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The One True Game: According to Hoyle, and Others


Darius found himself floating in empty blackness. He felt weightless and looked around for an exit. He saw a small hole far above him. Outside were his companions, but the daylight somehow did not enter. “!!!” He tried to shout out, but he could not make a sound. Closing his eyes he willed himself upward. It only caused his body to start spinning around. He tried to stabilize by moving his body around, but he was paralyzed.

“Beware of the blue man group!” shouted Ben into the hole. Dram noticed a wrinkle near the edge of the hole. He reached down and tugged. The cloak lifted into his hands. He started shaking it.
“Darius, get out of there!” The shaking only caused the cloak to stretch into odd shapes. It had an unusual elasticity. Dram pushed and stretched it back into a circle and laid it back down. It was a hole again. With Dalin holding him Dram stuck his hand in the hole. “Darius come out!” He felt a hand grasp his. Slowly he pulled the dwarf out. It felt as he did so. Darius’s body grew heavier and heavier as more of it emerged.

“That was… not pleasant,” said Darius after he came out. “Thank you Dram.”
“It’s some sort of cloakhole!” exclaimed Ben.
“Uh… Darius?” said Dalin.
“Hold on.” Darius knelt down and stuck his hand inside. “Get ready,” he warned the others. They drew their weapons. “Lavinia’s son”, Darius said. He felt a hand touch his own. It did not move. Darius tugged on it. Struggling, he pulled out a six-foot long body from the hole. It had grey skin, was emaciated, and obviously dead.
“Look!” pointed Dram. The body had no left hand. “It’s Urkwin.”
”Ugh!” Revolted, Darius pushed the body back into the hole with his boot.
He knelt down again and stuck his hand back inside. “Lavinia’s Other son…”
“Uh… Darius?” Dalin said louder. Darius felt a hard corner touch his hand. He felt along its edge. The item was large and square shaped.
“What is it Dalin?” said Darius turning around. A crowd of people had gathered watching them in the alleyway. They decided to go back to the inn and test the cloakhole there.

Pax drew the curtains closed in the bedroom. “Should I inform Kayla and Diedre next door?” Darius shook his head.
“No. Their okay.” Forming the hole again he stuck his hand inside and called out for Lavinia’s other son. He pulled on the hard shape and a large chest slowly slid from the hole. Pax helped him and they set it in the center of the room. The chest was two by four feet wide and two feet tall. It had a rounded top and square bottom and was made completely of wood. Darius examined it for traps. There was an old keyhole in the front, but its lid was already slightly open. Peering inside he saw a thin, green film covering the interior of the gap. He informed the others. They made preparations. Pax lifted Rose’s sleeping body and moved her to a bed in the next room where Kayla and Diedre were reading. Then the tables, chairs, and beds in the men’s room were moved towards the door. The furniture was arranged so it could be used as cover. Then the team stood behind and out into the hallway with bows and weapons ready.

Carefully, Pax and Darius lifted the chest and turned it around so it would face the far window and the empty portion of the room when it opened. It was heavy, easily two hundred pounds. Darius and Pax stood on either side of the chest a good distance away and stuck two spears into the gap. Darius counted aloud. “Three…Two…One…Pull!” They used the spear tips to flip open the lid. A green, billowy sheet flopped out covering the front half of the chest and five feet of floor beyond. To everyone’s horror it came to life. Rising into the air it stretched out its sides like arms. It looked like a transparent, green sheet ghost like children sometimes wore. Then its center opened into a wide maw. “WOOOoooOOOoo”


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As the green sheetghost rose into the air the team could see two more begin to unravel and stick out the sides of the chest. Father Ben sensed a great evil. He ran forward and slammed the lid back down. The other two sheets were trapped inside, but the first was mostly out. Only its tail was stuck under the lid. Opening its maw wider it emitted a bloodcurdling scream. The unholy sound could be heard resonating throughout the inn. Behind the beds Dalin and Dram froze, paralyzed with fear. In the bedroom next door Kayla and Diedre recoiled in terror. They stuck their fingers in their ears and ran into the hall to find out what was happening, leaving Rose alone in the room. The rest of the team hesitated unsure of what to do.

Ben ran around the chest to the right. He swung at the green sheetghost with his flail, but it dodged aside easily. Darius dropped his spear and pulled out his sword. Circling around Ben, he moved behind the chest. Using it as cover he swung, but missed as well. The sheet shrieked again and the noise reverberated. Father Ben was now frozen in place. Taking care to stay out of its reach Pax jabbed at the ghost with his spear from the other side of the room. His blow landed dead center, but the sheet swirled like the wind around the spearhead. The weapon found no purchase. “Help us!” shouted Darius back towards the door. The paralysis holding Ben and Dram slowly thawed.

Bravely, Darius jumped up on top of the chest’s curved lid. Toe to toe with the trapped creature he swung with all his might. Pax moved around towards the window. Using his spear’s reach he flanked the creature with his mentor. Even with their superior position neither could land a hit. Safe in the hall, Diedre looked to Kayla for what to do. The sheetghost stretched its arms wide and swept over the chest engulfing Darius inside itself. It wrapped around the dwarf’s small form as he pushed at it from the inside. Ben could see him struggling to breathe. “Get out of the way!” warned Kayla. Pax and Ben ran to the front of the room. The wizardess stepped to the forefront and performed an arcane ritual.

Darius could feel the spell’s effects from within the sheet. His eyes closed and he fell to the ground towards the window asleep. The ghostsheet wound even more tightly around him cocooning the still form within. The fear slowly released Dalin from its grasp. Dram ran forward to Darius’s side. Grabbing the edge of the ghost still trapped in the chest he pulled with all his might. The sheet resisted. Dram had actually pulled Darius’s body several inches off the floor. Gwenna and Enser ran upstairs from the common room. Seeing Diedre in the hall they both stuck their fingers in their ears. Father Ben clutched at his torso. Raising his other arm high he called out, “Release Darius you foul beast!” The power of the divine filled his body and shone forth onto the creature, but had little effect.

