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The Lost Boys vs The Sunless Citadel


Turn 4.4

To Koboldly go…​

“Ave it.”
“Leuv 'im 'e’s not worth it.”
“Ferry cross de mersey.”
“We only s'n whun we’re win'n.”
“Come ‘ed.”

The Kobolds are going crackers, the four Freddie’s are instant heroes, an extended family raised to high status in an instant, although now solely comprised of ululating female Kobolds in mourning.

Meepo dances up a storm.

Grand Alf joins in, singing.

“Cos I am the tiger, I’m the cream of the crop
Risin' up to challenge an army of Hobgoblins.
I’m the best known survivor, have my way in a fight
And I’m watchin' you all, cos I am the tiger”

I think you know the tune.

Kobolds holler, shout, and applaud- its carnival.

“De Goblins ay dead - woah. Woah.”

Repeated at volume, and for ages.

Aleso and Saradomin grin and bow, Dartamor acknowledges the Kobolds but remains business as usual. Grand Alf continues to let off steam.

It goes on for a while.

Ten minutes later a jostled and now exhausted group of Lost Boys, and Meepo, find themselves before Isdrayl, the crowds chants are now whispers, just as exultant.

Isdrayl bows before Grand Alf, waves at the Tin Cans- Saradomin and Aleso, and then winks at Dartamor.

The volume drops again as Isdrayl raises her arms.

“Brothers, sistis, ma's, fathers - KOBOLDS.”

The crowd goes wild, apart from the pocket of adventurers.

“Terdee wi' us nicked found friends, and royal body guards- subject ter contract negotiations, de Scousers 'uv, once and fe all, laid waste ter de scumbags from Evertown.”

Kobolds cheer, chuckle and wipe tears from their eyes.

“Tergether, as one, we 'uv stewd side-by-side wi' deez bruv souls dat 'uv come unto us seek'n mercy, forgiveness and restitution fe their previous sins. And we, de bruv kobold-nation, 'uv moulded deez stout yeomun into an elite fight'n force worthy o' exalted status within us ranks.”

Isdrayl motions to the guards and Meepo. The guards shuffle the Lost Boys into line; Meepo takes his place at the head of the queue.

The crowd quieten.

Isdrayl strides forward, to Meepo.

“Meepo, Oo from this dee ed will be known as Meepo de Dragon Lord. ”

She salutes, three quick claps followed by hands outstretched above her head, Meepo salutes back. The crowd cheers then sings.

“Super, super Meepo
Super, super Meepo
Super, super Meepo
Super Meepo Dragon Lord.”

They quieten again.

“Grand Alf, oo from this dee ed will be known as Grand Alf de Once Lucid.”

She salutes again, Grand Alf replies in kind with a little hop and a bow at the end.

“Ma’am, I’ve no idea what you’re saying, but it’s been a pleasure.” Grand Alf offers.

The crowd cheers and sings-

“Eez big, eez mad, ‘e dances like yuz dad,
Grand Allllllllllllf, Grand Allllllllllllf.”

Then fall silent again.

“Aleso, Oo from this dee ed will be known as Aleso de Tin Can Shouter.”

She salutes again, Aleso tries to follow the pattern but fails- one clap, a hop, upraised arms, another clap, a bow, nothing for a bit and then a forlorn final clap.


The crowd cheer then sings some more.

“Chim chiminee,
Chim chiminee,
Chim chim cheroo,
Oo needs a Vorpal Sword whun yous got Al-es-oooooo.”

Then silence.

“Saradomin, Oo from this dee ed will be known as Saradomin de Uvver Shouty Tin Can.”

Another salute, Saradomin merely looks confused, claps once and bows.

“ST. CUTHBERT MAKE GLORIOUS THIS THE DAY OF OUR RECKONING… So there.” Saradomin folds his arms across his chest and looks tough.

The Kobolds cheer then chant some more.

“Sa-ra-do-min, Sa-ra-do-min, Tin-Can-Sa-ra-do-min,
Eez got nah song 'cos 'is names tew long,

“And finally”, Isdrayl winks and smiles, salutes for all she’s worth, “Dartamor, Oo from this dee forth will be known as Dartamor… King o' de Kobolds.”

