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"They Rode to Perdition" starring Arcade's Gang (D&D/Boot Hill)

Silver Moon

Module #129 - Game #1

Chapter 74, "The American", February 11, 1882:

The group is contacted at the Pub and Inn and notified that Mrs. Wilde wishes for them to pay her a visit. “Must be to thank us for making sure her baby isn’t killed by the banshees,” Sam states. They arrive at the door and are admitted inside by the butler. As they are being shown to the sitting room they hear the sound of a baby crying. “She must have had the baby early,” Louie comments.

They are shown into the main room where a still pregnant Mrs. Wilde is entertaining a friend of hers who is holding a week old baby. The baby continues to cry and the mother says, “Hush hush, you’re making a nuisance of yourself.” She turns to Morgana and her friends and says, “You really must forgive little James, when he decides that he wants something he’ll yell loud enough for all the world to hear.” The guest then says “Thank you for your company Mrs. Wilde.” She replies, “My pleasure Mrs. Joyce.” The guest departs.

Morgana and Lady Wilde have a pleasant conversation and they discuss the banshees and what the party has done. As the group gets up to prepare to leave Mrs. Wildes says, “And would you like to know why I called for you?” “Wasn’t it to thank us?” Morgana stated. She answers, “No, it was to deliver a message to you. I had sent a telegram to Lord and Lady Arcadiam letting them know how gracious and helpful their son has been and this morning I received back a telegram addressed to Josiah Arcadiam.

Arcade takes the message but hesitates to open it. They decide to look at it in private and thank Mrs. Wilde. Once they are back outside Morgana urges him to open it. He replies, “Back at the pub. If it’s from my family I should probably get a drink or two in me before I read it.” The Texan Hank agrees saying, “It’s cold here. Nobody should stand outside in this weather. Back to the pub.”

They are soon sitting at a table, each with a large tankard of ale. After consuming two tankards Arcade finally reads the telegram. He says, “It’s from my brother. He says that he has a job back in England for me and my friends.” The group raises objections to this, emphasizing that all they want to do at this point is return to the United States. Hank says, “Let’s find out what this job is first. We could maybe make transportation back part of the payment.” Morgana says, “Don’t let his brother make the ship arrangements, he’d book us on the bilge deck.”

Arcade speculates that any work that his brother lined up can’t be anything good.” Louie interjects, “But we cured him of that evil monster that was possessing him.” Arcade answers, “Yeah, but that still leaves his worthless self. I wouldn’t trust him for anything.” Hank says, “It could be that government guy you did the job for.” Arcade exclaims, “Ah, service for Queen and country. It never ends.” Louie says, “I no have a country.” Hank gestures to Arcade and says, “Borrow one of his, he’s got two.”

The group makes arrangements to return for London, departing on a ship leaving that evening.

February 14, 1882:

The group docks at Southampton. They return to the Arcadiam estate. The butler shows a look of disdain when he opens the door to the group, also noticing their luggage. “How’s it going Geeves” Hank exclaims and barges into the house. Arcade asks about his brother and is told that he is in London and not expected back until the weekend.

It is only Tuesday, and Morgana asks, “Should we wait?” Arcade answers, “I should probably spend a day or so here visiting with my mother, I don’t know when I’ll make it back again. We can head down to London on Thursday. At dinner Arcade discovers that his mother was less than pleased at his choice of going to Ireland, given her disdain of the Irish, but was at least pleased to hear that his visit there was productive.

February 16, 1882:

Arcade says goodbye to both of his parents and they are driven to the train station, catching a 9:00 AM train to London. It is a cool, brisk morning and both Hank and Louie complain once more about the weather. They make their way up the stairs and knock on the door. William Arcadiam’s voice states “Come in.” They enter.

William looks up from her ledgers and states in a monotone voice, “Ah good Josiah, you received my message.” Arcade sarcastically replies, “Don’t get all bubbly and emotional about seeing me again.” William ignores the comment and says, “I was at a dinner the other night and was speaking to an American who has need of people with your particular skills and talents.”

“What exactly is this all about?” Arcade asks. William replies, “It’s about passage back to America. The American has some valuable cargo he wishes to transport there and has need of guards to watch over it. Your group has proven that you have the necessary skills. You were planning to return there at some point, so why not get free passage and spending money in the process?”

Morgana asks for more details and William replies, “Mother notified me that you were coming here today so I contacted the American. He has arranged a lunch for you over at the Savoy, during which he will explain all of the details. Now if you don’t mind, I have important work to get back to.” “Bye” Arcade states, and heads out the door. They others follow.

They take a horse drawn carriage over to the west end of the inner city to Strand Street. They arrive at the 230-room hotel considered by many to be the best in the world. They enter the building, leaving their luggage and firearms checked at the registration desk, and head into the dining room. Arcade identifies himself as Josiah Arcadiam and the head waiter brings them over to a table with a lone gentleman seated at it.

The man is heavy-set, white haired and bald on the top. He has a large nose and pleasant smile. He is wearing a well tailored dark wool suit, white silk shirt and bow tie. As Morgana approaches he stands and waits for her to be seated before retaking his. He looks familiar to both Arcade and Morgana but they cannot place exactly who he is. Arcades states, “I am Josiah Arcadiam, my brother said you wished to see us but did not give us many details, including your name.” The man says, “My apologies then sir, allow me to introduce myself, I am P.T. Barnum.”

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Silver Moon

Chapter 75, “Narrative of a Blockade Runner”, February 16th, 1882:

Arcade introduces the other members of his party to Barnum and then asks, “What can we do for you sir?” Barnum replies, “As you may have read in the newspapers, I have recently purchased a large African elephant by the name of Jumbo from the London Zoological Society. I am seeking assistance in transporting him to America so that I can add him to my circus.”

The gang is momentarily silenced by the unusual nature of the assignment. Hank exclaims, “Are you sure that you have the right people? We’re a group of gunslingers not animal movers.” Barnum replies, “From what William Arcadiam has stated, several of your group have talents with calming and befriending animals. Those skills could be of use to have Jumbo remain tranquil during the long ocean voyage.” The druids Arcade, Morgana and Meagan exchange glances with one another and nod agreement.

Barnum then states, “And unfortunately some your other skills might also be needed.” “And why is that?” Sam asks with hesitation in his voice. The Connecticut businessman and showman replies, “My purchase of Jumbo has not been without controversy. He has resided her in the London Zoo for the last two decades and many consider him to be a national treasure. Protesters now assemble daily outside of the Zoo. There is also currently a petition before to the Queen to prevent me from removing the animal from the county. It would therefore be most expedient to move the animal before such a petition could be acted upon.”