Dalin ran forward to Dram’s side and tried to help him pull off the ghost, but his hands kept slipping off its slick form. Pax dropped his spear and ran in as well. The colossal man grabbed Dram’s fists within his own and tore at the ghost’s flap with all his might. “Ahhhh!!” cried Dram in pain. The ghostsheet did not rip. Dram tugged his hands away and moved back. Dalin did likewise. Pax saw his effort had only served to dislodge the sheet fully from the chest. It now formed a near seamless cocoon around Darius’s sleeping body. Only Dram’s crushed hand held a small flap. The young warrior had fire in his eyes. Even in pain Dram refused to let go.

A crowd of patrons began to form in the hallway outside the room. Miklesh and Hanz had arrived as well. “What can I do?” said Dalin looking at Dram. “I can’t stab him!” Ben moved over to the chest and called upon the power of his Gods again.
“I said release my friend!” He could feel the power penetrating the ghostsheet. Something was happening, but it was not enough.
“Aim for the armor!” shouted Kayla. Pax moved first. Grabbing Darius’s dropped sword he stuck the point into the dwarf’s chestplate. It dug in deep. As the sheet rippled in defiance, Pax tore a long slit down Darius’s front and leg.
“Success!” shouted Dalin back to the others. Unfortunately, he had spoken to soon. The sheet stretched expanding over the slit and sealed Darius within again.

Father Ben calmly collected himself. He did not call out. He did not gesture towards the creature. Instead, he asked the Gods for all the strength he could contain. It was only a small chance… but it succeeded. Holy power poured forth and washed over Darius and the ghost. Its pale green form quivered and released the dwarf. Then it flew over to a far corner of the room and cowered trying to escape the Gods’ sight. Quick to act again, Pax grabbed the cloakhole from behind the furniture pile and charged the ghost. He swept the cloak high over his head and trapped the creature inside.

Everyone stood silently for a second looking around in awe. Then Ben and Pax ran forward to check on Darius. He was breathing, but barely. Ben could see his skin had turned blue, but his normal ruddy tan was slowly coming back. “Why did the chest come out when he asked for Lavinia’s other son?” asked Dalin. “That thing wasn’t alive, was it?” Ben shook his head no.
“Hold on!” said Kayla raising her voice. “What happened here? Where did you get this chest?”
“Yeah!” said Hanz from out in the hallway. The rest of the team turned around and saw the crowd outside. Taking control over the situation Kayla had the crowd dispersed and the door shut. Gwenna and her men refused to leave.


When Darius awoke he explained how the sheetghost had covered him head to toe. It had slid under and around his armor and even penetrated every oriface. He was still shaken from the experience. “My lungs…my stomach…everything.” Dram and Father Ben made sure the chest was fully closed and moved it under the window. They checked the outside for secret doors or compartments, but could not find any.

Then the team and mercenaries helped move the furniture back to their proper places within the room as Darius told Kayla what had happened in the alleyway. He omitted the part where the crowd had gathered around. “So it belonged to the Zvart,” said Kayla. It was more of a statement than a question. When the room was back in order she asked for a demonstration. Darius laid the cloak in the center of the floor and it became a hole again. The room was full with eleven members of the team now gathered around to watch. As Darius kneeled down Pax picked up his spear in case the sheet attacked again. The paladin put his hand slowly inside. Nothing happened.

“Key” tried Darius. He felt a smooth object come to his hand. He pulled out a large golden key. He tried it on the chest’s lock, but it was far too big. It looked more like an honorary key to a city. He dropped it back in the hole then asked for Pax’s help with the chest. The two put it in the hole for safekeeping before starting again. “Gems” This time Darius pulled out a small, carved figurine. It was made from green stone. “This is jade. Fairly valuable,” he told the others. The figure was of a small, chubby man holding his hands out. Diedre indicated the hands were formed as if to hold some ball or sphere. Darius stuck it back in the hole.


“Another key,” tried Darius. He waited, but nothing came forward. Dram leaned over to Dalin.
“Should we really be doing this in front of the mercenaries?” he whispered pointing to the four along one wall. Dalin rolled his eyes and stood up.
“Don’t you think the innkeeper might show up?” Dalin asked aloud. “Or maybe even the city guard?” Ben told him no and Kayla agreed. The priest explained how the law meant very little in Kera. Dram walked over and locked the door just in case. Darius had already started on the next item.
“Weapon” He pulled out a slim dagger of fine workmanship. Attached to it was a colorful sash. He handed it to Kayla to use in battle. The rest of the team began shouting out different things for Darius to ask for. Dram and Dalin shrugged to each other. They gave up and joined in with everyone talking over each other.

“Hot apple pie,” said Darius. No. “Weapon” No. “Severed hand” He pulled out a grey skinned left hand. “Urkwin’s” he said looking over to Kayla. He tossed it back inside. “Glove” Darius waited for a few minutes to be certain. He explained that sometimes it took awhile for the hole to deliver things, but no glove came forth. “Tankurd” He pulled out a large metal stein and everyone laughed. Except for Dram that is. Darius held up the vessel. It was silver and very well made. Pax saw it bore the same insignia as the shield the gnoll warband had given them. Darius handed it to his henchman to examine. “Hammersmith” Dram watched hoping for a little luck, but nothing came. “Blacksmith” No. “Human” No. “Slave” No. Ben asked to check for paper or books inside. “Paper” Darius drew a folded parchment out. It was a map. He handed it to Ben who examined it. He told the others it was a detailed map of a temple.


Darius went back to the hole. “Scroll” No. “Book” No. “Wand” No. “Symbol” He pulled out a silver bracelet clasped around a paired silver necklace. Each was inlaid with amber and looked very expensive. He handed them to Kayla who saw the bracelet had a long flowing inscription. She beckoned Diedre who could read Elven. “BEHOLD THE AIR IS OPEN” A whirlwind of air issued forth from the bracelet and quickly grew larger. Everyone else in the room jumped to their feet and drew weapons. The air coalesced in front of Diedre. She could understand the wind as it blew. “What do you command?” it said very slowly in Elven.
“Return home,” said Diedre. The whirlwind spun back into the bracelet. The rest of the team breathed a sigh of relief. Kayla took the jewelry back telling Diedre they would talk of it later.