She twinkles, gives Dartamor the glad-eye, and licks her lips.

Dartamor does nothing- stunned.

“I… dat is, I’m dead flattied….” He mumbles.

“She loves yous Dartamor, she do.
She loves yous Dartamor, she do.
She loves yous Dartamor, she do.
Oh Dartamor she loves yous.”

The Kobold crowd go mental, especially now Dartamor is the queen’s consort. There’s much patting on the back followed by sly nods and winks aimed towards the reddening rogue.

Grand Alf wanders over to a still stunned Dartamor, Isdrayl retreats pouting- beckoning Dartamor to follow her to her inner-sanctum (leave the double-entendre alone).

“You sly dog, I mean she’s not much to look at but… all this.”

Grand Alf puts his hands out to encompass their surroundings, the crappy soot (and worse) smeared corridor, thirty plus Kobolds- guards, females and children, all shouting, screaming and bawling; and finally the corrugated Kobold Queen, Isdrayl, she waves- a dainty, girlish wave.

“Wow. You must be chuffed?”

Aleso and Saradomin have no idea what’s going on, and it’s not just the language barrier.

Dartamor thinks very quickly.

“Suck berd.”

Isdrayl stops where she is, turns, tries to hide her wrinkled visage behind a dirty rag, flutters her eye lashes.

“Suck berd, we cannot remain, we must press ed, de Goblin Chieftain escaped us wrath- 'e 'as gone below. We must grasp us chance… Oh but if ay could stay, ay could juss be wi' yous a little longer. But alas we ay not yet Peti. There’s barely time fe us ter claim us reward… and then… and dun, we must… ed, er off, get off- gone.”

Isdrayl rushes forward, snivelling, and into Dartamor’s arms- he fights off the gagging sensation.

“Must you… Bruv King Dartamor.”

She attempts to cop a feel, it’s like wrestling an Octopuss.

“Alas we must, danger remains, and de Scouser’s fute is not yet sece. We must straightener ed, suck berd.”

Isdrayl clings to Dartamor.

“Mi bruv King.”

Dartamor holds Isdrayl tight, looks up and spots his prize- the Dragon key.

“Me Queen, de key, not only will we destroy, once and fe all, de Goblin menace, but we will also br'n tribute… De key. De Dragon key… and anyth'n else yous 'uv ter graft.”

Isdrayl looks up, her rheumy reptilian eyes full of tears; her snout nuzzles beneath Dartamor’s chin- she’s been eating… well, best not try to guess.

She breaks from the clinch.

“Guards fetch treases fe yer nicked Lord, from oft de altar.”

The Kobold guards scurry to obey; return with the goodies- Grand Alf grabs the lot.

“Ta. Thanks. Love-leee.”

Isdrayl turns back to Dartamor, affects a swoon, he catches her.

“Take de key dun me love, and kun this fe ay remember yer cause, before us paths met, intitwined. De group o' adventis yous seek wuz victims o' de Goblins tew, Durnn, de chieftain, 'ad 'is fun wi' dem and dun dee wuz takun ter below… tew… ter de Outcast.”

The collected Kobolds hiss their disapproval.

“De Outcast is all shouty like yous tin cans, and magic like Grand Alf, and sneaky like yous, me love. Beware 'e 'ath a mighty create dat serveth 'im. it 'ops in place o' walkin’, it 'ath a big sticky terngue dat probe and stickle, and… it goeth ‘CROWK’ afore battle, it is a mighty fearsome.”

“Did she say something about a frog?” Grand Alf translates the “CROWK” part of the sentence, “I love frogs, they’re great- not as good as Skeletons, but a frog for a friend would be ace.”

Grand Alf drops to a crouch and leaps about a bit-




His tongue flicks in and out.

The Kobolds, including Isdrayl, scurry away from the pantomime villain.

Dartamor sees his opportunity, darts in- grabs the key.


Snaps it off and darts out again.

“Alas me Queen we must depart.”

And bundling the others together, including Meepo, they do depart.

“One neck ter seal us union.”

Isdrayl closes her eyes and puckers up.

Eventually opens her eyes, they’re very gone.

“Retn quick sticks me King.”

A grinning guard starts up.

