• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

the six stats , with the six worlds from Buddhism

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
6 Elves ---- Cha
5 Dwarves -- Str
4 Humans --- Wis
3 Demons --- Dex
2 Undeads -- Con
1 Devils --- Int

then, five levels of mastery

5 Master
4 Champion
3 Professional
2 Amateur
1 Debutant

and, four Auras

2 Might
1 Anger
0 Confidence
-1 Luck

Edit : confidence ===> no challenge


( Happy new Year to Everybody :) )
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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
or, I can also print :

7 Relationship
6 Mind ----------- Cha
5 Nature --------- Str --- Master
4 Logics --------- Wis --- Champion ------ Might
3 Technics ------- Dex --- Professional -- Nerves ( in lieu of Anger )
2 Body ----------- Con --- Amateur ------- Confidence
1 Influence ------ Int --- Debutant ------ Luck


===> replace Nature with Survival ;) ( or Solo :) )

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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
well, I must admit was using opposite views ( Influence vs Relation, Body vs Mind, Technics vs Nature ) which were a little too simplist to found... ( a church !?? )
now for something more realistic:

7 Nature ( I thought Nature was full of Violence and Survival, Egoist things and the like; hopefully wrong )
6 Relation ( look at Charisma, Morale )
5 Willpower ( Mind , Mental Strength )
4 Logics ( so must link Logics to Wisdom, like in psychologics )
3 Influence ( because Demons are influencial , tormenting people )
2 Body ( Undeads, or Shaolin Monks lol )
1 Technics ( Technics is inhuman and cruel , like Devils)


( hope this time Spell of Development will last longer ( or is it Find The Path ?? ) )

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
grrr! I forgot the link in between Nature and Wisdom !

7 by default Logics
6 Cha Relation
5 Str Willpower
4 Wis Nature ( at the center , in the middle )
3 Dex Influence ( just a flag here, what's the connection between Dex and Influence ??? )
2 Con Body
1 Int Technics

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
note that Artificial Intelligence, computers, cyborgs etc ( to the point of Celestial Bodies from the Marvel Universe ) are great Logics :)

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
3 Dex Influence ?
===> Here's the link:
Dex to mimic ( call it Gestures )
then gain supremacy over another being ( like a Hunter who has captured his prey )

( or call it Possession , to remain in Demons' philosophy and behavior lol )


le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
obviously, if you renamed Dex to Manoeuvrability, then data would not at all be understood in the same manner;
if so, youngness in a Demon's life would teach the basics of Positioning, Repositioning and the like, so as to ensure great Swiftness in the so-called Demon's trajectoire ;


Voidrunner's Codex

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