Darius resumed again. “Elion” No. “Elf” After waiting he pulled out a glass vial full of oily dark liquid.
“A potion?” asked Ben. Darius handed it to him to inspect and began again. “Potion” No. “Dwarf” after another wait he pulled out a largish hand mirror with a handle. It was ornately carved from silver, but the mirror itself was unpolished. He put it back in the hole. “Wood” He pushed the chest back in. “Metal” Several pieces rushed forth. He took one. A silver piece. Dram pulled out an empty sack from his pack.
“Here, try this…” he said. Darius held the sack open as he put it in the cloak.
“Coins” Objects rushed inside filling it. “Stop!” shouted Darius. He pulled out the sack now filled with coins and looked inside. There were over five hundred, mostly gold and silver, but some platinum.
“The Motherload!” Dalin shouted. Darius dumped the coins back in.
“Platinum coins” This time the bag only partially filled. He counted about sixty in all.
“Aren’t you glad you joined?” said Dalin to the mercenaries. Gwenna nodded without smiling.
“We like what we’ve seen…”


Darius poured the platinum back in the hole and handed Dram his sack. “Horse” No. “Animal” He pulled out a pair of ivory dice. Darius tossed them over to Dalin and they rolled up seven.
“That’s a sign of good luck!” Dalin said. He leaned over and gave them some test rolls. Each time they came up seven.
“Magic” said Darius. He pushed the chest back. “Food” He felt a bone…and pulled out a steaming hot drumstick. The others laughed. “It’s still hot!” he exclaimed. He tossed it back in the hole. “Zelligar” No. “Rogahn” No. “Certa” No. “Pendra” Slowly a large pelt was pulled out. Dram recognized it as an owlbear skin. It was put back in. “Quasqueton” No. Darius had an idea. He pulled off his gauntlet and stuck his hand back in. “Glove” He waited, but nothing came. “Igor” No. “Mirel” No. “Contentsofthechestnotincludingthesheets” He waited. Gwenna lit a torch in case of another attack, so Darius pulled his hand out before trying again. “Paper” No. “Wood” The chest came again. Book, paper, papyrus, and scroll all were No’s. When Darius would wait only the chest came.

A scream rang out from next door. Ben jumped up, but he could already tell it was not the sheet. In the women’s bedroom they found Rose struggling fitfully in a featherbed. She was still asleep, but having a nightmare. Ben had Pax place her on the floor. Kayla told the others about the metal in the bed and its effect on Rose. Pax stayed behind as everyone else went returned to test the hole some more. “Armor” said Darius. Nothing. “Shield” No. Clothi…” He quickly pulled out his hand. “Gotta be more careful,” he said smiling. “Gem” No. “Rock” They waited expecting a stone like the Earl’s gift. Darius pulled out a slingstone instead. “Sling” He pulled out a pouch of stones and set them aside. “Sling” Nope, so he tossed the bag back in.

There was a knock at the door. Darius hurriedly started to roll up the cloak, but Pax came through the door without waiting. They had forgotten to relock it. “Rose is over there mumbling in her sleep. I thought you should know. She said something like ‘A dragon is in the skies, but the nights are away’. It sounded important.” Darius dismissed him.
“It’s the Sky Knights. Just make sure she doesn’t hurt herself.” Ben reflected Darius knew a bit more than he was telling. Pax backed out of the door and Darius turned his focus back to the hole. “Drink!” He drew out his wet hand. “Hand me the tankurd,” he told Dram. Pax had left it. “Ale” No. “Beer” The mug was an inch full. He laughed in spite of himself and tossed tankurd and all back inside. “Symbol” No. “Barth” No. “Pen” No. “Quill” No. “Ink vial” No.

“Aren’t you getting tired yet?” asked Kayla. “It’s getting very late.” Ben looked over to the curtained window. No light shone through. He had not noticed, but his grumbling stomach said some time had passed. Darius pulled the cloakhole back up and handed it over to Kayla. He instructed her to have Rose wear it. While he was small enough it looked less conspicuous on her. The curtains were opened and Ben saw the sky was black with no moon. Diedre and Kayla left to go study and a horrible noise drifted in the room when the door opened. Grog was singing bawdy songs in the common room below.
“He’s already drunk!” said Dalin. Dram elbowed him in the side and winked. Then he looked over to the mercenaries.
“See what we have to offer?” he bragged.
“Yes. We’ll take ten percent of everything found now and in the future,” said Gwenna. Dram was stupefied.

”Oh no! No, no, no. JUST the future,” said Dram. Dalin began bartering with the woman.
Dram interjected, “The whole lot should get ten percent and that’s it, not apiece like she says.”
“Why?” asked Gwenna. Dram and Dalin looked at each other.
Darius spoke up. “Because we’re seasoned fighters! That’s why.”
“We’ve been back and forth to Adlerweg!” retorted Hanz. Darius took Gwenna out into the hallway and began bartering in private. Ben followed along just to observe. The two finally agreed on terms. Gwenna would pay the three men out of her portion, and in return would receive a full share of future spoils. Both were satisfied with the agreement. “At the moment anyway,” thought Ben. They went back into the room.

“Seeing this was just a taste of our future together.” Dram was trying to impress the other three mercenaries. Darius stopped him and announced the agreement they had forged. Then he walked up and handed each of the four a platinum coin.
“You get this to start and your pick of personal weapons from the Earl.”
“Tomorrow we will all take a pledge in the morning after prayer,” said Ben. Gwenna looked at him as if he were mad. He led the four mercenaries to Rose’s side in the other bedroom. Kayla and Diedra were already counting out the coins from the cloakhole. “I will show you the power the Gods posses.” Ben laid his hand on Rose’s brow. Soft light poured into her body healing the remaining bruises and scrapes. Gwenna was stunned. Ben seized the opportunity to sermonize on what the Gods stood for, but Dram came in and cut in. He kept saying how Thor demanded a different path from His followers.

