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Under A Darksun Part II New Allies

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I've been doing Eberron for so long I have almost forgotten what I was doing on Darksun. Summer is a good time to remedy that.

Later this year, my CREATION SCHEMA group will be facing some Darksun creatures when in Xen'drik. They will be hunted by a Nightmare Beast and attacked by a pack of Tembos. If I think of it I'll leave a note here when I do it.

Only two of the players have ever played Darksun. Both have fought Tembos but only one has ever fought a Nightmare Beast. Should be good.

Thankyou for hanging in there Fee Fi..

“Fright Within the Forest”

Mania and Cosa awoke to the sounds of the forest birds and insects. It was already very hot but much cooler than if they had kept to the desert area surrounding Eastern and Southern Gulg. They found a very small puddle of water and carefully searched it for creatures and people. Once they felt it was safe they drank and stored some in their waterskins. Their new friend, a mul, acted as sentry.

“One would think they could create a psionic or magical container for water. Maybe one connected to the water plane.” Thought out loud the roguish mage.

Mania merely smiled and kept filling his skin. He did not trust most magic. He saw the good it do but saw more reasons to avoid it. Psionics if not kept in check were dangerous also.

Continuing onward they carefully walked through the forest. It was a joy- to walk in the shade of the old trees. But it was also noisy. Twigs and bits of tree and bark lay on the ground everywhere. One could not see the ground fully. This bothered the psychic warrior fighter. Something about it was … unnatural to him. Even dangerous.

It was nearing noon now and they had seen nothing stir except for birds and insects. Both had stories of the numerous creatures that could be found in the shelter of the forest. So…. Where were they?

Continuing on they saw an open area ahead of them. The ground was still covered by leaves, twigs and brush which meant little to the two of them. They were in deep thought. They were thinking about their mission to save Belinda. How was the three of them, a mage a fighter and a gladiator going to sneak into a psionic training place of a powerful psion, find Belinda, and escape?

Suddenly there is a fast moving scraping sound to their left and right. Something strikes their legs and pulls them up as something can be heard striking the ground nearly.

They find themselves within a net hanging over the ground. “Great!” mumbles Mania.

“Give me a moment and I will get us free.” Says Cosa as she tries to move about enough to get at the various knots holding up the net.

“I suspect you do not have the time.” Says the Mul as he looks down.

Several painted and branch wearing halflings come out of hiding. All are armed and look up. They look up with hunger.

“Aw crap.” Curses Mania. “Cannibal halflings.”

“Food on The Go?!?”

“Okay- this is the plan. When they let the net down -scramble.”

“They will hunt us down. I have heard these creatures can track flyers for miles!” growls the Mul.

“Don’t believe the stories. They are not that…. Uh Mania….” Begins Cosa.

He scratches at a thorn on his neck. His scratching is sloppy, as the venom is potent and already acting.

Cosa begins to shift to better caste a spell when she feels a sting in her neck also. The world goes fuzzy on her before she says anything.

“I’ll tear you apart!” snarls the Mul. He pulls two darts from his neck and another from his chest. Though suddenly tired, he thrashes further …into darkness.

The halflings then look nervously t their catch of the day. Some pucker their lips, others rub their chin and one even rubs his thinned stomach. These hunters are hungry and have caught something worthy of a feast.

“Tok Tok Tunnok Ock Ock” calls out the apparent leader. The three sleeping adventurers are lowered then the halflings are in debate. The Mul is just too big for them to move. Knives and cutting blades are pulled out. It doesn’t look good for the mul gladiator.

“Ton Ton Anok! Tsk Tsk Tsk!” The three halflings closest to the ½ dwarf stop and frown. Snack time sounded good. The other two will suffice.

They lash together Mania’s wrists and ankles. Cosa’s are also tied. A stretcher is quickly brought to drag them away. After twenty minutes have passed away the two begin to awake. They are extremely disoriented as they find themselves bouncing along on the stretcher. Six of the height-challenged savages man the stretcher and drag them along.

Before either can awaken and get a sense of where they are the group stop. “Shhhhhhhh Tonka tok. Tonka Tok.” It is very quiet and still. Mania closes his eyes and concentrates on the sounds around him. He tries to visualize the surroundings as Dutch had attempted to teach him.

Suddenly a loud roar can be heard and the ground shakes slightly. Something is here. Something big. Panicked halflings call out and run. They abandon the two.

Mania looks up and sees a dark blur looking at him. Something with four arms and extremely bad body odor stands over him. The creature reaches down and picks up the still unconscience Cosa and snorts before leaving.

