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The Kordovian Adventurers Guild


Thanks, [MENTION=87576]Scrivener of Doom[/MENTION]! As you can see, the time between updates can stretch out fairly long, depending upon how much time passes between gaming sessions. (In theory, we try to play every other Saturday; in practice, it seldom turns out that way.)

And if you're up for another Story Hour or two, you can check out "The Adventures of Baabby and Sam" and "The Durnhill Conscripts." Both are DMed by my son Logan, but that just means I get to be a player for a change. The first one's based on the Skylanders console games (and is already complete) but the second is straight D&D 3.5 with the same group of players as "Wing Three" and "The Kordovian Adventurers Guild" with the exception of Jacob (who's away at college on the Wednesday nights we play.)

Anyway, thanks for the kind words! Our next session in this campaign is on the 26th, so expect a write-up in the week that follows. (The PCs will be returning to Kozakura to rescue that second merchant vessel.)


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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 13
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 13
Darrien, half-elf ranger 13
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 13
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 13
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 13​

NPC Roster:
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 12 (Moradin)
Jinkadoodle Dundernoggin, gnome illusionist 5​

Game Session Date: 27 January 2018

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It had been months since the members of the Kordovian Adventurers Guild had returned from the island nation of Kozakura. Since that time, Ingebold Battershield had started every morning by dutifully casting a scrying spell, focusing upon the end of a wooden dock jutting out into the cold sea. Day after day, the dock had been empty; today, however, there were three flat stones laid upon the top of one of the wooden posts holding up the pier, placed to form an equilateral triangle. That was the signal they had arranged with Drake, the shapeshifting hengeyokai they had befriended in Kozakura - his way of letting them know he had found the missing merchant ship, the Flying Dolphin.

"Guys!" cried Ingebold, afraid to leave her room, for it would mean cutting off her spell - and it had taken an hour of preparation to cast, just it had done each morning. Fortunately, Finoula's room was directly above her Battle-Sister's and she scampered down the stairs to see what was up.

"A triangle 'f stones - just like Drake said!" the dwarven cleric enthused, pointing to the image in the font of holy water in the shrine to Moradin along one wall of her bedroom.

"Can you see the Flying Dolphin?" asked Finoula. Ingebold pulled back the scrying sensor, revealing the entire dock and the area surrounding it. The missing cargo ship was nowhere to be seen.

"Try focusing on Drake!" suggested the ranger, as Castillan entered the room and stood behind her, peeking over her shoulder.

After a moment's concentration, the dwarven cleric replied, "Got 'im! 'E's a wee duck!" Sure enough, an image of the hengeyokai in his green-headed duck form filled the center of the font. In this state, he was virtually indistinguishable from a normal duck.

"Pull the sensor back!" suggested Castillan. "Let's see where he is!" Ingebold did as suggested but the image became suddenly blurry and indistinct - all but the drake hengeyokai, who could be seen just fine. But all around him was a blur. "Is there something wrong with the spell?" the bounder asked.

"Nothin'," insisted Ingebold. "Th' spell's workin' just fine."

"I'll go get Gilbert," said Castillan, bounding off to fetch their heavyset mage. In the meantime, Ingebold pulled the scrying sensor even further back, high enough to look down at a blurry shape traveling across the ocean. Just ahead, there was an island coming into view. When Gilbert arrived into Ingebold's room, he had Castillan go fetch Jinkadoodle, the gnome illusionist they used to pilot their spelljamming vessel. For weeks now, he'd been flying all over the globe with Zalian Darisath, an elven scholar from the castle. Zalian had been determinedly mapping the continents of the world from a point of view few mortals were ever granted: straight down from orbit around the planet. In the meantime, Gilbert opened his Omnibook and made a quick sketch of the outline of the island to which the blurry blob - no doubt the missing merchant vessel, somehow masked from scrying attempts - was heading.

"What are we waiting for?" asked Darrien. "Let's go teleport to the ship!"

"Can't see enough of ship to teleport there," dismissed Gilbert.

"Well, the island, then," suggested the half-elf ranger.

"No rush," admonished Gilbert. "Ship missing for months - it wait a little longer." When Jinkadoodle couldn't identify the island from the scrying image or Gilbert's notes, the group headed over to the castle and to the elf scholar whose maps were now state-of-the-art. Having assumed the island was likely somewhere in the vicinity of Kozakura, the elf quickly located it in his hand-drawn collection. "That's it," Zalian determined. "Kikimamoru Island."

"Let's go!" enthused Castillan.

"We not teleporting to unknown island," argued Gilbert. "We take dragonfly ship, look things over. It only take a couple hours - merchant ship can wait that long." Indeed, it was only the matter of about a two-hour flight for the gnome to pilot the dragonfly vessel to Kikimamoru Island; in a matter of a few short months, Jinkadoodle had gone from a prank-focused potionmaker to the premiere spelljamming pilot on the planet and one of the most knowledgeable people on Oerth about the locations of the world's continents and islands.

Upon approaching the island, they could see the Flying Dolphin anchored in a bay before the small bit of land rising up from the sea. Jinkadoodle maneuvered the dragonfly vessel behind the merchant ship. Castillan and Finoula, elves both, stood on top of their flying vessel and peered down at the ship that had been missing all these months. There were strange markings all over the ship, covering every visible surface. "What are those?" asked the bounder.

"They glyphs," answered Gilbert, who had stepped up behind them and was squinting into the wind to make out the markings. "They shield ship from scrying. That why we only see fuzzy blob when we scry on Drake, and why Rale's wizard chick unable to find missing ship all this time."

"What's the crew doing?" asked Finoula. They seemed to be kneeling in rows along the middle of the ship, for the most part motionless.

"I think we go find out. Bink! Go get teleport carpet from downstairs!" The little gnome raced off to comply, returning not only with the requested carpet rolled up under his arm but also his jackalope, Obvious, in tow. Behind him came Hagan the half-orc sorcerer with his weasel familiar in his accustomed place on the spellcaster's shoulder.

Gilbert outlined his plan, which involved teleporting the ship's crew via the carpet into the hidden lower hold of the dragonfly vessel. Fearing they might have been dominated by the vampiric Emperor Torazoku, Gilbert had Ingebold cast a magic circle against evil spell centered upon herself, and then did likewise. The dwarven cleric then went down to the extradimensional hold to await the arrival of the crewmen; Finoula sent Wrath to go with her Battle-Sister and Gilbert likewise had Mudpie accompany them after he had cast a shared mage armor spell upon both him and his familiar. The heavyset mage then cast a Rary's telepathic bond spell on the men, citing his inability to cover everyone and his assumption that Ingebold could use her magic amulet to communicate with Finoula. Binkadink opted to drink down a potion of delay poison, playing a hunch that it might come in handy.

"Okay then, Hagan, you're up!" the gnome fighter announced, jumping onto the back of his jackalope while keeping the rolled-up carpet tucked under one arm. Gilbert crawled into position behind the gnome, and then Hagan cast a fly spell on Obvious. "Off we go!" whooped Binkadink, explaining the plan to his jackalope mount in the language they shared. Obvious leaped off the edge of the dragonfly vessel's roof and took to the skies, flying over towards the Flying Dolphin.

"Big jump!" Obvious called in the language of burrowing mammals, clearly enthused. "Big-big-big jump!"

Unfortunately, the jackalope then grunted in pain. "What's the matter?" asked Binkadink in concern.

"Shoulder," replied Obvious. "Hurts." Neither the jackalope nor his riders had noticed it, but there was a narrow blowgun dart sticking out just above the antlered rabbit's left front leg.

Castillan, in the meantime, raced across the top of the dragonfly ship, to include over the "head" of the vessel (through which Jinkadoodle could see him through the twin "eye" windows at the helm), and spanned the gap between their spelljamming vessel and the merchant ship ahead and below. He landed softly by Drake, still in his inoffensive duck form. "Who else is on board?" the bounder asked Drake, forgetting two things: that Drake only spoke the Kozakuran language (although he could understand a spattering of the Common tongue used on the other side of the world); and that in his duck form he was limited to only the quacks of normal ducks.

However, despite the language barrier and the inability to speak, Drake flung both wings up and used them to point at either end of the back mast; specifically, the cross-beam from which hung the main sail. Looking up at the sail, Castillan spotted a pair of black-clad forms covered head to toe. <We've got ninjas!> he called to the others over the telepathic link as one of the guardians on the ship shot at him with his blowgun, missing by less than an inch. The other targeted Obvious again, hoping to sap his strength even more, but Binkadink, forewarned, pulled his mount out of harm's way at the last possible moment.

Finoula spotted the ninja that had shot at Castillan. She ran to the edge of the dragonfly's edge but, realizing she was no bounder, opted to wait for Jinkadoodle to bring the ship closer to the merchant vessel before committing herself to a leap across the span. After all, a miss meant a plunge into the cold sea below. But Darrien raced up alongside her and he shot at the ninja with an arrow from his Arachnibow, getting in a clear hit.

Obvious altered his flight path to swing right by the ninja who had shot at him twice now, allowing Binkadink to skewer the assassin with his glaive as they passed by in midair. The jackalope then nimbly landed on the back deck, over by Castillan and Drake. But Castillan wasn't there for long; with his bounder training, he ran straight up the main mast and across the rigging, chasing down the remaining ninja. He snapped his fingers upon reaching the beam and stabbed at the ninja, scoring a hit with his short sword. And then Hagan cast a lightning bolt from the dragonfly vessel that finished the second ninja off. He fell silently over the edge of the crossbeam, his smoking corpse plummeting into the ocean waters.

As Jinkadoodle piloted the dragonfly ship to directly above the back of the Flying Dolphin, Finoula, Darrien, and Hagan dropped onto the merchant ship to join the others. Oddly, during the entire fight with the two ninja, none of the crew had moved - they still kneeled facing the front of the ship, as if transfixed in place.

"Come on!" Gilbert called to them. "We here to rescue you!" None of them moved in the slightest, until Gilbert approached closer. As soon as he got within ten feet of the closest crewman - engulfing him in the area of effect of his still-active magic circle against evil spell - the transfix spell which had sapped the man's will was temporarily abated. He was able to explain that a female spellcaster had left the ship with Captain Mandretti, using the rowboat to get to the island. As the crewman told his tale, Gilbert was amazed to see he was marked with the same types of anti-scrying glyphs covering the ship - only these had been permanently tattooed into his skin. Further examination showed all of the crewmen had been similarly tattooed.

By walking among them, temporarily negating the transfix spell, and then walking them back out of the area of effect of the spell so they could get to the carpet on their own, Gilbert managed to get the entire crew to safety. They were given the command word and once inside the ship's lower level, Ingebold took them to the galley and let them help themselves to food and drink. "We're gonna get yer captain back for ye," she promised them, then used the teleport glyph carved in the floor of one of the bedrooms to transfer herself over to the unrolled carpet on the Flying Dolphin.

By that time, seeing it was safe to do so, Drake had assumed his hybrid form - that of a man with the head and supple neck of a duck. In this form he could speak, and since Gilbert had learned the Kozakuran language from his mother communication was no longer a problem. "The wu jen's name is Narata," he explained to the mage. "She works for the Emperor. She was under direct orders to have this vessel come out to this particular island, but I don't know why."

"We find out," Gilbert promised. He gave Drake the command word to the carpet and invited him to go eat with the crew.

"So now what?" asked Darrien.

"Back on board dragonfly ship," Gilbert commanded. "We have Jinkadoodle fly us to island, we pick up trail there." After dropping the heroes and their assorted familiars and animals onto the shore by the Flying Dolphin's empty, beached rowboat, the gnome piloted the dragonfly ship straight up, where he could keep an eye out for giant monsters. He'd heard tales of reptiles and insects of ridiculous sizes living in this part of the world, and while it may well have been nothing more than fairy tales he wasn't willing to take any chances.

"Two sets of tracks," observed Darrien, looking at the sand beside the rowboat. "A man and a woman, by the looks of it." The tracks headed to a sea cave, with an opening some thirty feet wide and nearly as tall. A ledge along the right side sat along the right side of the interior cave wall, rising in elevation as it went deeper into the cavern. In the back of the cave, the ledge turned into a natural stone bridge crossing the span to the other side of the cave; the open space below the bridge was covered by a thick mist sitting upon the surface of the ocean, which filled the cave. There was no telling how deep the water might be back there, or how much further into the island interior the cave system might reach.

Castillan was the first onto the ledge. "Seems sturdy enough," he reported back to the others. He was followed by Finoula and Wrath, then Hagan and Wezhley, and finally Ingebold and Gilbert bringing up the rear. Binkadink opted to remain on Obvious, whose fly spell was still active, and Darrien pulled out his ebony fly and activated it. The fly was the speedier of the two flying mounts, and thus Darrien reached the stone bridge before the others. But while Castillan was only about halfway to the stone bridge, a disturbance in the water attracted his attention. Three lithe shapes rose up from the water and shot darts from blowguns; the bounder barely had time to recognize them as mermaids as he dodged a sharp quill before the aquatic trio had fallen back underneath the water. Finoula and Hagan had also been shot at, but neither had been hit.

"They ningyo!" explained Gilbert, recalling tales of these Eastern mermaids from his mother's stories when he was little; as explanations went, it didn't do much for the others. But anticipating another above-water attack, Ingebold readied the words to a spiritual weapon spell and Gilbert prepared to fire off an Evard's black tentacles spell. Hagan got ready for one of his perennial favorites, chain lightning. The ningyo were in for a surprise when they resurfaced!

Binkadink had Obvious fly along the leftmost edge of the cavern, fearing to be caught up in any of the spells their casters were ready to throw at the mermaids. Sure enough, in a moment three ningyo leaped up out of the water to shoot quills at the intruders - this time it was Darrien, Castillan, and Finoula who were targeted - and one was promptly hit in the face by a force effect shaped like a dwarven warhammer; all three were grabbed around the waist and wrists by a mass of black tentacles that rose up from the seawater; and a blast of lightning fried all three ningyo, slaying two of them outright and leaving the third barely clinging on to life.

Obvious dropped onto the stone bridge, eager to watch the excitement and not understanding that he could simply hover in place to do so. However, from a hidden recess at the far side of the bridge stepped a strange creature: no bigger than a gnome, it had a turtle's shell on its back and reptilian skin, but an indentation in the top of its skull, filled with water. The kappa barked out a question in its native tongue, leaving Binkadink and Obvious at odds about what it was trying to say. But it dropped into a defensive stance, so the gnome assumed it wanted a fight - and he was happy to oblige. Binkadink slashed out with his glaive, carving a deep groove into the kappa's natural armor plating. Then Obvious leaped forward, catching the creature between its teeth and shaking him like a rag doll. This caused the water to spill from the kappa's indentation on the top of his head, a process which weakened the guardian significantly. Obvious dropped his prey to the stone bridge and pinned him with his front paws, and the kappa no longer had the necessary strength to wrest himself free.

One of the ningyo managed to free herself from the rubbery, black tentacles encompassing her, and she dropped back to the sea water below her, thinking she was now free. No such luck, however; the spiritual hammer was still locked onto her, and it plunged below the surface of the water to continue its attacks. One solid blow to the temple and she was no longer among the living, her body sinking slowly to the floor of the sea cave.

However, three more ningyo popped back up above the surface, shooting darts at Ingebold and Gilbert while staying well outside the radius of the Evard's black tentacles spell. This momentarily surprised the spellcasters, until Gilbert realized there were six ningyo attacking them; three would pop up at a time while the other three were fetching new ammunition from the sea urchins living among them on the bottom of the sea cave. Fortunately, none of the urchin spines found their mark this time, and the ningyo splashed back down into the water.

Binkadink dismounted from Obvious, instructing his mount to keep the kappa pinned. Darrien, in the meantime, flew back to the cave beyond the stone bridge to check it out. Finoula slipped past the gnome, his mount, and their prisoner to advance along the rear part of the ledge. Castillan did likewise, but he did so by activating his magic ring and casting a dimension door spell upon himself that sent him to the far end of the ledge. The last 20 feet or so was twice as wide as the rest of the ledge, and the back wall was carved in the shape of two round fish staring at each other. Each fish was about 10 feet high and obviously the work of a talented sculptor. Castillan's elven senses were keeping him focused on the fish carvings; instinctively, he felt there was a secret way to pass beyond the fish into a chamber beyond.

Unfortunately, that kept his attention away from the sea waters in the cave below him, where a massive dragon shaped like an enormous sea turtle rose to the surface. The lung wang expelled a massive breath filled with scalding steam, catching both Castillan and Finoula in its area of effect. A sudden fear filled those two adventurers as well as Darrien, who had seen the attack but not been one of its targets; Hagan likewise was close enough to have seen the attack, but the dragon's frightful presence had no effect on the strong-willed sorcerer.

Gilbert was too far back along the ledge to have seen the lung wang, but he had seen Obvious pin the kappa and called over the telepathic link to Binkadink to prevent the gnome from allowing the jackalope to kill his prey. Binkadink relayed the message to Obvious, then passed a healing potion to Finoula, who had staggered back toward him after being scalded by the lung wang's breath. She greedily drank down the vial's contents, but it was another "Winkidew special," having been created by taking shortcuts. While the potion did cure her of the majority of her wounds, it did so by causing them to scab over. In an instant, Finoula's visible skin was covered in itchy, peeling scabs. "Sorry about that," Binkadink offered. "Probably best to just let the magic run its course." The ranger used all her willpower to avoid picking at the scabs, instead focusing her attention back down to the lung wang.

Gilbert approached the pinned kappa. "Why you attack us?" he demanded in the Kozakuran language - which he spoke no better than his pidgin Common.

"I did not," answered the kappa. "I asked the rabbit-rider his intentions, and he attacked me."

"This all a mistake," Gilbert explained. "We just here to rescue captured friend. He a ship captain, his capturer a wu jen woman. They come by this way?"

"There has been nobody by that description. The only recent visitors we've had - besides yourselves - are the two celestial beings who passed by half an hour or so ago, on the way to see The Keeper."

Gilbert called out over the telepathic link: <Everybody back off! We done fighting here! These not our enemies!> He then repeated his message aloud for the benefit of Ingebold and Finoula, who weren't in the link.

Castillan, who had picked up the Draconic language, tried calling down to the lung wang before he used his breath weapon again - the bounder doubted he'd survive another such blast. "We come in peace!" he said. "We have no wish to fight!" The lung wang made no response that the bounder could hear, but neither did he continue his attack. Castillan took that as a good sign.

And then two humanoid figures levitated up out of the mists of the sea below them. Each was covered in scales like a fish, despite having a humanoid build. Further, each wore a necklace of shells around his neck. They rose up and hovered in the air, one before Castillan and one before Finoula, then began casting spells in unison. They pivoted in midair, facing the others further back down the ledge, nodded in unison, and called back the results of their detect good spells to the lung wang below them.

"You may pass," announced the lung wang in a deep voice, speaking in the Kozakuran language; Gilbert hurriedly translated. "Continue on your path to the Keeper; you may pass without further violence." Then the lung wang submerged, and his two levitating hai nu shugenja did likewise, dropping down into the mist-covered waters. Upon Binkadink's signal, Obvious released his pressure on the pinned kappa's chest, and the small sentinel rolled over to fall back over the side of the stone bridge, into the waters of the first sea pool, with the ningyo. As he dismissed his Evard's black tentacles spell, Gilbert realized the kappa was simply replenishing his "water pool" in the depression at the top of his skull, and would likely resume his guardian spot at the end of the stone bridge soon thereafter.

By that time, however, the adventurers had all grouped together at the wider ledge in front of the stone fish carvings. Obvious, Wrath, and Grumps Junior had been sent back to the beach to await their arrival. Gilbert took the time to explain what the kappa had told him about the two celestial visitors, while Ingebold tended to Castillan's burns and Finoula resisted the urge to scratch off all of her scabs. Within a few minutes, though, they were reabsorbed back into her unblemished skin; Winkidew's shortcuts were often irritating but they seldom failed to do the job they had been meant to do.

Once healed, Castillan began examining the fish carvings. The first thing he noted were their eyes: facing each other, each fish had one eye in view, and in each case this was marked by a hole, as wide around as the thickness of the bounder's arm.

"Maybe you like to know what the legend says," suggested Gilbert.

"What legend? There's a legend about these fish?"

"No, stupid elf! The legend written above fish!"

Castillan looked up at the fish carvings and noted the scratches carved into the stone. It looked like a bunch of straight lines going off in all different directions, many of them clumped together. "That's writing?" he asked.

"Of course that writing! That Kozakuran writing!"

"So what's it say?" asked Ingebold. Her innate stonecunning ability told her the fish were some sort of secret door and that there was a chamber beyond them; she was eager to find a way to pass beyond the carvings and deeper into the complex.

"'You will enter two narrow passageways and have to make two decisions once you've done so. Both must be right for you to proceed,'" Gilbert translated.

"There we go: two narrow passageways," observed the bounder. "That's got to be these fish eye tunnels. There's probably a lever at the back that you have to turn right. He stuck his arm into the right-hand fish's eye; Binkadink, elevated on his gnomish stilt-boots, did likewise in the leftmost fish's eye. However, both pulled their arms right back out again; Binkadink because his short little gnome arm couldn't reach all the way to the back, and Castillan because he had been stung by something when he put his hand in the narrow tunnel. Pulling it out, there was a black scorpion sitting defiantly on the back of his hand, tail raised in a ready-to-strike-again pose. The bounder contemptuously flung the arachnid over his shoulder into the waters below the ledge.

"Are ye all right?" asked Ingebold.

"Fine," replied Castillan, about to put his hand back in. Then he said "Screw it!" aloud and rummaged through his pack for his chime of opening. Striking it against the stone carvings, there was an audible "click" and the bounder pushed against the fish. They swung into an interior chamber, with a few steps leading down into a wide corridor.

Towards the end of the corridor stood two more sentries. These were Kozakuran men, each armed with what looked to be a wooden wand with a bulbous tip. They each stood beside a niche in the side of the tunnel. Upon seeing the arrival of the outsiders, they each stepped into their niche and swung their wands; these turned out to be drumsticks, used to sound the gongs hanging in the niches to announce the arrival of intruders. The alert having been made, the gong sentries set aside their drumsticks and each grabbed up a naginata, adopting a defensive posture in the corridor.

Gilbert called out to them in the Kozakuran language, letting them know they were just there to rescue their kidnapped friend, who likely passed by recently in the guise of a celestial being. "There were two winged celestials who passed by not long ago," confirmed one of the sentries. "You may pass in peace."

The group advanced past the gong sentries, into an oval chamber. At one end, an elderly man sat behind a wooden table, throwing coins onto the surface and peering at them intently. "There is disharmony in the temple," he stated aloud. "Your own disharmony will cause the previous disharmony to cease." He nodded at them to pass by in peace; at the other end of the oval chamber there was a circular set of stairs spiraling down to a lower level. The group went down them in single file.

The next room was the Hall of the Honored Dead: 18 stone coffins in two rows, with a central path down the center of the room. The fact that these were coffins had Darrien concerned that these might house the Emperor's vampire servants, but Gilbert read the Kozakuran script above each coffin and put the ranger's fears to rest. "These people who helped build this area," he explained.

Just ahead, the next room was filled with the scent of burning incense. Binkadink and Gilbert, in the lead, saw an avoral - a hawk-headed, winged celestial - at the far end of the room, about to exit. "Hey!" Gilbert yelled to get the avoral's attention, while Binkadink concentrated as hard as he could to disbelieve what he assumed was an illusion of some sort. It worked; hidden behind the appearance of the avoral was the humanoid's true form, that of one Captain Mandretti - although his skin was covered in the same anti-scrying tattoos as his men wore. "Captain!" called out Binkadink, causing the man to look briefly in his direction, then return his gaze to the exit door and stumble forward as if in a daze.

Behind them, the others came into the room of incense. As Finoula entered, her elven ears picked up the quiet sounds of spellcasting and pinpointed it to somewhere in the back of the room. "Female spellcaster in the back of the room!" she called out to the others, hoping someone could target their unseen foe.

"Anybody got a means of dispelling an invisibility spell?" called out Castillan.

"Aye," called back Ingebold from the other end of the room, but before she could move forward Binkadink had taken measures into his own hands. Crushing up a piece of chalk from his pack, he blew the cloud of fine particles into the back of the room, hoping to cover the invisible spellcaster's form in that method. It was a good plan, but unfortunately Narata had seen it coming and stepped to the side, avoiding the cloud of chalk dust. She silently cursed Finoula's sharp hearing, which had picked up her casting a stoneskin spell upon herself; she'd hoped her presence wouldn't have been suspected for some time yet.

Gilbert rushed forward, and as soon as he got close enough to Captain Mandretti, the heavyset mage's still-active magic circle against evil spell temporarily blocked the domination effect the sailor had been under. "What's going on?" he asked, looking around. "Where's my crew?"

"They're fine, we're here to rescue you," replied Finoula.

As memories of recent events caught up to him, Captain Mandretti called out, "Where is she? There's somebody else in here with us - she's invisible!" Narata sneered an unseen grimace at the turn of events, but then Ingebold cast an invisibility purge spell that brought her back into full focus - although in the guise of a female avoral. However, knowing about the trick, most of the heroes were able to see through the illusion and see her as she truly was: a short, dark-haired Kozakuran woman in minimal armor.

Before anyone could react, Narata grabbed Captain Mandretti and pulled him out of the room; once the captain was outside the effect of Gilbert's spell the domination effect snapped back in place and he followed the wu jen willingly. "Go!" she commanded. "Down the steps - quickly!"

Outside the incense room, there was an oddly-shaped ledge overlooking a circular room below. The circular room was split into two entwining teardrop shapes, with the further side land and the closer side water. A circular pool of water was centered in the thicker part of the land-teardrop, while a similarly-shaped circular isle of land rose up in the teardrop-shaped pool of water. A series of floating steps led down from the ledge to the small isle; Captain Mandretti stepped down them quickly, as ordered, stepping off the final one and standing on the up-thrust island of stone.

None of the heroes made the slightest move to stop him or attack Narata; they were all transfixed by the serpentine dragon standing on the teardrop-shaped stretch of land. It was sinuous like a snake but had four feet tipped with powerful-looking claws; unlike most other dragons with which the heroes were familiar, this one had no wings. It did, however, have "whiskers" in the manner of a catfish drooping down from its lengthy snout.

Following his mental orders from the wu jen - for she had her own means of feeding him messages telepathically - Captain Mandretti stood on the round isle facing the dragon and declared, ""I have come for the crown of shadows, at the behest of Emperor Torazoku, legitimate ruler of Kozakura!"

At the ledge at the top of the stairs, Gilbert overcame his fascination with the serpentine dragon - a pan lung, just like in his mother's bedtime tales from when he was a child - and called out, "He being controlled by evil spellcaster!" He followed this up with the words to a wall of force spell that sealed Narata in the corner of the ledge, trapped in a triangular space barely wider than her own body.

The Keeper looked down at the ship's captain standing before him on the Island of Supplication and asked, in a booming voice, "Is this true? Are you being controlled through spellcraft?"

Surprisingly, Captain Mandretti, despite his domination by Narata, looked up at the dragon without fear and simply said, "Yes." Narata gasped; her plans were falling apart before her! She had no way of knowing it, but the Island of Supplication was covered by a permanent zone of truth spell, preventing those who stood there to converse with the Keeper from speaking lies. It also allowed the pan lung to discern the alignments of any standing upon the stone; Narata had suspected that much, which is why she had covered her mental slave and herself in the guise of avorals and sent him down to do the talking, fearing the dragon would be able to discern her own evil aura if she went in his stead down upon the Island of Supplication.

The dragon looked up at the assembled heroes. "Which of you spoke the warning?" the Keeper demanded. Gilbert stepped forward.

"Climb down to the Island of Supplication," the pan lung commanded, and Gilbert instantly obeyed. Once there, the wizard explained their presence in Kozakura, how Narata had used Captain Mandretti for her own ends, and added the fact that Emperor Torazoku was an undead vampire. The dragon listened intently to Gilbert's tale, nodding as he finished.

"Release your prisoner," the Keeper demanded of Gilbert, indicating Narata, "and bring her to me."

"Actually," pointed out Gilbert, "I planning to cast Tenser's transformation spell on familiar, have him enter the triangle bounded by cave wall corners and wall of force, and have him kill her." The Keeper actually snorted aloud upon hearing this. "Your plan amuses me," he informed Gilbert. "Enact it, but do not kill her - bring her to the Island of Supplication."

Upon Gilbert's command, Mudpie slipped through the solid stone wall behind Narata, grabbing her by the wrists as his master cast the Tenser's transformation spell on his familiar and then dismissed the wall of force. Mudpie then dragged her down the floating steps. (Captain Mandretti and Gilbert had climbed back up the steps in the meantime to make room for them; the Island of Supplication wasn't big enough for more than two people at a time.)

"Why does the Emperor want the crown of shadows?" demanded the Keeper. Narata visibly squirmed under the interrogation, trying not to answer, but the zone of truth spell effect was too much for her. "He needs it, so he can appear in the daylight," she explained against her will. "Already rumors of his undead status are circulating among the populace. He wishes to 'prove' he's not a vampire by appearing in the sunlight before his people."

"The Kozakuran people do not wish to be ruled by a vampire?" asked the Keeper.

"They find the thought abhorrent," admitted Narata. "Emperor Torazoku fears they will rise up against him if they find out their fears are justified. So far he's dodged the issue by having a loyal wu jen appear in his place, covered by an illusion to make him appear to be the Emperor during the daylight hours, but the Emperor's ban against spellcasters other than those working directly for him has made people suspicious."

"And now that all of this is known to me, what do you think will happen to you?" asked the pan lung, his forked tongue flicking in and out in anticipation.

"I will likely be killed."

"You are an insightful young woman," the dragon purred, smiling.

"It won't matter," Narata offered. "If I fail to return to the Emperor with the crown of shadows, he'll simply send another force - a larger one, if necessary. And he'll keep sending bigger and more powerful forces until he gets what he wants."

"You have convinced me," replied the Keeper. Then, turning to Mudpie, he said, "You may kill her now." Mudpie, his strength greatly increased by Gilbert's spell, crushed the wicked wu jen between his stony hands. He dropped her lifeless body there upon the Island of Supplication, then stood there awaiting further orders.

Gilbert didn't give his familiar any orders, waiting to see what would happen next. And the Keeper had turned away from the earth elemental, focusing his attention on the circular pool of water on his teardrop island. Dipping his lengthy tail into the water, he brought it up after a moment. Curled in the tip of the serpentine tail was an elaborate silver crown, inlaid with moonstones. "The crown of shadows," the Keeper offered, passing it to Gilbert. "I wonder of you would be willing to take it away from here. You may either hide it or destroy it, as you see fit, but it seems as if it is too dangerous to keep here any longer."

Gilbert took the proffered silver crown from the Keeper. "I think maybe I throw it into sun," he suggested, thinking that with the dragonfly ship that was actually a distinct option.

"That may actually be a good idea," replied the Keeper, backing away to his circular pool once again. Again his tail darted into the waters; again it came back up, cradling something at its tip.

"Gilbert Fung," the pan lung intoned. "You are a half-breed and thus exempt from ever attaining the throne of Kozakura yourself. Nonetheless, you have this day done the nation of Kozakura a great service. I am certain your ancestors would be proud. To commemorate your actions, I would like you to have these." The tail stretched forward, depositing two jade statuettes into the wizard's hands. Each was a carving of a fierce-looking lion, stylized in the artistic fashion of the Eastern world. Gilbert recognized them as figurines of wondrous power.

"Their names are Hachi and Tsumezhao," the pan lung explained. Gilbert noted the names translated roughly as "Tooth" and "Claw." "They will serve you well in the days to come."

"I very honored," Gilbert said, wishing he had a better grasp of the Kozakuran language. He usually spoke in pidgin Common but that was because it made others underestimate him; his broken Kozakuran was now a source of embarrassment for him. But the dragon didn't seem to notice, continuing the conversation in the native tongue of the land.

"One final thing, Gilbert," the Keeper said. "I know the temptation must be great for you to aid your mother's country in ousting the vampire Emperor from power. For the sake of Kozakura, I would ask that you would refrain from doing so. It would be far better for Kozakura to free themselves from their undead lord, than to be rescued by powerful foreigners from another land."

"I understand," Gilbert answered, bowing down to the dragon. Then, sensing he'd been dismissed, he called Mudpie back to his side. The earth elemental climbed happily back up the floating stairs, not having liked one bit being surrounded by water on a tiny island of stone.

"What was all that about?" Darrien wanted to know. Gilbert's conversation with the pan lung dragon had been in the Kozakuran tongue, which of the heroes only Gilbert spoke.

"I tell you when we get back to ship," promised Gilbert as the heroes started making their way back the way they'd come.

Once back on the Flying Dolphin, the ship's crew were all returned from the dragonfly vessel. The merchant ship wasn't stocked for an overseas voyage, but that didn't matter; the heroes promised to leave their magic carpet on board the Flying Dolphin so the captain and crew could pop up to the dragonfly vessel and help themselves to provisions as needed during the month-long voyage back home to the Western world.

"So I figure we'll get the 4,000 pieces of gold for the return of the captain, the crew, and the ship," offered up Castillan once the dragonfly ship was back in the air. Too bad we won't get the bounty on the ship's cargo, though." The cargo had been unloaded when the Flying Dolphin last made port at the Kozakuran shore and had long since been taken elsewhere in the island nation.

"What about future trading missions?" asked Finoula.

"I imagine all trips to Kozakura on hold for now," surmised Gilbert. "At least while Emperor Vampire-Tiger in charge. Once he overthrown, I bet new government make contact with outside world again. Then Cal merchant empire swoop in, start making trading voyages again."

"I suppose you're right," Finoula admitted.

"Usually am," boasted the heavyset mage.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My "Jade Warrior" T-shirt, as it fairly accurately depicts Narata, Reiko's replacement in Emperor Torazoku's court. In addition, I also wore the new socks Dan and Vicki got me for Christmas, which feature Asian-style dragons - and which thus fairly accurately depict the pan lung dragon guarding the crown of shadows.



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 13
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 13
Darrien, half-elf ranger 13
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 13
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 13
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 13​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 3
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 12 (Moradin)​

Game Session Date: 24 February 2018

- - -

"Well, this is nice," commented Binkadink, helping himself to another buttered roll. "I have to say, Ingebold, this is probably my favorite non-healing spell you can cast."

"Aye," agreed the dwarven cleric. "An' th' heroes' feast not only provides us with good food, it also makes us immune t' poison fer th' next twelve hours or so." Gilbert, too lazy to get it himself, had his unseen servant fetch him the pitcher of chilled juice and fill up his glass.

"So what's on the agenda today, Gilbert?" asked Darrien.

"No agenda," the hefty mage answered. "We on down time today."

"Then why the feast?"

"I wanted t' try out th' spell, fer one thing," answered Ingebold. "I've nae cast it before. But I'm thinkin' this might be a normal part of each mornin', circumstances permittin'."

"I'm all for that!" belched Binkadink. At his side, Finoula scowled at the little gnome's manners and reached over for another cluster of grapes.

After that, each of the adventurers spent some time doing things their adventuring lifestyle didn't always give the time to do. Darrien wrestled in the courtyard with his dire bear cub, Grumps Junior, while next to him Finoula played tug-the-rag with her trained timber wolf, Wrath. Binkadink gave Obvious a good rubdown; Aithanar had been taking good care of the jackalope but the gnome liked spending time with his riding mount and hadn't had a whole lot of time to do so in recent months. Castillan and Aithanar sparred up on top of one of the towers of Battershield Keep, keeping their combat skills honed, although the bounder noted his younger brother had a hard time concentrating, as he kept sneaking glimpses down to the courtyard where Finoula played with her wolf. The two front tower roofs were also occupied; Gilbert and Mudpie looked out over the expanse of the Vesve Forest in the distance from atop the northeastern tower, while over on the northwestern tower Hagan had his weasel familiar Wezhley jumping up on his hind legs for treats. As for Ingebold, she was in her room, praying before her altar to Moradin the Soul-Forger. As an adventuring cleric, that was something she didn't often get to do; she made a mental note to see about assembling a miniature altar for the small room she shared with Finoula aboard the dragonfly vessel.

The sudden sound of flapping wings caused Finoula to duck and look around; it had sounded like a bat had flown right by her head. Not seeing anything, she called out to the others, "Anybody see a bat?" Those in the courtyard with her looked around but saw nothing. Then Wrath tugged the rag still in his jaws, and the ranger returned her attention to the tug-of-war with her pet wolf.

And then, with a pop of displaced air, two human figures materialized on the top of the stable roof, looking over the open courtyard of Battershield Keep. One was an older man, gray of beard and wearing a wizard's robes, with a wizened staff in one hand. Beside him stood a much younger man wearing studded leather armor and wielding a rapier. "You see him anywhere?" asked the younger man, Dardennex.

"No, but he's around here somewhere - I can feel him over the link," replied Tremayne, looking down in irritation at the adventurers below him. Darrien happened to look up and see the figures and called out, "Hey!" The others glanced over to see what he was looking at; Finoula put her hands on the weapons at her hips, leaving Wrath to win the tug-of-war uncontested, while Binkadink grabbed up the magical glaive he had leaned against the far wall of the courtyard. Castillan and Aithanar left their perch atop the southeastern tower and headed down the stairs to the courtyard below.