Ben watched as Kayla leaned in close to Gwenna’s ear. He heard her whisper, “Just nod and don’t speak and those two will leave you pretty much alone.” Ben was astonished.
"Does this mean we have to join the church now?” asked Gwenna.
“No. No, but…” Ben tried to say, but the mercenaries immediately left.


Food was brought upstairs to the bedrooms from the dinner tables below. The team discussed what to do about guarding the stables. When they finished eating the majority of them went to check on Ormand the Redd. They found him inside the stables trying to peek in some shuttered windows along the rear wall. Apparently, one of the inns bordered the stables. It was called called the ‘Foot and Tassel’. Ormand reported that nothing had happened all day. He looked extremely bored. Darius made introductions and then had everyone help him put the weapon crates from the wagon inside the cloak. They were just narrow enough to fit. Kayla suggested they search the wagon for secret compartments. She found a handle under the front seat. BOING! The rear tilted upward revealing a second flatbed beneath. Several ropes were laced around inside. Darius counted. It would hold ten bound slaves, if crammed in tightly. They lowered the bed again and decided to set watch.

”Ormond’s comin’ with us,” said Dram throwing his arm around him. Dalin was already leading around a drunken Grog. Ben was not pleased, but Darius agreed. The dwarf asked for volunteers for the watch. Hanz’s hand jumped up. Enser was more reluctant. Darius set them up in the loft to keep watch for the night. Pax would hide in the rear of the wagon in case there was another attack. When Ben turned around Dram and Dalin had already left with their new drinking recruit. The rest of the team retired back to The Wyvern to sleep.

“Where are we going tonight?” asked Dalin. Dram had no idea. Ormand had not been able to leave the stables since he had arrived, so he knew nothing of the city either.
“The Sleepin’ Horsse” slurred Grog. The half-ogre lurched along. He had already drunk a gallon of the inn’s dinner wine.
“Sounds good to me!” said Dalin. Dram was not quite so sure. He remembered what had happened last time. It was why he had left so much of his coin with the priest. It was becoming standard practice.
“Maybe the bard’ss back” slurred Grog again. He let out a thunderous belch. Ormand nearly jumped out of his skin. He needed the night off.
“Fine,” said Dram. “The Dead Horse Inn it is…”

Around midnight Pax checked on his two fellow watchers in the hayloft above. As he predicted both were asleep. He lied down next to them and woke the bigger one to help him keep watch. About an hour later he heard a noise. The doors opened below and a small blue man entered. It shut the door behind itself. Ensler saw it too. The man looked slightly taller than a normal Zvart. “Probably a mixed race again,” thought Pax as he watched the figure move across the room to one of the stalls. Ensler stood up and began slowly creeping along the tops of the horse stalls to look in from above. The blue man had disappeared to where the white horse was sleeping, the horse they came to watch. Pax quietly crawled over and climbed down the ladder to the hayloft. He walked around the wagon and down the center of the stables towards the door. Ensler was only a shadow in the rafters above.

Pax unsheathed his long two-handed sword. When he came abreast to the open stall he looked over. Five people stood inside around the horse. He wondered how he could have missed all of them entering. One of the figures looked up. Thinking fast he took a few steps further reaching the stable door and then looked back. A woman with blonde hair scowled at him. “That must Lavinia,” thought Pax. The Zvart and three large men with grey skin were by her side. The men were easily as big as himself. “Careful,” he called over loudly. Pax tried to hold a straightface. “We are watching for thieves who tried to steal horses from the stables last night. My men and I are waiting to catch them in the act.”

Enser stopped tiptoeing when he saw Pax. He was not sure what to do. “Get ‘im!” yelled Lavinia. Pax turned and heaved open the door. He stepped outside and started running along the wall to his right. Ensler saw three men sprint after him. He looked back down into the stall. A woman and the blue man exited from it. Then he felt a sword plunge into his back and out his chest. Enser fell to the fell to the cobblestones below. Outside Pax heard a body fall, but the footsteps behind him left him no time to think. They were already catching up. Then he felt a blade tear into his kidneys. He collapsed onto the street spitting up blood. Swords plunged again and again into his back. The light was fading. From somewhere behind the wall of the stables he heard a voice. It was Hanz’s. “Whew! You would not BELIEVE what I’ve seen today!” And Pax’s world went black.


The four ‘nightprowlers’ as they had nicknamed themselves walked back from the Dead Horse tavern late in the night. Ormand was disappointed the fabulous bard had never arrived, but Dram had other thoughts on the matter. Grog had sobered up as the hours passed. “Likely the beer bein’ more water than anything,” thought Dram to himself. He looked over to his lucky friend. Dalin had beaten the odds again and again that night. He had won them all the cost of drinks and twenty coppers besides. When the four passed by the stables nothing looked amiss. They had already promised Ormand a soft bed for the night. When they reached The Wyvern they found several dirty dinner plates piled up outside the bedroom doors and the watch awake inside.


[DAY 101 – Thunderday, Sceptre 5th, CY 81]

The next morning was grey and overcast with clouds. Ben prayed while Diedre and Kayla studied from their books. Rose was still asleep in a hay bed they had made for her. In the other room Dalin, Dram, and Ormand slept in from the effects of night before. When they finally woke up Darius recruited them to go with him to check on the stables. Downstairs they found Grog snoring as Gwenna and Miklesh ate breakfast. The four left the inn and walked down the street. “What’s that!” pointed Ormand. A large crowd was gathered around the entrance to the stables. They ran ahead up to find out.

Darius pushed his way through the crowd. Several guards walked around inside the stables. Just inside the doors he spotted a body. It was stripped naked. “PAX!” shouted Darius and stumbled forward. Two guards came over to him.
“Your friends were overcome by robbers in the night,” one said. “The two bodies were stripped clean. Do you know if they were carrying any valuables?”
Darius was confused. “Two?” Dram and Ormand found Hanz huddled over in one of the empty stalls. His face was badly bruised and he held his side as if his ribs were broken.
“They really worked you over, huh kid?” said Dram. Darius started pushing people away from Pax’s body. When they backed off he fell to his knees and inspected his dead comrade. There were several deep cuts, all in the back.

