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The Lost Boys vs The Sunless Citadel


Thanks for the feedback.

Their first dungeon delve is going great so far- no casualties, oh wait I forgot- the parties best fighter dies some time very soon, so read on.

Generally as a DM I try to keep the story going, make sure the good guys get the breaks, when they deserve them, but... have you noticed how often the dice seem to be on the side of newbies.

Later on the group get into their first big battle, I've not written it up yet but, they get a break- get up close to the big baddie and the dice take over.

Their unadjusted attack rolls were-

Dartamor "18"
Aleso "18"
Grand Alf "20"
Saradomin "20"

One round- four criticals, Game over for the bad guy.

So, yeah, they're doing ok.

Apart from the death that is.

Thanks again.

Cheers Paul

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Turn 3. Part 1.

“Firestarter, Goblin Firestarter”​

The party have split in two- musical differences, a sense of style, over-confidence; who knows?

Aleso drags himself up using the crenulated wall as a crutch; meantime Meepo and Rattler have dragged, pushed, pulled and lifted a wounded Dartamor to the other side of the battlements. The two aren’t hurt that badly, more shocked that someone or something has got through their defences, thirty seconds later, a swift breather, and while the two are a little embarrassed they are also at last up off their arses.

“Goblin ran down there.”

Aleso points to a thin passage into darkness.

“I’ll take a look.”

Dartamor shimmies over the wall and heads into the black.

“May Pelor light your way- little one.” Aleso states calmly to Dartamor’s receding back, Dartamor stops, whispers back. “Yeah. Ok, but not actually light my way- ok. Stay there.” Aleso nods, clutches his scimitar.

Around the corner Dartamor spies a bunch of target dummies, no not other members of the adventuring party, proper target dummies, a javelin is lodged in one- good shot.

The room goes right, there’s another light, he sneaks a peek- another camp fire, another crenulated wall dividing the dank room in two, a goblin, on the far side… pointing at him. A javelin sails out of the shadows and rattles into the wall- missed, but close.


There’s also a door opposite his position, it has a bar on the outside- to keep something in. Hmm. No time for speculation.

“Eye up.”
“Tek that.”
“Cum an av a gow if ya think ya ard enuff.”
“Ave im.”

Goblins, five of them maybe. Dartamor skitters back to Aleso, Meepo and Rattler, relays the news.


Aleso gulps. Then gets all macho.

“I’ll deal with this.”

He strides (clanks) down the passage, to the corner, peers round, ducks back.

He pulls out his compact mirror, curls his moustache, flattens his hair and wipes his face, he’s ready, Dartamor watches on.

“BY Pelor’s britches you sneaky varmints should preclude from further throwing of things. Do you know who I am?”

There’s no coherent reply. He continues…

“I am Aleso Flett, Paladin of Pelor, bringer of the light, the shiny armoured one- surrender immediately and submit to the light or it will go awry for you.”

More jabbering in Goblin.


The jabbering grows louder.

“What did they say? Are they surrendering?”

Dartamor cups an ear, listens…

“They’re discussing ways to cook you. One’s for sauté, two are for spit-roast, one’s for raw and the other… hang on… I think he’s a vegetarian. Oh. No. Three for spit-roast- now they’re discussing possible wines.”

“What? How dare…”

Aleso steps out into the room.

“Put your weapons down and…”


A javelin caroms of his chest, denting, and scratching his armour. Aleso dodges back.

The Goblins jabber on.

“I bloody say. Look at that… Look at that.”

Aleso points at his armour for inspection, there’s a large gouge in it.

He goes to speak again, Dartamor shushes him silent. Listens.

Goblins jabber.


Dartamor reluctantly translates.

“They’re going to serve you with a chilled Chablis, preferably something Elven, 1392 is a good year. Should I tell them… No.”

Dartamor spots Aleso’s expression.

Thunder clouds settle over Aleso.

“Wait a mo’”

Dartamor sneaks to the corner, peeks round- five Goblins, a fire… right.

