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The Star Wars Iconic Characters: Out of the Jungle.

Jack Haggerty

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The Cast of Characters.

Previously on the Misadventures of the Star Was Iconic Characters, our heroes had been ambushed by a jungle snake, but managed to drive it off before it made a meal out the noble Arani Korden. Pushing on through the jungle, they encountered Valara Saar, the mysterious Force Adept and another victim of the pirates. On a pilgrimage to visit the Jedi counil on Coruscant, her transport had been captured by the pirates and she has been marooned in the jungle ever since.

Following the telltale pillar of smoke produced by the crash of the Mystic Burn only to find the wreckage being looted by a squad of the buccaneers. Killing the pirates and salvaging what equipment they could, they fled in the pirates airspeeder and hid in the jungle to lick their wounds and recover.

We now rejoin our heroes as they take some much needed rest in the repulsor van parked beneath the concealing canopy of the jungle trees...
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Valara Saar

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"Unless anyone has a better suggestion we should probably all catch some sleep, atleast until we are fully rested, then we will have our best chance against the pirates."

Arani Korden

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"I agree. I feel terrible, and you guys need sleep to recharge your Jedi juice, right? But we should probably set up some sort of sentry rotation, unless you all feel like relying on the vigilance and protection of the translator droid."

Arani will try to find a comfortable position in the cramped van interior. ooc: I call not first watch!

"Here's something to sleep on, though - the Burn isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so what's our next priority? Find and borrow another ship? Track the pirates to their lair, defeat them, and take all their stuff?"

Valara Saar

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"I think the only working ship belongs to the pirates." Valara mutters tiredly as she snuggles against Zheev actaully falling asleep this time.


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Picking up his bowcaster from the back of the van, Rorworr steps outside.

"Me and TD will take first watch." he says, TD translating his speech to Basic. "Who ever goes on guard next should take TD with them. An extra pair of eyes... um... well, an extra optical sensor wouldn't hurt. If that's OK with you?" he asks the droid.

Set Harth

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Set nods at Rorworr's coments "I will take the second watch. But first something to eat." Set searches through the hover-van for foodstuffs.

Sen Udo-Mal

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Sen will look around and then say "Set please wake me for thrid watch..." He will also watch to see if their is any food available.

[OCC sorry again for my delayed replies... first time I have been able to log on when the server has not been busy in over a week. Wonder how long it will last]

Jack Haggerty

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I'm going to take this opportunity to pause the game until we get Revised character stats. Don't be afraid to continue posting throughout the night... Have a slumber party or something.

Arani Korden

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ooc: Pillow Fight!

Assuming nothing horrible creeps up and attacks us, and that no one makes her take her turn at watch, Arani wakes up early and surprisingly refreshed. She feels different somehow, and looking at her companions, they seem different as well. It's almost as if the rules have changed; she's ready for whatever new challenges the planet has to offer.

While she waits for her companions to wake up, Arani will update her diary and then fiddle with the novel she's trying to write.

Or to put it another way, bump.
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