“They jumped us,” said Hanz holding his sides. He was having difficulty breathing. “Three big brutes and a woman with straw colored hair and blue eyes.”
“Did the blue man return?” asked Dram.
“No… But he may have been the one who struck me from behind. Pax went to run for help.” He gestured weakly over to the body. “They left town. Took everything… and their horses…” Dalin sent Ormand to run and tell the others. Dram clenched his fist and cursed under his breath. Pushing his way out he began running back down the street towards the The Wyvern as well. Dalin helped Hanz up to his feet. Darius picked up Pax’s huge body and began stumbling back to the inn with it. Dalin found Ensler’s body. A guard helped him bring it to the inn as he and escorted Hanz. Before he was half way there most of the team was running up to help.

The guard was instructed to give Ensler’s body to Gwenna. She and Miklesh left to deal with its burial. Father Ben bandaged Hanz’s wounds. He had not prepared to heal anyone that day. Upstairs Darius found Diedre and Kayla. He asked to be alone with Pax’s body in the room. After cleaning it, he carefully placed the corpse into Rose’s cloakhole. “If anyone asks,” he said to himself, “I consecrated you to the God Thor.” Downstairs Dalin looked around the common room. Several gawkers watched on as Hanz’s repeated his story again and again filling in all the details.
“Where’s Dram?” Dalin asked aloud. He had not returned.

Dram felt like his chest was going to explode. “Damn that tavern and its cheap ale,” he said to himself. His Elven chain weighed little, but his legs still burned from running. When he finally made it all the way to the far end of the city, Dram found the eastern gate. He stopped to catch his breath in front of the guards. “Did…anyone leave…in the night?” he asked.
“Yes,” said one. “Lots of people.”
Dram was too tired to protest. “An ugly lady… and three men?” He gave the guards their descriptions getting his wind back in the process.
“Yes. We saw them. They left on horseback.”
“With a wagon?” he asked.
“Noooo…. No wagons. Six altogether. A woman who had straw colored hair, and five other riders.” Dram asked about the others. “The three ugly men you mentioned. Big guys. A small fellow and another wrapped in a cloak. I couldn’t see his face.” Dram asked if the cloaked rider was bound in his saddle. The guard was not sure.
“How long ago did they leave?”
“Oh, about seven hours ago.”
”Direction?” Dram was getting antsy again.
“East” The guard pointed out the gate. Dram tossed him the first coin to come to hand and took off back to The Wyvern at a sprint.

Dalin noticed Gwenna and Miklesh return to The Wyvern after being gone less than an hour. He was glad to see Dram enter in after them. The whole team was inside the common room now. Father Ben called everyone forward to witness the oathswearing ceremony. Hanz complained he was in no condition to do so, but Gwenna would not hear of it. First Father Ben called on Miklesh to honor Gwenna, and then Hanz to do so. He then called on all three to swear oaths of loyalty to the group. As Ben said the invocation he performed a miracle. He remembered how well it had worked back at Keep Margrave and used his detection prayer. He could see auras of all the people in the room emanating. Bright white light radiated around Miklesh. Ben was amazed. His aura was more powerful than any he had seen before, even Darius’s.

Gwenna shone a normal white. Strangely Hanz had no color at all. It was if he had no aura whatsoever, like a rock. Turning his head, Ben inspected his new companions in the room. Grog was rich green. Rose’s sleeping form was white, which surprised him. In the back of the room he saw a darkly purple. It was the innkeeper. When he was satisfied he completed the ceremony. Dram was in an awful hurry to be after Lavinia. In private, Ben mentioned what he had seen to Darius and Dalin. “I think we should have the innkeeper swear an oath to remain quiet as well,” said Dalin.
“I ain’t swearin’ a DAMN thing!!” said the man jumping up and down.


Darius moved across the common room and took off his gauntlets. He laid his bare hands on Hanz. His ribs rejoined, but many bruises still remained. “WOW! Thank you!” He felt quite a bit better. “A voice spoke to me.”
“That was Thor,” said Darius staring him in the eyes. “He is the God of Thunder… And he is a Wrathful God.”
“I will travel with you now!” Hanz said enthusiastically. Hanz bounced up and down testing his body. The bedrooms were packed and readied to go as Gwenna and Miklesh drove the wagon to the front of the inn. Kayla purchased a mattress from the innkeeper so Rose could ride inside the wagon. When the rest of the horses were brought up Darius told Hanz he was to ride on the wagon.
“To heal,” he said with a wink. Diedre pulled the lever under the front seat and the bed boinged backwards. Father Ben was not happy about it, but at least Hanz was not tied up before they closed the lid.

Kayla suggested they stop to cover the wagon before leaving. She knew just the place. The team went back to the wainwright the three women had visited before. The salesman ran in fear when he recognized them. Fortunately another was nearby. Diedre supervised he tied a tarp over the bed’s circle slats. Dram then directed the team to the eastern gate and to the road beyond. It led due east, over the hills and into the mountains.

Kayla and Diedre rode in the back of the wagon with Rose as she slept. Deciding to make the best use of their time, Diedre cast a Read Magic spell to inspect all the things found in the cloak the day before.

Golden Arrow: Human Magic
Dice: Fey Magic
Jade Figure: Elemental Magic
Necklace & Bracelet: Elemental Magic
Cloak: Strange Magic
Potion: Clerical Magic
Mirror: No Magic
Owlbear: No Magic
Dagger: No Magic
Sash: No Magic
Coins: No Magic
Key: Weird Troll Magic
Map: No Magic
Tankard: Dwarven Magic
Stones: No Magic
Dalin’s Rod: Dwarven Magic
Two hours of traveling later, Gwenna said she knew of a shortcut, if they wanted to take it. It would save time. “How long will it take to reach Alderweg normally?” asked Kayla.
“With the wagon? Almost two days, but we could push on come dark.” Dalin pointed out they would lose Lavinia’s trail, if they took the shortcut. The team decided against it and took the main road instead. Darius let Miklesh ride one of the three spare horses. He would be their outrider and watch for travelers. “Or Lavinia,” Dalin added.
“It will be a test of trust like we gave to Ensler and Hanz last night,” said Darius. Miklesh agreed to do his best. He did not want to ride in the bottom of the wagon like Hanz.

