that bound them to service. The Mercane nodded once more to the family, and then teleported away in a moment, taking both his retinue and the Demons with him.

Bebop looked at Donovan with confusion, “Why would you get rid of those two? They would do anything you said!”
“We’re finally settling up all of our accounts.” Donovan replied, leaving Bebop to wonder if Donovan was even talking to him.

Week 27:
Bebop had been assigned to feed the Assassin Vines that had been planted outside the wall that was formerly the third-floor entrance. Donovan had installed a pair of sluices that allowed Bebop to pour blood from inside the Horn to where the Vines had been placed. Bebop was never a huge fan of the work, but it was one of the few actual tasks he had been assigned, and Tamsen made it clear that he would receive none of her attention unless he completed the tasks that Donovan had given to him. Thus, Bebop attended to the daily care and feeding of these dangerous creatures.

As Bebop began to pour the buckets of blood that had been obtained through various sources, an enormous crash landed against the Alchemical Concrete that had been placed in front of this entrance. Startled momentarily, Bebop fell back from the wall, as a roar was heard on the other side. From another part of the third floor, Donovan came rushing over to where Bebop was located. “What in the hells was that?”
“I think something is trying to get in.” Bebop replied as sections of the wall began to buckle and crack from the blows landing against it.
Donovan let his mind reach out to Tamsen, “My love, we are under attack on the third floor. Let everyone know to arrive here right away.”
Tamsen affirmed Donovan’s request, and began reaching out to the different members of the family. Moments later, the group began to ready themselves as the wall opened partially. A three headed creature screeched as the sections of wall fell through, and it was able to see the party.
“A Gorgimera!”, Donovan shouted out to the party. “Watch out for its breath!”
Almost as though on que, the creature stuck one of its heads, the one shaped as a metallic bull through the opening, and breathed onto certain members of the party. Kirin was struck with a majority of the blast, as he stared at the creature with hate filled eyes. It became apparent almost immediately that Kirin would not be affected by the Gorgon’s breath. Switching tactics, the Gorgimera pulled back the Gorgon head and instead breathed onto the group with its Dragon’s breath. The sickening and pungent smell of acid flooded the chamber.

However, this decision would prove to be a fatal one for the creature. Bebop, now in his enlarged form, grabbed the creature by its extended Dragon’s neck, and tossed it into the center of the room, breaking free the already loosened concrete. Before the creature had a chance to ascend within the room, it was beset upon by Kirin, Bebop, Lucinda, and GrumbleJack. Punishing blows lashed its body from all directions, as each of those brutal warriors inflicted grievous injuries onto the Gorgimera. Within moments, the creature found itself unable to move, and soon after, no longer living. It uttered a last word in Draconic, “Inconceivable.”, before falling to the ground unmoving. Donovan took a moment to consider if the creature could have somehow been reasoned with. Still, Donovan knew nothing about this entity, or the motivation that could have driven it to attack the Horn in the first place. It certainly wasn’t a guardian of the forest, so these mysteries would forever be lost with the Gorgimera’s life force.
“I wonder if we can take the scales off this creature.”, Bebop said hopefully, until he watched as the creature’s body broke open, the internal fluids causing a chemical reaction with its body, causing it to rust and melt into nothingness.
Donovan chuckled, “You were saying?”

A few hours later, Tamsen left her bedroom looking for Donovan. He was usually in bed with her during these hours, but tonight, had not appeared. She found him on the third floor, staring at the hole created by the Gorgimera. “Lover, what are you doing here? Are you coming to bed?”
Donovan looked away from the opening of the wall, and smiled weakly at her. “I’m not sure we can repair this in time before we are attacked again. That creature really weakened the structure of the walls in this area.”
Tamsen nodded with understanding as she reached out to touch Donovan’s hand. “I’m sure you’ll figure out something. You always have a plan.”
Donovan shook his head, seeming less than convinced. “I think we should move everyone into the Sanctuary for the time being. There are so many threats that could be deadly if one of the family got separated.”
Tamsen could see the stress setting into Donovan’s face. Every day he spent organizing and planning, and the attacks just continued to come. “That’s fine. We’ll start making plans for that tomorrow.” Tamsen took on a naughty smile as she pressed her form against Donovan. “But for now, come to bed my love. I need our special time together.”
Donovan’s hand slid across Tamsen’s face as he stared into her eyes. “I’d like that, very much.” Looking over to Artephius, Donovan issued an order, “Guard this entrance.” Then, Donovan and Tamsen walked to the bedroom, their hands intertwined.

Session 28 Ends


Part 2: Call Forth Darkness
Act 3: Thirty-one Weeks
Session 29: Wrath of the Wraith

Week 28:
“Traya, a moment of your time?” Donovan called out to Traya, who was sitting next to Hassan within the tavern area.
Traya was not expecting to be hearing from Donovan. As of late, it seemed he had been singularly focused on work throughout the Horn. As the weeks had progressed, it had become more and more apparent to her that Donovan didn’t actually have any need for her or the rest of her group, and was merely pacifying them. Could this be the betrayal that she had been expecting for a while now. “Yes, Donovan, how can I be of assistance to you?”
Donovan sat down on the other end of the table, facing her and Hassan. “You probably already noticed, but I have been moving people around inside the Horn. I’m attempting to consolidate our assets in order to minimize the risk that we might face going forward.”
Traya nodded. “That makes sense, of course. You have to take care of the things that matter to you.” Traya realized that she and her team hadn’t been asked to do anything as of late. She looked around the room, wondering if an invisible force was watching her and the others.
“As such, I’d like to go ahead and complete our business now.” Donovan smiled as he continued. “I know that I had asked you to stay for a few more weeks, but I feel like it would be safer if we parted ways before anyone dangerous arrived.”
It was not lost on Traya that Donovan didn’t consider her or her group “dangerous”. Had he been placating her all this time. “Are you asking for a discount for our work?”
Donovan shook his head. “Not at all, Lady Traya. I intend to pay you and all of your members the agreed upon amount. “
Secretly, Traya breathed a sigh of relief. Not only would she be done with this dangerous group of individuals, she would no longer have to find herself hit upon by Bebop. Still, a part of her could not help but desire more. “And what of the emeralds? Are they still up for negotiation?”
Donovan chuckled. “You are quite a confident woman, Traya. If somehow the Emeralds survive what is coming up, you and I can talk further about a split of those profits.”
Pulling out his coin purse, Donovan counted out the agreed upon amount, and set it in four piles in front of Traya.
Traya took the money, and began the process of rounding up her group to leave. She looked at Donovan momentarily before walking out of the Horn, “You are not at all what we expected to find here.”
“That’s probably a good thing, Traya.” A smirk crossed Donovan’s face, as the Raiders departed for their return to Farholde.

Week 29:
Bebop spent a good amount of his time in the Maw, working with the Boggards. Since the passing of James O’Toole, Bebop was tasked to continue the training of these creatures, in order to guide them on the path of maintaining a healthy food supply that could be maintained indefinitely. This included raising small animals, and growing crops that would survive in the limited light provided in that area. The work was challenging, not because of the physical labor, but rather because of the stubbornness of the Boggards. The creatures would frequently kill and eat the animals that were intended for breeding, and didn’t allow them an opportunity to grow the herd size. Bebop imagined that this is what it would feel like to raise small children, had his life gone in such a different direction, and he was thankful that he had never settled down into such a lifestyle.

Today, however, Bebop’s assignment was different. Donovan had instructed to him that the Boggards needed to leave their homes, as he believed the upcoming challenges would be fatal for them. Bebop looked around the living area, looking for the leader that had been installed. “Juko, there you are!”
Juko responded to Bebop, “Yes, I am here.”
Bebop smiled with the awkward grin he often employed when he wanted something from another individual, “I think it’s time that we deal with the remaining tribes that have not yet joined us.”
Juko tilted his head, “What did you wish for us to do?”
“Donovan believes you should take the tribe and set out for the encampments of the other Boggards. Between the training and weapons we have provided you, you should be able to defeat them easily.” Bebop sounded confident in his suggestion.
“You want me to take everyone in the tribe? Who will guard our children?” Juko expressed concern at the suggestion being put forward to him.
Bebop smiled and puffed up his chest, “I’ll take care of them.”
Juko was clearly concerned, “You?”
“Would you rather I tell Donovan you refused?” Bebop implicated a clear threat to the Boggard leader, who was immediately taken aback.
“No! Of course not! I just wanted to make sure our children would be protected. I’ll gather the members of the tribe.”
Bebop smirked, “Of course you will.”
Bebop grabbed one of the chickens that was still alive, and took it with him back into the upper levels of the Horn.

Week 31:
Donovan moved around the levels of the Horn, the silence pushed away by the booming stride of Artephius. Donovan felt a tinge of regret seeing how quiet the place had become, but it wasn’t long before his mind was drawn back into the moment.
“Donovan! What are you doing?” A hollow and angry voice rang out from behind Donovan. Donovan stopped walking, but didn’t even turn around to address the individual. “Lord Ezra, a delight to hear from you as always. I’m checking all the rooms in order to make sure nothing has gained access into the Horn.”
Ezra snarled without hesitation, “Don’t be daft, boy! I’m talking about the Boggards and the mercenaries you employed. Where are they?”
A smile twisted slightly onto Donovan’s face, “I sent them away, Lord Ezra. They were of no use to us, and they would most likely die in the upcoming conflicts.”
“What of Hexor and Vexor?” Ezra Thrice-Damned moved in front of Donovan, forcing his gaze. “Where are the Cuestodaemons that guarded this place?”
“Why, I sold them, of course. I could not guarantee what actions they might take, and they have a habit of destroying things at an inconvenient time.” Donovan’s eyes stared directly at Ezra, and Ezra knew that Donovan was making larger plans.
“They were not yours to sell!” Ezra hissed at Donovan.
Donovan remained unfazed. “You made it clear to me that all that was in the treasure room was mine to deal with as I chose. The Amulets that bound those two were included in that list. Had you not wished me to do so, you should have told me what I could and could not sell.”
“You think yourself so clever, Donovan.” Ezra moved closer to Donovan in a menacing fashion. “Perhaps I should kill you and show you how weak you actually are.”
Donovan scoffed, “We’re far too deep into this ritual for you to make such a bluff, Lord Ezra. You and I both know that you cannot complete the ritual currently, nor can you find replacements for the individuals lost should the ritual need to be started anew.”
Ezra felt his rage grow against this boy, who had maneuvered to stifle his own betrayal. “For now, Donovan. But this will not always be the case. You should consider carefully what enemies you choose to make.”
“Sage advice, Lord Ezra. Perhaps you should heed it yourself.” Donovan’s smile was obvious, and Ezra left in rage.
Once Ezra was out of sight, Donovan allowed himself to catch his breath, shaking at what he had endured. Gritting his teeth, Donovan grabbed a few chemicals from the Lab on the first floor. “I suspect our relationship isn’t going to get better from this point.”

Week 31:
The family moved into the Sanctuary on the top floor of the Horn, with Donovan giving clear instructions that they were not to leave this room. Bebop quickly began to grumble about the situation, as all the pleasantries of the redesigned Horn were not available here in the top floor. Still, from a security standpoint, it was hard to find a more secure location. Not only were the access points limited thanks to the changes that had been made to the walls, the group also had access to the Eyes of Vetra-Kali, which allowed them to scan the entire area of the Horn.
Unfortunately, boredom soon became a different sort of challenge, as the limited movement area and no access to anything beyond the room meant that the family was going to spend more time in an very enclosed space.

What the family did not realize, however, was how busy things were about to become over the next several days.

Day 217:
Donovan completed the Dusk Ritual, the tension on his body continuing to increase. He had spent much of the last few days attempting to consider all the vulnerabilities that the group would be going through, as he constructed plans and countermeasures to deal with those weaknesses. What he could not have foreseen was the entire Horn being struck with an earthquake that shook the structure to its very core.

