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The Kordovian Adventurers Guild



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 16
Darrien, half-elf ranger 16
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 16
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 16
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 16​

NPC Roster:
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 10
MARCI, humanoid construct​

Game Session Date: 16 February 2019

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Gilbert Fung passed a pouch of coins to the scroll merchant. "It all there," he announced and was slightly disappointed when the wizard-scribe insisted on counting it all out for himself. As if Gilbert Fung, the premiere wizard in the kingdom of Kordovia, would be the type to short-change a creator of arcane scrolls!

"It's all here, all right," the wizard nodded to Gilbert, passing over the scrolls the heavyset mage had requested.

"Of course it all there! I already say it--" but then suddenly Gilbert's tirade stopped abruptly, for he felt the tingling sensation at the base of his skull that warned him an imminent message spell. Sure enough, while the scroll merchant looked on expectantly for Gilbert to finish his thought, a couple of brief sentences imprinted themselves directly in Gilbert's mind: "Rale Bodkin in trouble. Need full team in Greyhawk City immediately. Seek Thunderwolf at Adventurers Guild Headquarters for details. Hurry!"

"Ah, crap!" Gilbert swore to himself. Without another word, he scooped up his new purchases and rolled them up all together - he'd have to sort them out later. He looked around, visualizing where he was in the city. Since he was closer to Ivenheart Manor than Battershield Keep, he swung there first to alert Malrin to gear up and meet them at the keep. Then he huffed off across town, his earth elemental familiar Mudpie keeping pace behind him. Once they got out of the city proper things went better for the portly wizard (if not for poor Mudpie), as he had the elemental sink down halfway into the ground and support Gilbert's weight in his outstretched hands, which he kept over his head while earth gliding through the dirt. Frankly, Gilbert needed the break; he was winded from what little running he'd done thus far.

When they arrived at Battershield Keep to rouse the other heroes, Gilbert was surprised to see them already assembled and in full gear. He was about to ask how they knew to make their preparations - and then he saw a familiar owl perched on Finoula's shoulder - Malrin had obviously geared up herself and then wildshaped into an owl to fly the distance to Battershield Keep. Malrin couldn't speak while in owl form, but the others knew enough that if the young elven druid had flown to them as an owl, there was adventuring to be done.

"We're all ready," teased Binkadink. "What took you so long?"

Ignoring the question, Gilbert looked around at the assembled heroes and asked one of his own. "Where Castillan?"

"We haven't seen him all day," admitted Darrien. "He said he was going to hit the taverns last night and try his luck at cards. Presumably it's going well and he's still at it, or he was up all night and is crashing in an inn somewhere." This wasn't unusual behavior for Malrin's oldest brother; Castillan often made a bit of money on the side playing cards at all hours of the night. However, he made it a habit to try his hand at all of the local gambling establishments rather than pick a favorite; as a result, he could be in any of a half-dozen locations.

"Well, we leave without him," Gilbert decided. He briefly explained the message spell he'd received. "You remember location of Greyhawk Adventurers Guild?" he asked Hagan.

"I do," replied the half-orc. The group had visited there once before, after having rescued Thunderwolf and what was left of his Guild from slavery on the Elemental Plane of Earth. Thunderwolf's Adventurers Guild was hidden away in an extradimensional pocket in the slums of Greyhawk City - at the insistence of the Lords of Greyhawk, after the original building (and several others on either side of it) had been destroyed by a rampaging black dragon the Guild had managed to irritate. The Lords allowed Thunderwolf to start up a new Adventurers Guild, but its new location was not to be public knowledge. "I can teleport us to the alleyway behind the building where it's housed," Hagan promised. "Who all's going?" He looked expectantly at the group of animals surrounding the heroes.

"I'm taking Wrath," Finoula decided, indicating her timber wolf. "Not much sense in bringing Daisy, though. She can stay here."

"I'm bringing Grumps!" Darrien announced. The half-elf ranger had recently become a great fan of the animal growth spell that made his dire bear cub expand to the size of an adult grizzly and he hadn't been able to use that stratagem for awhile now.

"Obvious is coming along," Binkadink said from the jackalope's saddle. Given his position, that was rather obvious.

"Okay, then, gather around," Hagan said, his own weasel familiar Wezhley in his customary place on the sorcerer's left shoulder. With the utterance of an arcane syllable the assembled heroes and animals disappeared from Battershield Keep and appeared in a back alleyway of the Styes, Greyhawk City's slums. "The Guild Headquarters is this way," Hagan said, pointing with his thumb. But before they could open the door to the decrepit-looking building that served as a front for the Greyhawk City Adventurers Guild, the door opened and an armored warrior stepped out. He wore a large sword strapped to his hip.

"Thanks for coming so quickly," Thunderwolf said to the group. "Come on - Rale's this way." And he led them away from the Guild Headquarters, across the street and down a few buildings to an equally questionable-looking structure. He opened the door and stepped inside, beckoning for the others to follow. The building was rather like a small barn or large shed, all one big chamber but for a smaller room off in one corner. Thunderwolf opened the door to this smaller room, and there, on a cot along the back wall, sat Rale Bodkin, one of the Guildmasters who also served as a Lord of Greyhawk.

Rale looked up at the group's approach, and the first thing the Kordovians noticed was that the Guildmaster's left eye was particularly bloodshot. But then, upon closer inspection, that wasn't the case at all: rather, the white part of his eye was entirely red and the iris a deep violet - in stark contrast to Rale's brown right eye.

"What happened to you?" Finoula asked.

"Well, that's a story," Rale admitted, looking up at the elven ranger with his mismatched eyes. He still couldn't get over how much she looked like her little sister, Feron Dru, who had been part of the same Wing of the old Greyhawk Adventurers Guild with the rogue, some twenty years back or more - long before he'd taken over as the leader of the Guild of Thieves and become one of the ten Lords who kept the city functioning.

"So here's the short version. I'm walking down the street, minding my own business, when I feel a sting on the back of my neck. I pull out a dart, see the tip's covered in some sort of poison, and then that's pretty much all I remember until waking up in some underground lab, strapped to a table. I was in and out of it for awhile, but I remember seeing this red and purple eye" - here he indicated his left eye - "floating in a jar of bubbling liquid. Then I blacked out again for awhile, and when I woke up again the jar was empty and my left eye was hurting me something fierce."

"Somebody removed your eye and replaced it with that one?" Finoula asked, aghast at the very concept.

"Whatever for?" asked Darrien.

"Beats me," Rale admitted. "But I wasn't gonna stick around to find out. I managed to free myself from the table and staggered out of the room - and that's when I found myself in the sewers."

"This story just gets worse," Finoula commented to herself, her nose wrinkled in disgust.

"About that time, I felt this...presence in my mind," Rale continued. "It was like a bunch of voices, all trying to tell me what to do. I wasn't having none of that, so I found a ladder up to the surface and figured out where I was. It was near here, in the Styes. I found my way to this antimagic field room we set up for such occasions as this, and as soon as I entered the field the voices - and the attempts at dominating me - stopped at once. But I've tried stepping outside the field and as soon as I do the voices return."

"So he's stuck here for now," Thunderwolf cut in. "We've got Desdemona leading the Collectors in scouring the city for any leads as to who might behind this. And my Guild members will stay here guarding Rale, because we don't know if the telepathic presence trying to dominate Rale is aware of his present location. If it is, they could be coming here for him, as we speak."

"So why we here?" asked Gilbert, cutting to the chase.

"I want you guys to see if you can track down the lab in the sewers," Rale repied. "See if you can find out where the operation was done, who was behind it, and put a stop to it. And if you can find my own eyeball, that would be great."

"I take it, then, you're not sure where in the sewers you were?" Finoula prompted.

"No idea. I can direct you to which manhole cover I popped up out of - that should give you a good idea of where to start. But I was too busy fighting off the attempts at mental domination to keep track of every twist and turn I took in the sewers. Hey, whatcha doing?" As Rale had been answering the ranger, she had brought Wrath over to sniff Rale's boots. She also lifted them up to get a good look at their soles, the better to recognize any tracks he might have left - judging by the muck on the bottoms of his boots, there was a good chance she might be able to spot his tracks and backtrack from there. And having Wrath get the Guildmaster's scent would only help in the endeavor. Rale gave them verbal directions to the manhole cover he used to exit the sewers and the Kordovians were off.

But while following Rale's instructions, Darrien came to a sudden realization. "How are we going to get Grumps down through a manhole?" It was a good question; there was no way the dire bear cub would fit through a hole just barely big enough to allow a human - Gilbert was going to find the process a pretty close fit as it was. The group took a side path into a dark alley so Binkadink could unroll the carpet of teleporting he kept in the group's portable hole. Laying it out flat in the alley, Darrien and Grumps stepped onto it and disappeared. The ranger returned a few minutes later, having put his cub in the animal pen inside the lower, extradimensional deck of their dragonfly spelljamming vessel. "He's fine," Darrien reported back. "I gave him some food from the larder." Looking at the gnome, he asked, "Do you want to do the same with Obvious?"

But Binkadink had been talking it over with Finoula during Darrien's absence. The gnome wanted to bring his jackalope along in the sewers, but given Obvious was the size of a full-grown horse that was going to be a problem. Finoula was the one to suggest a reduce animal spell, which would shrink Obvious to human size - small enough to squeeze through a sewer opening and yet still big enough for his gnome rider to be able to fit in the saddle. She cast the spell on the jackalope once they found the correct manhole and Binkadink climbed back into the saddle. "Is that going to work?" Finoula asked.

"The saddle's kind of a tight fit," Binkadink complained, "but yeah, this'll work. Thanks, Finoula."

Gilbert cast a Rary's telepathic bond spell that encompassed all of the heroes, linking them together in a mental connection that allowed them to communicate to each other without actually speaking. With Castillan absent, Gilbert could actually affect the entire assembled group, which was a welcome change.

"Are we ready?" asked Binkadink, climbing back down from the saddle and lifting the manhole cover up and to the side. An unpleasant odor wafted up from below, and the gnome wrinkled his prodigious nose in disgust. Obvious would now fit through the opening, but not with the gnome on his back - he'd have to climb back on once they were both in the sewers below.

"One minute, gnome," Gilbert responded, pulling a vial of some potent-smelling unguent from a pouch and dabbing it under his nostrils. "Don't want to smell sewers." That was too good an opportunity for Binkadink to pass up: using his racial ability to cast prestidigitation, Binkadink altered the scent of the unguent beneath Gilbert's nose to mirror that of the stench rising from the sewers below. "Guh!" Gilbert complained, looking suspiciously at the bottle before he put it back in his pouch. He suspected he'd been had by the merchant he'd purchased this gunk from - it didn't seem to be working worth...well, crap. Binkadink suppressed his smile and looked the other way, the very face of innocence.

"I'll take Wrath down first," Finoula offered. Leaning down, she scooped up her timber wolf and stepped onto the ladder leading down into darkness. Once fully below the surface of the street, she stepped off the ladder and onto the wall, shifting her weight as she did so, and walking down the rest of the way, courtesy of her boots of spider climbing. The everburning torch tucked under her arm provided enough light for her to see when she got to the bottom - it was about 30 feet or so below the street above. Once reaching the bottom, she gratefully set Wrath down - he was heavy! The wolf snorted at the unpleasant odors in the sewers but sniffed about, seeking Rale's scent. Malrin alit upon Finoula's shoulder, still in her owl form. The owl's smaller size would likely come in handy while maneuvering through the cramped tunnels; this tunnel was circular in cross-section but only about 5 feet tall, forcing most of the adventurers to have to hunch forward when passing through them.

Obvious scrambled through the opening next, wriggling through head-first and dropping the full distance, landing easily on all fours and then waiting patiently while Binkadink climbed down the ladder at a much slower pace. He was glad to leap into the saddle, though: looking at the foul-smelling liquid trickling along the floor, it looked like the little gnome was going to be the only one who wouldn't need to wash his boots at the end of this particular excursion!

The others climbed down after the gnome, leaving MARCI to follow once everyone else had made it down below - they weren't sure if the construct's metal construction would be too heavy for the aging metal ladder, and thought it best not to have anyone standing directly beneath her when she climbed down. But the medical construct made it to the lower level without incident. She scanned about with the red beam from her single eye.

"Rale's boot print," Finoula pointed out to the others. She was able to backtrack his path to an open room, where at least the ceiling was 10 feet tall and she could stand up straight. "He came from this direction." But there were several branches from this central chamber, one being a winding passageway that meandered in a southerly direction, with a larger, circular side-tunnel, some 10 feet in cross-section, leading from east to west. Darrien took a southern side tunnel that broke off from the central tunnel before even hitting the larger chamber and decided to explore it. He saw the larger east-west tunnel before him, but other than the occasional rat he saw no signs of life. Still, he held his Arachnibow at the ready, an arrow nocked and ready to fire should the need arise.

Wrath and Finoula had gone south along the meandering route, reaching the western edge of the east-west tunnel. She could see Darrien's head peeking out from his side tunnel east of her position, and beside him looked to be a larger opening in the side of the tunnel, this one heading north. She doubted Darrien could even see it from his position, so she alerted him to its presence over the mental link. <I'll check it out!> offered Malrin, flapping off of Finoula's shoulder and flying east down the wide tunnel.

Gilbert, in the meantime, had gone to the western edge of the initial chamber and saw a passageway to the north. It made an almost immediate left turn to the east, which, surprisingly, led to a set of wide stairs leading up to another level 10 feet higher. He was about to check out these stairs when his eye was caught by a dot of red on the filthy floor ahead of him - it was a drop of blood, likely Rale's. Behind him, Mudpie and MARCI followed, keeping close to the man each considered his or her master. Binkadink followed behind on Obvious; it was easier to stick to the taller passageways while mounted, and the way Gilbert was exploring had the advantage of containing 10-foot-high ceilings.

Malrin reached the passage by Darrien - her silent flight causing several rats to scurry away in panic, apparently not having expected to have to worry about owls in the sewers - and flew through it. It, too, opened into a set of stairs leading up, so the druid followed, providing a running narrative of what she saw to the others over the telepathic link. Her owl eyesight could see the passage ahead took a turn to the right, and she mentally envisioned it likely meeting up with the set of stairs Gilbert had announced he'd found - and then Malrin's owlish hearing picked up a slight buzzing from just ahead. She didn't have time to puzzle over its likely source before a mass of tentacles dropped down upon her.

Malrin felt a sudden pain in her side and realized she's just been stabbed; looking down, she saw a tentacle-tip had impaled her, and while the appendage had wrapped around her, keeping her imprisoned, its tip was draining blood from her body. She screeched instinctively in pain, but also called for help over the telepathic bond.

Binkadink and Obvious were the first to respond. Scampering past Gilbert, they raced up the steps, down the corridor, and turned the corner ahead to find themselves facing a floating, pale-skinned orb, from which sprang nearly a dozen tentacles. Obvious bit down on one of them with his lupine incisors, while Binkadink stabbed his glaive's blade deep into the thing's body. They could both hear the same buzzing sound Malrin had heard before the death kiss dropped down on her.

Darrien splashed into the east-west tunnel long enough to turn the corner and race up the stairs. From his vantage point, he could see a blood-red eye in the middle of the spherical body from which the tentacles sprang. He shot his readied arrow at the eye, but the body swerved in midair at the last moment, causing the arrow to strike the body to the side of the unblinking eye. Behind him, Darrien could hear Finoula and Wrath splashing down the wide tunnel and bounding up the stairs. Farther back, Hagan followed in the ranger's wake, Wezhley still perched nervously on his shoulder.

Gilbert ran up the stairs behind Obvious and Binkadink, casting a resist electricity spell upon himself and his familiar as he ran. MARCI followed, not to leap into battle but to stay near the only true human in the vicinity. She had been built to aid humans, and even though she had been ordered by Gilbert to treat the others as "honorary humans," she knew he was her predominant concern.

Malrin struggled feebly against the strength of the tentacle wrapped around her and constricting her like an anaconda - and then she changed tactics. Willing the change in her body, she wildshaped from an owl to a grizzly bear. The tentacle binding her was forced to loosen its grip as her body expanded, but not enough to allow the druid to escape its clutches. Worse, the tentacle's tip was still embedded in her side and it still sucked up her blood, pulling it through the hollow appendage and into the death kiss's spherical body.

But Malrin wasn't a sufficient meal to the death kiss, especially with other perfectly suitable morsels at hand. It floated toward Darrien, close enough that three of its needle-tipped tentacles could swing at him while six more could still reach out to attack Binkadink and Obvious on its other side. The gnome was hit by two of the tentacles, but fortunately his armor prevented them from getting enough of a hold on him to allow blood drain; Darrien and Obvious weren't as lucky, and they found themselves in Malrin's unenviable position as blood snacks for a hungry death kiss.

With a mighty surge, Darrien managed to extricate himself from the tentacle grappling him. He staggered back, away from the floating beast; Finoula helped pull him back out of range. Binkadink, fearing being caught up in the tentacles wrapping around Obvious, abandoned the saddle and leaped to the floor - but he didn't abandon his mount and friend, instead bringing the glaive cutting deep into one of the tentacles pinning Obvious's limbs and preventing him from escaping. The blade severed through the tentacle entirely, causing its end to drop to the ground, spilling jackalope blood from its hollow length. Obvious, although still pinned, managed to bite into one of the tentacles grappling him, causing his mouth to fill with his own siphoned blood. Then Binkadink's glaive severed that tentacle and the jackalope fell to the floor, no longer attached to the death kiss. But Binkadink's attack had come at a slight cost, for a surge of electricity came channeling down his blade, shocking the gnome. Still, as he saw Obvious extricate himself from the severed tentacles and back away from the floating aberration, Binkadink considered it a price worth paying.

Finoula had her lightning bolt amulet in hand and was about to turn herself into a living blast of electricity to go jolting through the death kiss, but Binkadink called out through the link, <It's got an electrical zap! The thing's probably immune to electricity!> "Well, shoot!" said Finoula aloud, dropping her amulet and pulling out Tahlmalaera from its scabbard as she ran up to the death kiss. A tentacle stabbed out at her as she approached the floating monster, but she slapped it away with her left hand before it could attach itself to her skin, and then she stabbed deep into the monster's core with her longsword, unleashing a wave of sonics through the embedded blade.

Instinctively, the death kiss floated away from Finoula's painful sword, spinning around to face Obvious. With the bleeding jackalope right before it, the creature sent several of its remaining tentacles stabbing at the pony-sized, antlered rabbit, siphoning the jackalope's blood through its hollow tentacles. The death kiss used the blood to heal some of the wounds it had already sustained thus far in fighting these creatures from the world above. It also levitated higher, so it could enjoy the two morsels it had already captured and imprisoned within its coiled appendages.

Even without being mounted on Obvious, Binkadink's glaive could reach high enough to stab up at the death kiss, but before the gnome could strike Gilbert stepped up behind him and cast a flesh to stone spell at the death kiss. The monster's writhing tentacles ceased moving immediately, as its pale coloration darkened to a medium gray. Then the creature plummeted back to the floor below, its stone tentacles snapping off as they impacted the solid floor. Malrin, still in bear form, and Obvious felt the thud of sudden impact with the floor, but as it freed them from the abomination in whose blood-draining clutches they had been trapped, neither complained. Malrin staggered away from the death kiss's shattered body and resumed her normal elven form. Then, with her staff of healing at hand, she liberally applied healing spells to those who needed them - primarily herself, Obvious, and Darrien.

<So now what?> asked Binkadink, looking up at the ceiling. <There's a tunnel up there, directly above, where the monster dropped down from. Do we try to get up there?>

Finoula had spent some time investigating the floor along the upper level where they had fought the death kiss. <There's no trace of Rale having been this way,> she said. <I want to go check out that area where Gilbert found drops of blood.> So saying, she backtracked the way Gilbert had come, going down the western steps back to the area by the original main chamber. Hagan and Wezhley volunteered to accompany her.

<I want to check out this way,> Darrien decided. With Obvious's permission, he climbed up onto the jackalope's back, then stepped onto the top of his head and from there onto his branching antlers. It still wasn't enough to get him to the top of the tunnel, which he could see from this distance turned to the east and leveled out. But that was easily fixed by a shot from his Arachnibow, the ranger causing the arrow to become a strand of sturdy spider-silk that instantly adhered to the top of the wide, vertical tunnel. Climbing up its length, Darrien pulled himself onto the vertical part of the tunnel - this, like the wider sewer tunnel below, was circular and about 10 feet wide in cross-section - and peeked down into the room beyond once he got to the passage's end and saw it veered downward.

The chamber below was a sphere, the tunnel Darrien was in dropping down onto its topmost pole. Looking inside the hollow sphere, Darrien could see another circular tunnel at the chamber's equator, but there were smaller niches all along the inner surface of the hollow sphere, each one holding a humanoid skull; the half-elf ranger could pick out those of elves and dwarves as well as those taken from humans. There were others that were either halflings or gnomes or - worse yet - children.

This all seemed somehow vaguely familiar to Darrien, but rather than try to figure out where he'd seen such an architectural configuration before he shot another silk-thread at the top of the tunnel and lowered himself down into the empty chamber below. He wasn't sure if he could run up the slope to the side tunnel, but he didn't have to; another strand from the Arachnibow aimed at the top of the side tunnel and he could easily pull himself up.

Gilbert, in the meantime, cast a fly spell upon himself and Mudpie. Turning to MARCI, he said, "Go follow Finoula. Stay with her in case she need any healing." Once he saw the medical construct follow his orders (it seemed simpler to send the metal automaton on the path that didn't require extensive climbing), he and his familiar flew up the ceiling shaft to follow Darrien's path. Malrin wildshaped back to owl form and followed.

<What do you think, Obvious?> Binkadink asked his jackalope friend in the language of burrowing mammals they both spoke. He was back in the saddle again and ready to follow either Darrien's way or Finoula's - but Darrien's seemed more intriguing. <Can you make it up there?>

"<Just watch!> replied Obvious eagerly, readying himself for a vertical leap. He made it through the opening, and some mad scrambling with his powerful legs once he got up there got him up to the level section of the tunnel. He then dropped easily into the lower sphere, and from there leaping up into the side tunnel was child's play. By then, Darrien was walking down this side tunnel's length, turning to the right when the tunnel did so. It was then that he recalled where he'd seen spherical rooms connected by circular tunnels before: in the lair of Gzornyx the Evil Eye, a beholder he'd helped Lord Cavelthorne's adventurers fight.

Of course, the beholder floating in the back of the spherical, domed chamber down the passageway around the bend of the side tunnel might have helped Darrien make the connection.

The beholder wasn't alone, either; standing before him were an elf wizard, Felforan the Gray; a dwarven fighter, Captain Ironbull; and an elderly human cleric, Davinda Solarus, who wore the sun-symbol of Pelor upon the tabard over her armor. Darrien gave an involuntary bleat of surprise before backing up back around the corner, casting a spell as he went. A constrictor snake suddenly appeared before him, which coiled and struck at Captain Ironbull, who wore the symbol of the City Guard on his armor. The snake didn't last long as a distraction, though, as the burly dwarf decapitated it with a single blow from his axe. Severed head and headless serpentine body both vanished.

The elderly cleric stepped forward, just enough to be able to see Darrien around the corner. A ray flashed from her left eye, striking the surprised half-elf in the torso. Darrien had submitted himself to magical healing many times during his adventuring career; this felt quite the opposite, as healing energy was drained from his body. He briefly wondered how a cleric of Pelor was able to do that with her eye, and that's when he noticed her eyes weren't both the same color.

But then Felforan stepped around the corner. He lashed out with a chain lightning spell, targeting Obvious as the primary and sending arcs of electricity to strike at Binkadink, Darrien, and Malrin. The elicited cries of pain indicated the spell had had its desired effect upon the intruding heroes.

<We're fighting a beholder and three cohorts!> Darrien called over the link, to let Finoula and Hagan in on what was transpiring on this side of the sewers. Finoula, however, had just discovered a secret door along a slightly discolored span of bricked sewer wall; pushing along the right side caused the section of wall to hinge inwards. Stepping into the narrow passageway thus exposed, the elven ranger noted the handle on the other side of the door - it was a "secret" door only from the rest of the sewers; from this side, it was perfectly obvious there was a door there.

<I've just found a secret door!> Finoula explained over the mental link. <Do you want us to come help you guys?>

Gilbert gave it a moment's thought. <No, you check out your way. Maybe it a way to sneak behind beholder.> That decided, Finoula pressed forward, Wrath, Hagan and MARCI following behind her. The passageway kept going north for a ways before turning west and leading up a short flight of stairs. The passageway seemed to come to a dead end there, but based on her previous discovery, Finoula imagined if she pushed along the right side of the wall any secret door hidden there would open - and she was right. The trio stepped into a crude bedroom, with a cot along one wall and a crate and barrel serving as a makeshift table and chair. A wooden coat rack in the corner held several robes and bloody aprons. Finoula frowned in distaste but pressed on through the room. There were doors to the south and west; she chose the western door as that was the one most likely to lead to the other heroes.

Malrin flapped around the corner and cast a flame strike at the assembled enemies; the way they were distributed she had to ignore the dwarf in order to get the beholder, the elf, and the human. As the flames erupted down from the room's ceiling, she was glad the beholder's central eyelid was closed; she'd heard a beholder's big eye sent out an anti-magic ray that would have negated her spell. But the spell went off without hitch, and with any luck the druid's enemies would assume she was just a harmless familiar or pet, not the source of the spell.

Vrgolkryn kept his central eye shut despite the pain of the spell; as things stood, he had no other option, for his three hivemind minions were in the path of his central eye's range - and in any case, he could see perfectly fine around him with the ten eyes on his eyestalks. Most of the intruders were still around the corner, so there wasn't much he could do offensively with his eye rays at the moment, so he called upon their newest power: three of the eyes shot beams of energy in the corner of the tunnel, and in the areas where they hit three more of his hivemind minions popped into view. The first of these was a powerfully-built dwarf, Borrin Stonefist; the next was a half-elven woman in a flowing dress, Jillianna Vanderblaine; the third was a big-bellied human man, Robun Krendlemann. Like the first trio, each had a pair of mismatched eyes, the left eye being a graft from tissue from the end of one of Vrgolkryn's own eyestalks. Also like the first trio (and Rale Bodkin before them), each was also one of the secret Lords and Ladies of Greyhawk. Vrgolkryn's charmed assistants had abducted each of the Lords in turn, allowing them to be ocularly modified and joined into the hivemind which allowed the elder orb to control their actions - all but Rale, who had somehow managed to overcome the attempted domination, even now.

Captain Ironbull turned the corner to face the enemies, taking the opportunity to slice the head of his axe into the owl flying nearby. Malrin called out, <I'm hit!> over the Rary's telepathic bond spell, adding <I'm playing dead!> for the benefit of the rest of the team as she dropped to the stone floor and remained motionless. Hopefully, the beholder and its dominated foes would assume she was dead and leave her alone, for she was seriously hurt by the axe's blow - but she was equally sure she could surreptitiously cast a healing spell upon herself without being noticed.

Felforan rounded the bend, stepping beside the dwarven Guard Captain and casting a flesh to stone spell at Darrien. The half-elf ranger was struck square-on by the spell, and only just managed to shrug off its intended effects. But then Davinda stepped up behind the elven wizard and targeted Darrien with a slay living spell, and this time the half-elf's fortitude was not up to the task of fending off the spell. His heart exploding in his chest, Darrien keeled over where he stood, his mental cries of pain diminishing to nothing over the Rary's telepathic bond spell.

Borrin raced forward, stepping on Malrin's fallen form (it was all she could do not to cry out in pain as he did so) on his way to Obvious. Once he got to the jackalope - he endured a slap of the flat side of Binkadink's glaive to do so - he punched the surprised riding mount in the face, hard. Jillianna, not looking at all like a combat enthusiast, send a beam from her eye lancing out at Binkadink, hoping to cause him to be charmed into her service. Fortunately for the little gnome, he was able to fend off the spell's effect. Robun did the same thing, sending a charm monster ray from his left eye to strike Obvious, hoping to get the jackalope to buck off his armored rider - but Obvious's mind was as firm as Binkadink's had been.

Binkadink assume these people they were fighting were all charmed and, like Rale, had not been willing participants in their eye upgrades. Thus, disinclined to meet them in combat, he pulled the horn of goodness from his belt, brought it to his lips, and blew for all he was worth. The note he sounded caused Borrin Stonefist to blink rapidly and look around in surprise at his surroundings. As Binkadink had hoped, the magic circle against evil created by his horn had unlinked (even if only temporarily) the dwarf from the beholder's mental sway.

"By Moradin's beard!" cried the dwarf. "Where th' bleedin' 'ell am I?"

"You were being controlled by a beholder!" Binkadink cried as he urged Obvious forward - not far, just enough for the spell effect to encompass Captain Ironbull, Felforan, and Jillianna while still keeping Borrin well within the spell's radius. These three also snapped immediately out of the beholder's hivemind, looking about them in bewilderment. The half-elf diplomat held a hand to her nose, finding the stench of the nearby sewers unbearable.

But while Vrgolkryn was having four of his hivemind minions stolen from his grasp, his as-yet-unseen ally opened wide the double doors behind the elder orb and stepped forward at the beholder's side. This was a bloodstained human wearing a leather apron over his clothes, a wizard going only by his title: the Chirurgeon. It had been he who had performed the arcane surgery upon the Lords of Greyhawk, to create the hivemind that was to allow Vrgolkryn to be the secret ruler of the city of Greyhawk, by making its ten Lords his mental puppets. And best of all, the Chirurgeon didn't need to be charmed by Vrgolkryn; he was doing this of his own free will, in part because he wanted the experience of performing such an elaborate arcane experiment, and in part because having the secret ruler of all of Greyhawk in his debt could only be advantageous to the Chirurgeon.

Seeing the benefits of Binkadink's magic circle against evil, Gilbert cast the same spell upon himself and stepped forward, catching first Borrin and then the others within his spell's radius. <Go ahead, Bink!> the wizard called to the gnome, knowing the mounted fighter was eager to take the fight to the beholder itself. Seeing she was now surrounded by allies, Malrin raised herself to a standing position and cast a summon nature's ally spell, bringing an ogre-sized earth elemental into being just beside the beholder. Vrgolkryn reacted immediately by backing up, through the doors opened by the Chirurgeon; the elemental swiped at the elder orb with a massive fist but failed to connect. Then Vrgolkryn shot a disintegrate ray at the earth elemental, causing him to dissipate into dust, while simultaneously catching Felforan the Gray in the back with a telekinesis ray. The elf was dragged toward the beholder, taking him out of the area of effect of the two magic circle against evil spells and back into the hivemind - and thus under the beholder's mental domination. A third eye ray shot out, the flesh to stone ray striking Davinda Solarus (Vrgolkryn was more interested in taking her out of the fight for the moment - he could always have the Chirurgeon restore her once the beholder had defeated these intruders and was ready to add her back into his hivemind) - but the cleric managed to avoid petrifaction by mere force of will, perhaps bolstered by the will of her patron deity.

Then, to the beholder's surprise, Captain Ironbull came around the corner. He was too far away from the beholder to attack with a weapon unless he was willing to throw his battleaxe, but rather than do that he shot a ray from his left eye - the effrontery! Vrgolkryn was being attacked by a slow ray that Ironbull wouldn't even have had had it not been for the Chirurgeon's actions! Fortunately for the elder orb, the spell had no effect on him.

But now his other former minions were attacking their former hivemind master. Davinda cast a flame strike down at the beholder, quite accidentally catching the Chirurgeon - who she couldn't even see from her angle - in the spell's area of effect. Robun used his charm monster eye ray on Vrgolkryn, thinking how delicious the irony would be if the monster who had taken over his will would now fall under the Merchant Lord's own mental sway. Unfortunately, Vrgolkryn's will was powerful enough to overcome the attempt.

Felforan, now back in the hivemind, used his own disintegrate eye ray on Binkadink, who managed to shrug it off. Jillianna, in turn, used her charm person eye ray on Felforan, hoping to use enchantment magic to pull the elven wizard out of his mental dominance. It, too, had no effect. Binkadink decided he'd do better staying in the midst of the former hivemind-slaves rather than move forward, so he pulled his seldom-used sling from his belt and sent a stone flying at the elder orb's massive, spherical body. It hit, but did little damage.

But then Finoula opened the door from the Chirurgeon's bedroom and found herself standing behind the beholder, with the Chirurgeon also within view. Hagan didn't even bother entering the room; he cast a feeblemind spell at the beholder. Perhaps because of the unexpectedness of the attack, the spell overcame Vrgolkryn's mental defenses and his mouth gaped open. Furthermore, as at that point Felforan shared the beholder's mind through the hivemind, he too was affected by the half-orc sorcerer's spell and he, too, ceased all attacks and just looked about him in a stupified daze.

Finoula held her amulet aloft and activated it, becoming a sizzling shaft of lightning that burned through the beholder and set her standing before it in her elven form in the space of a fraction of a second. Startled, and having taken a severe amount of damage from Davinda's flame strike spell earlier, the Chirurgeon ran his likelihood of defeating these interlopers when his beholder ally was now a drooling idiot and found his likely success rate staggeringly low. He thus began the words to a dimension door spell, hoping to vanish in the sewers and relocate elsewhere - preferably in an entirely different city. Finoula reacted to the wizard's spellcasting, bringing Tahlmalaera slicing across his chest. She saw his leather apron start to fall forward, its straps severed by her attack and a line of blood well up through his shirt beneath - and then he was gone, his spell apparently having worked.

Gilbert stepped forward, forgetting to keep Borrin Stonefist within the bounds of his magic circle against evil spell, and as soon as the dwarf was outside of its protection Vrgolkryn's feebleminded hivemind kicked in, subjecting the dwarf to the spell's effects. His mind was too shaken at this point to ward off any further mental attacks, and he too lost the ability to reason or do much more than stand about with a dazed look on his bearded face.

"Oops," said Gilbert belatedly. But then he did what he had stepped forward around the corner to do: cast a flesh to stone spell at the beholder. The spell was a success, and for the second time that day Gilbert brought a hovering stone creature falling to the floor and shattering into dozens of pieces.

The beholder slain, Davinda looked worriedly at Captain Ironbull and then both stepped away from Binkadink's magic circle against evil, seeing if the hivemind effect had ended with the elder orb's death. Both were relieved to see that it had - their minds were their own again.

Malrin resumed her elven form again and used her staff of healing on those who needed it. "I'm afraid I can't cast a heal spell on those who were affected by Hagan's feeblemind spell," Malrin apologized.

"Never you mind, dearie," reassured Davinda Solarus. "I'll take them with me to the Temple of Pelor - we'll get them the healing they need."

"Nice spellcasting there, Hagan!" congratulated Finoula. "You took the fight right out of them!"

"What the--?" sputtered Robun Krendlemann suddenly, as he was unceremoniously shoved up against the wall by an unseen force. Borrin Stonefist approached with a sheepish look on his face. "Sorry," he said. "I were just tryin' sumthin' - didn't think these eye rays'd still work once th' beholder were dead an' all - but it looks like they do!"

Experimentation showed that the same held true for the other Lords of Greyhawk. "I say," remarked Captain Ironbull, thinking of how easy it would be catching fleeing criminals with a slow ray always at the ready.

"Shall we get out of the sewers?" asked Hagan. "I can teleport us all back up to the surface, although it will take a few trips."

"Yes, get us out of here!" groused Gilbert. "This place smell awful - and that unguent I use to block smell worthless!" Binkadink remained silent and successfully kept his smirk at bay.

- - -

This took a surprising turn right from the beginning, when I learned Jacob wouldn't be playing with us after all: he'd forgotten an appointment that lasted until 2:30 PM (we start gaming around noon), and as he lives 45 minutes away he'd likely spend more travel time than actual game play by the time he got here. So he had authorized Dan to run Castillan in his place, but I opted to forgo anyone running the bounder at all, simply having Castillan unavailable at the start of the adventure. (As I usually do, I decided he'd have an "off-screen adventure" that kept him at the same XP level as the rest of the PCs.)

I also didn't anticipate the PCs turning Vrgolkryn's hivemind minions against him that easily, but that's what makes this game so fun, even for the DM who knows what all's going on in the background. So we finished this session around 4:15 PM.

Harry excused himself from game play about halfway through the session, complaining of a stomach ache; he went upstairs to go lie down and rest. As a result, Joey ran Hagan for the rest of the session, which actually turned out okay once Darrien got killed - at least this way Joey had a PC to run. And it was Joey's brilliance to have the half-orc sorcerer attack Vrgolkryn with a feeblemind spell; had Harry still been running his own PC, he'd likely have stuck to his usual chain lightning, polar ray, and disintegrate spells - he's all about the damage dice, that one.

Fortunately, I had built in variable treasure for this adventure: the Lords of Greyhawk would reward the PCs with 10,000 gp per Lord rescued from the hivemind without being slain; since they managed to do so without a single Lord's death, that netted them a cool 100,000 gp. Even after paying for a true resurrection spell for Darrien, that left everyone sufficiently rewarded that the players are all going to be thumbing through the DMG to see what their PCs might wish to purchase before leaving Greyhawk City.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My plain grey T-shirt, to represent Greyhawk City.

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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 16
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 16
Darrien, half-elf ranger 16
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 16
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 16
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 16​

Game Session Date: 9 March 2019

- - -

The day began on a rather interesting note: shortly after breakfast, a giant humanoid standing some 25 feet tall walked up to the drawbridge of Battershield Keep. He appeared unarmed, wearing only a simple white toga and leather sandals with crisscrossing straps rising up to just beneath his knees. "I would speak to the team of adventurers within," he bellowed.

Castillan was the first to approach, as he was the closest to the drawbridge when the visitor arrived. He looked up at the massive form, seeing a clean-shaven face looking down at him. Unlike many of the giants the bounder had seen, this fellow seemed perfectly-proportioned, as if a human being had suddenly been grown to nearly five times his own normal height. "Um, hello," said the elf. "Can I help you?" Castillan didn't appear to be armed, either, but he knew all it would take was a snap of his fingers and his blades would instantly appear in his hands, if it came to that.

"I am the titan, Leandros. I have been challenged by a rival, War Titan Takhios, to assemble a team of six proxies to compete in a friendly game of Titan Chess. I have heard good things about your group and wish to hire you on as my team."

Hagan stepped out of the main building in the keep's interior and saw a pair of giant legs on the other side of the lowered portcullis. He instantly cast a dimension door spell that sent him - and his weasel familiar Wezhley, perched in his usual place upon the half-orc's left shoulder - to the top of the northwestern tower, where he looked down at the titan outside the keep and could cast spells down upon him if needed. But it didn't seem likely; Leandros looked up at the half-orc sorcerer's sudden appearance and gave him a wide smile.

"You need not have played Titan Chess before," Leandros assured Hagan, addressing his comments to him now instead of Castillan. "The rules are simple and straightforward. But there is a prize up for grabs that I would claim as my own: Frostreaver, a 20-foot-waraxe. It cannot be purchased directly, merely won as a prize, but I will pay each of you 2,000 pieces of gold simply to represent me in the game – and I will increase that amount tenfold should you win." Castillan practically salivated at the thought of being paid 20,000 pieces of gold merely to join in a chess game. The rest of the team had just made a lot of money down in Greyhawk without him; this was a chance for him to earn a sizeable amount for what didn't seem like a whole lot of work.

"I'm in!" he said enthusiastically.

"Me too!" added Binkadink, who had sidled up during the conversation. Behind him, Finoula and Darrien warily approached the portcullis, hands on weapons if not actually drawing them.

"Team of six, you say?" asked Gilbert. "Me and Mudpie in as well!"

"By all means, I would have a wizard of your power on the team!" boomed Leandros. "But your elemental must stay behind, as must all animals, be they riding mounts or familiars, or...whatever that metal woman might be." He looked down at MARCI in puzzlement as she approached Gilbert Fung; the automaton tended to follow the human wizard around to see to his needs.

"So I can't take Obvious?" Binkadink asked, crestfallen.

"The team I have in mind will consist of you, Binkadink Dundernoggin; you, Hagan; you, Castillan Ivenheart; you, Finoula Cloudshadow; you, Darrien; and you, Gilbert Fung. Those six, and those six only. If you all agree, we will be off immediately. By my word, I will have you returned safe and sound to your home by this time, two days hence. What do you say?"

Gilbert looked at the others as Hagan ran with Wezhley to the stone steps at the back of the Keep so he could join the others in the courtyard. "We in," the portly wizard announced.

"Excellent!" beamed Leandros. "Then gather your weapons and armor, that we might depart!" The heroes dashed into their individual quarters to gather up any needed equipment, then Gilbert sent MARCI to go explain things to Helga while Binkadink pulled the chain that raised the portcullis. The group of six stepped across the lowered drawbridge as MARCI and Helga approached to see the group off. "Ye take care, all of ye!" admonished Helga. "I'll have pies waitin' for ye when ye return!" she promised. MARCI, in the meantime, lowered the portcullis back into place. Mudpie lowered himself into the ground, determined to enjoy his "time off" from wizard's-familiar duties; Wezhley opted to sulk in Hagan's quarters. It simply wasn't fair, and if the half-orc sorcerer returned to find weasel droppings on his pillow, then maybe next time he'd think twice about leaving his familiar behind!

Leandros passed his left arm before him and a shimmering field of energy took form outside the keep - a sparkling circle of silver motes. The titan strode purposefully through the field, disappearing from view. The others followed suit.

The other side of the gate spell was another world entirely. This was made evident by the floating islands off in the distance; with a shock, the group realized they were standing upon another of these islands, this one perhaps a half mile in diameter. It was a world on the edge of winter and spring – there were buds on the trees and remnants of snow on the ground. Leandros didn’t seem to feel the cold despite his minimal garb.