He rifles in his pack for a second, comes out with two flasks of lamp oil. Fishes about again and comes up with a familiar looking flask, last seen in the hands of Grand Alf. Dartamor thinks, then grins, thinks some more, then grins again.

“What’re you up to?” Aleso gets curious.
“When I say get ‘em, well… Get ‘em. Got it.”

Aleso nods, clutches at his scimitar, begins to pray.

“Pelor who is sunny let thy countenance shine forth beatific rays of beauty…”

Dartamor pops open the oil flasks, takes a breath, and darts into the room.


The two flasks arc into the air and…

Ching… Chung.

Land in the midst of the Goblins, one shatters on impact with a Goblin head drenching the creature in lamp oil, the other flask skitters onto the floor and begins to glug out it’s sticky contents, it puddles at the creatures feet. Time slows right down.

One Goblin gets it, the one covered in oil.


He runs, slips, and surf-slides into the fire.


Aleso prays, tears forming unbidden.

“Let the golden goodness of your glow infiltrate the darkest corners…”

The flaming Goblin panics, flails madly.


The others dodge back to the crenulated wall trying to avoid their combusting fellow.


Dartamor swigs, sucks in hard, and raspberry spits.

Aleso prays on, “Let the sunny… the sunny. Done that bit, golden chaffinch. Not chaffinch… budgie… Oh God…”

The flaming spray forms a perfect fan of flame, engulfing the four approaching Goblins.


“Please let me LLLLIIIIVVVVEEEE… I don’t want to die, I’m so pretty.”

Aleso launches himself into the room as Dartamor throws himself to the floor and tumbles up to the crenulated wall.


A fireball engulfs the Goblins, hits the wall and rolls along the ceiling, momentarily obscuring Aleso in its licking flaming folds.

Swish swish swish swish swish.

Aleso, hand in front of his face and eyes, cuts the air- there’s nothing else available.

Gradually he slows.

Swish… swish.


A bit.


He takes a look.

The blackened burning husks, Dartamor unfurling from his crouch- coming up to see over the wall.

Black smoke, oil burning- the Goblins… gone.

He drops to his knees.


He brings his hands up to pray, settles them on his lips.


He stands. Clasps his face, mouth, chops, his upper lip- rubs.

Dartamor approaches- looking at him… oddly.

Aleso grapples with backpack, dives inside, roots about, comes up with his compact mirror, opens it… and stares in.


His fabulous moustache is gone, in its place a burnt caterpillar clutching desperately to the underside of his nose.

He collapses onto the hard dungeon floor, and sobs.

Dartamor squats down, snakes his arm around Aleso’s heaving shoulders, finds a few comforting words.

“You’re eyebrows are gone too.”

Next time- the other bit.


This is some of the funniest D&D stuff I've ever read!!!

Please keep it coming, I'm rolling on the floor every few sentences. ;-)


Hope this turn meets your expectations- funny, you find this funny, I'll have you know this is deadly serious, peoples lives are at stake. One more word out of you and I'll send Grand Alf round.

Here goes...

Turn 3. Part 2. The other bit.

“It’s a Rat Trap baby and you've been caught.”​

Back to the other terrible twosome, rather threesome, if you include Bones.

At the end of the rat passage are double doors, flung open, smashed- Grand Alf and Saradomin step into the chamber beyond and…


Grand Alf kicks air, steps back quickly.

“There’s a bloody great hole in the floor.”
“It’s a pit.”
“Duh- that’s what I said.”

Grand Alf dances backwards a dozen feet and crouches into a sprinters pose.

“Stand aside wizened priest, I shall apply my magics and then gazelle-like leap to the other side.”
“I’m eighteen.” Saradomin states, and doesn’t move.
“You said ‘wizened priest’, I’m eighteen for Cuthbert’s sake.”
“Sorry- poetic license. Now my mighty magics.”

Grand Alf thinks fast, note I said fast- not hard.

