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The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!


The Adventures of Fap Longwood #39 (Tyranny of Dragons)

The wolf pack emerges from the tavern and squares off against the cult enforcers.

“What are you Zhent scum doing in Parnast?” Captain Othelstan demands.

“We are but simple tourists, here to take in the sights and absorb the local culture,” Hellen drawls, “We heard you had a lovely cloud castle and just had to see it for ourselves. Tell me, do you sell postcards?”

“No, but we do have a historic dungeon, where you will be spending the foreseeable future if you don’t scram this instant.”
Captain O retorts, reaching for his flail.

“Is it just me, or is that castle starting to move?” Dagar interjects.

“Oh hell, they’re taking off!” Hellen cries, whipping out her rapier.

“Hold them here until the castle is airborne!” Captain O commands.

The cult guards rush forward. Headstone weaves between their flashing blades and strikes at Captain O. The dragonsoul evades the attempted assassination (and the additional 8d6 sneak attack damage that would have accompanied it) and retaliates by cracking his flail across the side of Headstone’s skull. Urukk punches one guard in the throat, then again in the groin; down he goes, curled up in a sad little ball. Hellen flicks her wrist and pins another guard’s foot to the ground with one of her (many) daggers.

“F*ing b**!” he curses her.

“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Hellen replies, feigning shock.

The injured guard opens his mouth to hurl more abuse her way, then explodes as Dagar targets him with Eldritch/Agonising Blast. A different guard drives his spear into the goblin’s side. Dagar waves his Tentacle Rod and three long, rubbery tentacles lash out to batter him. Two guards advance on Hellen, the first strikes her across the face with the butt of his spear. She snaps her fingers in Hellish Rebuke and her assailant spontaneously combusts. She drives her rapier through the second guard’s heart.

Urukk crits on his next attack and literally punches a hole through some poor bugger’s chest. Headstone waits for Urukk to engage Captain O, so he can get his sneak attack damage. The half-orc monk unleashes a flurry of blows; only one hits, but it is enough to distract the Dragonsoul. Headstone darts in, swinging his two hammers and breaking bones. Hellen viciously mocks the captain, while Dagar hits the Dragonsoul with two Agonising Blasts. Captain O is agonised.

“You can’t win this fight,” Hellen taunts the captain, “Why not surrender and get it over with?”

“I don’t have to beat you,”
the Dragonsoul replies, splitting a glob of bloody phlegm at the bard’s feet. He glances up at the escaping cloud castle, “All I have to do is delay you for a few moments longer.”

But he doesn’t have a few moments. Headstone darts back into the fray and crits against the Dragonsoul for 40 dmg! That should have finished him off, but Captain O is kept standing by Tiamat’s Blessing of Retribution, granting him one last chance to avenge himself on the wolf pack. He squanders this opportunity with two sub-par attack rolls, then keels over, dead as a doorpost.

“Know when you’re beat, buddy.” Dagar says, prodding the body with his boot.

As Captain O dies, Hellen steps forward and captures his shadow.

“Neat trick.” Urukk grunts.

Skyreach Castle is growing ever smaller as it ascends into the heavens. The heroes have no idea how they are supposed to get aboard now that it is already in the air. Fortunately, by stealing the Dragonsoul’s shadow, Hellen has gained access to a few of his memories.

“The cult stabled a pair of wyverns nearby,” she says, “If we can ride them, we can still catch up.”

The wolves find the wyverns and fit their harnesses. Urukk and Dagar will ride the first beast and get it under control almost immediately. Hellen and Headstone mount the second, but it proves to be more stubborn than its mate. Hellen weaves Captain O’s shadow into a disguise and the truculent wyvern soon settles down. She can only maintain the illusion for one hour, so time is of the essence. The wolf pack takes to the sky in pursuit of Skyreach Castle.

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The Adventures of Fap Longwood #40 (Tyranny of Dragons)

The wyverns are swift and soon close the distance with the cult’s cloud castle. The entire edifice is constructed from thick blue ice, built on/around a huge floating glacier. Icy mist spills from the battlements, leaving a freezing fog in the castle’s wake. While clammy and unpleasant to fly through, it does hide the wolves’ approach from the ogre sentries on the walls.

Five towers rise from the upper courtyard. The tallest (and the one in the greatest state of disrepair) is the only one not to have watchful ogres posted on top of it. A balcony 75ft above the courtyard presents an inviting landing pad. As Urukk and Dagar bring their wyvern in to roost, the balcony collapses beneath their combined weight. They maintain control of their mount and manoeuvre it into the tower – surprising the two vampire spawn chilling inside! They appear to be defending a stone coffin partially embedded into the icy floor of the chamber. The vampires hiss and attack!