The Horn began to shake violently, even as Donovan cried out to the family to rouse them from whatever activities they were engaging in. The wall that had separated the Sanctum collapsed, with several members of the family narrowing avoiding the worst of it. The shaking and moaning of the structure went on for what seemed like an eternity. When it finally ended, GrumbleJack and Bebop lifted off the collapsed wall from some of the family. All of them had endured some level of injuries, and Lucius and Tamsen worked together to make sure everyone was healed up.
Meanwhile, Donovan used the Eyes to study the other floors of the Horn. “Damnit, some of the outer walls collapsed. Bebop, we’re going to have to go out there and patch up what we can, to prevent any additional areas from breaking free.”
Donovan, Bebop, GrumbleJack, and Lucius began working on repairing the different holes that had appeared on the floors. The tavern was simply gone, having broken off and dropped to the bottom of the mountain. Similarly, a section of the wall on the third floor had also collapsed. The group began working as rapidly as they could in order to prevent more damage from taking place. Surveying that area, Donovan realized that the Horn had sustained an enormous amount of damage. It became apparent that the number of repairs that were going to be required would take longer than the group had before the end of the ritual. Moreover, the family knew that there was an inherent risk to performing work in such an unprotected fashion.
One by one, the members of the family returned to the Sanctuary. But Donovan stayed behind, determined to fix as much as possible. After a while, Tamsen came down to bring Donovan back with the others.
“Come back upstairs, lover. There’s nothing else you can accomplish tonight.” Tamsen regarded Donovan, and she could tell he was worn out. His hands were bloodied from picking up fragments, and his face was covered in sweat and grime.
Donovan looked up at Tamsen, the fatigue and frustration showing on his face, “You should take the boys and head back to Farholde.”
“What are you talking about Donovan?” Tamsen looked at Donovan with confusion on her face.
“It’s not safe for any of you here. Just go wait in Farholde, and I’ll take care of the rest of this myself.” Donovan sat on the ground, his head facing the floor.
“Don’t be ridiculous, love. We’re not leaving you up here to deal with this alone. I’m not leaving you, period.” Tamsen sat on the ground next to Donovan, taking his worn and bruised hands, as she activated her healing magics.
“Do you remember when we were in the garden outside of my parents’ estate? I would put my head in your lap and read you poetry, as you would stroke my hair.” Donovan mused to Tamsen, sadness in his voice.
Tamsen smiled warmly, “Of course I remember. I loved those moments.”
Tears welled in Donovan’s eyes. “I should have never suggested this insane plan. We were happy together, and I ruined it with my need to prove I was better than my father.”
Tamsen’s fingers stroked through Donovan’s hair, “It was for more than that, and you know it. You wanted to help all of us. Me, Bebop, Lucius. You believed we could have a world where we wouldn’t be treated differently for what we were. And we believe in you.”
Donvan pulled away from Tamsen, “But I can’t be sure you will all be safe now! I’m not willing to risk your lives on my plans. I want you all to go.” Donovan seemed insistent,
“You’re just tired, my love.” Tamsen attempted to calm Donovan’s frayed nerves. She could see that he was becoming more adamant. “Once you get some sleep, all of this will seem small by comparison.”
“No.” Donovan insisted. “I want you all gone.” Donovan’s eyes were focused.
“Please calm down, Donovan.” Tamsen attempted to soothe Donovan with her words. She could see what the fatigue was doing to his state of mind. “If you would just….Sleep… it will all get better.” Tamsen attempted to invoke her magics against Donovan.
For a moment, Donovan felt a wave of tiredness wash over his body. Then, his blood called out to him, and he realized what had happened. His anger quickly grew, “Despite what you might think of me, Lady Tamsen, I am still my mother’s child.”
Tamsen realized what had just occurred. Donovan’s Elvish heritage protected him against that type of magic, and he knew she had attempted to invoke it against him. “I’m sorry, love. I just wanted you to get some rest…”
“Artephius, take Tamsen to the outside of the Horn. She’ll be departing for Farholde.” Donovan stood up, his determination focused.
Tamsen looked up to see that Artephius was headed towards her. She knew her powers would do nothing against that creature. If there was just some way she could express her feelings to Donovan, some way she could remind him of how much they meant to each other. “Donovan, come home with me.” Tamsen spoke the words, and suddenly the space around where Tamsen and Donovan stood transformed. What was once a cold and barren floor suddenly became a lush garden with warmth and light coming from inside it.
Donovan looked around at the ground below him, and back to her. “Tamsen, what did you do?”
“I took us back to the garden, or perhaps I brought a piece of the garden here. Some place where you and I could be together, and remember all of those happy moments.” Tamsen was breathing heavy, her power exerted in creating something she had never made before.
Donovan looked around the garden, taking in the scents and touch of the flowers. The moments from their past came flooding back to him in waves, and he felt himself relaxing as he continued to stay there. As he looked back at Tamsen, he found himself overwhelmed with her beauty and sexuality. Donovan moved closer to Tamsen, his hands against her shoulders. “I’m sorry I got upset with you, my love. Can you forgive me?”
A smile returned to Tamsen’s face. “Perhaps, if you show me how sincere your apology is.” Tamsen bit her lip slightly in anticipation.
Donovan pushed Tamsen against the soft earth of the place she had made for them. “I want inside you, Tamsen.”
Tamsen nodded approvingly, as the two of them connected in a place both real, and made from their memories.

Day 218:
Donovan awoke to Tamsen’s kiss. “Lover, it’s time for the Dawn Ritual. Let’s get back up there.”
As the garden began to dissipate, Donovan felt something different about himself. “Last night was amazing, my love. That reminded me of the first time we sealed our Contract together.”
“You know you are still forever mine, don’t you Donovan?” Tamsen looked at Donovan with happiness in her eyes.
Donovan nodded, “Of course.”
“Good.”, Tamsen replied as she touched Donovan’s face. “Because I have invested more of my magics into you. You will come to me every night my love, and renew our vows.”
Donovan could see that Tamsen had an odd intensity to her look. He also noted that he felt different somehow, in a way he couldn’t put his finger on. Perhaps it was just from getting good rest, or good sex, or both. Whatever it was, Donovan was not going to complain about it, and instead proceeded back upstairs with Tamsen to complete the next ritual.

Later that evening, as Tamsen was performing the next ritual, the group would find themselves under assault again. An Avoral, a powerful bird-man like creature, would discover the Horn, and decide that a terrible thing was taking place that had to be stopped. The creature penetrated the barrier that was protecting the Horn from the outside, and then teleported directly into the Sanctum. Unfortunately, as the family was already gathered together in this location, it took very little effort for them to come together and overwhelm the Avoral. Donovan found himself mostly annoyed by the arrogance that the so-called defenders of the area would simply act without asking questions.

The bad news would continue to arrive for the family, as Bebop discovered that a Mud Elemental had spawned out of a pit in the Maw, and was attempting to work its way up. While it would not be able to access the Sanctum due to the entrance being walled off, it effectively meant that the family would not be able to leave again until the ritual was complete.

Day 219:
As Tamsen performed the Midnight Ritual, Bebop watched with hungry eyes. Bebop had been craving more of Tamsen’s attention, ever since she had developed her new power. The room was fairly quiet, with little more than Tamsen’s voice speaking the Abyssal words.
Just as the ritual was completed, there was an unusual shift in the environment. Someone, or rather something, had managed to enter the Sanctum despite the protections of the Silver Seal.

A group of monstrous hound like creatures began appearing within the Sanctum. Having roused the individuals that were sleeping, the family began their attack on these unwanted intruders. The creatures bayed and howled in horrific ways, their sounds altering reality. The movement of these creatures appeared to be very similar to teleportation, which further disoriented the party as they faced the beasts. Still, at the end of the fight, the family had their victory, with little more to show for it than a few bites and scratches. Donovan tried not to think about the further damage that the Mud Elemental was continuing to do to the lower levels of the Horn.

Day 220:
For some time now, the family realized that they were being followed by a Silver Dragon. Indeed, Donovan had warned them that the creature had a power breath attack, and had even ensured that the group had magical defenses to resist cold damage. So, when Bebop reported to Donovan that he saw the Dragon entering the third floor via one of the damaged entrances, the group knew what the expectations were. As the Dragon entered humanoid form and began smashing its way through the third floor, the family began to apply various magics to themselves to deal well with the fight.
By the time that the Dragon made its way through the winding and blocked staircase into the Sanctum, the family had situated themselves around the only entrance, and took advantage of the creature making itself available to strike. The icy breath that the Dragon used had no impact against the magics that were absorbing that element, and the creature was not able to return to its natural attacks until it was already heavily injured by the party.
Donovan shouted out to the creature, “Yield, dragon. Do not force me to have my family destroy you.” The Dragon, haughty and arrogant, would not hear Donovan’s imploring, and would instead be struck down a few moments later.

For all of the creature’s bravado, it was little more than a nuisance to the family. Donovan wondered if the fight had become easier due to Tamsen’s mother, or if the creature had never planned to seize victory in the first place.

Day 221:
Ezra Thrice-Damned could feel it. He sensed the weakness of the barrier. With only one day left to enact his plan, Ezra knew that if there was ever an opportunity to seal the power of the Eyes for himself, it would be on this day. With that in mind, Ezra instructed his spawn, former members of the Fifth Knot, a plan on how to take control of the Sanctum for himself. Donovan also came to the same conclusion as Ezra, and knew that the attack would have to come now. So, when he saw Ezra and his minions first rise up and enter the Sanctum, he had already laid the instructions of what the family should do. Trik loaded up the “special ammunition” that Donovan had prepared over the past couple of weeks, and Bebop had already had his Amulet modified to deal with this eventuality. At first, Ezra’s plan was simple. He was going to kill their strongest warriors and then take the others in later attacks. But then, Ezra watched as Donovan imbued one of the warrior’s weapons with the ability to strike him and his minions. Frustrated, Ezra and his spawn retreated, planning to return and destroy Donovan first. The family was prepared, as they changed their forms to all appear to be Donovan. Trik’s arrows were laced with an alchemical compound that would also harm the Wraiths. Over and over again, Ezra tried different tactics in order to take advantage of some weakness he could exploit in the party’s defenses; and over and over again, Donovan devised new tactics to throw Ezra’s plans awry. Ezra watched as one minion after another was struck down, while all of Donovan’s family persisted. Finally, with only Ezra left, he made a desperate ploy to attack Donovan directly, only too late to realize that he was actually attacking Bebop. Bebop, who already had a way of dealing damage to Ezra, viciously tore apart the incorporeal form of Ezra, until almost nothing was left. As Ezra faded into oblivion, he cursed Donovan. “You think yourself so witty, boy. But Vetra-Kali will see through your pitiful little games, and will punish you for your arrogance!”

Donovan stared at the space where Ezra Thrice-Damned’s form once existed, and contemplated the words said to him. Was Ezra right? Would Vetra-Kali anticipate the betrayal he had been planning all along? Whatever the outcome would be, it was far too late to change the plan now.

“We will see.” Donovan finally replied to the nothing that was still there. “We will see.”

Session 29 Ends.


Part 2: Call Forth Darkness
Act 3: Thirty-one Weeks
Session 30: A Demon’s Bargain

Day 222:
“They’re here!” Bebop ran around the Sanctum, waking the family, and spreading the news. “They have finally arrived!”
The individuals in question that Bebop was referring to were soldiers who were foretold to be arriving by Tamsen’s mother. But these were not simply men for hire or soldiers bent to righteous vengeance. These were the children of some of the more influential individuals who were killed during the attack on Balentyne. Undoubtedly, they came seeking revenge for the family and friends that were lost during that attack. But, these individuals were not the only ones who sought vengeance for what took place on those fateful days.
As Donovan approached the Eyes to look out upon these warriors, a familiar face was found among them. “Tacitus.”, Donovan growled as the anger was drawn across his face.
The other members of the family looked towards Donovan. All of them shared a desire to take back what had been stolen from them. But for Donovan, Tactitus was a walking reminder of his failures. Tamsen sensed Donovan’s rising fury, and moved next to him, touching him softly on the shoulder. Looking away from the Eye for a moment, Donovan smiled warmly at Tamsen, and placed his forehead against hers.
Tamsen looked through the Eyes, seeing the source of Donovan’s distress; but someone else caught her attention. “Is that Havelyn?”
Donovan scoffed at the notion, “Havelyn? That’s not possible. We were responsible for his death.” Taking the Eye from Tamsen and looking through it again, he paid greater attention to the individual Tamsen was referring to. It wasn’t the Commander from Balentyne, but the resemblance was uncanny. Suddenly, the realization set in for Donovan.
“Richard Havelyn, son of Thomas, and the nephew of…”, Donovan’s words trailed off as he considered the ramifications of the young Paladin’s arrival.
Lucius called forth Lucinda, and began applying magics to the group. Lucius had mastered several protective spells by this point, including Stoneskin and Protection From Energy. Bebop had already consumed the Mutagen, allowing his form to be altered by the powerful Alchemical forces. Kirim prayed to Asmodeus, seeking the blessings of the dark god, which were soon manifested around him.
“What do you want to do, Donovan?” Lucius questioned how the attack would proceed.
“Take Bebop, Kirim, and Lucinda; and teleport them behind Tacitus. Give him no quarter. For all he did to our family, we will repay him tenfold over.” Donovan was stoic in his response.
“I assume we will be killing all of them.” Kirim stated confidently.
Donovan looked to Kirim. “No. Richard Havelyn is to be stopped, but not killed. I want him for the Cardinal.”
Kirim looked irritated at the thought of allowing a Paladin to survive.
“I assume we’re taking all of their stuff?” Bebop’s answer was predictable, if nothing else.
Donovan waved his hand dismissively. “Fine, I don’t care. All that matters now is Tacitus. Now go, Lucius, and seize our revenge!”
Lucius nodded, and used Dimension Door to move the four of them to where Tacitus and the others were preparing for the attack.

Richard Havelyn was a bold individual, anxious to strike back at what he saw as the evil that attacked Balentyne and killed his father those many months ago. When he came upon Tacitus, he was relayed the myriad of stories regarding how this group of devil worshipping individuals had so quickly turned matters to ruin within the watch tower. And Havelyn would have been more than willing to lay down his lie life as his father did in the service of Balentyne. But Tacitus was not so headstrong or desperate for revenge. Tacitus rightfully assumed that the individuals who were responsible for the fall of the tower were now plotting some nefarious tasks here at the Horn of Abaddon. The group had been careful, of course. They spoke with no one about their plans, and gave no information that would allow the evildoers any advantage. Sadly, they could not have predicted that Tamsen’s mother would be so forthcoming with her information. As the warriors of Balentyne began to prepare themselves with protective magics, they suddenly found themselves surrounded and separated from one another. First, four individuals arrived, blades and claws swinging directly against Tactius. Then, another group suddenly teleported in, attacking the other members of Tacitus’ party. Bebop’s claws rent into Tactitus’ face, as he squealed in anger. There was no time for these protectors of Balentyne to take stock of their situation, to create battle opportunities on the field. Tacitus knew he had to make a terrible decision, to save himself and the legacy of the Commander. Grabbing Richard Havelyn by the shoulder, Tacitus teleported the two of them away from the battle, leaving the others to their fate.

