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TUW: The Outpost


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Taylar replies...
... Astarte replies...
Adisakti merely gestures... answers... begins...
GM: The current random numbers were used for hunting and assessment, but calculations are not printed.

Being as the Wilds are still little populated by people at this point, game is plentiful; but since this road is regularly traveled, hostilities have become few. The party is forced to wait an additional day before any sign of travelers is seen coming from the east. At the farthest distance that can be observed, it is determined that three people are approaching, on foot. At closer inspection, based upon clothing, the middle man is the youngest of the three and a member of the clergy, though his vesture is less than that of a priest. The men on each side of him are older and definitely guards. One is a Kingdom soldier, the other is a Cathedral soldier. All three men are Markidian and the arrival is about midday, so that all members of the party are seated at hand. The clergyman has a minor talent to manipulate waylines.

At suitable speaking distance, Taylar stands and hails the three. The clergyman answers back while the soldiers nod and rest a hand on their weapons, as is typical and expected behavior of a guard.

The younger clergy then gestures to the guards to relax their postures. His tone seems friendly and forthright. "I recognize you all. You are the ones you spoke with the priest about the symbol on the Homage. You are the reason I am making this journey. You are welcome to travel with us, if we are all about the same task. May we also sit and share your fire for a bit of rest?"

The Cathedral soldier is far slower to relax his posture, but he does eventually do so. The soldiers both unbuckle their sword belts and hold their sheathed swords in their left hands in anticipation of being able to sit. This is definitive of cordial behavior. The attitude of this particular clergy is far more akin to what is expected from Plascimon and Vittero. Perhaps the overt negativity associated with the Religion of Light, over the past decade, is mostly limited to those from West Cove, itself.
Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Astarte improves in Markidian by 2%. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

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Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar will help set snares and check for signs of other game. While doing that he will also keep an eye out for useful plants to replenish the inventory. If he has time he will take out the Angry Spirit Dust and manipulate waylines to attempt to understand more about it.
May we also sit and share your fire for a bit of rest?
Taylar replies, "Yes, sit. You are welcome. We stopped here a while to hunt and replenish our supplies. The invitation to travel together is appreciated. We were just about to depart for Outpost. I always get a little nervous whenever I travel to there. The lawman once put me in jail for five days for nailing a bandit tunic to a post."
98 (+67)=165


Outpost. I always get a little nervous whenever I travel to there.
Astarte tries to appear as friendly as she can. Smiling at the clergy, she adds: "And I'm the reason he and them" she points to Raven Elk & Adi "are going there too. I wanna visit The Temple of Dawn in Outpost and I asked them to accompany me, as it's too dangerous for a lone helpless woman in roads full of bloodthirsty bandits and savage wildings. Now, It's a great pleasure if you join us and while we travel I can talk with you about The Religion of Light. There are so many things I can learn from you about it."

No more Maldrog lessons nor melee & archery training as long as the clergy and his bodyguards are near; but only long theological discussions, (this time with no criticism) and occasionally collecting some fruits and edible plants. During all the time she'll spend with the clergy and the two soldiers, she's gonna watch each of them carefully and discretely, while always being very nice to them.
30(observation) + 40(d100) = 70


Raven Elk, meanwhile, stays silent and in Way, except when sleeping. He does this partly to sense any possible deception from their new "fellow " travelers and partly to exercise all the 'triune senses' of sight, hearing and smell within the use of the waylines.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Taylar will help... replies...
Astarte tries... adds...
Raven Elk... stays...
Taylar: 45(coerce) + 27(muddle) + 165(d100) = 237
Astarte: 32 + 31 + 40(d100) = 103
Raven Elk: 45(observe) + 41(smell) + 50(d100) = 136
The clergyman is grateful to be seated, being far less physically capable than either of the two guards. He adjusts his garments, sits, nods at Astarte based upon her statement but addresses Taylar, concerned for his having been arrested once. The Kingdom guard thanks the party for the invitations and sits accepting a some of the berry juice that was cooked down upon the fire. He has his own cup, of course. The Cathedral guard walks around the perimeter, does not speak, then finally sits, a bit separated from the rest. He keeps his eyes on the road.

The clergyman listens to any exchange of further information offered from Taylar, remaining confused because of the omitted information that the bandits were actually Cathedral guards but demonstrating empathy, nonetheless. When Taylar offers nothing more, the young clergyman turns to Astarte and begins to discuss matters of the Religion of Light. Learning that her fluency in Markidian is rather limited, yet, he keeps his statements simple and eventually waves off anything further, complaining that he felt like he was lecturing, which seemed ungrateful considering the offer of respite.