“So you want us to steal an elephant?” Louie asks. Barnum replies, “I cannot steal what I legally own. I purchased the elephant for the sum of $ 10,000 and have the paperwork and documentation to support that. The London Zoological Society wishes has reluctantly admitted that they can no longer afford to feed Jumbo so also desire for the removal of him. What I need now are some people to help facilitate the transportation.”

“How are you planning to ship him?” Morgana asks. Barnum replies, “That piece of the equation is already taken care of. Are you familiar at all with a ship Captain by the name of John Wilkinson?” Hank is the only one who had heard it before and says, “Didn’t he serve with the Confederacy during the war?”

Barnum replies, “Indeed he did. A graduate of the United States Naval Academy, he served under Captain Farragut prior to the outbreak of hostilities. He commanded the Confederate blockade running ship The Robert E. Lee, which successfully broke through the Union blockades on twenty-one occasions. Following the war he lived in Nova Scotia for many years before eventually returning to his native Virginia. Five years ago he published a book, Narrative of a Blockade Runner, which became a best seller. With the proceeds from the book he was able to purchase himself a vessel and return to life at sea. When I learned that he and his ship were here in Great Britain I hired him for this assignment. Ah, there he is now, allow me to introduce him to you.”

The large man joins them in his early sixties. He has a round face and very full beard and mustache. His hair is primarily dark, but with enough gray strands to indicate his age. Introductions are made and Wilkinson displays the good manners of a fine Southern gentleman when addressing Morgana and Meagan.

The group is served an excellent meal, during which the conversation is primarily small talk. Towards the end of the meal Barnum makes mention to Wilkinson that Josiah Arcadiam and his friends are otherwise known in America as Arcade’s Gang. Wilkinson smiles and says, “Ah Phineas, the reason for this luncheon is now clear. These are the guards and animal handlers that you referenced?” Barnum answers, “Yes, they are known for being able to work quickly, which is I believe what we need.”

“Could you explain that in a little more detail?” Morgana asks. Barnum replies “Yes. It is imperative that we move Jumbo to the ship before the protesters can organize to prevent it. That would mean moving it at night, and to move him to a proper port facility would take far too long and require days of paperwork. That bureaucratic delay could allow for enough time for Queen Victoria to issue an edict barring me from being able to take Jumbo.” Louie says, “So I was right. You are stealing an elephant!”

Wilkinson says, “Actually, the lawbreaker would be me. My current ship is narrow and very maneuverable, originally a former Confederate blockade-runner. I propose bringing her up the Thames River until the bridges present an obstacle to passage. I should be able to get my ship most of the way to London and within five miles of the Zoo. The timing of this would need to be well coordinated with the team bringing the elephant to the ship, as an illegally docked ship will soon bring the British authorities. If I have not exited from the Thames by dawn the passage might be blocked by the Royal Navy.”

The group is intrigued by the prospect but also cautious. Morgana says, “Before we do this I need to see Jumbo.” “Why?” Louie asks. She replies, “To make sure that this is what he wants. I will not force a creature into a life of captivity against its wishes.” Barnum says, “He is already in captivity. He’s in a zoo!” She replies, “But after twenty years he would consider it his home. I need to see how he feels about the idea of relocation.” Hank comments, “That’s the Indian side of her talking.”

Wilkinson says, “Well, go do that now then. I cannot remain in London that much longer because of other shipping obligations. I’ll also need at least a few hours notice to get my crew ready and the ship’s boilers up to full steam.” “So you’re looking to move the elephant tonight?” Angus states. “No time like the present,” is Barnum’s reply.

Barnum then says, “No as for payment.” Arcade cuts him off and says, “Let’s not be premature. We can discuss that after my wife decides we are willing to do this.” “Very well, I am staying here on the top floor in Suite Number Two.” “We’ll be back,” Hank states. They get directions to the zoo and head outside. Arcade states, “I didn’t want to talk about payment terms in front of Barnum. It sounds like he really needs us so we should be able to negotiate a good fee.” Sam comments, “It’s an elephant. Let’s see if we can get paid by the pound.”

Silver Moon

Chapter 76, “Jumbo”, February 16th, 1882:

The London Zoological Society first opened its doors to the public in 1847 and quickly became one of the most famous Zoos in the world. Situated in northeastern corner of Regent’s Park, which ironically began as a private royal hunting ground for King Henry VIII, the park now protected animals from being hunted to extinction. Arcade’s Gang walked this cold damp day the three miles to the northwestern part of the city, a short distance beyond University College, to their destination.

They had been forewarned that there would be protesters waiting outside of the Zoo, objecting to the removal of this ‘National Treasure’. The expectations and fears were raised. The gang had been familiar with heated and violent protests that had taken place in recent years within the United States, including the 1874 Thompkins Square Riots in New York City, the 1875 Anthracite Coal Strike and the Anti-Chinese Riots. But what awaited them ahead they had not anticipated.

As they rounded the bend to the Zoo’s main gate, weapons at the ready, they saw that the full extent of the protests were a pair of well-dressed English gentlemen politely stopping passer’s by and handing out leaflets. “That’s it? That’s the protest?” Hank exclaims. “Good thing they want a group of armed gunmen for this,” Arcade sarcastically comments. Morgana says, “I don’t know. They might get more people if we actually try to take the elephant out of the zoo.”

They enter the Zoo and ask where the elephant is kept. They are given directions to the Elephant House. When they arrive Morgana explains that Barnum has sent them to plan out the logistics of moving the elephant. They are introduced to its lifelong trainer and caretaker, Matthew Scott. Before heading inside Scott explains, “The elephant was captured in the African jungles back in 1861. It is estimated that he was born in the Sudan in 1859. He was first taken to Cairo and then was told to the zoo in Paris. He was then acquired by the Royal Zoological Gardens in London who swapped a rhinoceros for it. He was tiny and in poor health when he first came to me, but now some twenty-years later he is the largest known elephant in the world, the largest creature in captivity for that matter.”

They enter the room and get a look at the pachyderm. It stands over eleven-foot high. Mr. Scott says that it weight six-and-a-half tons. Hank comments, “Sam, you wouldn’t even be a snack for that thing. Scott points out that “He doesn’t eat meat, only hay and vegetables.” He also points out that “Jumbo is harmless, during the last twenty years he has carried thousands of children on his back for rides.”