He wiggles his fingers and waves his hands about a bit, all the time leaping up and down on the spot, while intoning-


He’s a blur ready to roll, rather leap.

Saradomin crunches the door to his side.

“Or we could go round?”

He points the way.

“Yes. I suppose that’d do.”
“Oh and Grand Alf- that’s not a spell is it?”
“No. No, sorry again.” Grand Alf confirms.

Grand Alf saunters over head down- ashamed, the two tip-toe around the edge of the pit- Bones following Grand Alf’s tread.

The room is enormous, maybe thirty feet by thirty feet with a high ceiling- once ornate, now nasty; they soon discover another pit trap, and on the far side another ancient fountain, complete with dragon head water spout.

Saradomin cleans away some of the gunk, there’s more squiggly writing; alas neither of them can make it out. That’s not going to hold Grand Alf back though.

“LET THERE BE FIRE- NAR-NAR-NAR-NAR, what was it Dartamor said at that other fountain?”

Saradomin shakes his head.

Squeak squeak.

He turns quickly- what was that, he scans the room, can’t see anything beyond the circle of Grand Alf’s light.

“LET THERE BE… I don’t know what do you want? Hang on. Got it. LET THERE BE BISCUITS, I like biscuits, and jelly, that’s it- I’ll try that. LET THERE BE JELLY.”

Squeak squeak.

Saradomin looks around again- still nothing there. Grand Alf climbs into the fountain, finds the spout-thing in the dragons mouth, pokes at it, puts his head in the dragons jaws- puckers his lips and blows down it.


Squeak squeak.

“Hey that was good.”

Squeak squeak.

Saradomin darts round to look at Grand Alf.

“I’d oil that armour of yours if I were you.”

He stares hard at the sorcerer. The sorcerer. The sorcerer. Hang on, sorcerers don’t wear armour. What’s making that squeaking…


Grand Alf states dropping into combat crouch-mode.

He lifts his staff, uses the light to scour the room, stops, back- there’s a door way.




The three head over, making ready for war.

“R-A-T-S. Leave this to me.”

Grand Alf dodges into the room, Bones does likewise.


Dire Rats converge, one from either side. It’s a rat-bush.


The first connects with Grand Alf’s knee leaving huge gouge marks in his flesh, the blood flows.

“Pow-kee pow-kee time.”

He stabs back, spikes the creature, but the huge rat fights on.

The second rat is having less success, it gnashes the air between Bones’ bones, the skeleton lashes at the creature raking its claws down the rats back, it’s wounded, badly.

Saradomin sees the danger.


He shunts Grand Alf forwards, further into the chamber. Steps into the gap and…



Misses the rat.

Unseen a third pair of ratty peepers peers from beneath the disgusting, stinking, rotting pile of carrion that fills the room.

The first Dire Rat snaps at Saradomin, who sees his opening, and…



Smashes the creature’s skull.

The second rat meets a similar fate, its bite merely scratches Bones, who rakes again at the vulgar vermin- it gives up the ghost, sinks into the stink- dead.


Grand Alf lets out a breath.

“That was…”

Erupting from the filth, with fury, comes Guthash, Queen of the Rats, some six feet long, ten including tail, and nearly four feet high at the shoulder- in one fell move she tramples over Bones, crushing and smashing the skeleton beneath her.

Her jaws lock on Bones’ skull and…


It explodes sending shards of cranium shooting off.

“BONESY. NOOOOoooooooo.”

Grand Alf brings up his loaded light crossbow, safety off.


And buries six inches of steel into Guthash’s right shoulder.

The rat snarls back, turns, and launches herself at the sorcerer.

“Blooooody elllllll.”

Grand Alf dodges left, then right, and “JUUUUUUUMP” escapes the huge creature’s jaws.

Saradomin swings hard and…



Connects. Smashing Guthash’s back right leg.

The rat turns swiftly, a new, and closer enemy- snaps its jaws, misses Saradomin by inches. He hits back.