“Isdrayl and Dartamor sitt'n inna tree,


Isdrayl flees the scene leaving the guard very red-faced.

Next Turn: Goblinville

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Perhaps I should provide a translation for each section- it's not a problem to do so, for example-

To Koboldly go…​

“Ave it.”
[Have it.]
“Leuv 'im 'e’s not worth it.”
[Leave him he's not worth it.]
“Ferry cross de mersey.”
[Ferry across the Mersey]
“We only s'n whun we’re win'n.”
[We only sing when we're winning.]
“Come ‘ed.”
[Come on.]

The Kobolds are going crackers, the four Freddie’s are instant heroes, an extended family raised to high status in an instant, although now solely comprised of ululating female Kobolds in mourning.

Meepo dances up a storm.

Grand Alf joins in, singing.

“Cos I am the tiger, I’m the cream of the crop
Risin' up to challenge an army of Hobgoblins.
I’m the best known survivor, have my way in a fight
And I’m watchin' you all, cos I am the tiger”

I think you know the tune.

Kobolds holler, shout, and applaud- its carnival.

“De Goblins ay dead - woah. Woah.”
[The Goblins are dead- woah. Woah.]

Repeated at volume, and for ages.

Aleso and Saradomin grin and bow, Dartamor acknowledges the Kobolds but remains business as usual. Grand Alf continues to let off steam.

It goes on for a while.

Ten minutes later a jostled and now exhausted group of Lost Boys, and Meepo, find themselves before Isdrayl, the crowds chants are now whispers, just as exultant.

Isdrayl bows before Grand Alf, waves at the Tin Cans- Saradomin and Aleso, and then winks at Dartamor.

The volume drops again as Isdrayl raises her arms.

“Brothers, sistis, ma's, fathers - KOBOLDS.”
[Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers - KOBOLDS.]

The crowd goes wild, apart from the pocket of adventurers.

“Terdee wi' us nicked found friends, and royal body guards- subject ter contract negotiations, de Scousers 'uv, once and fe all, laid waste ter de scumbags from Evertown.”
[Today with our new found friends, and royal body guards- subject to contract negotiations, the Scousers have, once and for all, laid waste to the scumbags from Evertown.]

Kobolds cheer, chuckle and wipe tears from their eyes.

“Tergether, as one, we 'uv stewd side-by-side wi' deez bruv souls dat 'uv come unto us seek'n mercy, forgiveness and restitution fe their previous sins. And we, de bruv kobold-nation, 'uv moulded deez stout yeomun into an elite fight'n force worthy o' exalted status within us ranks.”
[Together, as one, we have stood side-by-side with these friendly souls that have come unto us seeking mercy, forgiveness and restitution for their previous sins. And we, the friendly Kobold-nation, have moulded these stout yeoman into an elite fighting force worthy of exalted status within our ranks.]

Isdrayl motions to the guards and Meepo. The guards shuffle the Lost Boys into line; Meepo takes his place at the head of the queue.

The crowd quieten.

Isdrayl strides forward, to Meepo.

“Meepo, Oo from this dee ed will be known as Meepo de Dragon Lord. ”
[Meepo, who from this day forth will be known as Meepo the Dragon Lord.]

She salutes, three quick claps followed by hands outstretched above her head, Meepo salutes back. The crowd cheers then sings.

“Super, super Meepo
Super, super Meepo
Super, super Meepo
Super Meepo Dragon Lord.”

They quieten again.

“Grand Alf, oo from this dee ed will be known as Grand Alf de Once Lucid.”
[Grand Alf, who from this day forth will be known as Grand Alf the Once Lucid.]

She salutes again, Grand Alf replies in kind with a little hop and a bow at the end.

“Ma’am, I’ve no idea what you’re saying, but it’s been a pleasure.” Grand Alf offers.

The crowd cheers and sings-

“Eez big, eez mad, ‘e dances like yuz dad,
Grand Allllllllllllf, Grand Allllllllllllf.”
[He's big, he's mad, he dances like your dad,
Grand Allllllllllllf, Grand Allllllllllllf.]

Then fall silent again.