“Jumbo?” Louie comments. Scott says, “Yes, an African word. Most people believe it to translate as ‘elephant’ but the name actually is derived from the Swahili word ‘Jumbe’ which translates as ‘Chief’. A player comments “I figured he was called Jumbo just because he is so big. The DM points out that the player actually has that backwards, that in 1882 there was no word ‘Jumbo’ in the English language and the term became a synonym for big as a result of Barnum’s promotion of this elephant.

Arcade comments, “We heard there is trouble resulting from the sale.” Scott says, “Yes, the sale of Jumbo has caused a great uproar throughout England, with people asking Parliament and Queen Victoria to act to stop it. The Zoological Society, on the other hand, was more than happy to accept Barnum’s offer of $10,000 for him. The truth is that the Society is having financial difficulties, due in no small part to the vast amount needed to be spent each day to feed Jumbo.”

Morgana asks Scott, “How do you feel about him going away?” Scott says, “Fine by me, since I’m going with him. That was part of the deal. What the Society has not made publicly known is that lately Jumbo has become irritable and downright nasty at times, with an occasional temper tantrum. They fear a possible accident, so they are anxious to have him gone.” Sam exclaims “Hold on, you’re saying he could go on the rampage!”

Scott answers, “No, he’s a gentle giant. The truth his that his bad moods are only the result of the Zoo having cut back how much they feed him in order to save money. He’s hungry, that’s all.” Arcade says, “Let’s make sure that we stock up on lots of food for this trip.” Hank sarcastically comments, “Damn, I left my Wagon of Endless Hay back home.”

Morgana casts a Speak with Animals spell to talk to Jumbo and ensure that he is willing to leave. She has a hard time getting past his primary concern, namely that he is hungry. Only after promises of food soon does he begin to understand what she is asking. Since he doesn’t appear to remember living anywhere else he doesn’t quite understand the idea of leaving, although as long as his keeper is going with him he is agreeable.

She tells the rest of the Gang that he is willing. Arcade tells Scott, “Stick around when they close up the Zoo and let the managers know we’re coming tonight for him. We’ll have all of the paperwork.” Scott replies, “Then I’ll head home now to pack. Be sure to bring at least a wagon full of hay, otherwise we’ll never be able to get him to move.” He then adds, “Jumbo also enjoys eating gingerbread.” “We’ll be sure to look for a bakery,” Louie comments.

They flag down a cab to take them back to the Savoy Hotel, along the Thames near the Waterloo Bridge. They discuss how much to charge Barnum. Louie suggests a full $ 10,000, the same price he paid for the animal. Sam says, “Too much, we’re not paying for the ship and crew, just working security.” “And bringing it to the ship, that’s no small task,” Hank comments.

They continue to discuss whether to take the assignment or not. Hank says, “Let’s not rush into this. I think there’s more here than meets the eye.” Louie says, “We have to go back to America anyway. Why not get free passage and money for the trip?” Morgana says, “No, Hank’s right. Let’s find out everything that Barnum wants from us before we agree to anything.

They meet up again with Phineas T. Barnum, and say that they saw the elephant. Arcade presses him, “What exactly are you looking for from us?” He replies, “To help get the elephant from the zoo to the ship and then provide security.” Arcade replies, “And you don’t mean just security for the elephant?” He replies, “Well, obviously not. You are expected to help protect the ship is well. If it sinks, Jumbo will drown. And so would you, I might ad.” “Sink? From what?” Louie asks.

Barnum replies, “From potential trouble on the high seas. We have no idea if the British Government might try to use the Royal Navy to get his back.” Arcade comments, “They would start a war over an elephant?” Barnum replies, “Hopefully not, but that’s part of why I hired the Captain and ship that I did. He should be able to bypass any ships attempting to block his passage, that’s what Wilkinson does best.”

They start to discuss Price. Barnum starts with an offer of $ 2,000 but they are able to talk him up to their asking price of $ 3,000. The fact that he quickly agrees to that causes both Morgana and Arcade cause to be concerned that there is more going on than they know. Sam asks, “What port in the United States is the ship going to? New York?” Barnum replies, “No, it is sailing to Galveston.” Upon hearing the name of the Texas port, and without bothering to check with any of his companions, Hank immediately grasps Barnum's hand in a firm handshake and exclaims “You got yourself a deal!”

Silver Moon

Chapter 77, “The Streets of London”, February 16th, 1882:

Morgana leads the group north of the city to some farmlands where they locate a farmer who owns a wagon, two draft horses and enough hay to fill the wagon. They offer him 50 pounds for a one-night rental of the wagon and horses and explain where he will be able to find them in the morning. He expresses some concern about collateral until Arcade produces a passport identifying himself as Josiah Arcadiam, son of Lord Arcadiam and comments, “If there’s any damage to the animals or wagon you can file a claim with my brother William at our London office.”

The gang piles into the back of the wagon while Arcade and Morgana alternate in using their druidic animal handling skills to lead the animals towards the zoo. They arrive back well after the zoo’s official closing hours but notice that the pair of protesters are still outside handing leaflets to passers by. Arcade comments, “It’ll be several hours until that ship gets there, should we wait?” Morgana replies, “No, we don’t know how much time this will take, we should get going.” Arcade mutters, “She said the same thing on our wedding night.”

Scott is ready and anxious to depart, and loads his suitcases up towards the front of the wagon. The horses begin to panic when they see Jumbo but Morgana manages to calm them down. They locate some ‘blinders’ to position on the animals to keep them focused forward rather than at the large animal that will be following them.

Coaxed by a wagonload of fresh hay, Jumbo heads out from his cage and follows it through the zoo. They reach the main gate, which the Chief Zookeeper opens to let them out. Both protesters head immediately over and demand to know what is going on. Louie whispers to Arcade, “Try telling them that you’re taking him out to be cleaned.”

Morgana says to the main protestor “I'm taking it home to my workshop, my dear. "I'll fix it up there. Then I'll bring it back here." The men just continue to stand there staring. Hank comments, “What was Barnum worried about? Those guys make Sam look assertive by comparison.” Arcade says, “I still think we should have disguised it.” Morgana replies, “There wasn’t enough time for me to knit him a hat.” Arcade replies, “We could have put a dress and wig on him, they would have just thought that he was Queen Victoria.”