His heavy mace swings high, wide and handsome.

Grand Alf continues to dodge back, finds a wall behind him, reloads his crossbow, his hands shaking furiously- and fires.



Another hit, this time in Guthash’s backside.


The stupid creature turns again, in the process knocking Saradomin hard left, the Cleric staggers, swings-


And misses again. He regains his balance and looks on as Guthash leaps at Grand Alf.

And yet again falls short, settles for a mouthful of robe which tears as Grand Alf “JUUUUUUMP” leaps right, and away from the beast.

Saradomin charges forward, swings, and…


He’s desperate.


Something got busted.

The rat’s other back leg is mashed- Guthash is crippled, and yet she drags itself around again to face the two adventurers.

Rushes, as best she can, towards them.

Grand Alf casually throws out an arm, on the end of which is hand, on the end of which is a finger- pointing at the terrifying, and seemingly indestructible, beast.


The Magic Missile catches Guthash between the eyes, for a moment it seems as if she’s going to continue her charge, then her brain decides otherwise, thinks- I’m dead, and she collapses.

The room settles for silence for a while, then…


Grand Alf sprints over to his fallen skeleton servitor; tries to take a pulse.

“Bonesy… Speak to me.”

He cradles the… hang on, the space where the skull should be.

Turns to Saradomin, forlorn.

“Is there anything you can do?”

Saradomin stares hard at the sorcerer, trying desperately to understand, finally he shakes his head.

Grand Alf turns back to the empty skull-space, strokes imaginary hair with his free hand.

“He was so young… So full of life, why did he have to die?”

He drops the wreck of the skeleton and snivels.


He looks up, there’s a hole in the wall opposite, it must lead out into the rubble field surrounding the citadel; another Dire Rat is nosing its way into the chamber.


Grand Alf stands, calmly loads his light crossbow, and fires from the hip.


The rat’s dead.


He finishes his speech.

The two rest a while, out of the rat room, back in the larger chamber where the air is cleaner.

Grand Alf munches on a sandwich- magic smash, he’s not hungry, just fed up.

“I always wanted my own skeleton, from when I was a kid. All the other kids had pets- cats, dogs, rats… bloody rats, one kid had a pet Giant Toad, called Elvis, it ate him in the end, and his mum. I wanted a skeleton, always. Or some other undead… a zombie’d do, anything, y’know, anything undead.”

Saradomin is nowhere in this conversation, no clue what to say next.

“I just wanted to pet him- get a leash, some chain, a bit of rope- throw sticks for him to fetch. Play catch in the park, terrify the old-folk, tickle his tummy, bath him- he’d be my friend. Y’know, a real friend.”

Grand Alf applies the puppy eyes to Saradomin, who’s left with a shrug- he’s no idea what’s going on here.

Grand Alf looks away, stares into the dark.

“And when it was late at night he could see me home, make sure I din’t get hurt. A skeleton would be great… A skeleton like Bones.”

Grand Alf applies a crooked grin, scrunches up his eyes- intense.

Saradomin finds himself nodding, stops as soon as he realises.

“Bonesy was good at biting wasn’t he?”

Saradomin’s nodding again- stop that.

Grand Alf rocks back and forth, silently snapping at the air, his teeth clacking together.

“Remember back in the passage, he bit that rat good- and clawed ‘im. Ahh. I miss him. I like…”

Grand Alf stares into wild space for a while.

“I like the way he killed stuff.”

Grand Alf gets up, passes the rest of his sandwich to Saradomin, and shakes the crumbs from his ripped robes, he strides towards the rat room, leaving Saradomin alone- and better for it, then he stops, turns back.

“And what’s all that stuff about St. Cuthbert? Why did you keep shouting it out? You ought to watch that- makes you look silly.”

Grand Alf bites the air suddenly. Then grins.

Heads off to see what’s in the rat room.

Saradomin watches him go then sinks to his knees and prays.