"Can we help you?" Finoula called up to the stable roof as the Kordovians all stopped what they were doing and stared at these trespassers. But neither of the visitors seemed bothered by the attention. "They're likely in cahoots with him," observed Tremayne. "Why else would he show up here, wherever the Hell we are?"

"Who exactly are you talking about?" called Binkadink.

Dardennex gave an appraising look at the adventurers arrayed before them. "We can take 'em," he opined.

That was all the justification the adventurers felt they needed, as the rogue had more or less stated an intention to attack them all. From the northeastern tower, Gilbert cast a haste spell on his friends in the courtyard, catching all but Hagan and himself and their two respective familiars, and Ingebold who was still in her room at the tower three levels below where Gilbert stood. Mudpie, unable to "swim" through worked stone in the way he could normal earth and rock, started heading along the battlements to the stairs at the other end of the keep.

"Let's go, Obvious!" called Binkadink, leaping onto the back of his jackalope with his glaive in hand. With no further prompting, Obvious leaped up onto the roof of the stables in a single hop - Binkadink had to grab hold of one of his antlers to keep from falling, as the mount wasn't saddled up - then spun to face the two intruders. Binkadink slapped out with his glaive, smacking the wizard in the side of the head with the flat of his weapon's blade. Tremayne staggered a bit but remained standing - although he had to lean on his staff to maintain his balance. But then he pushed past his companion (and act which earned him another smack with the gnome's weapon), backing toward the front of the keep while Dardennex kept Binkadink at bay. Unseen by the rogue, Castillan activated his ring and dimension doored into place behind him. And then Tremayne cast a chain lightning spell which blasted into Castillan and arced across to Binkadink and Obvious and down to everyone else in the courtyard.

However, Tremayne hadn't yet seen Hagan looking down from the top of the tower at his back. The half-orc sorcerer had seen him, though, and fired off a chain lightning spell of his own. His spell didn't have as many secondary arcs, but then the odds in this fight were somewhat lopsided. The blast knocked Tremayne out cold, and he toppled off the side of the roof to land in a heap on the courtyard ground.

As Darrien was standing right by the controls, he started winding up the lever that began raising the drawbridge to the keep - no sense in giving the rogue an easy exit. He also pounded on the door beside him, which led to the stairwell just outside Ingebold's room. "Ingebold!" he called. "We're fighting bad guys out here!" The cleric popped her head out of the door immediately thereafter, looking in consternation at the battle raging in the courtyard and on the stable roof. "I cannae leave ye be fer five minutes without ye gettin' into trouble!" she scolded.

Finoula had her flaming whip of thorns out and flicked it at Dardennex, who stood close enough to the roof's edge, facing down Binkadink and Obvious, to make the attack possible. She managed to hit the rogue, but was unsuccessful in her subsequent trip attack - a shame, for she had wanted to drag him off the rooftop where she could really get at him! But Castillan took advantage of the distraction, sending his sap crashing down on the back of Dardennex's head. He collapsed at once, and it was only sheer luck that prevented him from taking an unconscious dive over the edge of the roof.

Several minutes later, all of the heroes were assembled in the courtyard - all but Hagan, who was keeping watch from his tower roof, in case this was just an initial strike force. Dardennex had been stripped of his armor (including a black vest and a pair of black boots which both radiated magic, according to Ingebold) and the two intruders had both been stripped of all equipment (each had worn a magic ring), all of which was piled out of reach of the captives. Dardennex had been tied up with a length of rope, but rather than fishing about for another rope to bind Tremayne, they took the equally-effective measure of having Obvious sit on his chest. Ingebold applied cure minor wound spells to revive both captives to consciousness.

"Now, what all this about?" demanded Gilbert Fung. "Why you teleport here, cause all this trouble?"

"Damn his hide!" snarled Tremayne, still not answering directly - these two had an annoying habit of talking back and forth to each other while dismissing everyone else. "I never should have called him to service!"

"He has caused us a bit of trouble here," admitted Dardennex, struggling with his bonds to no avail. "Can you still feel him?"

"Hey, wizard!" called Gilbert, poking Tremayne in the shoulder with a chubby finger. "We talking to you here!"

"Yes," replied Tremayne, answering his cohort while still ignoring an increasingly annoyed Gilbert. "He's feeling elated - as if something he's been waiting a long time for is finally about to happen! Damn that Vandergrotten!"

"Wait--Vandergrotten?" asked Finoula. She'd heard that name before; wasn't that the wizard who had originally owned this very keep? But wasn't he long since dead?

"My quasit familiar," admitted Tremayne, finally responding to one of his captors. That filled in a lot of missing information: if Vandergrotten was a quasit, that meant he must have died and been reborn in the Abyss...and then eventually called back, many years later, to the Material Plane to serve as a familiar to an evil wizard. "They're both evil," confirmed Ingebold, casting a quick detect evil spell on their captives.

"Aithanar!" Gilbert called. "Go search inside keep--look for quasit!" The wizard had noticed Wrath, after having won his tug-of-war, had been nosing about along the ground leading to the door to the back building's entryway. A set of insectoid prints could be seen heading toward the door; it's possible the quasit - while fully invisible - had transformed from a bat into a centipede and entered the building's interior through the slight gap beneath the door.

"On it!" called the elven fighter, running to the door and into the building's interior rooms to start his search.

The ground suddenly began to shudder. Through the still-open drawbridge - for Darrien had stopped trying to raise it once he saw Dardennex had been subdued by Castillan - the group could see mounds of earth being pushed aside, as an enormous head of iron rose up from the ground. This was followed by a massive set of metal shoulders, and then a torso, until an iron golem easily 20 feet tall stood just outside Battershield Keep, clumps of moist earth falling from its metal form. In one hand it held an iron sword longer than a man was tall. "At long last!" it bellowed in a mechanical voice. "I can finally put an end to that gods-be-damned orc who's taken over the kingdom!" The heroes readied for an impending attack, but it didn't come - instead, the iron juggernaut stomped off, heading directly towards the castle in the distance.

"Crap! We got to stop it!" announced Gilbert. From the top of the northwest tower, Hagan cast a fly spell upon himself, made sure Wezhley was secure on his shoulder, and took off in pursuit.

"Wrath: Guard!" commanded Finoula, pointing at the prisoners as she took off after the mechanical humanoid. The wolf obediently returned by Dardennex's bound form and stood watch over him, exposing his fangs in case the prisoner got any ideas. Darrien likewise sent Grumps Junior to watch over the wizard as he sprinted off behind Finoula, both of them still hasted by Gilbert's spell. Castillan ran right behind them. Binkadink leaped back atop Obvious - causing a grunt of pain from Tremayne, upon whose chest the jackalope had been putting his weight - and the two bounded off. Ingebold followed, but without having been part of the group of haste recipients, she started falling behind almost immediately.

That left Gilbert and Mudpie alone with the two guard animals and the two prisoners. "Scoot!" commanded the wizard, shooing Wrath and Grumps Junior away. Then he cast a fireball spell at the two captives, not wanting to chance their escape while the heroes were away. Tremayne, having nearly been killed by Hagan's chain lightning spell and only kept alive by the minimal healing provided by Ingebold, was slain immediately. Dardennex also made a point of falling over, unmoving, after the spell's casting, but Gilbert wasn't about to be fooled; he had Mudpie approach and administer a killing blow to the man's skull just to be sure.

Outside the keep, Ingebold cast a bless spell on the group before they got too far out of range. Hagan cast a stoneskin spell on himself and then got ready to repeat that same spell on as many of his friends as he could, recognizing they were liable to need its protection against a foe that big and powerful. He wasn't wrong, either; Finoula had managed to catch up to the iron juggernaut and struck it across the knee joint with her longsword Tahlmalaera; in retaliation, the golem swung at the offending elf with its enormous sword, smiting the ranger for good measure. Finoula went sprawling, very close to death.

"Finoula!" called Ingebold from some distance behind, racing up to heal her Battle-Sister. Despite the magic boots she wore that enhanced her speed to that of a human, even while wearing her heavy armor, she felt as if she were caught in one of those dreams where it felt like you were running through molasses.

Hagan was unable to reach Finoula right away but he angled his flight path and flew up to Binkadink astride Obvious. "Here you go," said the half-orc, firing off a stoneskin spell on the gnome. "Thanks!" replied Binkadink, then urged his jackalope to bound up beside the iron juggernaut. He sent his magical glaive slamming into the side of the fearsome automaton, dealing quite a bit of damage due to the golembane scarab he wore pinned to his cloak.

Darrien pulled his figurine of wondrous power out of his belt pouch and activated it, leaping atop the ebony fly as it manifested. A haste spell was one thing, but now he had an even faster speed! He pulled back on a readied arrow while astride his fly, launching it at the iron juggernaut as he got within his preferred range: close enough to make the shot count, but far enough back to remain out of reach of an immediate counterattack.

Crumpled on the ground, Finoula guzzled down a potion of cure light wounds - it wasn't much, but it was better than nothing and it was all she had on her at the moment. But soon thereafter Ingebold arrived and placed her hands on Finoula's crushed ribs, healing them instantly with a rush of positive energy. "Praise be t' Moradin!" the cleric exclaimed.

Back at the keep, Gilbert still hadn't left yet. After ensuring the two captives weren't going to be causing any further mischief, he started casting preparatory spells upon his familiar. "You going to be combat machine, just like enemy!" declared the portly wizard, casting first a Tenser's transformation spell on his familiar and then a polymorph spell that caused Mudpie to assume the same general form, but one 16 feet tall. He had other spells he could have cast upon the earth elemental, but by now the group was out of view over the horizon.

"They probably in wheat fields by now," surmised Gilbert, mentally plotting out the juggernaut's course if it was making a bee-line for the castle. "Let's go!" Casting a teleport spell upon himself and his familiar, the two appeared in the same wheat field where the rest of the group was currently battling the iron juggernaut - but at the other end of it.

Having seen the damage the metal foe did to Finoula (and not realizing part of that damage had been the result of a smite good attack that couldn't be repeated for another day), Castillan chose to put his greater speed to its best possible use - ignoring the battle at hand and warning the townspeople ahead in the iron juggernaut's path of the impending danger.

For its part, the iron juggernaut made a mostly-straight path towards the castle, only deviating for a few steps at a time if there was an irritating hero within reach. His sword came swinging out at Darrien, nearly sending him tumbling off of his fly; severely wounded, the ranger was forced to back off even further. He didn't have any healing at hand, so he just kept peppering the construct with arrows, only now from a greater distance away.

Hagan had just cast a stoneskin spell on Finoula and offered to cast another upon Ingebold, but she shooed him away. "Use 'em on those what can get close!" she advised, and Hagan flew off in Darrien's direction.

Binkadink sent Obvious on a parallel course to the iron juggernaut, swinging his glaive for all he was worth as they got alongside the construct. He scored a large rent in the side of the thing's armor. However, the juggernaut was able to bring a crushing retaliation with his massive sword, swinging down not upon the gnome who had struck him but the hippity-hopping jackalope that provided him his speed and mobility. Two of Obvious's legs broke instantly and the poor creature flopped over onto its side, trapping the gnome beneath it. Binkadink screamed in equal parts worry, concern, and hatred, unable to help his friend and mount and unable to extricate himself from underneath his bulk. The jackalope's blood washed over him, soaking the nearby ground.

Finoula caught up to the construct and sent her flaming whip of thorns flashing out at it; she had no false hopes about being able to trip the massive juggernaut, but she hoped to at least do it a bit of damage. Unknown to her, the flames burning along the length of her whip were actually healing the construct by a tiny little bit. Behind her, a massive Mudpie almost as tall as the juggernaut raced up, its footfalls reverberating through the ground as it ran.

Ingebold reached Obvious and placed her hands upon the poor creature, who was unconscious from the pain and bleeding out. She channeled a heal spell through her fingers: overkill, no doubt, but the quickest way to ensure the jackalope was returned to his full fighting strength as quickly as possible. But Binkadink wasn't taking any further chances with his friend's life; as soon as Obvious could sit back up, the gnome activated his stilt-boots and raced forward, calling back to his friend to hang back. He put all of his strength into his swing and could feel the power of his magical scarab aiding him in the blow. A large rent tore down the juggernaut's front, a testament to the power behind the blow. At the same time, on the other side of the juggernaut, Finoula struck out again with her snapping whip, and then Mudpie came up behind the construct and gave it a punch with a massive fist the size and construction of a boulder. From overhead, Darrien kept a rain of arrows flying down at the iron juggernaut, hoping they were at least doing some damage.

Stopped from making progress towards the castle - and his ultimate goal of killing King Galrich - the iron juggernaut cast forth with one of its Abyssal abilities, engulfing a bunch of its surrounding enemies in an unholy blight effect. Finoula and Ingebold, Binkadink and Obvious, Hagan and Wezhley: all were within the area of effect of the blast, and all were affected, but each was able to summon the necessary fortitude to wrest off the worst of the spell's effects. But the respite gave the iron juggernaut the opening it needed and it started off again towards the castle.

But Binkadink was having none of that - not from the thing that hurt his jackalope! With another massive swing of his glaive, he brought the iron juggernaut crashing down face-first into the field of wheat. "Thank goodness!' exclaimed Finoula, glad to see their foe defeated at last - she never again wanted to be hit as hard as it had hit her!

But the fight wasn't completely over just yet. A hatch swung open from the juggernaut's back and a gnarled, humanoid creature staggered out, bleeding from the side of its horned head. From the back of his ebony fly, Darrien sent an arrow flying down at it, but it missed the quasit who had been not only piloting the iron juggernaut but fueling its movement with his own Abyssal energies. The "plink" of the arrowhead on the juggernaut's iron frame caused Vandergrotten the quasit to look up and mentally prepare himself to become invisible once again. But then Gilbert Fung cast a magic missile spell from further down the wheat field that almost dropped the vile demon where he stood. Finoula advanced but was just out of range; the juggernaut's shoulder was in the way of her line of sight so she couldn't bring her whip to bear. "Grab him, Mudpie!" Gilbert called as he raced up, winded from the run. Mudpie obediently wrapped a massive hand around the dazed quasit, squeezing him in a vicelike grip.

"No..." whined Vandergrotten as he struggled in vain to escape the elemental's clutch. "...What are you going to do with me?"

"You brought here to serve as familiar," wheezed Gilbert. "That mean we kill you here, you dead for good. You probably re-form back in Abyss, but with no memories of former life. You no longer be Vandergrotten, just another tormented soul."

"Is...is that what you're going to do to me?" whimpered the quasit. "Kill me?"

"No," replied Gilbert. "Not me. Come on, Mudpie! Let's finish trip with him!" The mage ambled toward the castle, the rest of the group following. They made it to the castle walls and were allowed entry by the dwarven guard on duty. When they asked for a special meeting with the king, Aerik Battershield was there to ensure it happened at once. "I think ye'll be wantin' t' attend this meetin', Me King!" he advised King Galrich with a smirk.

The last thing Vandergrotten saw - his very last sight before oblivion took him back to an eternity of torment in the Abyssal Realms - was the hated sight of Galrich, that gods-be-damned orc, looking down at him while strangling the very life from his body...and wearing the coveted Crown of Kordovia while doing it.

- - -

For those wondering just who this Vandergrotten guy is, he was a foe from the "Wing Three" campaign who absolutely hated the idea that a half-orc bastard was in line to take the throne of Kordovia and did everything he could to stop such a horrid fate from coming to be. (Obviously, his best efforts weren't good enough then, and they weren't good enough now to put an end to King Galrich's reign.) But there's a hidden level underneath Battershield Keep (formerly Vandergrotten Keep), where the wizard Vandergrotten had created a variety of constructs, most of which the Wing Three adventurers had defeated. But knowing he was destined for the Abyss upon his death and certain of his ability to rise through the ranks of demonhood, Vandergrotten created an iron juggernaut that could be powered by the Abyssal energies of a quasit and controlled from within. Then, it was a simple matter to scatter around tomes which purported to extol the virtues of the quasit Vandergrotten as a familiar. Soon after attaining quasithood in the Abyssal planes, the former Kordovian wizard was called into service by Tremayne. Vandergrotten accepted long enough to get his bearings, then skedaddled to set his own plans into motion.

Logan ran Ingebold at the beginning of this adventure, but once Jacob decided Castillan's best use was to warn others of the impending iron juggernaut attack, Logan passed Ingebold over to Jacob to run so he could stay in the game.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My Dalek "Exterminate!" shirt, because that's what Vandergrotten wanted to do to "that gods-be-damned orc," and also because a Dalek represents a small, organic being encased inside an armored exterior, much like the iron juggernaut powered by Vandergrotten's Abyssal quasit nature.



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 13
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 13
Darrien, half-elf ranger 13
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 13
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 13
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 13​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 3
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 12 (Moradin)
Jinkadoodle Dundernoggin, gnome illusionist 5​

Game Session Date: 24 February 2018

- - -

"Hello in there!" came a strong voice from the other side of the portcullis of Battershield Keep. The drawbridge was down, indicating visitors were welcome, but since the keep wasn't normally staffed with a security force - it was merely the home of the dwarven Battershield family and now also the de facto headquarters of the Kordovian Adventurers Guild - the lowered portcullis ensured strangers didn't get free rein of the place.

Darrien was in the courtyard and recognized the voice immediately as belonging to Vance Pelorian, a human cleric who worked for Lord Cavelthorne. The first time Darrien had seen Vance, the cleric was a petrified statue courtesy of a beholder's eye ray; Darrien had worked with the rest of Lord Cavelthorne's team to slay the beholder responsible and return the cleric to living flesh. And sure enough, standing behind Vance were his adventuring associates: Kizzie Birdsong, a halfling bard; Caliandra, a human sorceress; "Quincy" (really Jorg) Battleborn, a half-orc fighter; and Thomas the Seeker, a human monk. They all smiled at Darrien, who hurried over and began raising the portcullis to let his fellow adventurers in.

"What going on?" demanded Gilbert Fung, exiting the northwestern tower of the keep where his room was located after having heard the raising of the portcullis.

"We've got a little proposition for you," said Vance. "A bit of a two-team venture, if you will."

"We get rest of our guys together," suggested Gilbert, yelling up the tower stairways at the others while Darrien led the visitors to the keep's dining room, where there were tables enough to fit everyone. Once everybody had gathered - and Harriet Fung had served them all heaping helpings of her famous apple crumble - Caliandra briefed the group on their offer.

"We have a map to a dungeon that claims to hold the key to longevity," the sultry sorceress said, pulling a folded-up piece of parchment from her cleavage. "But we only made it to the first two rooms. The second room contains a puzzle that has eluded our ability to figure out. What do you say to a two-kingdom joint venture? We lead you to the dungeon, you help us get past the second room, and we work our way together to the end, splitting the treasure equally among us. What do you say?"

That sounded fine to the Kordovian adventurers - especially Darrien, who relished any opportunity to spend time with Caliandra. "Pack up your horses and wagons, then," suggested Jorg. "It's about a four-day trek south and west, to the end of the Clatspur Mountain Range."

"Oh, I think we beat four-day travel forecast," smirked Gilbert. "Bink! Go get carpet!"

As the little gnome scampered off to fetch the carpet of teleportation, Kizzie wrinkled her brow. "I don't think we'll all fit on a carpet of flying," she offered.

"Just wait and see," smiled Castillan.

Once Binkadink returned and unrolled the magic carpet onto the dining room floor, the visitors were each escorted aboard the dragonfly vessel with one of their Kordovian brethren - for two people easily fit on the carpet at a time. Aithanar came along to tend to the animals on board, as was his custom. Departing the bedroom at the other end of the carpet, Lord Cavelthorne's team was amazed to find themselves in basically a Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion, but even further astounded to find out that was merely an extradimensional addition to a flying vessel. "Where in the world did you get this?" demanded Caliandra.

"It's kind of a long story," admitted Darrien. "I'll tell it to you as we head to where we're going."

Jinkadoodle piloted the ship from its cloud island parking spot and took it over the kingdom of Kordovia. Caliandra stayed in the control room with the gnome illusionist to direct him (and Darrien, not surprisingly, chose to stay with them), but the rest of the joint team went topside to marvel at the sight. "Lord Cavelthorne is going to be green with envy once he finds out you've got something like this!" Vance marveled. (Jorg was impressed with the ship, but was even more impressed with the buffet back downstairs in the extradimensional hold.)

Not being used to such a vantage point, Caliandra had Jinkadoodle fly relatively low, where she could have him follow the roads they would have traveled had they made the trip by wagon, as had originally been assumed. The low-flying dragonfly vessel caused quite a few travelers on the road to point and stare; many assumed it was some sort of living monster insect and fled in terror at the sight. But the ship made the four-day trip in less than an hour; eventually, Caliandra had Jinkadoodle park it in a valley between two mountains. "The valley is far enough away from the main road that passersby shouldn't be able to see it," explained the sorceress. "And from here, it's a mere ten-minute climb to the entry to the hidden 'Dungeon of Eternity'."

"'Dungeon of Eternity'?" asked Darrien. "Kind of a pretentious name, don't you think?" Caliandra merely shrugged. "I didn't name it," she replied. "But that's what it says on the map we found."

The entry cave was inconspicuous, barely wide enough for two people to stand side by side, and by a dozen feet in there was room only for one. The back of the cave narrowed into a dead-end wedge shape. "Um, what?" asked Binkadink. "Is this the right cave?"

"Look up there," said Thomas, pointing up the right-hand side of the cave wall. About ten feet up there was a ledge, and at the back of the ledge was another narrow passage. That led into the first real room of the dungeon, a mostly featureless square hewn from the rock. The room had no light sources, but Binkadink had two everburning torches strapped to the antlers of his helmet, and a few of the others dug into their packs to fetch sunrods. There was a set of steps leading up to a higher level from the back of the room, and carved into the wall to the right of the stairs was a greeting of sorts. It read:



The stairs were only about three feet wide, so it was single file into the next room, which was circular in shape. They entered up through the floor, to find seven different doors arranged equidistant around the circular wall, each a different color: red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and purple. There were letters in between some of the doors at four different levels. The ceiling was about 20 feet high in this room. Centered on the floor was a set of knobs.

"This is the room that gave us trouble," explained Vance. "The way we figure it, there's a message to be found in these letters, but we haven't been able to make head nor tail of it. And if you try going through the wrong door, you get zapped."

"You tried all of them?" asked Castillan, looking forward to the challenge.

"All seven," agreed Caliandra. "The attacks from the doors grown deadlier with each attempt, and the attacks are variable - heat, cold, electricity...you name it. It makes it hard to shield against, when you don't know what type of energy you'll be struck with next. Our best guess is the letters have to be in the correct position, and then it's safe to open the correct door. We just don't know which one that is, and there are too many different letter combinations to keep getting it wrong without the door defenses outright killing us."

"Yeah - the electricity really stings," commented Jorg, rubbing his hands in remembered pain.

Castillan had been examining the letters. They didn't make any sense that he could see. "Watch this," Vance said, reaching for the knob on the floor. It had three different levels; he gave the outermost one a turn to the right, and with a grinding sound the upper set of letters rotated clockwise, orienting themselves so the top letters were each poised above the next column to the right. "Each of the top three rows of letters can be moved," Vance explained. "The bottom row, with the doors, is fixed in place."

"Let me try," said the bounder, moving several rows at random to see if they would make any words.

"Hey!" called out Binkadink. "Move the second row over two spaces to the right." Castillan did so. "Look: the word 'door' is spelled out," the gnome observed. Sure enough, the word "door" was spelled from top to bottom in the space between the yellow and green doors. Starting from there and reading the words formed down between the doors to the right, the following message was formed:

D D M P T . A
O r U A H T W
O r S S R H L
r . T S U E

"That doesn't make any sense," pointed out Finoula.

"It's got to be right, though," replied Castillan. "Look: we have "must pass thru the awl door.' That can't just be a coincidence. Now, which one is the awl door?"

"But what about the 'D-R-R' column?" asked Hagan.

Binkadink continued to stare at the letters. "It isn't D-R-R!" he exclaimed. "It's A-L-L! And that isn't 'AWL," it's 'RED'!" Sure enough, the "D" had serifs extending to the left from the top and bottom of the letter, and the letter "R" had not only been made lower case, it was just a bent line. By reading down the column with your head turned to the right, it spelled out "ALL." Similarly, because the "W" was a "U" shape with a vertical line rising up from its middle and the "A" was the same shape as the "D" turned on its side, by turning your head to the left and reading up the last column, "AWL" became "rED."

"'All must pass thru the red door'," translated Finoula. "That's actually pretty clever." Lord Cavelthorne's team, however, was groaning aloud at how quickly the Kordovians had figured out the puzzle that had confounded them for so long. "After you," sighed Caliandra, indicating the red door.

Binkadink opened the red door without any trouble. On the other side was a narrow corridor which was covered in pitch black darkness about 10 feet in. Hagan and Ingebold both declared neither of them could see through the darkness despite their darkvision. Darrien passed up a sunrod to Binkadink and the gnome tossed it into the area of darkness; it winked out as soon as it passed the barrier. "Deeper darkness," observed Binkadink. "Any of you spellcasters have anything that would counter that?" It would take something more powerful than a simple light or everburning flame spell - and none of the spellcasters had anything appropriate at the ready. Gilbert tried a dispel magic on the deeper darkness effect but was unsuccessful.

"In we go, then," said Binkadink, tapping ahead into the darkness with his nonmagical glaive.

"Wait a minute," exclaimed Ingebold suddenly, casting a true seeing spell upon herself. "I cannae dispel th' darkness, but now I can see within it! Th' corridor's empty, but it leads into another round room ahead."

"Then you'd better lead," suggested Binkadink, swapping places in line with her. Gilbert took a moment to cast a Rary's telepathic bond spell that linked him to Binkadink, Castillan, Darrien, and Hagan.

"Everybody put your hand on the shoulder of the person ahead of you," suggested Finoula. Thus situated, Ingebold led the group slowly forward. The others followed, hand on shoulder, with Lord Cavelthorne's team bringing up the rear, as if in shame at their dismal puzzle-solving skills.

Binkadink felt a slight breeze as Ingebold entered the room - and then suddenly, his hand was no longer on her shoulder. He stopped and called out to her but there was no answer. Worried, he crept forward...and then he no longer felt Castillan's hand upon his own shoulder. However, from the light of his twin everburning torches in his helmet, he could see he wasn't in a round room like Ingebold had claimed was ahead, but an empty, square room with a ten-foot ceiling and walls some 15 feet wide. There were no doors to be seen.

While Binkadink was checking out his new surroundings, the others in line behind him kept moving forward. As each entered the circular room and was teleported to a different location, the teleport doorways of the room slid counterclockwise, aligning a new teleport doorway to the entrance to the circular room, accounting for the slight breeze Binkadink had felt in the corridor and assuring no two people in sequence would end up in the same place. By the time Binkadink thought to call out to the others over his Rary's telepathic bond, they had almost all been caught up in the teleport trap and were each in their own separate chambers. Only Gilbert and Mudpie remained of the Kordovians, with Cavelthorne's team behind them. "We about to be teleported," Gilbert advised the other team. "Others already separated, we might as well move ahead and find way back to each other after." That said, he hefted the weight of his earth elemental familiar and walked into the circular room ahead, ensuring that at least Mudpie would be teleported along with him instead of the two being separated.

- - -

After having stepped through the doorway, Ingebold suddenly found herself inexplicably elsewhere. She was in a square room, 15 feet on a side with a ceiling 10 feet above her. Each of the four walls had a doorway-sized niche in its middle, but no visible doorway. Looking down at her feet, she saw she stood upon a raised, circular platform about three feet in diameter. Around that, the rest of the floor looked different - translucent, even. And then the cleric found out why as, with a burbling noise, the floor rippled, formed a pseudopod, and slapped up at the astonished cleric. With a firm grip on her dwarven warhammer, she slammed back at the pseudopod, realizing in amazement that the platform upon which she stood was 15 feet tall and piercing straight through a gelatinous cube whose dimensions mirrored those of the lower section of the room - one with an actual floor some 15 feet below her!

The gelatinous cube absorbed its pseudopod back into its body, only to form another one behind its intended prey and slam at her from behind. Ingebold turned on her pedestal, facing this new threat, then whacked away with her hammer. She squatted low on her stone platform, allowing her to hammer at the beast's body without actually touching the paralytic flesh of its amoeboid form. The two traded blows, with the ooze at a severe disadvantage, in that Ingebold could hardly miss her foe while it did little else; eventually the dwarven maiden had slain the gelatinous cube and had to hold her breath while its body bubbled and discorporated into a frothy, smelly mess. Still not wanting to lower herself down into its corpse to explore the lower section of the room (although fearing it might have to come to that), she took a few minutes to examine each of the four niches up at her level. Aided by her innate dwarven stonecunning, she eventually discerned that one was a stone slab merely inserted into a gap. She made the leap over to that niche, pushing with all of her might. The slab pivoted, allowing her to exit the room by way of a very narrow corridor that branched off into several different directions. Calling out and hearing no reply, Ingebold picked one at random and moved off to find her friends.

- - -

Binkadink used his nonmagical glaive to poke at the floor, the walls, and finally the ceiling. Each was completely featureless; it looked as if the gnome stood inside an empty chamber with no ways in or out save teleportation - which would be a bit of a problem, for the little gnome had no way to teleport on his own.

Fortunately, his probing led to the discovery of a narrow hole in the middle of the ceiling, covered over with an illusory wall spell - but once Binkadink knew the opening was there, it was the matter of mere moments to stare at the place and see through the clever illusion. So: a hole in the ceiling 10 feet above him, and no way to get up there. That was going to be a problem. His gnomish stilt-boots could only elevate him to the height of a human - not nearly tall enough to get him to the hole in the ceiling. He had two glaives, each nearly 10 feet long; perhaps he could bind them together somehow, stick one end into the hole, and climb up them? He looked through his backpack for something he could use to tie his two lengthy weapons together.

And then he found his vial of sovereign glue.

It would mean leaving his nonmagical glaive behind, but that was a small price to pay for his freedom. Binkadink poured some of the glue onto the bottom of his weapon's hilt, then stuck it in place and held it there long enough for the glue to dry. At the end of this process, he had a glaive standing straight up, its blade pointed at the edge of the hole in the ceiling. Gathering everything back up, Binkadink started climbing. At the top, he scrabbled up into the hole and pulled himself into a narrow tunnel leading away from the room in which he had been imprisoned. The tunnel moved past the room and then dropped back down, this time into another narrow passageway moving perpendicular from the tunnel he had just popped out of.

- - -

Castillan ended up in a pitch-black room with no way to see his surroundings. He had the typical elven low-light vision, but low-light and no-light conditions were worlds apart. Rummaging blindly through his backpack, the bounder felt a sunrod beneath his grasping fingers and activated it.

That was better! He was in a square room, with walls 15 feet to a side and a ten-foot ceiling. There was only one exit, an open tunnel covered in pitch-black darkness after a few feet in. Sure enough, it was a permanent deeper darkness spell effect, just like the one just past the red door; Castillan's sunrod seemed to wink out as soon as he brought it inside the area of effect. Tapping ahead of him with his sword, Castillan entered the tunnel, moving slowly enough that he found the pit straight ahead before blindly tumbling into it. He couldn't feel the other side of it with his extended blade, so he assumed it had to have a diameter of ten feet or more. So: dark tunnel, dead end, pit. It was possible there was another exit at the bottom of the pit, but Castillan opted to explore around further before he committed himself to jumping into a pit of unknown depth.

By tapping the walls with his sword, he discovered an opening along the side wall of the pit, up at his level - or slightly below it. It had a solid floor, but was disturbingly narrow. It would be a difficult jump in absolute darkness, but the elf was sure he could make it - after all, bounding about was what he did for a living! He returned his sword to the extradimensional space in his magic glove of storing with a snap of his fingers, got his bearings as best he could, and leaped for the unseen gap.

He made the jump with ease and pulled himself into the tunnel, which was so small he was forced to crawl forward on his elbows and drag himself forward. On the plus side, the deeper darkness spell effect didn't extend into the tunnel, so his sunrod was back to doing its job. The tunnel zigzagged back and forth a few times and the bounder could feel an upward slope through several sections. Eventually, after several minutes of slow crawling, he came to a dead end. That was extremely discouraging! But then the elf's sensitive fingers felt a stone block in the wall ahead of him that had gaps on either side just wide enough for him to slide his fingers into. It seemed, with enough wiggling the stone back and forth, he might be able to pull it back towards him - and from its size, Castillan was pretty sure he could fit into the gap it left behind if he could get past the block itself. Fortunately, while the tunnel he had been crawling in was low, it was probably wide enough for both him and the stone block if he could just get it out. With a grimace of determination, the bounder started prying the stone block back and forth with his fingers....

- - -

Finoula stood in a room very much like the one Ingebold had appeared in, with two notable differences: there were no niches in the walls around her, and instead of a gelatinous cube surrounding the stone platform on which she stood, it was swirling water. Fortunately, Finoula had been holding a sunrod when she teleported into the room, so she could immediately see the danger of continuing to move forward - there was no telling how deep the water might be, but it probably wasn't a good idea to go jumping in while burdened by armor and weapons! She pulled a potion of water walking from her belt and drank down its contents, thinking she could walk over to the walls and seek out secret passages.

And then a sudden thought crossed the ranger's mind: why was the water swirling so, when there should be nothing there to agitate it? She got her answer when the water formed a heavy, wavelike fist and pummeled her, nearly knocking her from her perch. Fortunately, she turned the movement of the blow into a pivot in place and retained her balance, and now she knew what she was up against: a water elemental!

Actually, it turned out to be two water elementals. Each would have been taller than the elf had they fully formed into humanoid shapes, but there was no need in this water-filled chamber. They took turns sending blows up at the elf, while she returned the attacks in kind, using her longsword Tahlmalaera and her flaming whip of thorns. It was two-against-one odds with the ranger stuck in place while the two elementals were free to attack from multiple directions, but the fact that Finoula managed not be to thrown from her perch gave her an advantage, in that the elementals could only do their best fighting against other creatures similarly submerged. Finoula's magic weapons cut each of the water elementals down, strike by strike. In fact, she was pretty sure she had killed one of them, but with creatures made of water striking from the water and turning back into water when slain, it was kind of hard to tell. But the fact that the attacks were coming at half their previous pace was a good indicator.

What wasn't so hard to tell, though, was that the water level was slowly lowering. Trapped as she was on the stone platform she had no choice but to strike down at her attackers, and she was having to strike lower and lower against her enemies as the water level receded. Finoula wasn't sure what was responsible for the water's recession, but whatever it was seemed to be a good omen.

Of course, it wasn't as good an omen to the person responsible: Castillan had managed to pry the block loose, and then water instantly came gushing at him, filling the narrow tunnel and sweeping him back the way he had come. He was bludgeoned against a sharp turn in the tunnel and swept away, reversing course back to the pit in the impenetrable darkness. The bounder managed to hang onto the edge of the pit rather than fall into it, and there he hung, with water cascading down around him, sneaking the occasional breath by lowering his face into his own armpit. The pit below him slowly filled up with the water, while at the other end of the zigzagging tunnel, Finoula was using her boots of spider climbing to adhere to the side of the stone column, lowering herself into position so she could continue to attack the sole remaining water elemental. Eventually she was successful, and it was a simple matter of allowing the rest of the water to drain out of the room before ducking down into the damp tunnel. From her vantage point, she could see another tunnel opening along the ceiling of the narrow tunnel Castillan had crawled through on his elbows (which had prevented him from discovering this alternate route), and crawled up it to see where it went. Long after she was gone, Castillan retraced his path back up the now-wet crawlspace and inadvertently followed her path at the end, after having entered her now-empty room and exited it again, discovering the ceiling tunnel in that fashion.

- - -

Hagan's innate darkvision would have allowed him to see the area around him even if it hadn't had a ball of fiery illumination straight ahead. The half-orc sorcerer landed at one end of a platform which began to lower immediately under his weight. This, in turn, allowed the burning ball of fire that had been balanced in what had been the middle of the teeter-totter structure to start rolling his way. With a note of concern, Hagan realized he could smell an oily scent from the floor below him - some 10 feet or so below him - and that while allowing the flaming sphere to hit him wasn't something he looked forward to, allowing it to ignite the oil beneath him was even less practical. Still, a protection from fire spell seemed prudent, so Hagan cast it, covering not only himself but also his weasel familiar Wezhley who sat perched upon his shoulder.

Fortunately, in the space of a heartbeat, Darrien teleported into place at the other end of the teeter-totter and the flaming sphere's sudden movement ceased.

"You okay?" called out Hagan.

"So far!" replied Darrien, looking around him. Both heroes were in identical rooms, each a mirror image of the other. The rooms were 15-foot squares with a 20-foot ceiling; the teeter-totter was at the midpoint, 10 feet above the oil-covered floor. There were no visible doors leaving the rooms, merely an open hole adjoining the two, from which the ends of the teeter-totter emerged. Seeing the situation and coming to the same conclusion Hagan had arrived at, Darrien cast a resist fire spell upon himself.

The flaming sphere was still over closer to Hagan, but it had stopped moving. Cautiously, the half-orc crept closer to it - with Darrien serving as a counterpoint - until Hagan could cast a cone of cold spell from above it without sending the spell's effects through the gap to hit the half-elf ranger. Overcome by the sudden blast of cold energy, the flaming sphere spell effect popped into nonexistence. "That's better!" reasoned Hagan.