“We have to go back!”, Richard Havelyn cried out, as soon as he made sense of the change of surroundings.
Tactius, who was bloodied and lying on the floor, coughed out his response. “We can’t go back. They are already dead.”
Havelyn began to call upon his divine abilities to aid Tacitus recovery. He was annoyed at having to flee from the fight in that manner; but he also recognized the wisdom of what Tacitus had said. The group was woefully unprepared for such a brutal surprise attack. The stories that Tacitus had told him about this family had proven to be true. They were vicious and terrifying warriors who would act without hesitation or mercy. If he was to go against them again, he would have to develop better tactics.

Back at the Horn, Donovan was frustrated. “No!”, he cried out as he watched the two prizes he cared most about slip through his fingers.
Moments later, the family slew the other individuals who had arrived. Without the support of the Wizard or Paladin, the fight became almost trivial.
With the fight at an end, Bebop set about stripping the gear from the fallen soldiers. While he was irritated at not having completed the task, he was happy that at least something he killed produced a reward he could hold in his hands.
“How did he teleport past the barrier?” Donovan stared into the distance, thinking about what he had seen.

The rest of the day passed wordlessly, as each of them sat around contemplating what was to take place in a few hours. Would they have to fight? What would Vetra-Kali say after all that had taken place here? And of course, all of them looked to Donovan, wondering what his plan was. Donovan never gave them any sort of battle instructions. Either he didn’t believe it would be necessary, or didn’t think it would help. Midnight arrived, and Donovan performed the final ritual himself, as all of them stood around watching. As before, he offered the Victor a tonic that would allow him to sleep undisturbed through the course of the ritual, but was rebuffed.
“You’re all monsters, and you will be punished for your evil acts.”
Donovan nodded to the man, “Perhaps you are right. But some things are worth being punished for.”
As the blood of the Victor was spilled, and the last incantation was recited, a rumbling could be felt throughout the Sanctum. With an enormous crash, the Silver Seal shattered into fragments throughout the room, cutting and tearing into the members of the family. But there was no time to heal from the injuries sustained, as a portal began to open where the seal once resided. Crawling out of the swirling mass, a malevolent creature appeared in the room before them. A familiar voice intoned “I am” in Abyssal.
“Vetra-Kali Eats the Eyes, we welcome you.” Donovan greeted the creature in Abyssal. “A Luekodaemon.”, Donovan quickly informed the group in Infernal.
“Where are my eyes? I must have them!” The creature called out, touching its face with desperation.
“I have your Eyes, Vetra-Kali.” Donovan replied in calm tones.
“Give them to me!”, the Demon insisted forcefully.
“For the first eye, I require that you neither harm nor cause to be harm me or any that follow me. Do we have a compact?” Donovan held out one of the massive emeralds.
“Yes, yes.” Vetra-Kali replied, and Donovan tossed the Eye to it. The creature consumed the Eye, which then manifested in its eye socket. It could see them now, if only slightly.
Donovan continued, “For the second eye, I require that you give unto me the Tears of Achlys within a container that I may transport it. Do we have a compact?”
Vetra-Kali chuckled. “The Tears of Achlys! You wish to have it? Will you make sure that it is spread to the four corners of this world?”
Donovan’s answer was intentionally evasive, “I will see it dispatched as appropriate for such a thing.”
Vetra-Kali paused, but had little choice in the matter. It produced a vial, handing it towards Donovan. Donovan quickly grabbed a Bag of Holding that he had previously emptied out in anticipation of this, and grabbed the Vial using the bag itself instead of his hand.
Vetra-Kali chuckled. “Now my Third Eye.”
A wicked smile crossed Donovan’s face, “Indeed. For the third eye, you will agree to return to the place from whence you came, and never look upon or return to this plane of existence again. Do we have a compact?”
The rest of the family looked at Donovan in surprise. This was his plan all along. To double cross Vetra-Kali at the first opportunity. For its part, Vetra-Kali growled at Donovan in agreement.
After receiving the eye, Vetra-Kali howled with anger and ferocity at Donovan. “Traitors! Devil-whores! All of you, and especially you…” Vetra-Kali briefly fixated his gaze upon Kirim, before turning back to Donovan to continue. “…have the stench of Asmodeus upon you! You think you have won? You think you have beaten me? Taste my vengeance!” With the last words, Vetra-Kali slammed his fist into the floor of the Sanctum, then disappeared back into the portal from where he entered.
A moment later, the Horn began to shudder and groan everywhere. The family began looking around nervously.
“Donovan, I think we need to get out of here.”, Bebop spoke up.
Donovan gritted his teeth, as he began to realize what was happening. “Tamsen, Lucius, Dimension Door us out of here!”
Lucius and Tamsen moved the group down to the Maw, from which everyone quickly walked out, looking back at the Horn as it began to collapse. The structure caved in on itself, with the floors buckling and falling down onto the lower levels. By the time it was finished, there was nothing left that could be salvaged.

Donovan broke the seal open to contact Tiadora. Arriving at the scene, she wasted no time with pleasantries. “Do you have it?”
Donovan opened the bag and leaned towards Kirim. “Kirim, please take out the vial and hand it to Lady Tiadora.”
Kirim complied silently, fishing out the vial, and then giving it to Tiadora. Once Tiadora had the vial in her hand, she teleported away. Donovan was slightly confused by this, as he assumed they would want to have it delivered to the destination. Donovan’s confusion was relieved once Tiadora came back. “Excellent work, my Lords. Catch.” Tiadora tossed the vial towards Donovan, but Kirim quickly snatched it out of the air, and placed it gingerly back into the Bag of Holding.
“The Master is pleased with your work, and sends his regards.” Tiadora produced a large bag of emeralds, which Donovan found fitting given that the Eyes of Vetra-Kali had been rumored to be emeralds. “You are to leave this place and head to Ghastenhall. This letter will explain your mission.”
Placing the letter in Donovan’s hands, Tiadora teleported away.
With Tiadora gone, Donovan turned back to what remained of the Horn of Abaddon. “All that work, our home is gone.” Donovan was crestfallen.
Tamsen moved over to Donovan, kissing him on the cheek. “Home is what we make, my love. I know you’ll make the perfect place for all of us.”
As Lucius summoned carriages to take the family back to Farholde and on from there, Donovan considered the words of Tamsen. What would their home look like, and would they all be able to find it together?
“I hope so.” Donovan replied to Tamsen a while later.

Session 30 Ends.


Part 3: Tears of the Blessed
Act 1: Ghastenhall
Session 31: Red in the Ledgers

The group arrived rapidly in Ghastenhall, thanks to the Teleportation abilities of Lucius and Idrees. After all the months spent in the relative isolation of the Horn of Abaddon, the rush of people all around was a welcome sight. Bebop was especially excited at all the activity and awakening of his senses. He was almost bouncing with excitement. Donovan looked over at him, counted out several hundred gold into a smaller sack, and handed it over to Bebop.
“Go have fun, you’ve certainly earned it. Try to learn something useful about the area.”, Donovan spoke, unsure if Bebop even heard the last part of his sentence.
Lucius chuckled, “Ah, to be young.” After pausing a moment, he continued, “I assume you are going to go meet with Barnabus Thrane now?”
Donovan shook his head, “Not just yet. I need to know a lot more about the Tears of Achlys before I take any action.”
Donovan handed money to Lucius, “Take Kirim and go find us an area where our whole group can remain for the time being. We’ll present ourselves to Father’s agent once I know more about what we are working with. Try and gather whatever information you can find.”
Lucius, Kirim, and most of the others left to find out what they could discover of this city, leaving Donovan, Tamsen, and Artephius behind.
Sliding up next to Donovan, Tamsen smiled, “Does this mean you are taking me out on a date now?”
“I would gladly take you anywhere, my love.”, Donovan replied, placing his forehead against hers. “However, we should take some of the time we have to ourselves to understand more about this area we’ve been sent to.”
With that, they began exploring the streets of the bustling merchant city. After selling off the trinkets that they had received, they struck up conversations with the various shop owners in order to discover more about this town. The two of them heard about the festival of “Princess Iris of Ghastenhall”. Donovan looked at Tamsen upon hearing that name.
“Iris, that name sounds so familiar, something we’ve heard from our recent past.”, Donovan opened his thoughts to Tamsen, letting his thoughts drift silently to her.
“Yes, lover. Iris is the name of the individual we found on the wall with a group of other names within the Horn of Abaddon.”, Tamsen’s fingers slid through Donovan’s hair, as she responded to his thoughts with her own.
Realization struck Donovan, as he quickly fumbled through one of his purses for a small ring. Engraved into the ring were the initials “IoG”. “Of course, now I remember!”, Donovan’s thoughts were eager and excited, even as they continued to listen to one of the shop keepers describe how the upcoming festival included a legend that any individual who could prove the fate of the Princess would be granted a boon by the Duke. Donovan and Tamsen’s eyes locked together, as they smirked silently at each other.
“That’s a very interesting story.”, Tamsen replied to the shopkeeper.

As Lucius, Lucinda, and Kirim took the rest of the family around town to find a place to stay, they came across an individual who was being assaulted in the alleyway. Kirim pushed himself up to the individuals who were accosting the victim, his eyes brimming with a soulless gaze.
“Perhaps you’d like to fight someone more capable?”
Looking at his intimidating and burning form, the hooligans decided to reconsider their actions, and fled quickly into the night. Upon their departure, Lucius provided magical healing to the individual.
“You are good folk,”, the man wheezed out as his injuries began to close up.
“Why were you the target of those thugs? Did you have something they wanted?”, Lucius responded with a caring smile, as Kirim stared stoically down the alleyway.
“No, it is the way of the Evil One. He sends people to accost the weaker of us.”
“The Evil One?”, Lucius queried. “Who might that be?”
“I dare not speak his name, as he will surely send the vampire lord to take me away!”, the old man seemed agitated, as Kirim scoffed.
“A vampire lord, how very intriguing.”, Lucius because curious at the information.
Looking nervously around the area, the man forced himself weakly to his feet. “I have to get out of here, before they come for me!” With that, the man fled into the night.
Kirim looked unimpressed. “Fables and legends. Everyone wants to blame some creature for their own weakness and cowardice.
Lucius looked at Kirim and pondered, “Perhaps. But if I know Donovan, he’ll want to investigate this matter further. Even the stories of legend come from a word of truth.”

Bebop was all too excited to be in this town. The freedom and opportunity that he felt was extended to him was enthralling. He asked the right, or possibly wrong, questions and found his way to a place called the Golden Palace. Upon arriving there, Bebop enjoyed his first taste of the local “blood rum”. While there was no blood actually contained in the rum, the beet roots used in place of sugar also colored the drink their unique shade. Bebop interacted with many individuals throughout the evening. As different options and enticements became aware to Bebop, he overheard discussions of a “fighting pit”. Bebop felt his excitement and eagerness rise, anxious to discover more.
“Where can I learn more about this fighting challenge?”, Bebop asked the wait staff that was attending to him.
“You’ll need to speak with Master Vex to hear more about the activities, and see if you can receive an invitation.”, the attractive member of the staff informed Bebop.
Bebop looked at the money he still had from the evening’s adventures. While he was not yet broke, he doubted he had enough money in order to gain an invitation to an exclusive fighting club, especially not if he wanted to actually participate.
“Maybe I should go meet back up with Donovan and tell him about this place.”, Bebop mumbled to himself.
Looking around, Bebop was approached by a lovely creature who seemed interested in sharing her time with him, for the right price.
“No reason for me to rush though, I’m sure he’s doing something boring anyway.”, Bebop laughed, before accompanying the woman into one of the rooms purpose made for the activity in question.

Later that evening, the family convened at a location on the outskirts of the city that Lucius had found for them. Stories were shared between them, as Donovan continued to stare intently at the vial containing the Tears of Achlys. After a while, Lucius spoke up, “I assume you are taking that to Barnabus Thrane, as per our instruction.”
“Not yet, Lucius. I need to know more about what we are dealing with.”, Donovan responded with an absentminded tone.
“You all have to come with me to the Golden Corral! There’s a fighting pit there, and that’s a real chance for us to make money.”, Bebop spoke excitedly about his recent trips.
Without looking, Donovan pulled out several stacks of coins, and set them next to where he was sitting. “Lucius will go with you. See what possibilities are there for us.”
“And what are you going to do?”, Lucius asked.
“I need to head back to the Library of Ghastenhall, to learn more about this vampire you spoke of.”, Donovan responded.
“Gods, you are boring!”, Bebop mocked Donovan, which caused Tamsen to giggle.
“No, he’s not.”, Tamsen retorted, kissing Donovan sweetly.