“Cuthbert… I know I’ve been bad in the past- the time I looked up Sister Mary Agnes’ wimpole, the money I took from the collection for the poor and spent on communion wine and fags, when I called Simon Fatfarter a ‘dirty trump head’, although I was only four at the time. But I’ll be good now- you’ll see, just please… please save me from… him.”

Saradomin points at the doorway to the rat room, Grand Alf swings out, chuckles and beckons Saradomin over with-

“I smell dead people.” Chuckles some more and disappears back inside.

Saradomin looks to the heavens.

“Please Cuthbert… Please.”

He screws his eyes tight shut.

“There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.”

Five minutes of searching later the pair make a grizzly discovery.

“It’s the ranger- what was his name?” Grand Alf enquires.
“Krackers, something like that.” Saradomin confirms.

Grand Alf searches the stinking wreck of a corpse, discovers all sorts of goodies, and a ring.

“Take that.”
“I’m taking everything.” The sorcerer confirms.

They find lots of stuff in the pile of corpses in the room, mostly money- silver and gold, also a few gems.

“Shall we tell the others? Share it out?” Saradomin enquires.
“Tell them about the ranger, and Bonesy. But I’m keeping my share of the money, I’ve earnt it… Are we done?”
Saradomin nods.
“Well let’s get back- this place gives me the creeps.”

Blood and guts stain Grand Alf’s hands, arms and apparel. He strides off- not looking back. Saradomin lingers a moment and then follows him out.

Next time- still Turn 3. “Gnome on the range.”


Turn 3.3

“Gnome on the range.”​

Back to the others, that’s Aleso, Dartamor, Meepo and his skeletal steed Rattler.

Meepo’s back riding Rattler; he has a new trophy, a set of Goblin ears hacked off the corpse in the previous room. He arrives at the latest crash-site, and sets to hacking more ears off the burned Goblin husks, he meets with partial success. He strings them on a piece of raggedy twine and hangs the ghastly thing around his neck.

Aleso looks on, disgusted.

“Ewww. Barbaric. He’s very dirty. I SAID YOU’RE VERY DIRTY.”
Aleso stands hands on hips gurning at Meepo.
Meepo grins and waves back.
“Bloody savage.” Aleso stomps off.

Dartamor springs the metal door he spotted previously, it was locked as well as barred- the two adventurers make ready.


It creaks open, the paladin brings light- inside the chamber four foul and beaten Kobolds languish, chained to the walls, in the centre a cage, a two foot cube of metal bars, inside of which is Jerky Timbers, a naked Gnome, he spots his saviours- feebly motions and then passes out.

“Quickly by the light of Pelor save him.”
Aleso rushes in and gets all mumsy.

Five minutes later and order is resumed, the Kobolds are free as is the unconscious Gnome; he has a story to tell but not now it seems. Aleso caries him easily, the Gnome’s as light as a feather, now wrapped in stinking, and bloody, Goblin clothes.

The poor guy is out cold, no amount of healing will wake him now, magic can’t replace sleep, and the hurts he has suffered run deep.

“We should take him back- to the Kobolds.”

Aleso bites a lip, nods.

“By the power of Pelor you’re right; he has been much abused by THESE VILE ACCURSED SCHEMERS IN FILTH.”

He barks the last part at the smoking charred Goblin remains, none of them rise to the bait, what with them being very dead and all.

Aleso passes the Gnome over to Dartamor.

“Have a care stealthy one this child of the low-hills has much to tell us I think, may Pelor watch over him- spill the light of life into his blackened and bruised soul.”

Dartamor nods, “if you like”, Aleso’s a bit much at times.

“Yeah, right- I’ll get him back then.”

Meepo and his mount totter over.

“Me cum ‘ed. Me cum ‘ed.”

It seems Meepo’s missing home too.

“Tek dem ome.”

Meepo points at the four ex-prisoner Kobolds, he straightens up, as best he can, tucks his thumbs into an imaginary waistcoat, puffs out his chest- the pride of the Kobolds, he’s expecting a heroes welcome.