"Now what?" asked Darrien.

"I'm going to cast a fly spell, but I won't leave the edge of the platform until you're ready!" called out Hagan. Darrien reached into a pouch and pulled out his ebony fly. "Ready when you are!" he called back to the sorcerer. As one, Hagan cast his spell and Darrien activated his fly, then each flew off the teeter-totter platform to go explore the walls for secret doors. After a few minutes of investigation, Hagan found a part of one wall that could be hinged open, revealing a narrow tunnel on the other side. Over here!" he called, stepping into the tunnel. Darrien led his fly through the teeter-totter passageway over to Hagan's room and followed the sorcerer's path into the tunnel.

Hagan's tunnel dropped down into an intersecting tunnel below. Choosing one path at random, he came to a dead end but found another secret door. Opening it, he saw another room the same general size and shape as the one he'd just left, only this one had a stone column rising up halfway to the ceiling, which was ringed by seven zombies. They turned at the intrusion with a speed the half-orc was not accustomed to in the normally slow-moving undead; he barely had time enough to slam the secret door shut on the juju zombies before they spilled out into the tunnel. "Dead end," he explained to Darrien, who had deactivated his ebony fly and come up behind him. They retraced their steps and went the other way.

- - -

Gilbert arrived in a stone-hewn chamber filled with total darkness. Not having carried a light source, the wizard had to have Mudpie describe the room to him while he cast a light spell on the end of his staff so he could see for himself. This room was an actual cube some 15 feet to a side. In the act of putting Mudpie down on the floor, Gilbert noted they were standing in a magic circle carved into the stone floor. "This not good," he muttered to himself.

Examining the circle more closely, Gilbert surmised it was a summoning circle of some sort - and yet it seemed to be inside out, with the runes he'd have expected to be inside the circle just outside its outer edges. "Strange," he mumbled. Gilbert stuck the end of his staff outside the circle to see if it was a barrier of some sort; nope, the staff went past the circle's boundaries with no resistance. "Odd," he muttered. Then, realizing there was no time like the present, he took a deep breath and stepped outside the circle.

Immediately, two forms materialized in the air above the two figures. These were insects of some sort, with buzzing wings and wicked-looking stingers; each creature was bigger than the heavyset wizard. "This not good!" Gilbert repeated as the first of the two spider eaters dove down to try to stab him.

The spider eaters both ignored Mudpie, realizing he was a source of neither food not a host organism in which to lay eggs. Instead, the concentrated their attacks on Gilbert, who, having expected a puzzle-laden dungeon, had prepared plenty of divinations but not many attack spells. He resorted to using the katana he'd taken from an enemy samurai back in Kozakura; he wasn't very proficient with the curved sword, but it had a greater reach than his dagger and he wanted to keep the hungry insects as far away as possible from him. He actually did pretty well for himself with the unfamiliar weapon, but then he was in a rather cramped room for two large flying creatures, making it almost difficult for him to miss. Still, he was bitten and stung more than once and it was only the heroes' feats he'd consumed that morning that boosted his immune system to the point where he didn't have to worry about the spider eaters' paralyzing venom.

Mudpie got in a good punch or two when the creatures lowered to attack Gilbert with their stingers; Gilbert eventually got tired of the katana's weight and swapped to his trusty dagger, and together they managed to eventually slay the two spider eaters. As summoned creatures, they disappeared once slain, giving the mage and his familiar the empty room to themselves.

"Whew!" Gilbert sighed, wiping his brow. "Now we see if we find way out of here!"

- - -

Eventually, the heroes started running in to each other in the tunnels. Binkadink was the first to find his way out of the narrow tunnels altogether, coming into another round room with seven doors and a knob in the middle that turned the four rows of letters. Instead of being different colors, these seven doors each had the carved image of a different species: a human, a dwarf, an elf, a half-elf, a half-orc, a gnome, and a halfling. Hagan discovered the room shortly after Binkadink did and helped the gnome figure out the correct letter combination to form a useful clue as to which door to try. Darrien had followed a different tunnel and discovered a secret door at the dead end he wound up in; opening it, he saw none other than a flustered Gilbert Fung and his faithful Mudpie. The ranger led the trio back to Binkadink and Hagan. Ingebold discovered the empty room Binkadink had escaped - that was obviously his old glaive standing straight up from the floor - and backtracked another way before meeting up with the others.

By then, Binkadink had figured out the solution to the second word puzzle. By arranging the letters in the right configuration, he ended up with:

K . E E H Y
L H F M ' U G
L E . Z S R E

"E-I-M-Z?" asked Hagan.

"Turn your head," instructed Binkadink. "That's 'WHEN' - 'Kill the elf when he's your age.' Oh, crap!"

"What?" demanded Hagan.

"It's a stupid joke!" complained Binkadink. "Remember the engraved letters at the side of the stairs in that first room? 'I can show you how a human can live longer than an elf' - that stuff? Well, here's the answer: kill the elf when you're both the same age! We've been had."

"Well, we still need to find a way out of here," pointed out Hagan.

"I suppose," grumbled Binkadink. His demeanor didn't get any brighter when he grasped the handle to the elf door and was immediately zapped by a jolt of electricity. "What the Hell?" he yelled, rubbing his hand in irritation.

"Maybe it's this one," reasoned Hagan, trying to open the half-elf door. It didn't open; instead, his body was flooded with a surge of poison - which had no effect on the half-orc at all, given he'd helped consume Ingebold's heroes' feast that morning and was thus currently immune to poison.

Finoula found her way into the room and was briefed by the others what they'd tried. She frowned, thinking it over, before Binkadink had a sudden thought. "We're supposed to kill the elf," he said, causing Finoula to look up at him in sudden alarm, but he thrust his glaive's blade not at her but at the elf carved onto the door. Then, having symbolically "killed the elf," he tried the door again - and it shimmered and disappeared from view, revealing an open chamber beyond.

Hagan entered the lightless room before him. With his darkvision, he could see the room was an oddly-shaped one: nearly a perfect square but for one corner, which held a set of steps leading up into a smaller, circular room. Hanging along the two walls on either side of the steps were eight desiccated corpses, four to a wall. Their bloodstained robes hung over skeletons with little more than a single layer of parchmentlike skin. Below each pair of feet was an open container, like a lidless chest, from which a coppery smell emanated. There were recent trails of blood coming from the four receptacles on the right, leading into the center of the room, where the floor was covered in bloody footprints. A lump of blue flesh lay in a heap over by the stairs.

And then, from the receptacles over on the left, four crimson blobs crawled up and over, making their way towards the astonished half-orc with amazing speed. Before he could react, one of the blood-blobs had crawled onto Hagan's feet and was slithering up his body, inserting bloody, tendril-like extrusions into the sorcerer's nostrils, mouth, and ears. On his shoulder, Wezhley hissed in anger and fear.

Binkadink stepped into the room, plucking a bead from his necklace of fireballs and throwing it down onto the stone floor. It exploded upon impact, killing outright two of the blood puddings - including, fortunately, the one that had been trying to insert itself into Hagan's body through his facial orifices and even by seeping through his pores. Hagan's protection from fire spell was still in effect so the sorcerer hadn't been harmed; Binkadink hadn't known that, but had been willing to take the chance in order to get the blood-thing off his friend.

As Binkadink attacked one of the remaining blood puddings with his magical glaive, he discovered a blade of steel didn't do much against a creature whose amoeboid body seemed composed of blood. Finoula stepped into the room and attacked a blood pudding with her whip, as a water-soaked Castillan found his way back to the group and asked what was going on. "Fill you in later!" promised Gilbert.

The flame from Finoula's whip managed to slay the pudding she'd struck with it, as Hagan finished the other one off with a magic missile spell. It now being safe to do so, the rest of the group entered the room. Darrien walked straight over to the blue flesh over by the steps and gave a gasp of surprise. "What is it?" asked Finoula.

Darrien turned the corpse over so the others could get a better view. "It's a dead shocker lizard!" he explained, the blood draining from his face.

"So?" demanded Gilbert. "What big deal about that?"

"Caliandra had a shocker lizard familiar, named Zapper!" Darrien explained.

"Hey, where are those guys?" asked Castillan, as gasps of realization sounded from around the room: If that was Zapper, then Caliandra had been here before! Probably with the rest of her group! And those were their footprints in the middle of the room! Where there had been a combat with four other blood puddings!

"Oh no," moaned Darrien at the thought that their friends - especially Caliandra - from the southern kingdom had been taken over by blood puddings.

"We got to get out of here, back to ship!" declared Gilbert. They investigated the circular room at the top of the steps, where Gilbert recognized the runes of a teleportation circle carved on the stone floor. Hidden among the runes were seven letters arranged in a circle: A, R, T, U, D, E, and P. "Artudep!" Gilbert cried, to no effect.

"Tudepar!" he tried, with similar results.

"Departu!" called out Finoula suddenly, causing everyone in the cramped room to vanish. They ended up back in the narrow entrance cave, to find a bound and gagged Jinkadoodle waiting for them. "What happened?" demanded Binkadink, removing the gag from his cousin.

"It was the big half-orc, Quincy or Jorg or whatever! They all came running back to the ship, and the woman said there had been an accident in the cave and that you were hurt badly! Then that damned half-orc clocked me but good! I woke up here, all tied up, but I could see the dragonfly ship rising up out of the valley!"

"Crap!" cursed Gilbert.

"That's not all: they had Aithanar tied up to the main mast, at the top of the ship! I don't know what they're doing with him, but at least he looked alive."

"When was this?" demanded Finoula.

"Not too long after you guys had left the ship in the first place - maybe half an hour? Twenty minutes? I dunno." By then, Binkadink had untied the illusionist's bound limbs and Jinkadoodle was rubbing his wrists, trying to restore circulation to his hands. "I'm sorry, guys," he said, tears forming in his eyes. He had been the planet's foremost spelljammer pilot, and now their dragonfly ship was gone!

"It's not yer fault," reassured Ingebold. "Ye had no way of knowin'."

"So what do we do now?" wheedled the illusionist.

"That simple," affirmed Gilbert Fung. "We get our ship back!"

- - -

Well, this adventure certainly ended on a note of surprise! None of the players had seen any of this coming until they hit the last two rooms, which is what I had been hoping for. And now they're eager to get their ship back at all costs. I was a bit disappointed in the speed by which the players figured out the two word puzzles - they had taken me a lot of effort to make, as I not only had four embedded circular layers built at the correct scale for our battle maps with all the letters on them so they could be moved around, but I had also made up four strips of paper with the seven letters/spaces printed out twice in a row for each player, so they could each manipulate the rows as needed. For the scant few minutes it took Logan to figure out the puzzles, I probably needn't have put in all that work! But oh well.

We actually played this adventure all the way through in the same session as the previous adventure, since that one only took us about 2 hours to finish. It made for an almost six-hour session overall, which is about as long as we ever like to go. The next adventure ("Grand Theft Airship" - I couldn't resist) will undoubtedly take the whole session to play through.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My Dalek "Exterminate!" shirt, because it was the same session as the previous adventure.
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 13
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 13
Darrien, half-elf ranger 13
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 13
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 13
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 13​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 3
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 13 (Moradin)
Jinkadoodle Dundernoggin, gnome illusionist 5​

Game Session Date: 24 March 2018

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A group of adventurers arrived in the courtyard of Battershield Keep in the blink of an eye, courtesy of Hagan's teleport spell. While he wasn't yet powerful enough to transport everyone all at once, Ingebold carried with her the group's portable hole. Spreading it out on the side of the keep's wall immediately upon arriving, the others stepped out of the extradimensional space and into the courtyard.

"Are we sure we don't want to teleport to the ship quick, just to see what's what?" asked the half-orc sorcerer.

"No," replied Gilbert. "Better we wait until morning - when we all at full strength, with all spells ready to go." Hagan just scowled at this decision - as a sorcerer, spellcasting came naturally to him, so he was somewhat disdainful about the whole concept of having to prepare spells ahead of time. Then again, the more spells were available at hand the greater chance of success, and the half-orc had used up some of his more powerful ones today already. It made some sense to be at full force after all, even if it did mean waiting until morning until trying to get back what had been taken from them.

"What about Aithanar?" asked Finoula in a fretful voice.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," said Jinkadoodle in his most reassuring voice. "I'm pretty sure they didn't mean to harm him - they'll want him undamaged, if only to have a replacement body to use." If the gnome's words were meant to be reassuring, it was wasted on the elven ranger - the thought of Aithanar's body being invaded by one of those blood puddings made her feel sick to her stomach.

None of the adventurers slept particularly well that night, but morning began with their new ritual: a heroes' feast spell cast by Ingebold, to hearten the adventurers for the trials and tribulations of the day to come. Gilbert had dumped his divination spells to stock up on attacks and protections. "We ready?" he asked as the last of the feast was consumed.

They were. Next came the rounds of preparatory spells the group liked to apply before imminent battle. Gilbert cast a Rary's telepathic bond spell that linked him to Binkadink, Castillan, Finoula, and Hagan. Ingebold had prayed for a freedom of movement spell for each of the heroes save herself; upon the expected argument from her Battle-Sister, the proud cleric replied, "I'll be in th' back lines 'f combat, more than likely, seein' t'th' healin' 'f those what need it. Best ye all be prevented from constraints, more'n me." Finoula knew better than to continue the argument, having seen the look of determination on Ingebold's face.

Hagan cast a protection from energy spell on each of them, choosing to shield them from fire-based attacks, guessing those to be the most likely to be used. Both rangers cast their personal barkskin spells to toughen up their bodies, while Ingebold made herself the focus of a magic circle against evil, planning to move around as needed on the battlefield to encompass whoever needed it the most within the effects of her protective spell. And with that, the spellcasters declared themselves ready to go.

Binkadink unrolled the teleport carpet, stepped onto it with Castillan, and said the command word. Instead of instantly being transported to the hidden, extradimensional level of the dragonfly vessel, the two found themselves remaining exactly where they were. "That's not good," observed the gnome fighter.

"No, but may not be as bad as we think," replied Gilbert. "Maybe they scratch out runes on floor of deck, but maybe they only block the runes with something. One way to find out: Ingebold, unroll hole!" Once the portable hole was once again in position on the inside wall of the keep, the hefty mage and Castillan walked into its extradimensional space, each taking a deep breath before doing so, for there was no air inside the unearthly space. Once they were both inside, Ingebold quickly rolled the hole back up and Hagan teleported the rest of the group to the top of the dragonfly vessel.

That approach worked like normal. The dwarven cleric unrolled the hole on the deck floor, allowing Gilbert and Castillan to climb out. But approaching from the rear of the vessel was an enormous winged creature, built like a horned ogre. "She was right!" the nycaloth grinned, flapping his wings to attack the nearest of the heroes. But the front line had enough warning for Finoula to strike out with her flaming whip of thorns and Binkadink to stab at the approaching fiend with his magic glaive. The nycaloth had expected neither attack and roared in pain at the effrontery as much as the actual wounds sustained.

With a fiendish roar, the nycaloth tore into Binkadink with a set of wickedly-sharp claws. But as he did so, Castillan was ducking and weaving around the fiend, to backstab it with his magic short sword once in position. Black ichor - the fiend's blood - gushed from the area of its kidneys when he removed his blade from the wound. Finoula kept her whip flicking at the nycaloth, striking it repeatedly in the face with her barbed weapon, coming dangerously close to piercing an eye on multiple occasions. Finally, after having suffered the indignation of such attacks by mere mortals, the nycaloth suffered the further humiliation of being slain by a lowly magic missile spell cast by Hagan. Its body exploded into a puff of rancid gas upon its death.

The wounds Binkadink had sustained from the nycaloth's claws continued to bleed. Ingebold stopped the blood loss with the application of a healing spell.

"Just where exactly are we?" asked Darrien, looking about him. The dragonfly vessel was not in flight; rather, it had been parked on a flat landing area jutting out from the top of a mountain. There was a single-story castle keep just ahead, flanked at each corner with a three-story, rounded tower. Between the landing area and the castle keep was a wide platform, on the left of which were wooden stables that looked to have seen their best days some decades ago. The landing area and the stables were all bounded by stone walls with crenelations at the top.

However, it was the sky that had been puzzling the young half-elf ranger. While he could see the blue morning skies all around him, he could also see a series of transparent outlines of continuing mountainscapes. "Hallucinatory terrain," explained Gilbert. "From outside, this whole place look just like more mountains. Nobody be able to tell this place even here unless they already know about it."

"I'll go check downstairs," offered Darrien, feeling bad that the fight with the nycaloth had been over before he could even fire a shot. Sure enough, the bedroom with the teleport runes carved into the floor - the ones linked to the teleport carpet - had been rendered unusable by the simple measure of moving the bed from the grooves in the floor that prevented it from moving around while the ship was in flight, and moving it directly over the carved runes in the floor. He moved the bed back into position, stepped onto the runes, and said the command word that sent him back to the teleport carpet back at Battershield Keep, kept unrolled for that very purpose.

"Is everything okay?" asked Jinkadoodle, who had stayed behind until the group came to fetch him to pilot the dragonfly ship once it was safe to do so.

"Looks so," confirmed Darrien. "Let's go." Standing on the carpet, the two teleported back to the dragonfly vessel. Finoula was down there, checking on the animals they had left in place in the lower level of the ship. They were unharmed, other than not having been fed since the previous day. Finoula brought them food from the banquet area, knowing that this was normally one of Aithanar's chores. She hoped he was still okay.

Back up on top of the ship, Castillan was the first to climb down. "Let's go check out that keep," he suggested - but as soon as his foot touched the natural stone floor of the landing area, a rumble presaged the arrival of an enormous earth elemental, whose exceptional size and bulk gave him the standard nomenclature of "earth titan." The creature rose to its full height - some 32 feet tall - and looked down expectantly at the bounder. "Um...hello?" greeted Castillan.

It obviously wasn't the response the earth titan had been expecting, for it raised a boulderlike fist and smashed it down at the elf. Castillan managed to roll with the blow, but there was no ignoring the power behind it.

Hagan responded with his favorite attack spell, chain lightning, even though there was but the sole enemy to fight and thus nobody else for the spell to "arc out" to. Still, judging from the way solid chunks of stone fell from the earth titan's chest as a result of the electrical blast, it seemed the spell choice had been a good one. In fact, seeing how the blast of lightning had harmed the elemental, Finoula opted to follow Hagan's blast with one of her own: touching her amulet, she transformed her body into an arc of lightning that blasted through the earth titan and then she reformed into her elven body at the end of the lightning bolt's arc, on the side of the southwestern tower's curved wall (where she hung like a spider, courtesy of her magical boots).

Darrien started peppering the earth titan with arrows, hoping they were doing some damage - it was hard to tell against a creature that didn't actually bleed. Behind the archer, Gilbert activated his twin jade foo lions, Hachi and Tsumezhao, and sent them charging at their elemental foe. Ingebold cast a spiritual weapon spell, the force energy taking the form of a dwarven warhammer which went slamming into the earth titan's chest with a reverberating blow. Finally, Binkadink went charging into the air off the side of the dragonfly vessel, stabbing at the elemental with the point of his magical glaive, "riding" his weapon down the elemental's body as the glaive's blade scraped down and through its earth-and-stone torso.

In retaliation, the earth titan swung its massive fists at two of its numerous enemies, one slamming hard into Hachi and the other grazing the little gnome. Seeing how much damage this massive brute could deal, Castillan decided he definitely didn't want to be on the receiving end of its fists any more and activated his ring. The subsequent dimension door spell whisked him away to immediately in front of the closed doors to the castle keep. From this close, he could see the words "SANCTUM AETERNUM" etched above the doors.

The earth titan took another round of attacks from multiple sources: Binkadink's glaive, the teeth and claws of the twin foo lions, Darrien's arrows - but once again it was a magic missile spell from Hagan that brought the enemy down. "The trick is knowing just when to use it," the half-orc replied to an obviously-astonished Darrien.

The rest of the group departed from the dragonfly vessel and waved Jinkadoodle away. The gnome pilot brought the ship up into the air and through the hallucinatory terrain spell to go find a safe place to park it on the mountaintops until the group teleported back onto the vessel - hopefully with a rescued Aithanar and as many of Lord Cavelthorne's troops as they could rescue from the blood puddings. Wishing them well, Jinkadoodle waved back at them through the porthole and then devoted his attention to finding a safe place to park the ship.

Castillan had checked the entry doors to the castle for traps and found none. But now he heard a noise behind him; turning around, he saw the head of a stag poke out of the stable doors - or rather the open doorway, for the doors to that entrance had apparently collapsed to the stone floor some time ago. The creature emerged fully from the partially-ruined building, revealing the rest of its body to be that of an enormous eagle, complete with wings. Finoula stepped down from her perch on the tower and crossed the sagging wooden rooftop, flicking her flaming whip of thorns at the peryton as it rushed towards the castle to get at Castillan. But before it could reach its prey, Darrien brought it down with a flurry of arrows fired from his Arachnibow.

Unfortunately, three more perytons were visible through the stable doorway, aroused by the sounds of combat outside. Hachi was there to bite at the first one, blocking the doorway with his own golden-furred body. Binkadink ran past the foo lion, opening a more intact set of doors just beyond. This allowed him to approach another peryton from behind, slaying it with one thrust of his glaive.

But another of the eagle-stags attacked Hachi with its antlers and claws, slaying the loyal beast. Upon its "death," Hachi simply reverted to statuette form, a figurine of wondrous power once again. But Tsumezhao was there to take the place of its fallen brother, blocking the doorway and preventing the two remaining perytons from exiting that way out into the open.

Hagan, seeing an opening, cast a scorching ray at one of the two remaining perytons, slaying it instantly. The rooftop, weakened by Finoula's weight, gave through, and the ranger fell to the stable's floor below. She managed to not only keep her balance but strike out with her flaming whip of thorns, putting an end to the final peryton's life.

With that threat defeated, the rest of the group lined up behind Castillan as he picked the locks to the castle. Unbeknownst to any of the group, when the ranger had first stepped foot onto the landing area and failed to say the pass-phrase, he not only caused the earth titan guardian to check out the disturbance but also triggered a silent alarm spell that warned the four blood pudding spellcasters currently inhabiting four of Lord Cavelthorne's adventurers of intruders in the area. That gave them more than ample time for some "imminent combat" preparatory spell of their own.

Outside the doors, Gilbert cast a mage armor spell upon himself and Mudpie, the last of his own "imminent combat" spells.

"Got it!" whispered Castillan, successfully picking the lock and ready to open the doors. That was the signal he had arranged with Ingebold; upon cue, she cast a silence spell on Binkadink, who was sitting astride Darrien's activated ebony fly. The plan was for Binkadink to ride the fly into the room and get as close to as many of Lord Cavelthorne's adventurers as he could, hoping to prevent them from casting any spells requiring verbal components in the area of effect emanating around him.

But many plans fall apart once implemented on the battlefield. Castillan pushed open the doors and saw the room before him was shaped somewhat like an hourglass, with two areas at the sides pushing into what would otherwise be a rectangular room with the door to a round tower at each corner. In the center of the room, the part where it was the narrowest, an open fire pit lay exposed, its fires died down to mere embers. But the room was well-lit with everburning torches in sconces around the room, enough that the bounder could see no obvious enemies and thus move across to the nearest door, the one to the southeastern tower.

As planned, Binkadink rode the ebony fly straight through the room, looking for spellcasting enemies to thwart with his magical silence. There was a statue directly ahead of him along the back wall, that of an enormous, emaciated hand gripping a giant tiger's eye gem in its withered palm. But before the gnome could wonder where he'd seen such an image before, the embers directly below him whooshed up into a full-blown fire elemental, which at nine feet tall was nearly half the height of the ceiling. The flames from the elemental's body scorched the bottom of the ebony fly; Binkadink could feel the heat through the bottoms of his own boots.

But then the gnome had much more to worry about than scorched feet, for four of Lord Cavelthorne's adventurers popped out from hiding along the back diagonal walls. Caliandra cast a spell of some sort before the radius of the silence spell reached her; Binkadink wasn't sure what spell it might have been until he noticed his skin and armor turning to stone. His own cries of astonishment were absorbed by the silence[/i] spell, and in the wink of an eye the ebony fly carried on its back not a gnome fighter but a very detailed stone statue of one.

At the same time, Jorg Battleborn, normally a heavily-armored half-orc fighter but now wearing street clothes and casting spells like he was born to do so, cast a spell across the room at Castillan, attempting to deprive the bounder of his vision. Fortunately, Castillan was able to shrug off the effects of the blindness spell.

Thomas the Seeker, normally a human monk with no spellcasting power, now stepped into view and tried casting a spell at the back of the room at Finoula; however, he was unlucky enough to have stepped into the radius of the silence spell that seemed to work just as well when centered upon a petrified gnome as on a living one. However, Vance Pelorian stepped just behind Thomas and was thus just outside the invisible boundary of Ingebold's silence spell; furthermore, his feeblemind spell was effective against its intended target, and Finoula suddenly felt all coherent thoughts slip away. Faced with the confusion of battle erupting all around her and not knowing what to do, she backed up against the wall of the stables just outside the double doors and plopped down to the floor, crying in place.

In the first opening seconds of battle, the blood puddings had managed to neutralize two of the intruders - and do so in ways that potentially saved the victims as potential future "mounts," not that the gnome was big enough for such use.

However, the ebony fly was now a loose cannon. No longer being guided by its rider and being attacked by a fire elemental from below - whose opening strike had been a signal for the others to attack - the giant insect changed directions at once and landed on the floor at the back of the room. Binkadink was safely strapped in so he had only a minimal risk of tipping over and shattering, but in the meantime the effects of the silence spell were dependent upon the whims of a giant fly looking after its own safety.

Caliandra cast a greater invisibility spell upon herself and vanished from view. She immediately moved away from where she'd been standing, lest anybody target that spot with an area-of-effect spell.

Kizzie Birdsong hadn't had an attack readied, nor was she linked in with the others on their own Rary's telepathic bond spell. But she had been charmed by the blood pudding wearing Jorg's body into believing the intruders were enemies wearing the forms of their friends to try to trick them. She dashed across the room from her hiding spot to behind the giant carving of the hand holding an eye.

Hagan stepped into the castle's large, open room and cast a chain lightning spell on the fire elemental, arcing off to hit the other four enemy spellcasters controlling the bodies of their adventuring compatriots. The spell had its full effect on the main target, but all of the spellcasters had shielded themselves with protection from energy and resist energy spells, many of them focused on warding away electrical damage. (Others had focused their efforts on fire and cold damage, since none of the spellcasters knew exactly what they could expect.)

Ingebold repositioned her spiritual hammer to attack Thomas, then rushed to her Battle-Sister's side to cast a heal spell that restored her to her full intellect. But Thomas lashed out with a blindness spell at the elven ranger, hoping to take her right back out of the fight. Fortunately, Finoula managed to shrug off the spell's effects. But now she was angry and ready to take her aggression out on these infernal blood puddings, no matter whose bodies they currently wore!

Jorg cast an enervation spell on Castillan, draining the bounder of several stages of vitality. But immediately thereafter, Gilbert Fung cast a spell that had the biggest effect on the tide of battle yet: an Evard's black tentacles spell, which caused writhing, ebon appendages to spring up from the back of the room, engulfing Jorg, Vance, the fire elemental, and even little Kizzie hiding behind the statue of the unholy symbol of Vecna. Thomas managed to evade the tentacles' grasp, and it was assumed that Caliandra hadn't been in the area of effect - which covered the back half of the room save for an area of safety just outside each of the tower doors at the northern end of the greatroom.

Vance struggled in vain to free himself from the tentacles' iron embrace, to no effect. Darrien took potshots at Jorg with arrows from his Arachnibow, not having to worry about shooting into combat for once. All the while, the ebony fly wandered over to the castle's front doors - accidentally catching the heroes in the front half of the room in the radius of the silence spell.

The fire elemental was the first to escape from the black tentacles - and, as it was on the front edge of the spell's effect, it was able to leave the area of effect entirely and attack Gilbert Fung. But Tsumezhao was there to protect his master, and bit at the flaming foe. His teeth clamped down on the burning enemy, and although this attack caused the foo lion to erupt into flames himself it didn't let up from its attack. Even while realizing this was just a figurine of wondrous power acting on his own instructions, Gilbert couldn't help but be touched by the creature's unwavering loyalty to his master.

Castillan spotted Vance struggling with the black tentacles and used his ring to dimension door directly behind the cleric of Pelor. He ended up within the area of effect of the Evard's black tentacles spell himself, but as he was still under the protection of a freedom of movement spell, the writhing appendages couldn't get a grip on him.

Finoula activated her amulet of lightning for a second time that day and blasted through Jorg's body as he struggled to free himself. She reformed into her elf body by the door to the northwestern tower, in one of the pockets of safety from the black tentacles. She heard the distinctive sounds of spellcasting but wasn't able to discern the exact location or what specific spell was being cast. (It was the still-invisible Caliandra attempting to dispel the effects of the Evard's black tentacles spell and failing.) Behind the statue, Kizzie tried freeing herself from the tentacles but the halfling bard was constrained by her small size and relative lack of strength.

But then the statue came to life, triggered by a vocal command from Vance, who had the presence of mind to do so while feebly struggling to free himself from the dreaded tentacles. From the Eye of Vecna depicted in the statue came a blast of magical energy, hitting Hagan full in the chest. Fortunately for the half-orc, the effect was random and this time happened to mirror a poison spell, to which the sorcerer was currently immune, thanks to the heroes' feast he'd eaten that morning.

Retaliating in kind, Hagan raised his staff of fire and sent a fireball spell into the back of the room by Finoula, confident that the protection from energy spell he'd cast upon her that morning would keep her safe. The fireball did not, in fact, singe a single, silver hair on the elven ranger's head, but Kizzie, Jorg, and the invisible Caliandra were not so lucky. Again, some had been partially protected from fire damage before the battle had begun, but not all of them.

Thomas cast a levitate spell upon himself to keep out of range of the grasping tentacles before they could entangle him. Ingebold's spiritual hammer followed the monk to the ceiling, hammering away at him even while the dwarven cleric shot at Vance with her light crossbow. Below the levitating monk, who flipped himself up and over so his feet were now on the ceiling, Jorg managed to wrest himself free from the tentacles' embrace and step back to the zone of safety just outside the northwestern tower door. He cast a feeblemind spell at Castillan, who managed to avoid the spell's effects.

Under no control but its own, the ebony fly wandered out the front doors, taking the petrified Binkadink - and the silence spell - with it.

Gilbert cast a Bigby's forceful hand spell to keep the fire elemental at bay - for by now the creature had slain Tsumezhao as well, reverting him back to statuette form.

Inside the field of waving, ebon tentacles, Vance continued to try to free himself, to no avail. Worse yet, Castillan was in place to backstab himwith a quick thrust of his magic short sword. The enchanted blade did its job all too well, slaying the cleric of Pelor instantly. His lifeless body stopped struggling, allowing the tentacles to wrap around him fully. From the other side of the tentacle mass, Darrien shot arrows at Jorg. Finoula used her magic amulet for the third and final time that day, blasting though Thomas as a bolt of lightning, landing beside him on the ceiling and hanging there upside-down with her boots of spider climbing.

Unnoticed by the rest, the door to the northwestern tower opened and closed, as Caliandra, trapped by the tentacle mass in her way, entered the tower to fetch an ally.

Hagan cast another fireball spell from his staff, engulfing Kizzie and Jorg in flames.

Up on the ceiling, Thomas started running. Hanging upside-down beside him, Finoula struck out with her flaming whip of thorns. Her whip struck true, but failed to trip the fleeing monk. Instead he spun around and from his ceiling perch cast a chain lightning spell of his own, targeting Gilbert as the primary and arcing out to hit Hagan, Ingebold, and Darrien as secondary targets.

Incensed by the attack, Ingebold responded with a holy word spell. The effects were instantaneous and quite impressive: Thomas, Jorg, and even Caliandra another room away were all deafened; Thomas and Jorg were both blinded as well, and not only did the fire elemental vanish, banished immediately to its home plane, but so did the water elemental Caliandra had just brought from the laundry area to go attack the intruders.

From the exterior of the tentacle mass, a blind Jorg ran willingly into the writhing appendages, vainly attempting to grab hold of Ingebold, who he knew had been standing just on the other side of the spells' effect. He didn't quite reach her, but was instead engulfed by ebon tentacles wrapping themselves around his body. But that was no matter; since this body had been effectively rendered useless, the blood pudding inside Jorg's body - once a human wizard named Jarbanian - oozed its way from the half-orc's nose, mouth, eyes, and pores, sliding around the writhing tentacles that couldn't manage to get a grasp on the creature's liquid body, and over to Ingebold.

Over at the other end of the tentacle mass, the blood pudding who had once been a human cleric of Vecna named Shanzibar had come to a similar conclusion: its host body had been slain by Castillan, so he would make a more-than-suitable replacement. It oozed out of the body of the slain cleric of Pelor and onto the bounder.

Castillan panicked at the sight of the blood pudding crawling up his body. At his fastest speed, he ran through the field of black tentacles, crying out "Get it off! Get it off!" for as long as he could before the blood pudding filled his mouth and he could no longer scream. Gilbert's enhanced eyes saw the blood pudding covering Castillan was giving off that particular glow that identified it as an undead creature. "It undead!" he cried, and Ingebold spun around, turning the two loose blood puddings - for the one on Castillan had not yet fully entered the bounder's body - with the power of Moradin emanating from her raised holy symbol.

The effects were immediate. Both blood puddings began fleeing, the one on Castillan dripping down his body and squeezing underneath the door to the southeastern tower, while the one from Jorg's body following not far behind.

Gilbert cast a haste spell upon the assembled heroes, thinking the combat advantages the spell provided would likely give them the edge they'd need to finish this battle and come out on top. Darrien shot a barrage of arrows at Thomas; the monk contemptuously slapped the first one away but was hit by the others.

Up on the ceiling, Finoula stabbed at Thomas with her longsword Tahlmalaera. The monk was slain instantly, the levitate spell no longer in effect now that he could no longer concentrate upon it. He crashed to the ground, and not surprisingly, the blood spilling out of his facial orifices and pores coalesced into an unharmed blood pudding, this one a former human necromancer named Gornak.

That left Jorg and Caliandra to deal with - plus Kizzie, but she had merely been charmed, not taken over. The Vecna hand-and-eye statue blasted at Finoula, affecting her with an inflict serious wounds spell. Now that the fire elemental was no more, Gilbert redirected his Bigby's forceful hand spell to block the statue; from the side, it looked as if two giant hands were playing patty cake.

Hagan cast a wall of fire spell from his staff, sending it diagonally through the field of tentacles, to fry Jorg - for in the heat of battle, the half-orc sorcerer had failed to notice that Jorg's blood pudding host had already abandoned him and was indeed the second blood pudding to head over to the door that had been Castillan's initial destination upon entering the Sanctum Aeternum.

The blood pudding Gornak, however, oozed its way over to Gilbert Fung. The heavyset mage responded by casting a polymorph spell upon himself, reducing himself to halfling size and shape - now too small to be inhabited by a blood pudding! In frustration, Gornak climbed onto Castillan instead. The bounder responded by trying to scrape the undead mass off his body with his own blade. Meanwhile, Finoula had been chasing after the blood pudding Jarbanian, striking it again and again with her whip, finally slaying it.

Halfling-sized Gilbert cast a wall of force spell that blocked off access to the northwestern tower, where he was fairly certain the blood pudding running Caliandra's body was currently located. Ingebold turned the Gornak blood pudding, and once again Castillan felt the relief of having a blood pudding ooze its way off of his body. Hagan cast a fireball spell at Gornak, only to learn that these undead things had an innate spell resistance that he had failed to surpass this time. Gornak successfully oozed beneath the door to the southeastern tower, following the blood-trail left by Shanzibar.

Darrien guzzled down a potion of spider climb, thinking the ceiling might be the safest place to avoid having a blood pudding ooze its way inside of you. Halfling Gilbert cast a fire shield spell upon himself, then he and Mudpie went into the southeastern tower, finding a library on the bottom floor and a set of stairs leading up to the floors above. The Shanzibar and Gornak puddings were oozing up the stairs, so Gilbert burn-wrestled one of them to death while Mudpie learned of the laborious tediousness of pounding the other ooze to death.

With all but Caliandra taken care of - for Kizzie had been strangled by the black tentacles before having her body burned by the wall of fire - the group split up to search the three towers not sealed off by the wall of force. Gilbert, still in halfling form, went to cast a break enchantment spell on poor petrified Binkadink; ten minutes later, the gnome fighter had been restored to life and bummed that he'd missed out on most of the action.

Finoula found Aithanar shackled to the wall of the top floor of the southwestern tower; both rejoiced upon seeing the other before Finoula ran back downstairs to fetch Castillan, who soon managed to free his brother with his masterwork lockpicks. Each tower held the bedrooms of a master and an apprentice, although one such pair apparently shared a room, directly beneath the cell in which Aithanar had been found. But that accounted for all eight of the blood puddings: the four master spellcasters that had overtaken Lord Cavelthorne's troops and the four apprentices the Kordovians had slain back in the Dungeon of Eternity.