The next day, the groups headed off their separate ways. Tamsen accompanied Donovan to the Library.
“You know you didn’t have to follow me around, my love. I’m certain this isn’t a fun thing for you to be doing in this wide city.” Donovan spoke with Tamsen as they walked.
“I know I don’t have to be with you. I choose to be.”, Tamsen reaffirmed her intentions.
Going into the Library, the two of them obscured their identity to prevent Thrane from noticing them when they would later return.
“Alright my love, see if you can find any information related to vampire rumors and legends within the books here. There has to be some reference to this gossip.”, Donovan spoke mentally to Tamsen.
Tamsen looked around with trepidation before responding wordlessly, “There are so many books here.”
“You’ll be fine. I’m sure you can find someone to assist you.”, Donovan chuckled as he walked away.
Donovan began walking across the different aisles where the books were kept. It was an impressive sight, even more impressive than the library of his mother. Working through the different rows of tomes and manuals, Donovan found a reference to the “Tears of Achlys”. According to his research, the Tears were no ordinary affliction, but were instead the manifestation of a Spirit of Disease. Drawings and descriptions of people who were afflicted by this ailment were displayed in the work, and the whole of it turned Donovan’s stomach as he considered what would become of the population of Talingarde should such a plague be released upon them. What would become of his family, both new and old? Donovan felt a growing resolve to attempt to prevent this calamity from befalling his country, as he stood over the pages describing the disease.
Just then, Tamsen set another book on top of the one Donovan was studying. “Look what I found!”
Donovan’s eyes began scanning the pages. Gaius Vestromo was a member of the well known Vestromo family. The legends told of how his family fell from grace hundreds of years ago, and Gaius was afflicted with the curse of vampirism. Donovan continued studying about this individual, as Tamsen looked at him with curiosity.
“Are you thinking about growing the family, Donovan? I don’t think he’s going to be interested in our plans.”, Tamsen whispered softly, and giggled.
Donovan suddenly looked up, an intensity in his eyes. “My love, I’m going to ask you to do something terrible. Can you trust me?”
A smile crossed Tamsen’s face. “Of course, I trust you with all my heart. But now you have my curiosity. What did you have in mind?”
Wordlessly, Donovan elaborated to Tamsen about his plans, and Tamsen listened to his voice in her mind. She felt a sense of trepidation wash over her, even as she agreed to all Donovan proposed.

Bebop returned to the Golden Palace, with Lucius and Kirim in tow. Lucius was for more effervescent than Bebop, and it didn’t take long before Lucius found way for him and the others to learn about the entry to the fighting pits, and to meet with Mister Martigan Vex sooner than Bebop himself would have been able to do. Upon arriving in the arena like area, Lucius began speaking directly with Master Vex.
“Master Vex, it is an honor to finally meet you. This whole establishment is amazing, especially this arena.”
“Why thank you, Lucius. The people of this town need something to look forward to, especially during these troubling times.”, Vex replied with a wide smile.
“My friend here would be very interested in participating in these matches, if such a thing could be arranged.”, Lucius queried optimistically.
“Certainly, there’s a small entry fee; but that’s nothing compared to the prizes that are available to those who can handle the challenges within. Of course, you’ll have to wait to see if these other two can beat them first.”, Vex pointed at the two men waiting just outside the arena.
Lucius smiled and handed Vex the fee. “I’m excited to see what you have brought to entertain the crowds with.” Having said that, him and the others took seats outside the arena.
A short while later, Vex approached the center of the arena, making his opening announcements. He spent several minutes raising the excitement of the crowd, until the cheers and roars reached a fever pitch as the first contestants were pitted together. The first beast that entered the match was a two headed snake that appeared to be at least twice as long as the man battling it.
Lucius and the others watched as the man in the arena attempted to battle this exotic creature. Perhaps the size of the creature intimidated the man to the point he was not able to fight properly. Perhaps he was ill equipped to deal with two coordinated attacks coming from the same side. Whatever the reason was, the man found himself being struck again and again by the snakes quick bites and deadly poison. Although he was able to land a few blows on the snake heads, he was soon overwhelmed by the creature.
Bebop rubbed his hands together in excitement. “Alright, I get to take a crack at this fighting game!”
Lucius looked pensively at Kirim. “Did you also wish to join him in this sport?”
Kirim snorted in disgust, “I don’t kill for sport.”
Lucius nodded, “Then what do you kill for?”
“I kill for Asmodeus, and for my people.” Kirim stared at Lucius with his soulless black eyes. Lucius chuckled slightly to cover his shudder, then looked away.
“Donovan was right about this one.”, Lucius thought to himself. “He is a true believer.”
Down at the entrance way into the arena, Bebop consumed his Mutagen, and felt his body change and shift as the energies took a hold of him. The other individual who had been waiting to go before him reconsidered after seeing the last fight, so Bebop was called into action next.
Once more, Master Vex made the introductions, and it was now Bebop’s call to enter the pit. Bebop watched as the two headed snake once more slid into the arena as he had seen it do previously, but Bebop was ready. His muscles were coiled, having spent the last several weeks always being ready to explode into combat in a moment’s notice. And then, Bebop exploded into his action. In a matter of moments, Bebop had dashed over to the other side of the pit where the snake was approaching, and unleashed a torrent of claws, fangs, and hooves. It happened so fast, the audience could barely react to what had taken place. They watched as a creature that had selectively overwhelmed the previous combatant fell limp onto the arena floor. Lucius slapped his forehead in annoyance. He had been trying to set up a long set of wagers in order to get people to start betting on Bebop, but a fight with that quick of an ending wasn’t going to elicit a lot of enthusiasm from the fight coordinator.
There was a delay as everyone finally realized what had just taken place. Quickly, Vex dashed back into the arena, regaining the enthusiasm of the crowd, and celebrating Bebop’s overwhelming victory.
Bebop smugly returned to the group, as Lucius stared at him in disbelief.
“Which part of holding back did you not understand, Bebop?” Lucius chided Bebop for his impatience.
“I was holding back!”, Bebop insisted as Lucius rolled his eyes.
Almost as if on cue, Vex arrived with a sack of coins in his hand. “Here you go, your winnings for tonight’s showing.”
Lucius stepped forward, “We’re not accepting that money, Master Vex. We’d prefer to donate it to your staff for their efforts in taking care of these fine animals.”
Bebop interjected, “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to win the fight so fast.”
Vex produced his signature smile, “Well, sometimes the audience does like to see a powerful victory like that. It gives them something to get excited about. But you are right, it’s an expensive proposition to put in all that work on finding exotic animals like these only for them to be destroyed in an instant.”
Lucius stepped closer, “About that. It occurred to us that perhaps I could provide you a source of exotic creatures that are easier to come by, and would not require the same level of care and feeding you are currently putting into them.”
Vex raised an eyebrow, “What did you have in mind?”
Lucius smiled, and began to describe his plans in detail to Martigan Vex.

Later that evening, the gathered back together outside of the Barcan Cemetery.
“Why are we here, Donovan?”, Bebop asked with a sense of concern in his voice.
Donovan responded dryly, “We’re here to meet a vampire, hopefully.”
“Damnit! Of course, that’s what we are doing! I can’t believe you made me leave the Golden Palace for this!” Bebop seemed more annoyed than afraid.
“Can I ask why we are meeting with a vampire?”, Lucius chimed up.
“Not yet, I’m sorry.” Donovan looked at Lucius with eyes full of regret and determination.
With that, Donovan began walking in to the cemetery, with Tamsen and GrumbleJack directly behind him. After getting further inside the cemetery area, Donovan spoke up once more.
“GrumbleJack, you have the ability to Detect Undead, correct?”
“Yes, boss.”, GrumbleJack nodded.
“Now would be the time to start.”, Donovan spoke quietly to GrumbleJack, then spoke out much louder than everyone expected. “My name is Donovan Thorn. I seek an audience with Prince Gaius Vestromo.”
A short while later, GrumbleJack grunted to Donovan, “That way.” He pointed in a direction, and Donovan began walking towards it. The group arrived at the entrance into a mausoleum. Two humanoid creatures were standing outside the doorway, their hands pointed to the entrance.
“I guess we’ve been given an audience.”, Donovan murmured to the group in Infernal.
The entrance was too large for GrumbleJack to enter, so him and Artephius were instructed to wait outside as the others made their way into the ruined edifice. As the last of the group began making their way down a long set of stairs, one of the creatures placed a slab against the entrance, smothering what small remnants of light still remained. Nervously, Lucius activated a Light cantrip, as he was the only one in the group without any sort of sense that would allow him to see with such poor lighting. The group continued down into the mausoleum, now expanding into something else. Donovan realized that they had connected to a set of tunnels that ran under the city. Against one of the walls of these tunnels, a crude throne like object had been erected, and a gaunt humanoid creature dressed surprisingly well sat there. The creature stood up and approached the family.
“You smell delicious.”, the creature said with a dignified accent. “But, you don’t smell Mitran. Perhaps you could explain what you are doing here before my family feeds on you?”
Donovan stepped forward, “Prince Gaius Vestromo, my family and I come to you tonight with a matter of grave urgency. As a long time ruler of this land, I know you seek to ensure the well-being of Ghastenhall. I seek your aid on matters of both this town, and the country of Talingarde.”
Vestromo seemed curious. Who were these individuals who were so confident even in the face of such peril? And who was the man who was speaking with the Prince with such confidence and conviction?
“Alright, you have my curiosity. I’m willing to hear more.” Vestromo wanted to know what this person would do next.
“My family and I are wearing objects that allow my conversation to be monitored.”, Donovan responded.
The Prince tilted his head, “Then what do you propose?”
Donovan’s eyes traveled to Tamsen. “If you would allow her to connect directly to your mind, I can elaborate further.
Vestromo looked over the frame of Tamsen. In life, he imagined that such a creature could easily have seduced him. Even now, her eyes betrayed something underneath her gorgeous surface. Still, he sensed no deception from the person speaking to him, so he clasped hands with Tamsen.
The Prince watched as Tamsen stared into his eyes. He found himself being drawn into her gaze. Was she using hypnotism? No, it was something else, something more intimate. He took in her scent, her form, her smile. Moments later, he could hear her voice inside her head. “Can you hear me, Your Majesty?”
Vestromo spoke back using his thoughts, “I can hear you, my childe.”
Tamsen smiled, then looked over at Donovan and nodded.
Tamsen continued speaking with Vestromo telepathically. “Alright, Prince Vestromo. Donovan is going to say things to me, and I’m going to repeat them back to you. I will relay any questions you ask, but understand only my mind is connected to yours.”
Vestromo nodded, then listened to the words being relayed by Tamsen.
“My name is Donovan Westermeyer. My family and I were arrested several months ago, and were sentenced to death. We were saved by an individual named Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. As part of the conditions of his salvation, we were forced into a contract with him in order to overthrow the ruling body of Talingarde. My family and I recently performed a ritual inside the Horn of Abaddon. As part of that ritual, we summoned a luekodaemon that provided us with a disease called the Tears of Achlys. Cardinal Thorn intends to release this disease on the population of Talingarde, in order to ensure that the bugbears will succeed in their military victory to overthrow the ruling government. Because of the contract that we are in, we cannot prevent this action from occurring. However, I know that we are to deliver the vial containing this disease to an individual named Barnabus Thrain who is a scholar at the Library of Ghastenhall.”
The family sat around nervously looking at one another, as no words were being spoken within this area. Meanwhile, a thoughtful look crossed the Prince’s face.
“This is very interesting. I take it you all want me to send my minions to kill this man once you have delivered the vial to him?”
Tamsen continued Donovan’s responses. “I am not suggesting you kill him, Your Majesty. I leave the outcome of that individual to your wisdom.”
“And the vial, this Tears of Achlys? Are you wishing it for yourself?”, Vestromo shot back via his thoughts.
“No, Your Majesty. Such a thing should not be in the hands of anyone who would allow it to bring harm to Talingarde.”, Tamsen proxied Donovan’s response again.
“And what will I gain for performing this task for you, Donovan?”
“You will ask a service of me and my family, and we will attend to it on your behalf.”
Vestromo paused for a minute. He could see that this group was both desperate and resourceful. He knew such things to be a dangerous but effective combination.
“So, what happens now?”, Prince Gaius Vestromo asked Tamsen through thought.
“Now, we negotiate for the part I want the Cardinal to see.”, Donvan’s response came through.
A pause, and then Vestromo spoke aloud. “What is you seek from me and my family?”
Without a hesitation, Donovan continued. “Your Majesty, my family and I seek to bring down the Vale of Valtaerna. You command a powerful group of creatures that could be instrumental in such a task.”
Vestromo was surprised, as much as a creature that had seen as much of life as he had could be. “The Vale of Vestromo? You seek to bring its destruction?”
Donovan nodded, “Indeed.”
Thoughts came together in the Vampire Prince’s mind. Perhaps this family could be of use to him, after all. “Since you have been so forward with me, perhaps I can grant a small bit of that to you as well.” There was a notable pause, and then Vestromo continued, “The curse that sustains me through immortality has been weakened. The cursed Mitrans have stolen an important family relic from me, the Chalice of Aurelius. If I were to have such a thing and consume blood from it, my strength and the ability of me to create stronger childer, would be renewed.”
Donovan nodded, “I understand your request, and my family will see to it being completed.”
Vestromo offered further, “Additionally, if you are able to somehow acquire the blood of an angel, I would even be willing to grant a member of your family a true portion of my renewed power. Not as these pathetic creatures…”, Vestromo gestured to the spawn standing defensively around him. “But as another of my kind, capable of shaping the world in your own immortal vision.”
Donovan pondered the Prince’s request, “We will see what opportunity provides us, Your Majesty.”
Vestromo felt it, something exciting inside of him. Was this hope? Hope that these people could finally allow him to be something more than he had been for centuries? “In exchange for your efforts, I will provide you with ten of my loyal children. While they lack my strength, they are still more than capable creatures who will never fail to do exactly as I command them. They have no fear for self-preservation or personal agendas. They will provide great aid to you, if you use them wisely.”
Donovan bowed his head, “You are most gracious, Your Majesty. We will contact you when we are ready to make our move against the Vale.”
Vestromo nodded and smiled, “I’m looking forward to the end of the accursed Mitrans.” Quickly, he sent off a thought to Tamsen, “And what of this Barnabus Thrain?”
Tamsen’s thoughts returned to Vestromo, “Donovan says he will arrange the meeting with Thrane to be after dark, and will notify you of the location where the meeting will occur.”
Vestromo extended his arms, and granted the family safe passage back to the surface, providing them with guides to lead them to the original entrance.