"There," he said, pointing to a large, open field of assembled stones, each 5 feet to a side, forming a grid 24 squares wide and 30 squares long. Eight of the squares were brightly colored: two each of green, yellow, blue, and red, forming a sort of crooked "X" along the central area of the rectangle. "That will be your battleground, where you will face a team of six opponents, striving to win Frostreaver for the War Titan. But I would see the weapon in more deserving hands!"

There were two long, single-story buildings nearby, one on either side of the combat arena. "You will sleep here tonight," Leandros declared, pointing to one of them. "We will go over the basics of Titan Chess, you will eat heartily and sleep well, that you will be refreshed for tomorrow’s game!"

"Are we talking a fight to the death?" asked Finoula. Twenty thousand pieces of gold was a significant amount of coin, but her life meant more to her than mere money.

"To the death, aye," agreed Leandros. "But fear not: I have declared you will return to your homes as hale and hearty as you are now, and I intend to keep that promise!"

"Our souls still inside our bodies when we return home?" Gilbert pressed, trying to find any hidden loopholes in this deal.

Leandros laughed heartily, clearly not offended by the wizard's mistrust. "Indeed, Gilbert, just as you are now! Now then, gather around and I will explain the rules of the game."

As it turned out, "Titan Chess" really had very little to do with chess at all - it was just a fancy term for a specific type of arena battle. The teams could be of any size; Takhios had challenged Leandros to a competition between six-person teams, which is how the team of Kordovians had been chosen. Of course, there was no specific requirement to choose a group already consisting of six members; Leandros could have just as easily chosen six individuals who had never met each other before, but he preferred fielding teams with a previous history of working together.

"You've played this game before, then?" asked Darrien.

"Yes, many times - but never for a prize as vaunted as the Frostreaver! Now, see that row closest to your longhouse? Each of you will start the game on one of those squares. You may bring as much of your normal gear as you wish, but you may have no spells cast upon you before stepping onto the board. Cast all the spells you wish, but only once the game has begun, and by all means only when it is your turn."

"Explain," commanded Gilbert.

"As with normal chess, each team moves one of their pieces in alternating turns. You will be ranked in order, as will the six on the opposing team. If we are to move first, then the combatant designated the first on our team will move where he will, then the first of the other team, then the second of our team, then their second, and so on."

"How we know whose turn it is?" prompted Gilbert.

"The square beneath the person whose turn it is to move will light up. Now, I assume you are all familiar with walls of force?" Upon their acknowledgement, Leandros continued. "Each of the squares on the arena-board before you will be bounded on all sides - and 10 feet above the board - by walls of force. Thus, each of you will be imprisoned on a single five-foot square until it is your turn, at which point the square you're standing on will light up and the walls of force touching the corners of your square will drop. This will allow you to move onto another square and as you move, the walls of force will drop or snap back into place around you. Thus, when it's your turn, you will have access to the square you're on and the eight squares surrounding that square - unless you're on the edge of the board, in which case you'll have less than eight. And as you move from square to square, the walls of force will turn on and off such that you are always surrounded by open squares on all sides to which you can move. Is that all clear?"

"So far," replied Finoula.

"When you advance to a space adjacent to another piece, you may interact with that piece, as the wall of force between your two squares will be down. If it's an ally, you can cast a spell on him, pass him a potion, or whatever. If it's an enemy, you can attack. But - and this is important - you cannot take an action unless it's your turn, or the turn of another piece adjacent to you. It is your turn only when the square you're standing on is lit up, and as you move, so will the stones you step upon light up and those you leave stop glowing. When the time you've been given to take your turn is over, the square will stop glowing. So you, Binkadink: if an enemy moves past you and you'd normally be able to strike out at him as he passes, you would be able to do so. But do not try taking any other actions when it is not your turn. You may have taken a grievous blow and be bleeding out, but do not try to drink down a healing potion unless it's your turn! Failure to comply will cause the judges to smite you with a lightning strike from above - and you don't want that!"

"So you can only attack when the square you're on is lit up, or if an enemy whose turn it is is adjacent to your square," repeated Castillan, getting it straight in his mind.

"Correct. You will note, however, that this makes ranged combat all but impossible save for but the shortest distances. Likewise, attack spells are limited to, at most, a distance of ten feet: the square you're on and one adjacent to it. This is bad news for you, I fear, Darrien, for it limits the effectiveness of your bow."

"I have my scimitar," the archer replied. Indeed, he'd just paid a weaponsmith in Greyhawk City part of his earnings to increase the blade's sharpness with a keen effect and the ranger had been practicing with it of late.

"Good man!" Leandros beamed. "Now, note also that most spells cannot pass through a wall of force. Gaze attacks will work, as will teleportation effects, but summoning spells can only be used if the summoned creature will fit on a single, adjacent square to the spellcaster. For that reason, Darrien, you could activate your opal frog, for he is about the size of a man, while your praying mantis and giant fly are both too large to fit on one square. It is for that same reason," Leandros added, looking over at Binkadink, "that your jackalope was not included on this team." He looked over at Gilbert. "And while your earth elemental friend is small enough, to bring him along would have taken up one of my six slots - and I'd rather the six of you."

"What is the purpose of the colored squares?" asked Hagan.

"Ah, that's what makes each game of Titan Chess unique!" replied Leandros. "Each team captain - Takhios and myself - are in charge of two of the colors and what effects they have on the game. We have been given the yellow and green squares. When you go into battle, you will know that stepping onto one of the green squares teleports you instantly to the other green square, and stepping onto one of the yellow squares will cause a heal spell to activate. None of Takhios's forces will know what the green and yellow spaces do, until they observe them in use. However, we will have no idea what effects Takhios has assigned the red and blue squares until we likewise see them in use."

"Can we use their squares? And they ours?" asked Hagan.

"By all means! In fact, you need not know what the effect will be to step onto a square, but be warned: some team captains set their colored squares up as booby-traps: you might find it's a disintegrate spell waiting for some foolish victim to step upon it."

Finoula looked over at the arena-board, and at the other longhouse on the far side of it. "When we will meet our counterparts?" she asked.

"Not until the game," Leandros answered. "In fact, when you're all in your starting stations, the walls of force surrounding your squares will be blue to anyone looking at them, although you'll each be able to see through your own as normal. Likewise, the enemy pieces will all be obscured by red walls of force. Only when two enemy pieces are brought onto adjacent squares and the walls of force are lowered will those pieces by revealed - and indeed, from that point on, those particular combatants will be visible by all concerned."

"So only way to find out who we fighting is go fight them," Gilbert summed up.

"Indeed!" And then Leandros left the group to plan their strategies, after assuring them the longhouse contained not only ample food and drink, but a game table with the arena-board in a smaller scale so they could work out their plans. Gilbert went page by page through his Omnibook, looking at each spell with new eyes - how would the constraints of Titan Chess affect the casting? Hagan, as a sorcerer, had many fewer spells to worry about; he just noted that fireballs would be a bad idea unless he was amply protected from fire energy, whereas chain lightning and polar ray spells (his other two favorites) would still work, but against many fewer opponents at a time than he was used to.

But while Gilbert was fussing over his spell selection, the others made a few plans of their own. Darrien agreed to pass his opal frog to Binkadink for the duration of the game, since the little gnome was better suited to mounted combat. The archer opted to rely upon his magic scimitar as his primary weapon, but he also planned on bringing his Arachnibow and quiver of Ehlonna - you never knew when the opportunity might arise where he'd wished he'd brought them. Finoula practiced using her whip in closer combat than she was used to, realizing she couldn't extend it to its greatest distance during the game. In this way, the day passed in eager anticipation, and by the day's end the adventurers were all ready for their beds.

Morning came with the sounding of three great horns, the signal that the game would begin in an hour's time. The group rose, dressed, and ate a quick breakfast. Then, at a summons from outside the longhouse by Leandros, they exited the building and walked over to the arena-board.

"What, no cheering crowds?" asked Castillan. He'd expected they'd be fighting in front of an audience.

"None but the unseen judges presiding over the contest," Leandros replied.

The group could only see half of the arena-board, for the walls of force along the center were all black. "That's to prevent you from seeing the other team members as they assemble," Leandros explained. "And them, you. Now then, take your positions."

"You don't care how we line up?" asked Finoula.

"Do as you see best. I leave such decisions to you."

The group had already come up with their plans for their starting lineup. Although there were 24 different squares along the first row of the board and only the six of them, they chose to huddle together in the center of the row, with Gilbert in the middle. They had decided they would remain together until it was Gilbert's turn, then he could move along the entire row and cast a Rary's telepathic bond spell on the entire group. It would use up his first turn, but they hoped it would give them an advantage over the long run.

There was another triple-blast of unseen horns and the blackness separating the halves of the arena-board faded away, allowing the two teams to see their enemies' starting positions, if not the individuals themselves. Unlike the blue team, the members of the red team were spaced equidistant along the back row, with three squares separating each piece from his nearest neighbors. Then the square beneath Hagan's feet lit up, shining a bright blue, and the friendly game of Titan Chess was underway!

The heroes had been told their relative sequences in the turn order, so Hagan had purposefully put himself at one end of the group's lineup of starting positions. For his first turn, he moved from one end of the group to the opposite end, each square he stepped on glowing blue in turn, and cast a greater invisibility spell on Gilbert as he moved to an adjacent square to the portly mage and the wall of force between them was temporarily lowered. Then the square beneath his feet stopped glowing and one of the red pieces - the leftmost combatant, indicated only by his position, for the four walls of force around him moved as he moved - charged straight ahead. He managed to move forward 16 squares in the time he'd been allotted for his turn.

Castillan was next and he followed Hagan's pattern: moving from one side of the huddle along the first row to the other, the better to align himself for Gilbert's spellcasting. Then the rightmost red piece moved straight ahead, also moving forward by 16 squares. The red team seemed eager to advance into battle, whereas by all appearances the blue team members huddled as far from combat as they could.

But this was just to allow Gilbert to cast his Rary's telepathic bond spell on the assembled group once it was his turn. <Everybody hear me okay?> Gilbert called over the mental link once it was established and everyone chimed in. Gilbert finished his turn at the other side of the huddle, having backed into the first row again - and was now the leftmost blue piece from their vantage point of the arena-board.

Another red piece moved forward, this one apparently not as fast as the first two members of his team, for he only made it 12 spaces forward before stopping. Then Finoula advanced forward 6 spaces - as far as she had time for after casting a quick barkskin spell upon herself, as was her general routine when anticipating combat. But at least she showed their opponents the blue team wasn't going to stay back in the first row all game.

Another red piece advanced 12 spaces straight forward, leaving the red team perfectly symmetrically aligned with only their two center pieces having not yet moved. Darrien followed Finoula's course of action, casting a barkskin spell and moving forward. Then another red piece advanced 12 spaces forward, making it Binkadink's turn. He dropped the opal frog onto the square ahead of him, leaped upon its back after it had achieved its full size, and then the gnome urged him forward, extending his retractable glaive to about an 8-foot length, the longest he'd be able to swing it comfortably in these confined areas. The final red piece finished the first round of turns by moving forward 12 squares.

Hagan cast another greater invisibility spell, this time upon himself (for he could see the advantage in having their primary spellcasters still hidden from view when the blue shielding was eventually extinguished), and moved forward beside Binkadink and the frog. That made it the first red piece's turn again, and he moved straight forward, all the way to the blue team's starting row, then turned and made a bee-line for Gilbert, the closest piece on the left side of the arena-board. <We got incoming!> Gilbert announced over the link, as if the others on his team weren't all watching to see the first enemy revealed. As the red piece made his final move, the blue and red colors surrounding Gilbert and his enemy disappeared, revealing an empty space where Gilbert was standing (for he was under the effects of Hagan's greater invisibility spell), and what at first glance appeared to be a gargoyle on the square right next to him.

<Gargoyle!> announced Binkadink, but Gilbert wasn't too sure. Superficially, it had the standard gargoyle's physiognomy, but there were obvious differences, mainly in the coloration: true gargoyles could pass for stone creatures and thus had skin tones reminiscent of stone, whereas this creature had a reddish-brown skin. Gilbert could also see it breathing, something nearly imperceptible in true gargoyles. He wished he had the time to consult his Omnibook to be sure, but he hazarded a guess over the mental link. <Think that a nabassu demon!>

Fortunately, the nabassu had used up its full turn just in getting adjacent to Gilbert's square, so the square beneath its taloned feet stopped glowing before it could put its teeth or claws to good use - it didn't carry any weapons, not that Gilbert guessed it needed them. Demons often had a wide array of spell-like abilities they could employ, and Gilbert hurriedly tried recollecting what nabassus could do. They had a gaze attack, he was pretty sure, but good luck using a gaze attack on an invisible opponent!

Castillan moved over to attack the nabassu, revealing himself as he attained an adjacent square. He only had time for a single strike with his vampire's fang dagger, recently traded by Gilbert for an adamantine dagger; the wizard had figured the bounder could put that weapon to better use than he could, for in truth the wizard was hardly ever reduced to using a hand-held weapon, whereas those were Castillan's stock in trade. The vampire's fang dagger slid into the nabassu's flesh, siphoning off some of the demon's life energy and temporarily imbuing the elf with its stolen power. For the next hour or so, Castillan would enjoy a slightly greater amount of vigor, which he figured could certainly come in handy when fighting for his very life in a combat arena.

Another red piece initiated combat, revealing a raging bugbear barbarian in full battle frenzy. He swung his morningstar in a two-handed grip at Binkadink; if he was surprised to see his suddenly-revealed enemy to be a gnome on a man-sized frog he gave no indication of it. But Binkadink ducked beneath the blow and the morningstar whizzed harmlessly over his head; when the bugbear's stone square stopped glowing, the gnome could see it took considerable effort for the barbarian to momentarily cease his attack.

<A demon and a bugbear so far,> Finoula pointed out. <I think we're fighting a team of evil!> That was actually a relief to the elven ranger; she'd been worried about having to kill unknown enemies who might have been completely innocent. And while she assumed War Titan Takhios would see to the resurrection of his slain troops, that wasn't necessarily a given.

But now it was Gilbert's turn, and with a suppressed chuckle of glee he cast an Otto's irresistible dance spell on the nabassu, eagerly awaiting the look on the demon's face when it started capering around against its will. But Gilbert was denied his glee, for the spell failed to take effect. In fact, the demon just grinned at Gilbert, and the wizard got the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that the nabassu hadn't just been grinning in his general direction, but at him specifically. Belatedly, Gilbert recalled that many demons had an innate sense of true seeing; if such was the case here, Hagan's greater invisibility spell was no protection at all!

Another piece came close to Finoula but stopped short, preventing the heroes from determining just what they were facing. It was a spellcaster of some sort, though, for the space between it and Finoula was suddenly occupied by a deinonychus, which attacked the ranger with the talons on one hind leg. Finoula jumped back in time to avoid being eviscerated and was pleased to see the dinosaur didn't press its attack once the square beneath it stopped glowing - either it was well-versed in the rules of Titan Chess or its spellcaster was controlling its movements.

Finoula was up next and decided she wanted to see this hidden spellcaster for herself. She needed only to move one square away, diagonally across from the deinonychus, to do so, and then the dinosaur's master was revealed: a lizardfolk with stripes of colored paint dabbed on its face and arms, likely a cleric of the lizardfolk deity. Finoula stabbed at the lizardfolk's belly with Tahlmalaera and sent her flaming burst whip of thorns (recently upgraded in Greyhawk City) striking at his legs. Both weapons struck true and the lizardfolk hissed in pain.

But now another red piece initiated combat, attacking Finoula from another side. The githzerai monk, now revealed, connected with his punch, sending Finoula momentarily reeling but fortunately remaining on her feet.

Darrien moved forward, scimitar in hand, and attacked the lizardfolk cleric and revealing himself to the other team in the process. It was starting to be a scrimmage there in the middle of the arena-board, with Darrien and Finoula fighting off a lizardfolk cleric, a summoned deinonychus, and a githzerai monk, while not too far away Binkadink and his borrowed frog battled a bugbear barbarian. Another red piece moved forward a bit but refrained from entering combat just yet, choosing instead to cast a defensive spell upon himself and thus remain cloaked in obscuring walls of red.

Binkadink sent his glaive crashing into the bugbear, drawing a line of blood across his shaggy torso but eliciting only a growl of irritation from the hearty barbarian. The toad snapped at the furry foe as well but failed to connect, although the gnome got in another good strike while it was still his turn. Then the square beneath them stopped glowing, and he too felt the irritation of the artificiality of this game format - he wanted to just keep fighting his foe for as long as it took, not having to wait for his turn again. The barbarian obviously shared the gnome's view, gripping his morningstar and eager for his turn to strike.

One of the last two pieces still shielded in red moved forward to attack Finoula, revealing himself as a hobgoblin in heavy armor, wielding a greataxe. His weapon struck Finoula a glancing blow on the shoulder, but it was enough for her whole arm to go numb; she barely kept her grip on her whip. While surrounded on three sides by enemies, she tried finding the nearest yellow square in the corner of her eye, realizing she'd likely need healing soon.

Hagan approached the bugbear and let loose with a polar ray spell, causing considerable pain to the shaggy barbarian - and some amount of confusion, for despite the blue shielding dropping away from Hagan's square, he was still invisible. Not able to see this invisible attacker, the bugbear opted to concentrate his attention on the gnome until he'd been slain, then worry about the spellcaster he couldn't see.

But now it was the nabassu's turn and Gilbert's worst fears bore fruit: the demon, imbued with true seeing, sent his death gaze at the heavyset wizard and Gilbert felt the life drain from him. His last thought before he toppled over was, <Wait! The ring! I should have used the ring....> Forgotten in the excitement of the battle was Gilbert's ring of arcane supremacy which, had he activated it, might have caused the Otto's irresistible dance to affect the demon after all. But then all the others felt over the link was Gilbert's mental death gurgle.


<Gilbert! Answer me!>

<Guys, I think he's dead. But watch out, or we'll be next! Whose turn is it?>

It was Castillan's, and he was too busy attacking the nabassu with his short sword of wounding and his vampire's fang dagger to comment over the link, dealing the demon considerable damage in retaliation for having slain Gilbert Fung. The nabassu roared in fury and reflexively spread his wings as if to fly off before realizing he'd be punished by a lightning strike if he moved from his allocated square, as it was no longer his turn. Then Castillan's square lost its glow and the bounder had to cease his attack; the elf and the demon glared at each other, although the latter was careful not to activate his gaze attack on Castillan.

The bugbear's square had just barely started to glow when he was swinging his morningstar for all he was worth. He connected with Binkadink's dragonhide plate armor but it absorbed most of the damage of the blow. And then, Gilbert having been slain, the turn went to the next red piece in the rotation: the lizardfolk cleric. He stepped back, away from Finoula, and cast a spell resistance spell on himself as a protective measure, perhaps thinking the deinonychus would make up for any lost attacks the lizardfolk himself might have made on his turn. Then the dinosaur was allowed to attack and it went after Finoula, raking her with its claws and snapping at her with its razor-sharp teeth. The elven ranger found herself even more in need of healing than before. It being her turn next, she fled from the clump of combatants, passing onto and then over the yellow square which healed her completely - but she was clever enough to continue on the charade of being heavily injured, the better to conceal the yellow square's secret power. The githzerai monk followed Finoula and sent a fist streaking straight at her face. Fortunately, he avoided the yellow square and thus its secret remained safe - at least for now.

Darrien was tempted to attack the deinonychus, but the others advised him over the telepathic link to ignore it; as a summoned creature, it only had a limited presence in the game before it would return from whence it came. <Focus on the enemy pieces!> Finoula called to her fellow ranger, and Darrien attacked the lizardfolk with his scimitar. The reptilian humanoid looked ready for some healing of his own by now.

But now the last shielded red piece revealed himself by moving to a square adjacent to Finoula. She assumed it to be a kenku at first glance; she was familiar with these crow-men since Rale Bodkin had several of them in his service. However, this one had a pair of glossy, black wings rising from his back. The tengu shugenja cast a chain lightning spell at the ranger, thinking to take her out of the picture, perhaps believing she still suffered the wounds inflicted upon her earlier in the combat. Finoula endured the temporary pain of the electrical assault, thinking only how glad she was the walls of force prevented the spell from targeting any of her companions as well - they were all too far away for the secondary arcs of electricity characteristic of that spell to reach them, given the walls of force in the way.

Binkadink slew the bugbear barbarian with three rapid strikes of his glaive on his turn, the little gnome putting the full force behind each strike. With the bugbear's death, it was still nominally a tie game, although the deinonychus was temporarily tipping the scales in the red team's favor.

The hobgoblin fighter attacked Binkadink just as the gnome finished his killing blow on the bugbear; the hobgoblin had been eagerly anticipating it to be his turn and brought his weapon to bear against the frog-mounted gnome as soon as it was legal to do so.

Hagan moved up and cast a chain lightning spell at the hobgoblin; like the tengu before him, he had to settle for but a single target when using a spell usually brought to bear against multiple enemies clumped together. That ended up being Hagan's last act in the game, however, for the nabassu ignored Castillan before him and focused his deadly gaze upon the half-orc sorcerer, ending his life as he had just ended Gilbert's; apparently the demon was tasked with taking out any obvious spellcasters first. Hagan's last thought was relief that Wezhley hadn't come with him after all.

Castillan furiously attacked the nabassu, wanting to take him out before the demon's turn came up again. His blades slid into the demon's sides, but the bounder failed to slay him outright. <Crap!> he called over the link. <We gotta take this demon out before he kills us all, one by one!> But then it was the lizardfolk's turn, and seeing how close Castillan was to one of the blue squares, he decided to try a double-whammy: casting a harm spell on the elven bounder while simultaneously stepping onto a blue square and activating its power. He had to step next to Castillan to do so, and the bounder, remembering it was legal to attack an opponent whose move brought him adjacent to your own square, stabbed out at him with his short sword of wounding before the cleric was able to finish the spell. The harm fizzled out as the lizardfolk dropped to the ground, his throat slit, but the blue square's powers activated, sending an electrical arc of energy - like that of a secondary arc from a chain lightning spell, crashing into the bounder's body. Castillan staggered under the electrical assault but remained standing.

The deinonychus bit and slashed at Darrien, but the ranger avoided the worst of the dinosaur's attacks.

Finoula lashed out with sword and whip at the tengu, hitting the bird-man with both. Then the githzerai tried pounding her with his fists, but the nimble elf was able to avoid his blows. Darrien ignored the deinonychus and moved over to attack the githzerai with his scimitar, drawing blood. The tengu cast another chain lightning spell targeting only Finoula, but paid for the act with a slash across his chest from Tahlmalaera. But then Binkadink led the frog in a spirited charge that ended up cutting the very life from the tengu spellcaster, who was nearly cut in half by the gnome's glaive.

That maneuver put the two teams at an equal footing with four combatants each, but now the blue team had the slight advantage, for one of the red team's "pieces" - the deinonychus - was a summoned creature and would disappear from the arena-board in a set amount of time without the blue team having to do anything about it. The hobgoblin fighter tried to even those odds by cutting down Binkadink, but his weapon was not up to the task. The nabassu focused his death gaze on Binkadink, apparently figuring him to be the most powerful remaining enemy, but the gnome's strong fortitude prevented the attack from slaying him. The demon moved up in any case, approaching the cluster of combatants in the middle of the board.

Castillan opted to use his magic ring to dimension door all the way across the board, ending up in the last row where the red team had begun. He was interested primarily in putting distance between him and the demon who could kill with but a glance; hopefully Binkadink could handle him while the bounder dealt with foes more his speed.

The dinosaur chased after Darrien, as if upset at having been ignored by the half-elf ranger who had sought more important foes. The dinosaur's attacks failed to connect as Darrien nimbly moved aside on his square. Finoula chose the githzerai as her next opponent, not because he was the most powerful but because he was right there by her and she could get in more attacks against him by staying on the square she already occupied rather than wasting time moving elsewhere. Tahlmalaera got its first taste of githzerai blood and the flaming burst whip of thorns caused a small, fiery explosion upon striking the monk's legs. The githzerai followed the elf's logic and made a full attack upon Finoula, not causing near as much damage as she had just given him.

Darrien swapped his scimitar for his Arachnibow and practiced a move he'd been working on: shooting more than one arrow at a time with one shot. The arrows streaked at the nabassu, several of them striking the demon, although others just bounced off his thick hide. Binkadink joined in the battle, trying to take out the demon before he could use his deadly gaze attack again, and despite opening several new wounds on the demon, it refused to die.

The hobgoblin ran up to attack Binkadink again, but the ease with which the gnome evaded his blows only infuriated him all the more: it was as if the gnome - the gnome, by all that was unholy! - saw him as beneath his contempt and ignored him almost completely while he focused his attention on the demon.

The nabassu hopped onto a nearby red square, causing it to explode in a fireball that engulfed its own square and the eight adjacent ones all around it - including the one Binkadink and his odd mount were on. At the same time, he focused his deadly gaze upon the gnome again, irritated that his most powerful attack hadn't worked on Binkadink the first time he'd tried it. This time he had better luck, though, for Binkadink gave a startled cry and fell lifelessly from the frog, which had been staggered to near-unconsciousness by the exploding fireball.

Castillan, ashamed at his earlier "escape move" now that it may have cost Binkadink his life, moved back towards the combatants. He got in a strike with his dagger at the githzerai, the only foe he could reach within the time limit of his turn. Then it was the deinonychus's turn, and it dashed straight for Finoula, dug a series of jagged gashes across her side with its sharp talons - and then vanished, the limit of the spell that had summoned it having expired.

Finoula, bleeding heavily from her side, moved up and stabbed the nabassu with Tahlmalaera, driving the blade all the way up to the hilt deep into his back. The demon tried spinning around to face this foe, but a trickle of blood spilled from his lips and he fell forward, dead; Finoula had to give a mighty tug to prevent her longsword from being pulled from her grasp as he collapsed.

The githzerai turned and faced Castillan, fending him off with a stunning blow that left the bounder staggering. Darrien switched back to his scimitar and stepped behind the monk, slicing him across the back as the githzerai was faced with two opponents, each on opposite sides. Darrien's opal frog tried getting into the action, snapping at the githzerai as well, but the attempt overtaxed his already strained body and that was enough for it to revert back to statuette form, effectively taking it out of the fight.

And then the hobgoblin, having been one of the least successful members of the red team thus far, redeemed himself by swinging his greataxe into Finoula's abdomen, causing the elf to drop to her knees - at which point the hobgoblin ended her life with a downward swing.

Had there been an audience watching this friendly game of Titan Chess, they would probably have been on their feet, cheering, by now. As it stood, the only spectators were Leandros and Takhios, who stood impassively watching the battle unfold, and of course the unseen judges overseeing this fight. But now the opposing teams of six were each down to their last two members, and the match seemed like it could go either way.

<Let's pick off the hobgoblin!> decided Castillan, moving into a flanking position with Darrien - one which, not coincidentally, put the bounder on a yellow square. As healing energy course through his body, closing all of his cuts and wounds, the bounder struck at the armored foe before him with his magical short sword and dagger. The hobgoblin spun to face the elf while the githzerai did his best to take Darrien out of the fight, to no avail. But now the four remaining combatants were all lined up in a row: Castillan on a yellow square (no longer providing healing energy until he stepped off it and back on, but at least preventing his enemies from using it as a resource), then the hobgoblin, then Darrien, and then the githzerai monk.

With blinding swiftness, Darrien dropped his scimitar to the ground and grabbed arrow after arrow, sending them flying from the Arachnibow's string into the hobgoblin at near point blank range. The hobgoblin's expression said he couldn't believe he'd been brought down by a half-breed elf, but he had: arrows sticking through rents in his armor, he crashed to the ground, dead. Castillan, on his turn, abandoned his yellow square to race around to the githzerai's back, so he and the half-elf ranger could flank him from two sides.

The githzerai got in several powerful blows on Darrien, who had perhaps neglected his own defenses in taking out the hobgoblin, but he remained standing after the monk's time was up. Then it was Darrien's turn again and he sent a handful of arrows at the monk, who managed to knock the first one out of the air but got hit with two of the following three. And then Castillan sent his short sword of wounding through the githzerai's body, its bloody blade sticking out of the monk's belly as Castillan's final blow lifted his foe off his feet. He lifted one of his feet to the monk's back and kicked, pulling his blade out of the corpse and allowing it to fall to the ground.

<Is that it? Did we win?> asked Darrien, looking around in a daze for any other enemies on the arena-board. There were none; Castillan and Darrien were the only remaining pieces still alive.

War Titan Takhios gave a sour-faced nod of congratulations to Leandros, then turned on his heel and stomped away. Leandros stepped onto the board and bent down to pick up the slain heroes, one by one, and lay them carefully on the ground just off the arena-board. He posed each, lying upon their backs with their arms crossed on their chests.

"You promised we'd all make it back home in perfect health," Darrien reminded the titan.

"And so you shall," promised Leandros. "But that will be tomorrow. Tonight we feast, and drink to the glorious deaths of your companions!" He stood to his full height and held out his right hand; immediately, a 20-foot-tall waraxe materialized in Leandros's hand - the Frostreaver, the game's coveted prize. Neither Darrien nor Castillan felt much like celebrating; they worried that Leandros might not keep his promise, and without Gilbert the two heroes had no way of returning to their own plane.

But they needn't have worried for in the morning, Leandros led them back out to the arena-board, where the slain heroes were rising as if having just awakened from a long sleep. "This is Ysgard!" boomed Leandros. "On this plane, those slain in combat rise the next morn at their full strength, ready for another day of glorious battle!"

"No more battle for me!" insisted Gilbert Fung. "We not paid yet for chess game! We win?" he asked Darrien and Castillan; seeing as they had approached the board from the longhouse and not woken up on the ground like the others, he assumed they had survived the game - and surviving blue pieces could only mean a victory for the blue team.

"We won," Castillan reassured the wizard. Leandros led the newly-resurrected heroes into the longhouse for a quick breakfast before opening a gate that returned them, as promised, back to Battershield Keep. And he had their payment for them as well; even Gilbert wasn't sure how the titan had done it, but upon their arrival there were six large chests of coins, one for each of the heroes, sitting just outside the moat of the keep, by the drawbridge. "Well earned, my friends!" boomed the titan, still glowing at their recent victory on his behalf - and his successful procurement of the Frostreaver. "I will remember you well, should I find myself in need of a mighty team of mortals again!" And then he stepped back into the silvery gate behind him, which disappeared as soon as he had vanished through it.

"Let's lug these inside," suggested Binkadink, heading for the nearest chest. And then a female voice called from inside the keep.

"You're back!" cried Helga. "Who wants pie?"

- - -

I've wanted to try a "living chess battle" adventure for some time - decades, really, since reading "The Chessmen of Mars" back in junior high. This is where I finally put the idea into action, although the first thing I abandoned was the notion of chess pieces and their different ways of moving across the board, followed swiftly thereafter by the concept of two chess-playing opponents moving their pieces around based on which moves made the most sense - that would easily get boring fast for someone whose PC was a seldom-moved game piece. So the adventure ended up being not very chesslike at all, but still a great deal of fun - even though the way the adventure was structured meant that as soon as a player's PC was slain in the game, that was it for them for the whole session.

In fact, that was also a bit ironic: Dan plays Gilbert Fung, one of only two primary spellcasters in the game (and the other is Harry's Hagan, who as a sorcerer doesn't need to prepare his spells). Dan spent a good 20 minutes or so of session time going through all of Gilbert's spells, deciding how each would work based on the wall of force limitations of Titan Chess. He had several plans lined up, too - so it was doubly ironic that Gilbert was the first one slain. Dan was the one who remembered Gilbert's ring of arcane supremacy, too - about a half hour after his PC's death, and much too late in the adventure to retroactively give him another shot at making the nabassu dance uncontrollably. Had that spell worked, the game might have played out very differently.

Still and all, this was an interesting experiment and a fun change of pace - and those walls of force really did make for a different gaming experience. And after the adventure was completed, everyone sat down and leveled up to 17th as a result of the experience gained in playing a friendly game of Titan Chess.

Now all they have to do is decide how to spend their 20,000 gp.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My Dalek "Exterminate!" T-shirt, given that each team was attempting to kill the other members of the team.
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 17​
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 17​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 17​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 17​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 17​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 17​

NPC Roster:
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 10​
MARCI, humanoid construct​

Game Session Date: 4 May 2019

- - -

The Vistani wagon slowed as the garrison building came into view. Aithanar brought the two black draft horses, Castor and Pollux, to a full halt before lines of armed and armored men being given weapons instruction by a large, burly half-orc with a vast assortment of weapons hanging on his belt and strapped to his back. Aerik Battershield leaped from the seat of the wagon at Aithanar's side as Gilbert, Mudpie, Malrin, and Hagan opened the back of the wagon and exited, eager to see what it was the dwarf had brought them to see. Castillan and Darrien slid down from the wagon's roof while Finoula dismounted from Daisy's saddle, carrying the basket of loaves of bread Helga had baked earlier that morning, while Binkadink likewise dropped down from Obvious's saddle and joined the others.

"Slayer!" Aerik called over to the assembly of fighting men as the heroes gathered around him. "Brought th' men some loaves, an' I wantcha t' meet some o' me friends!" The half-orc approached, streaks of gray at the temples of his dark hair. The heroes easily recognized him as the former King Galrich but he seemed not to recognize them. Aerik started the introductions but Slayer went immediately to Finoula, approaching her with his burly arms held out wide.

"Feron!" he cried with a wide grin, grabbing the elf in a bear hug that would have caused her to drop Helga's basket if not for Aerik's timely assistance. "Glad to see you! What brings you to this part of the world?"

"Uh," replied Finoula, unsure of what to say. She knew she and her half-elf sister Feron bore a remarkable resemblance to each other, but she also knew King Galrich's mind was no longer all it had once been and his memory of recent events was all but shot. Was it better to correct him or to play along with his assumption?

"She's helpin' out th' kingdom, same as you," interjected Aerik, leaving the elf's identity up for the half-orc's own determination. He then introduced the rest of the heroes to the man who until recently had served as their king, referring to their former liege only as "Slayer." They played along with the introductions, neither of them giving any indication that they had known him for years - or that he was personally responsible for their status as Kordovia's adventuring group in the first place. Aerik waved one of the men over to take the basket of baked goods and then allowed Slayer to get back to training the men stationed at the garrison.

"'is mind's deterioratin' fairly rapidly," Aerik confided to the others, once back out of earshot of the former king. "'e don't rightly recall most o' th' last twenty years or so - but his weapon prowess's as good as it ever were. I talked it over with th' Queen, an' she agrees 'twere best if 'e finishes out what days're left 'im as a mercenary. Most o' th' men here know who 'e really is - or at least suspect it - but they're a good lot and they'll not be lettin' th' secret out t' any outsiders. An' 'e truly enjoys leadin' these warriors; 'e still got plenty 'e c'n teach 'em. And nothin'll give 'im greater pleasure than leadin' these men into battle against th' next wave o' orcs 'n' goblins what decide t' show their ugly faces 'round these parts!"

"He's quite the fighter," observed Binkadink, watching Slayer demonstrate a move with a greataxe that likely weighed more than the little gnome, swinging it easily in wide arcs before him. Galrich might not have any memories of being king, but his days as a barbarian adventurer were obviously still fresh in his mind.

"That 'e is," agreed Aerik. "Anyway, I thought ye'd best be knowin' what's up with 'im. Ye get on back now; I'll be stayin' th' day with 'im, make sure 'e's okay. I'll catch up with ye tonight."

The group returned to the Vistani wagon, Aithanar climbing back up to the front seat and picking up the reins; Darrien and Castillan climbing back up onto the roof; and Hagan, Malrin, and Gilbert - along with their familiars, Wezhley and Mudpie - took their seats in the wagon's interior. Binkadink climbed back onto his jackalope's saddle and Finoula remounted Daisy, her timber wolf Wrath climbing back out from the shade beneath the wagon to trot alongside his mistress on the way back. Then, with a final wave to Aerik and the garrison men, they retraced their way back to Battershield Keep.

"It's sad to see King Galrich in such a state," Finoula said as they approached the keep. The drawbridge was still down, as they had left it; at Gilbert's instructions, MARCI had remained behind and could raise it in a moment at the first sign of danger.

"I don't know about that," countered Castillan. "He seems happy enough training with the other warriors. It sure beats lying in a sickbed, waiting for old age to take him."

"What's that?" Darrien interrupted, shielding his eyes and looking up to the sky. It was a cloudless day, yet a shadow had fallen over the Vistani wagon and its passengers. At the same time, the ranger became aware of a droning sound. Squinting into the overhead sun, he could make out a dark cloud of flying bodies swooping down from one of the keep's towers and seemingly heading right towards him.

From her vantage point, Finoula could see better than Darrien what was heading his way: a swarm of flying insects, beetles of some type, by the looks of them. Tapping into the magical energy of nature all around her, she caused a wall of wind to wrap around the approaching swarm, spinning around in a cylinder she hoped would keep them immobilized in place.

Castor and Pollux slowed as they approached the lowered drawbridge, bothered by the droning of the beetle's wings. Aithanar pulled back on their reins; if this was some sort of attack - perhaps by some as-yet-unseen summoner - it would be best if the group had the maneuvering room outside the keep rather than being boxed in. Once the wagon stopped its forward motion, Hagan and Gilbert exited the vehicle via its back door, Mudpie following after his portly master and Wezhley perched on the half-orc's shoulders. Gilbert immediately frowned upon seeing the black beetles flying higher and higher, seeking a way out of Finoula's wind wall spell, for his magically-enhanced vision identified the insects as undead creatures.

Castillan wasted no time; he leaped off the top of the wagon and raced into the keep; once there, he ran up the northeastern tower, pulling himself up over the ramparts and looking about in all directions, seeking a potential wizard enemy directing the swarm's movements. He saw none but that meant nothing, for he'd been up against invisible foes many times before in his life.

The swarm spilled out over the top of the wind wall spell, flowing over the outer edge and heading straight for Darrien once again. Realizing how useless his primary weapon - the Arachnibow - was against a swarm of flying scarabs, Darrien plucked a crystal from his necklace, aimed it at the center of the swarm's mass, and activated it. Instantly, the crystal vanished, becoming a lightning bolt that burned its way through the the midst of the scarabs, sending empty husks falling to the ground. Seated on Obvious's saddle, Binkadink did the same using his own necklace of lightning crystals, as his own glaive would likewise be all but useless against a bunch of undead insects each no bigger than his thumb.

However, despite their best efforts, the swarm - somewhat diminished in numbers - engulfed Darrien in its midst. The half-elf ranger found himself coated in a layer of crawling, biting insects, the ones skittering onto his face blinding him and trying to burrow into his nostrils and mouth.

Standing up on Obvious's saddle, Binkadink didn't dare use another lightning crystal for fear of hitting Darrien, and, realizing his weapons were useless against the beetles, he decided the best thing he could do was try to collect one for further study; maybe Gilbert would know something about these black scarabs - he had an eerie knowledge about undead things. The gnome leaped from the jackalope's saddle onto the top of the Vistani wagon by Darrien, grabbed a beetle and hugged it close to his chest - and then promptly fell off the side of the wagon's curving roof, landing hard on the dirt road leading to the keep. He at least had the presence of mind to keep the beetle pressed closely to the chestplate of his dragonhide armor; no sense in letting his captured "prisoner" escape after all he'd gone through to catch him in the first place!

Darrien, hardly able to see through the layers of undead scarabs covering his face, knew the general location of the wagon and ran along the roof, leaping blindly at the end and hoping he'd accurately aimed himself for the moat spanning the keep and not the lowered drawbridge - if he'd guessed wrong, he was in for a world of pain! But the cooling waters encompassed him as he sank into the moat and he figured the beetles would soon either be fleeing back to the surface or drowning where they were; either was fine with him! He felt his hidden gill-slits open at the sides of his neck and breathing became that much easier, despite the scarabs covering his nose and mouth.

Topside, Hagan had been about to cast a lightning bolt spell at the beetle swarm when they unerringly dived into the moat, following after Darrien. "Well, that's weird!" the sorcerer exclaimed - in his experience, flying insects usually avoided going underwater.

"They undead," Gilbert explained, cautiously approaching the moat and preparing a spell for when the beetles returned to the air. He wasn't overly concerned about Darrien being underwater this long, the ranger's father had been an aquatic elf and Gilbert knew the half-elf could pretty much stay down there as long as necessary.

Darrien felt the beetles skittering all around him, but they weren't evacuating as he had expected: they were crawling over to the front of his body and somehow merging into themselves. Hidden from view from the rest of his friends, Darrien saw a horrific form materialize before him: a skeletal face with skin stretched tightly across the skull, brown teeth providing the rictus of a grin as the mummy slammed his bony fingers around the ranger's neck. Darrien gave a wordless scream as his mind froze into panicked paralysis, the two bodies floating slowly together to the bottom of the moat.

But while Gilbert, Hagan and the others couldn't see what was going on in the moat, Castillan had a much clearer view from his perch at the top of the keep's northeastern tower. "There's someone in there with him!" he cried out, not being able to make out much of the other figure besides the fact that he seemed to be moving behind Darrien, who wasn't putting up any kind of a fight. The bounder wasted no time; leaping over the side of the tower, he dove headfirst into the moat, straining to see who was attacking Darrien and in what manner. It was some sort of undead, that was clear: a lich, maybe, or a mummy. Regardless, seeing that Darrien was unmoving, Castillan decided that the first goal was to get the ranger away from his attacker, so he grabbed hold of Darrien's arm with one hand and activated the power of his ring.

In an instant, Castillan had dimension doored back up to the keep's interior, just inside the raised portcullis beside MARCI. By holding onto Darrien's arm, Castillan had brought the half-elf along for the ride; the paralyzed ranger fell to the ground upon his return to solid ground, his legs unable to support him in his current state. And then the bounder got a good look at the mummy who had also come along for the ride, by dint of holding tightly to Darrien's back as he was whisked away by the dimension door spell from Castillan's ring. The mummy ignored Castillan completely as he rolled Darrien over onto his front and bent over his still form, fiddling with the ranger's Arachnibow on his back.

