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The Pros and Cons of Guild Membership (Help wanted)


Also check out "The Shield" for some ethnic gang-related ideas.

I like the idea of tats being prominently displayed. Gangs wear them as a badge of honor. Some Yakuza actually PROTECT the people in their area of influence, earning their respect and even love.

A: To me, A is great the way it is. Promotes teamwork and gives the PCs street cred, for good or ill. This is the "one of us or die" kind of guild that has a strong bond, be it ethnic, religious, or whatever.

B: B delves into some possibly sensitive subject matter (drug use and abuse). Check with your players to see if they're all cool with such topics. On a similar bend, I'd consider female "street walkers" part of this guild as well. Basically, this is the pleasure seekers" guild whose price is very high, and they like it that way.

C: Not too familiar with dockworkers, but it would seem that these guys might be a fun pirate kind of group who have press gangs (like back in ol' 1e) and have a habit of making things/people disappear. If their area of influence is ocean-wide, they would probably trade in intelligence, too. These are the people that "adventurers" look for.

D: I would have this guild deal EXCLUSIVELY with dark magic/under-the-counter items. Perhaps they are in league with some devil, or are devils themselves. Spell-casters who trade power for coin with no thought or care of consequences. Consider these guys like the black market/arms dealers. "You want it, I can get it, but it'll cost ya."

Boon: Magic Items cost X% less to create/the Guild eats the XP cost when using this guild as a contact.
Bane: The Guild's eyes are everywhere, usually in the form of imps. Legitimately gained magic becomes fair game and tends to disappear unless traded directly to the Guild.

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