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Varnhold Vanishing, minireview


(Adventure Path Subscriber here)

(Heavy spoilers follow - if you're a player, you're seriously risking spoiling your fun)

This is a short review of Varnhold Vanishing content, as per Rechan request.
I have the print version and have just completed reading it, though to be completely fair, I usually skim articles beyond adventure (or give them a once over).

For the uninitiated, Varnhold Vanishing is third volume of Kingmaker Adventure Path. In order to fully benefit from its content, you need at least previous book, as it contains rules for building your kingdom - something you're going to enjoy in addition to adventuring.
Oh, and in case you didn't know - Adventure Path subscribers pay for print book (10% discount) and get PDF version free. You cannot really beat that.


1. Foreword by James Jacobs

Lovely designer piece on main baddie. Since you get to see him on the cover, and since you were already warned about spoilers, here is a short preview:
It's a lich. Cyclops lich. And it has artifact with him...
There is a minor error of omission in description of artifact, though (see below).
Fortunately, the lich atrophied a bit, so he is not around CR 22 (my best guess as to his previous CR), but he is still a formidable opponent at CR 12. Expect fatalities.

Teaser for GameMastery Guide (city statblocks get attributes and feats - attributes can be used for certain general tests, like bribing, shopping or information gathering, feats, excuse me, are not described at length).

2. The Varnhold Vanishing by Greg A. Vaughan

The good news is that the new sandbox format is still going strong for the campaign. Adventure difficulties are scaled up as per party level, random encounters went up in CRs, too.

This time you get: 8 (inside covers) + 5 (part of Varnhold Vanishing scenario) quests. Their impact on your kingdom is smaller and there are few social challenges. Also, there are no custom kingom events (a bit of a downer for me).
Custom hexploration events are in a smaller supply (probably to make room for two more detailed parts).

Important stuff: a mystery to be solved (some advice as to how to handle divinations would be good here), a bigger and more solid dungeon this time (killer dungeon - expect fatalities).

On to the killer dungeon: your characters are expected to brave several deathtraps (some of them affecting the whole area, so everyone is likely to be wounded), and then, without rest, face the Big Bad Evil Guy (BBEG).
The BBEG is likely to quite aware of PC abilities by the time of showdown, and he is well built.
My advice: make sure your party brings at least one skilled trap remover. Also, a paladin and a cleric or two clerics - the BBEG is going probably kill at least one party member, so lack of replacement healer or at least condition remover may result in TPK.
This particalur BBEG is said to be so full of himself, that he is likely to toy with characters first... but if he does not, he can easily ambush them or pursue them. Sadly, if he does this, the whole party may be cooked.

Minor artifact error: The artifact is said (page 21) to enable its user to exploit his familiar as a sort of a bomb. Unfortunately, artifact description (page 52) lacks information on this.
Also, this artifact lacks EGO score... it should have one, as it has its own distinct agenda.

Personal gripe: why does a mystery need to be perpetrated with an artifact? Powerful wizards and leaders have a lot of low-key tools capable of inflicting similar results. For example, use a few spectres, or shadows.
Because of this particular reason, the PCs are unlikely to ever discover the exact course of events.

Rumor section heartily recommended for reading before the adventure.

3. Iobaria Gazetteer by Steven Schend

Golarion users only. Nicely presented gazetteer of Iobaria region, with a few nice notes on local mentality. Comes with a map.

4. Into the Stolen Lands by Ed Greenwood

Great story seeds. Sufficiently generic to be plugged anywhere.
If there were only recommended CRs included - you don't need to know statblocks, but a general threat level estimate would be most helpful.

5. Pathfinder's Journal: Prodigal Sons 3 of 6 by Richard Pett

More of the nice storytelling. Unfortunately, the protagonist is dumb - if you were distressed by certain female druid by Elaine Cunningham being played for a fool in almost every episode, you may want to skip this story. This guy is so consistently underwhelming in brains department... only Douglas Niles in his Moonshae series of novels produced fighter characters who managed to exceed this guy (and no, Sturm Brightblade does not even come close - for all the painful moments I've experienced trying to stomach various Dragons of <yet another something>, Sturm was quite likable despite his mental handicap).

6. Bestiary by: Colin McComb, F. Wesley Schneider and Neil Speicer

Solid stuff with minor problems.

Blodeuwedd - it's a dryad, but living in moors or grasslands, instead of trees. She's also kinda risky to interact with, though given her colorful write-up, she can make a great NPC.

Clawbat - a funny-looking bat variant to annoy players with.

Cyclops, Great - it's a huge giant that can hit you for 70 damage (or more) with a clumsy percentage rule and higher than average Will save. Bsaically, something you need to put in tight corridor - otherwise, it will not be able to justify its CR against ranged attackers. Use it to punish Fighters and Barbarians for lacking Stealth, Teleport, spells or mobility (Paladins get enough AC with Smite to be able to do well).

Peluda - wingless and mute dragon without breath weapon. Basically, green dragon without signature dragon thingies.

Stygira - my favorite. Think Black Annis crossed with Graeae. Lovely.

7. Pregenerated Characters.

7th level. Expected to complete adventure around 9th.

8. Preview

(internal covers) Side Quests



Challenging, solid, with a few meaty bones to chew on.
Recommended, though GMs are strongly advised to proceed with caution when running final dungeon.


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