After the three towers had been searched thoroughly, the group reassembled by the northwestern tower door. The Evard's black tentacles and wall of fire spells had been dismissed; now halfling-Gilbert dismissed the wall of force spell as well. "Be careful," the half-pint wizard warned the rest of the group.

"And remember that's Caliandra whose body's being used," reminded Darrien. He kind of had a thing for the human sorcerer and didn't want to see her dealt any damage if at all possible.

Castillan led the search. He opened the door on the second floor, expecting it to be locked and surprised to see it wasn't. He was further surprised to see their target, Caliandra, lying on an elaborate bed, apparently passed out - if the fancy (and empty) bottle of vintage elven wine was any indication. "That's odd," commented the bounder - just as the blood pudding, a former human wizard named Madame Valtrusia, dropped from the wall above him directly onto his head. Immediately, the undead thing began seeping into his nostrils, into his eyelids, into his ears, and down his throat; all Castillan could do was give a garbled cry of alarm to let the others behind him know he was in danger of being taken over.

There followed a mad scramble to get the blood pudding off of him before it could fully enter the bounder and be impossible to reach. Darrien, standing immediately behind Castillan, grabbed him by his belt and yanked him down the stairs, hoping one of the spellcasters below could do something for the bounder. Thinking quickly, Gilbert cast a flesh to stone spell on Castillan as soon as his tumble down the stairs came to an end; Madame Valtrusia had no way to take over a petrified statue, so she was forced to reverse course and start oozing back out of the bounder's now-stone orifices.

The blood pudding found itself surrounded by heroes madly trying to kill it. Binkadink stabbed at it with his magical glaive while Finoula whipped it time and again, the fire of her flaming whip dealing more damage to the undead ooze than the thorns. Ingebold, using the logic of fighting undead creatures, cast a healing spell on the blood pudding that caused parts of its body to boil away into nothingness as if the spell had had an acidic effect. But once again it was a magic missile spell cast by Hagan that dealt the killing blow. "You just need to know when to cast the low-level spells," the half-orc sorcerer reiterated.

A more thorough search through the rooms - this time for valuables more so than opponents - led to the discovery of quite a treasure hoard in a storage room. There were eight barrels, each marked "GRIFFON FEED" (likely explaining the original use of the ramshackle wooden stables outside) and each protected in a different manner (most with arcane lock, one with explosive runes, one with a symbol of fear, and one with a vial of drow contact poison that would spill all over the coins within if not properly disarmed). Castillan (once he'd been restored to flesh) had his hands full overcoming the various traps and protections, but it was well worth the effort, for there was an accumulated amount of wealth that went into the tens of thousands of gold coins in value.

"Dinnae be too greedy about th' loot," reminded Ingebold. "We'll be needin' some o' this coin to restore th' slain adventurers t' life." Gilbert originally objected to this plan, on the argument that it wasn't their fault that Lord Cavelthorne's adventurers had run afoul of blood puddings and thus shouldn't be their responsibility to revive them, but he was shouted down by the others. Begrudgingly, he agreed to restore them to life - but only via raise dead spells, which were cheaper to cast than full resurrections.

Thus, the bodies of the dead adventurers were piled into the portable hole, while a crispy-fried (but still living, for the half-orc was made of stern stuff!) Jorg and a drunk and unconscious Caliandra were helped back to the landing platform outside. Hagan teleported over to the dragonfly vessel, and with minutes Jinkadoodle brought the ship to a safe landing. Hagan dropped the rope ladder over the side and the others climbed up, Darrien making sure he was the one to carry an unconscious Caliandra over his shoulder as he did so.

"Lord Cavelthorne's never going to believe all this," muttered Jorg, pulling his armor back into place - for they had found all of the gear originally worn by the half-orc fighter and his comrades.

"What?" asked Castillan. "Being taken over by blood puddings?"

"Being taken over by blood puddings, being rescued by you guys, this flying vessel - all of it. It's all just so incredible!"

"We are incredible!" insisted Gilbert, now back to his full size. "What so hard to believe about that?"

- - -

Jacob didn't join us for this adventure, only the second one he'd missed - this time because he just got a new job in college and was likely to be busy for quite a few weekends in the near future; rather than hold up our adventure sessions indefinitely, he agreed to have his dad run Castillan for him. (We did something similar when Logan went to college in the middle of our Wing Three campaign.) Logan ran Ingebold, which turned out to be very good thing once Binkadink was taken out early on by a flesh to stone spell. (It's kind of ironic that the PC with the highest Fortitude save bonus of all the PCs is the one who habitually fails his Fortitude saves.)

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T-Shirt Worn: One of my two Red Cross shirts (the white one - I also have a light blue one), to represent the blood puddings the PCs dealt with in this adventure.



Game Session Date: 28 April 2018

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"I need to see Cal!" decided King Galrich.

"Cal? Who's Cal, Your Majesty?" asked one of his clerks, who had been going over the schedule for the day with the half-orc king.

Aerik knew who Cal was. He stepped up to the king's side and reminded him, "We haven't adventured with Cal for over two decades, Me King."

"What?" demanded King Galrich. Then, as if shaking away an unwanted headache, he insisted, "We need to go see Cal, at once. We're off to the Temple of Kord!"

"But your day's schedule, Your Majesty!" insisted the harried clerk, chasing after the burly ruler as he stomped his way out of the palace meeting hall.

"Later!" hissed Aerik. "We'll be at th' Temple of Kord!" As they passed a castle page, Aerik commanded, "Fetch them what're waitin' fer th' meeting at eight bells -- have 'em meet us outside, at once!" The page saluted smartly and rushed off to do the bidding of the king's bodyguard. As King Galrich and Aerik started down the steps of the castle, they were met by a group of the king's adventurers.

"Ah, there you are, Feron," said King Galrich, smiling at the sight of Finoula. The elven ranger opened her mouth to correct the king, but shut it again at a stern look from Aerik. The others - the entirety of the adventuring team, save for Gilbert Fung and Aerik's own daughter Ingebold, who were both still preparing their spells for the day - fell into line. "Where are we going?" piped up Binkadink, extending his gnomish stilt-boots to keep pace with the king.

"Temple of Kord," replied Aerik tersely, and said no more.

The Temple of Kord was a fine building - not surprisingly, as it had once been the pre-eminent place of worship in all of Kordovia, given that the country was founded in the god's name. However, the attacks from orc and goblin forces that had begun two decades back and more had severely reduced the ranks of the clergymen; not surprisingly, the clerics of the God of Strength insisted on pitting their might on the front lines against the enemy, and casualties had been heavy. The current leader of the church was Father Bendrick, who welcomed a visit from the king even if he hadn't expected it.

"Your Majesty," greeted the elderly cleric. "To what does the church owe such a visit?"

"I need to talk to Cal," replied King Galrich, pushing past the cleric and entering the church. It was laid out like many such temples, with rows of pews for the parishioners facing the back of the open room, which held a pulpit for the head cleric; this one had an enormous stone statue of Kord standing in an alcove behind the pulpit.

"Cal?" asked Father Bendrick, confused, as he followed the group into his church. King Galrich stood in the center of the room, looking all about him: at the stained glass windows depicting stories of Kord's might; at the empty pews; at the statue of the God of Might, his muscles seeming to bulge even when carved from stone. The others held back, giving the king his space.

"How long has he been like this?" whispered Finoula to Aerik. "He mistook me for my little sister."

"A few days now," admitted Aerik in a low voice. "It comes and goes. He gets confused, then snaps out of it like nothin' 'appened."

"There you are!" said King Galrich, but when the others looked to see who he was addressing, there was nobody there.

"And sometimes, 'e talks to folks what aren't there."

"What do you think I should do?" asked the king to the open air. Moments passed in silence, with King Galrich giving every impression he was listening intently to an unspoken answer. Then he replied, "I'll get my guys on it at once." He shook his head again as if coming out of a trance, then turned and walked back to the double doors at the front of the temple. "We're done here," he announced. Turning to Finoula, he said, "Gather up the rest of your troops. I have a mission for you."

"Y-yes, Your Majesty," acknowledged Finoula as King Galrich and his dwarven bodyguard stomped back to the castle.

Half an hour later, the assembled group - including Ingebold and Gilbert, who had been quickly brought up to speed about the morning's events - sat around the table in the briefing hall they had originally been scheduled to meet with the king to give him a status report of their recent adventures. All of that had been put by the wayside, however, as King Galrich was more interested in giving them their current assignment. He began by plopping a large sack of coins, taken directly from the king's treasury, onto the table. That got Castillan's attention at once.

"There's a half-orc merchant named Grommurk," King Galrich informed the team. "He peddles his wares from a mule cart, generally making the rounds between Baranford, Garonis, Kisail, Littleberg, Pantarn, and Fountainspring. I want you to find him. He wears a silver circlet on his brow – I want you to purchase one just like it and return it to me."

There was silence around the table. Gilbert finally broke it by asking, "That it? That our mission?"

"That's it," agreed King Galrich. "That's your mission. You are dismissed." Then he abruptly stood up - the others rising hurriedly as he stood - and exited the room, Aerik in tow.

"This not a mission," complained Gilbert. "This a shopping trip."

"Nonetheless," Ingebold began, "He is our king, and--"

"Yes-yes-yes," Gilbert interrupted, waving his hand as if shooing away a bothersome fly. "Still a stupid mission."

"How should we go about finding this Grommurk?" asked Darrien. Gilbert rubbed his beard as he gave it some thought.

"He visit same six cities, over and over," the portly mage observed. "Baranford the closest. We start there, see if anybody seen him lately."

"A half-orc merchant wearing a silver circlet who drives a mule cart would rather stand out," pointed out Finoula. "Anybody who'd seen him would likely remember having seen him."

"Let's go, then!" enthused Castillan, grabbing up the sack of gold coins.

The group opted to travel in the dragonfly vessel; it was much faster than their Vistani wagon, even if it was much more conspicuous. Rather than make a scene by landing their flying ship in the middle of town, they had Jinkadoodle drop down just outside of Baranford. The group disembarked from the ship from there, Ingebold taking their rolled-up carpet of teleportation with them, stowed inside the portable hole she carried. That way, all but one of them could return to the ship when they were finished, while the one left behind walked with the carpet back to a rendezvous point to be picked up.

Once entering the town by foot, the team split up. Some hit the taverns while others found their way directly to the marketplace, but each questioned the locals as to whether they'd seen Grommurk recently, and if so, when. The general consensus was that Grommurk had been in town about a month ago and would likely be back in another month. "That mean he halfway through his cycle," observed Gilbert. "We skip Garonis and Kisail, go straight to Littleberg."

At Littleberg, Castillan met a man who had ordered something from Grommurk for his wife and was expecting him any day now. "He shoulda been here a week ago," the man complained.

"Then he either in Kisail or traveling this way," Gilbert decided. Rather than wait, the group flew to Kisail. After confirming there that the half-orc merchant had already departed Kisail, the group decided they'd do best by following his trail on land rather than by flying over the main road between Kisail and Littleberg with the dragonfly ship. Not only was it much less conspicuous, but they'd likely see things on the ground that they wouldn't be able to from the air. So after using the carpet of teleportation to pop up to the dragonfly ship and tell Jinkadoodle of their plans, Binkadink returned to the group, bringing with him (in several trips) his jackalope Obvious, Finoula's timber wolf Wrath, and Darrien's pet dire bear cub Grumps Junior. Then they all went to rent horses for their trip while Jinkadoodle flew the ship back to its "parking garage" in the clouds.

The gnome fighter opted not to rent a horse - he had his jackalope mount and was much more comfortable with Obvious than he would be on even the smallest of ponies. Ingebold opted for a pony, as did Castillan, while the others rented full-size horses.

"You might want to see about a draft horse," piped up Binkadink, smirking at Gilbert Fung.

"You shut stupid gnome mouth," Gilbert retorted. But once everyone was suitably mounted, they took off on the road to Littleberg.

"I kind of miss the Vistani wagon," observed Castillan, who often rode on top of the roof as a lookout. "It's a shame there no good way to transport it on the dragonfly ship."

"Not me," replied Finoula. "This is much better, being out on the trail on horseback." She missed her own mount, Daisy, but the pony was back at the stables at Battershield Keep. Wrath trotted along at her heels, making Finoula's mount a bit skittish - these rented horses weren't used to having bears and wolves travel alongside them. But the team made good time on the road.

About three hours later, the group spotted a commotion up ahead, off to the side of the road where it butted up against the Dapple Wood, a forest of thick trees. A small group of people were gathered together beneath the branches, fighting over an overturned cart. Finoula quickly cast a longstrider spell upon herself and jumped off her pony, not wanting to ride the rented mount into a potential battle - and with her spell active, she lost no speed in the process. She pulled out her longsword Tahlmalaera with her right hand and uncurled her whip of thorns with her left. "What seems to be the problem?" she asked as she approached the group.

At her words, several people dashed off in different directions, eager to flee the scene. Three rogues dressed in leather armor stood their ground, however. "We was here first, and we claim alla these goods fer ourselves!" their leader said. "Now scram!"

Castillan leaped off of his pony and raced up to the group, shooting the leader with his light crossbow once within range. That served as official notice what the bounder thought of the bandit's proclamation.

Darrien had followed the others' lead in not taking a rented horse - likely unused to combat - into a fight with bandits. So he activated his ebony fly and took to the air, leaving his terrestrial mount behind. Maneuvering the fly with his knees, he notched an arrow into his Arachnibow and let fly. His first arrow finished off the bandit leader, while his next two slew the next bandit in line.

Hagan was the next to react. As a spellcaster, he opted to remain on his rented horse - it wasn't like he was planning on riding it into battle. Instead, realizing the usefulness of having a survivor to question, he cast one of his few nonlethal spells at the remaining bandit, hoping to deprive him of his sight and make him that much less of a dangerous combat opponent. Unfortunately, the bandit managed to shrug off the spell's intended effects.

However, Finoula managed to do with her sword what the half-orc sorcerer had failed to do with his spell - take the remaining bandit out of the fight. Racing up to the remaining bandit with spell-enhanced speed, she had the point of Tahlmalaera at the man's throat before he could react. "Do you wish to join the others in death?" she asked.

It turns out he didn't. "I surrender!" he cried, dropping his weapons: a light crossbow and a short sword. "The dagger as well," Finoula prompted, spotting the extra weapon on the bandit's belt. Without hesitation, the bandit added the dagger to the pile of other weapons at his feet.

"We found the wagon like this, I swear!" the bandit exclaimed, sweat rolling down his face. While Finoula had the man lie face-first on the grass at sword-point, the others explored the area and confirmed his tale. There were drag-marks at the road indicating the mule cart had been pulled to its present location. The leather straps that had once affixed the mule to the wagon were cut, by something less sharp than a steel blade; it looked to have been the work of claws. And, most telling of all, the mud on the wheels of the cart was thoroughly dried. "It's been here two days, at least," determined Darrien.

Finoula allowed the bandit to regain his footing. "We're keeping your weapons," she advised him. "Now get out of here." The bandit made no argument, racing away from the group, headed to Kisail. He didn't even make any attempt to gather up any of his partners' belongings, which Gilbert was gathering and doing a quick mental calculation of their likely worth. "These short swords look like maybe masterwork quality," he observed.

Castillan had been exploring further into the Dapple Wood - admittedly, at first merely to gather up the odd bits of silver merchandise that had been scattered among the area. But he called the others to him. "Look at this!" he said, pointing down to a huge footprint in a dried patch of dirt. Darrien and Finoula, the rangers, exchanged knowing looks with each other. "Troll," they said in unison.

Castillan held a silver ring up for examination. It bore a stylized "G" on its face - a symbol which matched a painting on the side of the mule cart. "I think they got our Grommurk," he said.

"The trail leads this way," remarked Darrien, looking at drag-marks on the ground where something heavy - likely the mule - had been pulled along. Dried bloodstains further marked the trail.

"What about the horses?" asked Finoula. "We probably shouldn't leave them here by the side of the road, where they can get stolen." Ingebold pulled out her portable hole and retrieved the carpet of teleportation from within it. Binkadink took the time to take each of the horses, one at a time, aboard the dragonfly vessel. "We'll have to return them once we're finished up here," he said. "But Aithanar said they'll be no problem." Aithanar had quite a way with animals; Finoula found herself smiling at the thought of Castillan's younger brother.

The trail led deeper into the Dapple Wood, ending abruptly at a large hole, some 15 feet in diameter, nestled between two sturdy-looking trees. A hollow log partially covered the hole, serving as a potential barrier - although if it was meant to keep people out it wasn't very effective, as there was more than enough room for a person (even one of Gilbert's bulk) to slide in on either end of the hole.

"That where we going," observed Gilbert. "Ingebold! Open up hole again, it time to let Mudpie out." The dwarven cleric complied, and Gilbert's earth elemental familiar stepped out of the extradimensional plane on the other side of the portable hole. "Master," it greeted the heavyset wizard.

Gilbert began the casting of preparatory spells, starting with mage armor upon himself and his familiar. Hagan followed suit, casting the spell not only upon himself and his weasel familiar Wezhley, but also upon Obvious, Wrath, and Grumps. The rangers each cast a barkskin spell upon themselves, while Binkadink fed a potion of barkskin to Obvious, who by now had gotten used to the taste. Gilbert followed up with a Rary's telepathic bond spell that linked him and Mudpie in to Binkadink, Darrien, Finoula, and Hagan.

"I think we ready," he announced. "Mudpie: pull log out of way!" The earth elemental hurried to comply, as Binkadink called up to the trees in the language of burrowing mammals. "Squirrels!" he called. "Are there many trolls in here?"

There was a rustling of leaves overhead as a few squirrels got closer - but not too close, the gnome was quick to notice - to speak to the strange little man who spoke their language. "Trolls!" one replied. "Yes! Bad-bad-bad!"

"How many trolls?" Binkadink inquired. The squirrels gave this question some thought before replying, "Many!" The gnome shrugged, not expecting much more; squirrels were notoriously bad at numbers. Nonetheless, he thanked them for their help and wished them a good day.

Looking down the vertical shaft, Binkadink determined it was about 15 feet down or so. He summoned forth a set of dancing lights, sending them drifting slowly down the shaft to provide illumination below, then remounted Obvious as the others lined up to go in.

Hagan volunteered to go first. There were several roots sticking out from the side of the shaft which made for suitable hand-holds. Dropping to the packed earth of the floor, the sorcerer looked around - and locked his gaze with that of a troll, whose red eyes glinted in the illumination of the dancing lights from deeper within a side cave whose opening abutted with the main area directly below the entry shaft.

Hagan acted instinctively, dropping a wall of fire across the cave opening, sealing in the troll and sending blasts of flickering heat his way. Cheplik roared in pain from the flames, as Finoula dropped to the floor beside Hagan, having effortlessly traversed the shaft with her boots of spider climbing. She landed facing the other way, into another side cavern, and the sight she saw there made her blood run cold.

It was another troll, but that wasn't the problem, for the elven ranger had expected to see trolls living in this cavern complex. Rather, it was the troll's appearance, which was unlike anything in the ranger's experience. This troll had four arms, the second pair grafted into the sides of the body just below the normal pair. And jutting through the troll's torso and limbs, in a random-enough pattern to convince the elf that this wasn't a natural occurrence, were spikes the color of bone - in fact, they were actually shards of bone poking through the creature's warty, green-skinned flesh, judging by the shattered edges of several of the protuberances.

Enjoying the look of revulsion its appearance generated on the elf's face, Skrongo spread all four of its arms wide and grinned a horrible grin at Finoula. Then, in a blur of motion, it sprang at her, hooting in excitement. But Finoula had both of her weapons out and at the ready, and as the four-armed monstrosity approached her she flicked her flaming whip of thorns at it. Skrongo howled in pain as the flames burned into his flesh, but swung a pair of claws at Finoula, raking her across the shoulder. However, the ranger stepped into his embrace, leading with Tahlmalaera, which slid deep into Skrongo's belly. The troll slashed at her again, and Finoula ignored the pain of the thing's claws and protruding bone-spikes as she twisted the sword in its wound. Then, fearing to be caught up in a four-armed embrace, she kicked away from her opponent. Greenish blood dripped from a deep gash in Skrongo's stomach and he staggered as one hand clamped it shut to keep his intestines in place as his warty flesh began to regenerate the wound.

With a roar of anticipated pain, Cheplik raced through Hagan's wall of fire spell, burning his flesh but more importantly freeing himself from being burned alive in his own cave without the ability to fight back against his attackers. Claws raked across Hagan's chest, causing the sorcerer to fall back a step. But the troll was well within range of Darrien's Arachnibow as the half-elf ranger stood at the top of the pit. He rapidly shot arrow after arrow down at the troll, peppering him with feathered shafts.

With Cheplik thus occupied, Castillan scampered down the entry tunnel, bounding past Finoula and behind Skrongo, setting himself up for a sneak attack against the four-armed monstrosity. But the bounder had to put a stop to his own attack at the last moment, seeing that his intended stab from behind would impale his own hand on a bone-spike jutting out from the creature's back! Cursing his luck at the wasted opportunity, Castillan readied himself for another opening.

Without hesitation, Obvious jumped into the entry shaft, hitting one side of the tunnel wall and whipping his body around to bound off the other; he landed on all fours at the bottom of the shaft, and Binkadink, now used to such mid-air maneuvers, had the presence of mind to keep his glaive readied to strike. He thrust at Skrongo with every ounce of strength he possessed, and the blade nearly severed the four-armed troll's head from his neck, so deeply did it cut. As Skrongo fell backwards in death - and Castillan scampered back to prevent the troll from falling onto him - Binkadink wheeled his glaive around and thrust it at Cheplik, scoring a solid hit but failing to drop the second troll.

But no matter: Obvious finished the job with a goring from his antlers. The jackalope followed up by stomping on the falling troll's chest, helping to ensure it fell backwards directly into Hagan's wall of fire, where Cheplik's body quickly started burning, filling the area with the rancid stench of seared troll-flesh.

Ingebold climbed down into the troll hole, but at the moment there were no enemies within sight, so she stepped over by Finoula to ensure her Battle-Sister didn't need any healing. Finoula suggested they drag Skrongo's body into the wall of fire to ensure it didn't regenerate itself back to life, but Hagan responded by casting a second wall of fire directly through Skrongo's body. "Or we could just do that," Finoula remarked.

Gilbert entered the cave network in his own inimitable fashion, by sending Mudpie to earth glide through the side of the wall while holding his hands up to form platforms for Gilbert to stand upon; as the elemental lowered himself down the vertical shaft, he alternated his hands so that Gilbert "walked" down the tunnel without once taking an actual step. Once at floor level, he stepped off of his familiar's hands and cast a stoneskin spell on the two of them.

Eager to see what else this cavern complex had to offer, Finoula strode confidently down the tunnel into a larger chamber. Ten feet up along the wall to the right there were two narrow niches, each housing a juvenile troll. One of these, Spakko, backed into the farthest reaches of his nook, while the other came to the front of her own nook and pointed a stick at the intruding elf. "Sping!" she cried, and when that didn't work, she followed with "Burrak! Dormluk!" But despite her best efforts, Jorpa couldn't get the stick to shoot fire like she'd seen its previous owner make it do.

But Finoula ignored the troll children, her complete focus on the two adult trolls who had hopped down from another side cave about a dozen feet up from the floor of the central cavern, further down the right-hand side. They advanced menacingly, one of them licking her rubbery lips with a blackened tongue at the thought of elf-flesh for dinner. Together, they rushed at Finoula, attacking her from two adjacent directions. Finoula cracked her whip at Garpo, allowing her partner Tork to get in a good rake with his claws as the elf ranger devoted her attention to his mate.

But from behind her, Darrien shot a barrage of arrows at Tork, striking him repeatedly. The troll shrieked in pain and backed off, allowing Finoula to continue focusing on Garpo.

Castillan came up just behind Finoula, looking over to a cave on the left that Finoula hadn't been able to focus on due to the immediate attack from Tork and Garpo. Two more trolls advanced from this side cave, the pair covered in white runes all over their bodies. "Spellcasters!" Castillan cried, assuming the trolls to be the spell-adepts of the group, judging from their adornment. But the bounder decided to help Finoula with the pair she was up against, as there were other heroes coming from just behind to deal with the spellcaster trolls. Activating his ring, Castillan dimension doored directly behind Garpo, his blades out and ready to strike.

Obvious squeezed by the others in the narrow passageway, leaping forward once in the open, allowing Binkadink to skewer Garpo with his glaive. She fell to the cold stone floor, dead but her lethal wounds already stitching themselves back closed. Behind the mounted gnome, Ingebold stepped up and swung her warhammer at Tork, crushing a kneecap but taking a clawed strike in turn.

Gilbert decided to take on the "spellcaster" trolls, Jublin and Wessup. He cast a fireball spell that encompassed the two, causing them to howl in pain as their warty flesh sizzled. Behind him, Hagan cast another wall of fire that sealed up Jorpa and Spakko's nooks, trapping the juvenile trolls within.

Finoula used her longsword and her whip against Tork, hitting with both, but taking another claw strike in retaliation. Behind her and to the side, the juvenile trolls had both come to the same conclusion: staying in their sleeping nooks was a death sentence! Both rushed through the wall of fire, but only Spakko survived the experience; Jorpa's flaming body fell to the floor, the wooden stick falling from her grasp as she landed. Finding Obvious standing directly before him, Spakko directed all of his hate and fury against the jackalope, slashing out with claws that the antlered rabbit easily dodged.

Castillan pondered maneuvering to strike Tork from behind when the troll's whole body spasmed and shook, the result of Darrien's latest barrage of arrows striking him repeatedly. With Tork seemingly well in hand, the bounder opted to go deeper into the cavern complex to find some trolls he could fight by himself, without the others always getting in his way. Dipping through a narrow passageway, he saw a larger cavern with several side caves. From a side cave to the left emerged another pair of trolls, Squinch and Ratti, while from the one directly ahead stepped a massive troll sporting an oversized greatclub in each hand and an extra head on his shoulders. "Who dares enter Vessik-Durath's domain?" demanded the two-headed troll in the Giant language.

Castillan didn't understand the Giant language, but he didn't need to know the two-headed troll's words to realize this was a trio he didn't want to face by himself after all. Spinning on his heels, he scurried back the way he'd come, the three trolls fast behind him. Ahead, Jublin and Wessup had advanced further into the central cavern, but Binkadink had plucked a bead from his fireball necklace and hurled it at the pair, encompassing them in a blossom of flames once again. Tork had finally fallen to Darrien's arrows, and now Obvious was leaping up and down on the fallen troll's corpse, inflicting further damage so its eventual regeneration back to life would take that much longer.

Ingebold cast a flame strike spell on Jublin and Wessup; the third fire spell finally dropped the two - and before either had been able to cast a single spell themselves, the cleric mused. Seeing most of the group bunched up together, Gilbert cast a haste spell on the adventurers, catching all but Hagan in the spell's effect - the half-orc had stepped forward to fetch Jorpa's dropped stick, finding it to be a wand of fireball with "fuegar" carved clearly on the side; apparently Jorpa couldn't read! But with a free moment out of combat - for Vessik-Durath and the last pair of adult trolls were just now coming through the passageway in the back - Hagan directed a scorching ray into Tahlmalaera at Finoula's request, reattuning the variable energy blade from sonic to fire. Flames leaped from the enchanted blade, bringing a smile of anticipation upon the ranger's face. "Thanks!" she called to the half-orc sorcerer, advancing to meet the approaching troll forces.

Vessik-Durath exited the narrow corridor in a loping bound and came right up to Finoula, his twin greatclubs raised; behind him, Squinch and Ratti were about halfway through the sloping passageway connecting the two larger caverns. Before the half-fiend ettinblood troll could bring either weapon crashing down upon Finoula, Darrien sent a cluster of five arrows crashing into his chest, noting with pride that each had struck true but frowning upon noticing the wounds didn't frost up like they usually did since he'd had his Arachnibow enchanted to enhance his arrows with cold energy. But despite being able to ignore the arrows' lack of cold damage, Vessik-Durath wasn't able to ignore Castillan's sudden attack, for the bounder ducked underneath the troll's raised left arm and sent his blade deep into the creature's side, then used it as a handhold to help stab the creature in the back with his rapier with maximum force. Roaring in pain, the two-headed beast dropped both greatclubs and grabbed his side; Castillan only just managed to pull the weapons from the demon-troll's flesh and step back out of the way.

Vessik-Durath staggered in place, wheeling around to face the elf bounder. But then Binkadink was upon him, bringing his magic glaive in to slash across the troll leader's lumpy flesh. The troll dropped to one knee, tried steadying himself with a hand on the stone floor, and then Binkadink brought his blade crashing down on the back of one of the troll's twin skulls, dropping him in an instant. Ingebold brought her warhammer down on the other skull, crushing it to pulp. "Let's see ye heal that!" she cried.

Gilbert cast a fire shield spell upon himself and Mudpie, then sent his familiar to go trample the two-headed troll's body. Across the cavern, Obvious was still doing the same to Tork's corpse; the poor troll wouldn't be rising any time soon!

Finoula turned to face the last two adult trolls, her now-flaming sword in hand, matched by the flames erupting from her whip of thorns. A look of worry crossed the faces of the last troll pair, but then they steeled themselves against these intruders and forged ahead. Darrien sent a few arrows into Squinch's broad chest, and then Hagan called for the others to back away from the trolls. Intrigued, Binkadink did as the sorcerer requested, as did Ingebold; the cleric spent the time casting a healing spell upon her Battle-Sister, who of all the group had sustained the most damage from the trollish forces. Gilbert communicated with Hagan over the telepathic bond, and then the two spellcasters struck in unison.

Hagan cast yet another wall of fire sideways along the length of the narrow passageway, catching both trolls in the middle of the spell effect. They roared in unison as their greenish flesh erupted in flames; with growls of determination they raced through the length of the wall of fire, eager to get past its effects - only to come crashing into the invisible wall of force Gilbert had planted right at the end of Hagan's flaming wall. Unable to escape from the wall of fire, Squinch and Ratti cried out in pain as the flames took them. Only after their corpses were charred to a crisp did the spellcasters dismiss their respective wall spells.

The trolls seemingly defeated - and after Tork and Vessik-Durath's bodies were dragged into the wall of fire that had taken out Jorpa and Spakko - the group split up to give the caves they'd passed a quick look. Ingebold found a sack of 250 pieces of gold in Cheplik's quarters, along with several skulls hung on the walls of the cave mounted with metal pitons. There was also a wineskin made from a cow's stomach and a 50-foot length of silk rope. In Skrongo's cave, mixed in with a nest of leaves, Finoula found the poorly-stitched hide of a stuffed dire boar, likely a combination pillow and stuffed animal, mixed in with the scattered bones of recent meals (including what she suspected were the bones of Grommurk's mule). Castillan found a bag of crystal marbles in a small blue sack in the cave shared by Tork and Garpo, while Binkadink unearthed a near-empty can of white paint in Jublin and Wessup's cave, the source of the nonmagical (and quite useless) "protective runes" Wessup had painted on the pair.

Moving farther into the sections of the cave complex they hadn't yet explored, Gilbert and Mudpie found a deep pit of unknown purpose; it was a "punishment pit" where disobedient trolls were tossed in - often without their limbs, which would eventually grow back - until they had learned the errors of their ways. Darrien discovered that Squinch and Ratti's cave contained a wide variety of fungus along the back section, combination bedding and food source. While Hagan explored the large cave Vessik-Durath had used for his own personal quarters, he found nothing more than simple bedding. By then, though, Castillan had caught up to the sorcerer and explored one of the two openings from the leader's den to a higher-level cave whose twin entrances were each 5 to 6 feet above the floor. Excited by the glint of silver he saw in the middle of the floor, the elf headed over in that direction - and immediately felt the weight of something heavy on his back, as well as a pinching at the back of his neck as sharp mandibles pierced his skin.

It was only because there were two such creatures attacking him that Castillan knew what he was up against; the phase spider directly before him he was able to keep at bay with his blades. But as the two arachnids disappeared back into the ethereal plane, Castillan scooped up a large, cloth bag and a pair of goggles that were lying on the floor before backing out cautiously.

Hagan called the others over the still-active Rary's telepathic bond spell and the group congregated in what the bounder had determined was the treasury. "Any sign of Grommurk?" asked Finoula, concerned about the abducted merchant's welfare.

"Likely dead," explained Castillan before briefing the group on the phase spiders waiting to attack anyone who ventured into the treasure cavern.

"I go in," offered Gilbert, as Mudpie gave his master a lift up into the cavern and then followed. Sure enough, a phase spider suddenly appeared behind Gilbert - and was burned by the wizard's fire shield spell when it tried biting the tasty morsel. A steady diet of Vessik-Durath's half-fiendish blood had given the phase spiders a lesser immunity to cold and fire, but the wizard's spell was painful enough to cause the phase spider to retreat back to the ethereal plane. The other one briefly appeared when Binkadink entered the cavern, but his glaive dealt enough damage to likewise drive it away. They gathered up the rest of the trolls' treasure and retreated back to Vessik-Durath's lair. Looking over at their takings, they found a black velvet bag of diamonds, two trade bars of silver, a pair of gloves which later proved to be gloves of arrow snaring, and Grommurk's silver circlet.

"I guess we'll bring this one back to the king," said Castillan. "It doesn't look like he'll be making another anytime soon."

"Let's go," suggested Ingebold, pulling the carpet of teleporting from her portable hole and unrolling it onto the floor. "This oughtta be safe enough here until we come back fer it." One by one, the adventurers stepped onto the magical carpet and back on board the dragonfly vessel, where they briefed Jinkadoodle of their encounters. They'd had enough for one day; they'd get the horses back to Kisail and go retrieve their carpet from the troll hole in the morning. But Ingebold insisted they return the silver circlet to the king at once, and so they did, the little gnome illusionist piloting the airship safely to the castle. King Galrich was overjoyed at their success and wore the circlet at once.

But two days later, he and Aerik were back at the Temple of Kord and the king was back to talking to people who weren't there. "It's no good," he said to the open air of the temple interior, as Father Bendrick and Aerik Battershield looked on with concern. The king looked up intently at the statue of Kord as if listening, although none of those accompanying him heard anything. "Then it's settled," he said. "How much longer?"

Finally, the king turned back to Aerik. "There you are," he said absently. "We're done here. We may as well head back to Guild Headquarters."

"Headquarters, Me King?" repeated Aerik, confused.

"Hmm? No, no, the castle," replied King Galrich distractedly. "I've got to make some plans." He scratched his head, his fingers bumping against the circlet of vitality. Pulling it from his forehead, he looked at it as if puzzled by its appearance, then handed it to Aerik. "Give this to Hagan," the king commanded. "It'll do more for him than it will for me."

Aerik dutifully took the circlet from the king's hand. "Yes, Me King," he replied.

- - -

The circlet of vitality was my own creation for this adventure. Here are my own notes on it:

This silver circlet is specially crafted for half-breeds, especially those – like half-orcs – whose parent races have greatly different life spans.

A circlet of vitality allows the wearer to apply the physical aging effects of the longer-lived parent race. For example, a half-orc wearing a circlet of vitality wouldn't lose a point of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution upon hitting middle age until he was 35 years old (as a human), not age 30 (as a half-orc). It also staves off mental deterioration brought on by old age.

To be effective, a circlet of vitality must be worn before the wearer is of middle age as appropriate to his race. A circlet of vitality donned for the first time at middle age or older has no effect upon the wearer.

Alas, it's too late for it to be of any good to King Galrich at this point, as he's probably well into his 50s by now and if his recent actions are any indication, into the first stages of early onset senility. (Oddly enough, senility doesn't seem to be covered in the D&D rules - not any that I could find, in any case. There are rules for decreases in physical ability scores, but the mental ability scores only ever normally increase with age.)

The players were all rolling hot this adventure; I think they had more threats and confirmed crits than in any other adventure session I can recall. And none of my trolls managed to ever get in two successful claw attacks so they could rend - was that really too much for a DM to ask for? Apparently it was.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My "TSR 25th Anniversary" T-shirt, since it has a Tony DiTerlizzi troll among the other creatures marching in a line to celebrate the birthday. (The troll's even wearing a party hat.)
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 14
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 14
Darrien, half-elf ranger 14
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 14
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 14
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 14
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 13​

Game Session Date: 26 May 2018

- - -

The group had just finished off the heroes' feast prepared by Ingebold, their traditional beginning to the day ever since the dwarven cleric had first been able to cast the spell. Now they assembled in the courtyard of Battershield Keep, deciding on what to do with their day.

Aerik approached the group, a worried look upon his face. "I'm worried about King Galrich," he began. "He's been muzzy-headed all week. Confused. Distracted. Talks t' them what ain't even there. I dunno what all we c'n do fer 'im, but it seems t' be gettin' worse."

"It's likely just normal aging," suggested Finoula. "The king is getting on up in years, especially for a half-orc."

Hagan pointed to the silver circlet he wore on his brow. "We were sent to fetch this," he said, "to help him with his mental faculties. It didn't work on him at all."

"Well, I dunno what we oughtta be doin' about him," sighed Aerik. He turned to his daughter. "Ye think mebbe a heal spell...?"

Ingebold shook her head sadly. "It cannae heal damage done through simple agin'," she explained. "Else ye could just heal yerself back t' bein' young again whenever yer body got too old." Aerik nodded in understanding, then went back inside to check on his wife.