“Are you kidding me?” Dagar cries, “We should have just fought the ogres!”

The wolves dismount and engage the undead. Hellen and Headstone join the fray a moment later. The two wyvern fly off, leaving the agents stranded aboard the cloud castle. The thick ice protects the vampires from the hateful sun. The wolves defeat the undead, leaving just whatever is asleep in the coffin still to be dealt with. The party definitely do not want to tangle with a fully fledged CR 13 Vampire, nor do they want to leave it here, in case they are still around when night falls.
Something stirs within the coffin! The party panic! Headstone produces what looks like a black handkerchief from his pocket and unfolds it on the floor. It is a portable hole, containing several casks of blasting powder. There’s no time to unload the barrels, so the wolves just shove the coffin into the hole and hastily fold it back up, before whatever is trapped inside comes bursting back out.


The Adventures of Fap Longwood #41 (Tyranny of Dragons)

The Zhentarim wolves have infiltrated the cult’s flying fortress and have thus far remained mostly undetected. They take a long rest to recover their lost HP.

There is no way down from the tower; the interior staircase has been destroyed and the ground floor exit is choked with rubble. The party lower a rope from the broken balcony; Urukk holds one end fast while the rest of the wolves descend. Urukk simply steps off the edge, trusting his Slow Fall ability will cushion what would otherwise be a bone-jarring impact with the ground (10d6 falling damage = 32, minus [5x Monk level 7 =] 35 = zero damage). The monk descends the 100ft drop in the style of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, to the general astonishment of his peers.

The party stand atop the snowy glacier that Cloudspire Keep is built on/around. They slip/slide down to the upper courtyard to get out of the eye-line of any patrolling guards. There are nine ogres drilling in the courtyard, throwing javelins at snowmen that magically reform after every volley. There is a large tunnel mouth leading down into the glacier.

Before heading inside the floating ice mountain, the wolves need to dispose of the undead passenger riding along in Headstone’s portable hole. Icy steps ascend onto the battlements, overlooking a dizzying drop to the realm far below. The party unfold the portable hole over the edge, holding on tight to the corners so the strong winds don’t snatch it away. The vampire’s coffin – and the barrels of black powder – all go tumbling into the void. The party will need to find an alternative way of sabotaging the cloud castle, if it comes to that.

The wolves enter the glacier, following the icy tunnels down into the mountain’s frozen core. Coins, fragments of armour and more than a few dead ogres are entombed within the walls of blue ice. Frost carpets the floor of the tunnel and crunches loudly underfoot.

The tunnel widens into a glittering cavern with jagged walls and icicles the size of stalactites hanging from the ceiling. The area is split into two levels; the upper floor overlooks a massive pile of treasure resting beneath an icy glaze. A huge white dragon clings to the ceiling above the hoard, alabaster wings folded tight to its flanks. The party edge away and pick a different tunnel that bypasses the dragon’s lair. They emerge onto the lower courtyard, mist shrouded and enclosed on all sides by tall walls of ice. Ogres patrol the battlements, but they are not expecting trouble from within the keep and their attention is elsewhere.

Nevertheless, the party need to get out of the open. The wolves duck through an adjacent door. There is no-one in sight, but the party hear raised voices. Headstone pads ahead to listen in on the argument.

“I captured the heretics! I delivered them to you in chains! Who knows how much damage they would have caused, were it not for me!” insists a woman’s voice, “Where was Varram the White, when enemies came knocking at our gates? The White Dragon Mask should belong to me!”

“Varram has his own priorities and it is not your place to question them,”
a deep, gravelly voice retorts, “I will discuss this no further. Return to your quarters and reflect on how you may best serve Tiamat in your current role.”

Headstone shuffles out of sight, as a white robed woman storms off to sulk in her room, slamming the door behind her. Apparently there is dissent amongst the cult’s ranks, something the wolves might be able to exploit….

But first, the party need to secure allies to help slay the white dragon guarding the cult treasury. The Heroes of Phandalin are being held in an adjacent chamber, guarded by a large, four-armed troll. Combat here will surely alert everyone within earshot. Hellen wiggles her fingers and a blanket of Silence falls over the monstrous sentry. The troll shifts his weight to release a real gut-rumbler of a fart, then frowns in befuddlement at the lack of audio. It still stinks though and the party gag in disgust.

Headstone charges into battle, clobbering the troll with twin hammers. Urukk launches his own assault and lands three blows to the troll’s blubbery torso. The troll roars voicelessly, slashing the wolves with its filth-encrusted claws. Dagar hits the troll with two Agonizing Bolts, while Headstone hammers away at the monster’s ribs, like he’s playing a glockenspiel. Urukk punches a hole in the troll’s chest and rips out its beating heart!
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