The family returned to the quarters they had purchased. It was very late now, with dawn only a few hours away.
“My research is concluded. It’s time for us to meet with Barnabus Thrain.”, Donovan said to the group.
As the lights were darkened, and the group went to their respective beds, Donovan whispered his thoughts into Tamsen’s mind. “I hope you can forgive me for what I’ve done tonight. I wish I could have left you out of this.”
Tamsen responded, as her body pressed into his, “Don’t apologize, my love. I know what you are trying to do. It’s the same as you’ve done all the way here. You want to make the world better for us, for the family you and I will bring into this world.

The next day, the family passed their time in trivial activities, waiting for the afternoon when they would head to the great Library. As Donovan had already seen Thrain from his previous visit, he was prepared to present the right face for him and Tamsen. Approaching the man, Donovan struck up conversation, and then quickly moved into the all important code phrase of “Whom do you serve?”
Barnabus Thrian replied as expected, “Only knowledge. If you also seek knowledge, perhaps you can join me this evening for a symposium in the lecture hall.”
Donovan nodded in affirmation, then exited the building, glancing over at Tamsen with a knowing look.
Later that evening, the majority of the family gathered for the symposium at the established location, where only Thrain and some of his retainers were waiting. Donovan and the others made their way up to the front of the lecture hall, taking seats within the first couple of rows.
“We are not to be disturbed.” Thrain spoke to his retainers, who left the room, closing the doors behind them. Once they were gone, Barnabus addressed the group bluntly. “I am the Fifth. Who are you?”
Bebop spoke up quickly, “We are the Ninth Knot.”
Thrain nodded in understanding, “I am Brother Barnabus Thrain, and your arrival has been anticipated. Word has spread of the many deeds you have accomplished on behalf of Cardinal Thorn. I understand that you have brought something for me?”
“Indeed we do, Brother Thrain.”, Donovan replied, and then made a motion to Kirim, who moved to the stage with a bag in his hand. After Kirim removed the vial containing the Tears of Achlys from the bag, Donovan held up his hand, pausing Kirim in his actions. “And what is to happen to this vial once it is in your possession?”
“Agents are to take this and spread its contents far and wide across the land of Talingarde.”, Thrain said confidently.
“You mean, after it has been tested, of course.”, Donovan stared intently at Barnabus.
Barnabus Thrain nodded, “I’m certain if that is the will of the Master, then it will be done.”
Donovan scowled momentarily, then looked over at Tamsen. “I understand.” With that, Kirim proceeded to give the vial to Brother Barnabus Thrain.
Barnabus’ hands shook as he held the vial in his hands and studied it. “I am filled with dread at this errand. I will do what is asked of me.”

Donovan spent a little bit of time asking questions of Barnabus Thrain, understanding the relationship between him and Cardinal Thorn. Donovan found himself impressed at how many people followed Thorn despite knowing his history and the things that had befallen him. Thorn clearly presented a level of charisma that would not have been expected. Thrain spoke of the housing that had been made available to the group, and presented them with gems that enhanced the function of the Iron Circlets they had previously been gifted. Once completed, Barnabus told them all that he would be at the Library for the remainder of the month, should they need any additional information from him.
Pleasantries were exchanged, and Brother Thrain departed the lecture hall, but not before Tamsen contacted Prince Gaius Vestromo telepathically to inform him that the individual in question was departing the building.

The group traveled to the location given to them by Thrain. It was a nice enough location, easily able to provide for them over the coming weeks.
“We’ll need to purchase some supplies. We have a lot to accomplish, and not a lot of time to get everything done.”, Donovan spoke to the group.

Silently, Tamsen notified Donovan that the plan they had enacted had been set in motion.
“The die is cast, my love. Let us see what our fates will hold.”, Donovan replied silently to Tamsen, as their fingers interlocked.

Session 31 Ends.


Part 3: Tears of the Blessed
Act 2: An Army of the Damned
Session 32: Hiring Opportunities During War

The next day, Tiadora returned to the Crowley Estate, looking at Donovan with scornful eyes. “The Master will see you upstairs.” Tiadora said nothing else, only immediately teleporting away. Donovan furrowed his brow, thinking to himself. Was it possible that his plans had already been unfurled? When Donovan arrived, he saw that the rest of the family was already there, and Cardinal Thorn was standing on the other side of the room, staring directly at Donovan.
“You think you can defy me? You are mine! Your souls are mine! You will do my bidding.”, Thorn stared at Donovan with enraged, unblinking eyes.
“Have I failed you in some way, Father? Have I not met every task you have assigned to me?”, Donovan replied coyly, testing to see what Thorn actually knew.
Thorn raised a finger at Donovan, to silence him. “Thorn was slain last night.”
Donovan feigned ignorance, “I had no idea that had happened to him.”
“Of course you didn’t, Donovan. I’m sure the fact that he was assaulted and killed just outside the Library was simply a matter of inconvenient timing.” Thorn’s face still showed the anger and disappointment he was experiencing. “Perhaps I have been too kind to you Donovan. I have given you a great amount of slack on your leash. I think it is clear I need to tighten your leash accordingly.”
Donovan’s arrogance was boundless, “If you think I had something to do with the matter, Father, then all you need to do is ask. You know I won’t lie to you.”
A grimace turned on Thorn’s face, and he made a gesture with his hands. Suddenly a group of females appeared next to and around each of the members of the family. Donovan looked at the women briefly, their black wings and scarred yet beautiful faces. “Erinyes.”, he thought to himself.
“Barnabus Thrane was a useful tool that has been taken from me. This pains me greatly, and I do not wish to suffer alone.”, Thorn intoned to Donovan, even as the Furies began to move in on the rest of the family.
For the first time in the entire conversation, Donovan was afraid, because he knew that Thorn understood exactly how to hurt him most. His hand twitched towards the rapier at his side, but his mind told him to reconsider his actions. Thorn saw Donovan’s response, and cackled heartily, before him and his entire retinue teleported away from the estate, leaving all the members of the party behind.

Everyone was silent for a moment, before Lucius looked over at Donovan in confusion, “What exactly was all that about?”
Donovan looked wordlessly at Tamsen, then back to Lucius, “It would appear that even the best laid plans can come undone.”
“What exactly does Thorn think we did?”, Lucius pressed.
“He doesn’t think You did anything, Lucius; and he’s right. You’ve done everything that has been asked of you thus far.” Donovan looked at the rest of the group, and continued. “All of you have done all that could be expected and more. Some of us just need to do a better job at the thing we’re supposed to be doing.” Donovan paused momentarily while considering those words, then left the room without saying anything else.
Lucius looked towards Tamsen, “Do you know what all this about?”
Tamsen giggled, “Since when does anyone understand what’s going on in Donovan’s head?” The lie was easy for her to tell, and Lucius was willing to believe it.
“Well, if that’s done, I’m going back to get breakfast.” Bebop shrugged before walking out of the room.

Donovan arrived at the makeshift crafting area that him and Idrees had set up within the estate. Idrees took out her pipe and looked at Donovan.
“You look like the students who just completed their first year summary test.” Idrees chuckled as she tapped her pipe the back of her palm.
Donovan looked back at her, a distinct lack of humor on his face. “I don’t know what to do. It’s like every action I take, he anticipates the outcome.”
Idrees smirked, “And how exactly does he know the actions you are going to take?”
Donovan tapped the circlet on his head, “This makes it easier for him to watch us.”
“Surprise, surprise. The creature who contracted you for your soul isn’t trustworthy. I’m sure that must come as a shock to you and everyone else.” Idrees chuckled briefly.
Donovan was clearly irritated. “Do you have any useful advice, Instructor? Or do you simply wish to revel in my suffering?”
“And who says it can’t be both?” Idrees cackled with malicious glee, even as Donovan furrowed his brow. Idrees climbed off her table and walked towards Donovan. “You were always a precise Chess player, Donovan. But that was your fundamental flaw.”
“How is precision a flaw, Instructor?” Donovan contemplated her response.
“You were playing by rote memory, Donovan. You memorized every opening and gambit, so that you could repeat the plays that led to wins.” Idrees tapped her pipe to her temple, as though she was instilling something of wisdom.
“And that’s bad, because?” Donovan still failed to grasp what Idrees was telling him.
In frustration, Idrees popped Donovan’s forehead with her pipe. “Because, you aren’t creating your own solution, you are just playing to a set of fixed answers.” Idrees could see that Donovan was beginning to grasp what Idrees was saying. “By your own words, Thorn is always going to have more information than you about what you are doing. So you have to allow your actions to be impulsive and fluid. Don’t give him time to contemplate his next decision, make one move after the next, and work under the planning that any given action you take will be anticipated by him.”
Donovan nodded thoughtfully about what he had been told. “I see what you are saying, Instructor. I appreciate your insight.”
Idrees laughed once, then relit her pipe. “Good, now let’s get to work. If we’re going to defeat an army, we’ll need to be better equipped than we are currently.”

Some time later, Tiadora returned to Crowley Estate. Seeing Donovan, she smiled. “Ah Dearest, there you are. I trust you are ready to depart?”
Donovan smiled back at Tiadora, then nodded. “Let me call the family together, and we’ll be ready to go.”
Communicating to Tamsen, Donovan instructed her to notify the group and have them meet with their gear ready to go. Shortly after, the group all arrived in the main room with Tiadora, who produced a finely crafted wooden box and handed it to Tamsen. “Here is where we are headed.”
Tamsen opened the box and looked at the coordinates, then handed them over to Lucius.
Lucius looked at the information, then spoke to Tiadora, “Will you be traveling with us, or are you heading there on your own?”
“No, thank you.” Tiadora responded flatly.
Working together, Tamsen and Lucius used their Teleport spells to transport the group to the new location. Arriving at the scene, the group soon realized they were at the location of Castle Westkirk. The castle was a shell of its former self, with Bugbears and Goblins running about the blackened and desolated castle celebrating their recent string of victories.