Just then, a flapping of wings preceded the arrival of a small, nearly invisible creature. Instinctively, the combat-oriented adventurers grabbed for their weapons, but the creature offered no particular threat. It was humanoid in build but its tiny body - it was smaller even than Binkadink - seemed to be composed of air currents. Gilbert identified it at once as an air mephit, and the leather satchel it wore over its shoulder identified its profession. "It a messenger," the portly mage explained to the group.

As if proving the wizard's assertion, the air mephit pulled a sealed letter from its satchel, which it dutifully handed over to Finoula. The elf took the parchment, which was folded over and sealed with a blob of red wax. A stylized "A" had been pressed into the wax.

"Someone send you love notes?" theorized Gilbert.

"Aithanar's not going to like that," pointed out Darrien.

"What's it say?" asked Binkadink, normally one to join in the teasing but more curious about the message's contents. Finoula popped through the wax with a finger, opened the letter, and read aloud:

Miss Cloudshadow,

It has come to my attention that you – and those who accompany you on your adventures – have recently slain the incubus Malaterminus. I must congratulate you for performing a task that has long been required, one for which the myriad planes of existence can rejoice.

Furthermore, I understand you undertook this difficult task not for monetary gain but rather due to a personal desire to bring the wretched fiend to his well-earned justice. Nonetheless, I feel such a performance must be rewarded. If it pleases you, I wish to compensate you for your hard-won accomplishments. Along such ends, I have entrusted in the care of my messenger a device which will take you to my celestial abode, where I may personally thank you and your friends in a manner most suited to your worthiness.

Your Grateful Admirer,


Upon the elf having finished reading the letter aloud, the mephit reached into his satchel again and passed a small tuning fork over to Finoula. "Strike this upon a hard object, and it will take you to Anduviel," he explained.

"Hold on!" called out Gilbert, habitually not trusting anything to be as simple as it looked. "Don't activate it yet!" Finoula gave him a frown that explained she wasn't born yesterday.

"Who this Anduviel?" Gilbert demanded.

"I do not know him personally," admitted the mephit. "I'm merely a messenger. I know no more than do you."

"May I?" asked Ingebold, holding out her hand. Finoula passed the letter over to her Battle-Sister. Raising it up to the sun, the cleric said, "There's a watermark on the parchment." Holding it closer, she examined it further. "There's a trick used by those among the celestial planes," she explained. "They often use holy water in their writings, to prevent undead or fiends from the lower planes from handling their messages."

"Is that holy water?" asked Hagan.

"I cannae tell fer sure," admitted Ingebold. "But it seems t' be."

"Is there anything else required of me?" asked the air mephit. Gilbert dismissed him with a wave, and he flew off.

"Are we doing this?" asked Finoula. "It could be legitimate, or it could be a trap."

"Either way," observed Binkadink, "there's only one way to find out." Thus decided, the group gathered up their familiars and animal associates - Wezhley, Mudpie, Grumps Junior, Wrath, and Obvious - and everyone bunched up together. "I'm not sure of the area of effect on this thing," Finoula admitted. Then she struck the tuning fork against the side of her longsword Tahlmalaera, and the floor dropped out from the group.

At least, that's what it felt like. However, they only seemed to drop an inch or so - and yet, their surroundings had changed immediately. The group now stood on a flat plane seemingly carved of solid stone, inside some sort of magic circle inscribed directly into the stone. Light spilled down overhead from an unseen source.

"Anduviel lives here?" asked Castillan incredulously.

"Trap," observed Gilbert. "Should have known."

There was a small boulder nearby, upon which sat a sealed envelope, anchored in place by a stone to keep it from blowing away. It was sealed with the same red wax as the message the air mephit had delivered to Finoula. Assuming this one was also intended for her, the silver-haired elf picked it up, broke the seal, and read its contents aloud:

Miss Cloudshadow (and adventuring companions),

And now we come to the real matter of your true worthiness. I myself am a hunter of dangerous prey. Your slaying of the incubus Malaterminus has put you into the ranks of those worthy of my attention. I firmly believe your adventuring group will make most worthy prey indeed.

To the matter at hand: you are now within my hunting grounds. There are 10 interconnected zones; you are in the first. At the far end lies a hidden gate that will transport you to the next zone in turn; it will become visible upon your approach. Each zone suppresses magic to a differing extent. You will find only cantrips and orisons may be cast in this zone; the next such will allow spells of one level higher to be cast, and so on. I should mention that teleportation magic is suppressed save for within a given zone, and you will find planar travel and access to extradimensional spaces to be suppressed throughout all 10 zones, until you reach the end.

I will grant your party a small head start before I follow your trail and hunt you down with my trained mastiffs. I look forward to a worthy challenge!


"Well, that just figures," grumbled Castillan.

"I'm sorry, guys," apologized Finoula. "I got us into this mess."

"Not at all," insisted Hagan. "We all agreed to give the tuning fork a try - it was a group decision."

"Hey!" interrupted Gilbert. "Heroes' feast spell effects - they no longer working."

"What? How can you tell?" demanded Darrien.

"I a wizard," scoffed Gilbert. "I can tell." Experimentation soon showed that permanent magical effects - like those bound into the group's various enchanted weapons - still worked fine. Gilbert couldn't test it, but he claimed his magically-enhanced vision which allowed him to detect undead was still active. "It a good thing we wait to cast prep spells," he observed.

"What about my staff?" asked Hagan. He carried a staff of fire with him, a perfect tool for a sorcerer who firmly believed the best spells were those which could be used to blow stuff up. "You think I can still use the higher-powered spells from it? Or will those be suppressed until the later zones?"

"Don't waste charge testing it out," suggested Gilbert. "Wands and staffs - they probably fine. Those spells basically already cast, just waiting to be set off. But we save them until we need them.

"In the meantime," suggested Castillan, "let's split up and see if we can find the gate out of here." He wandered off in one direction; Darrien and Grumps Junior chose the opposite way and each soon discovered an invisible wall of force blocking further travel in that direction.

Binkadink pulled a couple of potions of delay poison from his collection and drank one down while feeding the other to Obvious. "You never know," he said to his jackalope mount, then climbed up into the saddle.

Ingebold cast a detect magic spell and looked at the invisible boundaries of their prison. The magical wall extended 30 feet above their heads in all directions and seemed to form a rectangle with the magic circle where they'd gated in at its center. Hagan cast the same spell and checked out a different direction from where Ingebold was looking. "Found it!" he called out, indicating a section of wall along the short end of the rectangle, in the northeastern corner if the group had been facing north when they arrived. He approached it cautiously, and once he was within about 20 feet it became visible - a swirling vortex of colors that prevented anyone from seeing what was on the other side.

The group converged on the portal. "Who want to go in first?" asked Gilbert.

"I'll go," replied Darrien. He stuck his head in first and saw a forested land before him. But when he tried pulling his head back to tell the others, he found he couldn't - the portals apparently allowed one-way travel only. Lacking any further options, he walked all the way through the portal and into Zone 1. Grumps Junior followed immediately behind, and they both stepped forward so they wouldn't be bumped into by those coming behind them.

This new zone seemed comprised of a forest glade, with a dirt path winding beside a narrow pond and splitting into several forks up ahead and to the left. Darrien pulled out his ebony fly and activated it, then climbed onto its back and sent it flying - but not too high, because he assumed the "ceiling height" here was no higher than it was in the previous area. Grumps jogged to keep up with his airbound master as he went to explore the boundaries to the left of the portal, hoping the exit would show up once he was in sufficient proximity. The rest of the group, once they had entered the zone, headed north.

Gilbert put a hand on Mudpie's rough shoulder, halting his progress forward. "We take time out for spell," he told his earth elemental familiar, before casting an expeditious retreat spell upon the both of them. "Don't want to be at back of group when Anduviel and his mastiffs show up," he whispered to his familiar.

"I heard that!" Finoula called back to the wizard, then continued onwards with her wolf at her side.

"Wasn't trying to be sneaky about it!" Gilbert called back. Finoula was well aware of the longstrider spell she had prepared for herself that morning, but now she knew she'd feel guilty if she were to cast it on herself.

Binkadink sent Obvious hippity-hopping ahead and his jackalope opted to veer left at a fork in the path - which caught the two of them up in a nearly-invisible web spun between the trees on either side of the path. The little gnome soon cleared them with the blade of his magical glaive, but a glimpse of movement from the trees to his upper left allowed him to see the large spider crawling down from among the branches to see what it had caught in its web. It didn't have very long for anticipation, though, for another slash of the glaive brought the hungry arachnid falling to the ground below in two pieces.

Darrien had seen the fight from his aerial perch on his ebony fly. Furthermore, he saw the path Obvious had taken led to a large pit, and from his vantage point he could see what was there in the pit waiting for them. "Pit in the corner!" he called down to the others, pointing in what they'd decided would be northwest. "Big hairy spider in the pit!" he added.

By then, Ingebold and Hagan - who had both been concentrating on their detect magic spells, so they could spot the magical gates from a greater distance than the 20-foot proximity triggers, had determined the area over by the pit was the likely location of the next gate - it was the only area their magical vision hadn't reached.

Binkadink spurred Obvious on; the jackalope needed little prompting. Bouncing down the path, the antlered rabbit leaped gracefully into the 15-foot pit, acing a four-point landing and allowing his rider to stab deep into the spider's body with his glaive. This spider, while about the same size as the one in the trees, nevertheless looked much bigger for its leg-hair was much thicker and its abdomen wider. But it died just as quickly as its treetop counterpart had. Then Binkadink noticed the swirling vortex of colors along the back wall of the pit; odd that he hadn't noticed it before, or was it that it hadn't appeared until he and Obvious had landed in the pit's bottom? Odd that it hadn't been triggered by the large spider....

"Maybe it's a gate guardian, and they don't trigger the gates," suggested Castillan.

"Maybe the gates are only triggered by visitors from another plane of existence," offered Binkadink.

"Maybe who cares?" added Gilbert. "Let's go see what ahead of us and not waste time! We being hunted, remember?"

Darrien sent his fly through the gate, ducking so he wouldn't bump his head on the magical portal. The next zone seemed almost to be a continuation of the previous one, complete with a dirt road or path winding up through a hilly landscape. There were significantly less trees about, though - and a lot more boulders. Leading his flying mount higher so he could get a better overall view, Darrien spotted a prone form up ahead. It was a man, or something very much the size and shape of a rather large man, lying facedown in the dirt by the side of the path. Beyond him, a cave opened into darkness beyond. Steering with his knees, Darrien sent the fly towards the fallen man.

Stepping through the gate, Ingebold saw where Darrien was going and, her detect magic spell still active, she saw that the prone form held something magical in his left hand. "It's a slingshot," Castillan said, identifying the object once Ingebold had pointed it out. He headed towards the prone man, leaping straight up the near-vertical slopes with his bounder training. Behind him, Finoula, Gilbert, and the others started taking the path to the left that wound around the steep slope of the hill.

Obvious had no trouble following Castillan's course in a single leap up the hill, and thus Binkadink arrived at the scene almost as soon as Darrien had, but while the ranger had his fly hover in place, Binkadink opted to poke the body with the tip of his glaive - not hard, not enough to break the skin, but hopefully enough to hurt a bit if he was just faking. But the gnome's oversized nose could already pick up the scent of putrefaction coming from the corpse; he'd apparently already been dead for a week or more.

"I wouldn’t do that if I were you," said a gravelly voice behind the corpse. "You'll only make him mad, and he'll have to give you a pounding when he wakes up."

Binkadink looked over to see who had spoken, and it took him a moment to realize one of the boulders in the area was the one responsible. In fact, he'd heard of these creatures...galeb duhrs, they were called.

Castillan arrived on the scene. "What happened here?" he asked the galeb duhr, having heard it speak to Binkadink.

"My master, Gurnbolt, got into a fight with another goliath," the rock creature replied. "Then, all of a sudden, this wall blocked us off from each other. The other goliath went away, and my master here decided to rest up from the poison spell."

"Poison spell?" repeated Binkadink.

"Yeah, they were fighting each other with spells. Gurnbolt does that sometimes."

"How long has he been...sleeping?" asked Binkadink.

"Couple of weeks," replied the galeb duhr. "He does it all the time. Sleep, I mean. I always look after him while he's sleeping. We don't sleep, galeb duhrs, that is."

"Tell me about the slingshot," prompted Castillan. "It looks like it's magical."

"It is. Gurnbolt can shrink down rocks and shoot them at his enemies, and once the rock hits, bam, back to its original size. He uses it on me sometimes. It's fun."

"I can see where it would be," agreed Castillan, realizing how useful a weapon Gilbert and Mudpie would find it. And this Gurnbolt fellow wasn't going to be needing it ever again....

"Can I see it?" the bounder continued.

"I wouldn't mess with it. Gurnbolt can get pretty cranky when he first wakes up. You'd better wait until he wakes up on his own, though - he doesn't like being waken up, either."

By then Gilbert and Mudpie had approached, their faster rate of travel speeding their way up the hill - for the wizard had had his earth elemental familiar "swim" through the rock with his head above the surface so Gilbert could stand upon it. They'd caught the last bit of the conversation. "I hate to tell you this, but that guy dead, not sleeping," Gilbert said bluntly.

"Nonsense," replied the galeb duhr, turning to argue with the heavyset wizard. Castillan took the opportunity to snatch the wooden slingshot from the dead goliath's hand, then took off at a shot for the cave entrance, where he assumed the next gate was located.

"Hey!" the galeb duhr cried, moments after the bounder had left. "Thieving little sneak!" He made a gesture with a stumpy stone arm and two of the nearby boulders started sprouting limbs.

"He just borrowing it," Gilbert lied. "He be sure to bring it back next time he come by this way." But by then Hagan had arrived on the scene and figured out what had happened. "I apologize for our friend's behavior," he said to the rock creature. "But your master there is truly dead, not just sleeping."

"It's true," rumbled Mudpie. "These fleshbags like to sleep, it's true, but not for that long at a time. And this one is starting to rot." The galeb duhr - as well as his pair of animated boulders - was motionless for a long time while he thought it over. But it was easier to believe coming from a rock creature like Mudpie, who was also obviously serving in the capacity as a wizard's familiar, than it was from one of the flesh-and-bone types.

"In that case," said the galeb duhr, "I will stand watch over him until he returns completely to the earth."

"You could come with us," offered Hagan.

"I will stay with my master," the galeb duhr repeated.

"Come on - we got to go," insisted Gilbert. "Am I only one here who remember we all being hunted by madman?" He ushered the others into the cave.

Sure enough, the gate to the next zone was at the end of the cave - as Castillan had discovered upon fleeing through it with the stolen slingshot. He entered a world of bitter-cold winds and snow-covered pines. A frozen stream beneath him threatened to send him flying, but his bounder training kicked in and he quickly regained his balance.

Darrien came in behind him. Upon feeling the biting cold, he landed his fly long enough to rummage through his pack and get out his winter gear - at least his coat and a pair of gloves. Then he remounted the ebony fly and was back in the air, seeking out the next exit.

The others were arriving through the portal. Obvious went sliding on the ice upon arrival, and Binkadink - after first feeding his mount a potion of endure elements - had the jackalope kick snow onto the frozen stream directly in front of the portal so those behind would have a better footing. Of course, when Gilbert entered the zone this was process still undergoing and he got a face full of flying snow. "Gah!" he cried out, moving to the side to get out of the path of Obvious's efforts.

Castillan, shivering, decided he wanted out of this cold place as quickly as possible. With his bounder training he was able to move over the ice at his normal speed, so he assigned himself the task of checking out the far end of the frozen lake. To do so he plowed between pines, shoving branches out of his way without significantly slowing down. The others chose to take the snow-covered trail, as it offered better footing than along the frozen stream.

Binkadink and Obvious, following the trail, were the first to be attacked. What had at first looked to be a simple patch of snow suddenly lashed out at the jackalope's leg, slamming into the limb with surprising force while draining off some of the heat energy of the warm-blooded mammal and his rider alike. Binkadink saw the attack and realized this was likely a white pudding, an arctic version of the black puddings they'd fought before. Recalling how black puddings split into two when you hit them with a blade, the fighter opted against his usual glaive attack and pulled out his greatclub, smashing down at the white ooze.

However, this was no mere white pudding, but rather a snowflake ooze - a strange creature whose ever-changing body construction was filled with many open pockets of air, giving the creature a partially hollow form. The greatclub crushed through these airy filaments, causing the ooze to split into two smaller beings - the very thing Binkadink had hoped to avoid! Fortunately, after switching back to his glaive he managed to slay the original creature, and Finoula took out the other one with her flaming whip of thorns, the fire from her latter weapon dealing the amorphous creature extra damage to its crystalline lattice form.

Hagan held back with Gilbert and Mudpie as the others advanced across the zone, consulting. "It worth a try," Gilbert admitted, so Hagan used a couple of charges from his staff of fire to create a small wall of fire across the area where the portal opened into the zone. "I made it facing out this way," the sorcerer said. "Maybe it will thaw out some of the frozen stream, and when Anduviel and his mastiffs pop in here, they'll not only get burned up, but then they'll get dunked into freezing water. That ought to slow them down a bit!" Then the spellcasters and their familiars hurried to catch up to the others, Darrien having found the next portal as usual. (The aerial flight speed of his ebony fly was coming in very handy!)

The next zone brought with it a return to normal temperatures; Darrien landed his fly again and stowed his cold weather gear. This was another woodlands environment, but one cut diagonally across by a raging river ending in a roaring waterfall. Several large boulders made for a potential way across the river, but they were set far enough away that jumping wouldn't be a sure thing for anyone but Castillan and Obvious of the group. And to make matters even more difficult, they weren't alone - there was a fully-grown dire bear standing at the waterfall's edge, searching for fish.

Castillan started along the right side, keeping a hand touching the wall of force that bound them into this environment, idly wondering how the river was kept running if they were all encased in an invisible rectangle. His searching brought him into the field of vision of the dire bear, who decided then and there that an elf would serve as well - if not better - than a fish for his meal. Wading to the water's edge, he pulled himself onto the shore and ran over to the bounder, catching him in a set of claws and pulling him into a hug. Castillan chided himself for ranging so far away from the rest of his group, and thus rather than fight the bruin alone he decided to flee. Fleeing was easy, even when caught up in a dire bear's embrace; with a quick double-tap of his ring, he had dimension doored across the zone over to the far side of the river, about halfway down the length of the long side of their rectangular prison.

Darrien sent his ebony fly in the bear's direction, careful to keep to a high enough elevation to remain out of the great beast's reach. Then he peppered it with a few shots from his Arachnibow. While the dire bear was thus occupied, Binkadink had Obvious ride up behind it and the gnome stabbed deep into the bear's flank with his glaive. Whirling in anger, the bear slashed out at Obvious with a set of wicked claws, scoring deep grooves across the jackalope's right front leg. Binkadink immediately leaped from the saddle to the jackalope's left, hollering and waving his glaive to attract the bear's attention, while calling for Obvious to flee. "Go find Ingebold!" he commanded in the burrowing-mammal language they shared, and the jackalope knew from past experience that the little dwarf had healing hands that had often closed his wounds in the past. He hobbled off in her direction, leaving Binkadink and Darrien to finish off the dire bear.

Hagan, after entering the zone and seeing the river before him, opted to cast a fly spell upon himself and cross it in that manner. Grumps Junior swam across, while Darrien rode his fly to the other side. After Ingebold healed Obvious, the grateful jackalope grabbed her in his teeth by the back of her cloak and with Binkadink once again in the saddle, the overburdened jackalope still had no trouble leaping from boulder to boulder across the raging river. Finoula and Wrath opted to climb down the side of the waterfall, cross the shallow pool at the bottom, and climb back up again. But Gilbert had no such option with Mudpie; the earth elemental refused to enter the water, and even at a height close to Binkadink's he was far too heavy for the ebony fly to ferry across. This problem was solved by having Darrien pick up the slingshot from Castillan, fly it over to Gilbert, and have him use it on his familiar. Once Mudpie had been shrunk to the size of a pebble and placed in his master's pocket, the ebony fly was able to pick up Gilbert in his legs while Darrien steered them back to the other side of the river. And sure enough, the portal to the next zone was there in the corner, waiting and open now that the group had assembled nearby.

"Everybody wait right there!" Gilbert called as he was ferried across the river. Once the entire group was reassembled, he cast a haste spell on everyone. "Okay, we good now," he replied. "Let's get out of here - fast!"

The next zone was a jungle environment with another, smaller river - this one winding back and forth like a snake in a gorge ten feet deep. Solid-looking tree trunks had been placed as makeshift bridges in two places across the gorge. Darrien wasted no time flying straight across the zone, heading for the far end where he imagined the next portal might be. There had been no sign of Anduviel yet, but who knew how far he was behind them? (The answer, unknown to the adventurers, was that he had by now entered the gauntlet at the beginning and was already working his way through Zone 1, making excellent speed since he already knew where the portals were all located.)

Gilbert took a moment to cast a stoneskin spell upon himself and Mudpie, now that it was available. Then he went along the right-hand side of the enclosed rectangle, followed behind by Finoula, Wrath, and Grumps Junior, who had "adopted" the elven ranger as a replacement master since Darrien kept leaving him behind. Binkadink and Obvious went that way, too, but the jackalope's greater speed had them passing the others in no time flat.

From the air, Darrien spotted a flash of movement as Obvious passed by a wind in the river gorge. A pile of vegetation had turned at his approach. "Plant monster!" he called down to the others, pointing in the creature's general location.

The warning came too late; in a flash, a tendril of vines snaked out at Gilbert, slashing him unexpectedly. Fortunately, the blow was mostly absorbed by the wizard's stoneskin spell. But Hagan was flying by and saw the attack, so he cast a wall of fire along the plant-monster's feet, along the side of the gorge but out of the river. The plant went up in flames.

Finoula held her amulet in hand and activated it, transforming herself into a bolt of lightning that went blasting through the tendriculos and reforming her elven body on the far side of the gorge. Seeing the battle going on behind them, Binkadink and Obvious halted their search for the next portal and leaped over the gorge beside Finoula. The gnome stabbed his glaive into the plant's body mass, carving away vines with the blade. This caused the flaming creature to turn to face Binkadink, allowing Gilbert and Wrath to pass by without incident. Grumps Junior, however, turned back the way he had come and got further away from the rest of the group.

The tendriculos lashed out at Binkadink and Obvious, scoring a line of pain across the jackalope's neck. But then Binkadink slew it with a final strike of his glaive; the thing had been slowly encompassed by flames from the wall of fire in any case so it had really only been a matter of time. Then it was just a matter to help herd Grumps Junior back towards the rest of the group; Darrien in the meantime had discovered the portal in the extreme northwest section of the zone.

Zone 6 had apparently been the scene of a great battle at some point in the past, judging by the fallen bodies, smashed buildings and weapons of siegecraft, and the massive catapult stones littered about. "I'll check the left side!" called out Darrien, steering his ebony fly along the western boundary. Castillan headed toward the center, leaping over fallen debris in his way just because he could. Binkadink and Obvious followed the bounder's path, the jackalope once again carrying Ingebold by the scruff of the neck to speed her way. Gilbert took a slightly more erratic path; seeing the 10-foot-diameter catapult stones was too irresistible, so he used his new slingshot to shrink three of them to pebble size and collect them into a pocket.

Flying along the perimeter, it didn't take Darrien long to find the next portal; unfortunately, his close proximity also caused a pile of discarded weapons to start flying through the air. The living blade barrier spell advanced and Darrien sent his aerial mount up to a higher elevation; the animated weapons then headed over towards Castillan.

Finoula used her lightning amulet to get her to within striking distance of the animated weapons, then struck out with her flaming whip of thorns. Ingebold joined in with a flame strike spell that blasted the whirling blades from above. Binkadink finished it off with a sideways swing of his magical glaive, sending the pitted and rusted weapons flying away in all directions as the spell energy binding them together was sundered. With no further obstacles in their way, the group went through the next portal.

Another forested land awaited the group in Zone 7, this time with a large clearing in the middle and two intersecting paths creating four roads out from the clearing, of which the southernmost was the arrival point. A stone obelisk rose up in the middle of the clearing, covered in runes and glyphs. "Betcha the exit portal's at the end of one of these roads!" Hagan called, while flying to check out the western road. Finoula and Wrath took the easternmost path, while Darrien on his ebony fly went all the way to the end of the northernmost path; in each case their proximity failed to activate an exit portal. "It's got to be in the trees somewhere!" Finoula called.

Castillan and Ingebold, in the meantime, were investigating the obelisk. The bounder picked out a couple of repeating runes, which he knew stood for "lightning" and "protection." Ingebold did him one better by casting a read magic spell and determining exactly the obelisk's purpose: it was a lightning rod of sorts; any electrical attack spells cast in this zone would alter course and head directly to the obelisk, where the spell would be harmlessly dissipated. "No chain lightning spells after all," the dwarf called to Hagan, who was visibly disappointed - it was just about his all-time favorite attack spell.

The bounder pulled out his stonecarver dagger. "Of course," he said, "that doesn't have to be the case."

"Go on ahead, then," encouraged Ingebold. Castillan used his magical dagger to cut through the stone of the obelisk, obscuring and defacing the glyphs and runes on all four surfaces.

Gilbert, however, had been scanning about. "This Zone 7," he called to the others. "We all have our most powerful spells here. I think maybe we make a stand here. It pretty peaceful - no obvious monsters trying to kill us - and who know what Zone 8 or Zone 9 like?"

"What do you suggest?" asked Hagan. "I could put another wall of fire where the portal dumped us out here."

"That a good start," admitted Gilbert. "Then Ingebold, how about a blade barrier in the same spot? They just spell effects, the fire not bother the blades and the blades not bother the flames; when Anduviel pop up, he get both spells on him at once!" Hagan and Ingebold complied as everyone stepped back out of range.

"Now I add my own spell," Gilbert said, casting an Evard's black tentacles spell in a semicircle centered on the wall of fire spell. He cackled in delight at his own deviousness. "Anduviel not know what hit him!"

At that moment, Anduviel and his two nethersight mastiffs were climbing out of the freezing water in Zone 3, after having found themselves engulfed in flames upon their arrival, courtesy of Hagan's initial wall of force spell. A wide grin spread across the astral stalker's black face as he imagined how much he'd enjoy taking the heads of his latest prey. Then he was off in a flash, following his hounds as they closed in on their prey. They couldn't be too much farther ahead....

Back in Zone 7, they had enhanced their plan of attack even further. Ingebold cast a freedom of movement spell upon Binkadink, allowing him to enter the area of the Evard's black tentacles spell without being caught up in the tentacles' embrace himself. Darrien had his fly positioned on the wall of force directly above the entry portal; furthermore, Gilbert had passed on to him the slingshot and his three pieces of pebble-sized catapult ammunition.

In the meantime, Finoula scouted out the exit portal. They had no idea what they'd be fighting; for all they knew, Anduviel was a pit fiend who would easily pass through their defenses and they might be needing a quick way out of the current zone. She found it in the northwestern corner, but not without first triggering an arrow trap their host had apparently left for them.

Then there was nothing to do but to assume their attack positions. Binkadink stood just outside the range of Gilbert's spell, ready to run in among the tentacles with his glaive. Hagan stood to the side, ready to cast a magic missile spell at anything that exited the wall of fire; it wasn't his most powerful spell, but it was practically guaranteed damage that not many creatures could shrug off. Finoula had her whip and longsword out and ready; she couldn't enter the Evard's black tentacles spell area of effect herself, but she was ready to attack anything that made it out of there. The animal companions were herded behind the defaced obelisk, out of harm's way, while Castillan and Ingebold stood beside them, a ready reserve force as needed. Gilbert and Mudpie - the latter now his normal size - stood before the obelisk, a general and his aide observing the movement of his troops.

They didn't have long to wait. Anduviel and his twin mastiffs entered the zone simultaneously, gathering from the roars of surprise and pain that emanated all at once. The flames of Hagan's spell burned them, the whirling blades of force from Ingebold's spell cut into them, and the grasping appendages from Gilbert's spell caught Anduviel and one of his nethersight mastiffs in their ebon embrace.

But one of the mastiffs avoided the ebon tentacles and, roaring in pain, sprinted through the spell effect in an effort to get to freedom. However, from his high perch, Darrien hit the canine in the head with a slingshot stone - which, upon striking the mastiff, returned to its normal size and crushed the beast under its enormous weight.

A moment later and the other nethersight mastiff escaped from the tentacles' embrace. It made it out of the spells' area of effect before Darrien could load up the next pebble-sized boulder into the slingshot, and the beast raced over to the nearest enemy it could see: Hagan. The half-orc got his magic missile spell off before he was bitten by the pain-crazed mastiff. But judging by the wounds all along the beast's flank, Hagan assumed it was on its last leg; he took a step backwards and cast another magic missile spell, killing it with the five energy darts shooting from his fingertips.

That left only Anduviel himself, who roared in equal parts pain, anger, and frustration as he fruitlessly attempted to break free of the rubbery tentacles holding him in place to be burned and sliced by twin spell effects. To make matters worse, Binkadink raced into the field of thrashing tentacles, swinging his glaive in a sideways arc that cut the astral stalker in the midsection. Unable to see his foe through the flames, the gnome nonetheless could feel where his glaive met resistance. "He's right in front of me!" the gnome called. "Ingebold: another flame strike! I can take it!"

Ingebold hesitated only a moment; while she disliked casting combat spells that encompassed her own friends as well, she knew the little gnome knew his own limits, and knew as well that her spell dealt part holy damage, which wouldn't harm Binkadink in the least. Calling upon the power of Moradin, she caused a pillar of holy fire to encompass the gnome and his unseen foe. The gnome quickly backpedaled, but that was just because the astral stalker's form was emerging from within the wall of fire, but it was a dying form still bound up in jet-black tentacles that fell forward. "Hate...you...so ...much..." Anduviel managed to say before he died.

The group's three major spellcasters deactivated their spells and Anduviel plopped to the ground. He was nothing the group had ever seen before, with pitch-black skin marred with numerous cuts and gouges competing with burn scars from the spells he'd been caught in before his demise. His blood was as red as their own, as it seeped onto the ground from numerous sources.

"He's not even armed," Finoula observed.

"He doesn't need to be," replied Binkadink. "Just check out those claws." Indeed, the astral stalker had a set of claws growing from his fingertips that would have done a dinosaur proud.

"Let's go," suggested Gilbert. "We still got two more zones to get through."

"At least we don't have to hurry any more," pointed out Hagan. And they didn't; the next zone was a desert area containing not only a colossal scorpion but a mound of unclaimed treasure; the scorpion gave them a bit of trouble only in that it refused to die quickly, but good tactics eventually won out. The treasure gave them trouble mainly in that there was so much of it and their extradimensional space - Ingebold's portable hole, into which they normally threw any treasure they planned to sort out later - was inaccessible. They made do with piling it onto cloaks and coats and dragging it along. Darrien scouted out the next portal, and then they dragged it through the next zone, an underground lair guarded by a pair of inferno spiders.

Passing through the exit portal of Zone 9, it looked like they were right back where they had started from: an endless plane of smooth stone and a magic circle carved into the floor. "You have got to be kidding me!" complained Castillan.

"No, it's okay - it's different," pointed out Finoula. "Look - there's no rock where the second message was left."

"So what do we do? Just step into the circle?" asked the bounder.

"That most likely. You go first, elf." And Gilbert gave Castillan a push that sent him into the magic circle, where he promptly disappeared. Then, shrugging, he stepped inside with Mudpie and disappeared as well. Everyone else followed - and they all found themselves back where they had activated the tuning fork: in the courtyard of Battershield Keep.

"You're a real jerk sometimes," said Castillan, giving Gilbert a good pounding on his meaty shoulder before helping count up all of the treasure they'd managed to take from Zone 8.

- - -

This adventure was an idea I had wanted to try, especially once Logan and I had accumulated a bunch of the Pathfinder Flip-Mats. I had no idea how much of a head-start I should have Anduviel give the PCs, so I went with 20 rounds when writing up the adventure. In hindsight, it would have been a more exciting battle had I shortened it to just 10 rounds - then they'd have had to fight their hunters in a much lower-numbered zone where they wouldn't have had their more powerful spells at hand. But we still had a good time.

Rather than play at the table in my man-cave, however, we switched things up and played on the coffee table in our family room downstairs. The session started with my cardboard Battershield Keep model on a blank battle map until they activated the tuning fork, then the keep was removed and replaced with the magic circle and the map became Zone 0. Zone 1 was placed on the floor beside the coffee table, and Zone 2 next to it; as they progressed through the zones I set each successive map in line down the hallway towards the man-cave. We spent a lot of time on the floor this adventure, rolling our dice into a felt-bottomed Yahtzee container that we passed around to whoever needed it. The session went from around noon to after 6:30 PM; I ended up hand-waving us through Zones 8 and 9 since the objective of the adventure - kill Anduviel and the nethersight mastiffs - had been met and it was getting late.

We also took a brief intermission mid-session to rescue a pair of baby cardinals that had fallen through our window well grating outside the family room. I chased them towards the window with a snow shovel (after numerous attempts of scooping them up with a pile of leaves in the shovel and trying to get them out of the window well proved fruitless - they kept flying off the sides of the shovel and back down into the well), where Vicki and Joey each grabbed one and took them through the house to our backyard and set them free.

Incidentally, the reason Ingebold got bumped up to "PC" status in the roster at the top of this entry is because my step-granddaughter Samantha (the daughter of my wife's oldest daughter) was visiting us during her vacation time, so we briefed her up on Ingebold's past history and had her run the dwarven cleric as her own PC for this session. (Vicki was pleased to not be the only female gamer in our group for once.)

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: A Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" T-shirt, to represent the "out there" aspect of the pocket dimension chain. (I was going to wear one of my two "Duck Dynasty" T-shirts to represent the "hunter" aspect of the astral stalker, but they were both in the wash.)



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 14
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 14
Darrien, half-elf ranger 14
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 14
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 14
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 14​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 3
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 13 (Moradin)
Jinkadoodle Dundernoggin, gnome illusionist 5​

Game Session Date: 23 June 2018

- - -

Ingebold woke with a scream strangled in her throat.

It took a moment for her to process the vision she'd just had - the dead world, the undead scourge covering every corner of the Oerth, the cold lands from which they'd originated, the black rock that had caused it all...a mere moment for her to realize there was a knowledge in her head, a perfect understanding of exactly where that black rock was at this very moment, and how little time remained until it struck the planet, and just how much was at stake....

The dwarven cleric threw her blankets and bedsheets aside and scrambled out of bed in her nightwear. Without bothering with a robe, she raced up the stairs of the northeastern tower of Battershield Keep to the room directly above hers, where she knew she'd find her Battle-Sister Finoula and likely the elf's timber wolf, Wrath, as well.

"Wake up!" demanded Ingebold, pounding on Finoula's door. "Round up the others and gather up yer gear! We need t' get on th' ship as soon's we can!"

"What's going on?" asked Finoula, still muzzy from being broken out of her night's reverie. But Ingebold was already stomping back down the stairs to go wake up Binkadink and his cousin Jinkadoodle in the bottom floor of the southwestern tower, so they in turn could awaken the adventurers in the two floors above them. Trusting that Ingebold wouldn't be so frantic if this wasn't something serious, Finoula raced upstairs to wake up Castillan and his brother Aithanar.

Ten minutes later, everyone was gathered up in the Battershield Keep courtyard in full gear. Ingebold looked worriedly at the back half of the keep, where her mother was no doubt hard at work in the kitchen. Her father, Aerik, was likely already on his way to the castle, judging from the sun, which was just rising over the treetops of the Vesve Forest to the east...best not to worry poor Helga just now....

"Ingebold? What's going on?" repeated Finoula.

"Yeah," grumbled Gilbert. "Why we up so early?"

Instead of responding, Ingebold turned to Jinkadoodle. "Do ye have th' carpet?" she asked.

"I do," replied the sleepy illusionist. He dropped the carpet of teleportation to the ground and unrolled it with a kick of his foot.

"Everyone up t' th' ship, then," commanded Ingebold. "I'll explain everythin' once we're in flight."

Binkadink, Finoula, and Darrien herded their respective animals on board the carpet with them, leading them to the room in the extradimensional hold of the dragonfly spelljammer ship that had been converted to animal pens. Aithanar went with them, getting them settled amidst all of the excitement. Ingebold prompted Jinkadoodle upstairs at once, following him as he took a seat at the ship's magic helm and raised the flying vessel from its parking orbit on a floating cloud. "Where to?" the gnome asked.

Ingebold's eyes glowed white, as her suddenly enhanced senses kicked into gear and she pinpointed the black rock's location as it hurtled through wildspace towards the Oerth. "That way," she said, pointing a finger off to the left where Jinkadoodle could see it. "We're headin' t' th' cold lands of th' north."

The others had followed Ingebold up from the secret hold and were now crowding around her, looking for answers. "I'll tell ye all what I know," the cleric promised.

"I had me a vision this mornin'. There's a hunk of black rock falling from th' sky. It'll impact shortly in th' coldlands, which is where we're headin'. Th' black rock is made o' somethin' called calcimortum, a stone from th' Negative Energy Plane. It's dangerous enough t' all living beings nearby, but worse yet, buried inside it's an evil skull directin' its path. We need t' destroy the skull an' th' calcimortum before a wave o' undead creatures spills out from th' arctic and covers th' whole globe. I seen it, in me vision, what it'll be like if'n we fail. We cannae let that happen--no matter what!"