Finoula had dismounted Daisy and had been trying to see over the edge of the moat when she saw the trio suddenly appear in the open entrance to the keep. An undead figure was bending over Darrien; instinctively, Finoula touched her lightning amulet and sent herself - in the form of a lightning bolt - across the span and through the mummy, to reform in her normal elven body on the keep's open grounds. The mummy had been aware of the blast of electrical energy coursing through his undead body, but it didn't deter him from his task: pulling the Arachnibow from Darrien's back.

Hagan cast a polar ray spell at the undead thing bending over Darrien, but the mummy had some sort of spell protection in place, for the ray of frozen energy fizzled away into nothingness upon impact.

"At last!" the mummy cried in glee, raising the Arachnibow above his head in triumph. The bow writhed in his hand, reshaping itself into a living spider; as Darrien was the bow's true owner, anyone else attempting to wield it caused it to transform into a spider the size of a small dog, who would have to be slain first before a new owner could be established. If the mummy was concerned about this he gave no indication; still laughing, he snapped out a single word of power and vanished from view, taking the spider with him.

Finoula rushed to Darrien's unmoving form and was relieved to see he was still breathing, but his skin had taken on an unhealthy tone. With a sudden realization, she cried out, "Mummy rot! MARCI -- is he okay?"

MARCI bent over the half-elf, the red beam from her sole eye scanning Darrien's body from head to toe in a long sweep. "Inconclusive," the construct replied. Malrin raced up as well, her staff of healing in hand. "If it's mummy rot, I should cast a remove disease spell on him," she declared.

"Stand aside," commanded Gilbert, pushing the others out of his way as he flipped to the back inside cover of his Omnibook, then started pushing aside images of scrolls until he got to the one he wanted. "He need break enchantment spell first," the wizard declared, beginning the words to the spell. Once finished, he turned to Malrin and indicated she should cast her spell now. Soon after, the paralyzation effect ran its course and Darrien sat up under his own power.

"Who was that?" he asked. "What did he want with me?"

"He was after your Arachnibow," Castillan answered. "Got it, too - although he was fighting it in its spider form when he teleported out of here."

"Well, he not keep it for long," vowed Gilbert Fung, pulling his crystal ball from a pocket of his robes. "We find him quick, then we go get your bow back." He passed a hand over the globe and it suddenly turned black. Gilbert, holding the undead beetle Binkadink had provided as a close tie to the mummy - something that should have made it easier to scry upon the undead form - frowned at the lack of an image. "It not working," he grumbled. "It supposed to show me mummy man - all I see is shadowy outline, nothing else."

"What are you talking about?" asked Hagan, looking over the portly mage's shoulder. "He's right there, in some kind of cavern, bending over a dead spider. You're probably seeing his outline due to the detect undead spell effect on your eyeballs." Hagan was well aware of Gilbert's arcane upgrade he'd performed upon himself years ago.

"You see all that through blackness?" demanded Gilbert, amazed that the half-orc's darkvision worked so well through the arcane sensor tied to his crystal ball. "You be able to teleport us all there?"

"Sure, no problem," muttered Hagan, still watching the darkened image in the sphere only he could see. "It's turned back into the bow again," he said, narrating the undead figure's moves. "Now he's picking it back up. Sorry, Darrien - it looks like he's got your weapon attuned to him now."

"Let's go!" snarled Darrien. He wanted his Arachnibow back.

"Prep spells first," admonished Gilbert, casting a magic circle against evil spell upon himself and Mudpie, then following it up with a stoneskin spell. Mudpie received a mage armor spell from his master while the two rangers each cast barkskin upon themselves. Then Gilbert finished their preparations off with a Rary's telepathic bond spell encompassing all of the heroes but Malrin. "You stay out of fight with mummy," Gilbert admonished the elven druid. "Your job heal us as needed. We take care of mummy."

"You're welcome to him," Malrin commented before wildshaping into an owl and alighting upon her brother's shoulder; the decreased size and weight made it easier for Hagan to teleport everyone in at one time. For the same reason, Gilbert used his slingshot of rock shrinking on Mudpie, diminishing him to the size of a small pebble and depositing him into a front pocket of his robes. MARCI stepped into the extradimensional space of the portable hole, Binkadink and Obvious following only after each taking a big breath of air. Then Hagan scooped up the hole and said the words that should have teleported the group inside the dark cavern the half-orc had seen through the crystal ball.

However, instead, the group was suddenly standing outside at the base of a mountain with a wide cave opening yawning before them. "Wait--this isn't right!" observed Hagan at once.

"Mummy probably got protections around lair," Gilbert mused. "We probably lucky it redirect spell just to outside lair, not into lava pit or something."

Castillan immediately started looking for a way into the dungeon cavern complex Hagan had seen in Gilbert's crystal ball. The cave before them was only about 20 feet deep, but there was a glowing rune of some type carved into the back wall. Curious, the bounder cautiously approached. Some sixth-sense warning alerted him to danger immediately upon brushing up against some webbing and he jerked back before getting stuck. "Invisible webs of some sort," he told the others.

"We see about that!" Gilbert said, casting a see invisibility spell upon his eyes. Then he confirmed, "Sure enough. Invisible spider webs all along back of cave. Not sure why, though."

Hagan, in the meantime, had dropped the portable hole to the ground and let Binkadink ride Obvious out into the open air. MARCI stepped out behind them. "What's up?" the gnome asked.

"Who are you? What do you want?" asked a voice from behind them. Turning, the group of heroes saw a human villager approach, staggering like he was drunk. "Who are you? What do you want?" he repeated.

"We're a group of adventurers--" Finoula began before getting cut off by another approaching stranger, who seemed to have just staggered out of the mountainside a dozen feet or so behind his companion. "It's a good thing you happened by," he said.

Another figure stumbled out through the mountainside wall - obviously a permanent illusion of some sort. This one was an elf, dressed in finery. "No! No! Nooooo!" he cried.

The heroes closest to these drunks exchanged dubious looks among themselves. Then, as one, they took up defensive stances, weapons out as the strangers staggered slowly in their direction. "Who are you? What do you want?" asked the first one for the third time. "It's a good thing you happened by," observed the one behind him, while the elf continued screaming "No! No! Nooooo!" Gilbert loaded Mudpie into his slingshot and fired him at the ground before him, restoring the earth elemental to his full size: all of four feet or so. Still, the familiar stepped protectively before the wizard, defending him from these potential foes.

As they got within reach, the staggerers attacked, their fingers curved into claws. Binkadink had his glaive at the ready and sliced at the first one in line, catching it right at the base of the neck. Blood spurted in a high arc from the wound, but the victim, nonplussed, continued its queries as to the heroes' identities and desires. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked as his body fell forward to collapse onto the ground.

The head, however, did not follow the same path. Instead, it lurched at Binkadink, the head followed immediately by a segmented body with far too many legs which crawled out of the neck-stump of the slain figure. The human-headed centipede-thing continued chattering, "Who are you? What do you want?" as the gnome gave a bleat of surprise (and no small amount of terror) and took an involuntary step backwards.

Mudpie slammed into the one closest to him, feeling ribs crack from the force of his punch, but all the swaying fellow could say was, "It's a good thing you happened by." Finoula stabbed out with her longsword Tahlmalaera at the elf who continued screaming.

Darrien had been busy removing his cloak of protection, folding it up into his backpack, and putting on his cloak of the white spider in order to try some experiments with the invisible webbing at the back of the cave when he saw the commotion off to his right. Stepping to the side of the attacking trio, he activated another crystal from his necklace and sent a bolt of electricity coursing through all three. But now he could see another three or four stepping out from the illusory wall shielding another cave opening into the mountainside. These figures also stumbled about, speaking nonsense ("By Pelor's grace!" "What the Hell is that?" "We'll have you out of there in a jiffy"). Castillan dodged past the one fighting Mudpie to stab his short sword into one of the new arrivals, and it showed no sign of the pain its body must have felt judging by the spray of blood.

Hagan cast a fireball spell directly into the mass of shambling figures, burning away the host bodies and forcing the human-headed centipedes out into the open. The sorcerer noted their insectoid bodies were covered in spines and that stabbing one with a handheld weapon would likely deal a bit of damage to yourself. Binkadink noted the same thing and extended his glaive to its full length, cutting through three of the abominations in rapid succession. Finoula slashed at the horrors with her flaming whip of thorns, trusting in the weapon's great reach to protect her from any spine damage.

The nonsensical mutterings came to a sudden stop almost all at once, as the centipede-things each opened up their mouths wide and sent acidic fluids spewing at the heroes. The attack was as disgusting as it was unexpected, but it was the only time the hybrid creatures would get to perform such an attack, for Hagan slew several more with a chain lightning spell, leaving Binkadink to pick off the others with his glaive.

"Those things were disgusting!" groused Finoula, wiping acidic spew from her face and flinging it to the ground. Malrin provided healing to those who had taken the worst of the damage from the acid and the spines of their attackers, and then Castillan opted to take point to see what was behind the illusory wall. With the others following behind him, he entered a narrow tunnel that widened out on one side, the wider section filled with barrels and crates looking to have been looted from passing caravans. But there was a closed door at the back of the passageway, and that's where Castillan focused his attention.

Observing no obvious traps, the bounder silently opened the door and found a large cavern, in the back of which looked to be some sort of bloated ankheg, in the process of laying eggs. The enormous, chitin-covered monstrosity looked directly at him, and he immediately activated his ring, casting a dimension door spell that took him clear across the cavern behind the insectoid monster.

Darrien was the next to react, pumping a barrage of arrows at the thing using his spare (and nonmagical) longbow. The thing hissed in irritation and pain, then scrambled over to the door on her insectoid legs with surprising speed. She caught the half-elf ranger in her mandibles, crushing him tightly but unable to maneuver him further into her mouth so she could swallow him whole. Finoula rushed forward to aid her friend, using Tahlmalaera to carve a deep groove into the chitin protecting the monster's side. From further back, Gilbert cast a vampiric touch spell on Mudpie and commanded his familiar to earth glide below the ground to activate the spell on the insect-thing.

Hagan was also further back in the line and unable to reach the monster insect. But all he needed was to see her to be able to cast a spell at her, so he sent a polar ray shooting past Finoula's head. Unfortunately, through some unknown set of circumstances the spell was reflected right back at the half-orc sorcerer and he got the full force of his polar ray right smack in the kisser. Growling in irritation, his anger sent Wezhley scurrying from shoulder to shoulder in agitation.

Malrin, still in owl form and not wanting to rush into battle, landed on Binkadink's shoulder briefly, spending her time there casing a bear's endurance spell on the little gnome. After all, if she knew Bink, he'd be eagerly trying to find a way past his friends so he could wade into battle with the deviant ankheg-thing.

Darrien wriggled from the beast's mouthparts and skipped to her right as Finoula stabbed at her from the left. The thing responded by snapping her mandibles at Finoula, catching the ranger in her mouth but once again having trouble swallowing her prey. Finoula didn't make it any easier for the insect, slashing at the delicate mouthparts with her longsword. And then Mudpie popped up from the ground below her, touching her bloated abdomen and discharging the vampiric touch spell Gilbert had infused in his familiar. Castillan stabbed the creature from behind, his short sword going in deep and releasing a yellowish ichor.

Unable to reach the battle from his jackalope's back, Binkadink dropped down to the floor before Obvious and stabbed through the doorway with his glaive, the blade slicing into the top of the creature's head. Then Obvious ducked his head, catching the little gnome under his antlers, and flipped him into the air, sailing over the insectoid enemy. Binkadink just barely landed on his feet behind the creature, right beside Castillan.

Not wanting to risk having another target-specific spell reflected back at him, Hagan cast a wall of fire spell just past the doorway in the cavern beyond, catching the insect across the middle. (The spell also caught Binkadink and Castillan in its heat effect, but the gnome's armor absorbed the damage; Castillan had no such protection but was willing to put up with a little pain to get this guardian beast slain.)

It was getting crowded in the front of the cavern, so Darrien activated one of the powers of his robe and spider climbed up the cavern wall, where he could shoot down at the monster with his arrows. Gilbert called Mudpie back to his side and loaded his familiar up with another vampiric touch spell, pleased with the results of the tactic the first time it had been employed. But before Mudpie could earth glide back to the chitinous foe, Castillan had slain her with his blade. Her insectoid legs buckled, her mandibles opened slackly, and Finoula was able to crawl back out of the slain beast's mouth.

Hagan dismissed his wall of fire now that it was serving no purpose and Binkadink stepped further into the chamber, looking for other exits. There were two: one was a door along the back wall, the other a natural tunnel leading into a larger chamber. Peering down this tunnel, Binkadink was rewarded with the sight of their foe: the mummy who had stolen Darrien's Arachnibow. But the gnome was a tad too late in discovering the undead foe, for the mummy had the Arachnibow up and aimed in his direction and by the time Binkadink realized he was in danger the arrow had already been loosed and was protruding from the shoulder-joint of his red dragonhide plate armor. The gnome staggered backwards from the force of the blow while the undead mummy proclaimed, "I love this bow!"

MARCI had stepped up to Hagan and was injecting him with a healing fluid to restore the worst of the effects from his own reflected polar ray spell when Obvious leaped forward, Binkadink leaped into the saddle (pulling the arrow from his armor and tossing it to the side in contempt as he did so), and then the two hippity-hopped their way down the narrow tunnel, racing toward their undead foe - hopefully before he could get off another shot.

Hagan extracted himself from MARCI's attention, stepped to the front of the tunnel, and saw the mummy standing holding the Arachnibow and aiming it at Binkadink and Obvious. He cast forth another polar ray, sending it past the jackalope's flank to strike the undead archer. However, Verminus was no mere mummy but a mummy lord, dedicated to the worship of Vecna, the God of Secrets. As such, he had spells of his own at hand, and several such were already woven around the undead thing's form, protecting him in a number of ways. Once such spell was the spell reflection which sent Hagan's polar ray right back at him, for the second time in as many minutes. Wezhley held his ears in his front paws to block the sound of his normally good-natured master cursing in fluent Orcish.

Finoula used her lightning amulet to convert herself into a blast of electrical energy which passed harmlessly through Verminus. When she reformed into her elven body behind the mummy lord, she was surprised to see no reaction from him; the protection from energy spell he had cast upon himself before fetching the Arachnibow was still in effect.

Feeling protective of his fellow elf, Castillan used the last daily charge of his magic ring to dimension door himself to Finoula's side; he knew the undead couldn't be dealt particularly damaging blows to critical points like a living foe could, but perhaps he could still get in a surprise attack before the mummy lord registered his presence.

Gilbert approached down the tunnel, casting an undeath to death spell from a scroll stored in the back of his Omnibook. He had hoped to destroy Verminus in one fell swoop, but on that front he was unsuccessful, for the mummy lord was far too powerful to be affected by such a spell. However, the same was not true of the hundreds of undead scarab beetles Verminus had pocketed in shallow holes all along this central cavern of his, waiting to be summoned to battle. But now it was too late, for undead insect husks rained down from all sides of the cavern, crunching beneath the feet of the approaching heroes.

Darrien was still back in the cavern with the slain ankheg-thing and decided to give the closed door in the back of the room a try. It opened at his touch, revealing a square chamber carved out of the stone of the mountain. Runes inscribed in the floor indicated this was some sort of ritual chamber; Darrien dropped his ebony fly into the room to see if it would activate anything; it didn't. Darrien cautiously stepped into the room, ready to race back if he triggered anything. But the magic in the room was inert and he walked its length to the short corridor he found on the other side. This way was blocked by a large boulder, and at this point the half-elf decided he'd best not do any further exploring on his own; if there was something he couldn't handle by himself on the other side of the the boulder, he'd have no way to quickly put it back in place (assuming he could even budge it on his own in the first place). He mounted the fly and sent it speeding down the corridor to just behind Gilbert, Mudpie, and MARCI.

<Found a back door,> he announced over the mental link.

<Kind of busy here!> was the brusque reply.

Verminus spun about and cast a slay living spell on Finoula, indicating he had been aware of her presence all along. Fortunately, she gutted out the spell and avoided the worst of its effects. But by focusing on the elf, the mummy lord had turned his back on Binkadink and Obvious - a bad move! Binkadink's glaive pierced all the way through the mummy lord and only fear of hitting one of the elves prevented the gnome from slamming it further through the mummy's undead flesh. But he swung the glaive to the side, dragging Verminus with him, away from the others. That set up a perfect shot for Hagan, who took an educated guess on what he knew about spell reflection spells - that they could only cast back a certain amount of spell energy before they fizzled out - gritted his teeth, whispered "Here goes!" to himself, and cast another polar ray spell at the mummy lord. He winced immediately thereafter, half expecting it to bounce back in his face, but it didn't; instead, Verminus took the full force of one of the half-orc sorcerer's most powerful spells. He dropped off the end of Binkadink's glaive, collapsing to the cavern floor in a pile of bones and funeral wrappings.

"Finally!" Hagan said, glad to not be the victim of his own spellcasting for once. Darrien flew up to Verminus and bent to pick up his Arachnibow, noticing at once that it looked different. "He's put rubies into some of its eyes!" he exclaimed, aghast that someone would have altered his primary weapon against his wishes.

"They magical," Gilbert announced after casting a quick detect magic spell. Of course, the entire Arachnibow was magical, but he could see auras of transmutation magic emanating from the ruby eyes on the spider-head that formed the middle part of the longbow.

"Let' see what all he's done to my bow," Darrien said, fully expecting the Arachnibow to transform into a spider the size of a small dog when he tried picking it up, now that it had been reattuned to Verminus.

It didn't. It transformed into spider bigger than a draft horse. But it was still no match for Darrien and his magic scimitar, and after the ranger had slain it and it had transformed back into a longbow, he found he was able to pick it up without further incident.

That wasn't the only change Verminus had made to the Arachnibow. Based on notes they found in a back room (and subsequent experimentation), Darrien found he could now not only turn an arrow into a strand of spider-silk in mid-flight, he could optionally turn it into a full-fledged web spell at the point of impact. He could also shoot an arrow at a foe and have the arrow transform into a tiny spider after it had hit. Furthermore, as long as Darrien was holding the bow, he could walk unimpeded along any of the webs he had created with the Arachnibow, as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell.

"Stupid mummy do you favor, stealing your bow," observed Gilbert.

"It would seem so," agreed Darrien.

- - -

The group explored the rest of Verminus's lair, finding his treasure without having had to do much in the way of fighting to get it. (I had a cool Colossal monstrous scorpion Verminus could have summoned besides the four undead scarab swarms hidden in the pockmark-cavities in his main cavern, but the PCs killed him off before I could get to any of that.)

Poor Harry was majorly bummed about his spells getting reflected back at Hagan, not only when fighting the mockery monarch bug but then immediately again from Verminus himself. I took pity on him and told him that Verminus's spell reflection spell had been burned off reflecting the last spell (as it had) so it was safe for him to attack him again. I think it helped that his final spell finished off the mummy lord; he was getting pretty frustrated up to that point.

And this was the first time we've played in this campaign for seven full weeks! I hope we can avoid such lengthy gaps in the future.

By the way, I had several possible alternate titles for this adventure. One was "Taking a Bow," which is exactly what Verminus did. Another was "Spider-Man vs. the Beetle," since Darrien's becoming somewhat of a spider-themed character (he not only wields the Arachnibow but also has a cloak of the white spider) and Verminus was a mummy lord swarm-shifter capable of becoming a swarm of undead scarab beetles. But I ultimately just named it after the villain - in part so I could "leak" the hint about the next adventure to the players that the last seven letters of the adventure's title were "-E-R-M-I-N-U-S." That got Vicki worried that her old friend Malaterminus might be making a quite unexpected return appearance.
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 17​
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 17​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 17​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 17​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 17​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 17​

NPC Roster:
Jinkadoodle Dundernoggin, gnome illusionist 6​
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 11​
MARCI, humanoid construct​

Game Session Date: 9 June 2019

- - -

Castillan stood on the top of the northeastern tower of Battershield Keep, looking out over the battlements. It was a sunny, peaceful day - or it was, until the dragonfly vessel came plummeting down out of the sky. It slowed at the last moment and came to a rough landing in the clearing just outside the stone keep. The elven bounder knew something was up at once, for Jinkadoodle normally parked the vessel on the floating sky-island of a cloud giantess friend of theirs, Zaralia, and used the teleport runes hidden in one of the extradimensional lower deck rooms to transport himself instantly to the keep. The fact that the gnome had brought the dragonfly vessel here surely meant something was up.

Sure enough, Jinkadoodle popped up onto the upper deck of the wooden ship and flipped the rope ladder down over the sides, starting to climb down before it had even completely unfurled. "Guys!" he cried. "Guys! There's trouble!"

Castillan leaped over the battlements, using his bouncer training to slide down the front side of the keep's walls and slow his fall. He hit the ground before Jinkadoodle did and ran across the lowered drawbridge to see what the problem might be. Behind him he could hear somebody - Binkadink, likely - raising the lowered portcullis so the other adventurers could follow him outside the keep.

"What is it? What's the matter?" prompted Castillan once the gnome pilot had leaped to the ground. The others raced up behind him while the little gnome paused to catch his breath.

"Blood - blood everywhere!" he cried. "And bodies; I think Zaralia's dead, and there's a dead dragon up there as well! I was gonna land at the edge of the cloud island like normal, only I saw the carnage - I didn't want to leave the ship up there in case whoever did that is still up there!"

"Good call," agreed Gilbert Fung. "Come on - we go check it out!" And then he turned and started back into the keep.

"Gilbert -- the ship's this way!" Castillan called after him.

"I know - I not climbing ladder if I can help it! I take carpet, meet you inside!" And while some of the others followed Jinkadoodle back up the rope ladder to the dragonfly vessel's upper deck, the portly mage went over to where the carpet of teleportation lay over by the stables in the courtyard of Battershield Keep. Darrien, Finoula, and Binkadink opted to take the carpet so they could bring along their animal companions; after a moment's hesitation, Malrin followed suit with Taihar, her dire fox. Once Grumps Junior, Taihar, Wrath, and Obvious had been teleported to the ship's interior, Binkadink rolled the carpet up and took it with him up the dragonfly vessel's rope ladder so they'd have it with them up on the cloud island; it was the easiest way for the animals to disembark.

Once everyone was on board Jinkadoodle brought the dragonfly ship up off the ground and flying into the clouds. It was the matter of less than ten minutes of flying before he approached Zaralia's cloud island. The first thing they noticed was that one of the two enormous apple trees - which grew apples the size of pumpkins - had been knocked over on its side. Near the tree was the sinuous body of Gozragoth, the cloud dragon who laired in the lower levels of Zaralia's island. And closer to the main building lay Zaralia herself, as evidenced by the blue tint to her skin. But the white cloud-stuff all around them was stained reddish-brown, the color of dried blood.

The dragonfly vessel made a perfect four-point landing on its leg-struts in its usual position (the far side of the island, opposite Zaralia's dwelling and observatory) and Castillan dropped the rope ladder over the side. The heroes disembarked, Jinkadoodle following worriedly in their wake.

As Hagan and Darrien approached the body of the cloud dragon, the half-orc sorcerer gave a sharp intake of breath as he noticed something he hadn't seen from the ship: the dragon's head was missing! Judging from the jaggedness of the neck-stump, it looked as if it had been chopped off with a bladed weapon. MARCI approached the headless draconic corpse and shone her red scanner-light over the creature's body. "This creature has been dead for several hours," she announced.

Darrien, in the meantime, stopped to examine the bloody footprints all over the area. "Humanoid prints," he observed. "Bigger than a man, but smaller than a hill giant."

"Trolls?" guessed Hagan.

"No, they only have three toes," Darrien answered. "And trolls usually go without shoes. Whoever made these were wearing either soft boots or moccasins." He absently scratched Grumps Junior's head as the bear ambled over to sniff the bloody footprints.

"Hey! Zaralia's missing her head, too!" called Castillan from the side of the fallen cloud giantess. It looked like her head had been taken off with a single strike from a bladed weapon - and likely after her death, given the pool of blood staining the cloud-stuff around her neck. The bounder noted several stab wounds on her body; Gozragoth had quite a few wounds on him as well. It looks like their heads had both been harvested after they had been slain.

"I'm going to see if there were any eyewitnesses, as it were," announced Finoula before casting a speak with plants spell. As she did so, targeting the still-standing giant apple tree, she noticed there were no apples remaining on the lower half of the tree. Looking over at the fallen tree, she saw almost no apples on it, either. "What happened?" she asked the tree. "Who killed the giant and the dragon?" She refrained from using their names, not knowing whether an apple tree would have known them by name.

"Elves," replied the apple tree. "Big elves." That sent Finoula thinking furiously: were there such things as giant elves? "Where did they come from?" she asked the tree.

"The sky," came the answer. That immediately put the thought of avariels - a rare race of winged elves - into her mind, but they were no larger than the standard elf, just with feathered wings growing from their backs. They couldn't have been responsible for the large footprints all over the cloud island.

"How did they get here?" Finoula prompted. "Did they come in a flying ship, like ours, or maybe just suddenly appear out of thin air?"

"They walked," the tree replied. Finoula repeated her conversation to the others, since her spell allowed only her to speak to the tree and understand its replies. "Air walk spell," Gilbert suggested.

"I'm checking inside," Castillan announced, opening the human-sized door embedded in the larger, giant-sized door leading into Zaralia's home. There was a pot of water over the remains of a cook-fire; it looked as if Zaralia had been in the process of making tea when she was interrupted by the violent intruders - whoever they might be. But no sooner had the elven bounder walked inside the structure then a shriek split the silence of the cloud island. Darrien was the first to notice a draconic form streaking down from overhead, but before he could warn the others it had opened its mouth wide and spewed forth a cone of freezing-cold ice particles, catching Hagan and Wezhley, Taihar, and MARCI in the frigid blast. The dire fox dropped to the ground immediately, frozen stiff and robbed of his consciousness by the power of the dragon's breath weapon.

Hagan turned immediately up to retaliate, the words to a disintegrate spell ready to spill from his lips, when Gilbert cried out, "Wait! It probably his mate!" The wizard had noted that this newcomer, like the late Gozragoth, was a cloud dragon. "We no kill the dragon!" he called out in Draconic to the furious creature, still aloft just above the island with the flapping of her powerful wings. Darrien, having been taught the Draconic language by the sorceress Caliandra, added "We just got here and found the bodies! They were both friends of ours!"

The dragon's eyes narrowed at these protestations of innocence, but then she saw the bloody footprints all around the area and noted they were much too big to have been made by anyone present. "Then who is responsible for my son's slaying?" she demanded.

That at least explained her relationship to Gozragoth. "We not know, but we find out and gain vengeance for slaying!" promised Gilbert. Darrien couldn't help but notice that the portly wizard affected a pidgin way of speaking no matter what language he happened to be using.

"See to it!" demanded the cloud dragon. "I will ensure Gozragoth's lair is still intact!" And with that, she flapped her wings and dropped below the top of the island, flying down to the bottom where the opening to her son's lair lay. "Figures!" muttered Gilbert. "Son killed, but she more interested in his hoard. Dragons!"

Malrin ran over to the frozen Taihar and cast a healing spell upon him, one of the few she had prepared that day. The dire fox shivered but sat up.

"How are we going to find whoever did this?" Darrien asked Gilbert.

"We familiar with both Zaralia and Gozragoth," Gilbert answered, pulling the crystal ball from a pocket of his robes. "I bet we--"

"Shhh!" silenced Finoula. "Do you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" scoffed Gilbert. But Finoula moved over to the fallen apple tree, where she could have sworn she heard a groan. Bending down beneath the fallen limbs, she saw an arm sticking out from beneath the foliage. "Help me lift this!" she called, pulling a thick branch off the woman trapped beneath the tree. Binkadink and Obvious added their strength to the task, allowing Finoula to pull the pinned victim from beneath the fallen tree. Once free, they could see it was Tanabelle, Zaralia's remaining human servant, and Finoula mentally scolded herself for having forgotten that Tanabelle still lived up here with her cloud giant mistress.

Binkadink poured the contents of a healing potion down the young woman's throat - after first ensuring it wasn't one of the ones doctored by Jinkadoodle with a magic mouth spell calling out embarrassing phrases when the potion was imbibed - and Tanabelle stirred. She gave a gasp of fear as she recalled what she'd seen before the tree had been uprooted in the struggles of combat, but Finoula helped her through her fear and assured her she was safe. When asked to tell them what she had witnessed, she gave her story.

"It was last night, when they came," she began. "I was out in the moonlight, enjoying the night sky by the grapevines, when the raiders came walking out of the sky. I've never seen anything like them before! They looked like elves – only they stood a good nine feet tall! They wore animal skins and wielded greataxes – is that what you call them? Really big axes, in any case. I ran for the trees when I saw them, and climbed up into the lower branches to hide. Zaralia came outside and they attacked her, and she must have called Gozragoth for help because he came to help fight them off. But there were close to a dozen of them, and the mistress, she--she didn’t really stand a chance. Gozragoth was fighting off most of them, but there were still three or so who concentrated their attacks on the mistress. I saw them--they cut off--” Tanabelle broke down in tears at the memory of her mistress’s beheading.

"In any case," she continued after a moment, "the tree I was in got toppled over during the battle, and I was knocked out, I guess, until you came here and found me. And that’s all I know.”

"Giant elves?" Hagan asked Gilbert as Malrin and Finoula comforted the servant girl. "Is that even a thing?"

Gilbert was flipping through the pages of his Omnibook, looking for a particular passage. He'd recently added the books from Lord Darborel Ivenheart's library to his Omnibook and there was something familiar about all of this.... "Got it!" he cried, finding the page he'd been looking for. "There rumors of elf-like fey, nine feet tall, called lunar ravagers. They live in hunting lodges among clouds, hunt mortal animals - and men - for sport. Come out during moonlight...this them, I bet."

Finoula had beckoned Jinkadoodle over and passed Tanabelle into his care. "Take her back to the dragonfly vessel for now," she told the gnome. "We'll figure out how we're going to track down who did this."

"Found 'em!" called Gilbert in triumph. He'd returned his attention to his crystal ball and brought up an image of the item he'd been looking for: Zaralia's severed head. If the image in his crystal ball was accurate, the cloud giant's head was inside a bloodstained sack sitting up against a wooden structure. Another sack next to it was filled with oversized apples and grapes from Zaralia's cloud island.

"Pull back the sensor," Hagan suggested, looking over the heavyset wizard's shoulder. Gilbert complied and another building came into view, this one much bigger but made of the same wooden construction as the first. "That must be their hunting lodge," the half-orc sorcerer deduced.

"You get good enough look to teleport us there?" Gilbert asked.

"Oh, yes. Just let me know when you're ready."

Gilbert cast a Rary's telepathic bond spell on the group, while Malrin and each of the rangers cast a barkskin spell upon themselves, toughening up the surface of their skin the better to ward off attacks. Hagan cast a mage armor spell to protect him and Wezhley, while Gilbert cast a stoneskin spell covering not only himself but Mudpie as well. Then, all preparations complete, Hagan had everyone gather up around him and said the words that teleported the group across the unknown miles to the cloud island containing the lunar ravagers' hunting lodge.

They appeared at the side of an enormous set of wooden steps leading up to a roofed porch, in the center of which was a set of double doors, each over 10 feet tall and nearly as wide. Looking all around, Darrien saw no sentries; apparently the lunar ravagers thought themselves secure enough atop a cloud island that they didn't need to worry about security all that much. The ranger walked silently up the steps and approached the door, placing his head against the wooden surface to see if he could hear anything from within. When that came up negative, he pulled on the leftmost door and it opened without a sound.

There was no interior light within the lodge save the remains of burning embers in the massive stone fireplace on the far side of the massive room. A long, wooden table with benches sized for giants sat in the feast hall directly across from the front doors; to the right were numerous closed doors leading, presumably, to various bunkrooms, while to the left was an open area whose outer walls contained a wide variety of ferocious-looking beasts, each the product of a skilled taxidermist (and each no doubt the result of a previous moonlit hunt). Darrien saw a remorhaz rearing up in the corner, a metal-skinned bull gorgon, a griffon whose white fur blended seamlessly into equally white feathers, a giant owl with wings outspread as if in flight, and even a three-headed chimera; idly he wondered if the chimera had been stuffed as it had been in life or if the taxidermist had taken liberties with the body parts of different beasts, stitching together something that had never existed in real life. Regardless, there was real skill on display, not only in the full-bodied animals along the walls but also the numerous heads mounted behind them - including, Darrien realized with a shock, several human and elven heads; no doubt he had found the reason for the decapitation of Zaralia and Gozragoth.

The door now open, Binkadink rode Obvious into the building, the little gnome steering his jackalope mount off to the right to investigate the doors; anyone who popped out of the nearest door was going to get a gnomish glaive in the face! But upon their entrance into the building's interior, a warning alarm - in the form of a loud, avian shriek - echoed throughout the lodge, no doubt alerting everyone within that there were intruders within. That helped explain the lack of sentries on the cloud island!

Castillan followed Binkadink and Obvious into the lodge but while the gnome and his jackalope readied themselves at the closest door to the front of the building, the elven bounder readied himself around the corner from the closed door at the back end of what he assumed was the sleeping areas of the lodge. Hagan followed into the feasting hall, Malrin following cautiously, and then Finoula coming in behind her with both primary weapons out and ready.

Then Finoula ran afoul of the lodge's alarm system, which turned out to be nothing more than the giant owl in the display area, which turned out not to have been stuffed after all but a convenient place for the lunar ravagers' sentry beast to keep a watch on the sole entry into the building. The owl flew across the room on silent wings, reaching out with his talons to catch Finoula on both shoulders before her elven senses could determine he was even there. However, Darrien was still in the doorway and saw the bird's approach, peppering him with arrows before he could attempt to lift Finoula from the floor. The bird crashed lifelessly to the floor, nearly knocking Finoula from her feet.

Then the door to one of the bunkrooms opened up and Binkadink and Obvious got their first good look at a lunar ravager. This was Anzairian, the leader of this particular band of hunters, but save for his slightly larger build he was fairly typical of his race: light of skin, blond of hair, with elven-looking features including delicately-pointed ears. Somewhat incongruously - at least when compared with the elves of Binkadink's acquaintance - he wore armor composed of thick, tanned hides and overlapping layers of various animal pelts. In his hand he held a massive greataxe.

Binkadink wasted no time on an apprasial of his foe's appearance, however: he brought his gnomish glaive crashing down on Anzairian's head. Or at least he tried to; the ravager demonstrated a remarkable agility and ducked to the side at the last possible moment, which, while it didn't prevent him from taking any damage - the gnome's blade bit deep into the furs and sliced into the lunar ravager's shoulder - it did at least prevent him from being slain outright. He swung his greataxe around for a powerful blow of his own, and while he was thus engaged Obvious stabbed at him with the sharp points of his antlers. Anzairian roared, and with blood dripping down his face, sent his blade crashing into the jackalope's left shoulder.

Off to Anzairian's right, three of the doors were swung open at almost the same time and half a dozen lunar ravagers, each wearing similar garb as their leader, spilled into the open corridor between the bunkrooms. They roared in eager anticipation of the battle to follow.

However, Gilbert stepped into the room, saw the approaching ravagers all bunched up, and cast a quickened Evard's black tentacles spell that caught five of the barbarians in their ebon embrace. He followed up with a shield spell on himself and Mudpie, in case any of the axe-wielding ravagers got loose from the rubbery appendages trying to keep them in place. Behind the portly mage, MARCI stepped into the room, scanning the area with her single red eye.

Two of the lunar ravagers, despite being among the writhing tentacles of Gilbert's spell, were in position to attack the gnome and jackalope fighting off their leader and did so with gusto. And then the final door opened, revealing a female lunar ravager armed with a javelin as well as a greataxe. She hurled the javelin at the back of Binkadink's head before sprinting over to face the heroes bunched up at the side of the long table in the feast hall, giving a cry of anguish and hatred when she saw the corpse of her trained giant owl Maithi with five or six arrows sticking out of his back and side.

Binkadink leaped from his mount's back and concentrated on Anzairian, judging him as the greatest threat since his armor was so much more elaborate than those of the other barbarians and the fact that he stood nearly a foot taller than the next-tallest ravager. While the gnome fighter traded blows with the lunar ravager leader, Obvious scampered after the female ranger about to bring her greataxe down upon Finoula's head. The jackalope bit into Garthalia's arm, then leaped up into the air to take the female ravager off her feet. He managed, on the way down, to force her face-first to the floor, while he landed on her back with all of his not-inconsiderable weight pressing down upon her. Finoula took full advantage of the situation, snapping her flaming whip of thorns at the woman's face and then stepping closer to bring Tahlmalaera stabbing into her neck and shoulder.

Castillan approached the closest of the barbarians struggling to get free of the black tentacles. There was one right at the edge of the spell effect, slowly making progress to freedom; the bounder chose him as the obvious target and stabbed at him, careful not to get close enough to get pulled into the tentacles' embrace himself. And then Hagan cast a chain lightning spell that targeted all of the lunar ravagers he could see: the five caught in the writhing tentacles and another stuck in the doorway of a bunkroom, unable to get to the battle himself because of the way being blocked by the Evard's black tentacles spell. The lunar ravagers struck by the half-orc sorcerer's spell cried out in pain, music to Wezhley's ears, who bounced up and down on Hagan's shoulder in delight of his master's spellcasting prowess.

While Darrien pumped arrow after arrow into the ravagers he could see (some were now almost entirely encompassed by writhing, black tentacles), Gilbert continued his spellcasting. The barbarian just about to escape the tentacles received a quickened ray of enfeeblement immediately before Gilbert treated himself to a see invisibility spell - he didn't want anybody sneaking up on him if he could help it, and he had no idea whether these lunar ravagers could cast spells or if - they were fey, after all - they had any innate powers that could shield them from normal sight. MARCI stepped up behind Binkadink, who was still trading blows with Anzairian and injected a finger-needle into the back of the gnome's neck, sending a burst of healing fluid into his system. Then she stepped back again to give him room, all the while noting that her healing fluids reserves were getting dangerously low. And she hadn't seen any of the raw ingredients she normally harvested to manufacture the fluid within her own internal laboratory, either - that could potentially be a problem....

With guttural cries of triumph, two of the lunar ravagers finally escaped the confines of the writhing appendages of Gilbert's spell and looked about for immediate targets upon whom they could vent their wrath. One attacked Binkadink, whose attention was still focused on the ravager leader, while another brought his greataxe crashing down to split Castillan in two. Fortunately, the bounder dodged at the last moment, not avoiding damage altogether but at least preventing his immediate evisceration. Unseen in the rooms behind the Evard's black tentacles spell, the three lunar ravagers trapped and prevented from striking out at their enemies had accepted their situations and were actively doing something about it: by the act of concentration, their bodies were becoming translucent, fading slowly from view.

Garthalia tried extricating herself from underneath Obvious's bulk, to no avail - the jackalope continued jumping up and down in place, fracturing her bones with each landing. Binkadink, in the meantime, was stabbing Anzairian with his glaive, and the lunar ravager barbarian leader did not have a medical construct inject healing fluids into him as needed. It was starting to look like the battle between him and this ridiculous little gnome in the stilt-boots was going to be won by whoever could hold on the longest from blood loss from the wounds being inflicted by the other - and that was a contest Binkadink was probably going to win!

Castillan turned and stabbed at the ravager who had attacked him, getting in under his guard and thrusting his blade deep into the barbarian's lower torso. Hagan stepped around Obvious and Garthalia to position himself such that he could cast a chain lightning spell that would encompass the ravager attacking Castillan, the one attacking Binkadink, those entangled by the tentacles, and the barbarian leader all at once; at the last moment, he decided to include Garthalia in the mix, even though it looked like Obvious had that battle all but already sewn up. The spell just about finished her; Finoula made the killing blow to the enemy ranger with a throat-thrust by Tahlmalaera's gleaming blade. Malrin, standing behind the half-orc sorcerer, followed his spellcasting example with an ice storm spell centered on the Evard's black tentacles spell's area of effect, since she already knew there were only enemies caught within the constricting appendages.

Darrien could no longer see much of the lunar ravagers still being constricted by the tentacles, but he could see their locations by the thickened bands of rubbery, ebony tendrils all but encasing them. He plucked a crystal from his necklace of lightning crystals and fired it off, sending a lightning bolt blasting through three of the harried barbarians. Gilbert then followed Malrin's tactic of overlapping spells with the same area of effect by sending an acid fog spell centered in the middle of the tentacle-mass. Crushed by rubbery appendages, blasted by lightning, and now covered in dripping acid, the lunar ravagers howled in pain and hatred.

The two barbarians free of the tentacles attacked their targets - Binkadink and Castillan - again, the former forcing the gnome to drop his guard momentarily from Anzairian to focus on this new threat. Anzairian, naturally, took advantage of the gnome's split focus, bringing his greataxe down on the gnome's red dragonhide armor. But then Obvious, his ranger foe having been slain, came to his rider's assistance by leaping at the younger ravager, allowing Binkadink to renew his focus against the ravager leader. Castillan did his best fending off the attacks of his own dedicated foe, but he usually did better striking from an unexpected direction and he didn't have that opportunity with this one facing him and giving him his full attention.

Unseen in the back, the three lunar ravagers forced to stay out of combat thus far had fully vanished. Hagan sent another chain lightning spell arcing off to all the combatants he could see, even those who were at the moment almost entirely covered in strangling tentacles.

