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The official 2015 Doctor Who (with spoilers for aired episodes only) thread

Ive been super busy at work and only just now got into the new season. Started watching part 2 od the Davros epeisode, for some reason the DVR did not record part one, bastards!! Watched part one of the ghost episode, and I cant help feeling like Im missing something here, what the hell is up with the sunglasses!?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I liked tonight's episode a lot! A great discussion about immortality, with an amusing turn by Rufus Hound. The alien invasion was utterly incidental and subservient to the real story, as it sometimes is.


Ive been super busy at work and only just now got into the new season. Started watching part 2 od the Davros epeisode, for some reason the DVR did not record part one, bastards!! Watched part one of the ghost episode, and I cant help feeling like Im missing something here, what the hell is up with the sunglasses!?

Sonic sunglasses.

I am glad this episode strove to have a compelling message. I don't think the tea was steeped long enough for it to quite come together, but it had some good potential. And gallows humor was a hoot.


Another two-parter? It seems like they're stealthily returning to the older format, since two hour-long episodes equals four half-hour episodes, and four-episode stories used to pretty much be the norm.

And what's up with UNIT becoming entirely led by women? Leader of UNIT: the Brigadier's daughter. Scientific advisor: a woman. Top scientist: the Brigadier's granddaughter. Soldier in charge of the attack on the Zygons in the church: a woman. Drone pilot: a woman. I think the only male UNIT member in tonight's episode with any lines was the guy who wimped out when confronted with a Zygon wearing the form of his mother - after specifically being warned about that exact type of subterfuge - and who subsequently was responsible for getting his entire group wiped out.

Nice job, man. I guess they probably should have had a woman leading that group.



First Post
The women didn't do any better. Unit was as useful and effective as Cobra goons. It was really pathetic. I never liked the Zygons so I knew going it I was not going to enjoy this episode and even with those really low standards going into it the episode still disappointed me. I think this is my least favorite episode of the current doctor.


Yeah, there are a lot of problems with this episode. As an allegory for terrorism and radicalisation of people within our own society, it was heavy-handed at best. And as a believable set-up, it simply wasn't - this is the "totally watertight peace treaty with safeguards built in for both sides"? Settle twenty million shape-shifting aliens amongst the human population and hope that nothing goes wrong?

For one thing, how does that even work? The Zygons have supposedly been learning new tricks since they arrived, but as the Doctor said, up until that point the only way for a Zygon to maintain a human form was to have a living human to imprint from. So were all these Zygons duplicates of already-existing humans, and what happened when one of those humans died?

Also, the original-series story that introduced the Zygons made a major point of them having some very specific dietary requirements - they needed the milk of a bioengineered creature called the Skarasen, a large amphibious beast that happened to live in Loch Ness. Does this current crop of Zygons have their own Skarasen, and even if they do, how do they manage a Skarasen-milk round for twenty million undercover aliens?

Some of those early New Who episodes were pretty heavy handed with the political allegory. This reminded me a bit of the series under Davies. I do agree that the premise of settling 20 million zygons felt a bit much to believe (though the more I thought about the day of the doctor episode the less of an issue I had with it), but I often find that with Who I find their political decisions tough to swallow so it didn't stand out as especially egregious to me in the respect.

I will say this for the set up. In a way it makes the Day of the Doctor better because it means there were real consequences for establishing the peace. It wasn't just "okay we'll leave each other alone" it meant that a real compromise had to be struck. And it was a compromise that came with serious risk for humanity. So in that respect it was a more realistic political compromise because it was more than just humans being mean to zygons and vice versa for the sake of meanness: there were real stakes.

Overall I liked the episode. A good rubber monster episode that wasn't perfect in the set up but once it got started it worked well. I really liked Jenna Coleman's performance in this one. Very happy to have the two-parters back and glad it doesn't feel like we are zipping through storylines anymore (even if it means a little messiness here or there). As much as I liked the later Matt Smith episodes, I was really getting tired of the condensed storytelling approach.

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