She turned to Gilbert Fung. "We've several hours o' flight afore we get there - ye'd best prepare yer spells fer th' day, knowin' we'll be up against undead an' that we'll be fightin' in the frigid cold," she told the portly mage. Turning to Hagan, she said, "Ye dinnae need t' prepare yer spells, so ye'd be th' best one fer teleportin' somewheres to fetch cold weather gear fer them what be needin' it. I imagine there be shops in Greyhawk City what'll sell ye what we need, and then ye can teleport back t' th' ship long before we're ready t' land. In th' meantime, I'll be in me cabin, preparing me own spells. I'll be sure t' get a heroes' feast ready fer ye when ye get back with th' coats an' all." As Ingebold went to the seclusion of the cabin she shared with Finoula on board the dragonfly vessel, Hagan took a quick inventory among the adventurers who didn't already have cold weather gear, then cast his spell and disappeared from the ship.

"This not good," murmured Gilbert. "Fighting undead in ice and snow?" The wizard had a well-known dislike for undead creatures and had exchanged a small portion of his life-force to permanently alter his vision so it could magically detect those creatures of an undead nature. Still muttering to himself, he stomped back downstairs to the hidden hold to go prepare his own spells for the upcoming mission.

The next few hours were filled with anxiety. Hagan returned and passed out the cold weather gear he'd just purchased for himself, Gilbert, Castillan, Aithanar, and Jinkadoodle. Ingebold returned from her cabin and cast the heroes' feast spell to grant the heroes a few advantages in the combats to follow, but unlike the previous times she'd cast the spell, the meal thereafter was filled mostly with nervous silence.

"How much longer?" asked Jinkadoodle, nibbling some of the fruit and bread Ingebold had brought him from the table where she'd cast the spell, so he could enjoy the benefits of the magical feast as well as the others.

"It's just up ahead," Ingebold replied, squinting at the snow blowing sideways outside the viewports. "We've got a blizzard ahead o' us," she noted, and began the words to a control weather spell to lessen the arctic winds in the area where they'd be landing. She finished up the spell just as the ship arrived at its destination - a flat plane of snow just outside a valley perched in the shadow of a massive glacier.

"We can't go down there," said Jinkadoodle. "The winds are too strong - I'd likely crash us into the side of one of those ice cliffs." It was still difficult to see through the blowing snow, but the cleric's spells had lessened the blizzard, and the valley looked to be surrounded on most sides by either the glacier itself or nearly vertical cliffs of solid ice. A single path along the right-hand cliff wall into the valley looked safe enough to traverse - and a plume of steam rising up from the valley showed the rock's likely landing spot.

"Put 'er down here, then," Ingebold commanded. "We'll have t' walk from here on in."

Jinkadoodle landed the dragonfly ship on a flat field of snow; the blizzard all around the ship had lessened in its severity but not yet fully dissipated. As a result, as the adventurers donned their cold weather gear and disembarked from the spelljamming vessel there was a limit as to how far away they could see. But Ingebold's all-white eyes had a pinpoint fix upon the black rock from the Negative Energy Plane, which the cleric said had crash-landed in the arctic valley about an hour ago.

Following the determined dwarf, the group saw a pair of figures appear in the blowing snow before them. As they got nearer, the figures resolved into the forms of a pair of male frost giants, with ice-covered beards over their bluish skin. Each carried a greataxe and looked ready to use it. Hagan, ever the optimist, decided to try to parley with the pair. "Excuse us," he said, "but we wish to enter the valley below. We do not wish to fight you."

"That's good," grunted one of the giants. "We like it when our prey don't fight back!" And then both giants laughed at the remark, moving forward to attack the heroes. "Meat for the stewpot!" the other giant enthused.

As the heroes readied themselves for the attack, Finoula tried reason one more time, thinking perhaps if she spoke in their own language she'd have better luck. Using the Giant tongue, she briefly explained about the falling black rock and how it could be a danger to all in the area. All she got for her trouble was a chunk of ice thrown at her, striking her in the side and nearly toppling her over. At the same time, the other giant had lobbed a chunk of ice at Hagan, but the sorcerer got a warning from Wezhley - who was sitting perched on the half-orc's shoulder - and Hagan managed to avoid the incoming missile.

And then combat was on. Hagan began by casting a delayed blast fireball (without the delay) at a point equidistant between the incoming giants, blasting each with an explosion of flame that burned off the ice from their beards and hair. The half-orc then wisely backed up a few steps, getting out of the way of the front-line fighters eager to take on the giants in hand-to-hand combat.

Binkadink was the first of these. As Darrien shot an arrow at one of the giants, momentarily attracting his attention, the little gnome stepped up and skewered him through the gut, killing him instantly. Castillan came up behind Binkadink and shot his light crossbow at the other giant, but a gust of wintry wind sent the quarrel off course. Behind the bounder, Gilbert Fung cast a mage armor spell upon himself and his earth elemental familiar Mudpie to ready them for any upcoming melee combat (although the wizard greatly preferred staying out of melee range whenever possible).

Ingebold cast a bless spell upon the entire group; while they currently had but one foe left, the dwarf was sure that wouldn't necessarily be the case for long. Finoula stepped up to the remaining frost giant, flicking her flaming whip of thorns at his face - and act he didn't seem to appreciate in the least. He retaliated against the elf ranger with a powerful swing of his axe - and then, surprisingly, turned around and fled, calling for help.

Not wanting to allow the frost giant to fetch reinforcements, Hagan squinted into the blowing snow and calculated the distance between him and his foe, then cast a wall of fire right ahead of the fleeing frost giant; unable to slow his headlong rush, the giant ran directly into the fiery wall and was engulfed in flames. He gave a roar of pain and then fell forward, a charred corpse melting the snow beneath him.

But the wall of fire did more than just slay the second frost giant: it also lit up the area enough that the group could see the large structure directly past the flames. It was a house of wood, but one twenty feet tall - and yet still only one story tall, judging from the 12-foot-tall door that opened. Another frost giant stood in the doorway, squinting past the wall of fire to see who was responsible for the death of the charred corpse on the ground before him. "What's going on?" demanded Jarl Kjornenheim.

Finoula saw another opportunity for a peaceful solution. Calling on Hagan to drop his magical wall, she called out to the frost giant jarl in his own tongue. "Your men attacked us and we fought back, but we mean no harm to you or those of you dwelling here. We seek a black rock that fell from the sky, which means death and destruction for everyone in the area. We wish to find the rock and destroy it before it can cause anyone any harm."

Jarl Kjornenheim scanned the group before him and the bodies of his two men - if they took them out without apparently losing any of their own forces, they must be of considerable strength. The jarl could respect that. "Very well," he said. "You are welcome to step inside, out of the cold, and state your case. But we guard access to the valley - there's a tribe of yetis living there, and in this environment meat is meat and we depend upon them for food." He turned behind him and called to one of two figures in the back of the room. "Veornokkir, go drag the bodies of our men behind the house. With a look of distrust at the heroes, Ice Mage Veornokkir headed out the massive door to follow the orders of his leader.

The other figure stepped forward beside her husband the jarl and introduced herself as Bjilgarra. "Please accept the hospitality of our house," she said. Reluctantly, and with not much more trust than Ice Mage Veornokkir had demonstrated, the adventurers entered the frost giant dwelling. The front door - the only door visible in the house, and one that was nearly ten feet wide - was flanked outside by two ice sculptures of winter wolves, their snouts partially melted by the blast of heat Hagan's wall of fire had produced. Stepping inside the house, the group spread out, Gilbert and Mudpie making sure they didn't stray too far from the door - the wizard wanted to be able to make a quick exit if it became necessary.

Finoula repeated her tale of the black rock in the Giant language, while Ingebold looked on impatiently - she would rather they be on their way immediately, no matter what these frost giants thought about it. But Jarl Kjornenheim seemed unimpressed by the danger. "I fail to see how a rock that fell from the sky can hurt anyone in any case - if it was going to hurt anyone, surely it would be when it landed on them, not after the fact. And I have already sent two of my finest warriors, Fragnir and Gaarkenbral, to the valley to check out the falling rock in any case. They took our two winter wolves, Frostfang and Snowpelt, with them - they should be able to face any danger provided by a sky-rock."

"How long ago?" demanded Ingebold.

"Maybe an hour or so," replied the jarl. "But they should be back presently." Ingebold and Gilbert exchanged worried looks.

"I think maybe we go check for ourselves," suggested Gilbert. But then there was a scratching and a whining at the door, as something outside apparently tried to get in. The mage sprang away from the door, afraid at what they might find if they opened it. The rest of the group readied themselves for an attack, expecting undead forces trying to get in. At the jarl's nod of assent, Binkadink opened the door with his glaive ready for a counterattack if whatever was on the other side of the door wanted a fight.

But that turned out not to be the case. As the gnome pulled the door open, a pair of winter wolves came crashing into the room, only to slink beneath the massive wooden table directly beyond the door, to the blazing fire on the far side of the room. There they whimpered, their tails between their legs, as they looked fearfully at the front door.

"What's gotten into you?" demanded Jarl Kjornenheim, addressing his pets.

Binkadink stepped outside, noticing the blizzard had almost completely blown itself out, no doubt with a nudge from Ingebold's control weather spell. Looking toward the valley - and noting he could see much farther than he could before, now that the snow wasn't blowing sideways - he saw a trio of figures. Two were obviously frost giants, each with a greataxe slung over a broad shoulder, but also a shorter figure walking nonchalantly between them. This was a shaggy, white-furred ape-thing, which Binkadink recognized as a yeti - and which was somewhat odd, given that Jarl Kjornenheim had said the frost giants treated the snow-apes as prey. And then the little gnome noticed that one of the giants carried a large, black rock in his other arm.

"Uh, guys," he said. "I think we've got a problem here." Finoula, Darrien, and Hagan popped outside to get a look at what Binkadink was referring to; true to form, Gilbert moved deeper inside the shelter of the building, farther away from the approaching danger.

With the massive strength of his race, the lead frost giant hurled the black rock directly at the gnome. He missed, if he'd actually been targeting Binkadink, because it soon became apparent that all he had really needed to do was to drop the stone in the heroes' general vicinity: Binkadink, Finoula, Hagan and Wezhley, and even Castillan who was still inside the building, each felt a draining sensation as some of their life-force, their vitality, was absorbed by the rock.

The other frost giant had an ice chunk slightly larger than his fist in his hand and he threw it at Hagan, but again the half-orc dodged the incoming missile. Darrien shot a barrage of arrows from his Arachnibow at the first giant, and in lining up his shots he got a good look at his foe, noticing for the first time the undead flesh pulled tightly against the creature's skull. The trio moved too smoothly to be zombies; wights, then, perhaps?

Back in the frost giants' dwelling, three spectral forms rose up from the rear part of the huge room, behind the fire pit and the cowering winter wolves. These were yetis in wraith forms, having traveled with the trio outside but doing so beneath the ground, to avoid the light of the sun, feeble as it might be at this northern latitude. Sensing life above, though, they rose up to attack.

The howls of the wolves caught Jarl Kjornenheim's attention; he spun and raced to aid his frightened pets, greataxe in hand. Without worrying about whether his physical attack would even affect the wraiths he swung out with his axe, catching one of the spectral yetis in a hit that would have cut it in two had it still had a corporeal body. The yeti backed off, but whether that was because the blow had hurt it or out of simple instinct - it had been an incorporeal wraith for less than an hour, after all - was difficult to say.

Back outside, the yeti wight scrambled up and scratched at Finoula with a set of wicked claws, catching her in the shoulder. Once again, she felt the vitality being drained from her body and while she managed to pull away from the undead thing's grasp, she felt weaker as a result of the attack. So, rather than depend upon her weapons at hand, she reached up and touched her lightning amulet, activating it with a word and sending a bolt of lightning through the wight's body. She willed herself to re-form as an elf at the very greatest distance of the amulet's range, wanting to give herself some distance from her energy-sapping foes.

Binkadink charged the yeti with his magic glaive, putting all of his strength into the attack. He skewered the blade right through the wight's midsection and then ripped it out again. What spurted out of the wight's torso wasn't blood, but it was an indicator that its unnatural semblance of life had come to an abrupt end.

Inside the giants' house, Gilbert realized that the black rock was continuing to drain life energy from those around it, and that fighting off the undead was merely dealing with the side-effects; they needed to fight the root cause. The best way to do that was to get that rock out of the vicinity, but it looked too heavy for any of the heroes to move. For a moment he considered enlarging his earth elemental familiar and sending him in, but he knew that even Mudpie couldn't resist the energy-draining aspects of the stone; if anyone could resist the necromantic effects, it was probably Ingebold...especially since the cleric had gotten specific warnings about the chunk of calcimortum falling from the sky, and her eyes shone white when she had concentrated on its location. There was a connection there, to be sure.

"Ingebold!" cried Gilbert from across the room, drawing the cleric's attention to him. He climbed up onto the massive wooden table in the middle of the room and pulled out his slingshot of rock shrinking. It ought to work on a necromantic rock from the Negative Energy Plane as well as any terrestrial rock, he reasoned. "Take this and shrink the rock! Then send it out of our way!" The cleric climbed up onto a giant chair to fetch the weapon from the portly mage. "Aye, good idea!" she agreed.

But events conspired against that plan. With a sudden crack, the stone split open like an egg and fell to pieces where it stood. Revealed from its now-shattered prison, a black skull, seemingly carved from the same rock - or perhaps calcified into that form from untold eons on the Negative Energy Plane - floated in place in the air. In either case, it seemed to absorb light from all around it, appearing as the darkest black any of the assembled heroes could recall seeing, with spots of glistening light coming from its teeth, where various gems had been embedded, giving the demilich several points of color that seemed incongruous in its otherwise ebon form.

Gilbert missed the demilich's "hatching," however - he had turned to face the back of the room from his perch on the table and cast an undeath to death spell on the three yeti wraiths. Two of them discorporated immediately, their insubstantial forms dissipating into nothingness. But Castillan, close to the open front doorway, used his magic ring to dimension door to the back half of the room, hoping to take care of that third yeti wraith - and put plenty of distance between him and that floating, black skull. In any case, he lost his chance to slay the last wraith when the frost giant jarl did it for him, chopping through its insubstantial form in a way that managed to slay it as easily as if it had been alive.

But then another yeti wraith appeared from outside the frost giant dwelling, rising up from the body of the slain yeti wight. Apparently merely killing the wights raised by the life-draining calcimortum was not enough!

With howls of fear, Snowpelt and Frostfang raced across the back of the room to cower in the corner, tails tucked between their legs. Against any earthly prey they were vicious killers, but against floating undead they were terrified pups.

Seeing they were facing the demilich now, Ingebold knew she needed to cast death ward on as many of the group as she could - and she also realized, without any selfishness on her part, that she needed the protection the most - Moradin had guided her hand in choosing her spells this day, she knew, and she wouldn't let herself get taken out of the fight too soon. She said the words to the spell and felt a new level of protection settle over her.

While they were still somewhat clumped together, Hagan realized he could cast a delayed blast fireball that would catch both frost giant wights, the yeti wraith, and the demilich within its radius - but to do so, Binkadink would also be caught within the effect of the spell. Seeing the half-orc's hesitation, Binkadink cried out in encouragement, "Do it, Hagan! I can take it!"

He'd come to regret those words, for he had apparently forgotten about the necklace of fireballs he wore around his neck. Hagan cast the spell with no delay and all five figures were momentarily engulfed in flames - but then Binkadink's necklace exploded in a blast of fire that rivaled the half-orc's spell. By the time both explosions had run their course, Binkadink's face had been blackened by soot and the frost giant wights had had their beards partially singed off, and they yeti wraith had been slain. The winter wolf ice sculptures that had been painstakingly shaped by Ice Mage Veornokkir had been half-melted by the immense heat. But the little gnome still stood on his own two legs, and as for the demilich - it seemed not to have noticed either blast.

Binkadink took advantage of the momentary confusion brought on by the double blasts of fire energy to stab his glaive into the belly of one of the frost giant wights, then pull it to the side such that he nearly cut the undead thing into two. It fell to the ground in a mass of spilling organs and did not rise again. But then the demilich pivoted in place until it faced the gnome and its eye-holes blazed a fierce red, sending twin beams of hellish energy stabbing at the gnome - and in a flash, Binkadink's body fell face-first into the snow, crumbling into dust as he fell. A mere moment later, there was nothing but the gnome fighter's armor and weapons in a pile on the ground where he had just been standing. Had anybody been close enough to notice, they'd have seen one of the gems imbedded in the demilich's teeth blaze brightly as the gnome's soul was imprisoned within.

Spinning in place, the demilich floated into the frost giant building, causing those nearby to flee to the sides to let it pass by.

Outside, Finoula activated her amulet again to become a bolt of lightning that blasted back through the remaining frost giant wight, and then she resumed her elven form standing beside Binkadink's pile of armor. "Bink!" she cried, helpless to do anything about her gnome friend's death. Darrien peppered the wight with arrows to keep it focused away from his fellow ranger, then retreated back into the frost giant dwelling, while Ingebold cast a death ward spell upon her Battle-Sister.

And then, rising up from the body of the wight Binkadink had slain before being killed himself, appeared a frost giant wraith. This explained the presence of the yeti wraiths that had appeared in the back of the dwelling; apparently Fragnir and Gaarkenbral had slain a trio of yeti wights before becoming undead themselves. The frost giant wraith flew straight through the wall of the dwelling it once called home, and targeted the closest living being to it: Ingebold. But fortunately, the dwarven cleric saw it coming and avoided its strike.

The demilich flew over the table towards the back of the room, heading toward Jarl Kjornenheim. Gilbert cast a solid fog spell that covered the entire middle of the room, centered on the floating black skull, but also encompassing the jarl's wife, Bjilgarra, and Ice Mage Veornokkir. The frost giant jarl, with Castillan by his side, readied their weapons to strike at the demilich should it exit the hemisphere of solid fog cutting the room into three parts. Within moments, Veornokkir backed out of the fog, for he had been right up at the very edge of the spell's effect. He followed his jarl's lead in preparing to strike at the demilich should it exit the cloud near him.

But while the demilich found traveling through the magically-dense fog slow going, that didn't make it any less deadly. It opened its stone jaw and emitted an unearthly cry, a wail of the banshee, that instantly slew Ice Mage Veornokkir. It also slew Bjilgarra, but that wouldn't be apparent for some time, as she fell where she had been standing unseen in the cloud of solid fog.

Although he had several more powerful spells available, Hagan opted to cast a low-level magic missile at the frost giant wraith menacing Ingebold, for the simple reason that he knew for a fact its force energy would unerringly strike the insubstantial creature, whereas most other spells had a chance of passing through its wispy body without harm. Ingebold in turn cast a death ward spell upon the half-orc sorcerer, shielding him from the sort of attack that had just slain poor Binkadink.

Gilbert Fung had no idea exactly where the demilich was, but he knew it was still somewhere within the solid fog spell's area of effect. With that in mind, he cast an Evard's black tentacles spell right over his previous spell, thinking to have the black skull entwined and immobilized by the writhing tentacles. What he had failed to take into account, however, was the fact that the eponymous black tentacles were but 10 feet long, whereas the ceiling height of the frost giant dwelling was double that. Unseen within the area of effect of the solid fog spell, the ebon tentacles caught nothing up but Bjilgarra's corpse, while the demilich floated untouched above their reach.

Finoula used the last daily charge of her amulet to blast through the frost giant wraith as a bolt of lightning, landing high on the opposite wall and staying there courtesy of her boots of spider climbing. By that time, many of the heroes were looking much the worse for wear from their battles thus far, so Ingebold cast a mass cure moderate wounds that had the twofold benefits of healing her friends while dealing damage to her undead foes. Indeed, the sole remaining frost giant wight looked to be on its last legs by this point. But it was not the next to perish; Hagan took out the frost giant wraith with another magic missile spell.

Darrien decided to do what he could against the frost giant wight, shooting another small barrage of arrows into its chest. Nearby, Gilbert cast a haste spell that encompassed all of the heroes but himself, Mudpie, and Castillan - he had selfless decided affecting the more combat-oriented combatants would serve their side the most, and Castillan was skipped over simply because he was too far away, still trapped on the other side of the joint solid fog/Evard's black tentacles spells.

Still perched up high on the wall, Finoula slew the frost giant wight, who had entered the building in search of foes to slay (or drain into wights), with her flaming whip of thorns. With it no longer in the fight, that left only the demilich to deal with - and it was somewhere within Gilbert's double spell area of effect. The wizard assumed it was tightly grasped within the rigid embrace of several of his tentacles, and was surprised to see it wander out of the solid fog spell up by the ceiling. Its eye-holes flashed red, twin beams stabbed out at Hagan, and the half-orc's body would likely have crumbled to dust like Binkadink's had if he hadn't been specifically warded against such death effects by Ingebold's spell.

Ingebold struck out with a spell she'd been prompted - by Moradin? - to prepare that morning, and was surprised to see a simple shatter spell deal some damage to the jet-black skull where other, more powerful spells (like Hagan's fireballs) had failed.

By then, Gilbert had realized his mistake about targeting his Evard's black tentacles spell and corrected the error in a second casting of the spell, this time on the wall opposite Finoula, well within 10 feet of the floating skull. Rubbery, ebon appendages grew from the wall, several of them encompassing the demilich's form until it could no longer be seen. It used its wail of the banshee attack blindly, but this time there was nobody within range.

"What's going on over there?" asked Castillan. As the original solid fog spell was still up, the bounder and the frost giant jarl were still cut off from the action. Castillan knew he could use his ring to dimension door over to the front half of the room, but to do so blindly could end up with him reappearing in the same area where somebody else stood.

"I can't see anything!" admitted Jarl Kjornenheim. Then Castillan spotted a door to the right. "Where's this lead to?" he asked.

"The men's bunkroom," the jarl replied.

"Does it go all the way to the front?"

"As a matter of fact, yes."

"Then what are we waiting for?" demanded Castillan, pulling the door open and racing through the bunkroom, which stretched most of the house's length. There was another door at the front end of the room; Darrien stood in the open doorway there with his Arachnibow ready to fire at the demilich should it escape Gilbert's latest spell.

Jarl Kjornenheim raced behind Castillan, pushing Darrien out of the way to get to the front area of the room, looking for his wife (whose corpse was still stuck within the solid fog; he roared in fury when he called for Bjilgarra and there was no answer). The bounder took the opportunity of being out of the frost giant's view to pop open a trunk at the foot of the nearest bed, and was surprised to see it filled with gold coins, bits of jewelry, and ivory carvings. Impressed, he made a note to fill up Ingebold's portable hole with the contents of the giants' trunks once the fighting was over.

"It look like he stuck for good," observed Gilbert as the heroes took a moment to catch their breath and Ingebold administered healing as it was needed. "We ought to figure what we going to do when tentacles go away - that spell not last forever."

"I've got my stonepiercer dagger," observed Castillan. "If I get close enough to it, I bet I can deal it some hefty damage - the thing looks like it's made of stone, and the dagger does extra damage against stone creatures."

"It up by ceiling," pointed out Gilbert. "How you get up there to stab it?"

"Here," offered Finoula, dropping to the top of the wooden table and taking off her magical boots. "Take my boots of spider climbing." She and Castillan swapped boots; his magical boots of elvenkind reshaped themselves to fit the ranger's smaller feet. Gilbert then cast an invisibility spell on the bounder, so he could step up to the demilich on the ceiling without being seen. "You'll have to dismiss that tentacles spell of yours, though, if I'm going to be able to get close enough," pointed out Castillan.

As Ingebold, Finoula, and Hagan all had death ward spells cast upon them, they lined up in a row upon the wooden table, ready to attack once Gilbert dismissed the Evard's black tentacles spell. Jarl Kjornenheim stood by the wall, just outside the range of the spell effect, his axe raised and ready to strike out at the black skull.

"Everybody ready?" the heavyset wizard called out. The demilich was still hidden beneath a pile of writhing appendages, its exact location unable to be discerned.

"Wait a minute!" called an invisible Castillan. "Where's Binkadink?" The little gnome had been slain while the bounder was in the back half of the room, out of view of the demilich's dealings outside. Ingebold filled him in with a voice that broke in sadness. "We'll be avengin' him, don't ye doubt it," she promised.

Gilbert dismissed the vertical Evard's black tentacles spell and everyone attacked at once. Jarl Kjornenheim sent the head of his greataxe crashing down upon the suddenly-revealed demilich, barely even scratching its rocky surface. Hagan cast a chain lightning spell directly at the skull, to no discernable effect. Ingebold, her holy symbol of Moradin held before her, tried to turn the vile creature, and although she felt the biggest swell of positive energy flow through her that she'd ever felt before, the attempt did no more than Hagan's electrical attack spell. Finoula snapped her flaming whip of thorns at the demilich, and at least the fire seemed to have some small effect. Darrien, who had been lined up to attack the skull from a different direction than Castillan would be attacking from, sent a few arrows bouncing harmlessly from the skull's fossilized surface. Gilbert's attempted dismissal spell, with which he had hoped to send the calcified skull back to the Negative Energy Plane, had no effect whatsoever.

But Castillan suddenly popped into view as his stonepiercer dagger slid into the skull's stony surface like a hot knife into butter. The skull's eye sockets flashed red and a pair of rays blasted out, but fortunately for the bounder the demilich had targeted the biggest enemy first; Jarl Kjornenheim fell to the floor, his greataxe landing beside the pile of his armor as his body flaked away to nothingness. Another of the demilich's tooth-gems flared up as the frost giant's soul took up residence in its new home.

Freed from Gilbert's tentacles spell, the demilich wasted no time crossing the room as fast as it could. Finoula's whip struck out at it as it flew and Castillan tried stabbing with his dagger but wasn't quick enough. But that didn't stop the bounder for long; running across the ceiling, he followed the fleeing demilich's course, stabbing at it again with his magic dagger. He hit, but didn't deal anywhere near the amount of damage he'd done with his surprise attack while invisible.

Finoula could no longer run across the ceiling, but she ran the width of the giants' tabletop, snapping her whip at the floating skull. Ingebold ran up beside her Battle-Sister and cast another shatter spell at the undead skull, knowing in advance it was one of the handful of spells that could actually harm the demilich. Hagan tried a magic missile, emboldened by its effectiveness against the wraith, but no luck - the spell didn't faze the demilich in the least. Instead, its eyes flashed red again, and Castillan's body crumbled to dust, his weapons and armor falling with a crash to the floor as his soul was imprisoned inside a tooth-gem.

"We running out of spells!" Gilbert called frantically. Most of what they had left were not affecting the demilich, and they were now down two of their number. They had dealt the skull some damage, to be sure, but with their foe being seemingly carved from solid rock, it was difficult to ascertain exactly how much it had been hurt. Was it on its last legs, so to speak, or could it continue on like this indefinitely? There was no real way to tell.

On inspiration, Ingebold reached up beside the holy symbol of Moradin the Soul-Forger she wore around her neck, and touched the amulet she also wore. "Annavel," the cleric spoke across the planes. "I have need of ye this day!"

In a flash of light, Annavel the sword archon answered the summons. A celestial being with flaming swords for arms, she instinctively felt the evil of the floating demilich beside her and attacked without further prompting. Her sword-arms were infused with holy energy from the upper plane of Mount Celestia and the flying stone skull cried out in pain at their attack.

As the celestial dealt some definite damage against the demilich, the other heroes tried their best to do the same. Finoula continued using her flaming whip of thorns, and Gilbert tried casting an undeath to death spell directly upon the flying skull. Hagan, lacking anything else to try, took the opportunity to cast a false life spell upon himself and his familiar - it certainly couldn't hurt at this point!

But the demilich struck back at what it perceived as its greatest threat: Annavel the sword archon. With a hellish flash of red light, the angel's soul was absorbed into a gem on one of the demilich's teeth. "No!" cried out more than one of the heroes at once, for the sword archon had looked to be their best bet at defeating this nearly unbeatable foe.

And then the demilich did something that frightened the assembled heroes more than anything else it had done thus far: it wheeled in the air and started heading for the open door of the frost giant dwelling. Apparently being confronted by a force of mortals putting up this much of a fight was not the spearhead the undead creature had been looking for upon its arrival on this world; there were other creatures nearby he could transform into wights, and thus spread out, slowly at first, across the globe.

"Don't let it escape!" called Ingebold, fear in her voice. The prophetic dream she'd had this morning -- it was starting to come true!

Gilbert cast a wall of force to try to stop the demilich's movement, hoping it wouldn't see it in time and crash into it, perhaps buying the heroes a few more moments to come up with another plan of attack. But the demilich altered its course and elevated up above the spell's effect, its innate true seeing allowing it to see the boundaries of the invisible force-wall before it.

A flood of calm came over Ingebold just then; she knew exactly what she must do, for Moradin had placed the possibility in her head this morning when He had guided her spell selection. The dwarf's left hand unconsciously went to the pocket of her fur cloak while she held up Moradin's holy symbol in her right. "BEGONE, FOUL CREATURE!" she called, as a beam of holy light spilled from the Soul-Forger's symbol in her hand and struck the demilich, holding it in place. Ingebold's eyes blazed a pure white, just as they had when she was concentrating on the location of the chunk of calcimortum before it had fallen in the yeti valley. But the whiteness this time was brighter than ever before, and it started spreading beyond just her eyes. Ingebold's skin started glowing, and the cleric gave a scream of determination as her body, as immobile as the demilich she had pinned by her beam of holy energy, began dissolving into holy energy itself. Ingebold's scream was joined by one from the demilich, but the ebon skull's was caused by fear, not resolve.

The light blazed, causing the other heroes to shield their eyes. Then there was a dual crash, as two sets of objects fell to the ground just outside the front door of the frost giant home. One was the demilich, which shattered upon landing, becoming a thousand pieces of crumbling stone that dissolved away to nothingness; for a moment, it looked like a translucent Binkadink, Castillan, Jarl Kjornenheim, and Annavel could be seen, but then they were gone. The other crash was the armor, clothing, and held possessions of Ingebold Battershield - all but the holy symbol of Moradin, which had been melted away to nothingness itself by the surge of holy energy.

"Ingebold!" cried Finoula, rushing to where her Battle-Sister had fallen, and where she'd have expected to find her body. But other than her possessions, there was nothing there. The elven ranger dropped to her knees beside Ingebold's gear.

"What just happened?" Darrien asked, confused by the turn of events.

"I think...she killed it," Gilbert stated, the amazement in his voice evident by his having forgotten to speak in the pidgin-Common he normally affected. He poked around the pile of her equipment, looking for a clue of some type. He saw a piece of paper sticking out from an inner pocket of the cleric's cloak. Curious, he pulled it out and saw it to be two sheets of parchment, folded up. He unfolded them, saw the name on the first sheet, and handed them to Finoula. "This is for you," he said.

Finoula took the sheets and started reading them, tears streaking her face by the second page. She read the whole thing silently to herself on the first pass, then started over and read it aloud to the others a second time. She read:


I want to write this letter in case things turn out like I've a feeling they might. Ye see, I had me a vision last night. No, it were stronger than a mere vision, it were more like a sending, one directly from Moradin Himself.

I know what evils that black rock can do to our world. I know there's a skull buried inside it, and destroying the skull is more important than anything else – even me own life. And I know, straight from Moradin, that stopping that skull may well take me life. If it do, I dinnae think that's a death I can come back from. I hope it'll not come to that, but if it do, it's a price I stand willing to pay.

Another thing ye should know: this had to be me. Sure, there may be other clerics in the world powerful enough to deal with this threat, but the Forgefather didnae just need a cleric of sufficient strength – He needed one who could get to the black rock's landing site in enough time to stop the spread of the undead scourge.

He needed a cleric with access to a flying ship.

And finally, what made me most suitable for this mission among all others was the fact that I've already experienced death. That may prove to be the necessary link that allows me to be able to channel me positive energy directly into the blasted skull. I hope I can kill the wee beastie and live to tell the tale, but if not then so be it. I know ye still feel guilt about having been tricked into killing me with that demon sword, so maybe this will help ye forgive yerself fully. If ye'd never have killed me, I might not now be able to stop the skull, and it might spread its plague of undeath across the globe.

I'll fold this up now and keep it with me. If I survive the battle, I'll destroy this letter. But if I'm slain and cannae come back, I want ye to know it's not from lack of wanting to rejoin yer ranks. I never expected to be an adventurer like me Father, but I wouldnae trade the past years fighting alongside ye for anything.

Your Battle-Sister,


P.S.: Please look after me Ma and Pa once I’m gone.

"She's gone," Finoula said, and now the tears flowed freely.

- - -

The players had their PCs gather up the belongings of the dead heroes - Binkadink, Castillan, and Ingebold - and they decided they'll spend the 50,000 gp for two true resurrection spells for the first two slain heroes. They looted the giants' house and got 36,000 gp; Harry, bless his heart, offered up Hagan's cash reserves to help finance the difference. (That's pretty generous for an 11-year-old who mostly likes to have his PC blow stuff up.) And I made Vicki cry with Ingebold's letter at the end of the adventure.

Knowing full well that this could be Ingebold's last adventure, I made sure Vicki was running her at the beginning of the session, although I had already prepared her spells the night before (acting as Moradin's guiding hand, as it were). I also stepped in and had Ingebold cast the control weather spell before the dragonfly ship landed, as I'd had her prepare that for that very reason. But after that, I gave Vicki full reign as far as running Ingebold. And naturally, once Binkadink was slain by the demilich, Vicki turned Ingebold over to Logan so he'd have a PC to run for the rest of the session. Once things looked desperate enough, I took Logan aside and told him about the possibility of the one-shot "super-turning" and its potential consequences, and eventually he saw it as their only hope.

By the way, Jacob wasn't with us during this session - he's now 21 years old, in college, and has a girlfriend, and the lure of playing D&D with his family and mine isn't the powerful draw it used to be. He asked his dad, Dan, to run Castillan for him, with the warning, "Just don't get him killed." Heh heh heh - there are never any guarantees there, Jacob! So we might be seeing less and less of Jacob at the gaming table. He wants Dan to continue running Castillan as well as Gilbert, but I've offered up putting Castillan on a "behind the scenes" mission for awhile, and joining him back up with the group (at the same XP level) whenever Jacob wants to join us for a session. I even have an adventure planned (#60, as a matter of fact) [Later edit: I ended bumping it to #56 once Jacob started gaming with us again] that has Castillan being given a specific assignment that he brings the rest of the group to accomplish; I can simply have him working on it for the duration until he finally asks for help from the other PCs once the campaign gets to that point.

As an aside, I think this campaign will last a total of 80 adventures in all. We'll likely have about five adventures at each of the remaining levels, culminating in a party of 20th-level PCs. I don't have everything figured out just yet, but I do have the adventures written through #61, with broad ideas for the last half dozen or so.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My black "Walking Dead" T-shirt, with numerous zombies forming a skull silhouette.
Last edited:



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 14​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 14​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 14​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 14​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 14​

NPC Roster:
Jinkadoodle Dundernoggin, gnome illusionist 5​
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 7​

Game Session Date: 28 July 2018

- - -

It had been an eventful week.

The return trip from the arctic in the dragonfly ship was a solemn affair. Jinkadoodle parked the spelljamming vessel on the cloud island as normal, and then everyone went down to the extradimensional space at the bottom of the ship's hold and stepped onto the runes carved onto the floor of one of the bedrooms that would take them, two at a time, to the carpet of teleporting they had left unfurled in the courtyard of Battershield Keep. Aerik was still at his duties in the castle with King Galrich when they returned; thus it was only Helga who saw them arrive without her daughter among them, carrying her gear. She turned to Finoula with a fearful question on her face, but then didn't even need to ask - the tears streaming down the elf's face were all the answer she needed.

In the days that followed, the stern-faced dwarven clerics of the Church of Moradin performed a series of divinations and confirmed what the heroes had told them: Ingebold Battershield, beloved daughter of Aerik and Helga, had been slain in battle against an undead scourge that could quite literally have eventually led to the destruction of every living thing on the planet. Despite the lack of a body, Ingebold Battershield was given a formal burial ceremony, even though it was recognized by the Head Cleric, Duerna Forgewife, that Ingebold's soul had been obliterated in destroying the calcimortum demilich; there would be no eventual reunion with her parents in Moradin's Halls after their deaths, for there was no longer any piece of Ingebold to pass on to an eternal rest. It was a difficult concept for her parents to adjust to, knowing that their daughter had been taken from them not just in this life but in the next as well. Still, they harbored no ill-will toward Ingebold's adventuring companions; rather, Finoula practically became a second daughter to Helga - if Ingebold had been taken from her, then she would hold on all the harder to Ingebold's Battle-Sister.

Hagan was even allowed to move his belongings into Ingebold's old bedroom, rather than continue sharing a room with the two gnomes.

But there were other things to do, other matters that needed attending to without delay. Castillan and Binkadink had both been slain by the demilich and had to be resurrected; fortunately, their souls had merely been torn from their bodies, not obliterated entirely. Finoula, Hagan, and Gilbert had all been drained of a portion of their vitality; they required restoration spells to be made whole again. It wasn't lost on the group that these were all tasks that Ingebold would normally have performed; it would take them long to get over their grief at the loss of their friend, but equally long to adjust to adventuring without a powerful cleric by their side.

