• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Soldiers Sons


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It's two months before the start of the academic year. Two months and four parsecs. The Takuri liner would get you there in style, and easily on time. But that would leave you desperately short of funds. The trip here took a bit longer then expected, and while you were able to secure a few cheap passages, helping out with loading and offloading, the time inbetween trips took away most of your money and your time. So now here you stand outside the TAS-office at Lothuna, a barren, hostile, heavy-industry planet, looking for a way out. As you scroll through the lists of ships departing and their destinations, you see another traveller, in the same navy-cadett uniform, waiting for you to finish.
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Brother Allard

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Darius straightens and stretches his sore back, wishing for the thousandth time that he'd though to save a bit more for this trip. Noticing a fellow cadet behind him, he quickly settles his face into its habitual expression of amused detachment.

He grins. "So. You paying for passage, or working?"


Dominic flicks a microscopic particle of detritus off a uniform so impeccable that any flaw would only show under an electron microscope, "Whichever gets me where I'm going," he holds out a hand, "Dominic Hault-Propenser."

Brother Allard

First Post
Darius shakes the proffered hand and nods, grinning slyly. "Provided I don't get a better offer along the way."

"Which doesn't look very likely given the state of this board."


"Remember. Travel is an adventure and builds character", he grins sardonically, "You looking for anything in particular or just something that will get you there?"


First Post
You notice two ships that will take you the two parsec jump towards Millaani, a mainly water world, and from there another two parsec jump towards Caraani, the main starfleet academy. There is a conflict going on that makes life a little difficult, but apparently the starport is not affected. Another option would be to take a jump-1 route towards Jelaava, an agricult planet, and then onwards. There's a chain of three systems leading towards Caraani. However, if you take the four seperate jumps you could run out of time....


"Hmm, Millanni looks good, only question is whether it'll be easy to get a ship from there to Caraani, what with the political situation there and all. I know they say the starport isn't affected, but that just means it wasn't affected a week ago and they don't think it will have changed since. Risky, but probably quicker."

He takes a look at the two ships going there, and the probable likelihood of getting a vessal from Jelaava to Caranni at J3.

Brother Allard

First Post
Darius grins and shakes his head. "I'll take that bet," he says. "Millani it is. I've got no particular interest in farming - or farmers - and don't much like the idea of getting stuck on a dungheap. I'll take my chances with the insurgents."


"Ah! City boy are you?", he smiles, "Rural life is not so bad you know. Not many people get to live close to nature."

Voidrunner's Codex

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