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D&D (2024) To Capitalize or not to capitalize


This is me trying to keep track of the 5e format updates that appear in recent UA playtests. Such as which technical terms get capitalized, and which dont. Maybe it will be useful for some others.

I generally approve of the format updates but some I find tricky to remember.

The Original Post describes what is the case in the most recent playtest, rather than what ought to be. Feel free to make your own preferences known. (At the moment, the most recent playtest is UA 2023 - PH Playtest 5.)

ability names
mental abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
physical abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution

, Disadvantage

AC, Armor Class

action types: Action, Bonus Action, Move, Reaction
(but "action" seems inconsistent)

adventuring gear items: Backpack, Blanket, Holy Water, Net

class groups: Expert, Mage, Priest, Warrior

class names: Artificer, Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Psion, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

condition names: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Incapacitated, Poisoned, etcetera

d20 Test

damage types
elemental damage types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Radiant, Thunder
other damage types: Force, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic
weapon damage types: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing

DC, Difficulty Class


feat names, such as the Ability Score Improvement feat

feature names, such as Fighter 7 Weapon Expert feature

Hit Points

sizes: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan

skill names: Arcana, Athletics, Stealth, etcetera

source names
magical sources: Arcane, Divine, Primal
nonmagical source: Martial


spell component types: Verbal, Somatic, Material

Spell Points

spell tags: Concentration, Ritual

Spellcasting Focus

Unarmed Strike
(like a weapon type?)

weapon types: Light Crossbow, Longsword
weapon properties: Mastery, Push, Nick, Light, Versatile, etcetera
ability check
ability modifier
(but Attack action capitalizes)
attack roll
(but Action sometimes capitalizes if the action type)
damage rolls
(but Proficiency Bonus capitalizes)
ranged attack
ranged spell attack
saving throw
Action or action?
action (that one takes during a turn) doesnt capitalize
but Action (as action type or spell casting time) does!
Bonus Action capitalizes Action
Attack action doesnt

Attack or attack?
Attack action capitalizes
but ranged attack doesnt
and extra attack doesnt
but Extra Attack (as Fighter feature) does

Bonus capitalizes
but modifier doesnt?
Proficiency Bonus capitalizes
but ability modifier doesnt,
even tho they name comparable technical components of equations;
DC (Difficulty Class) capitalizes
but attack roll doesnt,
even tho they name comparable math equations

class doesnt capitalize
but Species does?
Background capitalizes
but abilities doesnt?
all four are the sections of "character origins" (or "adventurer origins"?)

Expertise capitalizes
but proficiency doesnt

Proficiency Bonus capitalizes Proficiency
but skill proficiency doesnt

Ritual (as a spell tag) capitalizes
but spell doesnt

Sorcery Points capitalizes
but sorcery doesnt

Spellcasting Focus capitalizes
but spellcasting ability doesnt

target and creature dont capitalize
but Self (as a range) does

weapon type, like Longsword, capitalizes
but weapon itself doesnt
book names, such as Player's Handbook

UAs (like books), such as UA 2023 - PH - Playtest 5

spell names (like song names), such as Fly

Smallcaps. "SMALLCAPS" means the initial letter is CAP and the lowercase are SMALLCAPS.
Serif. All texts are serif font. Except, tables, lists, and shaded-area sidebars are sans-serif font.



(Large Bold Underlined SMALLCAPS)

(a Large SMALLCAP is about same size as a Normal CAP)

[indented] Bold Italic (Period). Normal paragraph.
(required item of feature is then described in sentences)
(Inline Subhead, also known as Heading 4)

Normal paragraph.
(first paragraph un-indented)

(descriptor of current feature as separate line)

Bold (Colon): Normal
(required item type of feature, with brief phrase)
[indented] (indent any lines after first line)

Bold (Period). Normal paragraph.
(one of several items of feature, described in sentences)
[indented] (indent any lines beyond first line)
(not to be confused with Inline Subhead)

• (Bullet) Normal phrase or sentence.
(one in list of items)

• (Bullet) Bold then rest is Normal sentence.
(Bold initial phrase as type of item in a list)
Table, List, or Sidebar. For any table, list, or shaded-area sidebar, there is only one kind of HEADING and all font is sans-serif.
Table or List. The format for a table or list is simple. Besides the HEADING, all text is Normal, but Bold any table column headings or standardized item types in a list.
Sidebar. The format for a sidebar is the same as the standard format, except all font is sans-serif and there is only one kind of HEADING.