For her part, Tiadora had also transformed from her former image. Where once was a beautiful humanoid creature, now stood a powerful white furred Bugbear who also used the symbology of the Fire Axe tribe. She strode confidently up to the room where Sakkarot was seated, the throne itself. The two of them exchanged what appeared to be low and guttural growls, perhaps a sign of intimacy between them. Sakkarot looked past Tiadora and saw the rest of the family standing there.
“You’ve brought friends.” Sakkarot spoke briefly, before realization set in. “Old friends! Welcome!” Looking around and speaking to the larger collection of Bugbears in the throne room, Sakkarot continued. “Behold, my warriors! These are the individuals who brought us steel and helped us defeat the forces of Balentyne! These are my honored guests, and I will consume the heart of anyone who does not treat them well.”
Wordlessly, Tamsen spoke into Donovan’s mind, “He’s got quite the thing for consuming hearts, doesn’t he?”
Donovan grinned without response, and squeezed Tamsen’s hand.
Leading the group into the war room, Sakkarot chided one of his subordinates for torturing a prisoner there. Once the individual was removed, Sakkarot offered a seat to the family, and spoke to them briefly about how things had been progressing since their last encounter together.
Tiadora was clearly uninterested in small talk, “You know why we’re here.”
“Of course I know why you’re here. You want to steal my army.” Sakkarot replied with a sense of annoyance.
“We want to use a part of your army for a special mission.” Tiadora responded to Sakkarot’s hyperbole with ambivalence. “Cardinal Thorn believes that if Valtaerna could be sacked, it would be to your advantage…”
“Yes, I’ve heard your pitch.” Sakkarot interrupted her. “With the Vale destroyed, the King’s army will be weakened and we will fare better when we encounter them in the Spring. I’ve agreed to lend them Hekkareth’s Head Takers. That’s one hundred capable warriors who will help my friends accomplish this task!”
“Cardinal Thorn also requires the services of Shagoroth’s Night Mane.” Tiadora stated without hesitation.
“What? That’s one hundred and fifty additional troops. What do you wish me to fight the King’s army with come Spring?” Sakkarot stood up, irritation in his tone.
“Your army will be tenfold stronger than that, when the reinforcements arrive.” Tiadora was soothing but firm.
“Half your promised reinforcements never arrived, Tiadora. You cannot have Shagoroth.” Sakkarot leaned in to Tiadora, determination on his face.
Donovan stood up, “General, do you remember when you first met my family?”
Sakkarot turned and faced Donovan, “Of course my friend.”
Donovan smiled and nodded, “I remember you. When we first met you, you handed me a flare and told me I had thirty days to take over the Balentyne Watchtower.” Sakkarot chuckled, and Donovan continued his discussion. “And what happened? Not only did my family bring down the Watchtower, we also cleared out the nearby town, well ahead of the thirty day requirement you asked of us.”
Sakkarot paused and nodded, remembering the events that had taken place.
“Now, imagine what my family could do if we had a group of powerful warriors trained by the mighty General Sakkarot.” Donovan stopped there, allowing Sakkarot to imagine the possibilities.
“Fine, Donovan, you have convinced me.” Sakkarot spoke after pausing to consider Donovan’s words. “I’ll do more for you than just that. My troops have made me aware of a tribe of Duergar in the mountains close to hear. We haven’t had any luck making a connection with them, but perhaps you’ll have better luck.”
Tiadora smiled, happy that the situation was resolved. “An interesting lead. Allow me to provide you with another. There is a temple not too far from here, once dedicated to the goddess of beauty, but now no more. A Medusa named Izevel resides there. Perhaps she could be called to aid you in your quest.”
Donovan looked at Tiadora curiously, “You know her name?”
“I know many things, Donovan.” Tiadora replied.
Sakkarot laughed, “She’ll more than likely decorate her home with your statues! Why would such a creature ever agree to assist them?”
Tiadora shrugged, “Perhaps the Ninth will discover the answer to that.”
Bebop’s face grimaced suspiciously.
Sakkarot roared with laughter. “I didn’t realize you were so desperate! If that’s the case, I have another offer for you. We had an Oni named Raiju who was assisting us. However, Raiju slew one of our chieftans, and is being hunted for revenge. If you can get this individual to leave with you, then I would be happy to consider the matter resolved.”
Donovan looked at Sakkarot curiously, “You don’t want revenge for the loss of one of your chieftans?”
Sakkarot snorted derisively. “If that individual was so weak that he could not protect himself or have someone to protect him, then he deserved his fate.”
Donovan nodded. “I understand General. I thank you again for all of your assistance once more. We will not disappoint you.”.
Sakkarot chuckled, then patted Donovan on the back. “Well, this reunion has been fun, but I have plans to work on. This country won’t burn itself, you know.”
Tiadora smirked and bowed slightly. “Good luck my Dearest. You’ll need it.” With that, she teleported away.

Before returning to the estate, the family decided to go to the area where Raiju the Exile was hiding out.
“Watch for invisibility.” Donovan muttered, aware of the abilities of the Ogre Mage.
Opening their sight to all things invisible, Lucius and Tamsen began to look around. It did not take long before Lucius located Raiju, and pointed him out to the rest of the group.
“Hello there. We were sent by Sakkarot to come find you. We were hoping that you would be willing to talk to us about your situation. Sakkarot has asked us to take you from this place and travel with us.” Lucius spoke in the direction of Raiju, who was standing perfectly still in the rafters of the building.
“Sakkarot Fire Axe sent you?” Raiju the Exile seemed genuinely concerned about what Sakkarot had to say.
Lucius nodded as Raiju approached. “Indeed, he told us of your tale, and how you are being unfairly targeted by the other chieftans.”
Raiju made himself visible to the others, as him and Lucius began sharing the story of how Raiju ended up in this unfortunate situation. Apparently, Raiju had been asked to assassinate another individual, but the individual he was targeting would be known by their attire. Unfortunately, a different person was wearing the attire of the intended victim, and so ended up on the wrong side of Raiju’s blade.
Donovan listened carefully to Raiju’s stories, and began to discern that not everything being said was true. Perhaps Raiju was given to exaggerating the tales, or maybe it was simply a case of misplaced details. Whatever the situation, Donovan had heard lifetimes worth of stories designed to sell something, so was used to bargaining on those terms.
“You’re obviously skilled with the blade, Raiju. Are you interested in following us to the task that we have been assigned to by Sakkarot?” Donovan moved right to the negotiations.
Raiju wanted to discuss his worth in coin, what percentage of the profit he should be given. A mischievous grin came across Donovan’s face. “You want to be hired as a sell sword? Good enough Raiju. Show me what I’m getting for my coin.”
Raiju unsheathed his massive blade. “I will attempt to go easy on your servants.”
Donovan chuckled. “Oh, please do.” With that, Donovan’s eyes caught to Kirim’s and he gestured to the battlefield.
Kirim pulled out his weapon as he gritted his teeth. The massive Ogre Mage steadied himself for the first blow as their blades clashed. Raiju was powerful, to be certain, but Kirim was nothing short of monstrous.
“Pathetic!” Kirim called out as the blade began to slide across the Gaseous Form that Raiju jad become. Kirim sheathed his weapon, seemingly irritated that he had not found a worthy challenge yet.
“Thank you for letting me watch that fight, Raiju. It was informative to me.” Donovan smiled and opened his palms to the Ogre Mage. “I will give you the tools to make you a better warrior, and in exchange you will follow me and my family to victory over Valtaerna Vale.”
Raiju agreed, and left with the group as they returned to Crowley Estate.

Once the group returned to the estate, Donovan began working with Bebop on the creation of Elixirs that would help reduce the risk of being petrified by the Medusa. Bebop, never one liking to do work without having a delicious snack on hand, left to go grab some food, and that was when he saw a creature appear in front of his in a puff of sulfurous smoke. “Greetings, oh great and powerful master of darkness.”
Bebop looked blankly at the Devil that was standing in front of him, and shook his head. “This sounds like some Donovan naughty word.” With that, Bebop contacted Tamsen via telepathy to tell her what he had encountered, and to bring the rest of the family down.
After the rest of the family around, the creature bowed to the group, and began speaking again. “I am your humble servant Dessiter of the Phistophilus. I am here on behalf of the Lord of the Ninth Circle in order to congratulate you on your many impressive accomplishments.”
Bebop interjected, “The Lord of the Ninth Circle? So you were sent by Cardinal Thorn and Tiadora?”
Dessiter tittered slightly. “No, although you should tell my sister I send her greetings. I was sent by the Lord over all, not simply your personal master.”
Donovan crooked his head slightly. “So, you represent Asmodeus? Why would the Lord of Hell care about our efforts?”
Dessitus locked his gaze with Donovan and smiled. “You fight for Him, did you not think he would provide you aid?”
Tamsen grinned and spoke up, “So why are you here, Dessiter? I’m sure you aren’t just trying to cheer us on for our amazing deeds.”
Dessitus nodded and smiled widely. “You are correct. I am here to provide counsel to you, and perhaps even more.”
Bebop snorted, “More? What’s the catch?”
Dessitus continued. “The Lord knows of your efforts to storm the Vale of Valtaerna. While your ambitions are noble, you must know that it is more than simply men that protect that place. Celestials of all kind defend that sanctuary, and while that place does have a mortal that is considered the leader, the true power there is the Angel known as Ara Mathra. Until that creature is defeated, no victory can possibly be claimed there.”
“Barnabus Thrane also told us of the angelic creatures that we would have to defeat in order to secure the Vale once and for all. While this information is useful, Dessiter, it is largely redundant to what we already know. Surely you must have something else that will aid us in seizing Valtaerna?” Donovan looked to see what Dessiter was actually offering.
“Sadly, little is known of the inside of Valtaerna. Still, we are aware of the three fires that are connected to that holy place. They must all be extinguished in order to end Mithra’s hold over this area once and for all.” Dessiter answered the question, if only somewhat.
Donovan seemed nonplussed, but didn’t express it in his words. “I thank you for this information, Dessiter. We will seek out these three flames once we begin our siege of Valtaerna. If this is the only news you needed to deliver unto me, then perhaps our evening has concluded?”
Dessiter held up his hand. “I did tell you there was possibly more, Donovan. I could provide you with Hounds to assist you in your efforts to defeat the forces at the Vale?”
“Hounds?” Donovan cocked his eyebrow?
With a snap, Dessiter called forth a trio of flaming hounds at his side. “These powerful creatures could prove quite useful to someone with your creativity.”
“Ah, hah.” Donovan said, knowing the direction of the conversation. “And what perchance would be the price of these powerful creatures?”
Dessiter grinned broadly as a parchment appeared before him. “Just a simple contract.”
Donovan chuckled slightly. “Of course, isn’t that always the way.” Donovan looked over at Lucius and nodded ever so slightly. Lucius gestured with his hands, and brought up a group of Hell Hounds from beyond.
“For now, it would appear that I am well covered in that category Dessiter. And I’m not quite ready to put my family in yet another contract.” Donovan crossed his arms and smiled.
Dessiter, realizing there would be no discussion as of yet, caused the scroll to disappear. “I have no doubt we will meet again, once other victories are accomplished.” With that, Dessiter bowed once more, and vanished back into a puff of smoke.
“Of that, I am certain.”, Donovan thought to himself.

The family stood around in a circle not too far from the temple where the Medusa was said to reside. Donovan was clearly nervous, even as he described the plan to them. Kirim, Bebop, Artephius, and Tamsen were going to go in, while the rest of the party remained outside. Donovan was concerned that the Medusa’s gaze would be deadly, and didn’t want to leave too many weaknesses in his plan.
Handing out flasks containing Bear’s Endurance, Donovan went back over the instructions again. “So, the three of you will attempt to stop whatever attacks that Izevel produces, while Tamsen goes in to negotiate with her. Correct?”
“Sure, sure. Punch everything, leave the talking to Tamsen. Got it.” Bebop seemed confident, despite the potential risks in play.
Tamsen giggled. “It will be fine, my love. You need to have some faith.”
“Easy for you to say, we don’t fully know what we are dealing with.” Donovan scowled in disapproval.
“Enough talk, let us be done with this creature, and this matter.” Kirim’s stoicism was on display, and he was clearly not lacking in his faith.
The group proceeded into the ruined temple. “Izevel? Lady Izevel? We wish to have a moment of your time.” Tamsen’s voice echoed softly through the otherwise deathly silent chamber. The statues seemed amazingly lifelike, trapped forever in their respective states of fear of anger.
Suddenly, a creature appeared in their midst. The creature appeared as a beautiful humanoid, wearing a red dress that showed off her amazing figure, with bracelets and a mask made of gold. The creature pulled down the mask and hissed violently at the group. Kirim and Bebop attempted to look away, while Tamsen’s eyes shown as silvery pools.
Tamsen giggled, “Now, now, be nice Izevel. We only want to talk with you.”
Dark miasma radiated from Kirim as Bebop consumed his Mutagen, his form becoming more monstrous.
The Medusa stretched out her wings, and flew up to a higher level. “You are like all the rest, why won’t you leave me alone!” At the same time, some of the stone creatures the family thought were statues came to life and began attacking.
Kirim growled as he struck into one of the creatures. “These creatures are not living, so they do not understand fear.”
Tamsen fell back behind the metallic wall of Artephius, calling out to Bebop. “Don’t let her escape!”
“On it!” Bebop called out as his own wings began to manifest, and he struck uselessly at the stone forms assailing them.
Artephius and Kirim continued to assault the stone creatures on the lower area, while Bebop worked his way towards the sound of a woman sobbing. He was joined shortly by Tamsen, who had used Fly to catch up to both of them. Bebop was waiting on Tamsen, hesitant to go further in and continue to expose himself to the creature’s deadly gaze.
“Izevel, I understand how you feel. I have spent most of my life being judged because I didn’t look like the normal citizens of this kingdom.” Tamsen attempted to be reassuring.
Izevel attempted to use her gaze once again, but it was becoming clear that Tamsen was currently immune to it. Izevel pushed Tamsen away and attempted to flee from the area. Bebop tackled Izevel and grappled her to the floor. Bebop punched, kicked, and bit on Izevel, even as he kept his eyes closed. He could feel the biting that was occurring, but thanks to the resistances he had to poison, he was not overwhelmed by the attacks.

Eventually, the Medusa was knocked unconscious, and a bag was placed over her head. After Tamsen, Bebop, and Kirim tied her up, Tamsen applied healing to Izevel, and waited for her to regain consciousness.
“Go ahead, kill me. I cannot defeat you.” Izevel spoke with an obvious sense of resignation.
“Like I told you before Izevel, we aren’t here to kill you. We believe that all of us share a greater purpose.”, Tamsen implored Izevel.
“What would you wish of me?” Izevel queried Tamsen, confusion in her voice.
Tamsen smiled, removing the bag from Izevel’s face. “Travel with us. Become part of our family; and share our experiences.”
Izevel considered Tamsen’s words briefly, then answered with conviction. “I will follow you all my days, as long as you will have me.”
“Have her, she said.”, Bebop chuckled mischievously.