And the very day they had flown off to the arctic and saved the world from the demilich, back in Kordovia, King Galrich had formally announced his intention to step down from the throne. Publicly, he credited the decision to advancing age and poor physical health as well as Princess Kaelanna's readiness to take his place; privately, he realized his mental faculties weren't always all there and he was getting easily confused more and more often. For the good of the kingdom, it would be best for him to retire and pass the scepter of succession to his adopted daughter.

Castillan was also called away; he was summoned to his father's study and returned to the group shortly thereafter, explaining he had to attend to a family concern and could possibly be gone for some months. So soon after being true resurrected, he too was gone from the heroes' midst. "Group getting smaller and smaller," observed Gilbert Fung.

And then, at the end of the week, the group woke to a summons from Princess Kaelanna herself. A castle page had been sent with a horse-drawn carriage to escort the adventurers to the castle. "What this about?" demanded Gilbert, cranky from having been awakened early, but the page had no answer to give. The heroes were herded into the carriage, although Binkadink opted to ride alongside on his jackalope Obvious, and the rangers had Wrath and Grumps Junior tag alongside as well. Gilbert shrunk Mudpie down to pebble size with his slingshot of rock shrinking and put him in a pocket of his robes.

The answer to Gilbert's question came soon enough, though. Upon being escorted into a receiving room, Princess Kaelanna greeted them warmly. "Thank you for attending me so promptly," she said. Her skin, which had always been fairly light with a slightly greenish cast, was noticeably paler than normal. "I am sure you are aware of the King's recent proclamation of his intentions to step down from the throne and appoint me in his stead. It would seem such a course of action is not appealing to everyone in the kingdom." With that, she handed over a piece of folded parchment to Hagan.

The half-orc opened the sheet of parchment. Inside was written the following:





"Lovely," observed Hagan, frowning.

"When this come?" demanded Gilbert.

"A week ago," answered Kaelanna. "The afternoon of the morning King Galrich announced his intentions, as a matter of fact."

"You wait this long to do anything about it?" Gilbert sputtered.

"In truth, I gave it little concern," admitted the princess. "I assumed it was just the ramblings of a madman."

"But now you called us in," observed Finoula. "What has changed, Your Highness?"

Princess Kaelanna managed to look both embarrassed and angry. "Last night..." she began, sighing deeply, "...I was poisoned. I'm not sure how it was administered, but I'm told it was only luck - or perhaps my draconic heritage - that prevented me from dying last night. In any case, I've come to the belated conclusion that perhaps I should have taken that letter seriously."

"That a good idea!" piped in Gilbert, a note of exasperation in his voice.

"Can you tell us what you know of the poisoning?" prompted Finoula.

"I ate with King Galrich, Aerik, and my two ladies-in-waiting, Daedre Amathar and Lilibeth Everfaith. It was from...oh, about seven bells until eight. None of the others have showed any signs of having been poisoned. But I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible pains. I rolled out of my bed and crawled to one of the pull-cords that summon my ladies-in-waiting. Daedre came to me at once and sent a page immediately after a cleric. He cast a delay poison spell upon me, and then a neutralize poison, I think he said it was. He said from the symptoms - the paleness of my skin and the bluish tint around my lips - it was likely something called 'dark reaver powder'."

"I know of it," admitted Binkadink. His Uncle Winkidew and cousin Jinkadoodle were both expert potion-crafters and had some experience with poisons as part of their trade. "It's deadly. But it needs to be ingested - it would have to have been added to something you ate or drank."

"It didn't hit her until the middle of the night," pointed out Darrien.

"There are ways to delay a poison's effect," replied Binkadink. "It would have been simple enough to prepare the dark reaver powder in such a fashion that it would take effect hours after being eaten."

"But you say no one else who ate dinner with you was affected?" asked Finoula.

"That is correct. And the poison isn't the only threat of late. There have been reports of someone stirring up trouble in the marketplace from time to time, warning the citizens against having a queen with both elves and dragons in her bloodline, and thus ruling the kingdom for a thousand years. It's quite apparent that somebody doesn't want me to assume the throne of Kordovia. I would like you to use your adventuring skills to find out who's trying to kill me. I assume the throne in four days; it would be best if we had found the culprit before then!"

Binkadink asked to see the message. Looking it over, he noted, "This sounds like Vandergrotten. Did he have any relatives?" Nobody knew, but they could go see the castle historian, Zalian Darisath - he would surely have records on the Vandergrotten lineage, as it was one of the older noble families in Kordovian history.

Finoula saw another possibility, but was hesitant to approach it before the princess. "How much do you know of your birth, Your Highness?" she asked tentatively.

"That my mother gave birth to me in a dragon's cave, you mean? Or that she asked that I be slain for being a half-breed abomination?" Finoula's face reddened; apparently King Galrich had long since related to his adopted daughter the tale of her birth. But Finoula also thought back on her occasional disdain - and jealousy, if she were being honest - of her own younger, half-elven half-sister, Feron Dru, whose human father had been the second husband to Finoula's mother after the death of her first. Finoula, being a full-blooded elf, had often bridled at the speed by which Feron had advanced through the ranks of her own druidic order's levels. It was all too easy, she knew, for an elf to feel superior to one whose elven blood had been diluted with other races.

"I only wonder if it might be one of your birth parents," Finoula answered. "Or another elf, perhaps, who doesn't want to see a 'half-breed' take the throne."

"I acknowledge the possibility," responded Kaelanna, "but no specific names come to mind. And my birth mother, Nimashkihel, was taken back to her village by King Galrich, long before he became our king. He never learned the name of my elven father, and so neither did I. But as far as I know, they don't even know of my present whereabouts, let alone my imminent ascension to the throne of Kordovia."

"Several avenues to pursue," decided Gilbert, folding the note back up and sticking it in a pocket of his robes. "We have Aerik take guards to marketplace, see if they can find troublemaker. We talk to Darisath about Vandergrotten family, then question those from last night dinner. And I want to hear Daedre tell us story about last night when she find Kaelanna on bedroom floor."

Aerik was dispatched to the marketplace with a complement of guardsmen to question the vendors about recent instigators trying to stir up trouble against Princess Kaelanna assuming the throne. Then the group visited the castle historian. Zalian was able to tell them that although Targus Vandergrotten had never married and had sired no children, he had a younger sister, Telga, who died several years after Targus had been put to the sword. Telga had married a man named Gorkin Boorhaven and they had a daughter, Sabina Boorhaven, who moved away from Kordovia shortly after her mother died. There was no further record of the Vandergrotten line; if Sabina still lived, it was possible she held a grudge for the death of her uncle, but as Kaelanna had had nothing to do with Targus's death it would seem foolish for her to be trying to kill the princess - unless she shared her uncle's views on "half-breed abominations."

Daedre Amathar was brought before the group to tell her story of the night before. She confirmed that she had eaten the meal with the Kordovian royalty, she had suffered no ill effects from having done so, and that she had been awakened from her elven reverie by the bell from Kaelanna's pull-cord.

"Was there any food or drink in her room?" Finoula asked.

"I...I don't recall seeing anything like that. Although Princess Kaelanna does occasionally have a glass of wine in her room before bed. I'm not sure if she did last night, though."

"I did!" recalled Kaelanna. The group rushed to her bedroom and a quick search revealed a fluted glass goblet under her bed, where it had likely been knocked from the nightstand in her collapse from the bed. There was a tiny bit of residue on the inside of the glass; Binkadink held it up to his eye and proclaimed it looked like it could certainly contain dark reaver powder. "I'd want Uncle Winkidew to do some tests to be sure," he offered - and was promptly sent to bring the glass to Winkidew's Potion Shop for testing and analysis.

"Who brought you the wine last night, Your Highness?" asked Hagan.

"Voopie Meadowclover," replied Kaelanna without hesitation. "But surely she wouldn't want to poison me? She's been a loyal servant for years!"

"We go check this Voopie out," decided Gilbert. But Voopie was no longer at the castle - it was, apparently, her day off. Another trip to go see Zalian gave the heroes the address of Voopie's mother, where she stayed when she wasn't working at the castle - she generally served the princess for six days and five nights and the previous evening was the end of her week's shift. They caught up with Binkadink as he was returning from his uncle's shop - "He'll have some answers for us in a couple of hours," the gnome promised - and then everyone headed to Voopie's residence.

Voopie's mother answered the door, a wizened gnomish woman. "Oh, she's at her other job," the old woman announced, and gave the group the address of the home where her daughter was making some extra money on her day off. Finoula looked at the address and recognized it as being not far from her own mother's residence, in the more well-off elven sector of the city.

"Do you think this elf woman might be Kaelanna's birth mother?" asked Darrien.

"No way to know for sure," mused Gilbert. "None of us--wait! Aerik see her when Kaelanna first born! Darrien: use ebony fly to go to marketplace and fetch Aerik! Bring him to elf-lady's address, we meet you there!"

Once Aerik and Darrien had rejoined the group (and the half-elf ranger had returned his ebony fly to its statuette form and stashed it away), they approached the door. Binkadink, who had insisted he lead the interrogation, knocked on the door. Moments later, it was opened by a lovely young gnome wearing commoner's clothing and a fresh white apron; in one hand she held a feather duster. She'd had to reach up on her tippy-toes to reach the doorknob, being somewhat shorter than even Binkadink's three-foot frame.

"Voopie Meadowclover?" the fighter asked, smiling involuntarily at the cute maiden before him.

"Yes?" asked Voopie. "May I help you?"

"We'd like to ask you a few questions about last night. I'm afraid the princess was poisoned."

"Wh--what?" gasped Voopie, visibly shaken.

"We know you guilty!" called Gilbert from behind Binkadink. "Confess, or it go even worse for you!"

"Gilbert!" hissed the gnome fighter, looking over his shoulder at the hefty wizard. "We know no such thing!"

"What's going on?" demanded a voice from deeper inside the manor house. An elderly elf woman approached - the mistress of the manor, one Cerlynnes Kahalitae. "What business have you with my maid?"

"We're here to ask her some questions," Binkadink answered quickly, before Gilbert could get a word in. "There was an incident last night at the castle and your maid was a witness."

"Well, hurry it up, if you please," sniffed Cerlynnes. "I'm not paying her to stand in my front doorway and chat."

"Did you serve Princess Kaelanna a glass of elven wine last night?" asked Binkadink.

"Y-yes, I did," Voopie admitted. "It was my last task before I returned home for the evening." Sudden realization hit her. "It was poisoned? I had no idea!" Tears welled up in her eyes, and she asked her next questions in a ghostly whisper: "What will happen to me? Will I-- will I be put to death?"

"Absolutely not," Binkadink reassured her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Probably," countered Gilbert Fung. "We take you to castle now. You can give statement under zone of truth spell." Aerik stepped forward to escort the young gnome maid from the home of her employer, much to the consternation of the elven matron. As they left the premises with their prisoner under escort, Aerik turned to the others and said, "That was definitely not Kaelanna's birth mother. Much too old."

"Was worth looking into," replied Gilbert.

Once at the castle, Aerik took Voopie away to a secure room while a cleric of Moradin was sent for to oversee the zone of truth interrogation. Binkadink offered to stay with them to observe the procedure, mostly out of a desire to ensure the pretty young gnome wasn't mistreated, but Aerik assured him they wouldn't be ready for some time and he'd personally make sure she was treated fairly. Binkadink fully believed that while Voopie may have been the one to administer the poisoned wine, she hadn't known it was poisoned at the time, but he trusted Aerik and thus caught up with the rest of the group.

The heroes pondered their next move. "We need way to scry on possible suspects," Gilbert mused.

"Isn't your dad a druid?" asked Darrien. "Maybe he could scry for us."

"Nah, he not home," Gilbert answered. "He spend weeks at time, sometimes months, living out in forest in bear form. We want druid, we need to find another one."

"What about Castillan's sister?" asked Finoula.

"She a bard."

"His other sister," retorted Finoula, somewhat exasperated at the mage's hasty dismissal. "Malrin's a druid - she may be able to help us." Thus it was that the heroes' next avenue of approach was to head over to the Ivenheart estate and seek out Malrin, the eldest of Castillan's two younger sisters.

"Let me do the talking," suggested Finoula, thinking she'd have better luck as an elf than a pushy human wizard with little tact. Binkadink stood back from the porch with Obvious, Wrath, and Grumps Junior - no sense in a menagerie of animals making the Ivenhearts nervous. But Malrin was eager to assist Castillan's adventuring partners in his absence, and in fact had two castings of the scrying spell already prepared and ready for use. "We'll need to go out back, though," she advised, leading the way to the expansive yard behind the Ivenheart estate, which included an artificial pond of clear water - for druids cast their divination spells upon bodies of still, natural water rather than in mirrors or the like, in the manner of wizards. Gilbert thought the practice unreasonably limiting, but for once held his tongue.

"What would you like me to scry upon?" asked the druid. Finoula explained about Targus Vandergrotten and his niece, Sabina, who was a potential suspect in Princess Kaelanna's poisoning. "Without anything substantial to focus upon, the chances I'll be able to establish contact for long - if at all - are somewhat slim," she explained, then began casting the spell, seeking out Sabina Boorhaven, niece of Targus Vandergrotten. The still, smooth waters of the pond clouded up for a moment, and then for an instant - a mere second at most - there was an image of a dark-haired woman passing over a large book - possibly a spellbook - to a man in a wizard's robes. Then the image faded back to the normal waters of the pond. "I'm sorry," apologized Malrin.

"Not at all," reassured Finoula. "At least we now know that Sabina is still alive, and thus on the potential suspect list."

"I can cast one more scrying spell," offered Malrin, "but I won't be able to try to see Sabina again until tomorrow. Is there anyone else you'd like me to try?"

Gilbert took the note from his pocket. "This tell us several things," he said, "It look like written by child, but that likely just ploy to throw us off scent. It reference details of Kaelanna's birth - it mention her living in cave, for one thing - and it use term 'Green Dragon Daughter,' which is meaning of princess's name in Elven tongue." Finoula and Darrien both nodded their agreement. Gilbert passed the note to Malrin and said, "See if you can scry on writer of note for us."

"Having this at hand gives us a much better shot," agreed Malrin, concentrating on the parchment as she cast her second scrying spell. Once again, the waters became cloudy, only to clear with an image floating within - this time, one that stayed for more than a mere second: a scruffy-looking human boy, perhaps nine or ten summers old, poking a dead rat with a stick in a back alley somewhere.

"That look like marketplace!" Gilbert cried. "Hagan, you ready?"

"Ready!" he answered as everyone crowded close to him. With an arcane utterance, the half-orc sorcerer teleported the adventurers and their animals straight to the marketplace, within eyesight of the boy in the alley. Binkadink jumped on Obvious's back and the jackalope hippity-hopped around an intervening building so they could flank the boy from the far side. Grumps Junior ambled forward; the boy saw a brown bear heading his way and took off in the opposite direction - only to be slapped to the ground by one of the jackalope's front paws. Obvious put just enough pressure on his paw to hold the boy in place.

"What your name?" demanded Gilbert.

"Jimby," the boy answered. "What's it to you?"

Gilbert patiently unfolded the threatening note that Kaelanna had received earlier that week. "You write this, Jimby?"

"You're not in any trouble," Binkadink tried reassuring the boy, although being held in place by a jackalope with a brown bear sniffing around him probably didn't make him anywhere near as comfortable as he could have been. Still, Jimby answered without hesitation, "Yeah, I wrote it. A lady paid me to do it."

"What lady?" asked Finoula.

"I dunno. Some lady - a dwarf, I think. She had gray hair and walked with a cane, and had this really big wart on the side of her nose. It was pretty gross."

"She tell you what to write?" prompted Gilbert.

"Nah," said Jimby. "She already had it written down on another sheet of paper. She just wanted me to make a copy of it for her."

"You can read?" asked Finoula.

"Pssh - yeah!" snorted Jimby, as if offended by the notion that he couldn't read. "But she paid me to copy it, not agree with what it said."

"How much she pay you?" Gilbert wanted to know.

"A dozen silvers. But they're mine! You can't have them!"

"But I want them," Gilbert insisted. "I want them very much. So I make you a deal: you give me the twelve silver pieces, I give you twelve gold pieces in return. That a deal?"

Jimby's eyes widened as if he couldn't believe he'd run into the biggest chumps of his short lifetime. Then realization struck. "I only have ten of them left," he said.

"That fine. Then I pay you ten gold pieces for your ten silver pieces. But they have to be same ones dwarf woman gave you, or deal off!"

"Deal!" Jimby agreed instantly before this goofy-talking fool could change his mind. Naturally, he didn't have the money on him - he'd hidden it away where it couldn't be taken from him. But he led the heroes to his secret stash - beneath a loose brick in the back alley behind a candle-maker's shop - and handed over the ten silvers. Gilbert counted out ten gold coins from his purse and handed them over. "If we find out these not coins from dwarf lady, we find you again," Gilbert warned. "And then maybe we let bear eat you."

"That's them, all right!" promised Jimby and ran off at once to find a new hiding place for his sudden wealth. Gilbert watched the boy scamper off and lose himself in the crowd of the marketplace. "We have Malrin scry on old dwarf lady tomorrow," he said, having procured something she'd recently touched.

Jinkadoodle was waiting for the group when they returned to the castle. "Dad said there was definitely dark reaver powder in the remnants of the wine in the glass you gave him," he said. "And not only that, it was a really heavy dose - like, so heavy there's no way she could have missed tasting it. No way at all."

"Weird," mused Gilbert. "Princess didn't mention wine tasting funny." Binkadink shared a quick glance with his cousin and made a subtle back-and-forth headshake, silently warning Jinkadoodle to silence, for he'd realized in an instant - as he assumed Jinkadoodle had done as well - that a gnome could easily have altered the taste of the wine using their inherent prestidigitation abilities. Binkadink had used his own such abilities to randomly change the hair color of members of his adventuring group, but it could also be used to change the taste of food or drink. He didn't want to voice these concerns, though, and offer up additional evidence against Voopie Meadowclover, who already was in enough trouble as it was.

Checking in with Aerik, the dwarven bodyguard reported that Voopie had passed her zone of truth interrogation. "She didn't know it was poisoned when she brought it to the princess," Aerik explained. "Now we're tryin' ta find out who gave 'er th' wine bottle in th' first place; all she remembers it were a blond-haired human girl - an' that description fits a dozen or more servants."

"Told you," Binkadink smirked at Gilbert, glad that the young gnome maiden had been vindicated.

Shortly after, a contingent of dwarven guards trickled back in to the castle to report their marketplace findings to Aerik. "We found plenty o' eyewitnesses what said there was an elderly dwarven lady stirrin' up trouble a few days back," reported a sergeant. "Nobody's seen hide nor hair o' 'er since, though, and by th' soundsa it, she didn't get nowheres wit' 'er grumblin'. General consensus is Princess Kaelanna'll make us a fine queen." The description the testimonies had provided matched Jimby's description of the woman who paid him to copy the letter: gray hair, nose-wart, and cane.

"We scry on this dwarf tomorrow," Gilbert decided. "But I think that it for tonight - it getting late!"

The next morning the group reconvened at the Ivenheart estate so Malrin could try some more scrying spells. Gilbert had her try Sabina again, but without anything physical from the Vandergrotten niece upon which to focus her divination, she had no further luck than on the day before.

"Try this," the hefty mage suggested, passing over the ten silver pieces they'd gotten from Jimby. "They come from gray-haired dwarf woman who pay human boy to copy letter we show you yesterday." Malrin took the coins, holding them in her hands and concentrating as she cast the scrying spell for the second time that morning. This time, the waters of the pool showed a clear image of an elderly, gray-haired woman sitting at a desk, writing, with a raven at her shoulder. But this was no dwarven woman; rather, it was an elf - and an elf the group had seen very recently.

"Cerlynnes Kahalitae!" exclaimed Finoula. "The woman Voopie works for when she's not at the castle!"

"She's not a dwarf," Darrien pointed out.

"Pffff!" scoffed Gilbert. "That easy enough to fix with illusion spell!"

"Let's go get Aerik and round her up, then," suggested Binkadink.

"You want me to just teleport us there and take her down?" asked Hagan.

"We bring Aerik along," agreed Gilbert. "She citizen; we can't just barge into house and arrest her - but Aerik can!"

Unfortunately, by the time they returned to the castle, got Aerik and a group of castle guards, and returned to the Kahalitae Manor, there was no answer at the door. "We let her get away!" cried Hagan, irritated that they hadn't followed his suggestion to teleport in and grab her when they could have.

"Go ahead and open this door," Aerik commanded, and Gilbert cast a knock spell that had the locked door open in a jiffy. Darrien and Grumps Junior had gone around the manor house to the back door to ensure Cerlynnes didn't escape that way, but the back door was also locked and nobody came through it while the others searched through the elderly elf's dwelling. "She gone," Gilbert sighed. "Her and her raven - probably her familiar. She wizard, no doubt."

"Or a sorcerer," pointed out Hagan.

"Either way, it would be easy enough for her to cast an illusion spell to appear to be an elderly dwarven woman, both to hire Jimby and to try to stir up a revolt against Kaelanna in the marketplace," pointed out Finoula.

"So what do we do now?" asked Binkadink.

"I'll have me men keep a watch on th' place," suggested Aerik. "And we'll pass word around to keep an eye out for 'er. She'll show up, sooner or later."

"I think we should go talk with Voopie again," suggested Binkadink. "Now that we know this Kahalitae woman was behind the letter and the marketplace shenanigans, it makes sense that she was behind the poisoning as well. Voopie can tell us what she knows about her."

Voopie Meadowclover was back to work at the castle; the head maid, a heavyset, no-nonsense woman named Madame Scolina told the group where the gnome's duties would have taken her. Voopie looked worried at the approach of the group of adventurers, no doubt thinking she'd already cleared her name the day before. "Is everything okay?" she asked nervously.

"Everything's fine," Binkadink reassured her, smiling. "We think we know who it was behind the poisoning: Cerlynnes Kahalitae, your employer."

"Really?" Voopie asked, clearly puzzled. "She can be a bit bad-tempered, I agree - but to try to kill the princess? Why?"

"We don't know. We were hoping you might be able to tell us a bit more about her," Binkadink replied. Voopie recounted what little she knew about her elven employer: she was very stern, liked things just so, and had little use for slackers. But as Voopie went on about her employer, Binkadink got the sinking sensation that Voopie was holding something back. He really didn't want her to be complicit in the plot against Princess Kaelanna, but he had to press her for the truth.

"Voopie," he interrupted her. "What aren't you telling us about the night you served the princess the poisoned wine?"

The gnomish maid stopped talking at once and her face turned pale. "I..." she began. "I'm not supposed to tell...I'll be fired if I say."

"Fired by who?" demanded Binkadink.

"Madame Scolina," Voopie replied, looking around to see if the stern maid was within earshot.

"You'd better tell us everything," Binkadink commanded, his voice stern. "We'll handle Madame Scolina, if it comes to that."

Voopie sat down and gave her full story. "I went to the cellar to get the wine," she began, but a blond girl had already fetched it for me. She gave it to me on a silver tray, along with a bottle opener, a glass, and a packet of dark powder." Gilbert's eyes flashed at this last bit, while Binkadink's heart sank - but neither interrupted the gnome's story. "Then Madame Scolina appeared, took the blond girl aside, and they talked for a while. Madame Scolina told me to follow the girl's orders directly, and not to say a word about any of this or I'd be fired.

"The girl told me to open the bottle, pour a little sip into the glass, and taste it. Then I was to fill the glass up, add the powder, and stir it around to allow it to dissolve in the wine. I was then to cast prestidigitation on the wine to make it taste normal again."

Gilbert couldn't help himself from interrupting at that point. "And you didn't think you were poisoning the princess?"

"She said it was medicine!" insisted the gnome maid.

"Medicine for what?" prompted Binkadink, wanting to believe Voopie.

"For...this is the embarrassing part...apparently there's an ailment those with green dragon blood can get, which involves...acidic flatulence." Voopie whispered the last two words and immediately blushed, embarrassed at having revealed her princess's secret shame.

"Is that even a thing?" asked Binkadink, looking over at Gilbert.

"No!" scoffed the portly mage, before looking at Voopie. "You an idiot," he asserted. Voopie buried her face in her hands and started weeping silently.

"You're a bully!" countered Binkadink.

"Let's have Aerik supervise another round of zone of truth questioning," suggested Finoula.

"I think he's already making arrangements for all of the blond-haired human servant girls to be questioned," Hagan observed.

"Better add Madame Scolina to the list," suggested Darrien. But the heavyset maid passed the questioning; it apparently hadn't been she who had instructed the blond girl on what to tell Voopie, or who had demanded the gnome maid remain silent about Princess Kaelanna's "medicine." And Voopie's story panned out under the lie-revealing spell; everything she had said had been true.

"Elf-lady probably used illusion to look like Boss Maid," Gilbert observed. "Blond girl probably hypnotized into obeying, then forgetting conversation." The theory explained why none of the blond servants confessed to giving Voopie the poison on the silver platter - if magic prevented them from even remembering the act, they certainly couldn't admit to it.

"This Kahalitae woman is very good at covering her tracks," observed Hagan.

"I think we need to stand guard over the princess," Finoula said. "Cerlynnes has tried a threatening letter, a rebellion by the citizens, and a poisoning and gotten nowhere. I wouldn't put it past her to try an out-an-out assassination attempt."

"Princess Kaelanna becomes queen in two days," pointed out Binkadink.

"Then we guard her until then," Gilbert decided. "You guys stay here with her; I go see mom. I have idea." Gilbert didn't have far to go, for his mother, Harriet Fung, was in the castle with the king, who was instructing her in the Orc tongue. Since Harriet had been reincarnated into an orc body, the plan was to try to insert her into the orc and goblin forces the next time they attacked, so she could track them back to their hidden lair. And to do so, she needed to not only look like an orc but speak like one as well.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully. But at bedtime, Finoula escorted the princess to her bedchambers, on the upper floor in one of the two towers of the women's wing of the castle. Darrien walked with the two women up to the point where the two dwarven castle guards stood outside the door to the women's wing. Beyond that point, men were not allowed. "I'll be here if you need me," Darrien promised. If any of the guards were curious as to why the princess's new female elven bodyguard carried a rolled-up carpet under one arm, they didn't ask.

Kaelanna and Finoula climbed the steps to the princess's bedroom, where the ranger unrolled the carpet of teleportation at the foot of the half-dragon's bed. "The command word is 'umerguth,' Your Highness," Finoula explained, leading her future liege to stand upon the carpet.

"And where will I go upon saying that?" asked Kaelanna.

"Aboard our ship," Finoula responded. "We have a place made ready for you there. It's safer if you spend the night there, under guard, while we post a decoy here to draw in any assassination attempts."

"Very well," said the princess. "Thank you, Finoula. I knew it was a good idea to bring you and your team into this investigation. Umerguth!" And with the utterance of the command word, Princess Kaelanna was transported to one of the bedrooms in the extradimensional hold of the group's dragonfly spelljamming vessel, parked on a cloud island tended to by the cloud giant Zaralia. Most of the other adventurers were there, as well as a few Princess Kaelanna didn't recognize, like Jinkadoodle Dundernoggin and Aithanar Ivenheart, who was there to tend to the group's animals, housed in a different room. Binkadink escorted the princess to the room they had set aside for her use that night - where another Princess Kaelanna stood waiting, identical in appearance to the original.

"It me," said Gilbert Fung, the faux princess. "I borrow hat of disguise back from mom. I be sleeping in your bed tonight - anybody try to kill you, they try to kill me instead. And I very hard to kill."

"I see," said Princess Kaelanna. "Very well, then. I bid you all a good night." She stepped into the room while her lookalike exited.

"Okay then," Gilbert said, his normal voice incongruously emanating from the illusory body of the half elven, half green dragon princess and future queen of Kordovia. "We got Rary's telepathic bond spell linking us all together." Gilbert had cast the spell before the majority of the team teleported up to the dragonfly ship. "Only problem: can't use it between pocket dimension here and outside world. So Bink, you stand guard outside princess's room. Hagan, you stand at top of stairs, outside extradimensional space. Anybody try to kill me, I holler over link, Hagan go get Bink, everybody teleport back onto magic rug. Show up in princess's bedroom, take down assassin, good to go. Questions?"

There were none, so Gilbert walked over to the teleportation rune carved into the bedroom floor, said "umerguth," and teleported back to Princess Kaelanna's bedroom to be greeted by Finoula. "Wow," the ranger said, impressed. "You look just like her."

"Yeah, but voice way different," Gilbert replied. "Best if I don't talk."

"Agreed," smirked Finoula. "It's always best when you don't talk."

"You shut stupid elf mouth." Gilbert pulled Mudpie out of his pocket and used his magic slingshot to return his earth elemental familiar to his normal, three-foot size. "We stick you under bed, Mudpie," Gilbert commanded, and the elemental bent down to comply. As he crawled underneath the head of the bed, he had no idea that there was already someone else hiding under the foot of the bed - this would be Eye-Plucker, Cerlynnes Kahalitae's imp familiar, who was often seen in his raven form looking like a more traditional familiar to the elderly elf enchantress. He was in his true imp form at the moment but hidden by invisibility - and not only hearing everything said in the room, but using his telepathic abilities to not only broadcast a running commentary to his mistress, hidden nearby outside the castle, but also to Larianna Ghostwalker, another invisible entity, this one hidden in Princess Kaelanna's closet.

Larianna Ghostwalker was an elven assassin, one who had made enough money over the years to have long since retired and lived in luxury for the rest of her days. But she knew the boredom of such a life would likely soon kill her - having had such a taste, she craved danger and excitement and the prospect of taking down a half-dragon elf in her own bedroom two nights before her coronation was a challenge she couldn't pass up. She'd made it invisibly past the guards outside the woman's wing quite easily hours before, her practiced footsteps lighter than air, scoped out the bedroom, and hidden herself inside the closet where she could step out as quiet as a ghost once her target was asleep. She'd kill her target with the special dagger she'd been given by Cerlynnes to slay Kaelanna - a soulslayer dagger, one the elderly elf had taken directly from King Galrich's personal vault, having walked in there using her hat of disguise to appear to be one of the trusted dwarven guardsmen. The soulslayer dagger had been taken from an assassin who had tried to kill Galrich Slayer in the days before he had taken the throne, a desperate measure put into motion by Targus Vandergrotten - who did not want his beloved kingdom ruled by what he considered a "half-breed mongrel."

But now there was a wrinkle in the plan: Kaelanna was somewhere at the other end of the carpet of teleportation - unknown territory to the assassin. No matter, though; she'd overheard the command word and memorized it, so all she'd have to do is take out the sole bodyguard - the silver-haired elf woman pacing the room slowly, always keeping her eyes on the doorway leading to the stairs, the only entrance to the bedroom - and Larianna could be on the carpet and off to who-knows-where to slay the princess. The unpredictability of the assignment just made it all the more exciting! In fact, she was half tempted to spring out now and be about the mission, but she hadn't amassed her impressive kill record over the years by being impulsive. The plan had altered, granted, but it was still best to stick to its core: allow Kaelanna enough time to fall fast asleep and then strike. The fact that Larianna didn't know where Kaelanna was now other than "wherever that carpet led to" made no difference; it would still be best to allow the princess to fall fast asleep. And so the assassin waited in the closet for a good two hours before silently opening the door and slipping into the bedroom, cloaked in invisibility due to the ring she wore.

<It begins> thought the assassin to the imp hidden beneath the bed, as she crept silently behind a pacing Finoula, still making her rounds and expecting any potential attack to come from the doorway leading to the stairs. The pacing was part nervous energy and part a way to keep her awake and alert.

<About damn time!> retorted Eye-Plucker. <I'm going after the fake princess once you strike down the bodyguard.>

<Why? That's not part of the plan.>

<No, but it'll be fun.>

Larianna struck suddenly and struck hard, the soulslayer dagger still tucked into her belt, for it could imprison the soul of but a single victim and was set aside for Kaelanna. Instead, using the martial disciplines she'd mastered years ago, Larianna struck out with a rapid series of blows using the hardened edges of her hands. The flurry of blows took Finoula quite by surprise, having come out of nowhere. The fact that the assassin popped back into visibility meant nothing at first, either, as she struck from behind so the elf ranger couldn't see her attacker in the wan moonlight coming through the room's narrow windows.

Still, Finoula had the presence of mind to call out to the others over the Rary's telepathic bond spell still active among the group. <Guys! I'm under attack!> she called telepathically. But despite not being a member of the spell's recipients, Eye-Plucker was telepathic by nature and he heard Finoula's frantic calls as loudly as if she'd used her voice and not her mind. <Larianna!> he warned. <She's got a telepathic link active with others!>

Back on the dragonfly ship, Hagan picked up the cry and raced down the stairs leading to the extradimensional area of the ship. "Binkadink!" he cried. "The attack's begun!" He and the gnome fighter raced to the bedroom whose floor contained the teleportation runes linked to the rug at the foot of Princess Kaelanna's bed. Darrien caught Finoula's call as well and pulled out his ebony fly. He opened the doors to the women's wing before an astonished pair of guards could stop him, cried "There's an attack!" and flew, fly-back, into the women's wing, heading for the stairs that spiraled up the tower to Kaelanna's bedroom.

Gilbert also heard the cry and whipped the covers from his body - which still, due to the hat of disguise he wore, looked like that of the princess. He was personally glad the attack had happened, for it had been getting difficult to stay awake while lying motionless in bed, pretending to be asleep. At this point, he assumed the assassin was here to try to take him - the "princess" - out. But despite his eagerness for battle and the realization that he was the prime target, the attack on his person took him by complete surprise, given that Eye-Plucker was still invisible when the tip of his scorpionlike tail stung the portly mage in the side of the neck. The tiny devil's venom coursed through Gilbert's system but he shrugged off the worst of the effects by sheer force of will.

Mudpie, however, had heard not only the rustling under the bed as the invisible imp extracted himself from his hiding place but also Gilbert's involuntary cry of pain when he was stabbed in the neck. Fortunately, the attack on Mudpie's master forced the invisibility effect to fade from the imp, giving the earth elemental a visible target to hit. Scrambling from the bed faster than his bulky form would have made an onlooker think possible, he brought his stony fists crashing into the imp's frail body from either side, crushing it between them. (Less than a mile away, Cerlynnes Kahalitae felt the empathic link between her and her imp familiar go suddenly silent and she realized her diabolic servant had been slain. That did it, she decided. She was too old for any more of this nonsense - the princess's protectors were beyond her ability to overcome and likely beyond Larianna's as well; it would perhaps be easier to leave Kordovia to its Monster Queen and find a different land in which to live out her remaining days. Using her hat of disguise to assume the form of a male human merchant, she began walking away from Kordovia forever.)

Finoula was staggered by the assassin's sudden assault, but she remained on her feet and brought Tahlmalaera swinging around to face her enemy. In the dim moonlight she saw she faced an elf woman wearing dark leather armor. The woman was lithe and very quick; she easily avoided the ranger's sword-strike but fared poorly against the flaming whip of thorns Finoula used in her off-hand. The whip struck the black-clad assassin, its flaming thorns scratching across her face and forcing an involuntary cry of pain and surprise from her. Then Larianna smiled, looking forward to taking out this upstart bodyguard before moving on to her true assignment.

And then, suddenly, a gnome holding a ridiculously large polearm and a half-orc in robes stood upon the carpet of teleportation that Larianna had been planning to use to get to the princess. This fight just got more interesting! Larianna threw a flurry of daggers at Hagan, expecting him to either fall from the sudden attack (the daggers had been coated in venom, after all) or at least stagger away off the carpet so she could use it to her own advantage. But the half-orc stood his ground; worse, he began the words to a spell! Larianna tensed, ready to dodge whatever might be coming, but the chain lightning arced over to her before she could react, knocking her to the floor. That really hurt! And then the ridiculous gnome struck at her with his oversized glaive, cutting a searing stripe of pain across her torso as she tried rolling out of the way.

A commotion from behind the assassin caught everyone's attention, but the buzzing sound was just Darrien's ebony fly flying up the curving stairwell. The half-elf ranger took in the contents of the room at a glance, then sent an arrow from his Arachnibow flying at the assassin. But Larianna Ghostwalker easily, almost contemptuously, swatted the arrow from its course while regaining her feet. She struck at Binkadink, hoping to get past him to the carpet of teleportation, but the tiny little gnome might have been a statue for all he moved from her blow.

And then Hagan cast a disintegrate spell that caught Larianna Ghostwalker full-brunt. With an astonished expression on her face, the assassin's body was blown to a fine powder.

"That it?" asked Gilbert. "We take down assassins?"

"Just the one - and an imp," added Finoula, seeing the crumpled form Mudpie held between his hands. Just to be sure, the entire group used the carpet of teleportation to spend the night on the dragonfly ship guarding Princess Kaelanna, with Hagan staying behind only long enough to roll up the carpet and use a teleport spell of his own to join them. No sense in leaving a "back door" to the spelljamming ship sitting around in the princess's bedroom!

The next day was uneventful, but focused on the next day's coronation. The heroes were a constant presence around the princess, making sure nobody got close to her. They had Malrin scry upon Cerlynnes, just to be sure, and the druid saw the image of a male human merchant walking down a road, leading south. "I think she's had enough," the druid commented.