Minutes go by before Mania becomes aware of the halflings return. Quietly they pick up the poles of the stretcher and begin again, only one humanoid to eat this time. Still a good days catch.


112 rolls over. His impressive constitution fights the poisons within his body. He was bred to be strong and a hard worker. Resistance to certain poisons is a side effect of this. He sits up slowly and looks around. Both Mania and Cosa are gone. However, an easy trail has been left behind. A very easy trail.

“112 vs. the Girallon or Every Mul Should Know Its Limits”

“Logan’s Chin Hair!” the mul curses. 112 has done his best to follow the trail the halflings made. If not bearing the weight and mass of two adult humans he doubts he could have done so. Then he comes to a scene that bewilders him. The grass and small blue ferns are broken down is a scattered pattern. Looking side to side he can not tell where the halflings went. He looks up and sees a thick tree branch and wanders if the cannibals went there. A strange sound is made nearby and he raises his club into the air and prepares for battle. Nothing.

Then the sound again… something between a chirp and a spoken word. Fearing a halfling attack the mul bears his teeth and lets out a low growl. Nothing.

Then he fears a snarl nearby. Looking around he sees nothing. A second snarl…. close by. He whirls around swinging his great club. Nothing but air. Calming to use his other senses in case of an invisible or concealed creature he listens. Another spoken word but in a language he doesn’t know. “AAAARRRGH!” he yells in agitation then he spots movement- a green and yellow bird on a low branch. It cocks its head at him and opens its beak. Nearby the sounds of him snarling can be heard. He looks then it dawns on him. The bird is making the sounds and psionically projecting them. He reaches down to pick up a stone to throw at the tricky bird but it flies off as if knowing his intent.

“Humph. Showed him.” and he turns only to see something nearby in the thickets. Something standing about 8 feet tall with a very large upper body.

“Go away!” and the ignorant mul begins to walk away. He begins to look for the best path when he hears a snort. Turning, the creature is closer now. Its upper body has four muscular arms. Blood red eyes look at him. The creature snorts again.

“So the mutated ape wants to play. Fine. So be it.” And 112 shifts his weight to better prepare for the oncoming attack.

Whether it was this movement or it was going to attack anyway, the creature roars out a challenge and rushes on two forearms and its hindlegs. The other two arms reach out to grapple.

112 swings poorly and misses as the creature ducks down in mid charge and instead tackles him. They roll about for a moment then the mul gladiator kicks the large ape off of him. Before the creature can get up he tries to hit it with his great club but misses.

The creature claws and tears into the mul whom screams as all four claws strike and grab. It renders his body popping a shoulder out of place and tears dense muscle tissue. Suddenly 112 knows he has met his match. More in an attempt to drive the creature off of him, he swings wildly twice at the creature. Twice it hits reeling the creature. Spitting out a bloody tooth, the creature attacks again. A savage right cross stuns him, the second swing is blocked by the club, while the next two strikes and the creature’s claws sink between the muscles near the rib cage. The creature pulls hard and feels the warm wet sensation as the Mul dies being torn in two.

and thus I kill yet another PC........

“Enter Kaleb, Strum and Took”

“Ahhh, wez been at this all day. Let say wez goes back have another tankard of Honey Ale.” Says the veteran of three Gulg / Nibenay wars.

“It would be dishonorable to give up this soon friend Strum.” Replies the young warrior from Urik.

“Shhhhh…. The beast’s lair can not be far away.” Answers the Gulg monster hunter. “Ahead of us are caves. The thunder lizard may live there. Ka-Chomp is hungry for it’s flesh.”

“Ain’t wez taking this kinda too far Kaleb? I mean… a Behir is not something to just go and follow around in the durned forest to kill a day’s afternoon.”

“Honor says we are to hunt down and kill the beast.”

“Honor…?!? I thought it was forz the money!”

“QUIET!” snarls the hunter. I saw something ahead of us. It was not the murderous beast but something else.”

With a roll of Strum’s eyes, the three mercenaries slowly make their way to the caves at the base of a rocky cliff. Thick vines hang over much of it. Hundreds of flying bugs buzz here feeding on the collected moisture on the shaded rocks and collecting the nectar of the flowers here. Three cave openings can be seen from the base of the rocks where they stand.

“Shoot. I forgot the ladda. Maybez I goes back and get one.”

“Your head has been struck too many times by Datchi clubs. We climb. Use the vines. But remember- avoid the ones with pink and purple flowers. They have a grip of their own.”

