That sincerely makes me happy to the core of my being. <3You definitely have my interest. Last year's previews, combined with my love of space games, will have me interested in any Voidrunner content you guys drop.
I didn't know you were on the design team. Awesome! We've had an Esper in our group since shortly after Paranormal Power was released. The player absolutely loves it.
And I did come up with Voidrunner! It was a group brainstorming session and I went into a wild fit of ADHD and started researching not only synonyms for space and activities but which letters of the alphabet are most associated with various topics. Z, X, and V are highly associated with 'Sci-Fi sounding names'.
My actual contribution to the text is much smaller, but I owe a lot to Peter Martin and Andrew Engelbrite for giving me the encouragement and a shot, respectively!