Seeing her brother start to stagger from his wounds, Malrin instinctively wildshaped into an owl and flew up to his shoulder, intending to fire off a healing spell, but then belatedly recalled that she had no more such spells at hand. The best she could do was to use her staff of healing - and that had been subsumed into her owl form as soon as she wildshaped. Cursing her stupidity, she flapped away from Castillan, giving him room to maneuver as she resumed her elven form. But MARCI, seeing the situation, stepped boldly up to the bounder and injected him with the last few ounces of her healing mixture; she had calculated he was unlikely to survive long without such assistance on her part.

Finoula raced up to assist Obvious with his foe, while Darrien switched to his scimitar and did the same to help fight off Castillan's current enemy. Binkadink was still fighting off Anzairian, who throughout the battle thus far had yet to make it fully out of the doorway of his bunkroom.

Gilbert was just about to cast a fire shield spell on himself when he got a surprise from a sudden direction: the front door to the lodge building! In raced the three lunar ravagers who had been trapped in the back rooms by the portly wizard's Evard's black tentacles spell, having teleported to the front of the building when it was apparent they weren't going to get to fight anyone any other way. Two greataxes came crashing down on the startled wizard and another caused sparks to fly from Mudpie's rocky hide; fortunately, the two were both covered by Gilbert's stoneskin spell and thus neither blow did as much damage at it would have otherwise. But now there were many more active combatants on the field, three more than to Gilbert's liking!

Castillan's opponent got in a good blow, sending the bounder staggering backwards again; had he not just been healed by MARCI it's likely he would have dropped by the force of the lunar ravager's attack. But now his sister met him, touching her magical staff to his shoulder, and he felt the cooling flow of healing energy course through his body. "Thanks, sis!" he called behind him as he leaped forward to the attack once more.

Hagan sent another chain lightning spell doing the rounds; he liked to stick with what worked and this particular spell was working just fine, especially against those caught in the embrace of the black tentacles and thus unable to spread out beyond the range of the half-orc's spell. Malrin, seeing the three newcomers attacking Gilbert and Mudpie, cast a summon nature's ally spell that brought a 16-foot-tall earth elemental into being behind the trio; it smashed a rocky fist down upon the head of the middle ravager, clocking him but good. That got Finoula's attention, and, seeing them all lined up as they were, she activated her lightning amulet and blasted through all three of them, reverting to elven form at the far end, by the beginning of the trophy section of the lodge.

Darrien resheathed his scimitar and brought his Arachnibow back out, now that he had three more targets out in the open to hit. Five arrows protruded from the chest of the nearest ravager in as many seconds, and blood spilled from the astonished fey's mouth.

Gilbert, in the meantime, was kicking himself that he hadn't prepared any spells that would increase Mudpie's size; the poor earth elemental was a mere three feet tall and was greatly outmatched by the lunar ravagers surrounding him. So Gilbert cast the spell he did have available, a quickened version of Otiluke's resilient sphere, encasing his familiar in a virtually unbreakable globe of force which would take Mudpie out of the fight - but see to his continued survival. Then he cast his most powerful spell to date, one he'd never yet cast in combat: time stop. Immediately, everything seemed to freeze in place around him. Realizing this bubble of frozen time would last a mere few subjective seconds, Gilbert put the borrowed time to good use, drinking down a healing potion while he moved across to the other side of the massive feast-table and out of immediate reach of any of the current combatants; then cast the fire shield he was about to cast when the trio came bursting in on him; and then cast an invisibility spell on himself. As the world around him snapped back into real time, he chuckled quietly to himself, thinking nobody would be able to target him now: from their reference point, he would have just vanished from sight in the blink of an eye and nobody would have any idea where he had gone!

Binkadink was feeling the effects of his combat with Anzairian; he desperately needed some healing but didn't dare take the time to grab up a potion from his backpack. MARCI analyzed the situation, internally switched mechanisms in her fingers, and protruded a different needle from her finger, stabbing it into the back of the gnome's neck. It wouldn't heal damage from the inside of the body like her healing mixture would, but this would at least reduce the gnome's ability to feel pain; as such, it would prevent the distractions that might make the difference in battle. Despite the hard metal of MARCI's construction, she didn't once consider joining the battle herself (it's likely she could pack quite a wallop with fists of metal!); she hadn't been built for that purpose. But the injection did the job, for shortly after, Anzairian fell over, slain at last by the little gnome in what had to have been one of the longest battles of his life.

The lunar ravager closest to Finoula got the sudden bright idea to try to grapple her, thinking to pick her up and throw her off the side of the cloud island, but the edge of Tahlmalaera's blade quickly put an end to that notion. The other two turned and attacked the huge earth elemental behind them. By concentrating its attacks upon one of the two, the earth elemental's pounding fists brought one of them to the ground, where a stomp to the head ended his life. Finoula used another charge of her lightning necklace to blast through the two remaining lunar ravager reinforcements, reversing her previous course and ending up back where she had started. That was enough to slay one of them (the one Darrien had previously peppered with arrows), leaving a single foe out by the front doors, who Gilbert killed with the application of a simple magic missile spell. It brought him back to full visibility, but he had seen that his tentacles had slain the ravagers caught up in their embrace; he dismissed the spell and allowed the slain foes to collapse lifelessly to the floor of the lodge.

Obvious and Castillan were now facing the one remaining foe, and the look on his face told he recognized the futility of his stand but was determined to go down fighting nonetheless. However, Hagan slew him - somewhat anticlimactically - with a polar ray spell.

"Is that it?" asked Binkadink, looking around for any further enemies. But that was it; the heroes had cleared the lodge out of the lunar ravagers who had slain Gozragoth and Zaralia for sport. Gilbert released Mudpie from the Otiluke's resilient sphere and the group commenced a thorough exploration of the lodge. One thing soon became abundantly clear: these lunar ravagers liked taking more than the heads of their enemies, for their bunkrooms were filled with coins, gems, jewelry, and objects of art from around the globe. Castillan's jaw seemed to keep opening of its own accord with each new chest of treasure they uncovered. Everything was dropped into the group's portable hole for further investigation later; once the place had been picked clean, Hagan teleported the group back to Zaralia's cloud island, where Jinkadoodle had taken Tanabelle for safekeeping.

"Do you think your mistress would return to life in a different form?" asked Malrin. "I can try casting a reincarnate spell on her, or on the dragon, if you like."

"That not good idea," countered Gilbert Fung. "Dragons very vain; they see coming back as different type of dragon personal insult, probably attack you for effrontery. Plus," he added, "we don't need Gozragoth - we got his mom! Maybe she stay on as cloud island guardian!"

"But what about Zaralia?" asked Finoula.

"I don't think she'd want to come back, either," said Tanabelle sadly. "She's been terribly depressed, ever since she was responsible for Junia's death." Under the control of a cerebrilith. the cloud giant had thrown one of her two faithful human servants off the edge of the cloud island, after having ripped her entire arm off at the shoulder. "I suspect she's happier in the afterlife."

"Then what about you?" prompted Hagan. "Will you stay here, all by yourself?" Tanabelle looked around and shivered. "I don't think so," she said. "For one thing, I have no way to get about, like Zaralia did. And as much as I loved living here, now it's filled with bad memories."

"Then you are more than welcome to come home with us," offered Castillan. "We live in a stone keep, owned by a pair of dwarves. They would be more than happy to take you on as a permanent member of their household. They...lost their daughter, some months back." Finoula looked away at the mention of Ingebold Battershield, her beloved Battle-Sister. She, like Helga and Aerik, was still saddened at the loss of the dwarven cleric.

"And we're still planning on using the island as a landing site for the dragonfly ship," offered up Jinkadoodle. "You'd be more than welcome to come back up here and visit, when you had the mind to."

"Thank you," replied Tanabelle. "I think I would like that." And then the heroes led her down to the extradimensional hold of the ship, and from there to Battershield Keep and her new home.

- - -

This session was somewhat truncated; we normally start play around noon and then let the length of the session be dictated by the events as they play out (but usually anywhere from four to six hours); this time, about 45 minutes into the first hour, Dan suddenly remembered to tell me they had a "hard stop" time at 4 PM. That was a bit of a bummer, especially after having waited several weeks since our last Kordovian gaming session. So the lunar ravagers caught up in Gilbert's tentacles, having failed their initial grapple checks, just got left there for expedience. We ended up slaying the last enemy with mere minutes to spare, and had to worry about treasure allocation over email afterwards (and, when nothing much came of that, we finished up the following Wednesday at the beginning of my son Logan's "Durnhill Conscripts" game session). But we've already scheduled the next session for two weeks from this one, so that's a welcome step in the right direction.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" T-shirt, given the lunar tie-in with the main adversaries of this adventure.
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 17
Darrien, half-elf ranger 17
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 17
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 17
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 17​

NPC Roster:
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 11
MARCI, humanoid construct​

Game Session Date: 22 June 2019

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The sun was setting as Aithanar pulled the Vistani wagon to a halt at the side of the road. The door opened at the back of the wagon, allowing Gilbert and Hagan to exit, each of the two spellcasters carrying their respective familiars: Wezhley the weasel perched upon the half-orc sorcerer's shoulder and Mudpie reduced to the size of a pebble inside the a pocket of the hefty wizard's robe. Darrien dropped from the top of the wagon, where he'd been sitting in Castillan's normal spot; the elven bounder was off at one of the taverns, no doubt, well into a game of cards and keeping an ear to any scuttlebutt he might pick up. The half-elf ranger hurried to catch up to the other two.

As they started up the winding path to the garrison keep, they were passed by Finoula on her pony Daisy, with her timber wolf Wrath trotting in her wake, and Binkadink riding his jackalope, Obvious. They made much better time than the three striking out on foot, and by the time the trio made it up to the keep Finoula and Binkadink had already dismounted and were in a discussion with Aerik Battershield, who had asked the group to swing by this evening. Behind him, by the stone keep, Slayer led a small group of mercenaries in weapons practice before they went out on patrol that night.

"What...all this about?" wheezed Gilbert when he got to the top of the hill. He was quite winded from the hike and had seriously considered using a teleport or dimension door spell to save himself the effort of getting all the way to the top.

"We've been havin' a problem with retention among th' hired soldiers," Aerik explained in a quiet voice, not wanting to be overheard by any of the garrison troops. "There's been no complaints about th' wages, th' hours, or th' weapons an' armor provided; nonetheless, we seem to have several mercenaries desertin' every week. They just wander off an' are never seen again. I'd like ye t' look into it, if'n ye would."

"When have they gone missing?" Finoula asked.

"Always it's when they're on patrol," Aerik answered. "They go off on their patrol schedule, an' they dinnae come back."

"How many patrol together?" asked Darrien.

"Teams o' two - a buddy system, t' prevent anyone from gettin' th' drop on a lone soldier. An' it's always both o' the soldiers goin' missin' at th' same time, too. We tried rotatin' th' men around so's they dinnae get to used t' th' same partner all th' time, in case one disgruntled soldier talks 'is buddy into desertin' with 'im, but so far it's had no effect."

"Maybe need three people together, not just two," suggested Gilbert.

"Maybe these aren't desertions," pointed out Binkadink reasonably. "Could someone - or something - have been attacking them?"

"Each o' th' soldiers got hisself a signalin' horn in case o' trouble," Aerik argued. "Nobody's used 'em. An' there's been no signs o' combat on th' patrol routes."

"Maybe we interview garrison men, see what we learn from them," suggested Gilbert.

"Be me guest," offered the gruff dwarf. Then his attitude lightened and he called out, "A good evenin' to ye, Mr. Dulorro!" Gilbert turned and watched an elderly man trudging up the path to the garrison keep. He looked to be sixty years old or more and walked with the aid of a cane, but he carried a picnic basket in his other hand and didn't seem nearly as winded walking up the hill as Gilbert had been, despite his advanced years. Gilbert took an immediate dislike to him and glared at the old man with his magically-enhanced vision, trying to see if he were some form of undead. He wasn't - but that didn't let him off the hook, Gilbert decided.

"Good evening, gentlemen - and a good evening to you, too, young miss!" the old man amended upon seeing Finoula; she just smiled, realizing the elderly human had no idea that the silver-haired elven maiden before him was actually much older than he was. "I brought the troops some baked goods." Aerik called over to the men and Slayer immediately called a halt to their weapons training. One of the soldiers ran into the keep, returning with an empty picnic basket to trade for the one the old man carried. "Just some rolls and biscuits," he apologized, passing the basket over to the eager recruit. "My little way of giving thanks to the troops protecting us from the orcs and goblins of the forest."

Gilbert insisted on looking at the contents of the basket, lifting the cloth covering the baked goods to do so. To his irritation, there was nothing untoward about the basket's contents - in fact, the biscuits smelled quite good...and was that a scent of baked-in honey? The mage's mouth started watering. "Who you, exactly?" he demanded to the old man.

"Oh, please forgive my manners - my name is Stefan Dulorro, I live just inside the forest. A retired baker by trade; now I make the rounds among the garrison forts, passing along my good wishes and the occasional basket of biscuits and such."

"That's very generous of you," said Finoula with a smile.

"Well, it keeps me busy and gets me out of the house every now and again," Stefan replied, matching the elf's friendly smile with one of his own.

"I wonder, have you heard anything about any garrison soldiers missing over the last few weeks?" she asked.

"Missing?" Stefan scratched his head while he thought. "No, but I have heard a few of them wondering aloud what the pay is for a similar post in the kingdom to the south. There was a name mentioned, Lord...Castlethorne? Something like that, in any case. Apparently he's paying top coin for the services of mercenaries."

"Cavelthorne!" snarled Gilbert. "Little rat buying our mercenaries out from under us!" Aerik confirmed that the missing men had all been posted at the three southernmost garrison forts - those closest to Lord Cavelthorne's kingdom. "Come on - we talk to men while they stuff faces with biscuits!" Stefan waved his farewells and started his trek back down the hill path, while Gilbert led the other heroes in questioning the garrison soldiers.

The interrogations brought about some useful information. "Yeah, I heard Lord Cavelthorne's paying out a bunch of gold to go guard his kingdom instead of this one. Haven't heard no specific prices, though," said one recruit. "I knew one of the guys who went missing," offered another. "He didn't give any indication he was dissatisfied with the pay for this job." Another insisted one of the missing men had family in Kordovia - there was no way he'd desert his post for more money elsewhere and leave them behind to face the next orc and goblin attack, especially since a recent wave had actually made it into the city proper. "You ask me, there’s somethin' in that forest besides orcs an' goblins pickin' 'em off," mused a grizzled soldier. "Th' other week, I coulda swore I heard leathery wings flappin' – likely a dragon, you just see if I ain't right. Prolly a smaller one, sure, but a dragon's a dragon – wouldn't have to be no bigger'n a horse or so to polish off two soldiers all by itself."

But the best possible lead came from a rather thin-looking soldier, all but buried under his heavy armor. "I might've been one of the last guys to have seen Horace alive, come to think on it. See this ring here? Ain't worth much, but I won it off him at cards, the night he went missin', right before we was off on our patrols."

"Lemme see ring!" demanded Gilbert, holding out a pudgy hand. The soldier, at a nod from Aerik, dropped the ring into the wizard's hand. The soldier was right, the ring was practically worthless - but as a physical link to a recently-missing troop, it could be invaluable in determining Horace's fate. Gilbert pulled the crystal ball from his robes and passed a hand over it. It clouded over as he concentrated on Horace, holding the man's ring in his hand.

Immediately, the crystal ball turned black. "Stupid thing!" snarled Gilbert, shaking it like a snow globe to try to get an image to appear. But Hagan reached over and steadied Gilbert's hand. "It's working fine," the half-orc explained. "Horace is bound, hand and foot, in a cavern of some sort, by a pool of water." This was the second time in recent history that Gilbert had scried upon a scene of utter darkness, leaving his human eyes unable to see anything, while Hagan's half-orc ancestry gave him a full view.

"You get good enough view you can teleport us there?" Gilbert asked. Hagan examined the image in the dark crystal sphere and nodded. "Sure," he said, "just not all of us at once."

After some discussion, the group decided to return to Battershield Keep and teleport from there. For one thing, Aithanar would be staying behind with Daisy and Wrath; for another, the carpet of teleportation that linked to their dragonfly vessel was stored there, and it would be quicker for some of the heroes to wait on the spelljamming vessel for Hagan and a small group to teleport over, bringing the carpet with them.

Gilbert cast a Rary's telepathic bond on the group, then sent Binkadink to go fetch the carpet. While the gnome did that, Gilbert cast stoneskin and magic circle against evil spells upon himself and Mudpie (who was still pebble-sized inside a pocket of the wizard's robes). Malrin cast a goodberry spell, resulting in almost a dozen healing berries, which she placed in a belt pouch at her hip. At Binkadink's request, she cast a reduce animal spell on Obvious, halving his size and making it easier for the jackalope - usually the size of a large draft horse - to be brought along with Hagan when he teleported the group over to the lightless cavern where Horace was being held captive. She followed that spell up with greater magic fang and stoneskin spells on the jackalope, turning him into a pony-sized combat machine. The gnome climbed up onto his mount's saddle and Gilbert noted, "You look less silly on smaller mount, gnome."

Gilbert stepped onto the carpet of teleportation and over to the dragonfly vessel to wait for the all-clear signal telling him the carpet had been laid out flat in the cavern and it was safe to step through again. He had MARCI come with him, and Malrin followed suit. Then Hagan, standing beside Finoula, Darrien, and Binkadink astride Obvious, cast his teleport spell and the group was instantaneously transported across the miles into a dark cavern, with the flickering illusory flames of the everlasting torches tied to the antlers of the little gnome's helmet providing the only illumination.

Finoula spotted Horace at once beside her and bent over him to ascertain his condition. His wrists and ankles were tied together by strips of cloth and he was covered in bites and scratches, but he was still breathing and merely unconscious, not dead as she had originally feared. He had been stripped of his armor, but she saw it propped up against the wall on the other side of a pool of water beside him. She felt the pulse at his neck - it was faint, but steady - and saw numerous puncture marks at his throat. "Vampires!" she gasped to herself, and then noticed how close together some of the bite-marks were. If the marks were the work of vampires, then some of them must have been mere babies, given how close together they were!

As their eyes adjusted to the gloom of the cavern, the heroes could see five human-sized figures scattered around the massive cavern, turning their way in surprise at the sudden influx of light. They hissed and chittered in irritation, and Darrien, assuming that anything guarding a human captive must be in cahoots with the instigator if not the culprit himself, sent a volley of arrows at the dark figure nearest him. He couldn't even see fully just what it was he was shooting at - it was just a shape at this point - but it spread wide a pair of dragonlike wings as some of the archer's arrows struck true.

Hagan wasted no time in dropping the rolled-up carpet and sending it unrolling with a kick of his feet. <Carpet's ready!> Hagan called over the link. <Looks like werebats - five, at least!> Indeed, the half-orc's darkvision had given him a good look at what they were facing: humanoid bats at least as big as he was, with wings made of leathery flaps of skin stretched tight over oversized fingers. Gilbert arrived onto the carpet at once, having spent the time waiting on the dragonfly vessel casting a shield spell on himself and Mudpie. Gilbert was really only comfortable stepping into combat with as many protective spells as he could manage to cast already in place; to the irritation of his companions, he often spent time in combat providing himself additional defenses instead of taking out the enemy. But he stepped forward at once, if only to allow MARCI and Malrin to follow behind him.

Binkadink and Obvious could see well enough for the gnome to send his mount hippity-hopping forward in a surge of speed, and he brought his glaive stabbing forward into the chest of a werebat at the far side of the cavern. The creature shrieked in pain, his yells echoing across the cavernous space all around them, almost seeming to increase in volume as they reverberated around the vast, open space - strangely enough, accompanied by the sounds of flapping wings. Then all was made clear as scores - if not hundreds - of bats flapped around the heroes, one group dive-bombing Binkadink and Obvious while another swarmed over and among Hagan, Finoula, Darrien, and the prone Horace. Claws ripped and fangs pierced flesh in a chaotic frenzy of bloodletting.

While Darrien's attention was thus distracted, the werebat he had shot crossed the gulf between him and bit at the archer as he hovered over the pool of water beside the ranger. Two more werebats raced up to aid the one being stabbed by Binkadink, while another closed the distance between him and Gilbert. But the portly wizard was having none of that; with a few hastily spoken syllables, he brought a quickened wall of force into existence between them, extending all the way across the pool of water to the far wall, effectively sealing Binkadink and Obvious on one side of the magical barrier with four werebats and a swarm of bats, and the rest of the group over in a smaller section of the cavern with but one bat swarm and a heavily-wounded werebat. Of course, the wall of force was only 20 feet high, a mere fourth of the way to the cavern's ceiling, but that wouldn't do much to help those incapable of flight.

Malrin caused her hand to sprout a ball of fire, courtesy of a produce flame spell, and threw it at the werebat attacking Darrien. Finoula, not liking at all being surrounded on all sides by a swarm of biting bats, activated her lightning amulet and turned her body into a blast of electricity, frying the bats all around her as she blasted straight up at the cavern's ceiling, where she reverted to elven form and stuck to the stone roof by the boots of spider climbing she wore. Below her, scorched bats fell from the air in a rain of death to create a macabre tripping hazard. Darrien managed to keep his footing while he shot at the werebat with his Arachnibow. As the lycanthrope fell dead into the pool of water below him, the half-elf ranger followed suit, seeing the pool as the only way for him to cross over to Binkadink's side of the wall of force.

Hagan cast a fly spell and crossed over the wall to join the ranger there. But their presence wasn't entirely needed, as Binkadink brought his magical glaive killing the wounded werebat before him, then swung it on either side of him in rapid succession, impaling the two werebats who had foolishly rushed in to aid their comrade. In as many seconds, all three lycanthropes had fallen lifelessly to the stone floor of the cavern.

That left only one werebat remaining of the original group, the one who had failed to reach Gilbert before the wizard put the wall of force in his way. After convincing himself that he couldn't get to the heavyset morsel, the werebat turned and, seeing his companions all dead, tried to flee only to be gored by Obvious's antlers as the jackalope raced to the only remaining potential threat. The swarm of bats followed, swooping in to bite at Binkadink and Obvious, but the jackalope was protected by the stoneskin spell Malrin had cast upon him earlier. Ignoring the flitting bats all around him, the gnome brought his glaive down on the fleeing werebat, slicing through a wing and shoulder and bringing the beast crashing to the ground, dead. With the last of their masters slain, the bats immediately lost interest in combat and returned to their roosts among the stalactites among the cavern's ceiling.

With combat behind them, Gilbert dismissed his wall of force spell and strolled over to Horace, indicating for MARCI to follow. Finoula walked down the cavern wall to return to her previous position beside the bound soldier and cut his bonds. As she poured a healing potion down his throat, bringing him coughing back into consciousness, Gilbert instructed MARCI to inject the former captive with a dose of truth serum.

"Gilbert--what the Hell?" demanded Finoula, astonished at the level of distrust the portly mage had for everyone he didn't personally know. "What did you do that for?"

"Want to make sure he only tell us the truth," Gilbert answered.

"You're fat!" exclaimed Horace, rubbing his wrists where the binds had bitten into them. Gilbert shrugged; it was an indicator that the serum was working. "Tell us about other missing soldiers," he demanded.

Horace told them what he knew. He and his combat partner had been ambushed by a great swarm of rats pouring out of the Vesve Forest; while Horace had been fighting them off, a bald man had stepped forward and apparently put his fellow soldier under some sort of spell. The bald creep drank the soldier's blood until sated, then turned him over to a quartet of werebats. He commanded the rats to leave, then Horace and the other soldier had been flown, each in the grip of two werebats, here to the cavern. There the captives had been used as food sources for the hungry werebats and the bald vampire, who drank their blood and then, upon the deaths of the other captives, had their corpses butchered for meat for the lycanthropes. That would have been Horace's fate as well, had the heroes not found their way here to rescue him.

"You remember that," Gilbert reminded Horace. "We save your butt. Now we take you someplace safe while we deal with rest of threat." He had Finoula take him to the dragonfly ship via the carpet of teleportation. She returned minutes later, informing the group that Aithanar would look after him until they returned there themselves. Hagan rolled the carpet back up and placed it into the portable hole Malrin kept in her pack.

"Now what?" Darrien asked.

"Now we find bald vampire and any other werebats living here," Gilbert replied.

"Then I'm going to shift into something a little less conspicuous," Malrin announced, wildshaping into an animal form. She often spent much of her combat time as an owl, appreciating its greater mobility (and, truth be told, smaller target space); this time, though, her body shrank down to the configuration not of an owl, but rather of a bat. <I ought to blend in just fine in this form!> she said over the telepathic link Gilbert had set up earlier.

There was a short passageway carved into the natural stone cavern at the northwestern end, leading to a winding set of stairs heading up. Finoula led the group up the stairs, making a full eight rotations before opening to a room with a closed door. Opening it cautiously, the ranger found herself in a library stocked with books on shelves along the walls. There was a closed door on the walls to the east and west and a set of stairs leading up to a higher level. All in all, this looked like a room in a manor house of at least minor nobility. Finoula listened at the eastern door and, hearing nothing, opened the door. This led to a front room, with two suits of armor along the wall and what must be the front door facing south; the room opened into another room around the corner at the north. Half expecting the armor to animate and attack her, Finoula stepped into the room, her longsword Tahlmalaera in one hand and her flaming whip of thorns in the other, but despite her premonitions nothing untoward happened. With a shrug, the elf returned to the library and checked out the door to the west.

This led to a kitchen, laid out with all manner of baking supplies. A faint scent of freshly-baked rolls lingered in the air and Finoula groaned inwardly. <Mr. Dulorro!> she gasped over the link. <That nice old man is a part of all of this!>

<Not necessarily,> argued Hagan, unlike Gilbert willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. <Or if he is, it might not be under his own will. Vampires can charm people into doing their bidding, remember.>

<Why vampire charm baker, force him to give free goodies to soldiers?> demanded Gilbert. <Out of goodness of unbeating heart?>

<It could be a type of intelligence-gathering,> suggested Darrien. <Find out who's going to be on what patrol routes, that sort of thing.>

<If anybody here need to start gathering some intelligence...> began Gilbert, before mentally trailing off. <Hmm. Look at books on shelves: Theocracy of the Pale. Lycanthropes. Folktales of the Living Dead.>

Darrien walked through the kitchen, confirming that it was a dining room connecting to the front-room - all empty of inhabitants - and finding a back door - locked from the inside - from the kitchen before returning back to the library. By then, Hagan and Wezhley had entered from the winding stairs, followed by Binkadink and Obvious - the latter of which wouldn't have made it up the stairwell in his normal size. "I'm going to announce our presence," stated the gnome, lifting his horn of goodness and evil to his lips. He gave the musical instrument a big blow, sending a "BLATT!" reverberating throughout the manor as a magic circle against evil spell took place around the gnome.

"Nice job, stupid gnome!" groused Gilbert. "There go any element of surprise we might have had!"

"They're going to find out we're here soon enough anyway," countered Binkadink, leading Obvious up the stairs to the second floor of the building. Malrin followed in bat form. There was a doorway around the corner from the stairwell; pulling it open, Binkadink was simultaneously attacked by the three werebats hiding within the room. Hearing the commotion, Finoula bounded up the stairs, followed by Darrien and Hagan, with Gilbert and MARCI bringing up the rear. By the time Finoula had rounded the corner Binkadink had already slain the three werebats; it was so much easier wielding his glaive in close quarters now that he'd had the shaft made to be extendable and retractable with a spoken command word!

Moving past the gnome and his jackalope, Finoula went around the corner and opened the next door. There was another werebat waiting in that room, and, to the ranger's surprise, yet another one lurking around the other corner of the hallway. Finoula found herself pinned between two heartier werebats than the ones they'd encountered thus far, these two working in concert to ensure one of them was able to plunge its fangs into the elf's throat and suck forth a great quantity of blood.

A dozen thoughts went racing through the elf's mind at once: she should have checked the end of the hallway before opening the door; these werebats must have had some sort of formal training in their human lives (if they were even human and not, say, elves); was it possible that this bite would spread the contagion of lycanthropy to Finoula, such that she'd transform into a werebat herself on the nights of the full moon? But then she focused on the task at hand: taking these beasts down before they did the same to her. As she was already facing the one standing in the doorway she focused her attention on him, stabbing at him with Tahlmalaera and flicking her whip at him, while trying not to let the other one overbalance her and send her crashing to the floor. She felt another form flick past her, but this was just Malrin, casting a healing spell on her fellow elf in passing, the better to help Finoula remain standing as long as possible. Down the hall, Darrien sent a cluster of arrows bristling into the werebat facing Finoula, causing him to hiss in pain and spill blood from his mouth.

Hagan and Gilbert were still stuck on the stairs, unable to move further into the hallway by the press of bodies before them. Still, they put the time to good use, Hagan casting a stoneskin spell on himself and Wezhley while Gilbert cast a see invisibility spell on his own eyes, just in case.

The werebats focused their attacks on Finoula, as she was already at hand. But then Binkadink brought his glaive down on the one in the doorway, practically slicing his head from his neck. Obvious surged forward toward Finoula and the remaining werebat attacking her from behind. A ball of flames suddenly appeared above the wings of the little bat flitting at the end of the hallway, and Malrin sent it flying into the werebat, singeing its fur. Finoula wrestled the werebat off her back and spun to face him, stabbing out with her longsword and piercing one of his leathery wings. Several arrows went streaking past her head, to bury themselves in the werebat's body as he shrieked in pain. Wezhley reminded his master that Hagan still had a fly spell active, and he went soaring over Gilbert's head as the wizard finished up the casting of a fire shield spell that would protect him and Mudpie from cold-based attacks. Hagan landed beside Darrien, who was still pulling arrows from his quiver and loading up the Arachnibow.

Seeing the number of enemies intent on his death, the werebat rogue turned to fly up the stairs at his end of the hallway - and was promptly cut down by Binkadink's glaive.

<Thanks, guys!> Finoula offered over the link. Malrin landed on the elf's shoulder and examined the wounds on her neck brought on by the werebat's wicked fangs. <I'm no expert,> the druid explained, <but I don't think there's much chance of the bat-lycanthropy having been spread through the bite.>

<Let's hope you're right!> replied Finoula, leading the way up the stairs to the third level of the building. There was still no sign of the bald vampire apparently behind these attacks on the Kordovian garrison soldiers.

There was a door at the end of the third-floor hallway; Finoula stationed herself just past it with her longsword at the ready as Binkadink reached over from his perch on Obvious's back and opened the door. All was blackness within, and the illumination spilling from the gnome's helmet did nothing to dispel it. <Magical darkness,> he reported over the link. <I'm going in.>

Despite the lack of vision, Finoula could hear the crackling of flames from the room within, as well as various heavy bits of furniture being moved around as Obvious bumped blindly into them. Darrien followed the pair into the room, but while they crisscrossed it looking for hidden enemies, the ranger kept his hand on the wall to his right and followed it to the far side of the room. By the increased sounds of crackling, he deduced the fireplace was just off to his left when he found a doorknob. He tried to turn it, but it was locked. This was a conundrum; even if Castillan had been here, he'd have had a rather difficult time picking a lock in absolute darkness! <Gilbert! You have any way of lighting up this darkness?> the half-elf asked over the link.

<Hold your horses, I coming,> groused Gilbert. He stepped into the doorway and cast a dispel magic spell targeting the deeper darkness effect. Immediately, the magical darkness was dissipated, allowing the room to be illuminated from the flames of the lit fireplace along the western wall. This allowed the group to see the mess Obvious had made of the furniture - but more importantly, it illuminated the mirror of opposition attached to the wall directly across from the room's entry door.

Four figures stepped out of the magic mirror, one after another: virtual duplicates of Binkadink astride Obvious, Darrien, and Gilbert Fung. Each was a perfect mirror image of their respective targets, and each wore an expression of abject hatred for their "original model." Before any of the heroes in the room could react, the gnome and jackalope attacked their counterparts, the mirror-Obvious biting at the neck of the real thing while the faux Binkadink brought his own magical glaive down upon the real gnome fighter. Then the mirror-Gilbert, whose mind was filled with the same spells as his original, cast an Otto's irresistible dance at Gilbert; with mounting horror, Gilbert started capering and dancing about, despite his best efforts to stop it and do something useful instead. The counterfeit Darrien sent a flurry of arrows from his own Arachnibow streaking across the room to the real Darrien, who managed to snatch two of them out of the air before they struck thanks to his gloves of arrow snaring, but the others struck true with as much force as the ranger himself would have been able to provide.

The mirror-Gilbert then stepped forward, wheeled, and cast a maximized cone of cold spell at the real versions of Gilbert, Binkadink and Obvious, Darrien, and even Finoula from through the doorway. The sudden blast of cold energy almost dropped Finoula there on the spot; she staggered to stay upright and only a mass cure light wounds spell from Malrin kept her standing. The spell was a welcome touch to the others in the room as well, all of whom had been greatly harmed by the powerful spell. MARCI then stepped forward beside Finoula. "I am unable to inject the normal healing mixture as I am currently out of stock," she announced. "I can, however, inject you with a stimdose that will aid you in retaining consciousness." She jabbed a needle into the elf woman's neck, injecting a cooled substance that made the her feel more alert and powerful as it coursed through her system. Meanwhile, while Gilbert danced in place helplessly, he seethed at the logical brilliance of this insidious trap, especially assuming it had been put into place by the bald vampire, who didn't even cast a reflection and thus couldn't trigger the trap himself!

Inside the room, as Binkadink and Obvious traded blows and bites with their counterparts and the two Darriens peppered each other with arrows to see which one would fall first, unseen in the chaos, the locked closet door opened and out stepped the bald vampire. He sent a set of wicked claws scratching at Darrien, whose attention was elsewhere; that certainly got the ranger to stop worrying about what his mirror-clone was up to! With mounting horror, Darrien realized this bald man before him was a vampire - although he didn't look like any vampire the ranger has ever heard of. Despite the complete hairlessness on his gleaming scalp, the vampire made up for it with a pair of the longest, bushiest eyebrows Darrien had even seen! And when he opened his mouth, no doubt in preparation of plunging his fangs into the half-elf's neck, Darrien saw their placement: instead of being sharpened eye teeth, as he would have expected, the bald vampire's fangs were his two front teeth!

Still shaky on her feet, Finoula activated the heal spell stored in her sword and felt a surge of energy course through her body, unlimbering muscles clenched up by the cone of cold spell Gilbert's mirror duplicate had cast. She stepped into the room, her whip uncoiled in her hand as she prepared herself for some retaliation.

Hagan followed Finoula into the room and made a tactical decision: taking out the evil Gilbert was currently the top priority. He sent a power word stun spell crashing into the portly mage, causing him to cease all actions and just stand there, dumbfounded. <That's a good look for you, Gilbert!> the half-orc teased, but Gilbert made no reply, his full concentration currently centered on dancing about.

The mirror versions of Binkadink and Obvious attacked their real-life counterparts, and while the real Obvious followed suit in attacking his duplicate, Binkadink broke with tradition and also targeted the other jackalope, hoping that together, they could bring him down much sooner than the gnome would be able to bring down the fake gnome, who, Binkadink was well aware, had an amulet of health just as powerful as his own likely to keep him in the fight that much longer.

Perhaps surprised at this unexpected maneuver, the fake Obvious's attention faltered, allowing the real Obvious to clamp down on his duplicate's neck and pull him to the floor, forcing the fake Binkadink to leap from the saddle to keep from falling prone. But even that measure brought with it some peril, for in doing so the fake gnome was unable to ward off the real Binkadink's striking glaive, cutting deep into the fake's red dragonhide armor.

The nosferatu vampire had failed to grapple Darrien, but now his attention was diverted by the silver-haired elf who had just stepped into the room. A firm traditionalist, the undead beast preferred female victims whenever possible; the soldiers had been exclusively male but this had been balanced by their easy availability. Now, with Finoula standing before him, her lovely neck exposed, the nosferatu turned from Darrien without a further thought and directed his gaze - and the full force of his will - at the female elf.

It wasn't enough; as lovely as Finoula might be, she was no fragile female victim - she'd proven her ruggedness time after time over the course of her adventuring career. Perhaps aided by her elven heritage, she shrugged off the nosferatu's attempts at mental domination without any seeming effort.

A flame strike spell suddenly erupted over the mirror-duplicates of Binkadink, Obvious, and Darrien, proof that even while in bat form Malrin could contribute to the destruction of the group's enemies. But even with wisps of smoke streaming from his body, the half-elven mirror image was focused solely on slaying his original form and he continued sending arrows at Darrien. Darrien, for his part, opted to do his best to ignore these attacks for a moment as he brought his own Arachnibow to bear on the nosferatu menacing Finoula (or trying to, anyway, for all the good it was doing him). Then Finoula turned and looked at the undead monstrosity right in the eye, demonstrating her fearlessness or her complete contempt for the threat he posed. She slowly raised a hand to her neck, drawing the vampire's attention, but her fingers stopped at the amulet she wore there; in an instant, her body was a lightning bolt crashing through the nosferatu's undead form. She reappeared beside Darrien, who now felt he could return his attention to his own duplicate.

Not sure off the top of his head whether the undead could be stunned, Hagan decided to cast his next power word stun on the fake Darrien instead; he, at least, shouldn't be immune! Sure enough, he wasn't - as evidenced by the fact that he froze up immediately, dropping the Arachnibow at his feet. He made a nice, slack-jawed partner to the fake Gilbert standing beside him, while the real Gilbert continued his frantic dancing.

The Binkadinks attacked each other violently, with the two jackalopes following suit. But one jackalope finally got the better of the other one, causing his enemy to fall lifelessly to the ground, his throat all but ripped open and spilling his life's blood out onto the floor. The fact that the dead jackalope then faded from existence proved that it was the original Obvious who had defeated his foe and not the other way around.

With a snarl of hatred, the nosferatu sent a fist slamming into Finoula's face, then uttered a guttural word and the room fell once again into darkness. Unseen by the others, his body turned to mist and he wafted back through the open closet door, where there was a narrow slit in the outer wall allowing him access to the open air outside. Once out in the moonlight, he could feel all of the damage he had taken thus far healing up instantly.

Nobody seemed willing to stay inside a pitch-black room if they could help it. Malrin was the first to exit, flapping her bat-wings to propel her out into the hallway by MARCI, who had been standing by until she was needed - or until she was told what to do by Gilbert, the human whose orders she always obeyed to the best of her ability. Darrien was the next to exit, following along the wall until he found the doorway.

<Gilbert! Can you dispel the darkness again?> called out Finoula, but there was no answer from the wizard, still dancing away. So the ranger figured a way to do it herself: she'd noted a small globe in the center of the ceiling, like an embedded chandelier; assuming this was the source of the magical darkness, she walked up the wall with her boots of spider climbing, pulling open the bag of holding at her belt as she did so. Then placing the open bag over the ceiling fixture, she stepped onto the edge of the bag carefully with each foot, such that she stood with each boot half on the ceiling and half on the bag. The end result was a cessation of the deeper darkness effect, while Finoula hung upside-down from the ceiling like a bat, her silvery hair hanging down and her flaming whip of thorns snapping again and again at the still-stunned mirror-Gilbert. Realizing this was a magic effect and not a true person, she indulged in a whim and concentrated on flaying the skin from the fat wizard's face with the barbed lash.

With the darkness negated, it was apparent the nosferatu was no longer present, although where he might have gotten to was anybody's guess. Hagan made the best of it by casting a chain lightning spell on the three remaining mirror duplicates, making the gnome his primary target. The fake Binkadink continued his attack on his gnomish original and was retaliated against in kind not only by the real Binkadink but by Obvious as well.

But then the nosferatu re-entered the fray, seeping into an arrow-slit in the hallway just before the stairwell leading back down to the second floor and resuming his normal, humanoid form. Darrien was the closest victim at hand, and while he'd rather sip from the silver-haired elf's neck, in a pinch this male half-breed would do. He tried to dominate the ranger but once again, frustratingly, had no success of that front. (Unbeknownst to either of them, Darrien was still standing close enough to the still-capering Gilbert that the corpulent mage's magic circle against evil protected him from all forms of mental domination.)

<He's here!> came a chorus of voices over the Rary's telepathic bond spell, sounding like Darrien and Malrin in unison. Then Darrien brought his Arachnibow up and the bald vampire with the funny teeth found himself being peppered once again with arrows. This was little more than an inconvenience to the nosferatu, whose undead body could handle most physical strikes as long as they weren't made by silver weapons, but it was certainly irritating! And then Hagan popped out of the main bedchamber, voicing another power word spell. this one of a type the sorcerer was certain could affect an undead creature. With a snarl of hatred, the nosferatu found he had been robbed of his sight; instinctively, he returned to his mist form and flattened himself against the wall until he could find the arrow slit and return to the open air outside, where he would wait out the blindness effect.

With a sudden gasp, Gilbert stopped his dancing and immediately erected another layer of magical protection around himself: with a quickened mirror image spell, there was suddenly an entire roomful of Gilberts - nine, in fact, if you didn't count the stunned mirror-duplicate getting its face sloughed off by Finoula's whip.

<What I miss?> he demanded over the link, and once he'd been filled in, he cast another spell, a dimension door that brought him to the bottom of the stairs (the other illusory Gilberts coming along for the ride), just past the sprawled figure of the slain werebat rogue - who, Gilbert noted absently, was now no longer in his hybrid form but was now just another dead, naked human male. He looked all about him, trusting his see invisibility spell would pick up the nosferatu if he had any such shenanigans in mind. <He show up again, we kill him for good this time!> he vowed.

Back up in the main bedroom, Binkadink and Obvious finally managed to slay the mirror-gnome, who vanished into nothingness as the jackalope duplicate had done before him. Soon after, Darrien slew his own duplicate, and he and his gear vanished without a trace. Bummer, thought the ranger. That would have been an easy way to get a spare Arachnibow....