The next morning, Donovan returned to the Library of Ghastenhall. Specifically, he was on the lookout for books pertaining to the Dwarven strongholds. Some searching finally revealed more information on the Zhaanze-Kryr, which Donovan noted with the hopes of being able to discover the Thane and the Duergar that resided there.
Later that evening, the family began the trek to the mountain where the stronghold was believed to be held. Summoning a creature, Lucius was able to use it to get some tracks that matched what was expected, and the family moved closer to the entrance of the Duergar. There was a patrol out scouting the area, which the family quickly captured and extracted the information of where specifically to go to enter the stronghold.
Guards were poised to attack, as the family carried the captured Duergar up to the entrance. “Stop. Who are you?”
Donovan replied, “We are here to see your Thane. You will grant us entrance.” The inflection in his tone was confident, yet threatening.
Looking over the group, the guards made their demands. “You will release the prisoners, and leave your weapons behind.”
Donovan smiled, “The prisoners are easy.” Snapping his fingers, Bebop and GrumbleJack set down their respective captives. “As to the weapons, I’m afraid you’ll have to ask him to give his weapon up.” Donovan pointed at Kirim.
Kirim’s face took on a malevolent grin, “Please, please try to take my weapon.”
One of the guards visibly gulped. “Keep your weapons. Follow us.”
The group was led into the underground areas where the Duergar resided. Darkness was everywhere, punctuated only by the light of molten metal. Eyes stared menacingly at the group, at words spoken in Undercommon were shouted at the family.
“What are they saying, Donovan?” Bebop asked inquisitively.
“Nothing you want to hear.” Donovan replied flatly.

After what seemed like quite a bit of walking in the dark underworld, they arrived at what appeared to be some sort of throne room. A muscular and haggard looking individual sat on the throne, while starting skeptically. “Tell me why I shouldn’t just have you killed where you all stand.”
Donovan replied in Undercommon, “Great and mighty Thane of Zhaanzen Kryr, my name is Donovan Thorn. My family and I have been pledged with the task of breaking the Vale Valtaerna.”
The Thane seemed curious. “I am Zashur Arzen, Thane of the Duergar. If what you say is true, you are either bold or reckless, or perhaps both. How do you think a handful of rowdy surface dwellers are going to defeat the Vale?”
Donovan smiled, “My family has accomplished a great many things over a relatively short period. We were responsible for the original defeat of the Watch Tower in Balentyne. We set upon the Horn of Abaddon, performing the extended ritual that allowed us to bring Vetra Kali Eats the Eyes to this world, and then seized the Tears of Achlys. We have aligned ourselves with the powerful General Sakkarot Fire Axe, gaining troops that will aid in our task. We have confided with the noble Prince Gaius Vestromo, who has mustered the powers of his blood to provide us soldiers for the upcoming battles. We have befriended the powerful Medusa Izevel, who will undoubtedly prove invaluable in the upcoming conflict.”
Zashur Arzen and the other Duergar standing in the room seemed impressed at the stories told by Donovan. “You have accomplished much to bring notoriety to yourselves.”
“And now, mighty Thane, we call upon you to aid us in tearing down the place of worship for the followers of Mithra.” Donovan closed out the conversation, hoping that his sales pitch was enough to swing the hearts and minds of these reclusive people.
Zashur Arzen stroked his beard, pondering the words of Donovan. “You know how to weave a good tale, Donovan Thorn. Alright, I am willing to aid you. But, it is under the condition that whatever dwarves survive belong to us. Additionally, I will be sending my son to lead our troops.”
Donovan nodded. “Understood, great Thane. Then, we will see you as winter comes upon this land.” With that, Donovan and the others returned to the Crowley Estate, to begin laying plans for the upcoming siege.

Session 32 Ends.


Part 3: Tears of the Blessed
Act 3: The Battle of Saintsbridge
Session 33: Who Watches the Watchtowers?

The journey to the Vale of Valtaerna took three days from the Crowley Estate. The armies were contacted, and were given a place to meet that was approximately eight hours beyond the Watchtower. After the group set up several camp sites with which to temporarily house the family and troops, they went about making their preparations. Donovan instructed Raiju to use his invisibility to move around silently through the compound. Heading the advice of Barnabus Thrane, Donovan gave Raiju an Undetectable Alignment elixir, so that whatever force was detecting evil would fail to do so. Donovan believed that there must be some weakness that could be exploited.

Meanwhile, other members of the family busied themselves in their own preferred manner. Bebop approached the tent that Izevel was staying in. Announcing his entry, Izevel quickly reset her mask. “Hello Izevel, I was wondering if you would care to spend some time together?”
Izevel took on a curious tone. “Spend some time together? And what would we be doing with all this time?”
Bebop, continuing to make sure he was averting his gaze, answered her question. “I’ve never been with a Medusa before.”
Izevel chuckled slightly. “Take off your shirt, Bebop.”
Bebop complied wordlessly. Izevel stood up as his shirt fell to the floor. Placing her hand over his eyes, Izevel traced her finger across Bebop’s well defined chest.
“Not bad, if I do say so myself. But how exactly is this supposed to work, Bebop? You’re going to avoid looking at me the whole time.” Izevel’s voice was haughty and amused.
Bebop reached into his back pocket, and pulled out the sack that he had covered her face with back at the temple. “I was thinking this might work.”
Izevel smirked momentarily. “This will do nicely.” Snatching the bag from Bebop’s hand, she quickly covered up his head and tied the drawstring. Once that was complete, she guided Bebop into her cot. Thanks to the Sleeves of Many Garments that Donovan had provided, it was easy for Izevel to change or remove her clothes on a whim.
“It’s been a while for me, Bebop. You have a lot of work ahead of you.” Izevel whispered, giggling slightly.

Tamsen bit her lips slightly. She was just finishing up the tattoo work on her arm, and she always enjoyed the slight stinging sensation the needle provided. Ever since leaving Thorn’s manor, she had been working to improve the skill, but now she was beginning to see her work pay off. Her magics were being applied to the tattoos she was creating. The dyes were expensive, to be sure, but the beauty and artistry of the work was unparalleled. Idrees walked into Tamsen’s tent, which caused Camille to growl at her.
“Easy you two! I come in peace!” Idrees chuckled slightly and raised her hands.
“Be nice, Cami!” Tamsen chided Camille. “I’m sure Idrees has a good reason for being here.”
Idrees nodded and moved quickly towards her, “Indeed, Tamsen. I come bearing gifts. Donovan wanted you to have this ring.” With that, Idrees handed Tamsen an ornate and clearly magical ring.
“Thank you, Idrees. It’s lovely, but what’s it for?” Tamsen stared curiously at the ring.
“This is a Ring of Blinking, good lady. Donovan has plans for you on the front line, and he wants to make sure you are safe.” Idrees smiled proudly at her work.
“Donovan putting me on the front line? Are we truly that desperate?” Tamsen replied with a small degree of concern.
“Not at all. He has a plan, but the plan has risks. Tell me, how are you and Izevel getting along?” Idrees began to chuckle slightly.

“We should go and take them now! Those soldiers cannot match the strength of our conviction!” Kirim slammed his blade into the dummy target he was practicing on, cleaving it in half.
“I’m not sure all of us have your level of conviction.” Lucius responded, watching Kirim practice as he began to master the art of holding multiple summons out at the same time.
Kirim sneered, “My faith in Asmodeus is my sword and shield. I do not waver to those cowardly threats over there.” Kirim looked out to the horizon, where the massive watch tower was standing.
“Be patient, Kirim. Doesn’t Asmodeus reward your steadfast nature? Besides, I’m sure Donovan is working on a plan.” Lucius continued to concentrate, attempting to let his mind open.
“That’s the other problem! Donovan is a coward who isn’t ready to deal with real war. I’m sure his parents spoiled him and taught him to buy his way out of problems.” Kirim grabbed his blade, an annoyed look on his face.
“Wars aren’t won by might alone, Kirim. You may be powerful, but there will always be something more powerful, or something that power alone can’t defeat.” Lucius shrugged, then walked away.

Later that evening, the family met inside of Tamsen’s tent. Donovan had placed out an elixir for each of them. “I need each of you to drink this elixir, and then we are going to talk about seizing the watch tower tomorrow. The most important things to remember is that no one can be allowed to escape, and no one can be allowed to ring the gong that hangs at the highest level.:
For some time, Donovan explained the details of the plan to them. Once the explanation was complete, the group left for their respective tents, knowing a pivotal battle was ahead of them.

The group traveled the rest of the way up to the watch tower, with Idrees and Trik waiting behind to mobilize the troops once the signal had been given. The night set upon the tower just before the group was at the front of the castle. There appeared to be no unusual reaction from the people in the tower as the family approached, so Donovan felt confident that the Undetectable Alignment effect was still holding up. The family was approached by one of the guards, who asked them why they had come.
“For our Pilgrimage.” Donovan responded to the guard, and then followed up in Celestial. “Until all is light.”
Just as the guard had the outside door opened, Donovan spoke telepathically to Tamsen. “Now, my love.”
In a moment, Tamsen took Izevel’s hand, and teleported the two of them to the roof. Izevel removed her mask, gazing ruefully at the creatures who were stationed there. Raiju had seen them during his scouting mission, and Donovan referred to them as Lammasu. The one on the right pedestal caught Izevel’s gaze, and was immediately turned to stone. The other guardian looked briefly at his lost compatriot, then called out, “Fiend! You will pay for your crimes against Mithra!” The creature spread its powerful wings and began to ascend to the sky. But Izevel would not be denied her prize. Unfurling her own wings, she followed the skyward Lammasu, catching it in her gaze as well. The stone form of the creature hurtled to the ground, smashing into pieces.

Meanwhile, Bebop, Kirim, and Lucius were moving through the hallway into the main area when the alarm trumpets began to sound.
“Damnit, we’ve been discovered!” Lucius called back to Donovan. “There’s no way up from here.”
“Dimension Door to the other side of the wall, and start working your way up!” Donovan called back out to the group.
Lucius complied, taking himself and the other two to the other side of the wall, where a group of soldiers were readying crossbows to attack through the kill holes.
“Now we’re talking!” Kirim said enthusiastically, as he charged towards one of the unprepared soldiers.
On the opposite side of the long hallway, Raiju had invisibly gained access into the next room, and was killing the soldiers on that side. The screams of the dying could be heard throughout the floor. After only a few moments, all of the guards outside the main corridor were dead, and the secondary gate was opened. Bebop, Kirim, Lucius, and Raiju took off in their respective directions to continue pushing the soldiers up to the roof of the watch tower.

Donovan, GrumbleJack, and Artephius entered the main hallway. It appeared to be quiet, but there was a sudden rumbling as the two large statues became animated and started moving towards them. “Gods dammit all! Golems!”, Donovan said with an exasperated sigh. GrumbleJack and Artephius lined themselves up against the two Golems, the four large creatures occupying the bulk of the hallway. This was not a fight that Donovan was looking forward to dealing with.
“GrumbleJack, Arephius, take out these monsters! We have to get through this hallway!” Donovan roared out his command.
“Sure thing, Boss/Yes, Master.”, the reply came from the two powerful warriors at Donovan’s side.

Tamsen was sitting on the ground at the roof of the watch tower, her back against Izevel’s legs. Izevel was facing the two staircases leading up onto the roof. From time to time, an unfortunate soul would attempt to access the gong at the roof of the tower, only to be turned to stone by Izevel’s vicious gaze. For the occasional soldier who had the presence of mind to cover their eyes, Izevel made short work of them with her crossbow, arrows puncturing them like a pincushion. There was surprisingly little risk to either of them. They had been staged in such a way that their mere presence was more than enough threat. Perhaps that was what got Izevel to begin having a conversation with Tamsen.
“So, this boy Bebop. Do you care for him?” Izevel asked curiously.
“Of course I do. I love him. He’s special to me.” Tamsen replied sweetly.
“Do you now? I take it you don’t care if I have my way with his body.” Izevel seemed quite calm, but still remained very haughty in her demeanor.
“No, he’s free to enjoy whomever he pleases.” Tamsen smiled as she answered, even though no one could see it.
“What about Donovan? Would you care if I had my way with him?” Izevel began probing into Tamsen’s mindset.
“I would not be ok with that Izevel. Donovan belongs to me.” There was a fierceness to Tamsen’s answer.
“Oh, ho.” Izevel was amused. “So all of your play things are not created equally.”
“Donovan is different, and I don’t think he’s ready to deal with someone like you.” Tamsen attempted to collect herself, knowing she had revealed more than intended.
“Were you his first, Tamsen?” Izevel asked, already knowing the answer.
Tamsen said nothing, and Izevel laughed slightly. “Fine Tamsen, because you are my friend, I will respect your wishes.”

Kirim, Lucius, and Bebop continued to work through the rooms and corridors, striking down any they came across.
“Is there no challenge to be had? Nothing worthy of my efforts?” Kirim cried out in frustration at his pitiful foes.
Bebop continued to slaughter anything that got in his way. Blood and flesh splayed in every direction as claws, fangs, hooves, and horns encountered the ill prepared forces of the watch tower. Death was being presented without hesitation. There was no way for them to know how well they were doing, only that no one was getting around them.

The golems and warriors clashed viciously, even as Donovan began to realize what was happening. The golems were very resistant to GrumbleJack’s attacks. Additionally, Artephius was being overwhelmed by the strength and power of the statuesque creatures that were powered by some holy force. Donovan rushed over to GrumbleJack, attempting to heal his wounds, when he discovered that his normal healing methods were having no affect. The injuries had the magic that sustained the golems in them, meaning they were resisting any efforts to be healed. GrumbleJack valiantly fought on, while Artephius continued to sustain blow after blow from these unstoppable automations. Finally, GrumbleJack’s blade came down one last time, and both of the Golems were destroyed. Donovan rushed over to GrumbleJack, who was now bleeding profusely from his injuries, and produced a wand of Cure Light Wounds. Calling forth the magic of the wand repeatedly, he slowly caused GrumbleJack’s wounds to recover, expelling the cursed fragments that were preventing his body from healing. The process was slow and painstaking, eventually causing the wand to collapse from use; but it was successful.
“Thanks Boss.” GrumbleJack smiled at Donovan as the last of the injuries were removed.
Donovan sighed with relief. “I’m just glad you are ok.”
Meanwhile, Artephius, following Donovan’s orders, continued to attack the soldiers that were attempting to flee on the ground floor. Bolt after bolt of alchemical energy emitted from Artephius, washing his enemies in arcane destruction.