The nimble warrior known as Took quickly climbs the vines. He looks for dangers and most importantly- signs of the dangerous creature they were hired to locate and kill. Kaleb is next. His bulky shield and magical sword do little to slow him down. With a sigh and a scratch of his backside, the veteran begins to climb.

“Something lives here. Something carnivorous. Mammal…. Maybe an ape. A rogue which means it is dangerous. A worthy foe perhaps.”

The cave is not very deep but has two chambers. They look into one and find only droppings and a few bones. The other chamber…. A body. The body of a young woman.

“ooooh! Let me checks for hers lifeblood a beatin’.”

“Took is better at that. Watch for the creature should it return.” Says Kaleb with his sword and shield drawn.

“just one feel…thatz all I wanted….” Mumbles the soft headed man as he walks to the front of the cave.

“Is she alive?”

“Yes. She was taken down by the local halflings. Strange that she is here.”

“Yipes!” is heard from the entrance. “It’s a stinkin’ mutate of a beast!”

Both Took and Kaleb turn and rush to Strum’s side. Cosa remains unconscience and vulnerable within the home of the jungle ape.

“The Power of a Girallon Enraged”
The four-armed magically mutated ape looked directly at the witless veteran. Strum withdrew his club and hoped his allies would be there quickly. The creature roared and thumbed its chest with its two upper most arms and then charged. One clawed hand strikes and tears flesh from the man’s arm whom now howls himself.

Took calls onto his air spirits to guide his spells as he calls up a spear made of divine energy. If the creature sees it doesn’t show it. Now in close to its prey, it attacks Strum viciously. All four claws strike and rip at his body. With his arms pulled away from his body the creature bites on his throat ( all 4 claws hit and the bite critted! Good thing Strum has HP 56 of 112). “STRUM!” calls out Kaleb as he attacks. He hits it twice with his charged up sword. Strum head-butts the beast, which only does two things- angers it and puts a deep gash on his forehead.

Took and his magical spear attack now. His stabbing attempt misses both the creature and the bleeding Strum. His spiritual Spear however hits. The creature snares. It bites down on the helpless Strum again and squeezes then rips then squeezes and rips at him. The creature is stained red from Strum’s blood. (nat 20) Strum, no longer knowing where he is begins to call out. “Damned Kalak dogs! I spit at you!” and raises his knee as best as he can and the creature grunts as a blow to its mid section happens leaving a warm but painful feeling to originate from there.

Distracted, Took easily stabs at the beast’s hip hoping to slow it down. The creature tears and bites again. Strum goes limp in its arms. Kaleb hits the creature once drawing forth more blood. “Damned thing won’t die!”

Knowing his friends life is at balance, Took attacks again. He grazes the creature only. In horror, Took watches as the beast howls and with its bloody tusks and teeth goes to complete the killing blow when suddenly-

Two streaking beams of bluish energy streak and enter the beasts open maw. Suddenly the back of its head pops and blood pours out from the newest wound along with eye sockets (now missing its eyes). Took grabs Strum as the creature fall backwards and off the rocks. Took and looks back along with Kaleb to see the woman from the cave standing there, still dazed and leaning against the rocky wall.

“Is he alive….?” She asks weakly.

“Run For It”

He had been awake for several minutes now. Not very alert but awake. Mania’s arms and legs were still tied with vines to a strong and sturdy branch that was carried by several halflings. He was first awoken when his head bounced off of a stump. The next couple of bumps woke him up.

Mania remained still and only had his eyes opened partially. He couldn’t see Cosa or 112 anywhere. He was certain they were nearby however. Quietly he worked his bonds while the halflings brought him to their hidden village.

Still pretending to be asleep, the halflings put him in a hut and left. He could hear them outside discussing something. They seemed angry and excited at the same time.

He worked the vines and continued to listen. After a few layers of skin and much time, he frees his hands and begins to untie the ankles. It is now quiet outside.

A few moments go by and he sticks his head out of the short tent. He sees a few halflings between himself and the thick jungle. Dozens of others are at the far tent. This tent has giant animal antlers on it. He figures it belongs to the chieftain or shaman. He tries to sneak out but is spotted. He sprints for freedom as the call goes out.

Mania, having longer legs begins to outrun the small cannibal savages. However, the paths are meant for them and act much like a maze.

Shortly he uncovers the remains of 112. Before he do anything more than gasp, the first of many spears and darts miss him by inches. He is forced to run once more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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