Once Finoula managed to slay the mirror-Gilbert - well before Hagan's stunning effect had worn off, fortunately - he too vanished into nothingness and the ranger dropped back down to the floor, taking the bag of holding with her and thereby plunging the room back into darkness. <His coffin's got to be in here, somewhere,> she opined, having made it to the top floor of the building without having found it. There was only one logical place they hadn't explored yet, barring any extradimensional pocket rooms: the closet that the nosferatu had originally popped out of. Sure enough, the entire back half of the walk-in closet was hidden by an illusion, and there lay the wooden coffin, in full view. Finoula pulled back the lid but the coffin was empty save for a covering of grave dirt on the bottom.

<So now what?> she asked the others.

- - -

Hours later, the stalemate was still on: the nosferatu had failed to overcome any of the heroes, and they in turn had been unable to track him down to destroy him. But they hadn't been idle during the long night; Hagan and Gilbert had dragged the coffin down from the third-floor closet (exposing a cache of coins and jewelry hidden under the floorboards beneath - bonus!) to the werebat cavern below the manor house. (Thank the gods for the teleport spell, thought Gilbert - he wouldn't have wanted to lug it down 80 feet of winding stairs!) But the heroes had decided to make their stand against the nosferatu in as wide open a space as possible and the vast chamber where they had rescued Horace fit the bill. Expecting that the undead monstrosity needed to return to his coffin before sunrise - which should be within the hour, likely - this seemed a good way to draw him out into the open. Of course, with so much time having passed, most of the group's protective spells had long since worn off: no more stoneskins or mage armor spells, no fire shields or even regular shields. Even the Rary's telepathic bond spell was gone; the heroes would have to make do with normal speech.

But the strategy bore fruit soon enough, for the nosferatu strolled into the cave as bold as you please. He had apparently been healed of all of his damage; the same could not be said of the adventurers, although Malrin had done what she could. But he apparently did not want to re-engage combat, either, for he started by calling out, "I wish to talk!"

"So talk," replied Finoula, both of her primary weapons in hand.

"I have killed your soldiers. You have killed my werebats. In this we are even, yes? I have a proposal: you leave here, never to return. I, in turn, seek elsewhere for my prey. I will leave your soldiers, the inhabitants of your kingdom, alone - this I swear."

"Any chance we could get you to feed on orcs and goblins?" asked Darrien.

"And what about the families of those you killed?" demanded Finoula, anger rising in her voice. The nosferatu brushed the notion off with a gesture of his hand, as if waving away an irritating fly. What were the lives of mere mortals to him, save as prey?

"I have idea," began Gilbert, turning the rest of his sentence into the words of a prismatic spray spell. Unfortunately, the spell's greatest drawback was its unpredictability, and in this case it was a green ray that struck the nosferatu in the chest, imbuing him with a poison effect to which his undead body was completely immune.

"I see combat is our only way ahead," sneered the nosferatu, stepping forward. But before he could take more than a single step, a bolt of lightning came crashing down on him, Malrin having cast her prepared call lightning spell. He seemed unfazed by the damage.

Darrien knew from experience that his arrows were all but useless against the nosferatu's undead flesh, so he moved back by the creature's coffin, the bait that had brought him here to face his assembled enemies. Finoula summoned a fire elemental, who appeared suddenly behind the nosferatu and sent a flaming fist crashing into him. At the same time, Hagan brought a Mordenkainen's sword into being, which flew across the cavern and stabbed at the nosferatu. Gilbert cast a simple magic missile at him and stepped back, while Mudpie - having been returned to his normal size - stepped forward to protect his master.

And then Binkadink and Obvious raced forward; they had no spells to contribute, but the gnome was pretty sure his magical glaive would be a perfectly acceptable substitute. The nosferatu stepped back toward the stairs as the gnome stabbed at him with his bladed weapon. Malrin repositioned herself so she could still see her foe and brought down another mostly-ineffectual lightning bolt while the fire elemental stepped forward, trying to hit him with its flaming limbs.

Darrien, lacking anything else useful to do, started hacking away at the wooden coffin with his scimitar. But then the battle came to an abrupt halt as Hagan cast a disintegrate spell at the bald vampire, knowing full well it would affect undead flesh as well as any other nonliving matter. And sure enough, the nosferatu's body was awash in a sudden beam of light, then vanished in a cloud of dry dust that coated the stone floor of the cavern where he had stood just a second ago. Wezhley jumped up and down excitedly on his master's shoulder, proud at the half-orc's spellcasting prowess. The threat averted, Finoula redeployed her fire elemental over to the wooden coffin, setting it ablaze in the time it still had left on this plane. Just in case there was a chance the nosferatu could regenerate, they wanted to make absolutely sure there was no coffin there to allow it to rest.

After watching the coffin burn to ashes, Hagan ushered half of the group through the carpet of teleportation back to the dragonfly vessel, then cast a final teleport spell transporting the rest of them back to Battershield Keep. They'd bring Horace back to his sentry duties, but not until everyone had gotten a good ten hours of sleep or so - they had certainly earned it!

- - -

Boy, were my werebats ever pushovers! The group (mostly Binkadink) plowed through them like they weren't even there. But I made up for it with my mirror of opposition trap. Dan's face was priceless when I asked him to pass his PC folder over my way so I could see which spells his mirror-duplicate could use against him. I tried getting Dan to role-play the dancing in place for 3 rounds, but with five players (one running a second character - the NPC druid) those 3 rounds took the better part of an hour and I don't think he'd have liked gyrating for that long. (Incidentally, it's a good thing Hagan wasn't one of the four people in the room when the mirror of opposition was triggered - I shudder to think of the havoc I could have wreaked had I had the half-orc sorcerer's spell repertoire at hand to use against the PCs!)

Incidentally, Jacob was unable to attend this session - he's a shift manager at his work and at the last minute he had to cover for somebody who didn't make it in. So rather than have one of the other players run Castillan as well as their own PC, I just decided that the bounder was elsewhere when adventure called this time. He'll share in the XP earned, though - it wouldn't be right to penalize Jacob's PC for something out of his control. (Plus, it's easier when everyone levels up at the same time.)

- - -

T-shirt worn: My "WWDD?" shirt, featuring Daryl Dixon from "The Walking Dead." It had two meanings: the TV show was a hint as to the nosferatu's undead nature and Daryl was a good stand-in for the garrison soldiers pulling sentry duty for Kordovia.



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 17
Darrien, half-elf ranger 17
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 17
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 17
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 17​

NPC Roster:
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 11
MARCI, humanoid construct​

Game Session Date: 10 August 2019

- - -

"Arise and attend!" called out a deep voice from outside the lowered drawbridge of Battershield Keep. "I have a mission for the adventurers within!"

Finoula approached the lowered portcullis, her hand on the hilt of her enchanted longsword Tahlmalaera just in case. But then she smiled upon recognizing their visitor: the titan Leandros, who not long ago had gathered six of their group together to form a team with which to compete in a game of Titan Chess. It had been a lucrative mission for them; if this was a follow-on assignment of a similar nature, the elf was all for it!

The titan stood before the drawbridge, unarmed and wearing only a toga and leather sandals. Upon seeing Finoula, he pulled a small bag from his belt and tossed it expertly through the bars of the portcullis. It fell at the ranger's feet with the unmistakable clink of coins striking coins; looking down, she saw it couldn't hold but a paltry dozen or so, if even that. She frowned as she bent to pick it up.

Leandros saw the expression on her face. "Open it," he commanded. "It's a miniature bag of holding. Inside you will find 50,000 pieces of gold, a down-payment for the task I wish to assign to you. There will be another 50,000 upon the mission's completion, if you are interested."

Gilbert had ambled up during this last announcement. "What mission?" he asked, before sending his earth elemental Mudpie to go gather together the rest of the group. The titan explained as the others started assembling behind the portcullis and MARCI was directed to raise the barrier out of the way.

"I have gotten word that War Titan Takhios, furious at his loss at Titan Chess and failure to gain the Frostreaver for himself, has vowed to seek out and fetch the Titanslayer – a massive greatsword capable of bringing down a titan with ease. It's hidden away on one of the Lower Planes - Carceri - in a place no titan can enter upon pain of instant annihilation. I had my spies find out the War Titan’s plans: he's sending a team of proxies to go fetch the Titanslayer and return it to him. I wish to beat him at his own game by having you get to it first.

“If Takhios gets the Titanslayer, there's no doubt he'll use it to try to kill me," explained Leandros. "And then he'll be virtually unstoppable – no titan would be able to take him down with such a power at his command!" He looked down at the group. "The weapon was to be perfectly safe in Carceri, where no titan could enter and none was to have known of its exact location. How Takhios found out about it is a mystery, but one which we can solve later – for now, we need to fetch that sword before his team gets to it!"

"It's a shame Castillan isn't here," muttered Malrin. "I think he's out playing cards at one of the taverns in town. Do we have time to track him down?"

"Sound like time of essence," Gilbert replied. Looking up at Leandros, he asked, "What this Titanslayer look like?"

"It's a massive greatsword some 30 feet in length," Leandros replied. "None of you would be able to lift it, let alone wield it. But I have a modified portable hole" - and here he tossed a rolled-up piece of black cloth to the group after plucking it from his belt - "with an interior large enough to hold the Titanslayer. Slide this around the greatsword and it will weigh as nothing to you."

He reached inside his toga and pulled out a rolled-up piece of parchment in a scroll tube. He bent down and handed it to Finoula, who pulled it free of the tube and unrolled it. "As I cannot accompany you to Carceri, I will scry upon you and watch your progress," Leandros promised. "Once you return to Battershield Keep with the greatsword, I will meet you here and give you the rest of your payment. In the meantime, that is a copy of the notes Takhios gathered, which show the way to the Titanslayer. They were painstakingly copied while scrying upon the originals." Finoula read the notes aloud. They said:
"Directions to the Sword

Titanslayer is on Minethys, the 3rd layer of Carceri, on an orb no titan can step upon and remain living. The easiest way to get to it via planar travel is to gate to the 2nd layer, Cathrys, and follow the instructions below to get to Minethys.
  • Gate to Carceri, 2nd plane (Cathrys), using petrified leaf covered in amber – ensures arrival on correct orb
  • Acidic jungle! – have protection at hand
  • Head towards tallest mountain peak visible
  • Fields ahead beyond jungle – sharp-bladed plants! Move slowly through the grasses
  • Cave at base of mountain – dragon lairs inside (doesn’t often bargain – large enough bribe?)
  • Portal in back of cave (2 columns) leads to Minethys
  • Minethys = desert orbs, beware of sudden sandstorms (common hazard: sand gorgons)
  • Arrival point is one orb away from orb desired – will need to fly to neighboring orb (only 2 options, both look almost identical) – will know you're on the right orb if part of titan's body disintegrates on contact
  • Once on correct orb, seek the stone towers topped by iron cages – largest tower is hollow (secret panel?)
  • Titanslayer stored below – possible guardian(s)?"

"You will also need these," Leandros said, passing two more items to Finoula. One was a piece of leaf embedded inside a hunk of amber; the other, a short braid of hair. "The hair is mine," he explained. "You can use it to determine if the orb you stand upon is the one inimical to titan life, for it will dissolve to nothingness upon contact with the ground. When that happens, you will be assured you are on the correct orb. And the leaf in amber is the only one I was able to steal from Takhios, so I can send but the one team to Carceri. You will arrive in the jungle from which the leaf was taken."

"Go!" commanded Gilbert to the group. "Gather weapons, armor, other gear. Meet back here when ready!" As for the heavyset wizard, he already had everything he needed, for Mudpie had fetched his backpack while Leandros was explaining the mission. "MARCI!" he called to the humanoid construct they'd found imprisoned by a hag in the Vesve Forest many months ago. "You out of healing potions. What else you got, might help us in mission?"

"I have a pain reducer that will allow you to ignore physical trauma and carry on combat activities despite injuries," the female-shaped automaton replied in her steady voice.

"That work for me!" Gilbert agreed. "Everybody get dose!"

"Obvious too!" piped up Binkadink, approaching in full armor with his trained jackalope in tow. MARCI dutifully injected a dose of the fluid into each of the adventurers and Obvious as well. Then the spellcasting began in earnest: Gilbert cast a magic circle against evil spell on himself and a stoneskin spell upon Mudpie and himself; Hagan cast stoneskin and mage armor spells to cover himself and his weasel familiar Wezhley; the two rangers, Darrien and Finoula, each covered themselves with a barkskin spell; and Malrin cast barkskin spells on Binkadink, Obvious, and herself and a stoneskin spell upon Finoula. Gilbert completed their spell preparations with a Rary's telepathic bond spell that connected everyone in a mental communication channel.

"You got attune form spell ready?" Gilbert asked Malrin.

"I do," the druid replied.

"Cast it on us once we arrive," Gilbert commanded. "You cast it now, we attune bodies to this plane - that no good."

"I got it, Gilbert," assured Malrin.

"Then we ready!" called Gilbert and Leandros triggered a gate spell. Finoula led the way through the swirling, vertical vortex, the leaf in amber disappearing from her hand - consumed by the spell to attune the gate to the correct destination - as she stepped through the portal.

Sure enough, the group arrived in the middle of a steaming jungle reeking of death and decay. Malrin immediately began the words to the attune form spell, shielding the group from the acidic effects of the plane of Carceri upon which they had landed. This was Cathrys, the second layer of six such on the plane; each layer was a string of small orbs aligned like pearls on a necklace, although no two orbs made physical contact with each other. The orbs were small as far as planetoids went, each with a diameter of perhaps five miles, with a similar gap between each orb and its neighbors. But the atmosphere around each orb extended in a torus around the entire string of spheres, allowing for flight from one planetoid to the next.

"We make it this far," Gilbert observed. "Where we go from here again?"

Finoula consulted the parchment of copied directions Leandros had provided. "We need to find the highest mountain visible," she said. From their vantage point, however, all they could see were the trees looming all around them.

"I'm on it!" volunteered Malrin, always eager to be of assistance to the group of adventurers to which her brother Castillan belonged - and which, she thought proudly, she was now also a true member, having shown time and again she could pull her own weight. She wildshaped into her comfortable owl form, flapped her wings, and flew off above the tree-line to see where the tallest visible mountain might lie.

But as she did so there was a deep hiss from the other side of a clump of adjacent trees. Looking in that direction, the others saw a creature unlike anything they'd ever seen before. At first, it looked like a massive constrictor snake of some type - perhaps a boa, for its mottled coloration was similar. But this boa was bigger than any terrestrial serpent they'd ever seen before, with a much stockier body - and then they saw the creature's four powerful limbs. One might think this would give it the appearance of a lizard, but its thick body was still as sinuous as that of a snake. A forked tongue, black and shiny, darted from the creature's mouth as it started creeping forward around the trees and heading toward the adventurers, no doubt intent upon an easy meal.

Finoula, sure that any native creature they discovered on any of the levels of Carceri meant them no good, raised a hand to her lightning amulet and activated it. In an instant she became a living bolt of electricity which blasted through the nagasaur, only for her to resume her normal elven figure on its far side. She rematerialized with her longsword Tahlmalaera in her right hand and her flaming burst whip of thorns in her left, each ready to strike.

Hagan stepped forward towards the sinuous reptile and cast a disintegrate spell at it. The ray that sprang from his finger struck true, but the nagasaur managed to weather the attack and come out of it damaged but still alive. Wezhley hissed in irritation at the thing's continued survival after his master had hoped to strike it down with one spell.

But then Obvious raced forward, hippity-hopping between the jungle trees. Binkadink held his glaive out like a lance, hoping to skewer the strange reptile, but for once his aim was off and the blade struck the creature's scales at an angle, deflecting harmlessly away.

Gilbert followed Hagan's lead and cast a disintegrate spell of his own at the nagasaur but once again it toughed its way through the attack and survived, albeit with a chunk of flesh and scales missing from its side. Darrien stepped up beside the portly mage and tried his hand at taking the beast down, not with a spell but with a cluster of arrows all fired at one time. The quartet of deadly missiles went flying from the ranger's Arachnibow, three of them striking true. The creature hissed in evident pain - and then its head went darting out at the creature directly before it, plunging its piercing fangs into the jackalope's neck and pumping venom into the wounds.

Obvious shrieked in pain, leaping back and wrenching the nagasaur's jaws from his neck in the process. Binkadink leaped from the jackalope's back, allowing the wounded steed to retreat to safety while the gnome pressed the attack. His glaive stabbed out at the legged snake-thing, while Binkadink called for help from Malrin over the telepathic bond.

Still in owl form, Malrin dropped back down below the tree-line and flew directly at the nagasaur, touching its scaled body with a talon. During the brief contact, the owl-druid channeled a neutralize poison spell into the nagasaur's body. <I've neutralized its venom - it won't be able to poison anyone else!> she called to the others over the link, then flapped over to see to Obvious.

Finoula's blade and whip struck out at the nagasaur from behind, each weapon carving a line of pain across the reptile's body. Hagan cast another spell, this time a polar ray, which overcame the nagasaur's inherent spell resistance. Frost covered its scales as the spell took effect and the half-orc sorcerer could tell that even if the creature had the ability to ignore some level of cold damage - as was common with fiendish and half-fiend creatures - he had done enough damage to overload that particular resistance.

Gilbert cast another spell at the nagasaur, similarly overcoming its spell resistance, and suddenly the reptile was completely blind! Its hissing took on a frantic tone as it realized just how much of a handicap this was going to be to it: now the option that had started to look pretty good - namely to flee from these powerful foes and live to feast again on some other day - was likely not even going to be possible. Sure enough, Darrien pumped five arrows into the nagasaur in rapid succession and it fell over, dead.

MARCI had stepped up beside Obvious and scanned the jackalope's wounds with the red beam from her eye. "This creature has sustained a venomous bite," she announced. She extended a finger-probe into the jackalope's wound. "I have analyzed the venom and can produce an antidote. Permission to administer the treatment to a non-human recipient?"

"Permission granted!" Gilbert cried in exasperation. "In fact, treat jackalope as if it human, from now on!"

"Altering designation of creature: Obvious," MARCI announced aloud as a thin needle extended from a metal finger, the probe having been retracted. She stabbed it expertly into Obvious' neck and shot a dose of antivenom into the area around the wounds. "Obvious is now classified as a human."

"I'm glad we've got that settled," said Binkadink, returning to his trusty jackalope steed to see how he was faring after the attack. "You okay, buddy?" he asked, stroking the fur between the creature's antlers.

"Better," admitted Obvious.

Malrin landed beside the jackalope, resumed her elven form, and pointed forward. <The mountain we seek is that way,> she told the others before adding some healing of her own to Obvious, courtesy of her magical staff.

It was a matter of a ten-minute trek through the jungle before the trees gave way to waving grasses, and while during their travels they heard the frequent screams and cries of exotic animals nearby, the group exited the acidic rain forest without any further encounters with native Carceri wildlife. Ahead, in the distance, they could see a mountain range, one peak in the middle jutting higher than the others.

"That's got to be our target," Hagan observed. "Where's the dragon's cave again - base, peak, or somewhere in between?"

Finoula checked the directions. "'Base of mountain'," she recited.

"Gather up, then," Hagan commanded, and once everyone was in place he teleported the group to the base of the mountain.

From there it was the matter of but a few minutes to find a cave opening at the mountain's base. After silent communication over their telepathic bond, Gilbert sent Mudpie in to investigate, instructing the elemental to provide constant status updates through the empathic link they shared as master and familiar. The earth elemental stepped up to the wide cave opening, noting there was a short step down into the cavern and then a set of flow-stone steps leading up along the left side and a pool of clear water to the right. He stepped down into the cave, opening a hole in the floor beneath him so he could earth glide through the unworked stone while leaving only the top of his head visible...and immediately, a raucous shrieking rang out from the cavern.

<Alarm spell?> asked Hagan over the link.

<Simpler than that -- shriekers!> replied Gilbert, stepping gingerly into the cavern behind his sunken familiar. Sure enough, the "step" was really a ledge, and sitting inside a long niche carved beneath it was a row of the subterranean fungi known colloquially as "shriekers," for they emitted loud noises when exposed to light or nearby movement. If this were the lair of a dragon, there was little doubt it was now aware of their intrusion.

As if to emphasize the point, an angry roar came from the top of the flow-stone steps. Mudpie earth glided up the incline, ambling to see what he could see knowing full well he could always "duck" beneath the surface of the rock as needed, leaving behind no evidence of his passing.

Hagan cast a fly spell upon himself and Wezhley and rose into the air. He entered the cavern and scooted over by the pool, his head nearly at the top of the cavern's ceiling, some 35 feet up. He faced the flow-stone steps, the source of the awful roar. Judging solely by the sound of the angry roar, the dragon was of considerable size - although the half-orc knew that sounds could echo oddly in some of these caves. Maybe they'd get lucky and the dragon wouldn't be as big as Hagan was imagining it to be.

Binkadink and Obvious weren't content to let the dragon make an appearance on its own terms; the jackalope scampered up the flow-stone steps, passing by Mudpie, reaching a level surface at the top that then flowed back down to an even larger cavern on the far side. But there was no dragon here, either, just a smaller side cave and another pool of water. The gnome's attention was diverted momentarily to the side cave, for scattered along the floor in this area was a carpet of loose coins and gems - apparently the unseen dragon's treasure hoard.

A buzzing sound alerted Binkadink to Darrien's arrival: he had activated his ebony fly and ridden it into the back cavern behind the jackalope. The half-elf ranger had his Arachnibow drawn and an arrow ready to loose, but there was no dragon at which to send it flying. "Invisible?" he asked the gnome, looking around and straining his ears to try to hear any noise the hypothetically invisible dragon might make.

Back at the main entrance, Finoula stepped into the front cavern with both main weapons in hand and cast a darkvision spell upon her eyes, for Binkadink's helmet held the group's only active light sources and he and Obvious had gone around to the back of the cave network. She stepped over to the pool, noticing absently that the water was sploshing around a bit. Brow furrowed - there shouldn't be waves, even little ones, in an underground cave, surely! - she thought she saw the level of the water rising, but then it seemed to stabilize at its new height. Behind her, Malrin held the carved tyrannosaurus tooth they'd discovered in the lunar ravager lodge and, activating its magic, wildshaped into a tyrannosaurus rex - a larger form than any she'd ever attained and one only possible through the magics of the totem she wore on a leather thong around her neck. But she thought a fight against a dragon was a perfect time to try out the combat capabilities of one of the world's most fearsome dinosaurs.

There was a sudden explosion of water from the pool just as Finoula realized what might have caused the water surface to rise and the rippling of small waves in a still pool: the displacement caused by a large form entering the connected pools in the cave network's front and back! But then Aradacevaeros sprang forward, water springing from his mottled hide, and he looked in surprise at Finoula standing before him and Hagan suspended in the air, whirling suddenly around in panic to face the dragon. "Mortals from the Material Plane, traveled all this way to meet their deaths? Why, I haven't dined on such fare in centuries! This will be a most welcome treat indeed!" exulted Aradacevaeros.

Finoula was frozen momentarily in place at the awesome spectacle before her and Aradacevaeros took advantage of her hesitation to snap forward, biting down at the elf. His teeth penetrated the magical shielding of the stoneskin spell protecting her, but the dose of pain reducer MARCI had injected her with earlier helped her focus on the task at hand, not the pain caused by the dragon teeth piercing her body. She wrenched free from the dragon's mouth before he could try to swallow her whole, dropping back to the stone floor of the cavern and just barely retaining her balance.

Gilbert, choking back the instinctive fear upon the sight of the Tarterian dragon, kept his wits about him long enough to cast a wall of force spell directly in front of the dragon, separating Aradacevaeros from Finoula, Hagan, and the others. The dragon roared in fury, apparently having recognized the spell from the hand movements Gilbert made while casting, for the magical wall itself was quite invisible. With a final snort of frustration, the great dragon submerged back into the pool, reversing course and returning back the way he had come, any thoughts of releasing a breath weapon saved for later.

<Incoming!> Gilbert cried over the link. <Dragon heading back your way!> And then he ran away from the pool, leaping up the flow-stone steps at a speed faster than would be expected for one of his bulk. MARCI followed in his wake, her metal feet clanging loudly on the cavern's stone floor.

Mudpie, however, took an earth gliding shortcut by going straight through the intervening stone separating the front cave and the side cave filled with the dragon's loose treasure. There were two natural columns in the back of this side cave, where a pair of stalactites had merged into the twin stalagmites below them. This, the elemental realized, was likely the natural gate to the third level of Carceri the dragon guarded.

Hagan and Wezhley flew past the running Gilbert to land at the base of the treasure cave. Seeing he'd beaten the dragon here, Hagan bent down and started gathering up handfuls of coins and gems from the floor, scooping them into his backpack. Finoula stopped beside him and started to do the same. <This ought to distract his attention!> she said over the link. Binkadink, mounted on Obvious, faced the back pool and readied his glaive for when Aradacevaeros would appear. Behind and beside him, Darrien kept his magical bow at the ready as well, balancing upon the back of the pony-sized fly which had landed on the cavern floor. And then Malrin appeared in the back cavern as well, in her impressive tyrannosaurus rex form, ready for a taste of massive reptilian combat.

Aradacevaeros exploded out of the back pool just as Gilbert finally rounded the corner, dropping down from the dragon's higher-level sleeping platform and into the lower back cavern. He had a quickened wall of force readied and cast it at once, sealing off the dragon from the adventurers with another invisible screen that went from one side of the cavern to the other and from the floor to the ceiling. The Tarterian dragon screamed in fury - and his anger only increased as he saw the adventurers scooping up every last iota of his treasure, looking back at him and grinning in a quite infuriating manner as they did so. Aradacevaeros could only watch impotently as they cleaned him out and then walked, one by one, through the natural gate to the third level of Carceri.

"I hope that wall of force is going to hold up long enough!" Binkadink mentioned as the group materialized on a desert world. There was nothing but featureless dunes of red sand as far as the eye could see. Up above, the floating spheres of the nearest orbs in line could be seen; they stretched off to the edges of vision in both directions, curving slightly in a shallow arc.

"It hold just fine," Gilbert assured the gnome. "He no want to follow us, anyway - that a one-way gate. He follow us, no way back to lair."

"Are you sure?" Finoula asked. "He sure looked furious at us stealing his hoard."

"Look around!" Gilbert scoffed. "No structures around for gate to be tied to!" He demonstrated the truth of his words by backtracking the way they'd all come, following their footprints in the sand all the way to their origin point and then passing it. "See?" he said. "No way back that way."

Hagan was looking up at the orbs. "So, which way do we want to try first?" he asked.

"Don't matter. Pick one. Take titan hair with you - if it dissolve, you know you on right orb."

"Okay, then," replied the half-orc. "Either way, we'll be right back." He said a few arcane syllables and then he and Wezhley disappeared from view. Sure enough, they teleported back just a few moments later. "Nope," he said, showing the group the undamaged braid of Leandros' hair. "It's gotta be the other one." Everyone gathered around the half-orc sorcerer and he cast the teleport spell for the third time in as many minutes, this time transporting the entire group to the next orb in line in the opposite direction. He dropped the titan hair braid onto the red sands at his feet on this new orb and watched as it writhed and smoked, rapidly being consumed. In a moment it was gone.

"This is the place, all right," said Hagan. "Minethys, right?"

"Minethys, correct," replied Finoula, looking over the copied directions. "We need to find towers with cages on top of them."

"Does it say in which direction?" asked Darrien.


"Okay, fliers - Darrien, Hagan, me - we each pick direction, do sweeps back and forth, expand outward," Gilbert suggested. "Others stay here. Anybody find towers, let everyone know over link. Questions? No? Then go!" Hagan and Wezhley flew off in one direction, Darrien and his ebony fly in another, and Gilbert and Mudpie in still another. Her master gone, MARCI stood motionless with the other adventurers left behind. After about half an hour - an interminable time for Binkadink, who wasn't thrilled with the desert heat while wearing his full dragonhide armor - Darrien's voice came over the link. <Found 'em! They're not much as far as towers go - most of 'em are buried under the sand. But there are six towers around a seventh in the middle. And there are cages on each tower.>

<That sounds like them, all right!> Finoula answered. <We'll start heading in your direction on foot. Gilbert and Hagan, you can fly back the way you came and then follow our tracks. Darrien, keep an eye out for us so we don't veer off course!> On a small globe with nothing but red sand dunes - and only the string of floating orbs overhead, no sun or stars by which to navigate - even maintaining a straight line of travel was difficult! But less than an hour's travel and the group had all gathered back up at the seven towers.

Their arrival was a cause of excitement for the poor petitioners locked in the cages above the towers. Each of the six towers on the outer edges of the formation held a dozen iron cages along their roof-lines, built like bird cages but just barely big enough to hold a human in a hunched-over position, while the central tower held a full 20 such structures along its edges. Each cage held a tormented soul, wearing nothing but tattered rags and with skin pockmarked and scoured by the frequent sandstorms plaguing the desert orb. These petitioners called out to the adventurers, offering anything and everything if they'd just free them. "I can lead you to untold riches!" promised one gaunt man with clumps of stringy, matted, hair the color of fresh urine hanging down from his balding, patchy scalp. "Only free me," promised a woman thin to the point of appearing to be undead (although Gilbert's magically-enhanced eyes verified that she was in fact still alive) "and I can grant you three wishes! Anything you like--anything at all!" A ragged man with a mangy beard put a supplicating arm through the iron bars of his cage and implored, "I know the secret way to Mount Celestia, where the river waters taste of amber ale! Free me, and I will take you there!"

Finoula looked at these wretched souls with a look of horror on her elven features. "Just ignore them," Gilbert advised. "They damned - they earn these fates by their actions while alive."

"They're not alive?" Finoula gasped.

"Well, 'afterlife alive', I guess," admitted the heavyset wizard. "But just ignore them. Pretend they not even here." He flew up to the top of the central tower and started poking around. "Supposed to be hollow tower," he mused. "Mudpie! Go under sand, see if there door into tower buried somewhere down there!"

While the earth elemental carried out his orders, the others climbed onto the roof of the central tower - it wasn't difficult, as there was only about a foot of it still standing above the current configuration of the ever-shifting sands - and joined Gilbert in his rooftop search. "Here!" called out Finoula, finding a few depressions at the center of the roof, which her elven senses had determined were the hand-holds for a massive slab of rock which could be lifted up and moved aside. While Malrin maneuvered her tyrannosaur foot-claw into the slot and slowly lifted the heavy slab (Binkadink dismounted from Obvious and helped slide it off to the side, revealing a winding set of steps leading down), Gilbert was receiving a report from Mudpie. "He say no doors in tower but there living quarters down there. A giant, sleeping - and Titanslayer in back cave with two chests! This the place, all right!"

By then, the slab had been lifted and Malrin had pushed it aside far enough that even she could get her saurian bulk through. The 15-foot-wide stairwell wound down into the ground in a clockwise direction and the steps were scaled for a giant, each step a full three feet below the one above it. There was some discussion about whether to leave the slab open or close it back up before descending into the giant's lair, but eventually two factors helped them to decide: first, they weren't planning on coming back this way (Gilbert would plane shift them back home after they successfully gained the Titanslayer for Leandros); and second, there was no reason to make things any easier for Takhios' team, who were undoubtedly at some point behind them. Malrin lifted the slab with her head from beneath it and slid it back into place.

"How do we know the War Titan's forces aren't ahead of us?" Darrien asked.

"If they already downstairs, Mudpie see them!" Gilbert scoffed. "And dragon say we first mortals it see in long time - they definitely somewhere behind us!"

"And best of all," pointed out Binkadink, "when they do show up at the dragon's lair, the walls of force will have run their course - he's going to tear into them!" He started chuckling at the thought of the furious dragon suddenly provided with a fresh set of mortals upon which to vent his anger.

The steps made eight full circuits around and down before leveling off into the giant's lair. There were two exits from the room at the bottom of the circular stairs: a thick, wooden door and an open passageway. Finoula headed to the door while Binkadink and Obvious checked out the corridor, which like the rest of this place seemed to have been carved directly into the stone far beneath the red sands above. The corridor bent at an angle and then dropped, by a series of three natural steps, into an open cavern that appeared not to have been carved out of the stone; rather, it must have been an underground pocket that had been extended into the rest of the giant's living space. The far end of the massive cavern was filled with nasty-looking fungus, mostly mushrooms of the "thick cap" variety, each glistening wet with corruption. The cavern was thick with the odors of death and decay. Along the back wall was another set of natural steps leading down into a smaller cave, and inside this the gnome could see an enormous, glowing greatsword: Titanslayer, without a doubt.

But instead of heading straight for the object of their quest, Binkadink steered Obvious over towards the fungal garden, for he could see another set of steps rising up to another carved passageway like the one they had just traversed. Gilbert had said something about a sleeping giant; better to make sure he was taken out of the picture before they went for the massive sword, so he wouldn't have an opportunity to sneak up behind them when they weren't paying attention.

As the gnome and the jackalope traveled down this second corridor, the wailing and moaning of voices could be heard, the noises getting louder as they approached the end of the corridor. By the time they got to its end and could see it opened into a massive room where a giant slept upon a slab of stone that served for his bed, the moaning was quite horrific - and it actually caused Obvious to shudder with fear. Trembling terribly, the jackalope stopped all forward movement and spun about, leaving Binkadink just enough time to leap from the saddle before his riding mount was high-tailing it back the way he had come. The wailing must be some sort of magical effect, the gnome mused to himself; Obvious wasn't usually that easy to scare.

Finoula, in the meantime, had discovered the massive, wooden door to be stuck solid - but that wasn't anything her chime of opening couldn't handle. However, upon opening the stuck door, she too could hear the doleful wailing coming from the giant's bedchambers and that was enough for the normally fearless ranger to break ranks and flee back the way she'd come.

And she wasn't the only one. Darrien, still astride his ebony fly, panicked at the sound and spun his aerial mount around in midair, the two of them fleeing back up the oversize stairwell leading back to the surface. Hagan ran in his wake, a look of absolute terror on his half-orcish face; upon the sorcerer's shoulder, Wezhley the weasel held an almost human expression of fear on his fuzzy muzzle. Even the steadfast Gilbert Fung turned and ran up the stairs, followed by his earth elemental familiar Mudpie and his humanoid automaton MARCI - although the latter had not been affected by the wailing and moaning - rather, she generally followed Gilbert wherever he might go, and right now he was running at full speed back to the overly-large steps spiraling up in the middle of the tower buried to its top in reddish sand. Even Malrin, still in the impressive form of a tyrannosaurus rex, scampered up the steps as if the very forces of Hell were chasing her.

The death giant sat up from his stone slab of a bed and reached for the greataxe leaning against the opposite wall. Grabbing it up in both hands, he spun to face the intruder in his lair...and was quite surprised to see his foe was a three-foot-tall gnome balancing upon some sort of stilts sticking out from the sides of his boots. This was the danger that had invaded his realm?

But then Binkadink gave the death giant ample reason for concern as, stepping forward on his gnomish stilt-boots, he extended his collapsible glaive to its full length and brought it swinging into the giant's side. The blade cut through the giant's thick, black hide, bringing a flow of red blood coursing down his torso.

By that time those who had fled from the horrid sound of the giant's wailing (although it hadn't actually been the giant making the sound but rather a cascade of disembodied, nebulous ghost-skulls which flew all around him in a wide halo) suddenly came to their senses; they had moved far enough away from the magic effect for it to no longer bother them. Obvious skittered to a halt, changed course, and hippity-hopped back the way he had fled, eager to join up with his gnomish rider and make the death giant pay for the jackalope's seeming act of cowardice. Up on the steps, the other heroes likewise regained their normal faculties. "It magical effect!" barked Gilbert to the others, reversing course and racing back down the stairs, Mudpie and MARCI following suit behind him. "No shame in falling under spell, but now it not likely have any more effect on us!"

Gilbert was correct; having already been exposed once to the fear effect, the heroes were better able to ignore it upon their second exposure. As one, they scrambled back to aid Binkadink in his fight against the ebony-skinned death giant. And the gnome was grateful for any assistance he could get at that point, for the giant's greataxe had already sent him slamming up against a stone wall from the power of the blow; only the stabilizing effect of his gnomish stilt-boots helped him to keep his balance. But Binkadink gave back as good as he had taken, carving another line of pain across the death giant's thick hide. Behind him, he could hear - just barely, over the still-present screaming coming from the ethereal skulls floating around the death giant in an erratic circle - his trusty jackalope approaching, eager to rejoin the battle.

Finoula raced through the now-open doorway and into what was apparently the giant's dining hall, given the half-devoured fiendish dire rat corpse on the slab of stone that served him as a table. An open doorway led into the giant's bedchamber, from which she could hear the sounds of clashing blades and the scraping of metal weapons striking stone walls - and, of course, the ever-present screaming and wailing of the death giant's floating skulls. But then Darrien buzzed by her on his ebony fly, his Arachnibow ready to let loose an arrow already in place. Flying through the doorway to the death giant's bedroom, he sent a volley of rapid-fire arrows into the giant's back.

Hagan followed the half-elf into the bedchamber, casting a polar ray spell at the giant's back. The spell struck true, although Hagan could tell by its limited effects that the giant not only had some sort of inherent resistance against spellcraft but also at least a partial resistance to cold damage, for the polar ray didn't seem to affect the giant as much as the sorcerer had hoped. Indeed, the death giant all but ignored this attack, his concentration focused upon the gnome fighter before him. Again his greataxe swung down upon Binkadink, drawing blood and a stifled grunt of pain.

But then Malrin entered the sparse bedchamber, still in her tyrannosaurus form. Her rows of sharp teeth bit down at the death giant, encompassing his left shoulder and pulling him away from the gnome. While he was thus held immobile, Gilbert stepped up and cast a disintegrate spell at the bald, ebony-skinned giant. Once again his natural resistance against spellcraft prevented him from taking the full force of the spell, but Gilbert could tell he had at least suffered a bit from the spell's effects.

Binkadink took advantage of the giant's relative immobility to send his glaive crashing into his foe again and again, dealing an enormous amount of damage with three quick strikes in a row. And then Finoula entered the room; it was getting a bit crowded, even in a chamber built to a giant's scale, for Malrin's tyrannosaur form took up most of the open space not already taken up by the bed-slab of rock and those already in combat. But the elven ranger stepped between the dinosaur's powerful back legs and sent her flaming burst whip of thorns lashing out at the death giant's legs while he struggled to free himself from Malrin's jaws. Darrien had his fly mount soar up to the room's ceiling and from this vantage point he shot arrows down at the pinned giant with little fear of accidentally hitting any of his friends. Hagan cast another polar ray spell, but this time it fizzled out entirely upon touching the giant's black skin, doing nothing.

With a final wrench that left furrows of blood along his shoulder, the death giant finally managed to extricate himself from Malrin's powerful jaws. He staggered forward and then, since Binkadink was still standing there before him, decided to turn his half-stumble into an attack with his greataxe, once again targeting the gnome. It was looking as if there was no way to overcome all of these damned intruders, but at least he could take out the first one to have had the temerity to attack him in his own home!

However, the massive strength behind the giant's attack actually worked against him, for he dealt the little gnome so much damage that it triggered Binkadink's ring of retaliation - and a similar gash opened on the giant's flesh to mirror the cut he had just dealt the gnome. That was enough to put the death giant on his last legs and the screaming, insubstantial skulls still flying all around him - perhaps recognizing this sad fact - wailed all the harder.

Gilbert, having made a note of the giant's ability to occasionally shrug off completely the effects of even the most powerful spells, opted to cast a spell that wouldn't target the death giant at all: he cast haste on himself, Mudpie, Darrien, and Binkadink. "Let's see you shrug off those effects!" the heavyset wizard chuckled to himself.

That was all it took. Moving even faster than normal - certainly faster than the death giant could block - Binkadink's glaive struck forward at lightning speed, tearing a gash across the giant's chest, another across his massive bicep, another nearly severing the fingers of his left hand, and a fourth stabbing straight into his belly. With a roar of surprise and pain that sent his life's blood spraying across the room, the death giant fell forward like a felled tree and would have crushed the little gnome had Obvious not dashed forward and grabbed his rider by the belt and pulled him back into the corridor leading to the treasure cavern.

"Nice one, Bink!" congratulated Darrien as he landed his fly and started retrieving those arrows that could still be reused. The others converged into the lower cavern, before the stone steps leading down into what was obviously the "treasure cave." There, upon the stone floor in the back, lay Titanslayer. It was surrounded by six stone pillars arranged in a hexagon, each pillar containing runes etched into every surface.

"Don't touch anything yet," Hagan warned, casting a detect magic spell and looking around the cave. "Okay, the sword's definitely magic an so are the columns." He looked off to either side, allowing his magical vision to encompass each of the large chests in turn. "Not the chests, though," he added.

"Everybody out!" shooed Binkadink, heading for the nearest chest.

<We'd normally let Castillan check out the chests before opening them,> pointed out Malrin, not being able to speak aloud as a dinosaur but perfectly capable of sending her thoughts to the others over the Rary's telepathic bond spell.

"True, but he's not here," countered Binkadink, "and whatever traps might be hidden on these chests, I'm the one most likely to survive them." It was true; the little gnome had proven time and again he was made of sturdy stuff. Once everyone had stepped back, he lifted the top of the first chest with the tip of his blade, having shrunk the shaft of his magic glaive to its shortest length. When no explosions belched forth, the gnome cautiously approached the chest and peered over the top. "Coins!" he called. "Lots of 'em!"

"We grab them up later!" Gilbert suggested. "Go check other chest!"

Binkadink moved over to the other side of the treasure cave and repeated his actions. This time, though, the "treasure" was of a much more grisly nature: a bald, scarred, limbless humanoid who snarled in wordless hatred at the gnome. It took Binkadink a moment to recognize this creature as a kyton without any of the chains it normally wore as combination armor, weapons, and additional limbs. Apparently the death giant had captured a kyton at one point and had been using it as an additional food source to supplement the disgusting fungus growing in the back cavern and the occasional fiendish dire rat it caught on the surface of this strange little orb. With a look of disgust, Binkadink dropped the lid of the chest back into place. "I think we'll leave this one here," he suggested.