“Aleso, Oo from this dee ed will be known as Aleso de Tin Can Shouter.”
[Aleso, who from this day forth will be known as Aleso the Tin can Shouter.]

She salutes again, Aleso tries to follow the pattern but fails- one clap, a hop, upraised arms, another clap, a bow, nothing for a bit and then a forlorn final clap.


The crowd cheer then sings some more.

“Chim chiminee,
Chim chiminee,
Chim chim cheroo,
Oo needs a Vorpal Sword whun yous got Al-es-oooooo.”
[Who needs a Vorpal Sword when you've got Al-es-oooooo.]

Then silence.

“Saradomin, Oo from this dee ed will be known as Saradomin de Uvver Shouty Tin Can.”
[Saradomin, who from this day forth will be known as Saradomin the Other Shouty Tin Can.]

Another salute, Saradomin merely looks confused, claps once and bows.

“ST. CUTHBERT MAKE GLORIOUS THIS THE DAY OF OUR RECKONING… So there.” Saradomin folds his arms across his chest and looks tough.

The Kobolds cheer then chant some more.

“Sa-ra-do-min, Sa-ra-do-min, Tin-Can-Sa-ra-do-min,
Eez got nah song 'cos 'is names tew long,
[He's got no song because his name's too long.]

“And finally”, Isdrayl winks and smiles, salutes for all she’s worth, “Dartamor, Oo from this dee forth will be known as Dartamor… King o' de Kobolds.”
[Dartamor, who from this day forth will be known as Dartamor... King of the Kobolds.]

She twinkles, gives Dartamor the glad-eye, and licks her lips.

Dartamor does nothing- stunned.

“I… dat is, I’m dead flattied….” He mumbles.
[I... that is, I'm dead flattered...]

“She loves yous Dartamor, she do.
She loves yous Dartamor, she do.
She loves yous Dartamor, she do.
Oh Dartamor she loves yous.”

The Kobold crowd go mental, especially now Dartamor is the queen’s consort. There’s much patting on the back followed by sly nods and winks aimed towards the reddening rogue.

Grand Alf wanders over to a still stunned Dartamor, Isdrayl retreats pouting- beckoning Dartamor to follow her to her inner-sanctum (leave the double-entendre alone).

“You sly dog, I mean she’s not much to look at but… all this.”

Grand Alf puts his hands out to encompass their surroundings, the crappy soot (and worse) smeared corridor, thirty plus Kobolds- guards, females and children, all shouting, screaming and bawling; and finally the corrugated Kobold Queen, Isdrayl, she waves- a dainty, girlish wave.

“Wow. You must be chuffed?”

Aleso and Saradomin have no idea what’s going on, and it’s not just the language barrier.

Dartamor thinks very quickly.

“Suck berd.”
[Sweet lady.]

Isdrayl stops where she is, turns, tries to hide her wrinkled visage behind a dirty rag, flutters her eye lashes.

“Suck berd, we cannot remain, we must press ed, de Goblin Chieftain escaped us wrath- 'e 'as gone below. We must grasp us chance… Oh but if ay could stay, ay could juss be wi' yous a little longer. But alas we ay not yet Peti. There’s barely time fe us ter claim us reward… and then… and dun, we must… ed, er off, get off- gone.”
[Sweet lady, we cannot remain, we must press on, the Goblin Chieftain escaped our wrath- he has gone below. We must take our chance... Oh but if I could stay, I could just be with you a little longer. Bur alas we are not yet safe. There's barely time for us to claim our reward... and then... and then, we must... go, er off, get off- gone.]

Isdrayl rushes forward, snivelling, and into Dartamor’s arms- he fights off the gagging sensation.

“Must you… Bruv King Dartamor.”

She attempts to cop a feel, it’s like wrestling an Octopuss.

“Alas we must, danger remains, and de Scouser’s fute is not yet sece. We must straightener ed, suck berd.”
[Alas we must, danger remains, and the Scousers future is not yet secure. We must go straightaway, sweet lady.]

Isdrayl clings to Dartamor.

“Mi bruv King.”

Dartamor holds Isdrayl tight, looks up and spots his prize- the Dragon key.