(Large Bold SMALLCAPS)
(initial letter is CAP and lowercase is SMALLCAPS)
(a Large SMALLCAP is about same size as a Normal CAP)

[indented] Bold Italic (Period). Normal paragraph.
(required item of feature is then described in sentences)


(table column heading)

(items in column of table)

LIST ...
(typically, insert list into Normal paragraph without HEADING)

(item in list of same item type, such as creature types)

Normal [tab] Normal
(item in list with brief descriptions, such as list of skills)

Bold (Colon): Normal
(required item type of feature, with brief phrase)
[indented] (indent any lines after first line)

Bold (Period). Normal paragraph.
(one of several items of feature, described in sentences)
[indented] (indent any lines beyond first line)
(not to be confused with Inline Subhead)


[indented] Normal paragraph.
(but first paragraph un-indented)

(descriptor of current feature as separate line)

Bold (Colon): Normal
(required item type of feature, with brief phrase)
[indented] (indent any lines after first line)

Bold (Period). Normal paragraph.
(one of several items of feature, described in sentences)
[indented] (indent any lines beyond first line)
(not to be confused with Inline Subhead)

• (Bullet) Normal phrase or sentence.
(One in list of items)

• (Bullet) Bold then rest is Normal sentence.
(Bold initial phrase as type of item in a list)
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Probably the technical term "ability" should capitalize.

The word "ability" is vague and occurs frequently in this general sense.

But it is also the hyper-specific technical term to describe the terms Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha.

At least when used this technical sense capitalize "Ability", such as to capitalize "Spellcasting Ability".

Or better yet, rename the abilities "Aptitudes".


As part of "character origins", probably all four sections should either all be capitalized, or all be lowercase.

Species, Class, Background, Abilities

, class, background, abilities

I probably prefer all lowercase, but then "abilities" becomes ambiguous.

Many players normally use the term "attributes" to disambiguate the technical term abilities. I am ok with "attributes", but "aptitudes" is more clearly what the technical term means.

I notice the term "adventurer" being used in a technical way (in UA 2022 Clerics and Species) to mean "player character", in contrast to "monster" or "non-player character". If so, determining your "adventurer origins" would be the first thing you decide when building a character.

Action or action?
action (that one takes during a turn) doesnt capitalize
but Action (as action type or spell casting time) does!
Bonus Action capitalizes Action
Attack action doesnt

Attack or attack?
Attack action capitalizes
but ranged attack doesnt
and extra attack doesnt
but Extra Attack (as Fighter feature) does

class doesnt capitalize
but Species does?
also as part of "character origins"
Background capitalizes
but abilities doesnt?

Proficiency Bonus capitalizes both Proficiency and Bonus
but skill proficiency doesnt
and ability modifier isnt capitalized

Ritual (as a spell tag) capitalizes
but spell doesnt

Sorcery Points capitalizes
but sorcery doesnt

Spellcasting Focus capitalizes
but spellcasting ability doesnt

target and creature dont capitalize
but Self (as a range) does

weapon type, like Longsword, capitalizes
but weapon itself doesnt

Going into this detail of calling out when a term is used in plain english vs. used as a game term is something that I strongly approve of. It has a very 3e (dare I say, gamist?) feel that I like a lot.

That being said, I'm not sure how much this mentality will be accepted by the community. IMX, rules discussions around this short of thing play out differently in modern 5e compared to how they were handled 15-20 years ago.


I try to capitalize all Mechanical terms when I write them out. It just makes more sense, they are easier to understand, and it gives a cue as to the term you should be using when you look something up in the books, table of contents, or indexes.


I'm a big fan of capitalizing game terms. When I was making a Fuzion-based sci-fi game, I made sure to capitalize game terms as well as italicizing skill names.


CR 1/8

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