As the caravan rolled along Ben pulled out the potion Diedre identified as clerical magic. He did not agree the miracles of faith were the same as magic, but he took of sip anyways. A day’s growth of beard promptly grew on his face. “Ha! It’s a beard growin’ potion obviously,” said Dram. Ben smiled and put it away for later. After another two hours Miklesh doubled back to the wagon. He had spotted two wagons off to one side beyond the next hill. Traffic had thinned out since leaving the city, so it was an unlikely stopping point. The team decided to drive ahead and test their luck. Over the rise a large campfire was blazing below. They could smell the food cooking over it. Dozens of people were talking and laughing.
“Hail!” shouted Gwenna. She counted thirty in the other party. Recognized some of them as fellow teamsters, she pulled the wagon alongside and got down to talk.

“Going to Keep Adlerweg?” asked one man. “We’re headed that way too. It’s not a good sign. The road is out ahead. Something caused an avalanche about an hour further up the road. It’s blocked most the way.” Gwenna asked her employers what they wanted to do.
“The others are headed back to Kera before nightfall.” Darius was off to one side concentrating. He could feel his mount was closer than ever. Kayla asked Gwenna what she would do in her place. “Well, we could backtrack to the shortcut. It’s about two hours the other way. But it would bypass the landslide.” Kayla agreed. Gwenna went back to convince the other wagons to go with them. There was safety in numbers.

Grog was already asking for food from the cookfire. Dram and Dalin were with him. “We’re looking for six riders on horseback,” said Dram. “Have you seen them?” One of the women had.
“They went past several hours ago. They had no wagons, so…” she shrugged. “The avalanche don’t much matter.” Dalin peeked in the bed of the other wagons. They were filled with logs and pelts. Gwenna reported back to Kayla again.
“The other wagon drives have agreed to follow us.” She chuckled to herself. “They’d forgotten about the the shortcut. I also convinced them to follow my plan for guard organization. We’re in the middle spot,” she said with a wink. Then lowered her voice, “that’s good.” The three wagons were turned around. Along the way the other caravans shared their cooked meal with the team. Things were turning out better than anticipated. Two hours later they reached the entry point to the shortcut.


The shortcut was far narrower than the main road. And it led steeply up hill too. After an hour the hills were so tall their tops were nothing but barren black rock. Ahead, the mountains loomed. Wind swirled down from the peaks chilling the travelers. Nothing but scrubby bushes grew in the crags. Most of the day was gone and long shadows stretched across the land. Dalin tried to take his mind off the road by practicing with his dice. He had learned the night before they had an odd tendency to roll whatever number he last called out. Then he decided to test the rod he had won in the MidSummer’s strength competition. Rose was finally awake and saw him playing. “Let me see,” she called out. Dalin was unsure, but remarkably Rose had no aversion to the bar’s metal. She held it up in the air and said, “Hold!” It dropped to her lap.

Rose handed Dalin’s rod back to him. Kayla’s curiosity was piqued however. She pulled the mug out of the cloak. It was full to the brim with beer. She dumped it out. “Heeey!” said Dalin in protest. Kayla called out names of different drinks, but the mug did not refill.
“It must only be once per day,” said Kayla. Rose nodded wondering what she could possibly be talking about. The wagon lurched to a halt. The shortcut had joined back with the main road.
“We may want to rest here for the night,” said Gwenna pointing to a large campsite nearby. “There’s nowhere else until we reach the Keep.”
“How long is that?” asked Dram.
“Another four hours up to the mountain pass.” As the sun set behind their backs it illuminated a thin ribboned road between two mountain peaks.

The second caravan was already setting up camp. Gwenna steered her wagon away from the other two for some privacy. Rose got out and stretched her legs. She searched the ground around the campsite for tracks. Several horses had passed through a half-day ago. “I bet that damned witch set off that avalanche,” spat Dram when he heard. “Tankurd is close! I can feel it!”
“Hmmm??” said Darius. He had been distracted. “Yes. I can feel my mount too. It is very close now.” His eyes searched the starry sky above. Rose heard the horses neigh. She went over and talked with them. They were scared. They smelled cruel two leg scent on the wind.
“It will be alright,” said Rose. “I will return later to sleep nearby. Stay calm for now.” She walked back to the fire Gwenna and Miklesh were building. She sat down and contemplated all that had happened since arriving in Kera. She was now ‘wealthy’ as the others called it. When the rest of the team sat down for dinner she struck up a conversation.

Rose: "So tell me, this mon-E that seems to be so prevalent in these lands. You exchange it for good and services I understand that. But I have no need of anything right now. I wonder. What would be the best use for such...things. Would it be better to spend the coin on extra weapons to send to the front? Better to give it to the poor and hungry who are unable to fend for themselves? Perhaps I could buy out all of the slaves but what would I do with them then? We would have to go back to Kara to get them and then what? It’s too far for them to reach the front? Perhaps they could go back to the town full of young and old, but what then? Maybe the best thing to do would be to reinvest it. That way Dram at least could finally get some real armor so he wouldn't be up front with only his normal leather armor to wear.”

“What think the rest of you?”

Grog: “Ale and Women”

Rose: “ No no Grog, I've chosen not to eat people anymore remember?”

Father Ben: "The church is always in need of money. If we can free the slaves in Kera or send a large contingent of soldiers to the front lines, these would be the best investments. But we have neither the money or influence to stop either right now. Perhaps a small chapel in Kera may be a start to closing their slave trade business?"

"I agree taking the slaves back to Custler or Orlain would do little good as they would simply be collected again."

Rose: "Why would I give money to your church, the Wainwrights don't seem like very nice people for priests of your faith."

Darius merely raises an eyebrow at Grog.

