The Heroes of Dyvers Chapter Six

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Abigail says, "I know of a spell that can transfer the enchantment from one item to another, but it requires bonding a portion of one's own life force into the new item, in order to make the transfer hold fast. If you are willing to make that sacrifice, I could cast the spell for you. But it will have to be later, for the spell is a ritual, which takes several days."

GM: In game terms, it would cost you 5,000 XP points.
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Sylvar B.

Sylvar shakes his head.

", thank you though...the price is too high for such a small benefit."
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Sylvar B.

Sylvar hands Tam the Shadow cloak... "The cloak will only be recognizable as made by The Shadow to someone who knows what it is...but you'll likely be able to use it on our adventure."
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Ebony addresses Duncan: "Hmmm it's nice to put a name to a rumor at last."

Duncan offers a bit of clarification to the others in the room: "Some time back I received a tip from an informant in town that there was a player making moves against Lady Abigail. "

Ebony interrupts to explain further. "And that they would likely target the group as known associates."

Duncan continues: "Dame Ebony and I spent a day or two attempting to track down more solid information than that but came up empty."

Ebony adds: "We thought of mentioning something but as we had no solid information we chalked it up to unconfirmed rumor."

Duncan: "Plus we were interested in rather or not Lady Abigail would let us know about this threat on her own." Turning to the Dragon. "No offense is meant by that last M'Lady. Twas simple curiosity that lead to that decision. I really didn't take the threat seriously when nothing materialized from it as the weeks passed."
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I raise a brow when learning of the withheld intelligence, but choose not to comment on it, instead just slightly shaking my head. "Using the mirror to travel will probably be a good idea. That way our enemies won't know defenses here have been weakened with our absence. It would be wise for us to have a scroll or two to be able to teleport here and back to wherever this task of the Dame is taking us, just in case our presence is needed. The sooner we complete this, the sooner we can deal with the steading. After that, it might behoove us to sort out the Shadow. Hopefully our enemies don't get it in their heads to further consolidate their forces and create an alliance. We have quite the undertaking ahead of us already, to say the least."

Sylvar B.

Sylvar comes back into the room ready to go. He sees everyone else nodding, so he nods along. When it looks like everyone is done talking Sylvar speaks up.

Lady Abigail your hospitality has been unprecedented and your grace un-matched. If I should be so lucky to one day find a woman with half your grace willing to be soul-mate I will be truly blessed. Now if you would be so kind as to guide us to the mirror, we should be on our way. Come men, don't be shy...once more into the bloody fields we go...who's with me? Or Respen in actuality.

Sylvar eagerly waits for Lady Abigail's response. He feels that the time he has spent lounging in her palace, for lack of a better term, has made him soft. He often wonders if he would have missed the presence of the two thugs before setting foot in her abode.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Of Portals, Visions, and Journeys.

Lady Abigail says, "I can see by your expression, Dewydd, that the withheld news is of concern to you; I must admit that I share some part of the responsibility for that. I knew, previously, that someone was preparing to move against me, but their lack of action caused me to become somewhat lax in my attention to it; the attack upon Sylvar was the first actual move against me, and I suspect that it was not planned; Sylvar's appearance was probably just (un)lucky timing, which is why he only faced two of The Shadow's agents. Had it been pre-planned, I am sure that Sylvar would have faced no less than 10 opponents, and he would probably not have made it back to tell the tale. However, now that action has been taken, The Shadow will probably up the ante, and make further moves, so as to seize the initiative. That is why it is more imperative now that you and your friends take your leave, so that you don't become embroiled in what is essentially my fight. Now that I have an item of hers," she says, holding up the buckler, "I should be able to use it to enhance my scrying and other divination efforts. I also plan to enlist my lover's aid in this matter; ancient Shadow Dragon or not, I doubt she can stand for long against The Gold Knight of Ehlonna. Ellis' wrath is awesome to behold, even for me."