Then he turned to examine Titanslayer, but Hagan stepped forward by his side, examining the runes on the stone pillars. "I'm willing to bet there are invisible walls of force between each of these columns," he ventured.

"One way to find out," the gnome replied, trying to reach between two of the pillars with his glaive. But Hagan had been right; the blade scratched against an unseen and unyielding barrier. Worse yet, the touch of Binkadink's glaive also triggered another effect: barely audible at first, a low humming began increasing in volume, sending an ever-louder sonic blast from sub-harmonics through the audible spectrum until the heroes were forced to race from the treasure cave for fear of their heads splitting open from the noise. As a group, the adventurers stepped well back from the entrance to the treasure cave and let the sonic bombardment run its course.

After about a full minute, the sound switched off all at once, leaving ears ringing in its absence. Once it was apparent that it was no longer making any noise, the heroes once again cautiously approached the massive greatsword protected behind the six pillars and the walls of force connecting them and forming a sonic cage in which to protect the titanic weapon.

<I think I can take down one of these walls of force,> said Hagan, using the mental link because everyone was still reeling from the sonics and mental communication was easier than speaking aloud. He cast another disintegrate spell, this time aiming it at the space between two pillars.

<Did it work?> asked Binkadink. After all, the walls of force were totally invisible - there was no way to see if that one was still in place short of trying to touch it again. Hagan sent everyone else back out of the cave again and did just that - but his hand passed between the two pillars without striking any barrier - or triggering any sub-harmonics. After that, it was a simple matter for Malrin to step into the hexagon and kick Titanslayer back with her dinosaur foot, while Finoula and Darrien held open the oddly-shaped portable hole Leandros had provided them: unlike normal such devices, which had a 10-foot diameter, this one was built in a long oval, just big enough for the blade to be sent into the hole's center and the crosspieces to fit within its length. Once the entire weapon was safely stored inside - the hole had to have been much longer inside its extradimensional space, for the 30-foot-long titan weapon would not have fit inside the 10-foot depth of the standard model - Finoula rolled it back up and put it in her belt. As Leandros had promised, now that Titanslayer was inside an extradimensional space the massive weight of the greatsword couldn't be felt at all.

The group's other portable hole was put to good use, holding the coins from the death giant's first chest. But since Malrin carried it with her, she had to resume her elven form in order to fetch it. "Pity I didn't get to do that much fighting as a tyrannosaur," she said.

"Maybe next time," offered Darrien with a smile as he started shoveling coins from the chest into the hole.

"We ready get out of here?" asked Gilbert, and upon getting a universal reply in the affirmative, he cast a plane shift spell that returned them to Oerth. Hagan then cast a teleport spell that returned them to just outside the drawbridge of Battershield Keep - where they were met by a worried-looking Leandros.

"Did you get my message in time?" he asked.

"Message? What message?" demanded Gilbert. "We didn't get no message."

"I sent my most trusted invisible stalker with a message for you, written by my hand upon a scroll of parchment bearing my seal," Leandros explained. "I found out that Takhios had impersonated me to get you to fetch the Titanslayer for him - did you? Do you have it?"

A gasp escaped from Finoula's open mouth as she dropped her hand to the rolled-up portable hole at her belt. "The invisible stalker," she said as realization struck. "It wouldn't have been able to get past the slab we closed at the top of the tower leading down to the giant's lair!"

Realization had also hit Gilbert Fung. "How we know this really you, not Takhios?" he demanded of the titan towering before him.

"A true seeing spell would have been useful," the titan replied. "I said as much in my message. Still, let this speak of my true identity." And, holding out his open hand before him, there was a sudden shimmering and Frostreaver, the greataxe won by the group in the game of Titan Chest, manifested in his hand. "So: have you removed the Titanslayer from its place of safety in Carceri?"

Finoula held out the rolled-up portable hole from her belt. "It's right here," she sighed.

"Then we must destroy it," replied Leandros. "Takhios somehow learned of its original location so we cannot simply replace it from whence it was taken, and I have no desire to take on its guardianship forevermore. It would be a constant temptation for the War Titan; I would need to spend every waking moment keeping it from his ever-reaching grasp."

"I know how we can destroy it," suggested Binkadink. "Hang on: I'll go get the carpet."

Moments later, the gnome returned from his room inside the keep with a familiar-looking carpet rolled up under one arm. Unrolling it flat onto the ground, he said the command word and teleported up to the dragonfly vessel, then went to find his cousin Jinkadoodle lounging in his cabin. "C'mon, Jink!" he called. "We got a mission we need you to fly!"

Once everyone was aboard - including Leandros - Jinkadoodle sat in the command seat and sent the spelljamming vessel up into the sky, heading straight for the sun. Binkadink was disappointed at the thought of having to destroy such a fine weapon, especially once he learned the blade's main power stripped off a great many protections normally enjoyed by powerful beings like titans. "Hey!" he said, a sudden thought striking him. "Hagan, do you think you could teleport to Pentaclus and bring him back here? If he could study the blade, maybe he could make something similar for me - on a much smaller scale, of course."

The flight deep enough into wildspace took several hours, during most of which Pentaclus the Weaponcrafter was on hand to examine the magics of the Titanslayer. "It's intriguing," he admitted. "I might just be able to replicate it, or something very much like it." Binkadink rubbed his hands in glee; that was just what he'd been hoping to hear!

But eventually Leandros, standing upon the upper deck of the dragonfly vessel - for his titan's frame was much too large to allow him to enter the ship's interior cabins - called down that they had reached a sufficient distance from the Oerth that its gravity plane would no longer have any impact on the upcoming event. Hefting the Titanslayer in his right hand, holding the hilt's edge like the end of a spear, he curled back his arm and snapped it forward with all of his considerable strength. Titanslayer shot forward like a fired missile, heading on a bee-line straight for the burning sun. Jinkadoodle kept the craft steady and the assembled heroes watched its path until it could no longer be seen, but they knew it would continue on its present course until the sun's gravity plane brought it into its all-consuming furnace.

Leandros nodded in satisfaction. War Titan Takhios would be hard pressed to fetch the weapon now! He said his farewell to the group and vanished from sight, while Jinkadoodle turned the spelljamming vessel about and returned back the way they had come.

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Malrin leveled up as a result of this adventure; the others are close enough that they should all level up after the adventure following this one.

At the last minute, Jacob found out he had to work the day we had scheduled this session. Dan offered to run Castillan, but the game runs quicker with fewer PCs so we decided the elven bounder was elsewhere when the adventure started. He still got the same amount of XP - we just assumed he was having "off screen" adventures on his own.

And I did something I hadn't done before with this adventure: the day before we played, I sent the players an email with the details of the "plot hook" so Dan in particular (who runs Gilbert) could decide ahead of time which spells the portly mage had prepared. (Likewise with Logan, who was running Malrin this time around.) It's getting to the point where it takes a bit of time for him to decide on which spells Gilbert has ready at hand, so this was an attempt to shorten that process so we can spend more of the gaming session in actual play. It seemed to work, so I think that's a tweak I'm going to keep from now on.

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T-shirt worn: My "Chaotic evil means never having to say you're sorry" shirt.



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 17
Darrien, half-elf ranger 17
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 17
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 17
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 17​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 4
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 12
MARCI, humanoid construct
Verdant Gristwold, human druid 5​

Game Session Date: 7 September 2019

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After one of Helga Battershield's hearty breakfast feasts - the dwarven woman seemed ever concerned that the adventurers "weren't eatin' enough" and had taken it upon herself to correct that deficiency - the heroes stepped into the courtyard of Battershield Keep fit to burst. "I think I need to lie down for an hour or two," muttered Binkadink, patting his stomach.

"Tell me about it," commiserated Finoula. After Ingebold's death, Helga had more or less adopted Finoula as a surrogate daughter and as such the young elven ranger bore the constant focus of the dwarf's maternal attention. "At this rate, I'm going to need to add some new notches to my belt."

"Listen to that," pointed out Malrin, smiling. A songbird was singing its little heart out somewhere nearby. Looking about, the druid finally spotted it perched on the edge of the roof of the stables. Malrin squinted up at it - the bright yellow bird seemed to have something held tightly in one of its claws. The songbird dropped over the edge of the stable roof, landing upon the druid's outstretched hand. Malrin took the bird's offering: a few strands of gray hair, tied together in a small bundle by a piece of green yarn.

"Let me see that," Gilbert demanded, grabbing up the small bundle and frowning down at it.

"What is it?" asked Hagan, looking at the item in the wizard's pudgy hands.

"These hairs from father's beard. Green yarn: it from fingerless gloves he wear." Gilbert scratched his own beard. "Why dad send this to me?"

"It's a message," observed Malrin. "Quite literally: an animal messenger spell, one druids use often. He probably sent this so you'd know it was from him."

"Well, let's see what he has to say," replied Finoula, casting a speak with animals spell on herself. Once in effect, she addressed the little songbird. "Hello," she said pleasantly.

"Hello," replied the yellow-feathered bird.

"Were you given any instructions to pass on to us?"

"'Find Gilbert. Send help.'"

"This is a message from Verdant Gristwold?"


"Do you know where he is?"


Finoula smiled at the literal-mindedness of the little songbird. "Where is he?"

"In a smelly cave."


"Very smelly."

"Is he a prisoner there?"

"Yes. Tied up. Hurt."

"Who has him prisoner?"



"Smelly lizards."

Finoula thought about that answer. "Do these smelly lizards stand on two legs, like I do?"

"Yes," was the songbird's reply. Finoula nodded in comprehension: troglodytes!

"What he saying?" demanded Gilbert. The speak with animals spell only allowed communication between the one who cast the spell and the animals around her, not anyone else. Finoula quickly filled in the others what the songbird had relayed to her. "We check this out," Gilbert announced, pulling his crystal ball from a pocket of his robes. Passing a hand over it and concentrating on his father, he squinted into the clear globe as its center darkened. An image formed in the middle of the globe but it was fuzzy and kept winking out of existence for seconds at a time. "There interference," Gilbert told the others. "Somebody not want anybody scrying on area."

Still, Hagan's half-orc darkvision allowed him to get a bead on the dark image fading in and out of the crystal ball. "Looks like your dad, all right," he told Gilbert. "He's sitting up against a stalagmite with his hands bound in front of him. I think...it looks like his feet are manacled."

"He alive?" Gilbert asked.

"I'm pretty sure. His head's slumped to one side, but I think he's just asleep. Or maybe drugged. But he's breathing." However, just then whatever anti-scrying spells had been put into place overcame the crystal ball's arcane sensor and the image winked out.

"You get good enough look to teleport us there?" Gilbert demanded.

Hagan shook his head. "Just a dark cave, and not a good image at that. If we try teleporting in, we could end up in any random cave in the area."

Finoula anticipated the next question. Turning to the songbird, she asked him, "Can you lead us back to the cave where Verdant's being held?"

"Hungry," replied the songbird.

Finoula pulled out some seeds from a belt pouch and held them out in her hand. The bird flew over from his perch on Malrin's hand and snatched up a seed in its beak, gulping it down. "Can you lead us back to Verdant, after you've eaten?" Finoula repeated.

"Yes," the bird answered between bites. Further interrogation revealed the cave was several hours away, up at the southern edge of the Clatspur Mountains. The group was familiar with the general area; it was where Aithanar had been committed when a bump on the head had resulted in his inability to speak anything but gibberish. They decided to take the Vistani wagon, since flight via the dragonfly spelljamming ship would be problematic: it couldn't fly between the trees of the Vesve Forest and the bird couldn't direct the course as high up as the ship would need to travel. Instead, the bird would fly back the way it had come, stopping from branch to branch to allow the heroes to catch up in their horse-drawn wagon.

Everyone geared up for the trip. Aithanar, as usual, would be driving the wagon, with Finoula mounted on her pony Daisy and her timber wolf animal companion keeping pace. Binkadink, naturally, would be riding his trusty jackalope, Obvious. And while Malrin decided to allow her dire fox Taihar to come along, Darrien opted to let Grumps Junior stay behind; the dire bear cub wasn't likely to enjoy a trip of that duration and the half-elf ranger didn't want to take the chance of his enormous baby bear to fall behind. And the two familiars, Wezhley the weasel and Mudpie the earth elemental, would be accompanying their respective masters; Gilbert likewise wanted MARCI to come along in case she was needed. "She ride in back of wagon with me," he decided.

And thus it was that the collection of assembled heroes and their various animals headed north through a path in the Vesve Forest, heading to the southern edge of the Clatspur Mountains at the border of the kingdom of Kordovia.

"If nothing else, the trip will give us time to digest that enormous breakfast," pointed out Binkadink as they departed the keep.

The songbird proved to be an excellent guide; his bright yellow coloration was helpful in finding him waiting on a branch for the horse-drawn wagon to catch up to him before flitting away a bit further up the trail. In a little over two hours of travel the group had made it out of the thickest part of the Vesve Forest and could see the mountains dead ahead. The songbird led them to a cave opening in the mountains, then sat in a high branch of a tree and groomed his feathers with his beak.

"This must be the place," Finoula observed, leading Daisy back beside the Vistani wagon as Aithanar brought the draft horses, Castor and Pollux, to a halt. The door at the back of the wagon opened up and Hagan, Gilbert, Malrin, and MARCI stepped out. Wezhley had fallen asleep on Hagan's shoulder and Mudpie was currently residing in one of Gilbert's pockets, shrunk down to the size of a pebble. Darrien dropped down from the roof of the wagon, where he'd ridden as a lookout.

"I'll take the horses back a ways and camp out there, awaiting your return," Aithanar suggested. Finoula dismounted from Daisy and tied her reins to the back of the wagon. "Wrath, you stay with Aithanar," she told her wolf. Malrin had Taihar do likewise; the animals were fine companions and lookouts on the road but weren't particularly suited for combat against unknown foes.

As the wagon rumbled away, the pre-combat spellcasting frenzy began. Barkskin spells were cast upon Binkadink, Darrien, Finoula, Malrin, and - at the gnome's request - Obvious. Hagan cast the standard mage armor spell upon himself and Wezhley; stoneskin spells were cast upon Hagan and Wezhley, Gilbert and Mudpie, Malrin, and Obvious. Darrien and Gilbert each enhanced their eyesight with darkvision spells, seeing as there was no light at all coming from within the cave entrance. Darrien cast a greater magic fang spell upon Obvious once it was apparent the jackalope was going to be handling combat duties against the troglodytes and anyone else within the cave network. And, as usual, Gilbert finished off the spellcasting with a Rary's telepathic bond spell linking the heroes together in a telepathic communication network, allowing them to converse without being overheard.

<We ready?> Gilbert asked over the link. He always liked ensuring the Rary's telepathic bond spell was working before they had to depend upon it.

<Let's do this!> Hagan replied, stepping into the cave. With his natural darkvision, it made sense for him to scout the place out ahead of the others. <Empty tunnel thus far,> he reported. But just in case, he allowed the words to the scorching ray spell to come to the forefront of his mind, ready to send the spell blazing out at any enemies who might show themselves. Darrien entered the cave tunnel behind the half-orc sorcerer, his own darkvision the result of a spell but just as effective. He had an arrow ready to fire from his Arachnibow, pointed down at the ground lest he release it at something he didn't intend to shoot. He went further down the tunnel than Hagan, peering into a side cavern...and seeing a large, hunched over figure standing at the back of the cave.

The Rary's telepathic bond spell allows for near instantaneous communication, as thoughts are much more efficient than words. As such, Darrien was able to pass along the creature's description and location before he could consciously dredge up the word "hezrou" from his memory, well before he could even raise his bow to aim his readied arrow at the advancing fiend.

<Hezrou a demon!> Gilbert advised over the link. <Immune to poison, lightning!> Before he could pass on any more information, Obvious was hippity-hopping down the winding tunnel, Binkadink holding his glaive out ahead of him like a lance. The demon entered the tunnel just before the jackalope arrived, but his Abyssal stench hit them all before any of them had a chance to react to his sudden appearance. Binkadink got a good dose of the foul odor up his overly-large gnomish nose and his face wrinkled in distaste. Instinctively, he tried covering the miasma with his innate prestidigitation abilities, but it was like trying to mask the stench of an overflowing midden with a single rose petal. Obvious was affected even worse, coming to an abrupt halt that nearly pitched the gnome from the saddle. But as the hezrou opened wide a tooth-filled maw to bite at Darrien, the gnome managed to stab at the demon with the tip of his glaive. He drew not only blood but the demon's wrath; in a fit of pique, the hezrou switched targets and brought his fangs down upon the jackalope's neck instead of the half-elf archer's.

But then a trio of scorching rays came roaring down the tunnel, each striking the hezrou and exploding across his warty chest. The demon roared in pain and fury, its howls echoing and reverberating across the cave interior. Darrien took a step back from the pain-crazed demon and looked further down the cave tunnel; sure enough, a few reptilian humanoids entered the larger cavern just beyond from a side tunnel, their clawed hands holding primitive clubs as they sought the intruders fighting their lair guardian.

Finoula ran down the entry tunnel somewhat disappointed she wouldn't get a chance to use her lightning amulet against the hezrou, given Gilbert's warning it was immune to electrical attacks. But, seeing Darrien had yet to succumb to the fiend's horrid stench, she decided to see if she could keep the demon-odor away by casting a wind wall spell directly in front of the hezrou. Immediately, a blast of air rose up from just before the toad-demon's feet, creating a wind barrier that Finoula hoped would keep its awful stench at bay. She felt a gentle weight land on her shoulder just then and looked over to see Malrin in her owl form sitting there. <Do you mind?> Malrin asked. <This way I'll be near at hand and it's easier than trying to keep aloft in these cramped passageways.>

<By all means,> Finoula replied.

Gilbert huffed down the passageway, MARCI stepping up behind him. He couldn't see much, for his view was blocked by Obvious's body, which seemed to be convulsing. In point of fact, the poor jackalope was violently heaving, the contents of his latest meal being forcibly ejected at high speeds from his mouth by the power of the hezrou's vile stench. The vomit hit the wind wall and was immediately sent flying straight up; when it hit the ceiling it started to fall back down before being thrust back up by the powerful air currents of the spell. It was, Gilbert decided, an oddly fascinating view, watching chunks of vomit being thrown about by the opposing forces of gravity and upward-thrusting gusts of air.

From behind him, Hagan saw the troglodytes advancing from a side tunnel ahead and off to the right. Darrien had seen them as well and sent several arrows flying down the corridor to hit the lead troglodyte in the chest and shoulder. He spat blood from his mouth as he pulled a shaft from his upper torso.

Seeing his jackalope mount temporarily out of commission, Binkadink leaped down out of the saddle and sent his glaive slicing through the hezrou's glistening flesh. The gnome extended his stilt-boots to their fullest height, then followed suit with the length of his glaive, the better to put himself on an equal footing with his oversize foe. The demon lurched forward in an attempt to retaliate against the gnome but his snapping jaws and snatching claws all missed the nimble fighter. However, his attack took him beyond the effect of the wind wall spell and Finoula, Malrin, and Gilbert each felt the full force of the demon's vile stench hit them like a ton of bricks. Finoula's stomach clenched in knots; Malrin's wings flapped around in sudden consternation as the half-elf ranger backed away from the demon. Meanwhile, Gilbert projectile vomited on the floor directly in front of him. At his side, MARCI scanned the portly mage with her red eye-beam and announced, "You seem to be experiencing gastrointestinal distress. As the effects appeared quite suddenly, it is possible there is an external factor in play." She sent her sensors on full sweep, seeking an answer to this puzzle.

Binkadink, in the meantime, slew the hezrou with a series of rapid blade strikes with his glaive. The demon's foul blood spilled onto the floor - and then in the blink of an eye it was gone, leaving behind only the fresh blood on the stone floor and the lingering stench of its Abyssal aroma. Fortunately, although Binkadink had been sickened by the stench he hadn't been as badly affected as had been Obvious or Gilbert, both of whom were still fully incapacitated. Hopefully they'd be able to snap out of it soon, for it sounded like there was more combat to be had farther on down the corridor.

Hagan slew the arrow-pierced troglodyte with a well-placed magic missile spell, then moved down the corridor alongside Darrien, who pumped the next troglodyte to pop around the corner full of arrows. It, too, fell to the ground, dead. Binkadink charged down the corridor, seeing a large group of troglodytes approaching warily from his right, while a smaller but more battle-ready group raced at him from his left. He spun in place to face this greater threat. But in spinning around he had caught glimpses of a few things that threatened to take his focus away from the impending battle, something no front-line fighter could afford: a figure who could easily have been Verdant sitting against a stalagmite - it was difficult to see from the light spilling from Binkadink's antlered helmet - and, in the next cavern over, what looked like a massive statue of a multiheaded hydra with wings. But before he could process the images he'd seen the troglodytes were upon him, two attacking from behind and many more approaching from the front, these latter spreading out to try to catch him from multiple sides. Binkadink shortened the length of his glaive's shaft for better close-in fighting and did his best against the massive force swarming all around him.

But then a blast of lightning came crashing down from above to strike the troglodyte immediately before him, with similar blasts arcing off from him to nearly a dozen of his compatriots. Binkadink knew at once that could only be a chain lightning spell cast by Hagan. It was well-timed, for it slew its primary target and three of the troglodytes attacking the gnome from behind; five others in front of Binkadink were still in the fight but had smoke steaming from the burn-marks where the spell had hit them.

But now other troglodytes were approaching from behind the gnome, eager to attack. Darrien pumped the first of these would-be assassins full of arrows, dropping the reptilian beast at once. The half-elf stepped up carefully closer to the gnome, Arachnibow raised and ready. Behind him, Obvious trotted down the corridor on unsteady legs, still violently upchucking but eager to provide whatever assistance he could to his gnomish friend. Finoula did her best to follow suit, an equally-sick Malrin still perched on her shoulder in owl form.

Binkadink's glaive came slashing down at an angle and another of the lightning-scorched troglodytes fell before him. These troglodytes had their own nasty smell, one quite different from the hezrou's but just as vile. Still, despite the prodigious size of his gnomish nose, Binkadink was able to ignore the odors and concentrate on the job that needed to be finished. Again he struck forth with his glaive and again an enemy dropped before him, dead.

Gilbert staggered up behind Binkadink and saw his father bound to the stalagmite, his head lolling off to the side. Ever distrustful, the portly mage took shallow breaths to overcome the nausea plaguing him and cast a true seeing spell. If this was some sort of fake-out illusion, he wanted to make sure he didn't fall for it! But under the effects of the divination spell his father looked exactly the same. Well, good - but Verdant was perfectly safe where he was for now and the heroes had more pressing concerns at the moment, like killing off these troglodytes!

Another group of the reptilian barbarians sped up from the back of the side cavern to try to swarm over Binkadink, as a few of the smaller ones approached the gnome from behind. He fought them off as best he could but a few of their clubs hit home and hit hard when they did. But once again a chain lightning spell from Hagan took out a bunch of these new combatants, weakening those who weren't slain outright.

Hands on her knees, standing feebly above a pool of her own vomit, Finoula felt weak but as if the worst of the nausea was finally behind her. <You okay, Malrin?> she asked over the link.

<Not great...but better than I was,> the owl-druid replied.

<Then let's go see if we can help the others.>

Binkadink could use the help, that was for sure. The troglodyte barbarians had him almost surrounded by now, clubs striking down at him from all directions. He continued to put his glaive to good use but there were more enemies than he could handle all at once. Hagan, for his part, had concentrated his efforts on the larger number of troglodytes spilling out from the cave to the east, and his third chain lightning spell sent the whole cave's worth of reptiles falling to their hand and knees in pain. But those in front regained their feet and advanced, snarling and hissing threats while the smaller ones backed off in fright and huddled against the back walls, folding in on themselves and trying to hide from the hideous, spellcasting half-orc who wielded the very lightning from the sky at his fingertips. And now staggering into place behind the half-orc stood a towering bunny with the antlers of an elk rising up from its head: a ridiculous-looking thing, but probably quite tasty!

Darrien, seeing Hagan and Obvious apparently had the troglodytes in the side cavern covered, decided to see what he could do to help out the beleaguered gnome. He got off a perfect shot that pierced a troglodyte straight in the eye, causing it to fall backwards and land in a lifeless heap at the feet of one of its comrades. Binkadink stepped into the open space, bringing down another vile-smelling combatant with his glaive; was it his imagination, he wondered, or was combat making the troglodyte musk flow even stronger?

A familiar flaming lash wrapped around the neck of one of the troglodytes facing Binkadink and then the gnome saw him get pulled away, straight onto the point of Tahlmalaera. Finoula, it seemed, was back in action. She kicked the dead troglodyte off her sword and spun about to face the next foe. Malrin cast a call lightning spell, causing a bolt of electricity to fall down from the cavern's ceiling, directly onto the head of a troglodyte barbarian, singeing his scales and head-crest. Gilbert had at this point stepped up to assist as well but he was suddenly overcome by the stench of these troglodytes. That songbird hadn't been kidding when he warned, "Smelly cave!" He swallowed down the nausea, forcing himself by sheer stubbornness not to be violently sick.

The troglodytes fought back against Finoula as well as Binkadink and now the ranger could feel her stomach clenching up again in disgust from the horrid stench. Not again! she thought. My poor stomach doesn't have anything left to disgorge! But Binkadink slew the one who had hoped to take advantage of the elf's discomfort, his blade almost decapitating the smelly, reptilian barbarian in one powerful stroke.

Standing at the top of the higher cave that overlooked the sleeping area of his most powerful warriors, Zondrass scowled in disappointment. This is how they fared against a handful of mammals? Tiamat would not be pleased! He had spent the moments since the hezrou's warning cry had alerted him of the intruders casting his own personal combat spells, confident that his troops could handle things until his arrival, but it seemed in this he had been mistaken. Still, it was no concern of his; Tiamat's will was supreme and this could very well be her way of culling the weak members from his tribe, that only the strongest and most deserving would live to carry their genes forward, to the overall benefit of the troglodyte race.

Still, Zondrass was now ready for combat and he began in his customary method, by sending forth an emissary to announce his arrival. Another hezrou suddenly appeared before Binkadink, snapping its wicked teeth at the gnome's throat while it tried gutting Finoula with its equally-sharp claws. But the first to react to this sudden threat was neither Binkadink nor Finoula but rather Gilbert, who cast a quickened Evard's black tentacles spell beneath the frog-demon's feet, centered such that its area of effect didn't encroach upon the positions of either of the wizard's friends. "Let see you get out of that, demon!" he taunted as ebony-colored, rubbery appendages rose up from the cavern's stone floor to entangle their way around the hezrou's torso and limbs.

Hagan had been surprised at the hezrou's sudden appearance but his spellcasting knowledge told him someone had to be responsible - and his half-orcish darkvision allowed him to spot Zondrass standing on the platform above the back cavern from which the troglodyte combatants had spilled forth. He cast a polar ray spell at the troglodyte, his aim spot on. Zondrass cried out in a hiss of surprise and stepped back from his ledge - not a second too soon, either, as Darrien sent a slew of arrows streaking his way.

Binkadink swung his glaive at the entangled hezrou, his blade slicing deep into the demon's flesh. Finoula merely backed away, her stomach doing flips from the demonic stench now pervading the cavern. Malrin flew off Finoula's shoulder, eager to be as far away from the demon as she could be. She landed upon MARCI's metallic shoulder; the medical construct didn't even seem to notice, intent as she was on her sensor readings. Gilbert, still fighting the rising of his gorge, took a few steps back from the demon as well.

Then Zondrass stepped forward again and cast a blade barrier spell right through Binkadink, Darrien, Obvious, and Hagan. With a cry of pain, Binkadink stepped away from the wildly-contorting blades, staying on the same side of the wall as his imprisoned hezrou foe - for he fully intended to cut the demon down while he could. The other three also jumped to the same side of the blade-wall as the gnome, in Hagan's case because there wasn't any room for him to do otherwise. But then, as Binkadink brought his glaive down in an overhand swing, hoping to pierce the demon's skull...it suddenly wasn't there anymore, and he had to tug his weapon away from the pitch-black tentacles eager to embrace anything put within their reach.

The hezrou had teleported out of the area of effect of the Evard's black tentacles spell and directly before Finoula, the closest opponent it could see. As its teeth clamped down on the ranger - still too sick to put up much of a defense - Hagan fired off another polar ray spell at Zondrass, but this time the spell failed to overcome the troglodyte cleric's spell resistance spell. On the half-orc's shoulder, Wezhley hissed in annoyance - he hated it when that happened!

But now Binkadink was on the wrong side of the blade barrier to get to the demon! Gritting his teeth in determination, he raced through the whirling blades, his poor body getting sliced and stabbed numerous times as he pierced the spell's width and popped out the other side, stabbing at the hezrou still attacking Finoula. The gnome grinned as his blade went deep into the demon's flesh, causing it to howl in pain and release the elven ranger from its grasp. Finoula staggered further back down the entry tunnel, ducking through her own still-active wind wall into the original hezrou guardian's lair. Having had a moment to overcome her own debilitating sickness, Malrin flew from MARCI's shoulder and rejoined her fellow elf.

Darrien touched the amber amulet he wore around his neck and summoned his giant praying mantis, causing it to manifest in the upper cave behind Zondrass. It struck out lightning-fast with its claws but ran up against another of the cleric's protective spells: freedom of movement, which prevented the mantis from getting a firm grasp upon the troglodyte. Furthermore, the mantis's claws failed to even penetrate the stoneskin spell Zondrass had cast upon himself. Almost contemptuously, the troglodyte cast a flame strike spell on the giant insect, burning it to a crisp. It vanished upon death, returning at once - at normal insect size - inside Darrien's amulet.

Binkadink had a momentary thought of trying to lift the hezrou and toss him back through the blade barrier spell, but he realized their two respective sizes and strengths made that nothing more than wishful thinking: there was no way the little gnome could lift anything that large and heavy. But, he thought to himself, I bet I could drag him.... No sooner had the thought come to the gnome, as the hezrou spun around to face him again rather than be backstabbed by that damned glaive, than Binkadink grabbed the demon by the wrist and pulled him backwards with him through the still-active blade barrier spell. Once again the gnome felt the whirling blades stabbing and slicing at him, but they were doing the same to the hezrou and the gnome was reasonably sure he could take the damage far longer than the demon could....

Finoula snapped out of her dry-heaves about the same time Gilbert cast a maximized ray of enfeeblement at the hezrou as it was passing back through the blade barrier. That wouldn't do any real damage to the demon, Gilbert realized, but it would lessen the damage it could inflict on others - and maybe allow Binkadink to keep his hold on the demon and drag it through the whirling blades a few more times!

But now Zondrass entered the fray himself. Dropping down from his platform, he raced up behind Binkadink - who was facing the hezrou, trying to keep his hold upon the struggling demon - and slapped a scaly, clawed hand upon the little gnome's shoulder, channeling a harm spell through his claws. Binkadink arched his back in surprise and agony, releasing his grip upon the hezrou and very nearly releasing his grip upon his own life as well - but at the last moment he gritted it out, leaving him still alive but just barely still standing on his gnomish stilt-boots.

"TIAMAT!" called out Zondrass in the language of his patron deity, Draconic. "Fearsome Queen of Dragons, I call forth your awesome power: bring death to the enemies of your loyal followers!" On the raised plinth at the back of the northernmost cavern, the five-headed dragon statue animated to an unholy semblance of life, its stiff wings creaking apart as it stepped forward on its massive legs.

The hezrou, freed from the crazy gnome's grasp, instantly teleported over by Gilbert, whose prodigious stomach couldn't handle the sudden reapplication of the demon's vile stench. The wizard retaliated, quite inadvertently, with a spray of vomit across the hezrou's chest and stomach. The demon idly dropped its tongue into the middle of the dripping stain and grinned in pleasure at the taste.

Hagan saw the Tiamat golem step forward and realized the mobile statue was nothing he wanted to have to deal with right then. Furthermore, he knew Obvious was in no shape for combat with anything, let alone a five-headed dragon-goddess statue twice the jackalope's own size. <Darrien!> Hagan called over the link, getting the ranger's attention, before stretching out his arms to both the archer and the jackalope and teleporting all three of them (and Wezhley) back over to the cavern network's entry tunnel.

<Thanks!> Darrien called to the half-orc over the link, while pulling his ebony fly from his pocket and activating it. Leaping upon the pony-sized creature, Darrien sent it buzzing into the sentry cavern, where an elevated passageway connected to Zondrass's cavern, from which he could fly back down and approach the troglodyte cleric from the rear. Binkadink saw Zondrass spin at the sound of the ebony fly's buzzing wings and took advantage of his distraction, his glaive slicing a deep scar of pain across the cleric's back. Even with his stoneskin protection, the troglodyte spellcaster cried out in pain.

Obvious slapped his collar of healing and, staggering, took up position just outside the cave, ready to attack should any enemies make it past the others. But for now, he badly needed to catch his breath and get some fresh, clean air into his lungs.

Finoula stepped up to snap her flaming burst whip of thorns at the hezrou but sure enough, even though it struck true, bringing it to bear meant re-entering the range of the demon's vile stench. This time the nausea was even worse; it was all Finoula could do not to drop to her hands and knees and start retching uncontrollably.

"Analysis complete," announced MARCI suddenly. "I have synthesized a suitable antidote for the external poison being transmitted through the nasal membranes." She approached Gilbert, who was staggering weakly away from the hezrou.

Zondrass, now flanked by Binkadink and Darrien, tried casting a word of recall to return him to his upper lair--but he was struck down by Binkadink's glaive halfway through his spellcasting. Darrien leaped from his ebony fly and made room for the gnome. "Take it," he offered. "You're a much better mounted warrior, and Obvious isn't up for much combat." He channeled a healing spell through his hand, closing up the worst of the gnome's wounds.

Binkadink nodded his thanks, leaped onto the fly, and sent it buzzing back through the cleric's upper lair to circle back around to the hezrou, who was taking the opportunity of Gilbert's general helplessness to attempt to claw him to ribbons.

The Tiamat golem crashed through the Evard's black tentacles but was too strong for the rubbery appendages to get a grasp on it. It then passed straight through the blade barrier spell effect - and again, the whirling blades had no effect upon it, shielded as it was from most spells. Its five heads peered over the hezrou and its central head - the red one - blasted a gout of flame encompassing Gilbert, MARCI, and Finoula. Shortly thereafter, Binkadink arrived on the scene on his borrowed ebony fly, scoring a hit against the five-headed golem with his glaive but not doing much beyond scratching his blade across the construct's hardened body. But his attack allowed Finoula a moment to back away again, through her still-active wind wall. Malrin was there, having overcome the various stenches of the cave, and the owl-druid cast a mass cure light wounds spell that added some much-needed healing to Binkadink, Finoula, and herself.

Gilbert worked through his stomach queasiness and cast a quickened wall of force directly in front of the drakestone golem fashioned in the form of Tiamat; the maneuver had worked well on Carceri against the Tarterian dragon so it was worth trying again here, the wizard reasoned. He followed up that spell with a dimension door spell that took him over by his father, still unconscious and bound to the stalagmite. In his sudden absence, MARCI scanned the immediate area and approached Finoula, injecting her with the antidote to the hezrou stench; Gilbert had long ago added Finoula to the list of "honorary humans" the medical construct was to heal without question. Finoula breathed a deep sigh of relief as her stomach immediately settled. But the hezrou followed MARCI into the guardian lair, attacking Finoula with its claws. The elven ranger was aware of the demon's vile stench but it was now nowhere even close to debilitating. She had both weapons in hand and was about to counterattack when the demon froze up - quite literally - as Hagan slew it with another polar ray spell. That was perfectly fine with Finoula; she didn't need to have been the one to slay it, she was just glad it was dead!

The Tiamat golem bumped into the invisible wall of force and couldn't get past it. It blasted the wall with several of its breath weapons, but neither acid nor cold nor a burst of electricity had any effect. Too big to turn around in what was to it a narrow tunnel, it began the laborious maneuver of attempting to back up in the curving passageway. But Gilbert was ready for it and cast another wall of force spell, sealing it off in a section of the tunnel.

Malrin flew through the upper lair in owl form and around the blade barrier to get to Verdant. Then, dropping to his side and resuming her elven form, she used her dagger to cut through the ropes binding him to the stalagmite. He mumbled incoherently and Malrin, suspecting he'd been drugged, cast a neutralize poison spell upon the elderly druid. That had the desired effect: he blinked in surprise, looked about him, and broke into a broad grin upon seeing a lovely elven lass bending down over him. "Well, hello," he said as Malrin cut the ropes binding his hands together in front of him. Then she looked down at the iron manacles around his ankles and the chain between them and frowned. "I don't have any way to break through those, and my brother isn't here, or he could easily pick the lock open. Maybe Binkadink can cut through the chain...?"

But Binkadink was now over in the chamber beneath the upper lair, where piles of bedding spoke to this being a sleeping area for the troglodyte barbarians. Of more interest than smelly bedding, however, were the three large chests lined up against the wall: the communal treasury, presumably. Darrien opened one chest and found it full of jewelry. Finoula opened the next and discovered piles of gold and platinum coins. Binkadink opened the third and found an explosion of flames erupting in his face, but once the fire trap had been triggered, inside was a nasty-looking greataxe - whose dried bloodstains told of its probable use as a sacrificial weapon - and a folded-up flag bearing the image of a top view of Tiamat. "I wonder why they've got their flag all folded up instead of on a flagpole somewhere," the gnome mused.

"Probably because it isn't a flag," replied Hagan. "That looks like a flying carpet."

"Hey, Binkadink!" called Malrin. "Can you help me with these shackles?" While the gnome carefully cut through the links of the chain keeping Verdant Gristwold's feet hobbled with his glaive's sharp blade (and the application of every ounce of strength the little gnome possessed), Gilbert had peered into the side cave from which the smaller of the troglodytes had exited to attack the intruding heroes. Seeing a group of the younger reptiles huddled against the back cave walls, he shot Mudpie from his slingshot of rock shrinking, returning the pebble-sized earth elemental to his normal, four-foot height, then cast a Tenser's transformation spell upon his familiar. "They all yours," Gilbert offered and Mudpie entered the cavern, intent upon carnage.

None of the troglodytes survived the onslaught.

In the meantime, Verdant explained what had happened to him. He had been spending time in the forest wildshaped as a black bear - a form he greatly enjoyed, and in which he often spent weeks at a time - when he had been surrounded and captured by a group of troglodyte raiders, seeing him as an easy meal. However, when he wildshaped back into human form to try to fight them off with his spells (rather unsuccessfully, as it turned out), they opted instead to use him as a sacrifice to the Queen of Dragons, although that meant waiting until the night of the next full moons. And they found a druid capable of wildshaping to be a particularly troublesome captive, for he kept changing shape when they'd try to bind him with ropes. But try as he might to escape, by becoming a bird or a snake, a quick clonk on the head from a troglodyte's club easily put that attempt to a screeching halt! Finally, Zondrass resorted to drugging the elderly druid, although Verdant had come out of it just briefly enough to cast an animal messenger spell that sent the yellow songbird to pass word to his son Gilbert to come to his rescue.

"And here you are!" Verdant beamed.

"But not for much longer," Gilbert replied. "Those walls of force not last forever. Think we better vamoose while they still keeping Tiamat statue imprisoned. Bink! You guys grab up treasure?"

Binkadink indicated the portable hole he'd taken from Malrin. "Got it all right here," the gnome replied.

"Good, then let's go find Aithanar, head back home. After all that puking, I ready for another of Helga's meals!"

- - -

After we finished up the adventure, everyone leveled up to 18th. Everyone, that is, but Jacob, who was working again and missed this session - which explains Castillan's absence. I've emailed Jacob, offering to switch our Kordovian game days from Saturdays to Sundays to accommodate his work schedule, and also let him know that if he didn't want to play in our campaign any more (he's started up his own campaign with his friends) there would be no hurt feelings. I haven't heard back from him yet, and Dan's hanging on to Castillan's PC folder until either Jacob upgrades him to 18th or gives his dad free reign to do so on his behalf. It won't really matter a whole lot for the next ten adventures or so, but towards the end of this campaign (there will be 80 adventures in all) there will be a series of a half-dozen adventures or so which will require Castillan to be present at the beginning or there will be no real way for him to participate in those ones at all. (The example I gave him in my email was it was similar to the little Spelljammer excursion the heroes took into wildspace; had Castillan not been present when they ended up teleported from Captain Skunkbeard's trapped dungeon to the wildspace receiving station it would have been next to impossible to incorporate him into the Spelljammer adventures that followed. We won't be going back into wildspace again, but the concept will be similar.)

So we'll see how that plays out. But it's possible we'll soon be phasing Castillan out for good.

- - -

T-shirt worn: My "DAD: Cleverly Disguised as a Responsible Adult" shirt, given that it was Gilbert Fung's dad who was the plot hook of this adventure.



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 18​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 18​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 18​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 18​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 18​

NPC Roster:
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 12​
MARCI, humanoid construct​
Voopie Meadowclover, gnome commoner 3​

Game Session Date: 12 October 2019

- - -

Binkadink waved a farewell to the castle page who had delivered the sealed parchment to the little gnome. Then, walking through the open portcullis of Battershield Keep, he wandered back into his own room in the front tower to open it in privacy. Halfway expecting it to be some sort of prank from his cousin Jinkadoodle, he popped a thumb through the sealing wax and unfolded the sheet of stiff paper. He then read the short letter silently to himself:

Mister Dundernoggin,

Please forgive the imposition, but I have a favor to ask of you. I have an uncle, Wiggleston Vondervott, who lives in a small cottage just inside the Vesve Forest. He is my mother’s older brother and he often comes to visit us at her house on my days off from the castle. Since my father’s death he has been a constant presence in my life.