Darius: "My people invest money. They use it to fund their businesses and such. An example would be that my father would spend it on forge assistants and materials before he retired. My brothers would likely spend it on arms. My sister would probably donate it to the church or buy holy relics. I would invest in armor and arms. Perhaps there are some dwarven techniques and metals that you can use without causing you pain, like the rod. When we get to my home, I will show you wonders unlike those seen perhaps in your lifetime. The Great Forges, the Hall of Thanes, the taverns and ale... ah, yes, the Ale. Nothing against your homelands, my friends, but I do miss dwarven ale. I will show you the Great Temple of Thor, the other temples of the gods. The Temple of Dumathoin, Keeper of Secrets. I will introduce you to my mentor at Thor's temple. My brothers and sisters. Perhaps show you the Great Spire itself.... I..."

Darius shakes his head a bit.

"My apologies. I find myself missing my home more with each passing day. Things within these lands move so rapidly. I long for the unchanging stone."

Rose: “Darius, you should look at the longer view. Both of our homelands are static, but that doesn't mean these lands are not as unchanging as our own. Consider the grass beneath your feet. It grows now as it has grown decades ago and will grow decades hence. Life cycles. The young ones grow and die living little longer than the flowers in the field in summer. New ones are born to take their place. Seasons change just as does the day. Time passes and though things appear to change, the rhythm of the world always remains, ever constant in it's flux, like the blowing of an eternal breeze.

Darius considers Rose strangely for a second.

Darius: "I never said I disliked it, so much as that I miss my home. I do apologize to my friends if they felt otherwise."


Dram: "Lady fae, my gratitude to you for your concern over my safety. However, my father's craftsmanship protects me well enough in battle. Now, I could make use of an Elven bow if you knew how to obtain one. I have heard that the enchantments elves place on such weapons make them truer in aim."
Rose turned her attention to Dram

Rose: How can your father's craftsmanship protect you if you aren't wearing armor. I thought he was a smith not a tailor. You don't clank when you move like Darius, so I figured the armor you wore was leather. But you wear nothing but the clothes on your back to protect you. Isn't that somewhat dangerous?”

Ormand the Redd: “Master Dram is made of sterner stuff than that. They'd have to do a lot to cause him harm.”

Dram: "Ahhh my child. You seem to know of many mysteries and oddities yet my protection puzzles you. My father is indeed a smith, a very skilled one, and I shan't reveal his secrets just to satisfy your idle curiosity. Is my word not good enough? There is danger everywhere and I am not exempt. Father Darius wears chain armor yet he has suffered more from the dangers that we encounter than I. Besides, I do not care to sink like a stone in water nor lumber over the ground like a laden mule."

Darius glanced at Dram before shaking his head and chuckling.

Dram: "Nothing against your father's work, but give me good, solid Dwarven steel any day. You should see some of the armors the great smiths have crafted. Armor that could turn away the blows of an ogre.”

Rose smiled furtively at Dram.

Rose: Oh I know where you might obtain the bows you speak of. I know where you could find a bow made of ice that will not break when you draw it nor melt in the noonday sun. Or perhaps arrows that sing when you fire them? A cloak that will make you as invisible as a leaf in the forest, of boots that would make you as silent as an owl gliding through the night air. I know how you might even possibly obtain all of this as well. Though the way may not be easy. I know many things. And yet I don't know how you manage to avoid injury though you wear no armor.

Dram: "Tell ya what. You tell me where and how to obtain these wondrous items and I'll tell you my little secret."

Rose: “The bows you speak of are not elven bows, merely bows of elven make from fine rare woods grown deep within their lands.”

“Elven bows are something different entirely.”

“Make yourselves comfortable, this will take time to explain.”

“Every elf has a tree dedicated to them, planted when they are conceived. When they are married a cutting from each partners tree is grafted together. The tree that grows from this is very special, for it only ever produces so many fruit. When the couple first conceives of a child, an elven woman always knows when she has conceived. They go to The Grove. Find the tree that is the symbol of their marriage and pluck, usually, the only ripe fruit there. If there is more than one ripe fruit the mother will have dissimilar twins. If the ripe fruit has more than one pit, the mother will have similar twins. In any case, the fruit is eaten by the parents and then planted into a vessel at the home. For nine months the pit grows, each day fertilized with a drop of blood from both parents. When the child is ready to be born, the mother is brought to The Grove. The father plants the seed and the mother bears the child. The blood from the birth is placed around the seedling and all remnants are ground into fertilizer for the seedling. For a day and a night the parents stay with the child in The Grove, bonding themselves with the child and the child with the tree. Into the tree a small part of the child's soul is placed bound by it's first blood. The parents see to the needs of the tree and child until the child is able to care for the tree on it's own. For the next hundred years the tree and the child are one. At the child's first century he is brought to his tree. The druids of The Grove harness the soul piece of the child into a branch and then the child breaks the branch off of the tree. Always a small piece of the child's soul is left behind. This symbolizes what is lost from childhood to adult hood and the breaking of the branch is the scars that growth leaves us with. The branch is then ever green. The branch stays with the now adult and is shaped by him as he grows. Druids shape it into a staff, minstrels a harp, warriors a bow, weavers a distaff, etc. In times of war, an archer takes the wood of the arrows from his tree and makes the fletchings from the birds who make the tree their home. The bow and the elf are forever intertwined. For bowmen they are one with their weapon. This is the reason that elven archers have no peer. No archer can know their weapon as intimately as an elf.”

“For you, you want a finely crafted bow made of some unusual woods found only in elven lands. They'll make you ooh and ahh and champ at the bit for it. Make you jump through whatever little hoops they set of one of the "short lifers". And in the end, they will give you what you asked for and you might have been content believing you had one of the finest crafted bows in the world and you might even have believed yourself an equal marksman to an elf. But now you pay the price for your curiosity, the knowledge that no matter what you do, you bow will only ever be second best when compared with the living wood of the elves. A bow made of such you may have seen and may want, but which will forever be out of your grasp. The bow you would get could be found any number of places. You could journey to elven lands, or go to the front lines and take one off of a corpse. But you could never have an elven bow, they will only ever draw for one person and when that person dies the bow will snap, and both body and bow will be ground into fertilizer for The Grove.”