[sblock=What Dame Clare told Respen in her mental message (partial excerpt)]"...I would like for you to seek out this Khubsheth, and find out what happened to Serindak. I doubt he would attack one so amiable as you. I think Serindak probably fell victim to the prejudice borne of his eight-legged form. In that regard, I would surmise that you could succeed where he failed. The priority is to discover whether or not Khubsheth knows anything about the Helm of Selreen. If he does not, then your second priority should be to ask him about the tomb below the statue, and inquire as to what fate Serindak might have met by venturing into that place. The Perch of Khubsheth is at the base of a large, sandstone statue, in the Kingdom of Ull, in the hills just south of Kester. The statue is a remnant of a fallen kingdom; it is a depiction of the Sphinx Queen, Ankharet. I suspect that she might be the Dark Queen that Serindak was referring to, which probably means that she is some form of powerful undead being. Finding Serindak will be a dangerous undertaking, but it must be done, because Serindak is too important for me to simply abandon him. YOU MUST DO THIS FOR ME. You will be generously rewarded if you succeed; your party is now large enough that a few of you could split off to do my errand, while the others return to the Steading. Or perhaps you could talk all of them into helping you. Those matters, I will leave to your clever little mind."

Lady Abigail, remembering that Resen mentioned the hills jusr south of Kester, waves her hand over her magical mirror, causing to appear the image of a winding, dirt trail that snakes through a long series of orange-clay hills.

Lady Abigail says, "I don't know EXACTLY where Khubsheth's perch is, but these are the hills that Respen mentioned. Simply step through the mirror, and you will be there, instantly. I will give you an amulet of Succor to take with you; simply breaking it in half will cause you, and all allies within a 30' radius to return here, to my tower, via means of magical teleport. Guard it with zeal, for its powers might very well save your life, and the lives of your friends, should you find yourself in a dangerous situation."

Lady Abigail hands the amulet to Respen.

As she does so, Lathir speaks up: "Lady Abigail... friends and comrades... I am afraid that I will not be able to go with you; I received a vision last night from the Green Lady, and I am to head North, into the ruined grove that Vulka destroyed when she stole the Key of Krigala. I know that the portal will remain closed until the Key has been recovered; however, I was instructed to journey there, for a purpose that has not yet been revealed to me. As Meilikki's chosen, I have no choice but to obey. Lady Abigail, you said that you could take us there; once the party has stepped through to the hills, I would appreciate t if you could open a portal for me as well, into the Dim Forest, so that I might complete my task."

Lady Abigail nods in agreement; she will help Lathir by opening a portal for him. Lathir looks around at the party with a wistful look in his eye.

Lathir says, "Farewell, my friends."

[sblock=What Abigail Originally Said About the Key of Krigala]Lady Abigail says, “No, the two are unrelated; the helm was simply a fortunate find. But the staff was taken by Vulka for a specific purpose; the staff belonged to an order of Druids known as The Woodland Sentinels, who made their home at the edge of the Dim Forest. They were followers of Meilikki, and they were tasked with not only protecting the Dim Forest from despoilers, but also keeping the Great Portal open; the Great Portal is a doorway between four sacred trees, which allows the Druids from three different orders, in three different parts of the world, to travel to the Great Tree Temple in Krigala, the domain of the two sisters, Ehlonna and Meilikki. Needless to say, the Great Portal is essential to the faiths of the two sisters; the staff, known as the Key of Krigala, is the means by which the portal is made active. The portal has been closed for three years, ever since Vulka and her minions wiped out The Sentinels and took the staff. It was unknown who had perpetrated this foul deed until about three months ago, when an agent of mine discovered the truth. If you can obtain the key, your compatriot Lathir can use it to open the portal once more. It merely takes the touch of one who is pledged to Meilikki’s service to awaken the powers of The Key. Once you have it, I can take you to the tree myself; it is a mere 30 miles north of here.”

Lathir is being parked, because MacConnell is taking a break from playing for awhile. This dialogue will help explain where he is, in the event that he should, in the future, decide to re-join the campaign.

DM INSTRUCTIONS: All players should post a quick, one-line response, stating that they actually follow Respen through the portal, into the dusty, orange-clay hills of the Kingdom of Ull.


Duncan & Company:

Duncan: "Those Ull tribesman can really fight. They're also very territorial. Good thing you'll have us along."

The Company returns to their quarters to retrieve their gear, and are back within a quarter hour. The twins cast protective magics on the foursome to protect against the elements bid the lady Abigail, farewell and follow their boss through the portal to the desert lands.

GM: +250 xp for each char (Duncan, Ebony, Lenny, & Trav) for prompt response. +150 xp. each char. for well-written brief RP post.
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