They don’t know what to say in response and the Gang attempts to make a quick getaway, or rather, as quick a getaway as is possible with a seven-ton elephant. They head out into the streets, pulling the wagon with Jumbo following. They get odd looks from passersby but nobody attempts to stop them. “Taking an elephant through the streets is sure attracting attention,” Louie comments. Arcade replies, “Don’t go blaming Jumbo, I think it’s you who they’re staring at.”

A man dressed as a British soldier does asks, “What is going on?” Hank replies, “It followed us home so we’ve decided to keep him.” Morgana shows him the copies of the sale paperwork from the Zoo and Barnum. “I guess it’s legitimate,” he says and wanders off. Hank says, “This doing things legally seems odd.” “That was easy,” Sam states. Arcade replies, “Only until he tells his superiors and it then goes up the line. If Queen Victoria really wants this creature to stay in England we might have trouble.” “Best that we hurry,” Hank comments.

They pick up the pace and Jumbo moves along faster. They head southeast, through Russell Square and onward, going by the Lincoln’s Inn Fields and the Drury Lane Theatre, turning east onto Fleet Street. When they have gone about a little more than a mile and are approaching The Temple and Gardens, Jumbo stops and sits down in the middle of Fleet Street. Morgana casts a speak with animals and determines that he is tired. The trainer Scott says, “That’s no surprise, this is more walking than he’s done in ages.” [DM’s Note: Back in our history, when Barnum tried to move out of London he did the same thing, sitting down on the streets and refusing to budge.]

They are unable to tempt him to move with hay so Arcade sends Sam and Louie out to find some fruit or sweets to try to coax him to move. He and Morgana are now both out of Speak with Animal spells so he suggests that they meditate for more spells. Hank says, “I’ll stay here and guard the elephant.” Everyone laughs at that and Arcade asks Hank “Do you think somebody is going to steal a seven-ton elephant?” He replies, “Why not, we did.” Morgana interjects, “We didn’t steal him, we have a receipt.”

Louie and Sam engage in interesting negotiations at several restaurants in an attempt to buy food. They eventually make their way back with a bag of apples, several bunches of carrots, a five-pound bag of sugar and a bouquet of flowers. Jumbo shows an interest in what they have, but not enough of an interest to get up. A crowd has gathered.

February 17th, 1882:

It is shortly after midnight when Arcade and Morgana finish studying their spells. Morgana talks to Jumbo first, trying to convince him to get up. A group of soldiers arrive to “move the traffic blocking impediment off of the street”. Morgana uses this to her advantage to play her own version of ‘Good Cop/Bad Cop’, convincing Jumbo that the men may harm him unless he moves. She then lets him sample some of the sugar.

Jumbo rises to his feet and the wagon is urged onward. Morgana begins singing a bardic song, interspersed with lyrics to convince the soldiers not to follow, that they have accomplished their mission. One player mutters, “Ah yes, the old Jedi mind trick. Move right along, these aren’t the elephants you’re looking for.”

They manage to get her to keep moving west, soon reaching the Thames River, which they walk alongside. They continue for another hour-and-a-half. By this point they are in the east suburbs of the city. They’ve managed to stretch the food as long as they can, but eventually run out. Jumbo is tired again, and without the added incentive of the food, decides to stop. Arcade casts a spell and talks to him, concluding, “This elephant isn’t going to go any further.”

“What do we do now?” Louie asks. “Might as well just wait here for the ship to arrive,” Arcade comments. Sam points out “There aren’t any docks around here.” Arcade replies, “So what, we’ll improvise. Elephants can swim.”

Silver Moon

Chapter 78, “Frolicking”, February 17th, 1882: 1:30 A.M.

To avoid drawing undue attention to the elephant Louie had been sent out to ‘borrow’ some sheets and blankets to cover over the sleeping Jumbo. They then cover over the bed lines with loose hay to make it appear to be a haystack. They had been stopped for well over an hour when the distant shape of a ship is seen coming up the Thames River.

The 230-foot-long steam ship comes into view, moving slowly and cautiously up the river. It has two funnels, two schooner-rigged masts and large paddlewheels on both sides. It is currently running without any lights although the moon provides ample illumination. The party waves it down and uncovers the elephant. The ship comes to a halt and anchors are dropped. Several men climb onto a dingy pulled behind the ship, which is rowed over to shore, pulling behind it a thick rope tied to the side of the ship.

They reach the shore and four sailors secure the boat while a rotund swarthy man with a long dark scraggly beard climbs out and approaches the group. He introduces himself as Paolo Vitalio, First Mate of the steamship Advance. Introductions are made as the sailors set up a three-sided ten along the shores with the open side facing the water. Meanwhile, to large steel doors set on the side of the ship back from the paddlewheel are opened.

Sailors on the ship begin sliding and dropping out of the ship’s hold several twelve-foot-square pontoons fastened together with thick ropes. The ropes go through the floats a foot from the top and side of each pontoon. The first pontoon is attached to the rope pulled ashore by the rowboat and the four sailors start to pull them across. Hank, Sam, Louie, Qualtaqa, Angus and Arcade all pitch in and help haul them across.

When they are finished there are ten pontoon making a bridge out to the boat, however the river current is causing them to rock about and there is around a foot of empty space between each pontoon so Morgana questions how Jumbo will be able to safely cross. “That’s my job,” Paolo states. He puts on a pair of rubber gloves and then stands inside the tent and takes the end of the two ropes from the first pontoon. He then begins to cast a spell.

His hands start to glow and electricity begins to spark from his fingers. The ropes then change their consistency from hemp to steel cables and then steel rods, making the bridge to the ship solid and straight. Sailors from the ship then head out with twelve-foot-long and one-foot wide wooden planks, placing them atop the rods between the pontoons. One of the sailors on shore tells the party “Hurry, we need to get the animal onto the ship.”

Morgana wakes up Jumbo and then casts a Speak with Animals spell onto Jumbo to help prompt him into crossing the bridge. Scott takes some flowers that he had picked the previous hour and starts feeding them to Jumbo, luring him out onto the bridge. They soon cross over. Back on shore the spell is ended and the rods soon become ropes again. The crew on the ship quickly pulls the pontoons back while the sailors on shore take down the tent and row back to the ship with a now exhausted First Mate.

Inside the ship Scott helps fasten Jumbo to some large chains and elephant sized manacles in the center of the ship’s hold that are fastened into the floor. Arcade says, “Must be to keep the weight steady and balanced. Paolo says, “And to keep him from eating all the hay.” Only noticing a half-dozen pallets of hay bales Morgana comments, “This won’t last long.” The First Mate replies, “We are picking up more tomorrow.” He invites the group to follow him topside.