“Me Queen, de key, not only will we destroy, once and fe all, de Goblin menace, but we will also br'n tribute… De key. De Dragon key… and anyth'n else yous 'uv ter graft.”
[My Queen, the key, not only will we destroy, once and for all, the Goblin menace, but we will also bring tribute... The key. The Dragon key... and anything else you have to give."

Isdrayl looks up, her rheumy reptilian eyes full of tears; her snout nuzzles beneath Dartamor’s chin- she’s been eating… well, best not try to guess.

She breaks from the clinch.

“Guards fetch treases fe yer nicked Lord, from oft de altar.”
[Guards fetch treasures for your new Lord, from off the altar.]

The Kobold guards scurry to obey; return with the goodies- Grand Alf grabs the lot.

“Ta. Thanks. Love-leee.”

Isdrayl turns back to Dartamor, affects a swoon, he catches her.

“Take de key dun me love, and kun this fe ay remember yer cause, before us paths met, intitwined. De group o' adventis yous seek wuz victims o' de Goblins tew, Durnn, de chieftain, 'ad 'is fun wi' dem and dun dee wuz takun ter below… tew… ter de Outcast.”
[Take the key then my love, and know this for I remember your cause, before our paths met, entwined. The group of adventurers you seek were victims of the Goblins too, Durnn, the chieftain, had his fun with them and then they were taken below... to... to the Outcast.]

The collected Kobolds hiss their disapproval.

“De Outcast is all shouty like yous tin cans, and magic like Grand Alf, and sneaky like yous, me love. Beware 'e 'ath a mighty create dat serveth 'im. it 'ops in place o' walkin’, it 'ath a big sticky terngue dat probe and stickle, and… it goeth ‘CROWK’ afore battle, it is a mighty fearsome.”
[The Outcast is all shouty like your tin cans, and magic like Grand Alf, and sneaky like you, my love. Beware he has a mighty creature that serves him. It hops in place of walking, it has a big sticky tongue that probes and sticks, and it goes 'CROWK' before battle, it is a mighty fearsome.]

“Did she say something about a frog?” Grand Alf translates the “CROWK” part of the sentence, “I love frogs, they’re great- not as good as Skeletons, but a frog for a friend would be ace.”

Grand Alf drops to a crouch and leaps about a bit-




His tongue flicks in and out.

The Kobolds, including Isdrayl, scurry away from the pantomime villain.

Dartamor sees his opportunity, darts in- grabs the key.


Snaps it off and darts out again.

“Alas me Queen we must depart.”

And bundling the others together, including Meepo, they do depart.

“One neck ter seal us union.”
[One kiss to seal our union.]

Isdrayl closes her eyes and puckers up.

Eventually opens her eyes, they’re very gone.

“Retn quick sticks me King.”
[Return quickly my King.]

A grinning guard starts up.

“Isdrayl and Dartamor sitt'n inna tree,
[Isdrayl and Dartamor sitting in a tree,]


Isdrayl flees the scene leaving the guard very red-faced.

Next Turn: Goblinville

But that might slow it dow, the alternative is I stop with accents. The thing is in the UK, probably the same as in the US, lots of counties/regions have developed there own words, or at least understanding of words, which in extremis, and particularly written down- are comic.

I know you should never stop to explain your jokes but I want to get it right, I appreciate that this forum is mainly populated by americans so any suggestions you have...

Which translates in Kobold (Scouse) to-

Ay kun yous should na stop ter explain yer jokes but wanna get it rite, ay appreciate dat this forum is mainly populated by Yanks so any suggestions yous 'uv...

Or in Goblin (Yorkie) to-

Ah kna theur should nivva gi'o'a ta expleeam thy jokes bur ah want ta gerr it reet, ah appreciate 'a' dis forum is mainly populated by Americans sa enny suggestions theur av...

What's it to be... anybody.

Thanks again Richard.

Richard Rawen

First Post
Goonalan said:
“Ave it.”
[Have it.]
“Leuv 'im 'e’s not worth it.”
[Leave him he's not worth it.]
“Ferry cross de mersey.”
[Ferry across the Mersey]
“We only s'n whun we’re win'n.”
[We only sing when we're winning.]
“Come ‘ed.”
[Come on.]
Well, lets take the above for an example
Ferry across the Mersey - this is one of those cultural things, I have no idea what a Mersey is... but that's not a big deal.
We only s'n whun we're win'n - didn't get this - s'n, along with the remainder, is not enough info for me to guess s'n is singing... I do not know how to bridge this cultural difference, but again, it's not that big of a deal. Some translation of the harsher tongues may be necessary . . . at least for slow folk such as myself. If other readers could chime in with their view it would help.