Ben: Ben's eyes went wide. "That certainly not like any birthing that went on at the temple were I was taught. Humans are a little ..uh, messier"

Rose: Rose smiled slightly at Ben. "We still have all of the same mess, and screaming and swearing and blood. The seed is not the child, the seed is what a piece of the child's soul is bound into. The tree and the child are like conjoined brothers, each connected and an integral part of the other. The child is born and grows normally as any other creature in this world. However part of learning to take care of themself as they grow is learning to take care of their tree."

Dram: "Hmmmm. Or so you say Fae woman (though Rose is slightly more believable to Dram now that her floating priest story has been confirmed). In any case, it makes for a good Faery tale that I'll no doubt regale my brats with someday. A very good tale indeed. Whether it be true or not I shall not press further, but in exchange for your offering I will reveal my secret to you. Some others in the party already know of it but I ask you now not to speak of it again."

When nobody else is looking Dram raises his shirt to reveal the Elven chain below. With a wink, "You see, my father was skilled indeed and seems to have had a bit of elf about him, eh?"

"As for Elven archers...I've never seen one unless those cowards who shot at us from the moathouse qualify. I wasn't too impressed to be honest. I'll take my chances agin the best of 'em. Perhaps you could one day guide me to the Elven lands so I can put my skills to a test?"
Rose giggled when she heard Dram’s request.

Dalin: "Investing money like the dwarves, or spending it on ale and companionship as Grog suggests are all excellent options. But you will find no matter what you do that money eventually runs out, and you will end up wanting more"

"If you like, I can teach you how to double your money, with very little risk, and enjoy a few games and strike up a few friendships in the process. Perhaps once we get into town we should look for a tavern."


The night was getting late. Moving to their beds Darius set up a camp watch. The other caravan had already set one too, but the team made sure to have one of their own members awake at all times. During the first watch Diedre heard something flapping overhead. A flying creature swooped down over the fire. She could barely make it out. Remembering Darius going on and on about his mount she went and woke him. She told him she saw a creature with feathers and a head like a deer. “With antlers too!” Darius reached out for his mount, but it was still some distance away. As the watch were switched out, the flying creature swooped by every hour or so. Darius saw it himself during his own shift. .
“Perhaps it is some sister to my mount?” he wondered.

[DAY 102 – Fastday, Sceptre 5th, CY 81]

The next morning the sky was bright overhead far before the sun came over the mountains. A light breakfast was cooked during prayer and study. Before the team gathered to get under way Father Ben asked to check the power of the magic on the items Diedre read the day before.

Combined from before:
Golden Arrow: Very Very Strong Human Magic
Dice: Strong Fey Magic
Jade Figure: Weak Elemental Magic
Necklace & Bracelet: Strong Elemental Magic
Cloak: Very Strong Strange Magic
Potion: Weak Clerical Magic
Mirror: No Magic
Owlbear: No Magic
Dagger: No Magic
Sash: Residual Incomplete Magic
Coins: No Magic
Key: Weird Troll Magic
Map: Weak/No Magic, but written with magic
Tankard: Weak Dwarven Magic
Stones: No Magic
Dalin’s Rod: Subtle/Average Dwarven Magic
Spiralstone: Weak
While the power coursed through him, Ben decided to check for magic on the new mercenaries as well. Miklesha and Gwenna had none. Hanz was nowhere to be found. “Where’s Hanz?”
“Oh crap!” said Dalin. They had left him in the wagon overnight. Kayla raised the bed and found Hanz passed out underneath. Ben saw he had strong magic coming from one of his fingers. Oddly, nothing was there. He grasped Hanz’s hand and felt an invisible ring upon it. Carefully Ben removed it and the ring became visible. He promptly put it in his pocket. Darius came over and pulled him to one side asking if he could wear it.

Darius: “…some of the people we encounter may not be too keen on meeting a Paladin.”

Ben: Ben took out the ring and handed it to Darius in private. "I would be cautious before putting it on. I believe that ring is what blocked the Gods' sight from Hanz's soul. It may simply make a person undetectable to certain power, but it also may have other effects on the soul. You may be right about Hanz's actions being duplicitous behavior, but that may be another effect of the ring. Perhaps I should test him again now it has been removed?"

Darius: Darius nodded to Brother Ben. "Perhaps peering into the wellspring of his soul would be more... fruitful now."

As Darius took the ring he heard a voice in his head. It was Thor’s. “Place not this band upon your person. For it shall make you unknown to me forever more."

He tossed the ring back to Father Ben. “"Um, tell you what. Keep that thing as far away from me as Dwarvenly possible."

Dram walked up interrupting the two. “I’m willin’ to be a guinea pig,” he said. If you're willing, I'll wear it to see what effect it has, if any.”

Ben then handed him the golden ring, but gave a stern warning. “It is a very brave thing you dare. Be forewarned, I cannot say what will happen to you with this on your finger. I suspect you may go mad or worse. You must promise now, before you put it on, to give it back after we test you. Take this stick too lest you feel compelled to write like the dead creature in our cloak-hole."

Then he turned back to Darius. Kayla was standing by his side. “This will be the final test to see if the ring is a means of demon possession as I suspect. If he does not give it back, it is likely of vile nature."

Darius waved his hands when he saw what was occurring. He grabbed Dram by the shoulder before he could put the ring on. “"Thor has spoken to me. He will no longer be able to see me if I wear the ring. Wear it not, for it may severe your connection to him as well. Let one who does not follow the gods wear it, instead."

Dram: “Well, in that case... I thought the priest was just trying to frighten me with his dooms and curses."
Father Ben took the ring one last time and hid it in his pack. It almost felt to him as if the ring were drawing attention to itself. Over by the wagon Hanz had been pulled out and gently woken up. “Ow…my head.” Dalin could see some of the man’s bruises had faded only to be replaced by new ones. They moved him onto Rose’s mattress in the back of the wagon bed. When the team mounted up they noticed a woman from the other caravan approach. Gwenna ran over to speak with him.
“Ready to go?” asked the woman.
“We’ll be under way shortly,” said Gwenna. “Do you have a stone from the Earl?”
“Yes, but ours does not cover you…” Gwenna knew she was referring to the wagons. Then she recalled what Darius had told her earlier that morning.
“Can we go before you? We are in a rush to get inside the Keep.” The other woman had no problem with it.
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