Eyes of Nine
Everything's Fine
Thinking about running Arden Vul in 4e. Why? Well, I'm almost done re-reading the 4e PHB1 and after the massive "appreciate 4e on its own terms" I've decided to come back to it again with my two sons. They were the ones who I ran the first half of the first adventure in the Scales of War Adventure Path back in what, must have been 2012? So they've got some "experience" as it were with 4e. The other two - one is my sons' age, but has mostly just played 5e afaik; and the other is my age and played 1 session of 5e with me and some AD&D in high school (early 80's). We're going to try a one-shot of Fiasco first to see if we actually get along. If the answer to that is yes, then I'll pitch them on this along with 3 other games...
Interested in people's experiences with running a megadungeon using 4e
Also specific experiences running Arden Vul regardless of rules set. Don't think I'll be able to read the whole thing before we start in mid February - wonder if it's ok to just start with the 1st level dungeon and then read/catch up along the way?
And if anyone has already run Arden Vul using 4e specifically - I hope you can share what you learned
Please share any tips, tricks, informative blogs and videos and other thoughts
Interested in people's experiences with running a megadungeon using 4e
Also specific experiences running Arden Vul regardless of rules set. Don't think I'll be able to read the whole thing before we start in mid February - wonder if it's ok to just start with the 1st level dungeon and then read/catch up along the way?
And if anyone has already run Arden Vul using 4e specifically - I hope you can share what you learned
Please share any tips, tricks, informative blogs and videos and other thoughts