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The Simurgh


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The Simurgh
Gargantuan Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 50d10+650 (1173 hp)
Initiative: +10 (+6 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft., 180 ft. (good)
AC: 62 (-4 size, +6 Dex, +31 natural, +15 insight, +3 dodge), touch 28, flat-footed 41. Miss chance 20% when tail unfolded
BAB/Grapple: +50/+81
Attack: Claw +65 melee (3d6+18)
Full Attack: 2 claws +65 melee (3d6+18), 2 wing touches +60 melee (heal and restoration) and 1 bite +60 melee (3d8+9/x2)
Face/Reach: 20 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: feathers of heavenly virtue, peacock fan, rend (6d6+27), snatch, spell-like abilities, spells
Special Qualities: DR 10/epic and obsidian, epic spell artisan, gauge weakness, immortality, lore +61, lore of the infinite, monster of legend traits, the past is the future’s foundation, peacock fan, wisdom of the ages, SR 53
Saves: Fortitude +47, Reflex +42, Will +51
Abilities: Str 46, Dex 22, Con 36, Int 34, Wis 40, Cha 30
Skills: Bluff +50, Decipher Script +50, Diplomacy +50, Heal +75, Knowledge (ALL) +75, Listen +50, Search +50, Sense Motive +65, Spellcraft +80, Spot +50, Survival +50, Use Magic Device +50
Feats: Ability Focus (peacock fan), Chain Spell, Consecrate Spell, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Rend, Snatch (b), Wingover (b), Words of Creation
Epic Feats: Epic Skill Focus (Heal), Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting, Fast Healing (3), Polygot, +3/9 level more, +0/1 lore
Enviroment: Any
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 39
Alignment: Neutral Good

Believed to nest in the Branches of the Tree of Knowledge (Yggradsil) the Simurgh is an ancient being of incredible wisdom and sagacity. Seemingly ageless, it is rumored that the Simurgh is so ancient that she has witnessed the birth and destruction of the cosmos three times over.

Appearing much like a gargantuan roc, the Simurgh is a creature of astounding beauty and magnificence. Her 30 foot long body is covered in feathers that shine like copper and brass, and her almost human-like face is filled with compassion and wisdom. Four graceful wings arise from her back and when she unrolls her long, slender tail feathers their luxurious beauty outshines that of a peacock.

The Simurgh is a peace-loving and friendly creature, helpful and kind to all good creatures. She is capable of answering nearly any question put her, should a creature actually be capable of finding her. Although keenly interested in helping other good creatures, the Simurgh is pacifistic and will rarely enter into physical combat, even to save another being’s life. The one exception to this stance is when children are threatened. Then the Simurgh will attempt to drive off the attackers. If the Simurgh arrives too late save a child’s parents she has been known to raise that child as her own. Many legendary heroes renowned for their wisdom may have had the Simurgh as a foster mother or grandmother.

The Simurgh spends her time actively moving among mortals, albeit well disguised. She follows those mortals whom she divines that Fate has interesting lives in store for, as they are often the fulcrum that can shift the destinies of nations, peoples, or even worlds. The Simurgh is thus an active historian, as opposed to cerebral researcher. As such she often finds herself in situations where her observer’s neutrality conflicts with her natural impulses to do right. When this occurs the Simurgh often resolves this tension by offering advice and indirect aid, such as healing magics or divinations.

The Simurgh collects only incidental treasure, as material wealth has little value to her. Her true wealth is measured in the ancient lore than only she recalls.

Though they are pacifistic creatures, simurghs still hunt their meals on the wing, and when forced to engage foes in melee prove to be naturally talented combatants. Against non-flying opponents a simurgh takes advantage of its Flyby Attack and Snatch feats to swoop down, grab a foe, and sweep back up into the air, dropping them to the ground on the next round.

Compassionate Pansophy (Sp): Once per day per point of Wisdom bonus The Simurgh may use any spell from the Healing or Knowledge domains as a spell-like ability. Caster level 50th. Save DCs are Wisdom-based.

Court of One Thousand Wings (Ex): The Simurgh is loved and respected by all birds and bird-like magical beasts. No bird or bird-like magical creature will willing attack her, and if magically compelled they must make a Will save (DC 45) or lose their actions for the remainder of the current round. The Simurgh can command, rebuke, or bolster birds and bird-like magical creatures as 45th level cleric rebukes undead a total of 13 times per day.

Epic Spell Artisan: When determining the cost of raw materials for researching an epic spell, the Simurgh multiples the Spellcraft DC by 7,000 gp instead of the usual 9,000 gp and reduces the development time and XP cost accordingly.

Feathers of Heavenly Virtue (Su): The Simurgh can make up to two touch attacks per round a standard action or as part of a full attack action. Any creature the Simurgh successfully touches receives the benefit of heal spell that restores 250 hit points of damage (save DC 45) and also the benefits of a restoration spell. A creature may only benefit from the touch of the Simurgh’s wings once per day.