They approach Captain Wilkinson who says, “Welcome to the Advance”. He turns to Jumbo’s trainer and asks, “Mr. Scott, is the animal secured?” In an imitation of a James Doohan voice a player replies, “Aye Captain, there be elephants here.” Anchors and pulled up and the ship resumes its course. They have to travel forward a quarter mile to a wider section of the river allowing them enough space to turn the ship around. This takes time and several constables on shore arrive and start blowing whistles.

The ship then begins a mad dash back down the Thames. On the ride up Wilkinson had made multiple notations to his nautical charts of the river and significantly increases his speed. With both paddlewheels turning full force and a full head of steam the ship quickly reaches the English Channel.

Wilkinson continues to sail out into the channel as fast as possible, having his crew raise the sails as well to catch the early morning breeze and add extra propulsion. By the time the sun rises over the eastern horizon they are no longer within sight of land. A United States flag is then run up the flagpole and the First Mate tells the Captain “The American name is back on.” The Captain tells them, “You are now on the Frolic.”

Wilkinson invites the crew to join him for breakfast in the Captain’s lounge. Several baskets of breads, jams, fruits and dried meats await them along with a honey-mead to wash them down.

While they eat Wilkinson tells them the history of the ship. “It was originally built at the Caird and Company shipyards in Greenock, Scotland. Launched on July 3rd, 1862, she was purchased by the State of North Carolina and crossed the Atlantic under where she joined the Confederate Navy as a blockade-runner under the name Advance. For the next two years she successfully eluded over forty Union vessels on a total of twenty blockade runs.

She was captured in September 1864 and purchased by the United States Navy who re-commissioned her as the USS Advance, who ironically then used her to attack the North Carolina coast. After the war she was re-commissioned as the USS Frolic and stationed in the Mediterranean Sea. She next patrolled the North Atlantic fishing grounds and was then pressed into service by the Navy in South American waters. She was decommissioned in October of 1877, the same year I published my book, and I purchased her last year with the earnings from my book. She is a fine ship with a lot of surprises. I operate her with a crew of twenty. When flying the American flag I use the name that she was sold to be as, the Frolic, but to me she will always be the Confederate Naval Ship Advance.”

Following the meal the group are shown to their quarters, which are rather small and cramped. Having been up all night, they all quickly fall asleep. They awaken mid to late afternoon and see that they are sailing west. Wilkinson tells them that they are traveling parallel the cost and just out of sight of land. Louie complains about the wet misty weather.

February 18, 1882:

At dawn the Frolic sails into the English port of Plymouth, England. Waiting for them along the dock are thirty pallets of hay bales, which are loaded into the hold out of reach of Jumbo. Wilkinson checks all of the paperwork and the ship sets sail again mid-morning.

Once at sea Wilkinson talks to Scott, Arcade and Morgana about the possibility of Jumbo charging at pallets of hay along the sides of the hold just outside of reach of Jumbo. Scott assures him that Jumbo is well behaved and would not do that. Wilkinson says, “No, you do not understand. I want you to train him to do that. Meet me with the rest of your group in my lounge and I will explain why.

Once assembled in the lounge Wilkinson tells them, “Back during the Civil War this ship was successfully used to bring contraband through the blockades at considerable risk but also considerable profit due to the scarcity of the cargo. This ship was constructed for just that purpose. I have continued to carry out that tradition.” The group exchange glances trying to deduce what he just told them. Angus says, “So, are you saying that you are a smuggler?”

The old Captain smiles and says, “Exactly. I had missed the excitement of that life and wished to return to it. The restrictions within the United States and other anti-wizard magic nations has created an underground economy for wizard magics and certain spell components used with wizard magics. The opposite is also true, as with anti-clerical magic nations restricting items and components used for that. This in turn has made a lucrative market for my unique talents to tap.”

Arcade asks, “So, what are you smuggling now and where are we going?” He replies, “At the moment the only cargo on this ship are bales of hay and one large elephant, all of which I have official paperwork for.

Within the next two days I will be changing direction and head into the Azores, which are a colony of the pro-wizard county of Portugal. There I will off load half of this hay and replace it with pallets containing hay bales on the outer sides and wizard-magic contraband in the center. The most precious of these will be in four pallets, which will rest two to either side of Jumbo. If any inspectors decide to investigate those I wish to have the elephant charge towards them, which should prevent thorough inspections of them.”

Hank asks, “So are we actually going to Galveston?” Wilkinson says, “Absolutely, it is our official destination. But first I plan to make three unscheduled stops in the United States, in places that support large Spanish and French populations who have difficulty getting the items that we are picking up.” “Where?” Morgana asks. He replies, “Locations near Key West, Florida, New Orleans, Louisiana and finally near Galveston, Texas.”

“So, that’s why you really needed us as guards?” Louie asks. Wilkinson replies, “Yes, that is the main thing Barnum is paying you for. He needs you to get his cargo there safely, and it won’t if the English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek or Italian Navies commandeers this ship. We might also run into trouble from the United States Navy or local authories at any of the three unoffical stops. There’s also the remote possibility of being attacked by pirates, as their type still prowls the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.” The party is surprised by these revelations but do not appear to be overly concerned. “Should make for an interesting cruise,” Arcade comments.
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Silver Moon

Chapter 79, “The Azores”, February 19th, 1882:

One day into the voyage the ship is stopped by an armada of four British ships who inspect the vessel. Captain Wilkinson insists upon receiving a written report from the Inspector General confirming that everything onboard the ship appears to be in order. Scott and Morgana continue to train Jumbo to charge towards the hay bales alongside near him.

February 20th, 1882:

Two days after leaving the British Isles the Captain makes a course correction to the south. The Captain also changes the ships flag to a Peruvian one and the First Officer uses a magical device to change the name on the steam of the ship to now read “Isabella” instead of “Frolic”.

Wilkinson explains that the ship is registered under three different names in three different countries and that he keeps three separate sets of books. He tells the party that First Officer Vitolia is officially listed as the Isabella’s Captain due to his being of Portuguese descent, as that they are now sailing into waters claimed by Spain and Portugal.

Hank asks, “United States, Peru, what’s the third country.” Wilkinson replies, “Switzerland, that registry listing the ship as the “Heidi”. Arcade comments, “A ship from a landlocked country with no port?” Wilkinson replies, “Not entirely true. They have several port cities along the Rhine River, which flows through Germany and then into the Sea and Ocean. The main advantage is that the Swiss are neutral in regards to clerical and wizard magics so I fly that flag when I am uncertain who I may encounter.”

