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D&D 5E The Swamp 5e pbp game [IC]

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River Song

Okay, that's good. Kel you said you wanted to question the lizardfolk, what would you like to "ask" them.

OOC: I honestly thought there would be some objection but I guess the are not that kind of party :p

Kel uses the knife to get the creatures attention, blood oozed from the shallow cut. Without saying a word he removes the small finger from it's hand.

"Now you know my resolve,"
he hissed in the draconic tongue. "Where are you encamped and where is the girl?"

Kaiden walks in from outside just as Kel begins his interrogation. He curses under his breath and looks at the others. Kel could be forgiven but the others should have stopped him.

"Kel what are you doing? We are not animals. There is no need to torture the creature."

Kaiden walks over and binds the wound. He shots the other an annoyed look.

"You guys should have stopped him. Not only is torture wrong but the information it gains is next to useless."

Kaiden then turns to the lizardman.

"Do you speak common?"

Kaiden waits for a response before he continues.

"And we aren't. If you start this..." Kaiden indicates the bloody stump of the creatures finger. "Then you will become like them. Hunting and killing them is fine. Hating them is fine. Torturing them is where I draw the line. You should too."

Kaiden has not raised his voice the entire time he speaks.

"If you can't be civil then perhaps Bree and I should do the questioning."


41st lv DM
(at roughly the same time Kaiden enters the scene)

Bree looks up from attending to Bethany & consulting on her condition with the cleric.

(gasps) "What are you doing!? STOP that! Get away from him! I thought you said you were going to question him!"

Bree prods Kel back/away from the LM with her staff....

"SCALES! Where are you? I thought I told you to guard them?"
"~~~" (telepathic communication from Scales)
"Oh no, don't you give me that ""Its just a lizard-man". ~~~ "Yeah, I know. You apparently don't like them."

To Kaiden:
"Hey, don't look at me like that. I was busy. I didn't know he was going to cut his finger off."


41st lv DM
" Hunting and killing them is fine. Hating them is fine."

Bree: "Not really. You shouldn't be hunting & killing people. Even if you hate them."
(it is very likely that Bree has a much more naïve idea of hatred than the rest of the party)

"If you can't be civil then perhaps Bree and I should do the questioning."

"Well I'll try. But I don't think they're going to trust me now...."


First Post
Eilessa looks over from Bethany, and her mouth drops open in dismay.

"Wha...I didn't..." Her face falls and she gets up to her feet, then goes to the lizardman and casts a healing spell on him as well.

"I think we need to have a chat about this sort of thing, once we have a moment," she says firmly, giving Kel a disapproving glare.

River Song

"You will get nothing out of it now!" Kel snarls. "It will see your kindness for the weakness it is, you may as well let it go for all you will get out of it."

Inwardly Kel smiled and stalked off to gather some of the poisoned weapons the lizardfolk were using.


The lizardman in front turns to Kel and hisses in Draconic, "I know your language, but I would choose not to lower myself to the level of you maggots and speak it. Tell the Cleric I need none of her sympathy." He finishes by spitting at the party. "I couldn't care less what my fate is, but I will die before giving information to you weaklings." He struggles against his bonds, but is unable to break free.

Voidrunner's Codex

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