Goonalan said:
Next Turn: Goblinville

But that might slow it dow, the alternative is I stop with accents. The thing is in the UK, probably the same as in the US, lots of counties/regions have developed there own words, or at least understanding of words, which in extremis, and particularly written down- are comic.

I know you should never stop to explain your jokes but I want to get it right, I appreciate that this forum is mainly populated by americans so any suggestions you have...

Which translates in Kobold (Scouse) to-

Ay kun yous should na stop ter explain yer jokes but wanna get it rite, ay appreciate dat this forum is mainly populated by Yanks so any suggestions yous 'uv...

Or in Goblin (Yorkie) to-

Ah kna theur should nivva gi'o'a ta expleeam thy jokes bur ah want ta gerr it reet, ah appreciate 'a' dis forum is mainly populated by Americans sa enny suggestions theur av...

What's it to be... anybody.

Thanks again Richard.

I guess I can probably handle most of the "Scouse" it's the "Yorkie" that has me scratching my head most times...
anyways... anyone else?

Don't listen to Richard, he just doesn't have enough ranks in Decypher Script, I may not be making my roll on each attempt, but it's fun figuring it out.

Definately keep the accents. This SH, on the other hand, would be nearly impossible to understand if it were listened to.


I went on-line last night to try and find an on-line translator for american regional dialects, like-


does for English regional dialects, my intention being to provide a US version of the story (accents), I've been experimenting with-


Perhaps the Kobolds should be in 'Jive' talk so-

Together, as one, we have stood side-by-side with these friendly souls that have come unto us seeking mercy, forgiveness and restitution for their previous sins. And we, the friendly Kobold-nation, have moulded these stout yeoman into an elite fighting force worthy of exalted status within our ranks.


Togeder, as one, we gotss' stood side-by-side wid dese homeyly souls dat gotss' mosey on waaay down unto us seekin' mercy, fo'giveness and restitushun fo' deir previous sins. And we, de homeyly Kobold-nashun, gotss' moulded dese stout yeoman into an elite fightin' fo'ce wo'dy uh 'esalted status widin our ranks.

Which is much easier to read.

And the Goblin version of the above, in 'Swedish Chef' speak translates as-

Tugezeer, is oune-a, ve-a hefe-a stuod side-a-by-side-a vit zeese-a friendly suouls zeet hefe-a cume-a untu us seekeeng mercy, furgeefeness und restituotiun fur zeeur prefiuous sins. Und ve-a, zee-a friendly Kubuld-netiun, hefe-a muoulded zeese-a stuout yeumuon intu un ileete-a feeghting furce-a vurthy ouff ixelted stetuos vizeen ouour ruonks. Burk Burk Burk!

But that's a little more difficult, does anyone know of any other on-line translators which specialise in American dialects, ideally, I think, the Kobolds should be New Yorkers, and the Goblins from Texas.

Suggestions please?

Thanks again


I would prefer the story without the regional dialects.

It may partly be because english isn't my first language, but those dialects are terribly difficult for me to read. So difficult that I tend to just scim over them and hope to get the generel idea of whats being said :(


Problem solved I post one without regional dialect, one with- see the new, and without dialect, version in the SH threads.

Trying to please all the people, all the time.


Goonalan said:
But that's a little more difficult, does anyone know of any other on-line translators which specialise in American dialects, ideally, I think, the Kobolds should be New Yorkers, and the Goblins from Texas.

Suggestions please?

I wouldn't try that if I were you, associating New Yorkers or Texans with the 'bad guys' might start some sort of international conflict. They're good-guys, just ask them. ;)


I loved it. :D

I'd just keep the one story hour with the English accents; it's not a problem if you can't figure it all out, it's part of the charm.

All I didn't get was the singing (and I've heard enough football stadiums that I should have figured that one out). ;-)

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