Dartamor translates.

“I’ll go with Meepo and the others- take the Kobolds and the Gnome back, he needs some rest… Where the bloody hell is Saradomin when you need him, and that rat Grand Alf? I’ll see these fellers home.”

He gathers the Kobolds together. Aleso strides over and takes charge, pretty soon the Kobolds line up- in pairs, holding hands; like some demented, and very short, school line.

“See you in a bit then.”

Dartamor and his charges head off.

Aleso nods, the gaggle heads for the door leaving Aleso alone. Alone.

“Hang on. Will you be safe?”
“What?” Dartamor queries.
“On your own, without a warrior- should I come with you?”

Dartamor figures it out.

“No. Wait a minute.”

He whispers in Meepo’s ear, he has to get Rattler to put him down to do so.

Meepo nods back.

“Rattler, stay ere wid paladin, gard ‘im well- smash bugger wot ‘it ‘im.”

Rattler moves to stand next to Aleso, Aleso shies away- unsure, the skeleton follows; this goes on for a little while.

“Aleso. Aleso- stop still. You need to look after Rattler, guard him well- Meepo’s leaving him here with you, make sure no-one, no-one that is, gets hurt. Understand?” Dartamor explains.

Aleso nods, steps away again, his skeleton shadow follows. “Ok, hurry back.”

They head off leaving Rattler and Aleso alone, the skeleton turns to observe the paladin, a trick of the light but you’d swear he’s grinning. Aleso gulps- looks back, too late the others are well gone.

“Watch the door.” He points the way.

Rattler slowly turns, follows Aleso’s gesture, stares hard at the door, then turns back to grin at the paladin- clacks his teeth together once or twice biting the air.

Time passes- warning the section below contains lots of Draconic speechifying.

A little while later the Von Trapp family- Dartamor, Meepo, four Kobolds (Dayv, De, Dowzi, Myk) and the titchy Gnome- Jerky Timbers arrive back at Hamfield, home of the Kobold Queen, Isdrayl.

They’re greeted with low-fives, and whoops of joy, sorta.

“All-ryt. All-ryt.” x100’s.

In the scrum Dartamor takes a moment to find a safe place to lay the Gnome to rest, away from Kobold eyes and tread.

The Kobolds yap their approval, reclaim their lost brothers-in-arms, a sea of smiles, Meepo it seems is going up in the world- he takes the plaudits, displaying for all to see his necklace of mostly frazzled Goblin ears.

A silence falls as Isdrayl parts the crowd.

“Yous 'uv retned victorious? Cornflakes?”

Dartamor speaks up.

“Nah. Not yet. But deez ay an offering- a sign o' sound as a pound faith.”

He gestures to the returnees.

Isdrayl looks less pleased than he expected. She taps her foot, and then spies the elegant selection of charred Goblin lugholes. She pointedly stares at the beautiful jewellery.

Meepo gets the message, it takes a moment, and three nudges from Dartamor. The dragon-keeper crawls forward and offers up, with a tear in his eye, the wondrous necklace.

Isdrayl gently lifts it up, admires its chic, and places it on.


The Kobold guards nod with enthusiasm- it suits her, and in an instant Meepo is forgotten, Isdrayl has won the day- with the spoils the victory it seems.

“Yous may select two prizes fe yo… prize...”

She scuttles over to the altar, the gaggle, lead by Dartamor, follows behind.

On display are a number of items, Isdrayl doesn’t even look at the key.

“Ternight Dartamor yous tinnie chose from a selection o' sound artefacts- there’s this magic feather wi' a squiggle ed, if that’s wa' tickles yer fancy... BUM BUM.”

The Kobold guards feign laughter. Isdrayl goes on.

“A scroll wid strange squiggly writ'n ed...”

She holds the scroll for all to see- a patter of applause. Gingerly places it down again, not wanting to disturb the mighty magics.