Lucius walked into the area where the barracks were, and started laughing. “I’ve got this room!” With but a thought, he summoned forth a massive Ankylosaurus, wreathed in flames. The remaining men in the room screamed and wailed as they found themselves trapped in a room with no possible escape. The soldiers that had not yet been found were soon attacked by Bebop, Kirin, and Raiju. Finishing off the last remnants of guards, Bebop notified Tamsen that they were all headed to the roof.

“They’re coming.” Tamsen said to Izevel.
Hearing that, Izevel replaced her mask and pulled the hood of her cloak back up. The bodies and statues laid silent around the roof, but none of them had even gotten close to the gong, much less performed the needed task to use it. In under ten minutes, the family had defeated a military structure that had stood for decades, without leaving any survivors.
Tamsen reached out to Donovan, who was still tending to GrumbleJack. “It’s over, love. What do you want to do now?”
“Contact Idrees and Trik, tell them to move the armies forward to the watch tower.” Donovan responded quickly.

Walking out the back gate, Donovan looked out onto the field that led to the Vale. “Tomorrow, we go to war.”

Session 33 Ends.


Part 3: Tears of the Blessed
Act 3: The Battle of Saintsbridge
Session 34, 35, 36, 37: Make War, Not Love

The next evening had arrived, and with it, the beginning of the campaign to decimate the opposition that stood between the family and Sanctum. It would be here that the group would be tested to their limits. Raiju had scouted out ahead into the valley in order to discern the type and number of enemies that were in the path of their goal.

Once Raiju had returned, Donovan called a meeting with his family. Gathering together in a battle planning room within the compound, Donovan mapped out the distance towards the town. After listening to the explanation of the challenges ahead, almost all of the members of the family volunteered to go and eliminate the enemies in their own matter.

“I will take our strongest warriors and strike fear into our enemies. They will know the strength of Asmodeus before they die.”, Kirim stood confidently.
Lucius snickered, “You may show them fear, Kirim, but I can show them flames. I will summon armies of creatures to burn down this whole valley. There will be no one left to oppose us.”
Izevel slinked up to Donovan, her hand caressing his face. “Give them over to me. I will create a menagerie of stone and despair these people could not possibly comprehend.”
Donovan raised his hand, then began to circle the room, “I appreciate all of you, and your willingness to annihilate our enemies. But we cannot assume any one method would be the correct solution. We must work together to bring down this group of foes.”
Looking over at Idrees, Donovan continued. “Instructor, you and Trik will lead our main forces, while the rest of us scout ahead and soften up our foes.”
Idrees nodded, while puffing on her pipe.
Donovan looked back to the rest of the family. “Let us make our final preparations. We leave on the hour.”

Soon after, the group began their trek out to the first group of foes. It didn’t take long before they found a group of mounted soldiers carrying lances and standing watch over their area. Upon seeing the family, the group of fifteen knights began their charge forward, the massive “V” of their line pushing towards the group. The melee elements of the family quickly dismounted in order to work their way around the line of knights. Meanwhile, Lucius summoned forth a massive dinosaur to interpose itself between the front of the line and the rest of the party. The lances pierced into the side of the beast, wreathed in fire, before it slammed its massive tail down onto one of the knghts, crushing both the knght and the horse they were riding. Bebop, GrumbleJack, and Kirim began working their way through the waves of mounted soldiers. From time to time, they would get caught by a stray blade or lance, but it was nothing that the group couldn’t handle. Still, Donovan insisted the warriors of the family were to hold back until they had an opportunity to have their wounds treated.

Izevel took this as her opportunity to act on her own interests. Grabbing Tamsen’s hand, she pointed towards the groups of archers far in the distance and smiled. “You can get us over there, right?” Tamsen nodded, a wicked grin crossing her face. Before Donovan could even get out the words, “Wait, we need to plan…”, the two of them were already well into the camp, with a group of archers close nearby. With a hearty laugh, Izevel through back her hood and began cackling with glee. “Hello, boys!” One of them managed to scream out, “Medusa!” But it was already too late for this group of soldiers. A short time later, a group of arrows came from another nearby group. One of those arrows caught Tamsen in the shoulder, and she winced in pain. Izevel helped Tamsen into a hiding place. “Wait here a moment, and then head back. I’ll deal with these peons.” Tamsen nodded in agreement, and Izevel dashed off towards one of the encampments of the soldiers. As Tamsen began to return to the rest of the family, the screams of more soldiers could be heard in the distance, as Izevel continued with her grisly work. Minutes passed, and by the time that Tamsen had walked back to the rest of the party and had her injuries treated, Izevel appeared near the group, her hood drawn back up over her face. She handed what appeared to be a pair of opaque goggles to Donovan, “They are trying to defend themselves from my powers.” Donovan held the goggles momentarily, then smiled at Izevel, “I take it that it made no difference?” While it was hidden behind her mask, Donovan could still make out Izevel’s smile.

As word spread through the forces, the Bugbear became more confident, wanting to have their opportunity to wreak carnage. They pushed their way across the first bridge, then smashed any of the statues that were once part of the infantry. Abruptly, the Bugbears found themselves stopped by a battalion of powerful fighters. “Dwarves!” A call went out across the battlefield. Donovan looked around, finding two of his family on the battlefield. “Bebop, Kirim, GrumbleJack; go and break that line. We need to push through!” Zargun Arzen spoke up with excitement. “Forth, my Duergar! Let us murder all the accursed Dwarves.” Donovan was about to speak up to hold the Duergar, but suddenly found himself caught in the path of a Fireball. Donovan realized the blast was coming at the very last moment, throwing himself to the ground before the flames lapped around him. Opening his eyes a moment later, he found Tamsen sitting over him, applying healing to his injuries.
Donovan quickly scanned the immediate area, “Where is the Thane’s son?”
Tamsen responded, “I think he went to go fight the Dwarves.”
“Gods damnit all!”, Donovan was clearly irritated. Looking up at Artephius, Donovan barked out his orders. “Artephius, go and recover Zargun Arzen. Destroy any who attempt to stop you in your task. Return him to me.”
Artephius replied without emotion, “Yes, my master.” Then it began to march away.
Donovan snapped his fingers loudly, “Artephius, return Zargun Arzen to me… alive.”
A sound emanated from Artephius that could best be interpreted as disappointment. “Yes, my master.”, Artephius repeated his response and walked towards the battle.
Meanwhile, the Dwarves had begun to build up their lines in order to defend the head of the tribe and to destroy the members of the family. There were twenty or more of the Dwarves, being led by a powerful man with a gleaming axe. Even as Kirim, GrumbleJack, and Bebop attempted to slow down the Dwarves, they found themselves being assaulted from all sides. The Duergar also pushed into the group of Dwarves, and losses added up on both sides. Kirim finally was able to push through, challenging the Dwarven Thane, while Bebop focused his attention on the priest.
A blast of energy crashed into the battlefield, as Artephius arrived at the scene of the conflict. Both Dwarf and Duergar were caught in the Golem’s uncaring radius, as it approached Arzen, and picked him up.
“What are you doing, you stupid hunk of metal?”, Arzen screamed at Artephius.
“The master has demanded your return.”, Artephius responded emotionlessly, then began walking away from the conflict.
Kirim pressed further with the attack against the Dwarven Thane. The Dwarf attempted to intimidate the AntiPaladin, “You cannot hope to defeat me, follower of Asmodeus. I am Durhan One-Stroke!”
The AntiPaladin sneered with disgust, “Let me show you what one stroke looks like.” As Kirin spoke those words, a dark energy rippled over the blade, the hatred and fury manifested into it. Kirin slashed into the Thane in a wave of violence and animosity. The Dwarf was sundered in twain, with the blood coating Kirin’s weapon. A cry of terror came forth from the Dwarves, who watched their leader felled so brutally. At that same point, Bebop exploded into claws and fangs against the Dwarven priest, bringing down any hope for the Dwarves to survive the assault. The Duergar pressed the advantage that had been granted to them, and while many of the Duergar were still killed in the conflict, all of the Dwarven resistance was ended, while one of their number grabbed the Thane’s axe and retreated.

As Arzen was dropped in front of Donovan by Artephius, he continued to protest, “You have denied me my glory!”
Donovan shook his head, “My priority is making sure you get home to your father. I have use for you still that is more than just you dying for your family name.”

A cheer went up from the battlefield, as the fall of the Dwarves allowed the Bugbears to move ever closer to last bridge before Sanctum. There was a momentary pause in the forward momentum when the army of Bugbears encountered a group of Monks who were working their way through the battlefield, but Lucius quickly summoned several devils to fight against the monks. The monsters’ acidic skin burned the fists of the monks as they attacked, which caused the monks to ultimately be unable to defend themselves from the onslaught.

It had become apparent that the forces that would protect this valley were collapsing utterly, as the few pockets of resistance that remained were retreating to last bridge. However, the Bugbears stopped upon approaching the bridge. When the family arrived at the bridge, they discovered what was holding the group at bay: a trio of Shield Archons were standing firm at the opposite end of the bridge.
Donovan stepped out ahead of the group, and walked a short distance down the bridge. “There’s no reason for more violence. I will allow all of you to flee back to your homes.”, Donovan spoke to the Archons and the infantry that were behind them.
The Archons said nothing, and instead stared with silent determination at Donovan.
“Tch.”, Donovan groaned, then turned back to his group, motioning to different members of his family. GrumbleJack, Kirim, and Artephius rushed forward into the front part of the battle line, while Lucius teleported himself and Bebop behind the Archons. Izevel stepped forward, preparing to remove her mask, before Donovan touched her hand and shook his head. His hand then went down to Izevel’s bow, and he whispered words of hatred that made Izevel’s bow glow with a purple hue.
The group began their assault against the massive Archons, attempting to pierce the huge metallic armored shells. The Archons were massive and resolute in their desire to protect the people of Sanctum; but in the end, they were slowly whittled down by the force of the blows the family applied to them. When the fight came to an end, the three Archons were felled, while the family remained steadfast in their goals.

But even as the group began to mend the wounds from the assault, they were beset upon yet again by the another group of soldiers who represented the Kingdom. This time, a group of knights riding on griffons began the assault. The advantage provided by the griffons from the air presented an unexpected challenge to the family. GrumbleJack and Bebop used their wings to fly up to the opponents, while Lucius began creating animals who had the capacity to fly in order to harangue the knights back to the ground.
“Get down here, you pathetic cowards!”, Kirim cursed at the knights as they soared by.
Raiju used the strength of Invisibility in order to get close to one of the knights as they flew by unaware, then decapitated the knight as it flew by. The sky was filled with flying creatures, with the griffons, the flying animals, and the members of the family who were able to become airborne. Izevel’s arrows whizzed across the sky, as GrumbleJack and Bebop began to murder to griffons, which caused the knights to tumble to the ground with little protection from the Bugbears. The knights did cause some injuries; but in the end, they found themselves as overwhelmed and outmaneuvered as all those who had come before them. The bugbears fell upon the last of them, tearing and rending them apart.

The Bugbear army, led by the Family, marched up the last hill to the collection of soldiers that were still remaining from this once mighty army. The group was a collection of warriors and priests, combined with the remnants of previously defeated groups who had fallen back to this last foothold. Donovan sighed, taking an Elixir off of his bandolier and offering it to Izevel, before motioning for her to follow him. The two of them walked towards the collection of soldiers that remained, the last defense of Sanctum. The remaining soldiers put themselves in readied positions, before Donovan began to speak.
“Your army has fallen utterly, your comrades’ corpses strewn across the length of this battlefield. My family has decimated any challenge you sought to bring to us, and my Bugbear armies remain at full strength. There is no possible way the last of you can hope to stop us now. So, I offer you this singular opportunity now to return to the town and spend these last hours with the people you love. This is the only solace I will provide to you. Thus, I ask you this question one last time: Do You Yield?”, Donovan stood before the remaining troops, already knowing what the answer would be; but hoping beyond hope that he was somehow wrong.
“We will never stop fighting evil, until all is light.”, one of the warriors responded with feigned confidence.
“Until all is light.”, the rest of the group repeated.
Donovan shrugged, then looked to the profile of Izevel before returning to the rest of his family, “Izzy, kill them all.”
Izevel pulled her mask off, as a wicked smile crossed her face. “My pleasure, Donovan.”
Donovan didn’t look back to see what was happening, but the screams of the soldiers in agony as their bodies began to petrify made it all too clear what was taking place.
The rest of the fight was over in a few moments. From there, it was a brief march to the town of Sanctum, and to the challenges that lay ahead for them all.

Sessions 34, 35, 36, 37 End.
(Author’s Note: Yes, these were a lot of combat only sessions, each of them taking several hours to complete.)

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