However, we have not seen him now for several weeks. It is unlike him not to visit without sending us word ahead of time. I would very much like to visit him at his cottage to ensure he is in good health, but my mother forbids me from traveling into the forest unaccompanied.

I realize you are a very important person in the kingdom and have many duties which must keep you very busy. But if you have the time and would not mind, would you please consider escorting me to my uncle’s cottage? You showed me great kindness during the investigation of Queen Kaelanna’s poisoning, standing up for me when all looked bleak. I hope I am not being too forward in asking you for this favor.

My next day off from the castle is tomorrow. I will be at my mother’s house – you know where we live. Thank you!


A smile burst across the little gnome's face at the thought of visiting the pretty young castle maid. He mused for a brief moment on whether it might be best to alert the others of the missing gnome but the thought was quickly banished away; he'd much rather spend the time with Voopie alone than bring along the gang of adventurers he hung out with - especially Gilbert Fung, who had been particularly vocal about his belief that Voopie had intentionally poisoned the Queen in the brief days before her coronation. He'd bring Obvious with them but that was it - he could always send his jackalope back to fetch the others if it turned out they were needed.

That decision made, Binkadink spent the better part of the rest of the day thinking about Voopie and how nice it would be to see her again.

Thus the next day, Obvious hippity-hopped across town to the small dwelling of Voopie's mother, where the gnomish maid stayed when she wasn't working at the castle. Binkadink dismounted from his trusty steed, clad in his red dragonhide full plate armor - which he had shined to a bright polish for the occasion. He approached the door, knocked loudly, and was pleased to see it opened almost immediately by Voopie herself - she had obviously been waiting for his arrival. Giving him a big smile, she stepped outside with a small picnic basket in hand and said, "Thank you so much for coming, Mister Dundernoggin - it means so much to me."

"Please, call me Binkadink," said the little gnome, returning her smile with one of his own. "And this is Obvious. That's his name, that is - Obvious is his name, I mean." Binkadink frowned momentarily at his sudden tripping over his own words - he'd faced down devils and dragons; surely he was capable of talking intelligently to a lovely young gnome?

"Very pleased to meet you, Obvious," she said, stroking the jackalope's muzzle.

"The pleasure's all mine. Ooh, right there - that's good!"

Voopie gasped in surprise. "You can talk!" she said.

"I can?" Obvious gasped in return, his eyes goggling in shock. "It's--its true! When did that happen?"

"One of my friends cast an awaken spell on him - several months back, in fact," Binkadink said, scowling at his jackalope mount for trying to trick Voopie. "Ignore his attempts at humor. But he's a trusty mount." The fighter pulled himself up into the saddle and reached down for Voopie, taking the picnic basket in one hand and pulling the young gnome up in front of him. Then she settled into the saddle, holding the basket in her hands while Binkadink's arms wrapped around her while holding the reins. "Nice and steady now," he advised Obvious. ""Voopie doesn't want a lot of bouncing up and down and jostling around."

"You got it," Obvious promised and settled into a gentle lope. Voopie gave directions and the trio soon found themselves entering the Vesve Forest by means of a wide path.

The trip wasn't a lengthy one - not nearly long enough for Binkadink's tastes in any case, for he enjoyed having Voopie in his arms - and they soon saw a little cottage up ahead. "There it is," Voopie said, pointing to a ramshackle wooden building surrounded by trees. "I hope Uncle Wiggly's okay."

The two gnomes dismounted and Obvious took up a guard post just outside the front porch of the cottage. "Uh-oh," said Voopie, upon climbing the three short steps to the front door. "This isn't good."

"What?" asked Binkadink, his gnomish glaive held at the ready in his left hand as he followed behind Voopie, ready for any potential danger.

Voopie pointed to a small spider sitting in its web up by the ceiling of the overhanging roof of the porch, just before the front door. "There's a spider web in front of the door," she pointed out. "That means he hasn't opened the door since the spider built the web - and who knows how long that has been?"

Binkadink opened the door - it was unlocked; apparently Uncle Wiggly wasn't overly concerned about surprise visitors - pushing the spider's web aside as he did so. They stepped inside and Binkadink closed the door behind him. "Uncle Wiggly?" Voopie called. "It's me, Voopie - are you here?" There was no answer.

A quick search through the cottage revealed it to be empty, although Voopie found a few things that worried her. He had a plate and a glass on a drying rack in the kitchen; Voopie explained Uncle Wiggly always ate his meal, washed his dishes, and placed them in the drying rack, then put them back in the cupboard when they were dry - even though he'd invariably use the exact same plate and glass at his next meal. The fact they were still in the drying rack told her he had disappeared after washing his plate and glass but before they'd had time to dry. In his bedroom, Voopie pointed out Uncle Wiggly's felt cap was missing from the bed knob - he always wore that cap when awake, taking it off only when retiring for the night: further evidence he had disappeared during the daylight hours.

But it was Binkadink who found the most intriguing clue about Uncle Wiggly's disappearance; he kept a diary in the front-room and the latest entry read:

"The oddest thing – this morning there is a large cluster of trees out back that wasn't there before! Dark wood, multiple trunks all clustered together. I'll take a bark sample – it could have medicinal properties (or at least make a decent tea). Should come up with a name for it in the meantime – maybe 'Overnight Tree'?"

Opening the back door of the cabin, Binkadink saw a clearing just ahead - with a massive clump of dark-barked trees growing together towards the back of the clearing, like multiple trees intertwining or one very thick tree sending roots down into the ground from much higher up than did most trees. "That wasn't here before!" Voopie gasped upon seeing the massive tree. Branches sprouted high above, only to hang down as if from their own great weight. The leaves were almost as dark as the bark on the trunk and the ground beneath the thick branches stood cloaked in shadows.

"I wonder...." mused Binkadink. "That might be some sort of treant. In any case, your uncle went out there to check it out and was never seen again - I don't think we should go near it without backup."

"Your friends?" Voopie asked.

"I'll send Obvious," Binkadink confirmed. "We'll stay here and keep an eye on that 'overnight tree' in the meantime."

In less than an hour there was a commotion at the front of the small cabin and the two gnomes opened the front door to check it out. Aithanar pulled the reins from the driver's seat on the Vistani wagon and brought the draft horses Castor and Pollux to a halt before the cottage, the elven druidess Malrin astride Obvious having led the way to the cabin. Finoula dismounted from her pony Daisy beside the wagon, her timber wolf loping by her side, followed by Malrin's dire fox Taihar and Grumps Junior, the dire bear cub Darrien had taken in as a pet of sorts. Darrien himself dropped down from the roof of the wagon, while the door in the back opened up and out trundled Gilbert Fung, his earth elemental familiar Mudpie, and MARCI, the humanoid construct dedicated to medical care. Hagan followed the heavyset mage out the wagon's door, his weasel familiar Wezhley sitting in his comfortable perch upon the half-orc's shoulder. The assembled group approached the two gnomes waiting on the porch, leaving Aithanar to tend to the horses and wagon.

"What this all about, Bink?" demanded Gilbert Fung. "And what the deal with jackalope talking all of a sudden?"

"That was definitely unexpected - and a little creepy," Finoula admitted.

"I thought it was another one of the pranks you and your cousin get up to," added Darrien, looking over at Obvious - but the jackalope's attention was firmly on some root he'd dug up from along the side of the dirt road leading to Uncle Wiggly's cottage.

"Yeah, sorry about that - we were hoping to spring it on you in some kind of prank or something, but then this popped up." Binkadink briefed the others on what they'd discovered so far and their belief that the "overnight tree" had something to do with Uncle Wiggly's disappearance.

"We check it out," Gilbert promised. Looking over to Voopie, he said, "You stay here where it safe. We run into any problem, better we don't have to worry about you."

"Yes, sir," Voopie replied in a quiet voice, looking down - she didn't want to do anything to upset the powerfully-built wizard who, she knew, had a distrusting nature and was quick to cast accusations around. She watched as some of the adventurers went through the hallway in the cottage while those with larger animals led them around the side of the building. The two groups met up at the back of the dwelling, in the clearing, staring intently at the many-trunked tree before them.

"Any idea what that is?" asked Darrien.

"It looks like a banyan," replied Finoula, "but they're not normally native to this area."

"Don't like it," admitted Gilbert. "Okay, everybody - gear up like we going into battle, because maybe we are." He cast a stoneskin spell upon himself and Mudpie, while nearby Hagan did the same for himself and Wezhley and then cast another such spell upon Obvious. Malrin, Darrien, and Finoula cast their normal barkskin spells, then Darrien gathered the animals up and cast an animal growth upon them, increasing the size of Obvious, Grumps Junior, Taihar, and Wrath. Malrin pulled an acorn from a pocket and cast a fire seed spell upon it, set it down on the ground before her, wildshaped into an owl, and picked the acorn back up in a talon. Gilbert cast a resist fire spell upon himself and his familiar, then pulled out a scroll and cast a Rary's telepathic bond spell upon the assembled group - all of the adventurers as well as Obvious. Darrien opted to grant himself the benefit of a longstrider spell, then on a whim added delay poison as well. "That about it?" Gilbert asked the group.

"One more," Finoula responded, casting a speak with plants spell and kneeling down in the clearing. "Has a gnome been by here recently?" she asked the surrounding grass.

"Gnome?" answered the grass; Finoula got the idea that a patch of grass probably didn't differentiate a whole lot between intelligent races. "Has anyone been by here recently?" she amended her question.

"No. Not for many days."

Darrien, in the meantime, had been examining the ground for tracks but a recent rain had all but taken care of that possible avenue of approach. Wrath and Grumps weren't having any luck picking up any scents, either, although there was a worn path between the back door of the cottage and a nearby outhouse, as well as another worn path to where Uncle Wiggly had a stack of firewood stored against the cottage's back wall.

"Well, let's go check it out," said Binkadink, leaping up into the saddle and sending Obvious forward to the banyan tree. Finoula and Wrath crept closer, Taihar trailing them. The elven ranger wanted to talk to the dark tree but was a bit intimidated by its size and...well, scariness. If ever a tree could be said to look haunted, this was it. Gilbert stayed behind, flipping through the pages of his Omnibook, looking up extraplanar flora - he was fairly certain this dark tree wasn't native to the Material Plane and likely hailed from the Plane of Shadows.

Binkadink peered intently at the tree's trunks as he approached on Obvious, curious to see if there were any runes or glyphs or other magical markings on it. When he reported back over the link he didn't see anything of that nature, Gilbert instinctive cast a detect magic spell, then chided himself for casting it when he was far out of range for him to get any readings on the tree. Grumbling to himself, he slowly approached the tree, Mudpie and MARCI moving up with him.

And then the tree struck. From among the overhanging branches, thick vines or tendrils dropped down, waving rapidly about and trying to get a grip around Binkadink and Obvious. One managed to get a grip on the jackalope, wrapping around the mount's neck and upper chest area. Then it stiffened as if about to try to pull its prey up into the branches. <It's got Obvious!> Binkadink cried over the link.

Darrien, alerted to the danger, shot up at the tree's branches with his Arachnibow, firing arrow after arrow into the dark wood. Grumps ambled up and raked his sharp claws against the bark of the nearest truck-shoot; Taihar did likewise to another trunk, although the dire fox's claws weren't nearly as big as the dire bear cub's.

<Uncle Wiggly might be up in the upper branches of the tree!> theorized Malrin, flying up to use her owlish vision to try to find the little gnome - or his body, at least - among the upper branches. She also took the opportunity to hurl her fire seed acorn at the umbral banyan, where it exploded into a gout of flame.

Binkadink, still in the saddle as his riding mount was being pulled upwards, used the blade of his glaive to cut through the thick tendril strangling Obvious. The jackalope fell gratefully back to the ground while the gnome used his weapon to cut deep grooves into the tree's trunk and overhanging branches. Obvious showed his disdain for strangling trees by biting a deep chunk out of the nearest trunk with his enormous rabbit-incisors.

From the back of the clearing, Hagan cast a polar ray at the top of the umbral banyan while moving forward. The spell frosted over the entire top of the dark-leaved tree, bringing a layer of white to a plant seemingly made up only of deep grays and black. "You might be able to find Uncle Wiggly's body if it's up in the higher branches," suggested the half-orc to his familiar. Wezhley scampered down from his master's shoulder and raced over to the tree, ready to climb up its trunk and begin his exploration.

"What do you want?" Finoula asked the tree, her speak with plants spell still active.

"Hungry. So hungry," replied the tree.

"Where do you come from?" Finoula persisted.

"The Dark Place." Finoula relayed the tree's answers to the others over the link ("I knew it!" replied Gilbert with satisfaction, slamming his Omnibook closed) and then pulled out her elemental gem. She cracked it open with the pommel of her longsword Tahlmalaera and a 16-foot-tall air elemental formed before her. "Attack!" she called to the elemental, pointing to the massive tree before her. The air elemental obeyed at once, flying over and sending a wind-whipped fist crashing into the tree's upper branches.

More tendrils dropped down from the tree, swinging at Binkadink, Obvious, Grumps, and Taihar; of the bunch, only the one entangling the dire bear cub met with any success. Grumps Junior was pulled up a few feet from the ground, growling in anger at the imposition.

And then, at least one meager meal attained, the dying umbral banyan activated its plane shift ability, leaving the Material Plane behind for the soothing shadows of its native realm. From the clearing, it was as if a blast of dark energy erupted from the tree in all directions - and then the tree was gone...but it took with it not only Grumps Junior, who had been entwined in the tendrils of the tree, but those within 20 feet of the tree's trunks: Binkadink, Obvious, Taihar, Wezhley, and the air elemental from Finoula's magic gem.

"Wait--what?" squawked Gilbert Fung as he realized Binkadink and Obvious had just dropped off the Rary's telepathic bind spell. <Everybody gather up on me!> he called to the others in the clearing. <We gonna have to go after them!> As one, those left behind in the clearing sped over to the portly mage and Gilbert cast a plane shift spell of his own, shunting everyone onto a random location on the Plane of Shadow. Now on the same plane again, the others could sense Binkadink and Obvious's presence on the mental link - but they could also sense that their minds weren't entirely normal at the moment.

The umbral banyan was now back on its home plane, a world of deep shadow - but while the general layout of the local area was very similar to the same area back on the Material Plane, there were several differences. Scattered nearby were four deep pits, their rims made of a thick, mottled and pitted surface similar to coral, with a fungal growth near each. And perched between these pits, upon a ring of tentacles along its outer surface, sat a massive structure shaped like a hollow egg with solid, coral-like structures winding about it.

The zygomind had sent out a telepathic signal, immediately catching the attention of all of the newcomers but Grumps Junior, too busy focusing on chewing his way through the thick tendril entangling him to notice, and the air elemental, still bashing away at the umbral banyan's upper branches and apparently immune to the effect. But to Binkadink, Obvious, Taihar, and Wezhley, the telepathic summons was a source of fascination that couldn't be ignored; as one, they wandered in a dreamlike sleep towards the coral-like structure.

Gilbert got the general gist that the others were under some sort of mind control as he cast a teleport spell that would rejoin the two separated parties; fortunately, given the Plane of Shadow's propensity for conforming to the general layout of the Material Plane, it was easy enough for the wizard to envision Uncle Wiggly's backyard clearing to get him where he wanted to go on this plane of darkness. They appeared at the front of the clearing, near where the gnome's cottage had been, from where they could see all of what was going on before them. Grumps had managed to chew his way through the tendril entangling him and had landed to the ground but was now transfixed in the same way as the others. The umbral banyan gave a half-hearted attempt to recapture those who had evaded its grasp thus far (or worse yet, been caught and then subsequently escaped) but between the fire-based and cold-based spells that had been thrown its way and the air elemental's ruthless attacks, the umbral banyan was near to death and its tendrils did little more than lightly brush against those it would have liked to capture and devour.

Finoula was the first to react to the scene. Holding up her lightning amulet and activating it, she transformed herself into a bolt of electricity that went crashing through one of the shadowy violet fungi beside a coral pit and then through the coral body of the zygomind. She remanifested in her normal elven form on the other side of the zygomind, noting she'd killed the violet fungus but had apparently had no effect at all upon the egg-shaped structure; still, it had had no effect upon her, either, for whatever mental pull it was having on Binkadink and the others was not affecting her in the least.

<I think it can't affect us if we already know it coming!> theorized Gilbert over the link. <It have to take you unaware!>

A mighty crashing of limbs presaged the air elemental's slaying of the umbral banyan; as branches came tumbling to the ground around the tree's many trunks, Finoula redeployed the elemental to attack the zygomind. It flew nimbly through one of the many openings in the structure's outer surface, attacking the coral struts from inside the hollow being's egg-shaped form.

Darrien sent a bevy of arrows at the zygomind, each striking but plinking harmlessly off the thing's coral armor. <Piercing weapons are no good against that thing!> he advised the others. Beside him, Malrin wildshaped out of her owl form, but instead of resuming her elven body she grew many times her own size and stood upon the Plane of Shadow as a mighty tyrannosaur. But despite her huge size, she was still dwarfed by the zygomind towering before her.

The zygomind shambled forward, its nearest tentacles striking Binkadink, Obvious, and Taihar - all it could bring to bear at the moment. But the touch had its desired effect: now infected with spores, the three figures were asleep on their feet; the zygomind need no longer bring them in to it with its fascination effect but could simply plant a single command into their unconscious forms. Go to the nearest transformation pit, it commanded and the three shuffled off to do as bid.

Hagan cast a meteor swarm up at the top of the zygomind and was disappointed to see his most powerful spell didn't even activate upon impact; apparently the zygomind had a way to protect itself from spells. He desolately passed this unwelcome nugget of information to the others over the mental link.

Gilbert wanted to cast a wall of force spell to prevent the sleepwalkers from getting too close to the zygomind but it was already too late for that. Instead, he cast a spectral hand spell and sent it over by Grumps, planning to then cast a magic circle against evil upon the dire bear cub, which he hoped would snap the others out from their trances. In the meantime, he ordered MARCI to go pull them away from the zygomind, certain the construct would be immune to any poisons the zygomind might be exuding.

Then a sudden motion caught his eye. From two of the coral-lined pits rose up a pair of humanoid figures, their slender limbs giving them an almost skeletal appearance. But as they approached, the group could see the hundreds of thin needles poking out of their taut skin. And this feature was also present upon the other two creatures climbing out of the larger coral pits: from one, a full-sized dire bear; from the other, an even larger monstrous scorpion.

This, Gilbert decided, was a good time to use that quickened wall of force spell he had at the ready. An invisible barrier rose up, separating the two needle-covered monsters from the cluster of heroes who had teleported into the area. Both the needlefolk dire bear and the needlefolk scorpion crashed into the unseen barrier, unable to attack the heroes as intended.

Finoula pulled a jar of Keoghtom's ointment out of a belt pouch and stuck a dab of the magic substance into her mouth as she approached Taihar on an intercept course; she didn't want whatever poison was affecting these animals (and Binkadink) to affect her as well! She looked momentarily up at the zygomind to track her air elemental's progress and was pleased to see it causing some of the coral structure to crack under the force of its blows. Chips and flakes of coral rained down like dandruff with each slam of the elemental's fists.

Darrien shot an arrow at the pit from which the needlefolk scorpion had crawled, using one of the new-found powers of his Arachnibow to cause the arrow to form a magic web across the opening. Hopefully, that would prevent anything else from coming up out of the pit.

Malrin bent low and touched Binkadink on the shoulder with one of her relatively tiny tyrannosaur front claws, channeling a neutralize poison spell through it. Blinking awake, the gnome fighter looked all around him in confusion, but then got a firm grip on the glaive in his hands and marched forward into combat with the most dangerous foe in the battle: the zygomind itself. But before he could even swing his glaive the zygomind slapped at him with a massive tentacle, slamming him to the ground and holding him there, pinned. It also caught up MARCI in a grappling hold, from which the medical construct was unable to wriggle free.

But Binkadink didn't mind attacking the zygomind from his current position; his glaive was, after all, expandable. Extending it to its longest configuration, he brought everything he had to bear in a series of powerful blows, the enchanted blade slicing deep into the coral structure of the alien creature. Not far away, though, Obvious was still shambling toward a transformation pit, deep asleep but following the zygomind's last orders nonetheless.

Hagan cast a chain lightning spell, completely frying to death one of the humanoid needlefolk as his primary target and sending arcs of electricity to hit the needlefolk dire bear zygominion and the zygomind itself (this last proving to be as resistant to this spell as it had been to Hagan's previously-cast spell). But by now Wezhley had shambled up to the zygomind and while the weasel was apparently too small for the alien creature to target with a tentacle, nothing prevented Wezhley from leaping onto the nearest such appendage and cover himself in spores in that fashion. Immediately asleep on his feet, Wezhley started heading over to the nearest transformation pit.

Gilbert finally got that magic circle against evil spell channeled onto Grumps Junior though his spectral hand but all it seemed to free from the fascination effect was the bear cub himself. Frowning, he sent the incorporeal hand over to the top of the zygomind while he planned out his next strategy. Grumps, however, knew exactly what he wanted to do: get away from all of these weird monsters as quickly as possible! However, in fleeing from the zygomind he came to the attention of the needlefolk dire bear zygominion, who rushed over. Grumps Junior instinctively recognized the creatures' basic shape at once, not noticing the needles sprouting from between the shaggy fur until it was too late. The zygominion's claws raked across Grumps' side and contaminating spores did the rest, causing the baby bruin to fall over, fast asleep. The only good thing about the attack was this was simply a soporific effect; Grumps had no mental compulsion to head over to the nearest transformation pit to become a zygominion himself, although if there were zygominions still around at the end of this battle they would surely drag him into a pit to replenish their own ranks.

MARCI activated a shocking field around her metal body, hoping to get the zygomind tentacle to release her. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to have any effect. A flurry of flying needles hit Malrin's tyrannosaur body, flung there by the remaining humanoid needlefolk zygominion, but the dinosaur hide was too thick for the needles to have much effect.

Gilbert cast a quickened cone of cold upon the needlefolk scorpion once it started skittering long the wall of force and heading his way; the wizard's spell slew it at once.

Finoula repositioned herself to best effect and used her lightning amulet again, blasting through two more shadow violet fungi and the zygomind; as before, the zygomind was unaffected but the fungi were both destroyed. But at least my air elemental's having an effect, the ranger thought, seeing it continuing its pummeling of the zygomind's coral structure. The ranger was now the closest target to the needlefolk dire bear who had knocked out Grumps and she fully expected it to attack her, but before it could Darrien plunked a flurry of arrows into it, causing the spiny bruin to fall to the ground beside the sleeping cub - only this one, Darrien was pleased to see, was dead.

Across the clearing, Malrin wildshaped back to her elven form and rushed over to Taihar, using her staff of healing to reawaken him from his somnambulistic wanderings. And just in time, too, for another pair of humanoid needlefolk zygominions and a second needlefolk dire bear zygominion scrambled out of three of the transformation pits, eager to send their flying darts into those who would defy the zygomind. A second needlefolk scorpion could be seen trying to exit the largest pit but Darrien's web was foiling its efforts.

For its part, the zygomind shifted forward again, keeping Binkadink and MARCI pinned and trying to grab a few others in its reaching tentacles. But Binkadink continued striking its exterior with his glaive while the air elemental attacked it from within its hollow shell. In the meantime, Hagan had more success with a meteor swarm cast directly at one the newest humanoid needlefolk - the spell blasted it into oblivion, while the fiery explosion that followed dealt a significant amount of damage not only to the dire bear zygominion but to the zygomind itself. Gilbert channeled a maximized vampiric touch spell through his spectral hand, absorbing some of the zygomind's life force energy and vitality directly into himself.

Unable to extract herself from the imprisoning tentacle, MARCI opted to make the best of a bad situation. Scanning the tentacle with her red eye-ray, she extruded a slender needle from a finger and injected it into the appendage, extracting a sample of the spores the tentacle contained. She then began a analysis routine on the spore sample she'd taken. If it were possible for a construct to look contented under those conditions MARCI did so, ignoring her horizontal position or the great weight of the alien monster keeping her pinned in place.

Darrien swung his Arachnibow over to cover the new needlefolk dire bear climbing out of the pit, sending arrow after arrow to stick into its face and shoulders, as Malrin used her magic staff to free Obvious from his sleepwalking. The jackalope sneezed, shook his head, and looked around for Binkadink, spotting him at last carving up the zygomind while pinned beneath one of its tentacles. He headed over at once to see if he could help the gnome. But by the time the jackalope had gotten there the zygomind had already been slain, a combination of slashes from Binkadink's glaive and the air elemental's furious, wind-driven punches having taken their toll on the alien monstrosity.

Another of Hagan's chain lightning spells took out the second dire bear zygominion, the last of the violet fungi, and the needlefolk scorpion zygominion - Now that's more like it! the half-orc sorcerer thought to himself. But then another needlefolk zygominion crawled from the farthest pit, this one humanoid in build as well but significantly smaller than the others of its kind. It was only when Hagan saw the felt cap perched on the creature's hat - with numerous needles piercing the covering and holding it firmly in place - that he realized why that was. <It's Uncle Wiggly!> Hagan cried. <It's too late! He's been transformed!>

<We not likely to have rescued him alive,> pointed out Gilbert. <No telling how long ago he end up here - weeks, likely.> But, knowing this was the gnome they had been sent to find and despite having half a dozen spells at hand that could slay him at once, Gilbert cast an Otiluke's resilient sphere around the needlefolk gnome instead, imprisoning him in a sphere of energy from which he couldn't easily escape.

Binkadink and MARCI extracted themselves from beneath the zygomind's tentacles, a much easier process now that the zygomind wasn't actively resisting their efforts. Using the information she'd gained from the spore analysis, MARCI's internal systems had generated an antidote, which she administered to Grumps Junior, waking him back up at once. The dire bear cub chuffed once and ambled off to go find Darrien. The medical construct then administered a much smaller dosage to Wezhley, who likewise scampered away to go find his own master.

The air elemental took it upon itself to go look into the pits to ensure there weren't any other zygominions ready to spring forth, but other than the webbed-up one holding the needlefolk scorpion they were clear.

Wrath suddenly started growling and backed off over to Finoula, his tail between his legs. Finoula could see nothing that would have her timber wolf so fearful, even in this unusually gloomy environment, but then she detected slight vibrations through the soles of her boots. <Something's coming - from underground!> she warned the others. No sooner had she gotten out the warning than a glistening, pitch-black head erupted from the ground, its mouth ringed by a circle of long, pointed teeth. Gilbert's magically-enhanced eyesight identified the creature at once as undead, which was all it took for his own studies to identify the thing as a nightcrawler, an undead version of the purple worm.

Darrien ran at once to Gilbert's side, fully expecting the wizard to plane shift or teleport them away, for they had accomplished what they had set out to do (even if rescuing Uncle Wiggly hadn't been possible they at least knew what had become of him) and there was nothing to be gained by fighting an undead creature of this size and power. Grumps, almost to Darrien by this time, saw the nightcrawler climbing up out of its hole and spun about, running away in the opposite direction, away from Darrien; there was no way he could know there was an invisible wall of force providing at least partial protection to Gilbert and Darrien from the nightcrawler.

Malrin jumped onto Taihar's back - a much easier proposition at the dire fox's current doubled size - and pulled Binkadink up behind her as they raced past. Obvious, seeing the others were heading for Gilbert, assumed that was the plan and followed suit. Hagan dared to race to within striking distance of the nightcrawler to scoop Wezhley into his arms and head back the way he'd come, circling around the wall of force again, although he knew the nightcrawler was long enough it could crawl right over the wall's 10-foot height and get to them in no time - or burrow beneath it, for that matter. Everyone crowded expectantly around Gilbert, who had to shrug away from them and cross around to the other side of the wall of force. The nightcrawler's length extended out of the hole as Gilbert stared it down, casting the words to a sunburst spell. <Close eyes!> he warned the others as the last syllable of the spell left his lips.

A blinding burst of light spilled across the open area of the clearing, causing patterns to form on the insides of the heroes' closed eyelids. When they opened their eyes again, the nightcrawler was gone.

"Is it dead? Just like that?" gasped Finoula.

"Some undead especially susceptible to bright light," Gilbert explained. "Sunburst spell take care of them good."

The group now went over to where Uncle Wiggly was imprisoned inside the spherical ball of energy. Upon a close examination, they could see he was no longer a gnome: he not only had thin needles sticking out from every direction, but even in the wan light of the Plane of Shadow they could see his waxy skin was greenish in tone. "He a plant," Gilbert explained.

"Is there any way to cure him?" asked Binkadink, hating the thought of bringing this version of Voopie's uncle back home to meet her.

"Sure: kill him, resurrect him," Gilbert replied. "Beyond that, doubt it."

"Okay, then," said Binkadink with a sigh. "Release the spell, Gilbert, I'll take care of it." The heavyset mage did as asked and Binkadink skewered the thing that had been Voopie's Uncle Wiggly with a quick blow from his glaive. "Okay, let's get out of here," said the weary gnome.

"Uh, about that..." started Gilbert.

"What?" asked Hagan.

"Have to wait until tomorrow for plane shift spell. I cast only one prepared to get rest of us here."

"We have to stay here?" asked Finoula, looking around. "This place gives me the creeps!" But it wasn't s bad as the ranger had feared, for she'd forgotten they had in their possession a Daern's instant fortress, and while it still smelled damp from its long-term soak underwater, it was better than camping outside and being at the mercy of any other nightcrawlers who might happen by.

"Tomorrow I cast plane shift and teleport spells to get us back," Gilbert promised. But Binkadink had pulled out his own chest of coins from the group's portable hole and was counting up the funds he had on hand. "How much does a resurrection spell cost?" he asked the group at large.

"I'll spot you any amount you're short," offered Finoula. "It's for a good cause." She was pleased to see the gnome fighter wanting to do something good for Voopie Meadowclover; the two looked like they'd make a good couple.

- - -

I wrote this adventure entirely around the zygomind, which I found in one of the Pathfinder Bestiaries while seeking out high-level monsters; now that the PCs are 18th level it's getting harder to find them things to fight besides the standard demons, devils, and dragons that clutter up the high-level CRs. Of course, as I often do, I changed the zygomind considerably, not liking some of the aspects of the creature as written and wanting to incorporate needlefolk into the adventure. (I've wanted to use needlefolk for awhile now but they're way too low-level to pose any kind of a threat to PCs of my group's current level.)

Given the zygomind's simple form, I decided to create my own "miniature" using "wiggling" (rather appropriate for this adventure's title) strips of pink construction paper glued together into an egg shape with eight tentacles ringing the bottom. A red Sharpie allowed me to draw the pits and pockmarks that made it look more like coral. The players definitely were intrigued when I plunked it down on the table once Binkadink and the animals had been shunted to the Plane of Shadow, as I knew none of them had ever experienced a zygomind before. (And now I have a pink construction paper zygomind sitting on my bookshelf that will doubtfully see any further use - after all, how many zygominds can you use over the course of a campaign or two?)

- - -

T-shirt worn: My Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" T-shirt, standing in for the Plane of Shadow. (And, I'm just now noticing, the "Pink" in the band's name matches up with the color of the zygomind.)
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 18​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 18​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 18​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 18​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 18​

NPC Roster:
Caliandra, human sorcerer 13​
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 12​

Game Session Date: 11 November 2019

- - -

"I'm sorry to hear that," commiserated Finoula.

"Yeah, well, I just figured you guys needed an explanation as to why I haven't been around for some time now," replied Castillan. "I was never really a big fan of my father - we never saw eye to eye on much - but now that he's gone, it's my duty as the oldest son to take care of the family stuff. The Ivenhearts are minor nobility, after all, for what that's worth."

"So you not available for adventuring stuff any more?" asked Gilbert Fung, cutting straight to the point.

"Not likely - at least, not very often, I'm afraid."

"But still okay that Malrin hang out with us?"

"Sure. She's free to do what she wants, unlike me."

"Glad to hear it," answered Malrin, who had no intention of ending her service to the kingdom via aiding her older brother's band of heroes.

Castillan gave a sly smirk over at Finoula, then added, "And there's no problem with Aithanar hanging around with you guys, either."

"And I'm glad to hear that," replied Finoula, stifling a smile of her own.

"Anyway, I better get back to the manor. There's a pile of business dealings I still need to make sense of." Castillan hugged his little sister and waved to the group before heading back out through the open portcullis of Battershield Keep, returning to Ivenheart Manor in the richer part of town. The adventurers went back into the main structure at the back of the keep, where Helga Battershield had a noonday meal ready to serve. They'd invited Castillan to stay and join them, but he well knew that after one of Helga's meals he wouldn't feel up to a walk back home - more like a nap in a hammock for a couple of hours.

About halfway through the meal there was a cry from the courtyard.

Rising up from the table, the heroes ran out from the dining area and saw a familiar face standing before them, although she'd definitely seen better days. Caliandra was a sorceress, part of an adventuring team put together by Lord Cavelthorne, a noble from Pelorvic, the kingdom directly south of Kordovia. Normally quite good-looking, her hair now was matted and her skin sallow and she seemed to have suffered a substantial (and likely very sudden) weight loss, for her cheekbones stood out on her face. "Help us--please!" she said, staggering to stay upright.

Darrien was there to catch her before she fell and helped her stand upright. In one hand she held a crumpled piece of parchment, completely blank - mere moments earlier it had held the arcane writings making up a teleport spell, the very spell which had allowed her to cross the miles between their two respective small kingdoms in an instant.

"What's happened?" asked Finoula, concern in her voice. "Are you okay?"

"Need--water," Caliandra choked out. Binkadink raced up with a goblet in hand and passed it over to the sorceress, who drank it down greedily. And then she began her tale.

"We recently discovered a hexagonal mirror in a dungeon not far from our hometown. The glass was darkened and it was difficult to see your reflection in it. We brought it back to Lord Cavelthorne so he could examine it and this morning he figured out its command word. But after activating it, the glass lightened – and a winged creature flew through it, into our world. It looked like a blocky, little, white gargoyle. It attacked Lord Cavelthorne, blasting him with a cone of salt crystals, blinding him."

"Salt mephit, sound like," interjected Gilbert Fung.

"Then another creature stepped through the mirror - this one as big as a man, but crystalline and chalky white - and it attacked Lord Cavelthorne, totally desiccating his body almost immediately, shriveling up his skin and stretching it like aged parchment. He-- he died there under its touch, and then almost immediately rose as some sort of undead. He was shambling around like a zombie, and then he and the other salt monsters attacked Vance when he tried to stop them. In the meantime, more of the winged creatures came through the mirror. We managed to keep the salt creatures at bay long enough for Jorg to smash the mirror, but by that time we were outnumbered – for the salt golem thing had split into two. I saw Jorg, Thomas, and Vance all get turned into those salt mummies and the salt golems were duplicating just about every time they killed someone, so - low on spells after trying to fight them off - I decided to come here for help. I used a teleport scroll we keep on hand for emergencies."

"What about Kizzie?" prompted Finoula. The halfling bard was the only member of Cavelthorne's troop Caliandra hadn't mentioned by name.

"I don't know - I lost sight of her. I hope she's okay."

"Gilbert?" Binkadink asked. "What are we dealing with here?"

The portly mage thought it over a moment. "Those definitely salt mephits - the winged ones. Others, not so sure about. But mirror probably gateway to Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt. We talking invasion force, more than likely."

"Well, that's not good!" expressed Darrien. "We need to put a stop to it!"

"Mirror smashed by Jorg - that good start," replied Gilbert, pulling his crystal ball from a pocket of his robes. "We need to take care of these other creatures - not liking how they can split into two after killing people and turning them into undead." Gilbert had a remarkable hatred for undead creatures; so much so that he'd permanently enhanced his eyesight with magic so he could see the auras of undead monstrosities identifying them for what they were. With a practiced wave of his hand, he caused an image to form in the glass sphere he held: the interior of the hunting lodge that served as the headquarters for Cavelthorne's team of adventurers. Mentally controlling the magic sensor he'd brought into being, he caused the image in the crystal ball to explore throughout the building. "See four salt monsters - they all undead," he announced. "No mephits, no salt golems."

"Are any of them...halfling sized?" asked Caliandra hesitantly, not really wanting to hear the answer.

"No, they all human size - wait! Found her! She on roof. Looks like still alive." Caliandra heaved a sigh of relief.

"Well, let's go, then!" said Hagan. "I've got a good enough view of the place through the crystal ball, I can teleport us all there!"

"Hold up," admonished Gilbert. "Prep spells first!" He put the crystal ball back into his pocket and then rummaged in another one, pulling out his slingshot of rock shrinking. Then, fishing his earth elemental familiar - currently the size of a small pebble - from yet another pocket, he loaded Mudpie into the slingshot and fired him straight at the ground.

The impact ended the magical reduction in size and Mudpie grew - but to a size much larger than the other heroes had expected. The earth elemental standing before them now stood a full 16 feet tall.

"What--?" gasped Hagan, looking up at the creature who normally only reached up to the half-orc's chest.

"Oh yeah - I cast polymorph other on him, make him this big permanently. He be much better in combat this way."

"Yeah," agreed Hagan, "but I can't teleport him with the rest of us if he's this big! Shrink him back down!"

"Hmm, good point," acknowledged Gilbert. "Mudpie! Come back over here!" The elemental did as instructed and the heavyset mage tapped him with the magic slingshot, shrinking Mudpie back down to pebble size. "I release him to full size again once we get there," he said as he scooped up the earth elemental and placed him back into a robe pocket for safe keeping.

Once the spellcasters had completed their pre-combat rituals - plenty of stoneskin, magic circle against evil, and barkskin spells, as well as a Rary's telepathic bond and the odd bear's endurance or cat's grace - the team was ready to go. "You stay here this time," Hagan told his own familiar. "I don't want anything to happen to you if we're going to be fighting undead monsters." Wezhley crawled down off of his master's shoulder with a show of unhappiness but Helga soon coaxed him back to the dining area and the unfinished meal with a promise of a few choice morsels and suddenly the little weasel was perfectly fine with being left behind. Darrien and Finoula also opted to leave their animal companions behind, although Binkadink insisted on bringing Obvious with him.

"Think we all ready," announced Gilbert and everyone gathered around Hagan. The half-orc cast the teleport spell and they immediately found themselves on the back deck of Lord Cavelthorne's hunting lodge.

Caliandra backed up onto the back lawn, shielding her eyes from the glare of the sun and looking up at the roof to see if she could spot Kizzie Birdsong, while Darrien raced forward to the dual doors at the center of the lodge. He pulled the leftmost door open, standing behind it and using it as a shield, although he gripped his scimitar in his right hand and held it ready to strike out at any undead things that might exit the lodge.

Finoula raced up to the open door and looked within. There was an undead zombie thing wearing plate mail armor, spinning at the sudden draft from the door and shambling her way. She recognized the half-orcish features of Jorg, although his skin was desiccated like thin parchment stretched over the bones of his skull. With practiced ease, she pulled her whip of thorns from her belt, uncoiled it, and with a wordless command caused the thorns to extend from the weapon as its length burst into flames. Then, with a crack, she sent the whip lashing out at the salt mummy who had once been Jorg Battleborn.

Binkadink, mounted on his jackalope Obvious, sent him bounding around the side of the lodge to go enter through the front door, hoping to catch the undead Jorg in a pincer movement. He leaned forward to open the front doors, allowing Obvious to enter the foyer. There, up ahead, was Jorg getting whipped by Finoula and there, off to his right, was another armored mummy shambling his way: Vance Pelorian, judging by the Sun God's holy symbol hanging around the cleric's neck. But as Binkadink wheeled Obvious to face Vance, another salt mummy exited the trophy room where Lord Cavelthorne kept the animals he'd stalked, killed, and had stuffed as permanent displays of his hunting prowess. This, judging from his loose robes, was the undead corpse of Thomas the Seeker - only now the only thing he sought was the death of Binkadink and Obvious.

The gnome sent his glaive swinging at the animated human corpse, slashing a deep gash across Thomas's chest that Binkadink would have normally expected to send the creature's life-blood splashing away in an arc; instead, the mummy's interior was completely dry, releasing nothing but a spray of salt crystals. And then Vance reached the jackalope, reaching out for him with clawed fingers outstretched.

Further down the central hallway, Jorg swung a lethargic arm at Finoula but the nimble ranger ducked beneath the swing. She pulled Tahlmalaera from its sheath and prepared to stab into the mummy's torso, but before she could, Malrin opted to try casting a create water spell such that the liquid manifested directly above Jorg's head, thinking that a creature turned mainly to salt might well be vulnerable to a dose of flowing water. The elven druid couldn't have been more on the mark: the gallons of water splashed down upon Jorg's shambling corpse, eating away the desiccated flesh and causing the undead salt mummy to fall to the ground in a clatter of metal armor as he melted away in a sloppy puddle. Even Malrin was amazed at the effectiveness of the tactic, for create water was one of the simplest spells a druid ever learned - she'd never expected it to be that effective of a combat attack! (Now, having seen how effective it had been, she only regretted she didn't have more copies of that particular spell prepared.)

Hagan cast a chain lightning spell at Thomas and had it arc over to Vance, catching both in its electrical embrace. Gilbert stepped up beside him, casting a shapechange spell upon himself - the first time he'd ever given the spell a try - although he left it idle at the moment, leaving himself in his normal form but ready to transform at a moment's notice if the opportunity or need arose.

<I've got the decanter of endless water!> called Finoula over the link, resheathing her longsword and pulling the magic decanter from her pack. <I'm going to use Malrin's tactic on the rest of these salt mummies!> Darrien ran behind his fellow ranger, realizing she'd possibly need some support if she was planning on activating it in its "geyser" mode. Together, they entered the central hallway and Darrien steadied Finoula as she activated the decanter by its "geyser" command word. A blast of water erupted from the container, which would have flung the elf backwards if Darrien hadn't grabbed her by the hips to keep her steady. The water sloshed over the undead form of Thomas the Seeker, and just as Jorg had done the erstwhile monk melted away into a puddle, his robes being pushed away by the force of the powerful stream of water.