“Anuvver scroll wid more strange squiggly writ'n ed.”

She shows it off again, a much reduced patter of applause, a stifled yawn.

“A flask o' magic elixir which may tirn yous into an invulnerable 'ero, er it could make yer barnet glow in de dark…”

She displays the flask, no applause.

“And anuvver bit o' chuffin linun, sorry 'bout dat scroll, wid squiggly writin’ ed...”

Again this is displayed. Silence except the shuffling of feet- bored.

“Yous may chewse two items as yer reward, one fe de retn o' me bruv warriors, and one fe me custy necklace...”

Silence descends. Kobolds turn to stare at Dartamor.

Dartamor frowns, his eyes haven’t left the Dragon Key, he decides.

“De key...”

Isdrayl remains calm.

“De key is not ed offer, yous need ter rescue mighty Cornflakes ter get de key. Chewse again .”

The crowd fidget.

Dartamor frowns some more, checks the odds, there are dozens (two) of Kobolds.

“Or'rite tell me whuz de god-forbids 'uv gone- de uvver advent'n ruv?”
“Ay don’t think you’ve beun listening- dat information is unavailable at this time, now pick. ”

Isdrayl shoots out an arm to point again at the selection of possible prizes.

“I’ll take de feather… and a scroll.”

She cradles the feather as if it is made of precious stuff, hops skips and dances over to Dartamor like the eye-candy on a game-show, places it gently in his hand. Dartamor stuffs it inside his jerkin. Isdrayl sashays back to the altar, fans her hand across the scrolls.

“Which one would yous like?”
“Yous pick.”

She grits her teeth, this is going less well.

“I think this one.”

She picks a random scroll; Saradomin will, a little later, identify it as “Faerie Fire”, and, with the same rigmarole as before, carries it to the slightly miffed Dartamor. He grabs it, stuffs it away. Isdrayl grabs his hand, attempts to place an arm around his shoulders, settles for his waist, and manoeuvres Dartamor round so the tableau faces her audience, they can see the show. She pumps his hand.

Odd Kobolds clap, some with enthusiasm- those in Isdrayl’s line of sight particularly, others half-heartedly, somewhat confused by the spectacle.

She ushers Dartamor back through the crowd towards the exit, noticing there the recumbent Gnome, Jerky Timbers- Dartamor had earlier placed him on the ground. She also manages a sly kick at Meepo en route.

“Who’s this?”
“He’s not well- de goblins 'ad 'im prisoner wi' yer warriors.”
“Ahhh.” She turns to the crowd.
“AHHHH.” They join in.
“Leuv 'im wi' us, we’ll find somewhuz warm and comfy fe 'im.” Isdrayl licks her lips.

Dartamor suddenly doesn’t look so sure.

“Perhaps ay should take 'im back, y’know, see de priest… see if 'e…”
“No, 'e’ll be Peti e'yer, 'e tinnie stay fe scran.”
Isdrayl scans the crowd which in an instant grows spears- closes in a little.

“And whun yous br'n Cornflakes yous tinnie 'uv 'im back… and yer precious key.”

Dartamor scans the salivating Kobold faces.

“You’re not gonna…”
“What?” Isdrayl demurely murmurs.
“Y’know… <GULP> You’re not gonna eat ‘im.”
Isdrayl looks shocked. “Nah. Nah. No… Besides thuz wouldn’t be E-blewdy-nuff fe everybody.”

Silence reigns.

“The Dragon. Cornflakes, br'n 'im ter us.”

Isdrayl steps back then punts Meepo towards Dartamor.

“And take this one wi' yous.”

Dartamor and Meepo depart.

Time passes

Back on the front-line, Aleso and Rattler seem to be getting on.

“So I said to him, that’s not my wife that’s a cow with a leprechaun stuck up its backside…”

Aleso rumbles into laughter, slaps his thigh like a pantomime hero, wipes his eyes.

“Leprechaun stuck up its backside… D’you get it?”

