• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Lord Ben

First Post
Give the monsters a higher then 10 base starting stat before their racial mods.

Where exactly in Madison are you from? I have a buddy that plays D&D in Madison and he wants me to come over there for some con one weekend this summer.

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Lord Ben

First Post
Another thing to do is to have your NPC's trip them up. That's a +4 to hit and should also prevent them from doing a full attack the next round they can act. Even goblins with their -5 to trip still have a decent chance of tripping a 10 or 12 str human mage. Then the rest stand over him or something and he can't stand up and cast. Works great! :)


There was an adventure in Dungeon magazine (a few years back) that had high level (around 8-10th, I think) taking on an evil cult of disease. The climactic encounter involved taking on 100+ 0 level cultists (1st level commoners in 3E, I guess). The author specifically noted things that a lot of cultists could do to a few heavily armored good guys, including swarming attacks/overbearing, grappling a guy till he was immobile and then sticking daggers through his eye slits (a coup de grace par excellance), dragging him to the nearby chasm and ... ooops! Or thrusting his upper body into a barrel full of water. The 3E rules have specific options that the other posters covered well, but don't forget the boundaries of common sense for players who think their armor makes them invulnerable.


EricNoah said:
Oh yeah, touch attacks of various types would work well (a grapple starts as a touch, right?)

Yep, the grab is a melee touch attack. Grappling is a great way to hit the high AC guys, especially spellcasters.


First Post

High level priests of Orcus with the Death Touch granted power. That ought to do it. :)

Dont forget spells that target areas, such as turning the rock to mud, etc. How about a good old fashioned barrage of heat metal spells? Mord's disjunction perhaps. Or maybe bowmen with enchanted true strike arrows.

There are many many possibilities.



First Post

Most of my monsters always have a class or two of something. It helps alot, pick a few extra feats, or get a few spells under their belt and it makes the battles real challenging. I *really* like how the 3E thing handles classes and templates. It makes customizing creatures much less of a fudge than it was in 2E. Bump up the strength a bit if need be. I'm also a fan of the 'softening' spells. The ones that do little damage, but do it to alot of people. And yes...touch attacks are a DMs best friend. Especially ranged touch attacks.

I usually have more of a problem with trying to fix the AC of the opponents (I tend to generate stats and equipment for every monster...the variable DEX and armor gives me a bit of leway on the AC). The wildly different attack bonuses of my melee group makes it hard to get it 'just' right.


Lord Ben

First Post
What level are they? The 2nd level Shatter spell is a will save or an item breaks. So if they think they're invincible then just break their platemail into a bunch of tiny little pieces... :) What does a 4th level fighter have for a will save 1-4 maybe? You have a really good chance of breaking their shield, armor, etc.

Old One

First Post
What type of critters are you using...?

I am operating under the assumption that you are using individually weak creatures (at least in comparison to the PCs) and your critters are having a tough time smacking the PCs due to their wimpy BABs and the PCs stupendous ACs;)!

Moving forward under that assumption...

Touch Attacks - Ranged and Otherwise

(1) The "dogpile" or "bumrush" works well. Grappling starts as a touch attack - which is good - but combining it with the Aid Another action makes it even better! Instead of having the wimpy critters all try their own grappling attacks, have one attack and have all the others use Aid Another. If you have 6 goblins attacking 1 PC, that could add up to +10 on the touch attack roll and subsequent opposed rolls for pins and escapes. Once the PC falls, then 1 or 2 of the goblins can start divesting the PC of all his/her magical goodies while the others hold 'em down!

(2) Heavy Weapon Squad - If the PCs are attacking a lair, throw in a ballistae, preferrably mounted on a wheeled cart or turntable. I used range touch attacks for siege engines...2d8 or 3d6 per bolt hurts!

(3) The Green Slime Globe - Nothing ruins a spellcaster's (or any other PC's) day like getting smacked by a couple of glass globes filled with green slime. Since it only takes a ranged touch attack (plus a low DC breakage roll), it is perfect for keeping those pesky mages from toasting your poor little goblins with fireballs.

(4) The Tanglefoot Bag - This oft' overlooked alchemical wonder can work wonders on denying the nimble-footed their DEX bonus. Hit someone with several at once and increase the REF save number required by +2 for each successful strike.


In addition to the Tanglefoot Bag mentioned above and the standard spell like Hold Person, there are several fun ways to immobilize those tumbling rogues and nimble wizards:

(1) Bear Traps - It is hard to tumble when your foot is stuck in a bear trap or two.

(2) Wand of Viscous Globes - A 1st level goblin sorcerer can wreak havoc with one of these beauties!

(3) Pits and Pungi Sticks - How about some nice knee-deep holes lined with sharp sticks? Slap some DEX-robbing poison on them for even better effect.

(4) The Giant Magnet - Are your PCs wondering why all the goblins are running around in leather armor and using wooden clubs? They won't wonder any longer when one of the goblins pulls a lever and activates the magnet in the middle of the floor! That "tank" dwarf fighter won't be able to cleave through your goblin hordes with his +4 plate armor and +3 axe when he is stuck to the floor. For even more fun, have a top heavy metal caulron filled with acid attached to the ceiling above...when the magnet is activated, the cauldron tips, spilling the acid all over those mean adventurers below!

(5) Weighted Nets - They can be mounted just about anywhere...floor, ceiling or wall...try to get as many of those pesky adventurers wrapped up into one net as possible!

That's about it for now...check back later for more ways to smack the crap out of over-confident adventureres!

Old One

Voidrunner's Codex

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