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D&D 5E The Rhyot Break - Chapter One: Endless White

Steve Gorak

"Dequoth was my friend. I am sorry to say that the Korrund mines got him. He fell to his death." Gimlak says laconically. He lets the elf consider this statement, as he wonders how an elf and human can be brother and sister.

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Zemryn listened, huddling up in her furs as best as she could. Was there a world without snow and wind? And if so, how much blood would she have to spill to reach it?

"Our lives are nothing but narrow chances that overcome. Perhaps your tribe can be as fortunate." Zemryn had lost so much, it was hard for her to imagine having 'people' that she could call kin.

She watched Gimlak give his grim news, then looked back at Bria. "I am sorry for your loss. Perhaps the other two-thirds can muster enough courage to make up for the absence?" Zemryn was trying to instill hope where there was, perhaps, none. But she was alive, and for the moment, free of the mines. That alone was something she would have thought beyond hope only a day before.

Her stomach revolted in pain, and she bit her lip, sneering at the burning sensation that ran through her. Soon, it would be over.


Faenala sighed sadly at the wolves reaction. She had hoped for better, but that had obviously been too optimistic. As she turns around, shoulders dropping, she glances at Gimlak with a dark look, then follows Bria silently. Slowly, obviously quickly exhausted by the climb, and very glad she could at least keep warm thanks to her spells, and without risks of getting sick with sweat freezing on her.

She was very glad for the break, that she spent standing as far away from Gimlak as she could, and watched Bria as she explained her plan, briefly glancing in the direction of the indicated mount's edge. All the while though, she kept an eye on Gimlak: as far as she was concerned, he was no better than the Korruds. Worse maybe, considering the content of his bag.

She nodded a bit sadly at Bria's question, still not saying anything. Not that there was much to say...or to add to what the others said anyway.


Bria looked downwards in sadness, staring at a patch of dark stone for a few quiet moments. This had always been a possibility, in truth it had been somewhat assumed. Now though, she had what was near enough to confirmation.

Her eyes shifted to meet with Gimlak's then. "An accident. Of all the possible endings... I pray it was swift."

A small smile was offered to Zemryn then, "If only it were true. My tribe believe themselves to be descendants of Solovtend. A belief is strong among most of them that nature's balance isn't black and white like stone and snow, or evil and goodly either. For equilibrium there must be a third thing... a point or object upon which two sides perch..."

She removed her small pack then, reached inside and retrieved a small pouch, tossing it to Faenala. "Please eat if you are hungry, friends, those are Alparrowine nuts. Better roasted beside something more filling of course, but they are said to offer a decent amount of nutrition."

Next, she rummaged again inside the pack, and pulled out a two inch long shaft of aquamarine crystal. Clear as the ocean's distant shallows. Turning it in the morning light she seemed lost its in beauty...

Steve Gorak

Gimlak, laconically as always, says "Yes it was swift, and I pledge to avenge him. Him, and the others the Korrund dogs have hurt or killed."

He then looks at the crystal. It's beauty is lot to him, as it brings back too many years of suffering and hardship.


Faelana listened, but she didn't really care about things like black, white, balance or... Well, or pretty much anything that didn't impact their current situation. If they managed to flee to safety, there would be time for such considerations. Maybe she would be happy to participate in such conversations. For the time being however, the only white that mattered was the snow, the only black the rocks, and the only balance theirs to avoid and fall into some precipice in the mountains.

Even that however was forgotten when she caught the pouch of nuts. She waited to see if there'd be one for each of them, before taking her share of the nuts and holding the rest to Zemryn. As she worked on the nuts, she kept an eye on Bria to try to understand what she was doing with that crystal.


First Post
Zemryn took a few nuts, nodding in thanks to Faenala. She resisted the urge to devour them, realizing suddenly how hungry she was. How hungry she always was. The pain in her stomach receded as she began to chew.

She listened to the others, her eyes moving from one face to another.

"We need supplies. And someplace to operate from. If we are to do anything more than die fighting." Not that dying with a sword in her hand would be bad, it was just that if they were to accomplish more, they would need more.


"Supplies, yes," Bria repeated as nuts were crunched on and she noted Gimlak's eyeing of her crystal.

"It seems so very wrong, for something so beautiful, for something that takes the length of so many lives to form beneath us, brings death and destruction. Still, we will see it put to good use. My people camped at the not-so-distant caves for reasons other than shelter... it is said that another rarity resides not far from there, a mountain nymph. She was seen as a last resort, and thus one we have not yet set eyes upon. Perhaps, if we can gain her favor... Are you ready? We should make good use of the light."

The crystal was placed back into her pack, a waterskin passed around, and footstep by footstep she leads you upwards. The crawling upon the sharp chaotic stonework of nature is relentless in its efforts to exhaust and weaken you, but with death ever breathing down your necks each step at least, is a confirmation that hearts still beat and lungs still breathe of cold alpine air.

The sun is descending by the time Bria indicates that your destination is near. You walk through something of a valley now, a winding path between great black spears of rock, and at the end of it lies a series of holes. There is quite a network of caves here, you might assume, with everywhere you look showing evidence of dark tunnels within stone. Some are tiny, barely the size a demihuman might fit down. Others are larger, tall arches of darkness extending many yards in height and width.

Bria turns her gaze westwards, pointing to an entrance some twelve feet tall.

"This one."

Drawing nearer she whistles a series of three short notes, like the call of an alpine chough, a monogamous beast not dissimilar to a crow.

There is no reply. Just a short echo as the tune bounces within the walls.

Then she points to her lips, and to a small patch of snow at the cave's entrance.

[sblock=Notes]Feel free to make perception checks etc...[/sblock]

Steve Gorak

OOC: perception [roll0]

Gimlak eyes the caves, and tightens his grip on his weapon. this would be a good place for an ambush he thinks to himself, as he surrenders his fate to Bria and her people.


Faenala followed, despite her exhaustion. What else could she do? She couldn't stop. She might be able to keep her body warm thanks to her spells, her feet were frozen. By the time they reach the entrance to the caves - or whatever they are - she's in no state to care about much of anything, much less to notice anything out of place. As far as she's concerned, nothing exists outside of her muscles protesting against the abuse, her stomach demanding to be fed and... No, her feet... Well, she didn't feel her feet. She's dimly aware that can't be a good thing, but she's too tired to care.

She looks at Bria, then at the patch of snow she indicates, but doesn't see anything particular about it. If it were covered in blood, sure. Possibly. Maybe. But as it is... Instead of reacting to anything there is to see, she just waits to see what the others are going to do.


Voidrunner's Codex

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