Now facing only Vance, Binkadink whirled on the undead cleric and brought him down with a few rapid strikes of his glaive. Finoula aimed the geyser at the undead cleric for good measure, the jet of water dissolving his body as it had the other salt mummies.

During all of this combat, Caliandra had cast a dimension door spell to get up to the top of the roof, where she had spotted the halfling bard lying, exhausted, on the top of the building. Kizzie had climbed up the chimney from the fireplace in Lord Cavelthorne's study to escape from the undead form of their leader, the nobleman who had financed their guild of adventurers. They could still hear him through the chimney as he staggered in the unlit fireplace below, trying to get to the halfling he'd been chasing - and who he had partially drained of fluids before her escape. "There's still one more, in the study!" Caliandra called down to the others, and Finoula hunted down the salt mummy who had once been Lord Cavelthorne and slew him with the decanter of endless water. "Got him!" she called up the chimney, and Caliandra cast another dimension door spell to get the last two surviving members of their guild back down to ground level.

"That all of them," Gilbert announced after checking each of the rooms in the lodge and confirming there were no other salt creatures lurking about. "Where the others go - mephits and golems?"

"They headed down the road...toward the town square," Kizzie explained in gasps of breath. "I saw them...from my perch on the rooftop." Wordlessly, Hagan passed his waterskin over to the halfling and she drank gratefully.

"You guys need to go after them, before they turn any of the villagers into undead!" said Caliandra. "I'll stay here with Kizzie; we have a potion or two of healing stashed away and I'm just about out of spells anyway, so I wouldn't be of much help." Gilbert pulled his crystal ball back out of his pocket and concentrated on the town square, having been in that area himself earlier in his adventuring career; Hagan, having never been there before, needed a good view of the place if he was going to be able to teleport everyone to that location. "Gather around!" the half-orc commanded and once everyone had done so he cast the spell, transporting the group into the middle of the town square.

To say it was a chaotic spectacle wouldn't be doing it justice. People were screaming everywhere as they tried running into the buildings for safety, only to be herded away by the flying salt mephits and their breath weapons of stinging salt crystals. The facets moved as fast as a human despite their bulky build and a few had already successfully drained enough moisture from the villagers to desiccate them into an undead state, in some cases causing the facets to split into two as a result. And the newly-created salt mummies turned at once to attack their living neighbors, ignoring the invaders from the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt as potential targets.

Darrien grabbed an arrow from his quiver, nocked it into the Arachnibow, and sent it flying straight into the head of a flying mephit, killing it instantly. He then repeated the process, ignoring all other potential targets in every direction about him so he could concentrate on slaying the only enemies who could fly, as the mephits were the ones keeping the villagers from the safety of the various buildings. Each mephit Darrien slew opened access to an accessible safe haven for the frightened townsfolk nearby and they were quick to take advantage of it.

Finoula still wielded the decanter of endless water as a weapon, having seen firsthand how powerful it was against the salt mummies. She spotted the nearest of the undead and melted it into a wet puddle. That left the facets as potential targets and Binkadink set himself the task of slaying as many of them as he could. He sent Obvious charging into a group of the crystalline figures, slaying three of them in twice as many seconds with great slashes of his enchanted glaive. The facets were sliced into pieces, falling into further chunks as they hit the ground. But there were many other groups of facets threatening various townsfolk, who were scurrying about looking for a place of safety. Several of these poor souls were grabbed up by the salt-monsters, drained of their fluids and their very lives, their skin shriveling tightly onto their bones as they were transformed into salt mummies. More times than not, this resulted in the facet splitting into two, each creature the same size and strength of the original. It was easy to see that, left unchecked, this small invasion force could eventually expand into an army of facets covering the globe!

Gilbert's first action upon arriving in the town square wasn't to cast a spell but to shoot his pebble-sized earth elemental familiar at the ground by his feet with his slingshot of rock shrinking. Upon impact, Mudpie resumed his now-normal size of 16 feet in height and immediately set about pounding the nearest facets into dust with his massive, earthen fists.

The three remaining mephits who had made it through the mirror gate stopped harassing their victims once they saw the half-elf archer taking them down. They immediately changed targets, making bee-lines for these interlopers trying to put a stop to their fun. One flew straight at Darrien, sending a cone of salt crystals directly into the ranger's face, but Darrien had the presence of mind to close his eyes as he nocked another arrow into the Arachnibow by feel alone, then open his eyes after the breath weapon barrage had finished, just in time to cut the salt mephit down.

Some of the salt mummies noticed the heroes in the middle of the square who hadn't been there a moment before and started shambling in their direction. Malrin pulled her bow from her back and ignored the approaching mummies - they were moving rather slowly, after all - taking a bead on a nearby facet. They were the ones creating the salt mummies in the first place; take them down first and then the heroes could take out the mummies at their leisure, she reasoned.

Hagan cast another chain lightning spell, wiping out seven facets and a salt mummy in one fell swoop. Gilbert cast an Evard's black tentacles spell upon another group of four facets who were just about to drain a trio of frightened humans of the liquids in their bodies; the humans were caught up in the tentacles as well but Gilbert figured they'd likely last longer in his spell than they would being drained by facets - and even if the worst happened and they were crushed to death by the entangling appendages of his spell, that was preferable than being transformed into undead!

Mudpie smashed another facet outside the effects of his master's spell and the humans it had been threatening made it safely into a nearby building, slamming the door behind them. The remaining two salt mephits tried blocking them, but Darrien took them out with a pair of arrows, leaving only facets and salt mummies left to deal with.

Finoula was still doing her best to take out the salt mummies and her decanter of endless water was the perfect tool for the job - so far, none of the undead had last more than a few seconds under the blast of water from her magic decanter. Nearby, Binkadink was taking out handfuls of facets with his glaive, while Obvious sped him from group to group to allow him to slay as many of them as possible in the shortest amount of time he could.

The last four remaining facets all went after the gnome and his jackalope mount, rightly seeing them as their greatest personal threat. But it was at this time the heroes learned something important about the facets: just as absorbing the fluids of their victims allowed them to split into two, it was also apparently possible for several facets to merge back together into a larger form. This became apparent when the facets, all linked together in a hivemind similar to the heroes' own Rary's telepathic bond spell, called for help from the facets that were already beyond the town square and out of view, threatening other villagers farther away from the remaining four being harassed by the sudden arrival of the Kordovian heroes. This telepathic cry for help resulted in the facets farther away to start merging into one giant form: a quasi-elemental salt monolith, a massive, squat, vaguely humanoid creature standing some 25 feet tall or more, which came crashing through the trees to aid its fellow invaders.

Distracted by the sudden appearance of this new monstrosity, Finoula sprayed down another salt mummy with her decanter but failed to notice the approach of another of these undead, who brought its parched fist striking her from behind. Malrin, seeing the wielder of the decanter of endless water being taken away from her geyser duties (even if only temporarily), summoned a huge water elemental to carry out the same line of attack. Under the druid's orders, the water elemental simply ran through a pair of salt mummies, its watery form causing the undead creatures' bodies to lose all cohesion and collapse into runny piles of salt.

Hagan was also distracted by the arrival of the salt monolith, but only for a moment - and then he cast a meteor swarm spell at it. Four flaming missiles went streaking into the massive beast, crushing its chest and exploding into bursts of flames. Darrien spun about and sent a flurry of arrows streaking up at the monolith, but it seemed only the cold damage imbued upon the ammunition by the Arachnibow was having any effect.

Finoula deactivated the geyser with a command word, put the stopper on the end of the decanter, and then used her lightning amulet to transform herself into a bolt of living electricity, which she sent flying through the body of the salt monolith before assuming her elven form once again on the other side of the great beast. By this point the salt mummies were few in number and she was sure Malrin's water elemental could take care of them.

Mudpie killed another facet with his boulderlike fists while Binkadink slew the remaining four facets, each of which had turned to face the monolith as if ready to join its body and increase its size and power that much more. Obvious then hippity-hopped across the battlefield, getting his rider closer to the monolith so the gnome could bring his glaive to bear against the massive salt quasi-elemental.

The monolith performed some sort of magical attack linking itself to Hagan, who had thought himself well out of range of the monolith's reach. All at once, the half-orc felt his mouth go dry as his fluids started draining from his body in a manner he wouldn't have believed possible. He warned the others over the link of what was happening.

The last two remaining salt mummies moved up to attack but were then slain by the water elemental, who simply walked through them and dissolved them at once. Seeing no more undead on the battlefield, Malrin quickly dismissed the water elemental, allowing it to shift back to its home plane - given the monolith was draining fluids from Hagan at a distance, she didn't want to power it up by allowing it access to a creature whose entire body was made up of water, for who knew what effect that might have on the salt monolith? The last thing Malrin wanted was for it to absorb enough moisture for it to split into two like the facets had done!

Malrin then attacked the salt monolith with a direct spell attack: a call lightning storm spell which brought a bolt of lightning crashing down from the sky above to strike the massive, crystalline creature. Hagan, still suffering from the ongoing fluid drain, cast a polar ray spell at the salt monolith, hitting it where its head would normally be (although it had nothing in the form of an actual head, just some craggy blocks of salt crystals growing up from its massive shoulders).

And then Gilbert cast an Otto's irresistible dance spell at the salt quasi-elemental, causing it to start prancing about in place. As it capered, the cloud of salt particles which were constantly surrounding the creature as it moved got even worse; Binkadink leaped from Obvious's saddle so the jackalope could back off (as the salt was severely hurting his eyes). Mudpie backed off, not from any irritation but because he could see Finoula raising her hand to her amulet again and anticipated another lightning bolt blast straight through the body of the salt monolith once again. Finoula reformed into her elven body far enough away from the monolith to stay out of the range of the cloud of irritating particles. Darrien shot another bunch of arrows at the dancing foe; even though only the cold damage was causing the monolith any harm, the ranger was a firm believer that every little bit of damage they could bring to this menace was a good thing. Another bolt of lightning crashed down from the sky upon the dancing creature, a second blast from Malrin's spell.

Squinting, Binkadink braved entry into the salt cloud to bring his glaive to bear against the salt monolith, who was fortunately still caught up in Gilbert's spell and unable to even defend itself. But then Hagan made any further such attacks moot, for he slew the giant elemental with another meteor swarm spell. As the monolith came crashing to the ground in an explosion of salt crystals, the half-orc was pleased to feel the constant siphoning of his body's liquids suddenly cease all at once; he immediately grabbed for the waterskin at his hip and drank greedily.

Gilbert looked all about the town square, seeking out any remaining enemies, but it seemed they had taken care of all of the invaders from the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt. Belatedly, the portly mage dismissed his Evard's black tentacles spell; the facets it had entangled had been crushed to death, but so had the three townsfolk - regrettable but acceptable losses, Gilbert considered them. "That's it!" Darrien confirmed, after having done his own evaluation of the battlefield. "Come on - let's get back to Caliandra!"

"And Kizzie," Finoula pointed out, but it was obvious which of the two female adventurers Darrien was most concerned about; his crush on the human sorceress was a rather poorly-guarded secret. Still, Hagan gathered everyone up around him again and teleported the group back to Lord Cavelthorne's hunting lodge (after Gilbert had reduced Mudpie back to pebble size for ease of transport). There, they found both Kizzie and Caliandra looking a bit more healthy than they had recently appeared; the healing potions had done their work.

"Are you okay?" Darrien asked.

"We're fine," Kizzie answered, as Caliandra added, "We'll live."

"So what you do now?" asked Gilbert, cutting to the chase as always.

"We don't have the funds - or the resources ourselves - to raise Lord Cavelthorne or any of the others," Caliandra answered. "We'll have to take it up with our king, but I imagine we'll try to hire a few replacements and keep the guild going. It'll take some time for us to recover, but we'll build this guild back up. We probably won't be at your fighting level for some time, though."

"Yeah, that probably true," Gilbert agreed with as little grace as he usually gave any of his comments. "Well, we save your kingdom, possibly whole world! You need us come save you again, you know where to find us. Hagan! You ready for teleport back home?"

Hagan sighed and gathered the group back into formation once again. Finoula gave the other two women a quick hug and told them, "I'm sorry for your loss" before joining the rest of her team. Darrien said, "If we can do anything to help..."

"I know," replied Caliandra sadly. "But you'd better get going. Your fat-ass wizard's getting impatient."

"Our fat-ass wizard's always impatient," he told her and stepped over to stand by the others of his group. Hagan cast his teleport spell and the Kordovian adventurers were once again back at Battershield Keep. Hagan went at once to find Wezhley - only to have Helga shush him, for the little weasel was sound asleep on the dining table, his belly distended from all the food he'd been bribed with by the dwarven woman to distract him from his being left behind.

"Hey!" exclaimed Gilbert loudly, causing little Wezhley to stir in his slumber. "I forget to shapechange into other forms in heat of battle! Oh well, maybe next time...."

- - -

All I can say about this adventure is I never thought I'd see a 0-level spell instantly slay a creature with triple-digit hit points, but since the salt mummy description says they take 1d6 points of damage from a flask of water and the create water spell creates literally gallons of water at a time, it seemed appropriate to allow it to happen. So my lower-level creatures weren't much of a threat at all, leaving my quasi-elemental salt monolith as the only real danger to the PCs. But that's okay; we finished this adventure quickly enough as a result that we had enough time in the session to go through the next one as well.

I also decided to kill off Aroben Ivenheart as an in-game explanation as to why Castillan was no longer a part of the group. Jacob, his player, has pretty much decided it's not worth the drive on the one day a week he has off from work to game with us (and I can't really fault his logic - he's got his own gaming group now; in fact I think he DMs for them), so this way I've left the possibility open that if the opportunity ever arises Castillan's still around and might join in a given adventure. But we won't likely be seeing too much of him around.

- - -

T-shirt worn: My white "Walking Dead" shirt - white for the salt, "Walking Dead" for the salt mummies.



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 18​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 18​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 18​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 18​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 18​

NPC Roster:
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 12​

Game Session Date: 11 November 2019

- - -

Having been summoned to the castle by a page, the heroes arrived in full gear not knowing exactly what to expect. They were brought at once before Queen Kaelanna, who thanked them for their speedy arrival and had her dwarven guards lead them all outside to the courtyard. "He should be here shortly," the queen said.

Before anyone could ask who would soon be arriving there was a thunderous rustling of wings and the unasked question was answered as the green dragon Clauguthrax arrived. "Have they been briefed?" he asked his half-sister, the queen.

"Not yet – they've only just arrived," she said.

"Very well," replied Clauguthrax, looking down at the group of assembled heroes. "We're about to receive an unwelcome visitor. I want you here as a show of force, mainly – we don’t want to initiate combat here, where there are innocents likely to be slain in the aftermath. So we’re going to hear what he has to say, and then I'll do the talking."

"Who this unwelcome visitor?" demanded Gilbert Fung, but before anyone could answer one of the dwarven guard pointed up at the sky; another draconic shape came into view, this one with scales of a deep red. It approached rapidly, landing before the assembled group in a blast of dirt and grit from his wings.

"You must be Clauguthrax," the red dragon sneered. "I am Banelothlor. I understand you have claimed this kingdom as your own and stand as its protector. I am here to inform you your services are no longer required – I will be performing that task from this day forth."

"By whose authority?" demanded Queen Kaelanna.

"By my own!" snapped Banelothlor. "By one with the power behind the claim!" He turned his attention to Clauguthrax. "Or do you wish to challenge my right?"

"What are your terms?" asked Clauguthrax in a quiet voice, his head lowered and his gaze directed at the ground before Banelothlor.

"My services do not come for free. I require tribute, of a quantity commensurate to my worth. Six head of cattle, to be delivered unto me each month. And 50,000 pieces of gold as a retainer, another 10,000 each month to be delivered with the cattle."

"And in return?" asked Queen Kaelanna stiffly, keeping a regal bearing.

"In return, you will have the prestige of having a red dragon as the guardian of your kingdom. I will even permit you to put my likeness upon the flags of your castle – I think that would be an appropriate touch. And, perhaps most importantly...I will not raze this place to the ground for the effrontery of having had dealings with a lowly green when your land is part of the territory I now claim as my own."

Clauguthrax looked down at his half-sister. "We will need time to gather the tribute," he said, while the queen just bunched her fists and said nothing, fuming silently.

"You have a week," replied Banelothlor. "See that all is in readiness upon my return." The red dragon then turned his back upon his lessers, leaped into the air, and with a mighty flapping of powerful wings took to the skies, heading back the way he had come.

As Queen Kaelanna and those around her watched the red dragon fly away, she turned to her half-brother and let out the sigh she'd been holding in. "And now...?" she asked.

Clauguthrax snarled, "Now we have a week to track that bastard down to his lair and slay him."

"I like the way you're thinking," enthused Binkadink. Finoula, in the meantime, was examining the ground where Banelothlor had landed. "What are you looking for?" the gnome asked her.

"I was hoping he might have shed a scale or something," Finoula replied. "We could use it to scry on him, maybe track down his lair that way."

"Take a care with that," advised Clauguthrax. "He is a dragon; he'll likely detect any attempts to scry directly upon him - and knowing we're doing so will make him suspicious that we haven't been cowed into total submission by his august presence."

"There other ways we can track him down," advised Gilbert. "With Your Majesty's permission, we see what we can find out."

"By all means - do what you can, and please keep me informed."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Returning back to Battershield Keep, the group discussed options. "Can you guys cast a divination spell or something?" Darrien asked Gilbert and Hagan.

"I got nothing like that prepared," Gilbert admitted. Hagan confessed he had no personal experience with such spells; he preferred those which could be used to inflict massive bodily harm upon his enemies. "Still, we can assume he lairs north of us," pointed out the half-orc sorcerer, "as that's the direction he arrived from and the way he headed when he took off."

"That just a guess," argued Gilbert.

"But a logical one," countered Hagan. "The Clatspur Mountains are to the north and red dragons prefer making their lairs in mountainous terrain." Gilbert had to admit it made sense.

"I think I have spell on scroll might help," Gilbert recalled, flipping to the inside back cover of the Omnibook where his various arcane scrolls were copied and stored. Flipping through the list, he hit upon the one he wanted. "Here we go: discern location."

"Cool - are you going to cast it now?" asked Darrien.

"Now? No! Cast it from scroll, it gone for good. I study it, figure out how spell works, then cast it after transcribe it in spellbook! Then I have spell from now on!"

"But it'll take longer that way!" griped Darrien.

"We have week! These spell scrolls expensive!" argued Gilbert - and in the end, the stubborn mage won out. Thus it wasn't until the next day that Gilbert announced he was ready to cast his newly-mastered discern location spell. Everyone gathered around the portly wizard as he began his spellcasting, but the excitement started to wane as the minutes passed and he was still performing his incantations - this was, apparently, one of those spells that took several minutes to even finish casting. Binkadink wandered back to the kitchen to fetch a snack. By the time he had helped himself to a hunk of cheese and wandered back outside in the courtyard where Gilbert was casting the spell, the wizard had finally almost completed the lengthy ritual. "'bout time!" muttered the gnome to himself.

"Got it!" Gilbert hissed in excitement. "He lair inside volcano! 'Hellplume,' it called. You right, Hagan - he up in Clatspur Range!"

"Then we can teleport in," suggested Hagan.

"What, just teleport into volcano crater? That good way to die!"

"We need to scout the area out first," reasoned Finoula. "I'll have Jinkadoodle fly me up that way in the dragonfly ship, then I can cast a commune with nature spell close enough to his lair to gather details about it, while staying far enough away not to alert him to my presence."

"Hmmm," mused Gilbert. "...And I can scry just on you without alerting dragon. Okay - good plan!"

"I'll come with, just in case," offered up Binkadink. And thus it was that Finoula flew up to the Clatspur Range accompanied by the gnomish cousins, the illusionist of the pair piloting the vessel. Back at Battershield Keep, Gilbert and the others watched their progress through the wizard's crystal ball, ready to teleport to their aid if the need arose.

Exiting the dragonfly vessel via the ladder lowered over its side, Finoula dropped to the ground and spread her fingers along the hard rocks of the mountainside. She then began a low chanting - and Binkadink, climbing down by her side, realized with dismay this commune with nature spell was another of those with a 10-minute-long casting time. Doing his best to reel in his impatience, he kept his magical glaive at the ready and his eyes on the terrain all around him as well as the sky above, making sure no draconic shapes came into view while the ranger was immersed in her spellcasting.

Many minutes later, Finoula suddenly stopped her low chanting and turned her head to the side, as if listening intently to something only barely discernible. Binkadink, for his part, heard nothing. But then the ranger shook her head, blinked her eyes, and said simply, "Got it. Let's go." And she started up the ladder extended from the upper deck of the ship. Binkadink followed and Jinkadoodle flew the ship back to its cloud island hangar, before the trio returned to Battershield Keep via the carpet of teleportation the gnome fighter kept in his room.

"Well?" asked Gilbert upon their arrival. Finoula explained what she'd learned: Banelothlor's lair was inside a sealed cavern accessible only through a magma pool, easy access to a red dragon immune to heat and flame but a formidable obstacle to those not so endowed; the lair was but one of two layers of caverns in the side of the Hellplume Crater, the upper level being the lair of five lesser dragons; and the "lesser dragons" she'd sensed, once she focused upon them, were in fact half-red dragon lizardfolk. "More than likely, they were imbued with red dragon traits in the same manner as Queen Kaelanna was imbued with green dragon traits: this Banelothlor likely had the lizardfolk eggs hatch from inside the fragments of a red dragon eggshell." Finoula sketched out a simple diagram of the cave system she'd sensed: the upper level was a series of three main caverns side by side with two openings to the central crater along the middle and left; while the lower system was more like one big area shaped somewhat like the letter "E" on its side, the central part being a ramp leading down into magma.

"So who do we go after first, the dragon or the five lizardfolk?" asked Malrin. After some discussion, it was decided to take out the five lizardfolk first, as it would be easiest to enter the dragon's lower lair via a dimension door spell from one of the upper level caves - and that would be easier if the current inhabitants of the caves had already been dealt with.

"So, when do we go in?" asked Binkadink, eager to take on these draconic foes. The red dragonhide armor he wore was proof he'd been able to help take down a red dragon in the past and although Banelothlor was much bigger than the one he'd slain before he was eager to meet the challenge head on.

"Tomorrow," Gilbert replied. "Now we know what exactly we're up against, we prepare spells we need to take these guys down." So more waiting, Binkadink thought to himself. But while he was annoyed by the constant delays he couldn't deny having powerful spells to back up the front-line combatants was a definite boon. He ambled back to his room to take off his armor and set aside his weapons for the day; it didn't look like they'd be needed today after all.

The next day, though, all was in readiness. After some talking among themselves, Binkadink decided he'd leave Obvious behind on this mission, not wanting to expose his trusty jackalope steed to an environment where lava was a major factor. The two rangers likewise opted to leave Wrath and Grumps Junior behind but Darrien, knowing that riding a steed was a big part of Binkadink's fighting style, offered to loan him his ebony fly for the upcoming fight. "Thanks!" said the gnome, pocketing the figurine of wondrous power.

"I saw enough yesterday through the crystal ball to be able to teleport us directly to where the dragonfly ship landed," Hagan announced. He had been likewise tempted to leave his weasel familiar Wezhley behind, but having just done so when facing the invasion force from the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt, he was of no mind to make this a habit - plus, Wezhley had promised his master he'd stay in place on the half-orc's shoulder. "So gather up, and we'll be off." The group crowded around the sorcerer, he cast the teleport spell, and they stood on the mountaintop in the Clatspur Range. Off to the west they could see a plume of smoke rising lazily in the cold mountain air, as obvious a signal of the direction to the Hellplume as they could have asked for.

A draconic shape landed near the group but it was only Clauguthrax, who had headed toward the Hellplume some time earlier. The group had informed the dragon - and his half-sister, Queen Kaelanna - of what they had discovered about Banelothlor's lair and the green dragon had insisted on coming along for the kill. "I won't be able to enter the caverns with you due to my size," he said, "but I can be stationed at the rim of the crater and attack anything that gets by you, trying to escape."

"Prep spells," commanded Gilbert as the group approached the rim of the Hellplume. The rangers took the lead, Binkadink eagerly just behind them, but then Gilbert sent Mudpie ahead to reconnoiter, for the earth elemental could literally glide through the mountain rock without leaving a trail behind. And his increased size - Mudpie now stood a whopping 16 feet tall - would likely come in handy if he met up with any trouble on the way. Gilbert kept in mental contact with him over their shared empathic link.

Mudpie approached the upper caverns carved into the side of the Hellplume crater, sticking just his head through the ceiling to spy down at the areas below. Gilbert, by this time, was scrying upon his familiar through his crystal ball (confident that by focusing upon Mudpie he had little chance of alerting Banelothlor of his activities), so he could actually see the caverns - and their inhabitants - for himself. The others peered over his shoulders to see as well.

Mudpie made a leisurely ceiling "stroll" along the cavern complex, finding a total of four red-scaled lizardfolk in the various chambers, two of them much larger than normal for the lizardfolk race and sporting wings. As for the location of the fifth nobody could be sure - perhaps out hunting? But the group got a good understanding of the layout of the cavern complex, even noting the hidden second entrance that was covered by a permanent illusory wall; apparently one of the lizardfolk - or perhaps Banelothlor himself - was capable of casting illusion spells. There were also what at first looked like leather sacks or something hanging on the walls over in the sleeping area, although closer inspection showed them to have facial features - they were the skinned faces of various humans and elves. Finoula shuddered at the sight.

Darrien had prepared a commune with nature spell of his own, anticipating the need for further information once they got their first good look of the terrain in which they'd be fighting. Despite the lengthy casting time, the spell paid off in allowing the ranger to find the fifth half-dragon lizardfolk: he was almost completely submerged in the bubbling magma just outside the lair, only his eyes remaining above the surface, allowing him to act as a hidden sentry.

"Okay, Gilbert, do you want to cover the entrances with your tentacle spells?" Darrien asked the mage. "Then we can have Hagan teleport us in and they'll have no way to escape."

"Didn't prepare any Evard's black tentacles spells this morning, admitted Gilbert.

"Oh, walls of force, then?"

"Uh...no." Gilbert soon had to admit he hadn't thought about sealing up any exits from the cavern system. "You were the one who made us wait an extra day so you'd have the right spells prepared!" thundered Binkadink.

"Yeah, well...I got plenty other good spells ready!" Gilbert blustered. "Come on! Let's go in! We don't need to seal off exits - we got this!" Shrugging his shoulders, Hagan cast a teleport spell that transferred the entire group into the tunnel just past the main entrance to the lair - the one on the left, not protected by an illusory wall spell.

There was a half-dragon lizardfolk on guard duty, crouched down in the tunnel and looking out over the magma pool. Situated as he was, his back was turned to the group of heroes who had suddenly appeared in the tunnel leading to the sleeping cave. Before Vornak Bloodscale could even register their presence, Darrien shot a cluster of arrows into his broad back. The half-dragon spun about in shock and surprise, only to have another pair of arrows come flying his way in rapid succession, this pair shot by Malrin, who had prepared plenty of healing spells that morning and thus was rather low on attack spells.

From the back cavern, Virmillius Fireblood heard signs of combat coming from the front and shook his head in resignation; despite Banelothlor's assurances that the kingdom of Kordovia had bowed before his might, the lizardfolk sorcerer had been half expecting some sort of pre-emptive strike. He cast a protection from cold spell upon himself, realizing it was the most likely avenue of attack by any spellcasters the group of intruders might have, and reached for an ornate flask he had stored in the back of his arcane cavern.

Alerted by Vornak's cries of pain, Yompok the Face-Saver rose up from magma, ran up to the sleeping caves - and right into the slashing blade of Binkadink's magical glaive as he approached around a corner. But from the next cavern over Djop sprinted up, his kama in hand and ready to strike. There was a silver-haired elf before him; she was as good a target as any. Djop swung his kama in a lateral strike that only grazed the elf, but then Finoula retaliated with a strike of her own, Tahlmalaera drawing blood as its blade cut a line of pain across the lizardfolk monk's chest.

But Djop hadn't been the only lizardfolk in the combat cave. Grandalvass lumbered up, his massive greataxe in hand, the weapon as proportionally large as the towering half-dragon. His wings flapped in excitement, although the low ceiling prevented the massive monster from becoming airborne.

Binkadink carried on with his attacks against Vornak Bloodscale, his initial hit having been a reflexive maneuver when he caught the lizardfolk's form rounding the corner from the entry tunnel. His glaive cut deep, causing a flow of blood to intermingle with the half-dragon's already-red scales. With a roar of pain, Vornak charged the gnome, but Binkadink's combat training allowed him to stab at the lizardfolk with his glaive again as he crossed the distance between them.

Gilbert, in the meantime, cast a waves of exhaustion spell at both Djop and Grandalvass, maneuvering to ensure he didn't also catch Finoula in the spell's area of effect. Both lizardfolk were affected - and neither of them appreciated the lowered effectiveness of their combat prowess the spell brought their way.

A sudden crash directly behind Djop alerted the monk - too late to dodge out of the way - that Mudpie had dropped from the ceiling. He brought a massive fist crashing down upon the lizardfolk, momentarily staggering the monk by the power of the blow. Hagan cast a polar ray - in so doing using the exact attack stratagem Virmillius had anticipated - directly at Grandalvass, striking the hulking fighter in his massive chest. But despite it having been anticipated by the half-dragon sorcerer, Virmillius hadn't had time to protect any but himself from cold-based attacks and the polar ray caused Grandalvass a considerable amount of pain. With a roar of outrage, the fighter determined he'd make that scrawny little half-orc pay with his life!

Darrien pumped another tight grouping of arrows into Vornak's skull, slaying him instantly. Malrin found a new target in Yompok, sending an arrow or two his way now that her initial target had been taken out of the picture.

"Arise and assist!" commanded Virmillius, rubbing the metal flask he'd grabbed. Immediately, a stream of reddish mist escaped from the flask's opening, expanding and coalescing into a demonic-looking figure. "I obey, Master!" the efreet replied, following the towering, winged sorcerer out of the arcane cave and over toward the combat cave, from where the sounds of battle were coming. As he followed his erstwhile master, the efreet faded from view, casting an invisibility spell upon himself. He might be forced into servitude but nothing said he couldn't look after his own best interests while doing so.

Binkadink was the closest target to Yompok the Face-Saver, so he swung his halberd in the gnome's direction. The longer reach of the little gnome's weapon might have helped spell Vornak's doom but Yompok's halberd was just as long as Binkadink's glaive, so he'd be afforded no such advantage! Thus reassured, the lizardfolk fighter moved in to attack. But his confidence was false, for Binkadink quickly proved to be the better combatant, cutting down the Face-Saver with the blade of his glaive in a few short but effective strokes.

Djop swung again at Finoula with his kama, hoping to take out the silver-haired elf before he was slain. Fleeing to save himself never once crossed his mind; Banelothlor had raised his troop of five half-dragons to be unswervingly loyal and they'd each rather die in his defense than retreat. That way led to death in any case, at the hands of the red dragon - guaranteed to be a much more painful death than the swift release in combat against these intruders.

Finoula lifted a hand to the amulet she wore around her neck and with a mental command her body discorporated, transformed into a blast of lightning and coursing through the scaled forms of Djop and Grandalvass. She reappeared behind the hulking fighter, unaware that Virmillius was now approaching from behind her, as was his invisible efreet servant. Grandalvass, in the meantime, unleashed the blast of fiery breath he'd been preparing, sending a cone of flames engulfing Binkadink, Hagan and Wezhley, Gilbert, Mudpie, and Malrin; it would have gotten Finoula as well had she not escaped in lightning-form just a moment before.

Gilbert cast a shapechange spell and immediately shifted form - into that of a pit fiend, guaranteeing the wizard would have no further concerns about fire-based attacks during this battle. He then rapidly cast a chain lightning spell upon both Djop and Grandalvass, seeing how badly they'd been affected by Finoula's pass through them in lightning-bolt form. No sooner had the electrical assault finished than Mudpie stepped up, slamming a granite-hard fist into Djop, causing him to stagger and sway on his feet. Malrin and Darrien finished off the heavily-wounded monk, peppering him with arrows.

Hagan cast a polar ray at the massive lizardfolk he could see approaching from behind Finoula, but Virmillious's protective spell against cold effects helped mitigate the damage he took from the spell. He stepped to the side and cast a chain lightning spell of his own, testing to see whether Finoula could handle incoming electrical attacks as well as she could dish them out; an arc from the spell struck the pit fiend standing deeper in the cavern network. And while Finoula was still reeling from the spell assault, a fist suddenly materialized - or so it seemed - directly into her face as the unseen efreet popped back into view, his invisibility spell broken by his sudden attack.

Almost instinctively, Finoula used another daily charge from her amulet and blasted through the efreet as a bolt of living lightning, putting her back over by Gilbert at the end of her arc. Gilbert, in the meantime, was under attack by Grandalvass, the half-dragon's sharp greataxe swinging at the wizard's fiendish form. Binkadink raced up and brought his glaive to bear against Grandalvass, the weapon's greater reach coming in handy against a foe of this size. Surprisingly, the "pit fiend" took a step back out of combat and cast a vampiric touch spell through a quickened spectral hand, slaying a startled Grandalvass who had been looking forward to going toe-to-toe against a pit fiend, allegedly one of the more powerful denizens of the Lower Planes.

Mudpie shifted targets to Virmillius, swinging at the sorcerer with his fists. Hagan cast another chain lightning spell - it was a very popular choice this battle, it seemed - striking Virmillius and his efreet minion and slaying the latter. The loss of his wish-granting slave seemed to cause the lizardfolk sorcerer more pain than if he'd taken the additional damage himself. He turned to face Hagan, eager to make the half-orc pay for his effrontery - and then was taken out in a way he never could have anticipated: Gilbert, towering over the others in his pit fiend form, grabbed up Binkadink and threw him across the chamber. The gnome held his glaive out straight before him and yelled in glee as he became a living missile, the blade of his weapon piercing straight through the scale-covered body of the half-dragon sorcerer nearly four times his own size.

Virmillious was the last of the enemies to fall; Malrin quickly cast a mass cure light wounds spell on all but Finoula, who had already chugged down a healing potion to close up her own wounds. Fortunately, much of the lizardfolks' damage had been absorbed by the stoneskin spells covering most of the heroes, applied by Hagan and Gilbert before they had teleported into the caverns in the first place.

"Dragon down in lower cavern," Gilbert told his trusty familiar. "Peek down there, but be careful: don't want you dipping into lava by mistake!" The earth elemental sank slowly into the floor of the central cavern, his senses alert for the sudden change in temperature indicating the imminent arrival into a magma pool. Gilbert, in the meantime, scried upon him via his crystal ball. The lower caverns were much simpler in shape: a central area, where Banelothlor lay sleeping, which had a natural ramp of sorts leading down into a pool of magma, no doubt the dragon's entry and exit point; a vast treasure cavern to the west, the floor covered with coins, gems, and various other treasures; and a smaller cave section of its own to the east littered with the bones of prior meals. Upon getting the nod of approval from Gilbert, Hagan cast a teleport spell that sent the group to the treasure cave.

Darrien began the combat by firing no less than five arrows at the dragon's sleeping bulk in rapid succession; the attack managed to bring Banelothlor to full alertness but didn't seem to inflict any great harm on him, despite the Arachnibow's ability to infuse its arrows with cold energy. Malrin sent a flurry of arrows at the dragon as well, but hers didn't even have the cold enhancement that Darrien's did. As Banelothlor got to his feet and turned to face the heroes, he found Finoula running up to face him, Tahlmalaera glancing off the scales of his foreleg without piercing his skin at all. This was a non-fortuitous start to combat for the Kordovian heroes!

Binkadink managed to tip the scales a bit in their favor when his magical glaive pierced through the dragon's scales to bring a line of blood trickling from his leg. But Banelothlor hardly even noticed either the gash or the pain it had caused; his focus was on the pit fiend accompanying the interlopers intruding into his lair. This was by far the most powerful of his current opponents, the dragon realized, so he brought his full fury against the red-skinned devil. However, despite the sharpness of the dragon's claws and teeth and the immense power behind his attacks, very little of the potential damage made it past Gilbert's inherent toughness in pit fiend form or his stoneskin spell still in effect.

With the dragon this close before him, Gilbert decided to lean into his pit fiend nature and try to bite him - after all, pit fiends had impressive fangs and tusks capable of spreading both venom and disease; he might as well put them to the test. Sadly, this particular test met with failure, as the wizard's bite failed to penetrate through the dragon's thick neck scales.

Banelothlor's lungs filled up with air, an obvious precursor to spewing out a sheet of flames. Mudpie quickly sank into the stone floor, careful not to go too deep and hit the pool of magma leading into the cave. The others quickly tried taking the dragon down, Darrien with more of his ineffective arrows; Hagan with a polar ray spell that inflicted a great amount of damage to the fiery dragon; Finoula with the last daily use of her amulet of lightning, allowing her to blast her way through Banelothlor's bulk and end up behind him, out of the zone of attack from his breath weapon. Malrin didn't even bother attacking, realizing her arrows were all but useless against the red dragon; she wisely scooted around a corner of the treasure cave where she was shielded from the dragon's wrath by a stone wall.

Binkadink, standing directly before Banelothlor, got in a couple of powerful strikes with his glaive before being engulfed in flames; fortunately, the magic of the red dragonhide armor he wore (armor, he realized, guaranteed to infuriate the red dragon he was fighting) absorbed some but not all of the burning damage. The others took quite a bit of damage from the flames - Hagan, Wezhley, and Darrien, at least, for while Gilbert was in the path of the blast his pit fiend form shielded him from all harm from fire.

And then Gilbert cast what he thought of as his "spoilsport" spell: an Otto's irresistible dance which, if it overcame a creature's natural resistance to spells, caused it to dance about like a fool, incapable of doing anything else. Hoping he'd get past Banelothlor's natural defenses against attack spells, the wizard whooped in delight as he saw the dragon begin to caper about, a look of complete puzzlement on his draconic face, replaced almost immediately by blazing anger.

Seeing the dragon would be unable to do anything else but dance for a bit, Malrin stepped back around the corner into Banelothlor's range of vision, and slowly, deliberately, unfolded the bag of holding from her belt. Then, dropping to her knees, she started scooping up the dragon's treasure and dropping it into her extradimensional bag.

It had the effect the druid had hoped for. "NOOOOOOO!" howled Banelothlor, as he could no nothing to stop the nimble elf from stealing his treasures right in front of him. It's doubtful he even noticed when Mudpie rose up from the stone floor directly beneath the dancing dragon to punch him in the gut with a rock-hard fist. But Banelothlor had already been metaphorically gut-punched by the blatant theft of his precious hoard while powerless to stop it.

Hagan cast another polar ray spell at the red dragon, coating his red scales with white frost. Darrien continued to shoot his arrows; they did little - if any - damage but the ranger was determined to try to get one of them to pierce one of the dragon's eyes. Finoula brought her sword down at the dragon's tail, slicing a gash between his thick scales. Binkadink continued striking the dragon with his glaive, each hit piercing deep into his flesh and drawing fresh blood. But none of the heroes was hurting Banelothlor as much as was Malrin, who now made an exaggerated show of picking up a valuable gem, cooing over its beauty, and then dropping it into the opening of her bag of holding. Banelothlor roared in impotent fury, still dancing along.

Finally, almost out of sheer pity, Gilbert slew the dancing dragon with a maximized cone of cold spell he'd been saving for an emergency. "Guess Kordovia stick with Clauguthrax," the "pit fiend" informed Banelothlor as the red dragon died, his scales covered in ice. Finally, in death, his body stopped the ridiculous prancing about he'd been forced to endure and he toppled over on his side.

"How that treasure looking?" asked Gilbert, reverting back to his human form now that there was no need for the combat capabilities of a pit fiend.

"Massive!" announced Malrin. "Castillan's going to freak that he's missing out on another big payday!" She passed the bag of holding over to Finoula and let her fellow elf take over the treasure-gathering operation while the druid cast healing spells on those who had been burned by the dragon's gout of flame. She started with Wezhley, whose fur hand been badly singed and the flesh beneath it burned to a back crust. "That's why I want to keep you behind sometimes," explained Hagan to his familiar as Malrin's healing spells caused his burnt skin to return to its normal color and his fur to thicken back to a lustrous brown. Feeling much better, Wezhley cuddled up against the half-orc's neck while Hagan took his turn to be healed by the druid's spells.

"Finally remembered to use shapechange spell to actually change shape," muttered Gilbert. He'd only cast the spell upon him once before and then forgotten to use it once it was active.

"And you put it to good use," Binkadink added. "We'll have to remember that maneuver where you fling me at an enemy: that was fun!"

- - -

I went rather heavy on the treasure for this adventure, even by Gargantuan red dragon standards, in part to make up for the total lack of treasure from the previous adventure. (I don't always ensure there's treasure in every adventure, as sometimes it wouldn't make sense for there to be a level-appropriate amount of treasure hanging around. But I do try to make sure it evens out over the long run.)

And Malrin leveled up to 13th at the end of this adventure. It's getting such that Logan runs her as a matter of course, rather than pass her around among the players from one adventure to the next (like we did with Ingebold). It makes sense, given he's the only player at the table who isn't otherwise preoccupied with choosing spells for their own primary character. (Well, other than Harry, but he's already running a spellcaster.)

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T-shirt worn: Had this adventure taken place on a game session by itself, I'd have no doubt worn my green dragon shirt to represent Clauguthrax. But since we played this on the same day as "Salt in the Wounds" I was still wearing my white "Walking Dead" T-shirt.
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