February 22nd, 1882:

They arrive at the Azores island chain. He bypasses the major ports on the two most populous islands, bringing the ship to the island of Pima. Wilkinson explains that “Paolo has family on this island and they have arranged the cargo. We’ll be staying here until tomorrow if you want to go on shore and do some looking around and shopping.” Morgana welcomes the opportunity to get off of the ship. Hank comments, “There must be some people here who want to hear about Texas.” Arcade replies, “Why would you think that. There are people in Texas who don’t want to hear about Texas.”

They visit the largest town on the island and encounter language problems as most of the inhabitants only speak Portuguese, which none o the party know. They discover that the town has a Magic Shop. They head inside and are happy to discover that the proprietor does speak English.

He has a variety of items for sale but most are out of the price range of the party. His elixirs and potions are within the party’s range and he describes a number of them. They opt to purchase one that increases the Speed that people move at and another that creates Invisibility. Hank also purchases a magical rope.

February 23rd, 1882

The contraband is all loaded onboard hidden within pallets of hay bales. Wilkinson had planned to offload and replace that number of pallets of the Plymouth-loaded hay but since Jumbo is eating at a faster pace than anticipated all are retained, moving those that won’t fit in the hold up to the top deck.

The ship resumes it’s passage to America. Once they are out of sight of the Azores the ship’s name and flag are changed to the Swiss “Heidi”. They are stopped later in the day by a pair of Spanish warships who conduct only a superficial inspection.

February 25th, 1882:

The ship reaches the main shipping lanes between American and Britain. The ship’s name and flag are changed back to the American “Frolic”. Later that day they encounter a large British warship that conducts a short inspection. Jumbo charges at the British Officer-in-Charge on cue, prompting them to quickly conclude their search and find everything to be in order. Wilkinson insists on getting that in writing.

March 2nd, 1882:

The Frolic sails parallel the Island of Cuba and then approaches the Florida Keys. American warships are patrolling the area for pirates so the stop at Key West is done as expeditiously as possible, using the pontoon bridge to quickly get the contraband to shore where the buyers of it await. Some kegs of rum are loaded onboard and a celebration is held that night for both the passengers and crew.

March 4th, 1882:

After two days of sailing up the western coast of Florida as well as the Alabama and Mississippi coast they approach Louisiana. They avoid the Mississippi river inlets, sailing instead to a marshy area along the Chandelcur Sound, forty miles east of New Orleans. They dock near a small island with a dozen or so buildings, where the pontoon bridge is again used to offload the contraband. Wilkinson has both his crew and Arcade’s Gang very visible with all of their weaponry, as he is less trusting of the person he is selling this cargo to. The transaction takes place without incident and they depart. They set sail back into the Gulf of Mexico to head directly towards Galveston.

Silver Moon

Chapter 80, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, March 6th, 1882, 2:00 PM

A trio of ships is seen approaching from the south. They fly no flags and Wilkinson declares “They be pirates.” Arcade suggests, “Let them come on board and realize the only thing to steal is an elephant and hay.” Wilkinson says, “Not a good idea. They might get angry and decide to kill either Jumbo or us.”

As the ships near the group gets a better look at them. One is a large wooden-hulled merchant vessel of 1850’s design, often used for whaling, known as a bark. Another is a smaller merchant ship with a steel plated hull. The third is a Civil-war era metal-hulled warship. Wilkinson reveals to the party some of the modifications that he made to the Advance, namely four well-concealed cannons. He has his crew ready the artillery pieces while still keeping them camouflaged.

One thing that the dwarf Angus had brought on board is a dozen sticks of dynamite. He fastens them together is three sets of four and puts a two-minute fuse on each. The group discusses how to get these to the enemy vessels. Paolo Vitolia indicates that he has the ability to Teleport to a location within sight and could go to one of the vessels and back, and that he could bring up to two people with him. Both Angus and Hank volunteer. The ships are now close enough to see crew on each vessel. Arcade, Louie and Sam decide to lay down some covering fire to distract the enemy while the others launch the attack.

They teleport unseen to the roof of the forecastle on the warship. Paolo tosses a Fireball spells down into a group of crew gathered on the main deck and firing on the Frolic. He then uses a spell to levitate a lit packet of dynamite sticks up to the steam ship’s funnel and drops it down simultaneous to Hank lifting up Angus and shoving another packet down the ship’s main gun.

“What about the other set of dynamite?” Angus asks. Paolo says, “No time, this one’s about to blow.” Hank point to the Bark and says “How about we bring it there?” Paolo says, “I only have one more teleport left.” Angus says, “They’ve got a dingy. We can borrow it to get back.” They teleport off the warship just as the first set of dynamite explodes in the ship’s bowels, followed by a second in the powder magazine. Massive sections of the ship fly off as fire engulfs the vessel.

The explosion has one side effect of attacking the attention of the Bark’s crew to the rear, where several of them see the trio teleport in. The pirates begin to fire at them and Paolo is hit. Angus and Hank pull him down and behind some barrels. The wound is not deep, but they are now caught in a crossfire between two groups of armed pirates on the vessel. Seeing that their friends are in trouble, Wilkinson turns the Frolic so that its two after cannons can fire onto the bark.

Paolo is still capable of casting spells, and tosses a Fireball up into the main mast of he ship, which creates an effective distraction coupled with the cannon fire from the Frolic. A few of the pirates are also picked off by rifle fire from Arcade, Louie and Sam. Paolo casts an Invisibility spell onto Angus, who heads off below deck with the remaining set of dynamite sticks.

Angus soon returns and they fight their way to the rear of the ship, jumping overboard and climbing into the dingy. Pirates fire down from above until a loud explosion rocks the ship and it begins to rapidly sink. Angus cuts away the dingy and they begin to row away.

The remaining pirate vessel begins to fire its own cannons at the dingy. Wilkinson has the Frolic make a wide starboard turn to put it between the remaining ship and the oversized rowboat carrying Angus, Hank and Paolo. The crew of the Frolic move the cannons and both ships fire broadsides at each other, causing minimal damage to both ships. Jumbo’s trainer Scott panics when an incendiary cannonball crashes through the side of the ship and sets a pallet of hay on fire. With help from Jumbo and Morgana they are able to get several barrels of water poured onto the fire and extinguish the blaze.