During all of this intercourse, Raven Elk senses a genuine benevolence from the young clergyman. There is no reason to doubt anything about his motives. From the Kingdom soldier, he senses nothing, as if the man has no emotional stake in anything at all. Such is desirable in a soldier, making them a useful tool that can be sacrificed. The Cathedral soldier, on the other hand, is a wash of emotions all over the spectrum, from anger to resentment to irritation, disdain, and blank disinterest. Raven Elk figures that the Cathedral soldier would stab his own mother in the back if he had the competence and was commanded to do so.

During the remainder of the travel, Adisakti ranges ahead, scouting for danger, but also to keep himself away from the main group so as to offer no confrontation, which he determined should not be necessary and would even jeopardize the mission at hand. Once the guardpost on the eastern edge of Outpost is reached, the clergyman greets those guards and the Cathedral soldier at his side give an official salute. No questions are asked of the party, nor does a guard follow everyone in, like happened last time.

The few townsfolk that know members of the party are a bit surprised at them apparently guarding the travel of an official member of the Clergy, but they demonstrate gladness at the sight, making greetings but otherwise not interfering. The party arrives at the Homage of Down in Outpost without incident.
Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Astarte improves in Markidian by 2%. Everyone improves in knowledge of the official religion. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
. . . remaining confused because of the omitted information that the bandits were actually Cathedral guards
An intentional change by Taylar along with exaggerating since he spent three days in the hole, not five.

During the travel to Outpost, Taylar will attempt to speak with and befriend the two guards, using his fighting experience and prowess for some familiarity. He intends to give the impression that he is just bored on the trip, but he will discreetly attempt to pry information out of them. Of himself he will offer some details about growing up in Outpost, exaggerate and boast about fighting in the wilds, omitting the incidents with Cathedral minions. He will not speak of Refuge or anyone in it.

When he has a moment to speak with the Outliers alone, he will propose, in Maldrog, that one of the guards might be a sinister agent for the clergy and to keep an eye on them as well.

Once in Outpost, Taylar intends to make a show of waving and greeting people he knows, but will not stay for any in depth conversation. He keeps his focus on the clergy and the two guards.


As Taylar takes care of the soldiers during the trip, in meantime Astarte takes care of the cleric and completely ignoring if he wishes to talk with her or not, she keeps asking him many questions. If he finally starts to talk, she will only nod saying "yes", "you're right" and things like that; all the time pretending that her Markidian has suddenly improved, and now she can easily understand him; all these just to keep him busy with her and focused on her, so Adisakti and Raven Elk can better observing him from the distance, while she's observing him closer. She also hopes that while he's concentrating on speaking, he'll be unable to observing her friends.

At the Homage of Dawn, she will ostentatiously worship The Lord of the Day, but this time only to gain even more trust of the clergyman and his guards.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Taylar... attempt... will propose... make a show...
... Astarte takes care... will ostentatiously worship...
Raven Elk focuses... gets...
Taylar: 45(coerce) + 27(muddle) + 75(d100) = 147
Astarte: 32 + 31 + 50(d100) = 113
Raven Elk: 45(coerce) + 41(befriend) + 50(d100) = 136
Adisakti does not verbally engage the three men who have joined the traveling party. He makes more of an overt show of crossing back and forth on the road in physical scout forays. With the benefit of being able to bend waylines, all of the movement is unnecessary, but the clergy and, especially, his guards are unaware of this.

With the continued interaction, the Kingdom soldier ends up taking a liking to Taylar and spends a significant amount of time in conversation with him. If the man had not obligated himself as a soldier, he seems like he might even have made a good addition to the party.

The Cathedral soldier, as probably expected, remains aloof, separate, and talks little to none. His body read indicates his prejudice against the Outliers. He also rigidly follows the forms and ceremonies of the Religion of Light. The clergyman, of course, demonstrates the same rituals, but is not doing it for show. It is for himself and his god. The looks around to make sure someone else is looking at him or makes the gestures more overt.

With the Cathedral soldier, it gets to the point that everyone else ignores him, even the clergyman, for which he is perfectly content.

Unable to recognize that the greater show of friendliness is a show, the residents of Outpost reciprocate all of the gestures and greetings. Bishop Plascimon greets the party and the clergyman and his guards. It is blatanly obvious that the symbol on the local Homage is different than the one in Westford. The clergyman appears genuinely confused at the difference and inquires of Plascimon about a solution. Plascimon offers to have a replacement made in Refuge, but this will take a few days, for which the clergyman agrees to wait. This act culminates the original obligation of the Outliers.

Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Bonus for great posts. Each character receives 7 DP. Astarte improves in Markidian by 2%. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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