Furthermore, when the Simurgh unfurls she gains a 20% miss chance, as if she had concealment. Creatures who do rely on sight or light do not suffer this miss chance. When her tail is unfolded the Simurgh can can unleash a flare of prismatic light in the form of line 10’ wide x 10’ high x 80’ long or in the shape of a 40 foot long cone once every 1d4 rounds. Any creature caught in the effect must make a Reflex save (DC 45) suffer the effects of a prismatic beam spell, with all numeric damage inflicted doubled.

Gauge Weakness (Su): The Simurgh may make a Lore check to analyze any single foe that she can see (even via a scrying effect). The DC for this check is equal to the opponent's HD. She instantly knows all of that foe's current save bonuses (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will), AC, and HP, thus allowing the Simurgh to better tailor her spell choice for the encounter. She also gains intimate knowledge of the opponent’s special attacks, qualities, and vulnerabilities. For instance, if she makes a successful check against the Tarrasque, she would know of its vulnerability to wish magic.

Immortality: The Simurgh is naturally immortal and cannot die from natural causes. She does not age, and does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. The Simurgh is not subject to death from massive damage. The Simurgh can be slain through physical or magical combat. If slain she is reborn with full memories of her past lives 50d6 years after being slain.

Immunities: The clarity of thought and wisdom that is the heritage of all simurgh also rends them immune to all mind-altering effects. The Simurgh is also immune to ability damage and drain, death effects, and energy drain.

Lore of the Infinite (Ex): The Simurgh has the Lore ability of a 50th level loremaster. The Simurgh also possesses the following non-epic loremaster secrets: applicable knowledge, dodge trick, weapon trick, secret of avoidance, secret of avoidance; and the following epic loremaster secrets: epic dodge trick, epic spell artisan, more applicable knowledge, gauge weakness, newfound arcana 10th–12th*.

Monster of Legend Traits (Ex): The Simurgh possesses the following traits:
—Lowlight vision out to 120 feet.
—Spell resistance equal to its Challenge Rating +14.
—The Simurgh is immune to disintegration, polymorphing, petrifaction, or any other attack that alters its form.
—Acid and cold resistance 20.
—Damage reduction 10/epic and obsidian.

The Past is the Future’s Foundation (Ex): The Simurgh can apply on her eons of past experiences to situations she encounters in the present. This allows the Simurgh to add an insight bonus to AC equal to her Wisdom bonus and adds half this value as an insight bonus to her saving throws

Peacock Fan (Su): When surround by violence, or when it desires to make an escape, the Simurgh can unfold her beautiful peacock-like tail as standard action. Once unfolded her tail immediately begins to shine with a blazing rainbow light that dazzles friend and foe alike. All creatures in a 60 ft radius of the Simurgh (except other simurghs) must make a Will save (DC 47) or stand transfixed (treat as held) until 1d4+1 rounds after the Simurgh folds up her tail. Creatures must make a saving throw each round they remain in the area of effect until they either succumb of leave the area. Although it takes one round for the Simurgh to unfold her tail and start the colors in motion, the dazzling display can be maintained indefinitely with no concentration.

Rend (Ex): If the Simurgh hits with both claw attacks, she latches onto her opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 6d6+27 points of damage.

Snatch (Ex): The Simurgh can choose to start a grapple when she hits with her claw attack, as though she had the improved grab special attack. If the Simurgh gets a hold on a creature three or more sizes smaller, it squeezes each round for automatic claw damage.

The Simurgh can drop a creature she has snatched as a free action or use a standard action to fling it aside. A flung creature travels 1d6 × 10 feet, and takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled. If the Simurgh flings a snatched opponent while flying, the opponent takes this amount or falling damage, whichever is greater.

Skills: Simurghs receive a +4 racial bonus on all Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.

Spell-like Abilities: At will—polymorph (into the form of any bird or human only), speak with animals (avians and bird-like creatures only), true seeing (divine version).

Wisdom of the Ages (Ex): It is said the Simurgh has seen the destruction of the universe three times. While the veracity of this claim is unconfirmed, the Simurgh does possess a degree of wisdom and know that evokes admiration and even jealously among various gods of knowledge and Wisdom
—The Simurgh gains 4 additional skill points per hit die that may only be used to purchase Knowledge skills.
—The Simurgh receives a +10 bonus on all Knowledge skills and may use Knowledge Skills untrained.

Spells Per Day: 4/9/9/9/8/8/6/6/6/6 2/2/2 spells or 555 spell points per day. The Simurgh casts divine spells as a cleric and selects its spells from the cleric list and the Good, Healing, and Knowledge domains. Caster level 37th. Save DCs are 25 plus spell level.

Epic Spells Per Day: 5. The Simurgh knows 10 epic spells. Save DCs are 25 + modifiers (if any).

*The Simurgh treats this benefit as gaining one 0 10th, 11th, and 12th level spell slot.

1. Still needs 3 epic feats.
2. The Simurgh's epic secrets are drawn from Jaerom Darkwind's epic loremaster progression found here.

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Upper Krust has defined the "Omnicompetent" extraoridinary ability, that gives the possessing creature maximum ranks in all skills. That might fit a creature who has seen three universes come and go.

Obsidian DR? That's kinda exotic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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