Rattler stares on unmoved. Aleso goes all serious.

“It’s my moustache isn’t it? Isn’t it? Go on… you can say.”

He looks at Rattler, pleadingly, gently sobs and fingers the space where is splendiferous ‘tache once lived.


The far door grinds open.

“So I ses tha’s not me wyffe, tha’s a bluddy cow wid a leprykorn stook upits bhakkpassuge.”

The Goblin comes to a halt, rumbles into laughter, slaps his thigh like a pantomime hero, and wipes his eyes. The other three Goblins don’t even break a smile, they’re looking straight past their colleague to the burnt offering and beyond the shiny ‘uman and the skelly-bob.


Here they come.

Aleso scrambles, nods at Rattler draws his scimitar and issues his orders.

“Rattler- slay the fiendish fiends of… oh get ‘em.”

Rattler turns and stares at the charging Goblins, turns back to stare at the paladin, grins- bites the air. Two of the Goblins are over the crenulated wall in an instant, approaching fast, the other two are midways over, they’ll be there in a moment.

Aleso stands statue staring at Rattler, Rattler is content to grin back.

“Pelor. Whose side are you on?”

Then the Goblins arrive.

Next- “Aleso vs. the mighty, eight-armed, fire-breathing, Goblin-Demons.”
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Keep the link in your Sig so others have a chance to enjoy the laughs - I mean Serious Adventuring.

Don't know how to do this- actually I don't know what you're even talking about, if you have the time please explain. Sorry I'm a computer, what's the word... idiot- ah that's it.

Thanks Paul

Richard Rawen

First Post
Goonalan said:
Keep the link in your Sig so others have a chance to enjoy the laughs - I mean Serious Adventuring.

Don't know how to do this- actually I don't know what you're even talking about, if you have the time please explain. Sorry I'm a computer, what's the word... idiot- ah that's it.

Thanks Paul

BAH! In-Experienced Yes, but after reading your work you are FAR from an idiot :)

Ok, I'm a bit of a newb, but I'll try to walk you through it.
First you need the Linkage, so go to your storyhour and copy the address from the window up top. Next look right below the banner ad for the line of text that includes: Site Menu Download Shop Support the Site! My Account ... you want My Account - click on the link which gives you a drop-down menu. Half way down is a My User Control Panel line and the first option after that is: Edit My Signature Click on that. Now, in the box that comes up, figure out what clever line you want to say, such as:
Check out my D&D story hour, my readers say it's hilarious!
now, to make this a LINK, you simply put
[ url=http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=3638707#post3638707]The Lost Boys in the Sunless Citadel[/url]
Whatever you put in between the URL's is what will show up as a link. By the way, the http I used is your story hour if you just want to copy that line. Also I had to put an extra space after the first [ or it would have just shown you the link and you wouldn't see how it works :p
From then on your sig will show up on your posts ... (maybe only your first post, depending on how the reader has his settings).


Done that, I've no idea what I'm doing though, or whether it has worked- how will I know, I put this in the Sig Edit Box-

Check out my storyhour- The Lost Boys vs. The Sunless Citadel, four newbie adventurers thump, sneak, smite and spell their way through the classic D&D 3rd Edition module. They are-

Aleso, the monstrously moustachioed Paladin of Pelor.

Dartamor, the smart-as-a-whip Rogue.

Saradomin, the steady-as-she-goes Priest of St. Cuthbert.


Grand Alf, the Sorcerer- who's just plain mad.

Go here...

[ url=http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=3638707#post3638707]The Lost Boys in the Sunless Citadel[/url]

Then press Save Signature, and get-

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There are no subscribed threads to display in this folder for this time period.

Which I am equally confused about, is that good? Right? When I said I was a computer idiot I wasn't lying, technology baffles me, I've not even got a cell phone. I'm with the Luddites, and yet I love this box of lights that brings so much good stuff to me...

Err, as St. Cuthbert say, or Pelor, I forget which- "Help... When you need somebody, help."

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