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The Wayfinders - The Wreck of the Archon


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Midian frowns.

"From what you described, they're being set upon by even more of the mechanicals around here. If they don't succeed in shutting them down, they'll be wandering around here when we try to make our way back to where we stashed the water shard.

"I understand they might prove a distraction for ... whatever that thing is in the heart of the city ship, but given how few people there are on here that aren't dead or enslaved to that thing, are we really going to feed a group of free men and women either fall to mechanical monstrosities or join the tentacle army?

"I rather think we could use all the help we can get. And so could they, from the sound of it. If we help them with their problem, we can always go our separate ways without revealing our own goals, but I'd rather know there are at least a few others on here who haven't yet succumbed."

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Whisper thinks about it. Plusses and minuses. In the past, she'd have not had to consider long before simply leaving them to their fate. Working with other people had changed her though, slowly. It was strange to think how slow true change was, even for someone like herself.

"We take a chance either way," she says. "Given that, I suggest we take a chance on helping them rather than on abandoning them. Then our consciences are clear, and they will owe us a debt...which may be useful in any future encounter."


First Post
Midian smiles.

"All right, then. Let's go smash some machinery," he says. The rolling of thunder may or may not be actual as he does so.

Dr Simon

Kraken grins approvingly. "Reckon," he says. "Anyway, the real enemy at the moment is the tentacles. ...are the tentacles? We can always double-cross these drongos later, eh?"


First Post
Following Doral back towards the other group you make no efforts to conceal your approach. Sounds of combat echoes loudly in the large chamber. As you round the last rows of shelving holding the deactivated warforged you see the other group finishing off a wave of constructs. The two working on removing the projectile weapon have finished their work and one of them holds the large device awkwardly. The two men working on the golden vase managed to seal it and have lifted it off the ground between them.

A damaged construct with one hammer arm menaces the man in armor and the woman with the whip. She casts a spell to dazzle its "eyes" while the man finishes slicing the rest of its innards apart. The construct collapses in a shower of sparks and spilled lubricant. The man with the thin sword roars in triumph. The man sitting on the ground missing a foot turns red, pain filled eyes to scan the area and spots your group. His jaw drops open but despite the surprise and pain he is in his military training kicks in and he levels the crossbow over Doral's chest. He calls out "Sergeant! Over there!".

The woman with the whip whirls, already clutching a vial plucked from her belt. The man in armor swivels with cat-like grace and adopts a striking stance. "Who the hell are..." she starts to say when a loud crash interrupts her. One of the two men carrying the vase lost his grip in the surprise of seeing other people here. The heavy vase hits the ground and springs apart; the two halves of containment shielding spinning away exposing the geode within. A bright red pulse illuminates the chamber dazzling your eyes and leaving everyone blinking spots away. You keep blinking, still seeing little red dots everywhere, until you realize the dots are not artifacts in the eyes. The red eyes of warforged all across the chamber lit up in response to the pulse of energy. The other man carrying the vase slugs his partner in the jaw with a balled up fist and curses "The Six take you, you idiot!"

Deuce Traveler

Doral shouts to his companions, "Certainly a fine mess we now are in. So shall we blast these constructs from this corner, or do we fight alongside our new 'friends'?"


First Post
Midian Rightson, human druid

"I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty," Midian gurgles, holding up the ice-encrusted blobs of his current form. "Such as they are, but it never hurts to pick off trouble before it gets close enough to hit back."

The druid points to one of the newly-activated mechanicals. Thunder rumbles above, then sparks coalesce on the ceiling of the room, and a lightning bolt shoots through the creature.

"Who we are is not attacking you and offering to cover your retreat," Midian calls out. "If you lot can keep your feet underneath you long enough to get over here, that is."

[sblock=ooc]Midian cast Call Lightning just before we entered the building. Should still have enough time on it for him to take advantage now.

Standard action bolt: Empowered Lightning Bolt (mutiply result by 1.5): 3D6 = [6, 4, 3] = 13

19 damage, Reflex DC 19 for half to one of the warforged. [/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Full Sheet
[b]HP:[/b] 66/66  (current: 82/82)    
[b]AC:[/b] 21 (current: 20)        [b]AC(T):[/b] 14    [b]AC(FF):[/b] 18 
Wildshape base AC: 15
Medium/Huge Animal AC: 17
Medium Magical Beast AC: 19
Medium Air Elemental AC: 20, Darkvision 60', fly 60 (perfect), from Ref +4 bump: Reflex save to +8, CMD to 24
[b]Medium Water Elemental: AC 20, Fort save: +11, +2 HP / level (con bump), Darkvision 60', Swim 60'[/b]

 Full Party: Negate Aroma & Pass Without Trace (both 8 hours)
 Midian: Empowered Call Lightning (9 minutes, 7/8 bolts remaining)

[b]Init:[/b] +02
[b]BAB:[/b] +6/+1     [b]CMB/CMD:[/b] +8/22     [b]ACP:[/b] -3 (Wildshape: 0)    
[b]Perception:[/b] +17

Saving Throw    Base   Mod   Misc*  Total
Fort:            06     1     +2    +9      
Ref:             02     2     +2    +6       
Will:            06     6     +2    +14

* Cloak +2
Conditional: +4 vs. spell-like fey & plant effects (Resist Nature's Lure)
Resist Cold 10
[b]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/b]
Shortspear, full attack...+8/+3..1d6+2/1d6+2...x2
Shortspear, thrown........+8.....1d6+1.........x2, range 20'
Sling.....................+8.....1d4+2.........x2, range 50'
Sling, full attack........+8/+3..1d4+2/1d4+2...x2, range 50'

Special: +1d6 cold damage on slam attacks in Water Elemental form (shard exposure).

[b]Surge:[/b] 9/9 remaining (CMB +14)

Magical Feats: Spell Focus (Conj), Augment Summoning, Natural Spell

0st Level / DC16/17 6 Day : Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Stabilize, Spark
1st Level / DC17/18 4+2+D Day : Detect Aberration, Liberating Command, [s]Negate Aroma[/s], [s]Pass Without Trace[/s], Ray of Sickening, Ant Haul, Obscuring Mist (D)
2nd Level / DC18/19 3+2+D Day : Delay Poison, Soften Earth and Stone, Stone Call, **Frigid Touch, Resist Energy, Slipstream (D)
3rd Level / DC19/20 3+1+D Day : Hide Campsite, Aqueous Orb, Spider Climb (Communal), **[s]Call Lightning[/s]*, Water Walk (D)
4th Level / DC20/21 2+1+D Day : Freedom of Movement, [s]Dispel Magic[/s], **Ball Lightning, Control Water (D)

* attuned to empowered spell shard
** Eberron shard can recall evocation spells up to 4th level: 2/2 remaining

[b]Wand charges:[/b] 27/28 remaining.
[b]Wild Shape:[/b] 2/3 remaining

Used: Scroll of Water Breathing[/sblock]

Dr Simon

Kraken moves forward, falchion in hand and ready to attack any warforged that comes near him.

"That's right Sergeant," he says, "As my watery friend says, reckon we're your best chance to stay alive, eh?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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