The pirate ship manages to pull several dozen crewmen from the water of the sunk and sinking vessels and then sails away back to the south. The Frolic pursues for a half-mile, then turns back to go collect the three in the dingy. One paddlewheel is damaged so they raise the sails and use those as a primary means of propulsion while repairs are made to the wheel. Temporary repairs enable the wheel to again be used, although Wilkinson explains that maximum speed is no longer possible.

March 8th, 1882:

At sunset the lights of Galveston, the largest city in Texas, are seen to the west. Wilkinson keeps the ships lights off and flying without a flag heads north towards the community of High Island near the base of the Bolivar Peninsula fifteen miles northeast of Galveston. They crawl into an isolated inlet where the remaining contraband are off-loaded via the pontoons into a caravan of waiting wagons. The ship remains anchored in the inlet for the night.

March 9th, 1882:

The ship is stopped by a pair of United States warships upon leaving High Island and subjected to a detailed search. Wilkinson is unconcerned as everything left on board is legitimate cargo. He explains that they had to make an emergency stop due to the damage caused by the pirates, as it affected the ship’s steering and he didn’t want to cause an accident getting into Galveston Harbor. The Navy is suspicious but finally releases the vessel in the afternoon. By early evening they are docked in Galveston.

Silver Moon

Module #131

Chapter 81, “Galveston”, Thursday, March 9th, 1882:

By early evening they are docked in Galveston, the largest city in Texas and 82nd largest city in the United States. The city was a bustling metropolis with 530 businesses totaling $ 30 million in annual sales that including 147 saloons and 10 hotels. The population of approximately 25,000 was mostly human of English, Scottish, Italian and French descent with a minority population of approximately 25% being ex-slaves of Ogrish descent.

The only remaining cargo on the vessel is Jumbo. Arcade quips “Funny that we had to sneak the other things off. Normally you’d think that of everything that was on this ship the elephant would be the most objectionable.” Hank says, “Nah, I think Louie still holds that honor.”

A group of men hired by P.T. Barnum is waiting to take possession of the elephant Jumbo. The documents are examined and the signatures and writing match those of the documents that the party had been given. The group helps the men in getting the elephant off of the vessel. The trainer Scott accompanies the men and the party wishes him good luck in the United States.

Arcade comments “I think we need to spend some time on dry land.” “And away from elephants,” Sam adds. Arcade says, “Yes. Tomorrow I need to go shopping for a new duster. I don’t think that all the ‘Clean’ cantrips in the world will ever get the elephant smell out of this one.” The group decides to stick around Galveston for at least the weekend while they get reacquainted with being on dry land. Meagan and Angus bid the party farewell, deciding to go see the county on their own [DM’s Note: Their players had left the gaming group.]

The party decides to find lodgings for the night. They find lodgings at the Houston Hotel. Morgana comments, “I thought Houston was another city?” Hank exclaims, “It is. This hotel is named for the great Sam Houston, the father of all Texas.” Louie comments, “Wow, he was busier than my father, and I have lots of siblings.”

They secure lodgings and Hank then asks for directions to the nearest bar. The hotel manager suggests the Palace of Gold Saloon next door. Louie says, “They have palace here in United States? I thought there no royalty here?” Hank says, “Nah, that’s just the name. We don’t need royalty, this is American, the land of opportunity.” Sam says, “Right, you make your own future.” Looking over the group Arcade comments, “Maybe we should have gone with royalty instead.” Hank says, “Here’s a place that anybody can go on to become Mayor, Governor or even President.” Morgana interjects, “Unless you happen to be a woman, an elf, an orc, an ogre, or any combination of those.”

Several games of poker are going on and Arcade comments about maybe joining one. Hank says, “Okay, but don’t cheat. If you get caught cheating in Texas I’ll say I don’t know you.” Arcade replies, “That would almost make it worth getting caught.” They watch the games going on which are Faro rather than Poker. It isn’t their game of choice so they head down the street to the Lucky Ace Saloon and soon find a poker game that Arcade and Hank can join. They play for a couple of hours, Hank ending the night up $ 65 and Arcade up $ 17. Morgana had spent that time playing the piano at singing at the Saloon, finishing the night with $ 2.83 in tips. They head back to the hotel.

Friday, March 10th, 1882:

The group enjoys sleeping late. They eventually get up and have breakfast. They decide to do some shopping. Morgana sees and purchases a silver-plated harmonica. Hank says, “That’s great, the next time we find ourselves arrested and thrown in jail you’ll have something to play.” Sam asks hesitantly, “Hank, how much trouble are you planning to get us into?” Louie says, “We no have to look for trouble, it finds us on its own.”

They start the day at the bank where Barnum had given them the paperwork to be paid for their work. It takes a while for the bank manager to process everything and get them their funds, which they take in a combination of big and small bills. The $ 3,000 is divided up into equal packets of $ 500 for each. Sam comments, “Angus and Meagan should have stuck around.” Arcade says, “This is part of why I wanted them to go. Their loss, our gain.”

Next they find a clothing shop where Arcade purchases himself a new black leather duster coat. Louie looks at several dresses. Sam laughs, “I don’t think those are your style.” Louie says, “It not for me. For Mary Wong back in Promise City. I should brink her present after long trip.” Arcade asks, “How long did you tell her you would be away?” He replies, “I not say. How long were we away?” Morgana replies, “Four months.” Hank tells Louie, “Maybe you should make that two dresses.” Morgana suggests he get her lots of presents.

They go to a general store when Louie buys lots more presents as well as a large truck to put them all in. Hank sees a copy of a book he hasn’t read yet by author Mark Twain. This leads to numerous jokes at his expense question whether he has ever owned a book before or even knows how to read. Hank insists that he is a fine reader and that he makes it a point to read a book every year or two.

Louie and Qualtaqa each pick up one end of the truck to lug with them. It has now gotten hotter outside and Louie comments to Hank, “Is Texas always this hot?” He replies, “Nah, it’s only March. It gets a lot hotter in the summer time.” They head back to the hotel to unload their purchases. They spend the rest of the day and evening just relaxing and hanging out are the various saloons near the hotel.

Saturday, March 11th, 1882:

The group sleeps late into the morning. Over brunch they read in the local newspaper about a shooting contest taking place that afternoon. It costs $ 10 to enter and the 1st prize winner get $ 250, 2nd prize is $ 150 and 3rd prize is $ 50. Arcade, Hank and Sam all decide that they want to participate.