And the day after that was the day of the coronation itself. A large space in the castle courtyard had been opened for attendees, with tables overburdened with food and drink set up along one edge. A shaded pavilion was assembled along one side for visiting dignitaries, and, surprisingly, what looked like a cattle pen had been erected behind the throne, with three strong bulls pacing nervously back and forth.

Finally, at the appointed time, trumpets sounded and a procession marched from the castle to the throne set up outside. A hush fell across the crowd as King Galrich took the throne, with Princess Kaelanna standing at his right and Aerik Battershield at his left. To Aerik’s left stood Father Bendrick, the current head cleric of the Church of Kord.

Galrich rose from the throne and waved his arms out majestically. "Thank you all for your attendance," he boomed. Turning to the pavilion, he said, "And I thank our visiting dignitaries from the neighboring lands. Your presence does us great honor. But there is another dignitary my daughter has asked to attend; I ask you now to remain calm while Princess Kaelanna's own half-brother, the dragon Clauguthrax, takes his place."

With a great flapping of wings, a green form dropped down from the sky, landing in the cattle pen behind the throne. Princess Kaelanna nodded her greeting, and the dragon nodded his great head in return. Then the ceremony began.

Father Bendrick took the crown from King Galrich's head and handed it to Aerik. Galrich then stepped aside and Princess Kaelanna took his place before the throne.

"Kneel before the symbol of Kordovian royalty," commanded the head cleric. Kaelanna lifted the hem of her flowing skirts and lowered herself to one knee. Father Bendrick then passed over the scepter of succession to Kaelanna, who cradled it under one arm. Father Bendrick then took the crown from Aerik and placed it upon Kaelanna's head. "You may rise, Your Majesty," he said to the half-dragon elf kneeling before him. Then, turning to the assembled crowd, he called out, "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Court, I present to you Queen Kaelanna the First, Ruler of the Kingdom of Kordovia, by the blessings of the Gods Above. Long may she live!"

"Long may she live!" repeated the crowd with enthusiasm.

"May she rule wisely," intoned Father Bendrick, then turned to the newly-crowned queen. "Your Majesty, the floor is yours." He then stepped aside so that Queen Kaelanna could make her coronation speech to those assembled.

Behind her, Clauguthrax grinned at this turn of events. He had attended not only out of curiosity but also to show the Kordovians that their little kingdom was under his protection now. Queen Kaelanna intended his presence to be reassuring to the people of her kingdom; she still didn’t see why some people feared dragons so much and wanted them to see that dragons – even green dragons – could be a force for good. Clauguthrax found it eminently amusing that he was now a blood relative to royalty to a humanoid kingdom. But he was appreciative of the thoughtfulness of his little half-sister in providing the three bulls as a snack; in return, he was thoughtful enough to wait until she had finished her speech and the banquet that followed immediately afterward had begun before starting his own feast.

"She'll make a fine queen," said Galrich, beaming with pride.

"Aye, that she will," agreed Aerik, thinking wistfully of his own daughter.

- - -

This adventure was a departure from our normal fare, which generally skews more heavily to the combat end of the spectrum. But it was an interesting approach, forcing the players to use slightly different mental gears to accomplish their goal of not only keeping Princess Kaelanna alive but tracking down her attempted killer. It's not a sudden new direction for our campaign, but a type of adventure I don't think we'd mind trying again in the future.

Of course, this was somewhat problematic in that I had no idea which avenues the players would choose to explore, so I had to have a lot more ready than we actually used. Sabina Boorhaven, for example, had left the kingdom years ago and married a man named Jorbin Wenkler; he was an illusionist (and the wizard momentarily glimpsed in the scrying attempts) and had the PCs successfully scried upon them and teleported in for a confrontation they'd have found out Jorbin is an illusionist more of the "kids' birthday party" variety and that he and his wife have no particular feelings towards half-dragon elven queens one way or the other. But I statted them up, just in case. (I also gave Jorbin a miniature phantom fungus as a familiar, thinking a permanently invisible, foot-tall shambling fungus creature would come in handy performing magic tricks for children.)

So with a bunch of possible investigative paths, the adventure itself was one of the longest I've ever written, even though a good chunk of it was never used. But another factor was that unlike most adventures I write, I had no idea how long this would take to play through. So, just in case, I had the adventure that comes after this one prepped and ready; we only play about one Saturday a month and I didn't want to waste a gaming session on a three-and-a-half hour adventure (which is about how long it took us to go through this one) when we typically game for five or six hours a session. So, immediately after concluding this adventure we started up the next one, which was more combat oriented and thus easier for me to estimate how long it would take us to go through.

One half-intended side effect of this adventure, though, was that Binkadink Dundernoggin now has a potential love interest, in the form of one Voopie Meadowclover.

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T-Shirt Worn: My black shirt with a green dragon on it, to represent Clauguthrax.
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 14​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 14​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 14​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 14​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 14​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 3​
Laerornith Ivenheart, elf bard 5​
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 7​

Game Session Date: 28 July 2018

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"Aithanar! Aithanar!" called Laerornith Ivenheart as she burst into the tavern where her brother was playing cards at a table with three tough-looking men. "I have exciting news! You'll never believe it!"

The elven fighter looked in irritation at his younger sister; he had a good hand and he knew the guys he was playing with didn't like interruptions to their game. "I fold," he sighed, getting up from the table to deal with whatever Laerornith thought was so important it warranted interrupting his making a little money on the side.

"A talent scout from a bardic college heard me singing last night and wants me to try out! I could be joining the Conservatory of the Ineffable Chord!"

"Okay, good for you," Aithanar said, looking back at the table and the card game he was missing. "I wish you good luck."

"No - you have to come with me!" Laerornith insisted.

"What? Why?"

"The tryout's in a couple of days, but it's in a set of ruins in the Vesve Forest. I already asked Father and he agreed to allow me to audition, but he won't let me travel that far away unless I have an escort. I'm sure Castillan would do it if he were here, but he's off doing that family thing that Father insisted he do. So will you?"

"Hmm," mused Aithanar. "I suppose I could ask Finoula if she'd like to accompany us." The elf was envisioning some time alone with the good-looking ranger while his sister did her audition or whatever.

"That would be excellent!" enthused Laerornith. "But we have to get ready! If we're going to make it in time, we need to leave by tomorrow morning!" She pulled out a map the talent scout had given her, showing the approximate location of the ruins, deep in the part of the Vesve Forest to the southeast of Kordovia. Aithanar judged it to be at least a day and a half travel via horse and wagon - there was no good way to fly the dragonfly vessel through a forest, and without having ever been there before, teleporting would be iffy.

"I'm out, guys," Aithanar announced back at the table. He scooped up the winnings he'd amassed thus far and left the tavern with his sister, who was happily babbling about what a wonderful opportunity this was. A wonderful opportunity to spend some time with Finoula, Aithanar thought to himself.

The next morning, Aithanar sat in the driver's seat of the Vistani wagon, leading Castor and Pollux along a narrow road going through the Vesve Forest. He wore a frown that had nothing to do with the fact that Finoula rode beside him on her pony Daisy, or that her timber wolf Wrath trotted alongside Daisy's feet. No, his frustration was due to the fact that ahead of Finoula loped Obvious with Binkadink in the jackalope's saddle; that atop the Vistani wagon (in the spot usually reserved for Castillan) sat Darrien, his Arachnibow at the ready; that Darrien's pet dire bear cub Grumps Junior loped on the other side of the wagon; and that inside the wagon rode not only his younger sister Laerornith but also his older sister Malrin, Gilbert Fung and his earth elemental familiar Mudpie, and Hagan and his weasel familiar Wezhley. What the elf fighter had hoped would be several days spent with Finoula (and his sister, who would hopefully spend her time practicing on her lute) had turned into the whole group of adventurers tagging along. Gilbert had walked up unbeknownst to Aithanar when he had proposed the outing to Finoula and offered the whole group's services as bodyguards and had even coaxed Malrin along to serve as the party's healer.

Laerornith did spend the day practicing her singing and her lute playing, which helped pass the day pleasantly - the young bard did have a very nice voice. Eventually even Aithanar got over his bad mood and decided to make the best of it; it might not have been the more intimate trip he had envisioned, but he was still getting to spend time with Finoula in a relaxing environment. The group made camp that first day at sunset alongside the road in a clearing. They worked out a guard shift for the hours of darkness, but nothing disturbed their camp all night - although there were occasional crashes through the forest to remind the guard on duty the Vesve Forest contained many large and potentially fearsome creatures.

However, after breaking camp on the second day of travel and making their way down the road for no longer than a half hour or so, Darrien - perched back on the roof of the Vistani wagon and alert for danger - heard a slight rustling among the undergrowth to the right side of the road just ahead of the two black draft horses pulling the wagon along. Aiming his Arachnibow in that direction, he sighted along the arrow's shaft and saw a reptilian head peering at him through the scrub. "Ambush!" he called, releasing his arrow to fly straight at the draconic creature as it emerged from its hiding spot.

The half-elf ranger's cry was more prophetic than he had anticipated, for it was an ambush drake that leaped out at the travelers - and it was followed by three others of its kind from farther down the side of the road. Even farther down, a hulking, gray shape emerged from the tree line as well, ambling over in a hunched, knuckle-walking gait like some sort of hairless gorilla.

Binkadink urged Obvious forward and pointed his glaive directly ahead like a lance. The gnomish weapon pierced through the lead ambush drake, skewering it instantly. But as the gnome shook its corpse off his weapon's blade, the three other drakes raced up, one slashing a set of powerful claws at the jackalope while is companions attacked Wrath and Grumps Junior, the animals being at the front of the procession. Aithanar brought the horses to an immediate stop, alerting everyone inside the wagon that something was up.

Gilbert Fung popped open the door at the back of the Vistani wagon and took a good look at what was causing the commotion. Making a quick mental calculation of the distances involved, he cast an Evard's black tentacles spell that encompassed the three ambush drakes without catching any of the group's animals in the spell's area of effect. Thick, rubbery appendages sprang from the ground to engulf the reptilian foes, preventing them from moving while slowly squeezing the life from them.

Binkadink brought his glaive slashing down at the head of the nearest entangled ambush drake, who was unable to avoid the gnome's magic blade. Having slain this nearly helpless foe, the little fighter pulled his weapon back out of the mass of writhing tentacles before they could get a good grasp on it as well.

Hagan stepped up beside Gilbert and cast a spell of his own: a chain lightning targeted at one of the two remaining drakes and arcing off that one to hit the other. "I love that spell!" the half-orc sorcerer enthused.

"It one of your favorites," agreed Gilbert.

Finoula didn't dare reach into the tentacle mass with her magic longsword, but she figured attacking with her flaming whip of thorns was pretty safe, so she sent the tip striking at one of the bound drakes. It cried out in helpless fury; behind it, the gray render that had attached itself to this band of ambush drakes roared in response and redoubled his running speed. Binkadink urged Obvious to go hippity-hopping around the edge of the Evard's black tentacles spell to meet the oncoming guard-beast.

But when the gray render loped into combat range, it rushed forward with amazing speed to take a bite out of a foe. Binkadink, who had readied himself for the attack, sent his glaive tearing into the render's flesh, but the gray-skinned beast still managed to surge forward and get its oil-black teeth into the upper part of the jackalope's right front leg. Obvious cried out in pain and tried - without success - to pull himself free of the gray render's toothsome grip. Seeing this, Finoula leaped from Daisy's saddle, ran a few steps forward, and then transformed herself into a bolt of lightning, courtesy of the amulet she wore around her neck. She blasted through the gray render, slaying it instantly. (Fortunately, Binkadink's glaive attack had already dealt it a substantial amount of damage and it was already bleeding profusely when Finoula blasted it with her electrical attack.) Finoula remanifested in her elven form on the other side of the gray render to see it topple lifelessly to the ground.

After that, it was a simple matter to slay the remaining ambush drakes that had been struggling this whole time - without success - to free themselves from the black tentacles crushing them to death. Darrien took the opportunity to try some trick shots with his Arachnibow, but before too long the drakes were all dead and it was safe for Gilbert to dismiss his spell. He had Mudpie help drag the corpses off to the side of the road so as not to impede traffic while Malrin cast healing spells through Ingebold's staff of healing on the animals who had been injured in the drakes' attack, and then the group was back on the road.

They arrived at the designated ruins with about a half hour to go before sunset. The ruins were in fairly good condition, as ruins go - it was obviously once an open-air amphitheater and could easily be put to such use in its present condition. Sitting in the front row of the bleachers were two human figures, one tall and thin; the other even taller and corpulently fat. They both rose as Aithanar brought the Vistani wagon to a halt and the group's members disembarked and approached the duo.

"Ah, Miss Ivenheart," greeted the thin man. "I'm so glad you could make it. I would like to introduce Lord Shambleton, the admissions registrar to the Conservatory of the Ineffable Chord."

"Charmed," said Lord Shambleton with a brief smile, leaning his vast bulk on a heavy cane. Gilbert, ever untrusting of new people, quietly cast a protection from evil spell upon himself - just in case.

"Very pleased to meet you, sir," Laerornith replied. The talent scout, Mr. Fletcher, introduced himself to the group and offered them refreshments before the audition began. The men had a small flask of brandy with them and Mr. Fletcher ensured Laerornith had a decanter of water available beside her on a small table in the center of the auditorium. Then the two men took their seats. "You are welcome to join us here in the audience," offered Mr. Fletcher to the others in the group, "but we must insist upon absolute silence during the performances." The heroes sat in the rows behind and to the side of the two judges; Gilbert remained as far back as possible, frowning down at the strangers.

Once everyone was settled, Lord Shambleton removed a sheath of papers from an interior vest pocket. "This is a list of performances I'd like from you, my dear," said the admissions registrar. "To begin with, I understand you have had some small success playing and singing at various inns and taverns. I would like you to begin by performing your most popular song for us, please."

On the lowered stage, looking up at her audience, Laerornith nodded and readied her lute. Then, taking a deep, calming breath, she began her song. The reason for the odd tryout location became evident as the elven bard sang; the acoustics, even in the structure's partially ruined state, were magnificent. Aithanar beamed proudly as his little sister gave the best performance he'd ever heard from her; sitting at his side, Finoula's broad smile showed she shared his views and, more importantly to the fighter, was having a good time.

However, at the end of Laerornith’s song, Lord Shambleton looked somewhat displeased. Frowning, he said, "My dear, I'm afraid you have wasted your time..." – but then followed it up with "...singing at taverns! With a voice like yours, you would do very well indeed expanding upon your considerable talents at the bardic college of your choice. If you don't mind continuing for us? I would be very interested in discovering the range of your talents."

"Not at all," replied Laerornith, visibly pleased at the praise.

"Do you speak the Dwarven tongue?" asked Lord Shambleton. "No? Very good. I will have Mr. Fletcher give this page to you; written on it are the dwarven lyrics to a popular drinking song, spelled out phonetically in the Common alphabet. I should like to hear your attempts at singing in a foreign tongue." Mr. Fletcher took the proffered sheets and ran them down to the elf and then raced back to take his seat once again. Laerornith took the opportunity to look over the pages; the words were unfamiliar, but spelled out as they were she didn't see anything she couldn't pronounce. There were no musical notes inscribed on the page; they were allowing her to create her own tune to the cadence of the unfamiliar words. She placed the sheets of paper on the table beside her where she could glance down at them, then began playing a tune on her lute, picking up the dwarven words at the appropriate time. When she was finished, she looked up expectantly at the judges, but they were busy making notations in their own notebooks.

Finally, Lord Shambleton looked back up at her. "Very nice," he commented. "And now, as the sun sets, I should like you to sing a lament of your own devising, here and now. One proviso: I do not want to hear existing words; I wish you to express a feeling of infinite sadness, of longing, of the inevitability of fate, using only sounds of your own devising, please."

Nodding in comprehension, Laerornith began a sad tune on her lute, then began singing a wordless song. Lord Shambleton had timed the audition perfectly, as the setting sun added to the mood of the performance. At its completion, both men looked approvingly at each other and made quick annotations in their notebooks.

Lord Shambleton pulled a few more pieces of paper from his vest pocket. "I shall now read to you a brief story about a curious puppy who gets into mischief. Having heard the story only once, I should then like you to compose a spontaneous song about the events in the story," he said. The story was indeed brief, lasting less than a minute; the judges then gave Laerornith a minute of preparation before asking her to begin. The elf's song was rather childish, Aithanar felt, but then it was intended to be so, given the source material. The bard's nimble fingers plucked a jaunty melody from the strings of her lute as she created simple stanzas telling the tales of the mischief the puppy got into. He was especially impressed with her simple chorus, which, being repeated between each stanza, gave her some time to come up with the next bit.

"Oh, very nice!" applauded Mr. Fletcher, not at all embarrassed to get so much enjoyment out of a song best suited to small children.

Lord Shambleton reached into his vest for another sheet of parchment. "Finally," he said, "I should like to hear your vocalizations of a number of word-sounds. Mr. Fletcher will provide you with this list of made-up words in sentence form; just as you did with the Dwarven song, I should like you to pretend they are a song in a foreign language and set them to music of your own devising." Laerornith, feeling she had done very well for herself thus far, looked over at the unfamiliar nonsense words and started composing a quick tune to match them. Then, her tune decided upon, she began singing the strange words aloud.

The two men were enjoying the performance immensely, as was the rest of the audience - all except Gilbert. The wizard frowned in concentration, finding several of the words familiar: they were words of the Abyssal language, although it had been difficult to pick them out given Laerornith's unfamiliar pronunciation of several of the words. But replaying them in his head (with the proper pronunciation), Gilbert realized the song consisted of the following:

"I make the following blood oath of my own free will: I hereby grant my immortal soul to the obese administrator seated before me, to..."

The realization hit Gilbert at about the time Laerornith had gotten to the Abyssal word for "immortal." He called out for her to stop, but she got another nine words out before she stopped singing, looking at Gilbert with a look of betrayal. She had been doing so well - what was this silly human doing interrupting her audition?

"I see that you have detected our little ruse," admitted Lord Shambleton to Gilbert, who had raced down the steps to confront the corpulent admissions registrar. Then, turning back to Laerornith, Lord Shambleton continued, "Alas, my dear child, you have been used poorly this night. As your friends have no doubt surmised, although the Conservatory of the Ineffable Chord is indeed an esteemed bardic college, we two are not members of that fine estate, but rather impostors of the worst possible sort. We are, in point of fact, members of a demon cult who have successfully tricked you in tendering your immortal soul to my handling, to do with as I see fit." Laerornith stared open-mouthed at the two men, shocked by the admission of foul trickery. But in the stands, several of the heroes stood up and grabbed for their weapons.

"Now then, before your indignation overcomes your sensibilities, allow us to discourse like civilized gentlemen," continued Lord Shambleton. "You, no doubt, are considering slaying both Mr. Fletcher and myself – we are, after all, both surrounded and outnumbered. However, before taking such a drastic action, I will remind you that slaying us will do nothing to free Miss Ivenheart's soul, which now, by the laws of the Abyssal Realms, belongs to me. I intend to use those souls bound to my service as bargaining chips; when I arrive at my Abyssal destination upon my death, I will barter those souls away to lessen my own time of torment and fast-track myself into full demonhood. I would, naturally, prefer to extend my time here on this mortal coil, but death holds no fear in my heart. I know my own black soul's final destination, and have taken steps to ensure its eventual comfort in the Abyssal Realms.

"So then: to business. You, no doubt, wish to regain Miss Ivenheart's soul. I, for reasons just given, do not wish to relinquish it. However, I am willing to offer you a chance to earn it back: I assume you are familiar with the concept of 'double or nothing'?"

"What do you mean?" demanded Aithanar.

"My Lord!" exploded Mr. Fletcher. "Is this wise?"

"Quite simple," replied Lord Shambleton - if, in fact, that was his real name - ignoring his associate's question for the moment. "If one of you wishes to try to regain Miss Ivenheart's soul, he or she need only wager their own soul upon a combat with Mr. Fletcher here, who is, I must warn you, quite handy with a rapier." Then, turning to the astonished Mr. Fletcher, he added, "Such a chaotic maneuver, I would imagine, is in line with the teachings of the Abyssal demons."

Still seated comfortably upon the marble bench holding his bulk and leaning heavily on his cane, Lord Shambleton continued his proposal. "The rules shall be as follows: Neither of the combatants can leave the amphitheater until the combat has concluded. Those not involved in the combat directly can observe from the amphitheater seats, but are not to interfere. Only those whose souls are on the line can engage in active combat. Those observing from the amphitheater must swear an oath not to interfere, agreeing to turn over their own souls to me should they break that vow.

"The fight need not be to the death; if either combatant signals surrender, the foe must respect that and allow him to live. However, you will be fighting for your own souls, which must be turned over to me if you are defeated. Each combatant must make a blood oath to that effect before his or her combat begins; the amphitheater has been consecrated to my demonic patron, so you need have no fear on that front: your oaths will be quite binding.

"Additionally, should more than one of you opt to lay your soul on the line, you must either fight one at a time against Mr. Fletcher, or I might be persuaded to join the fight if more of you wish for a larger melee. In fact, we will even agree to fight you all at once, on the condition that you agree to allow us to surrender and be allowed to live, upon forfeiture of your own immortal souls if you do not comply with the surrender."

"I not agreeing to any such terms!" announced a furious Gilbert.

"You need not be involved in the combat," agreed Lord Shambleton. "But if you are to remain in the area, you will either swear an oath - upon forfeiture of your soul - not to interfere in any way, whether that be by spells, weapons, or even mere advice or warnings from the sidelines. If you do not like these conditions, you have two choices: either leave the area while we conduct our business, or slay us right now - and lose Miss Ivenheart's soul forever."

Laerornith looked about to burst into tears at the trouble she'd gotten her brother and his friends into; she still stood rooted to the spot at the center of the amphitheater.

Binkadink stepped up. "I agree to your terms," the gnome fighter said, gripping the shaft of his magical glaive.

"As do I," added Aithanar.

"And I," said Finoula, stepping beside the elven fighter. Behind her, Malrin added, "Me too." The druid looked nervous, though, realizing she had much less combat experience than anybody else here, save her little sister. Laerornith gave a cry of shame at the sight of her family members willing so readily to put their own immortal souls on the line to save her.

"Anyone else?" asked Lord Shambleton. "It would seem we have a brave set of elves - and a gnome - at hand. Will the rest of you be joining or bowing out?"

Darrien and Hagan looked nervously at each other. "I'm in," the half-orc sorcerer finally decided, taking a step forward.

Darrien let out a big sigh. "Okay," he said. "So am I."

"That leaves only you," observed Lord Shambleton as he put his weight on his cane and struggled to his feet, to look Gilbert straight in the eye. "What will it be? You seem to be the only human in this group - will you let the burden fall solely upon your friends? You would seem to be a poor representative to your race should you choose that path."

Gilbert snarled in wordless frustration at the obese demon cultist - for once, the hefty wizard wasn't the fattest person around - and finally conceded, "Fine!"

"Very well, then," nodded Lord Shambleton. "We need only decide upon the rules of our little competition. Shall we fight without spells and weapons - a true barehanded brawl? I must say, was quite the pugilist in my day!"

"I vote weapons," piped up Binkadink immediately.

"And spells," added Hagan. If he was going to be in a fight with his immortal soul on the line, he wanted to be able to blast his enemies!

"Whatever your side gets, our side gets as well," countered Lord Shambleton. "You are taking the chance that the two of us are not secretly powerful clerics capable of dazzling displays of spellcraft."

"There are more of us than there are of you," pointed out Binkadink. "I think we'll take our chances."

"But no summoning," interjected Hagan. He didn't want to take the chance that these demon cultists might be able to summon forth a demon from the Abyss to fight on their behalf. The half-orc sorcerer knew some of the spellcasters on his team knew a few summoning spells, but they were nothing any of them used very often. And he figured Darrien's giant praying mantis wouldn't likely make that big of a difference in this fight in any case.

"That brings up the next point," said Lord Shambleton. "Will we be fighting a series of one-on-one matches, or a free-for-all?" The assembled heroes talked briefly amongst themselves and agreed upon the latter.

"Very well, then," agreed Lord Shambleton. "To recap the rules, then: all combatants will remain within the boundaries of the stage of the amphitheater. Spellcraft and weaponry are both allowed, but summoning has been outlawed. If any of you are defeated - either by being slain or by surrendering - your souls will belong to me upon your death, should Mr. Fletcher and I win the overall combat. If, on the other hand, you either slay myself and Mr. Fletcher or we surrender the battle to you, all of your souls will remain your own and you will have regained, in addition, the soul of Laerornith Ivenheart. Are we agreed in all aspects?"

Reluctantly, the heroes agreed. "Then we shall all swear binding oaths to the terms of our agreement," insisted Lord Shambleton. "You greatly outnumber us, but I must insist that we be given an opportunity to walk out of here with our lives. I fully intend to live to a ripe old age before meeting my eventual fate in the Abyss."

"I can't let you do this!" cried Laerornith. "This is all my fault!"

"No it isn't," insisted Aithanar, taking his sister's hand. "We were all taken in by these cultists."

"But you're all fighting on my behalf - and in my place! I should be fighting beside you!"

"You can't help us fight," pointed out her brother. "They've already got your soul. You don't have anything left to wager." This only caused the tears to flow more heavily down Laerornith's cheeks.

"Here," said Hagan, stepping up to the crying bard. "Take Wezhley, if you would, please. I don't want to expose him to the dangers of this combat; he's just a little weasel." Wezhley, upon his master's urging, scampered down the half-orc's shoulder and arm to curl up in Laerornith's own cradling arms. Somewhat mollified in having something useful to do, Laerornith let the sorcerer lead her to the top row of seats in the amphitheater. "You stay here, out of harm's way," said Hagan. "We'll be able to take these guys, easy. Just look at these odds." Laerornith smiled bravely and gave a little nod at the half-orc's words.

Once Hagan rejoined the rest of his group, everyone assembled there swore their blood-oaths; Lord Shambleton allowed the oaths to be given in the Common tongue, so everyone would know what was being said and there was no possible underhandedness with linguistic trickery. Aithanar was given leave to drive the wagon around a bend out of sight and take Grumps Junior, Wrath, and Obvious with him, to ensure they wouldn't interfere in the upcoming battle. Then, upon his return, the opposing sides were ready for battle.

"As it was the bargaining away of her soul that began this encounter," suggested Lord Shambleton, "perhaps it would be appropriate for the younger Miss Ivenheart to give the signal to begin."

"1-2-3 go!" called out Laerornith, hugging Wezhley tight and praying that none of her friends or family would be hurt.

Malrin was the first to react - perhaps out of sheer nervousness bordering on near terror. She cast a greater magic fang spell on Mudpie, as she was planning on remaining well in the back lines and leaving the actual combat to the professionals. Hagan followed up a mere moment after with a chain lightning spell centered on Mr. Fletcher that arced over to Lord Shambleton. The lightning bolts struck both targets - and Hagan was pretty sure they had had to fight their way through a magical barrier of some type - perhaps a natural spell resistance? - but neither man seemed bothered at all by the electrical bolts. They've protected themselves against electricity! surmised the sorcerer. That took his favorite spell off of the agenda!

Mr. Fletcher raised his hands and called off a few words in the Abyssal tongue, casting an unholy blight spell upon the assembled group of heroes. All but Hagan (whose spell resistance from his scarab of protection negated the spell's effects upon him) were affected to some degree; Aithanar staggered backwards, wobbling to keep on his feet as he backed his way out of the amphitheater. "I'm sorry, Laerornith," he said, nearly falling onto one of the marble benches, his departure from the field of battle indicating his surrender from the fight. His heart was in the right place, but he was well out of his league!

Darrien sent a fusillade of arrows from his Arachnibow flying at Lord Shambleton, who didn't even bother trying to dodge them or swat them away; they just struck his corpulent form and fell to the wayside. The half-elf ranger suspected the heavyset foe had somehow cast a protection from arrows spell on himself when he hadn't been paying attention.

Binkadink stepped forward, striking forward at Mr. Fletcher with his glaive. The blade dug deep into the thin talent scout's torso, causing a stream of blood to soak through his overcoat and vest. Beside the gnome, Finoula snapped her flaming whip of thorns at the thin man's face, then stepped forward and stabbed at him with Tahlmalaera when his attention was distracted by the thorny whip in his face.

At Mr. Fletcher's side, Lord Shambleton looked as if he had cast a spell of some sort, but none of the heroes present could determine what it might be, for it had no apparent effect other than cause a nimbus of rainbow-colored energy to manifest around the corpulent cultist's body. Some sort of protective spell, perhaps? But then he cast off his human form, growing in size until he stood over 20 feet tall. His corpulent form retained its general body shape, but his facial features took on a decidedly porcine semblance, complete with boarlike, upthrust tusks. A pair of small, feathered wings sprouted from his shoulders; Gilbert gasped in horror as he recognized "Lord Shambleton" as a nalfeshnee demon.

Overcoming his surprise, Gilbert cast a heightened enervation spell at the nalfeshnee, significantly weakening him. The wizard smirked at the obvious success of his spell, evident in the demon's look of major irritation that the human's spell had gotten through his resistance to spell energy in the first place.

Malrin was terrified out of her mind at this point - she had expected to be fighting a pair of humans, possibly even capable of casting spells, but certainly not a living demon from the deepest bowels of the Abyss! Still, the druid had the presence of mind to cast a bear's endurance spell on Binkadink, as the gnome fighter looked like he could use a boost to his overall constitution after Mr. Fletcher's unholy blight spell. And then Mr. Fletcher dropped his human guise as well, growing in size to reach the nalfeshnee's shoulders - about 15 feet tall in all. He grew sharp claws at the tips of his fingers, as a second set of arms grew out of his shoulders, this pair ending in oversized, crablike pincers. His skin hardened and his head became lupine, with a mouth full of wicked teeth. "Glabrezu!" hissed Gilbert.

"Mr. Fletcher" snapped his pincers at the heroes standing before him, catching Finoula in his right pincer-claw and Binkadink in his left. Both heroes struggled to free themselves, to no avail. Binkadink even felt himself being pulled closer to the glabrezu's face, the better for the demon to bite at the little gnome.

"My arrows can't get through!" Darrien called out, realizing his Arachnibow was all but useless against these particular enemies.

"Here!" Gilbert called over to him, taking a moment to pull the magic katana he'd taken from an enemy samurai in his mother's homeland from his belt. He knew the weapon had magical enhancements aiding the wielder in striking accurately and dealing damage; perhaps the ranger could put it to good use. Darrien grabbed the curved blade, feeling its heft for a moment to get a feel for the weapon, and then ran up to Lord Shambleton to attack. The nalfeshnee, with his enormous reach, clawed at the approaching ranger, scoring parallel grooves down the side of Darrien's face. But the katana struck true, sinking deep into the demon's bloated leg.

Binkadink was still being crushed in the glabrezu's pincer but he had maintained his grip on his own glaive and continued to put it to good use, swinging the blade into the demon's face and eliciting a roar of pain from his hulking foe. Finoula followed suit, bringing her magical whip and longsword to bear against their foe as best as she could given her current situation - being crushed in the glabrezu's right pincer-claw. Together, the two heroes made the glabrezu pay for his actions in continued pain for as long as he held them prisoner in his claws. From the expression on his lupine face, he was starting to regret the course of action he'd taken against these particular two.

And then, all across the battlefield, the smite action Lord Shambleton had taken a moment ago hit its full power. The multicolored nimbus of energy around his body exploded out in all directions, affecting all around him save his demonic partner. Binkadink and Malrin were both noticeably dazed by the magical effect, their faces contorting in fear as they experienced their own personal worst terrors. The other heroes each winced in momentary fear, but managed to shrug off the worst of the effects and continued the battle for their souls.

Taking advantage of the moment of confusion as his smite attack took effect, the nalfeshnee cast a feeblemind spell at Gilbert, hoping to take him out of the fight permanently. Fortunately for the wizard, he was able to fight off the mental attack through sheer willpower. In return, he cast a scorching ray spell at Mr. Fletcher, hoping to take down the weaker of the two demons and allow everyone to focus on a sole enemy. He knew the demon had at least partial immunity to fire-based attacks, but was hoping his spell was powerful enough to overload the glabrezu's defenses. Judging from the demon's howls of pain, he was quite successful on that front.

Hagan followed up Gilbert's attack with a disintegrate spell centered on the glabrezu. The demon managed to prevent himself from being instantly obliterated by the spell, but he wasn't able to prevent it from dealing him a significant amount of damage. So much, in fact, that the glabrezu realized if he continued on in this fashion he'd likely be slain - and since he and Lord Shambleton had been gated here to the mortal world, if they were slain here it would be quite permanent. "I'm afraid I'm out," he apologized to the nalfeshnee, before hurling Finoula across the amphitheater to land in a bone-crunching thud! beside Malrin, who was still trapped in her own personal mental horror. He then threw Binkadink to land atop her, hoping to cause even more damage from the gnome's heavy armor, but the toss went wide and Binkadink landed beside the elven ranger. Then, with a mental trigger, Mr. Fletcher faded from view, his body gating back to the Abyssal realm he called home.

Darrien bravely continued his attacks with his borrowed katana against the nalfeshnee's legs and seemed to be dealing a little bit of damage, but the demon's thick hide made it almost seem like he was trying to cut down a tree with a sword. Mudpie rushed over to aid the ranger, but he couldn't manage to do much more damage to the demon than Darrien was managing. Behind them, Malrin was still frozen in terror and Binkadink couldn't free himself from his own personal torment to rise up from where he'd been thrown. Gilbert and Hagan were mentally going over their respective spell inventories to find the ones most likely to take down this nalfeshnee before he claimed all of their souls. If he did another smite attack, there was no telling how many more heroes he'd take down....

But Finoula, lying on the ground where she'd been thrown, wasn't yet out of the fight. She crawled back to her feet and briefly considered using her lightning amulet against the towering demon, but something in the back of her mind made her think he was probably immune to electrical attacks. And then she remembered one of the powers granted by her angelhelm. With one hand held to her helmet, she channeled a dispel evil spell into her body, making it a living receptacle ready to apply it to the next creature she touched. She raced up to the demon, her sword and whip left behind on the ground where she'd been thrown, and reached out her hand like a living weapon. Approaching from behind Mudpie, she reached over the small earth elemental's body and slapped Lord Shambleton on the knee.

A surge of white energy flashed from the ranger's hand to the demon at the touch. The nalfeshnee jolted as if blasted with an explosive spell, looked down at the ranger, and smiled a hideous grimace with his horrible tusk-filled mouth. "Oh, very well done," he complimented her in surprise as his body faded the same way Mr. Fletcher's had done a moment before, only this time quite involuntarily on his part. A second later, the amphitheater was empty save for the heroes.

"Is that it?" asked Laerornith, afraid to believe they'd won.

"That's it," Aithanar assured her. He held his little sister in his arms to comfort her, but his eyes were on the ranger who had struck the final blow and saved them all. "Finoula did it!" His loving gaze said quite obviously he had never doubted otherwise.

- - -

The group was starting to get pretty nervous there at the end, afraid they weren't going to be able to take down the nalfeshnee in time. And then Vicki remembered the dispel evil power of Finoula's angelhelm. It's only usable once per day, so this was all or nothing at that point. She rolled, and overcame the demon's spell resistance, so it had a chance of affecting him, but he still got a saving throw. We do all of our die-rolling out in the open, so I calculated the odds (he only needed a ridiculously low number to save) and tossed down my 20-sider. It careened along the top of a Player's Handbook, rolled up to the edge...and then fell off the book and onto the table, a natural 1. No kidding, Vicki was jumping up and down in excitement - I've never seen her so ecstatic.

I enjoyed role-playing the demons, as well - I used an "Alfred Hitchcock" voice when speaking as Lord Shambleton. As for the bardic tryout, I had Vicki make the Perform checks for each test (I had done up a one-page NPC sheet for Laerornith Ivenheart and given it to her during the tryout) and documented each result as if they mattered; she actually rolled very well for that part of the adventure. Vicki was a bit suspicious at the last test, wondering aloud what monster she'd be summoning when Laerornith recited the "made up words" (actually, the soul offering in Abyssal), but rolled well then as well. I had made the players all tell me what languages their PCs knew at the beginning of the test, purportedly to see if anyone knew Dwarven (nobody did), but really to see who might recognize Abyssal being sung aloud (and it was only Gilbert). I had Dan roll an Intelligence check for Gilbert, and I had made up a chart to show at which word of the oath Gilbert recognized what the bard was saying based on his result; I then had Vicki make a Will save for Laerornith to see how many extra words she said after Gilbert told her to stop. She got far enough along to have already given her soul to Lord Shambleton.

And I apparently made my "demon cultists" explanation reasonable enough that everybody bought it and nobody suspected they were dealing with actual demons. So that was a fun reveal, especially since I own a nalfeshnee D&D Mini and Logan had earlier purchased, built, and painted a "wolf demon" mini that's quite obviously a glabrezu. Plopping them down on the battle map (a set of cards from the "Ruins" Map Pack from Paizo) resulted in a lot of worried looks on my players' faces!

The next adventure deals with an encounter on the way back home to Kordovia. With events as they are, if Jacob decides to play with us next session he'll have to run one (or both) of Castillan's sisters, since his PC is away doing a task for his father. It's an interruptible task, but he'd have no way of knowing the other PCs' current location or have any way to get there in time if he did.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: Still wearing my green dragon T-shirt, since this was the same game session as "Audience with the Successor."
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