The contest is taking place down on the peninsula outcropping from the city. There is a large turnout, with nearly 300 participants. Hank comments, “I’m not surprised. We Texans are usually armed and proud of our marksmanship. The contest is for revolvers only. Several rounds are held narrowing the number of participants down to the best twenty, of which both Hank and Sam qualify.

A series of final shoots follows. Hank finishes in 5th place. Sam manages to take 2nd place, loosing to a local saloonkeeper named Clem Hawkins. Sam accepts the prize money. When asked by a local reporter for his name Sam replies, “Melvin Smith”. A number of people offer to buy drinks for ‘Melvin’ and the rest of the group goes along, spending the rest of the day celebrating his good fortune.

Sunday, March 12th, 1882:

Worship services to the various gods are traditionally held on Sunday so Morgana and Arcade decide to head off into the nearest wilderness for their own Druidic ceremony. Qualtaqa heads off for private mediation. Hank, Louie and Sam spend the morning at the hotel sleeping in.

Over lunch the party reaches the conclusion that it is time to head back to Arizona. They visit the train station in the afternoon and purchase tickets for a train to Houston that will arrive there at approximately 8:00 P.M. The group checks out of their hotel and head to the train station.

Silver Moon

Chapter 82, “The Bounty Hunter”, Sunday, March 12th, 1882, 8:00 P.M.

The train carrying Arcade’s Gang arrives in Houston, Texas. They discover that the next passenger train west doesn’t leave until the following afternoon. Arcade comments, “I’m shocked that there aren’t more trains leaving from here. I would think that anybody who came to this city would want to leave right away.” Hank protests until Morgana says, “If Texas is so great then why did you leave it?”

They find lodgings for the night at the Shining Star Inn near the train depot as they don’t want to have to lug full trunk any further than they have to.

Monday, March 13th, 1882: 9:30 A.M.

The group sleeps late and grabs breakfast at the Inn. The breakfast consists of steak, eggs and chili. Morgana gets a salad instead. Breakfast conversation consists of Hank regaling the group on the wonders of various Texas chili recopies.

Morgana says that she’d like to go do some shopping. They soon find themselves at the fanciest jewelry store in town and Morgana looks at a number of shiny pieces of nice jewelry. She buys a silver necklace with three quartz pendants.

Louie takes an interest too and the proprietor asks him “Is there something in particular you would like to look at?” He replies, “Yeah, something nice so I don’t get hit in the side of the head by girlfriend.” The man also has for sale table settings and asks, “Would she be interested in some silverware or good imported china?” Louie replies, “I from China, that enough for her.”

Hank tells Louie “So what? You just find another gal.” Louie says, “Mary Wong only Chinese girl in Promise City. Only other woman I know is Morgana and she already married.” Arcade says, “As big and heavy as that hope chest is I’d say you have nothing to worry about.” Hank adds, “And even if she is angry and kills you, that chest is big enough to bury you in, so you’d still get some use out of it.” He buys some jewelry and the comment is made “That’s the most he’s spent since he bought rice.”

It is around 11:00 AM when they are walking down a less traveled street and hear a voice yell out from an alleyway “Drop it”. They look in the alley and see that the comment was made from a very tall man in cowboy clothes, Stetson hat, with long blonde hair and holding a revolver. He is pointing the revolver from point blank range into the back of the head of another man. That man is wearing worn farming clothes and holding a shotgun and pointing it out of the alleyway directly towards Arcade.

Morgana exclaims, “What is going on here?” The tall man says in a Texas drawl “Be right with you Ma’am, just as soon as this guy lowers his shotgun.” Arcade, Hank and Sam all draw their revolvers and point them towards the shotgun-toting farmer. “What is this all about?” Arcade states. The tall Texan replies, “This here guy is a bounty hunter.” The Texan reaches into a left hand pants pocket and pulls out a rolled up sheet of yellowed paper, which he tosses to Arcade.

Arcade unrolls it to read “Wanted! $ 2,000 reward for the capture of Arcade’s Gang” He reads the remainder, accusing them on three murders in Promise City on January 2nd . The reward cites to total amount for the capture and killing of the entire gang and lesser amounts specifically for Arcade and Sure-shot Sam. Hey, “We’re being accused of something that we actually didn’t do!” Sam exclaims.

They tell the bounty hunter “We didn’t do this. We weren’t even in the United States at the time.” He replies, “Not my problem. Bounty’s still valid.” The Texan tells the bounty hunter, “Cole, these guys are on to you. Best to quit while you’re ahead. Empty the ammunition out of your weapons and go.” The man does as instructed but also tells the Texan “You’re a dead man. Nobody orders Irby Cole around.” “I’ll take my chances,” the Texan replies.

Once the bounty hunter walks away Arcade says, “Thanks, but why’d you do that?” The Texan replies, “Not here. Let’s go somewhere private to talk.” The group hadn’t checked out of the hotel yet since they didn’t want to have to lug Louie’s trunk around so they go back there. When asked for a name the man replies, “Tex”.

Once they are all back in the room and the door is shut and locked Hank asks “What was that all about?” Tex replies, “Around ten weeks ago a group sought revenge against a guy staying at the Comstock House back in Promise City. He drew on them as did two of his friends and the group shot the three dead. The three dead men worked for Elton Hubbard, owner of the largest mine in town and he issued the reward.”

“But why did they think it was us?” Louie asks. Tex replies, “The consisted of a tough male gunslinger, several human cowboy-types, an Indian, a half-orc and a centaur.” “Okay, that does sound like us,” Sam comments. Tex says, “Yes, but there were some key differences. The centaur was female and the Indian was male, but they decided not to let those facts get in the way of the accusation.” “Figures,” Louie comments.

Tex continues, “Your gambler friend Conrad Booth has seen some the group and insisted it wasn’t you but Hubbard was sure that is was. The bounty hunter Irby Cole hung around town a few weeks before leaving.” Arcade comments, “But We just got back in the county a few days ago and haven’t been using our names. How’d he find us so quickly?” Arcade asks. Tex replies, “Bad luck on your part. Cole lives here in Houston and he saw you this morning. Your group doesn’t exactly blend it.”

Morgana says, “Okay, that tells us who he is but not who are you and why you decided to help us.” He reaches down and removes a ring from his right ring finger. Once the ring leaves his hand he transforms into Manuel Gonzales, friend, wizard and Morgana’s teacher from back in Promise City. “Ah, that explains a lot,” she says. He replies, “Yes my little bird, it should. I imagine you all have a great many more questions.”

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